The Americas
8 mln. Below Average.
Centered around the city of Winnipeg, this nation claims to be the legitimate successor to the pre-war government of Canada, though the records are confused. In actuality they govern only a small portion of Canada but have managed to successfully rebuild much of their society and even some basic industry, mostly through trade with Scandinavia.
Canadian Independent Communities
24 mln. Below Average.
Prosperous farming villages and ranches are scattered across most of the northern Great Plains. While nominally accepting the government in Winnipeg, these communities are essentially sovereign. Bandits from the Dakotas plague the communities, and vigilante justice and a "wild west" mentality are the rule.
Alaskan Freeholds
18 mln. Poor.
As in the Canadian Great Plains, there are hundreds of independent farming and mining communities spread across Alaska. There is an annual assembly in Anchorage to discuss regional issues and problems, but this conclave, composed of any landowner who shows up, has limited authority and no ability to enforce its policies. Alaska has a large population of Asian immigrants concentrated mostly in Anchorage (where they are in the majority), though many have also settled on the newly fertile lands available due to global warming. There is some friction between Americans and Asians, but on the whole the Asians are accepted as fellow Alaskans.
5 mln. Destitute.
The Californians are isolated from the rest of North America by the deserts to the south, the mountains to the east, and the radiation zones to the north. They have managed to retain a democratic representative government under primitive conditions and are working hard, with only limited success, to rebuild their nation. They have some contact with the Alaskan Freeholds.
1 mln. Poor.
The farming and fishing villages of Newfoundland have recently united and begun to trade with Scandinavia and Iberia. The Iberians have set up a permanent embassy in Saint John's and hope to use Newfoundland as a base for exploration down the Atlantic coast, reintroducing civilization, trade and technology to eastern North America.
4 mln. Destitute.
As in Newfoundland, the Cubans are rebuilding with the aid of the Iberians, whose base in Cuba serves their exploration ships in the Caribbean and the Gulf of Mexico.
6 mln. Destitute.
Severe rule by former Pan-Asian military units has kept together this nation in southern Mexico. The Asians have set themselves up as a ruling feudal aristocracy over the Indian and Hispanic peasants. Yu-kin has suffered a number of internal wars as the various ethnic factions among the Asians struggle for dominance. The current ruling council is dominated by the Japanese and Mandarins, though there are also powerful Hindi and Southeast Asian factions.
Papal Union
16 mln. Destitute.
A vast territory under the loose organization of the Catholic Church based in the third Vatican in Neuquen. While various feudal and semi-democratic secular governments rule on a local level, the Church is accepted as the highest authority. The Papal Union has some limited contact with Europe (mostly Iberia and Switzerland) but is suspicious of outside influences. One tenth of the Papal Union's population consists of the enslaved descendants of Pan-Asian soldiers.
Uncivilized North America
est 40 mln. Destitute.
Uncivilized South America
est 80 mln. Destitute.
Lunar and Orbital Colonies
Kosmoskaja Republic
52,000. Rich.
An independent nation and member of the EC formed by the survivors of the Soviet lunar colony's ten year isolation in space. The population includes former Russians, Americans, Asians and Arabians, and many recent immigrants from Europe. The actual colony covers only a fraction of the moon's surface, but claims jurisdiction over the entire satellite. This claim is disputed by most other EC nations, who continue to run their own mining stations without interference from the Kosmoj.
The Pan-Asian League
2,000. Above Average.
The survivors of the once vast Pan-Asian space population, now living in four crowded orbital stations. They claim to be the true government of the entire Pan-Asian League. They survive partially by selling zero-g products to Europe, but mainly from handouts from the other space colonists, who consider them certifiably insane.
Miscellaneous Stations
41,000. Wealthy.
Various orbital and lunar stations owned and operated by EC governments and corporations.
See Maps of the World of 2100
See the "future article":
The European Communities and the Non-Industrialised Nations
Continue to 2101-2110