The Road to Kalamata (Mike Hoare)A non-fictional firsthand account of the turbulent Congo in 1961. Colonel "Mad Mike" Hoare is a legendary mercenary who goes on a mission to protect Belgian interests, has two of his men kidnapped by cannibals, and must recover them while evading UN peacekeepers. Surprisingly level-headed and non-sensationalistic. A great read and not dated at all by the time period.Private Warriors (Ken Silverstein)A great read about war as entrepreneurship. A Harper's reporter examines the increasing commercialization of our military from multiple perspectives: black market arms trading, PMCs, legislation, the third world.-- Rob Frontline: The Invasion of IraqI think this documentary on the invasion of Iraq is incredibly informative and relevant to how war is fought in the 21st century. We use the PDA as a kind of Star Trek tricorder that lets us explain away everything with a near-future science-fictional explanation, but I think the real thing is more interesting.The Bridge on the River KwaiAlso, with regards to the player’s understanding of what ExOps’ offices or grounds look like I brought in The Bridge on the River Kwai because it has a great scene showing people training in the jungle.No EscapeFinally, in regards to character presentation, I’m going to bring in No Escape, a Ray Liotta movie that has a great character intro that’s only about 30 seconds long.--Matt The A-Team (NBC)The A-Team are a small group of operatives who, accused of a crime they did not commit, Do The Right Thing in secret, always on the run from the legitimate authorities who would arrest them if they could.While the members of the Team take on virtually any job you can imagine, they’re good guys. They’re flexible, because they’re small, and we know and like every member of the team. They work for themselves, taking whatever jobs they want to. --Matt The Black Company by Glen CookThe Black Company are Mercenaries who work for cash. They are hard-bitten men, gritty, who all have done bad things, evil things. They are not good guys. They join the Company to escape their past. Because of their horrible nature, they crave something, something to give their lives meaning and context. Their only bond is the Brotherhood of the Company, for which they would give their lives. Their only sense of right is the honor that comes with fulfilling the Contract, no matter what.The Company changes size throughout its history, sometimes numbering many thousands. They are crafty and wiley and patient and underhanded. They work for themselves, taking whatever jobs they want to. --Matt The Suicide Squad (DC Comics)The Suicide Squad are supervillians in the DC Universe who, captured and jailed by superheroes, are given the chance by the Government to redeem themselves. They are sent on nearly impossible missions from which no normal operative could hope to return (hence the name; ‘Suicide Squad’) for which they receive no pay; only exoneration and the opportunity to return to a straight life, their pasts cleared.The Squad is never the same from one mission to the next, and its members have every personality imaginable. Some are truly villains, some are misguided heroes, some are amoral mercenaries. They rarely all get along. The Squad work for the government. --Matt XXXSame setup as The Suicide Squad, except with a lone wolf progagonist. The extreme dude attitude is a bit much for me, but for now, the Suicide Squad/XXX model is the closest touchstone we have for Mercs at this point, methinks. --Rob The Losers: Ante Up (Vertigo)After witnessing one too many covert atrocities, a CIA Special Forces Unit stops taking immoral orders, but it isn't long before their consciences get them killed in a helicopter "accident" far from home. At least that's what the CIA thinks. In fact, the unit survived, returned to the U.S., and is taking down the CIA's dirty operations one heist at a time. (Is anyone else noticing the pattern of marginalized rogues out for payback?) --Rob Jagged Alliance 2 (SirTech)Turn-based strat game set in South America, with large cast of memorable mercenaries. Might want to take a look at how characters are introduced and maintained here. -- Rob Sly Cooper 2 (Sucker Punch)Sandbox game revolving around a small band of thieves. They've got gameplay and character down. We should give it a look. -- Rob RoninIMDB DescriptionA woman assembles a team of professional killers from all over the world to get a hold on a certain case with some mysterious content. The case is in the hands of some ex-KGB spies and there are many people and organizations that will do anything to get it Interesting characters, awesome car chases, horrible ending. Lots of double crossing, secret factions. A really important thing is the concept of a mercenary culture, a network or contacts, a way to recognize other mercs, etc. -- Djordi HeatIMDB DescriptionI know this is more of a crime drama, but really when you think about it there's not much difference between the hi-tech bank robbers in Heat and a team of Mercs. The guys in Heat are really a kind of gritty A-team. The thing I really like about this movie is the concept of the cops and robbers knowing about each other and the tension building through the movie before they finally confront each other. -- Djordi X-ComSure it has aliens and hi tech stuff, but at its heart X-Com? is about a PMC. The company has to manage its money and resources and ahs to keep its clients happy. They keep buying / upgrading equipment and build up their base of operations. -- Djordi Last modification date: Monday 08 of November, 2004 [02:43:19 PST] by anonymous