Alternate History links
- Footnotes to History - actual obscure nations lost to time
- Flags That Never Were - on War Flags (Through the Ages & Around the World)
- Avalanche Press Daily Content Archive - includes scenarios like a revived Byzantine Empire by averting The Monkey Bite That Changed History
- Paul Burgess - featuring writings like Bearing Light, The New World (Chinese Columbus), and Constitution of the Tharsis Montes Commonwealth (Mars colony)
- Perpetual Brightness: Surviving Southern Ming by Faeelin
- Red Flag Falling - The Story of the Manhattan Commune - a Victoria AAR by Voshkod
- The Golden Nation - a Victoria AAR by DerKaiser
- The Spiders by Patrick S. Farley of Electric Sheep Comix. Current site
- Polish Zioty's Alternate History Page
- Stephen's Alternate History Website
- The web page of Alison Brooks and David Flin
- The Long View of John J. Reilly
- EdT's Alternative History site
Video Game links
- Video Game History Foundation Library
- - Video-Game Preservation & Research Blog
- The Catacomb: Escape Velocity fansite
- Outpost 2 site by Birds of Prey clan
- Dominant Species official site by Red Storm Entertainment
- Tom Clancy's Shadow Watch official site by Red Storm Entertainment
- Majesty official website by Cyberlore Studios
- Majesty Palace: Dedicated to Majesty: The Fantasy Kingdom Simulation
- Darkstone page on Thanatos Realms
- Conflict Zone official website by Ubisoft
- tuzito's Starships Unlimited Divided Galaxies website
- Game info of Half-Life 2 mod NEOTOKYO
- Wiki for Half-Life 2 mod Dystopia
- Story of Half-Life 2 mod Nuclear Dawn
- Violent Seed unreleased graphics by Keith Beu
- Violent Seed unreleased graphics by Tom Zehner

Gundam links
Matrix links
- The Matrix Role-Playing Game for D6 Classic and D6 Legend by Michael Lynes
- The Matrix campaign for Risus: the Anything RPG by David Masad, based on the Risus system
- There Is No Spoon: a Matrix RPG by Steve Darlington (Original website)
Other Fandom links
Role-playing links
- Zozer Games
- It Came From The Bookshelf!
- Anders Sandberg's Roleplaying Page- featuring settings InfoWar and Big Ideas, Grand Vision
- Anders Mage Page 2.0
- Cap'n Ben's Castle Falkenstein Page
- GURPS Bureau-13 & Black Ops Cthulhu Conspiracy campaign page
- - a Vampire: the Masquerade WWW site
- Thayder's Home Page
- Starcraft D6 by Michael Lynes, adaptation of setting for WEG D6 system
- Fading Suns page of Sholari James
- The World of Khoras fantasy campaign setting
- CyberSphere RPG MOO - cyberpunk MUD, object-oriented
- Ansible MOO - Ender's Game RPG
Worldbuilding links
- The Chronicle of the Future from The Sunday Times
- Ships of the Terran Empire Universe for HappyTarget's Star Trek fanfiction
- Some Links of Interest for the Orion's Arm Universe Project - Miscellaneous & Space Operas and Similar Projects sections particularly of note
Literature links
- InterText online fiction magazine archives (1991-2004)
- Rifters and Blindsight by Peter Watts
- The World of 2110 for the Autumn Rain Trilogy by David J. Williams
- James Nicoll Reviews
- 2001 Nights review by Marc Sobel (March 12, 2018)
- Shooting War by Anthony Lappé, illustrated by Dan Goldman. Book trailer. 2009 site. Check it out on Open Library