The Nordics
The more I think about it ... the more it looks as if I've been a cog in one thing or another since the day I was born. Whenever I get set to do what I want to do, something a whole lot bigger than me comes along and shoves me back into place.
- Anonymous WWII soldier
The term 'Nordic' was coined among UFO adherents to describe one of several supposed alien races. This race appeared as blond, northern europeans, hence the name. The concept had overt racial overtones, with this white, blond race composing an ancient, advanced civilization. In UFO literature, the 'Nordic Federation' is described as being opposed to the Grays/Reptoids.
The actual origin of the Nordics was in Majestic experimentation. Nordics were clones generated with MJ technology. For various reasons,
the first experiments were done with a Scandinavian gene pool. Thereafter,
most clones used the same extensively tested and monitored genetic environment. Use of Nordics was explicitly illegal through most of the Endtimes, though they were used frequently by government agencies.
Rather quickly, disguises were used by a variety of agencies to appear as Nordics, and it soon became the most common cover for surreptitious activity. Nordics were also used extensively in USO Project Trawl, suggesting an origin for the UFO stories. The Karotechia had its own uses for Nordics as well.
For generating Nordics, App is 1D6+12. All
other stats replace one D6 with a flat 4. Nordics are better than average in a number of ways, but vary less. Starting Nordic age is Edu-10. Nordics are developed quickly, and do not suffer aging until the normal age (40). Most are accelerated, so age does catch up with them.
PC Nordics can use this system, but often suffer
a drawback in how they are perceived socially. Also, unless government sponsered,
Nordics are illegal.
Nordics frequently rely on heavy outlay of
hypertech equipment. An example follows, but Keepers are free (and encouraged) to adjust as desired. This counts as starting equipment, bought via Wealth.
Standard hyperteched Nordics do not speak, but project their voice via a simple hypertech speaker, dress in silver uniforms, and often have a brightness about them that looks like they are evenly lit more than their surroundings, though this effect can be turned off.
Standard gear:
All equipment is installed hypertech.
Acceleration Speed 1.5 (50 rating) ($10,000 4)
Flight Column Mov 100 ($40,000 4)
Targetting system (firearms) 25 ($2,500 1)
Sensory system (spot hidden, etc) 25 ($2,500 1)
Countermeasures (stealth/hide) 25 ($2,500 1)
Avoidance system (dodge) 25 ($2,500 1)
Force armor Siz 12/AQ 12 (144 rating) switchable ($91,238 6.3)
Link 50 ($10,000 .2)
USO HyperTeam Blaster: Range 120 m, 4D8 damage, 2 shot/40 autofire, battery charge of 120 ($8,000 7)
Preparation-Hyperware: 26 ($135,200)
Total cost: $304,438, Minimum Wealth needed to pay for equipment: 41
Total weight rating: 25.5, Minimum Pow needed: 9
Campaign Stuff
Game possibilities:
Nordic PCs are reasonable. Keepers may choose to follow the procedure for normal Nordic generation, or may decide to have players generate Nordics using normal character generation. The Keeper must decide how much of an issue 'play balance' is. In the second case, if the PC's numbers are outside the range of normal Nordics, the PC will be an unusual case. Low numbers are a good indication that the PC was 'defective', which has clear roleplaying possibilities.