

     A joint DG-Mossad mission in 1998 in Brazil ended up with the use of a backpack nuke by Mossad, with huge DG losses. DG was very cautious thereafter with dealings with Mossad, as a number of unanswered questions were raised.
     It is not clear whether Mossad was actually covering up for a Karotechia withdrawal, but the fact remains that the Karotechia, after keeping their heads down for a few years, continued on with minor alterations. By 2005, they had infiltrated MJ and DG, although these deep cover moles had quite mixed alliances. They helped, in 2028, to release spells and occult knowledge to the public.
     Mistakes in the late 2010s resulted in the destruction of the core of Karotechia, with further losses in 2037. Thereafter, most Karotechia agents operated autonomously.