Well, everyone, here are the facs. The ratings are after my assessment of the graphics and balance, I haven't played them thoroughly since you would have to play a lot to decide if they're good to play. You will probably never see a ten here, and most of the ratings may seem low, but I won't give a good rating unless I feel the faction is complete; good graphics, all graphics different from the original factions, MP3 and good balance. So far only the Seeker faction fulfills all of the above, and thus I have given it a good rating for that.

Faction On a scale from 1-10 Short review Size
Pretty good graphics, and the balance is ok too. Has an MP3, which is very good. Not too interesting if you're not into Star Trek, I would think though. Boring base names, but I guess the Borg would be a boring race as well. 313kb
Based on the Jedi from Star Wars. The leader is Yoda, and that's okay. The logo is that of the Rebel Alliance... No new base graphics, no MP3. Seems pretty well balanced. Not too good, but okay. 314kb
Net Riders
This is ANX's (the creator of ACEdit) own creation. The graphics have been copied by lots of mediocre factions. Not very well balanced. No MP3. Some errors in the spelling. Still, it's a bit special because of the fact that so many have copied the graphics for other (bad) factions. A bit historical you might say (and that assures the 7). 310kb
Perhaps my personal favourite. This guy, unlike so many others, has taken the time to make (or find?) his own graphics rather than just copying others, like the old "Default faction" that used to come with ACEdit. Good balance, and some funny responses also add up to make this a great faction. 441kb
Star Trek
The graphics aren't too great, but most of the leader and HQ graphics are okay, since they are taken from the TV show. Most factions are pretty well balanced, but I wouldn't say perfect. The Borg faction is included here as well, and that is the only MP3. No new base graphics, but I don't really expect that anymore (and I guess that's a bit sad). One of the first mod packs. It will overwrite most of the original factions and the alpha.txt, but you can just copy them from the CD. All in all an okay modpack considering it's one of the first. I miss new base graphics though. 1,93Mb

Factions that suck, but someone mailed them to me...

This is Avalanche from Final Fantasy 7. The graphics stink. There's no MP3. I don't see how their goals match those of Avalanche in FF7. The balance is quite alright, though, and that's about the only good thing I can say about it... Made by some pervert who didn't give me a name. Buuuuut... He mailed it to me, so I'll put it here, that's my policy (unless the faction contains pornography or something). 309kb