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Fun Links

The Outlaw Jesse James - Rob

Biography of Jesse James, the proprietor of West Coast Choppers

Philippine Pirates Photo Archive - Rob

Piracy Activity Blotter - Rob

Resources on modern-day pirates.

"If We Run Out of Batteries, This War Is Screwed" - Rob

A lovely article about how Iraq was really won. I mean, "won". I mean, oh, never mind.

BMW Modified with Flame Thrower - Chad

When you're a VIP in a place like South Africa, I guess you need one.
\\Server\transfer\cnicholas\burning.car.mov - local copy of movie

Walking Your Pets in Nigeria - Chad

This picture alone pretty much sums up why Africa would be a richer setting than South America. But Cam says making a game that capitalizes on the misery and suffering of Africa would be like picking on a crippled kid.

How Technology Failed in Iraq - Cam

I'm not kidding when I say the US Army = posers. It's not about soldiering, it's about toys and photo ops.

The Koreans Get Worked Up Over A Fence - Larra LINK NOT FOUND

And these people have the ability to START A WAR. Scary.

Private Firms Build And Test Battle Robot - Cam

John Deere and iRobot, two formerly peaceful civilian companies, team up to build a battle robot. So goes the increasing privatization and commercialization of our army. Expect to see Nike logos on privates' uniforms any day now.

A Guide To HMX and RDX - Rob

Recently, several tons of HMX and RDX explosives were looted from Baghdad AFTER our troops "liberated" and "secured" the city. Only one pound of this stuff was used to blow up a Pan AM jetliner. In any case, I would love for the first mission in Mercs 2 to be stealing HMX and RDX from under the nose of the US Army.

US Army's Remote Controlled Bot - Cam

Rumor had it that this bot was outfitted with a "pump action shotgun". Not true (read the comments below), but still interesting to see the Army leaning more and more towards unmanned units.

\\mcbain\mercs\Transfer\swarner\GreenZone.doc - Scott

A fascinating (and LONG) article about the Green Zone in Iraq

Last modification date: Sunday 28 of November, 2004 [17:24:59 PST] by anonymous

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