New/altered skills:

Critical success
     For the following skills, 'critical success' is succeeding at 1/5 of skill, like a combat impale result. This is equivalent to the 'special' result from the Keeper's section of basic CoC book.

Braincase (10%*)
     This skill is only available to humans who have been Braincased. Brains are generally confused, at first, finding it difficult to operate artificial bodies, vehicles, and other peripherals. Most skills are limited to a maximum of Braincase skill level. Int, Edu, and Dex are limited to Braincase/5 (round down). Familiarity skills and the effect of Cthulhu Mythos in reducing Max SAN are unaffected.
     Most successful skill checks will check this skill as well. In addition, about one check is allowed per month spent in rehabilitation. Once Braincase skill reaches 50%, only active use will improve it.

Computer Use (20%, 10%, 00%)
     Knowledge and control of how computers function. Most programming is object oriented. Almost all humans learn how to program from an early age, if only in a modular fashion. Characters from urban centers will have a default of 20%. More marginal areas may allow only a 10% default, while those rare folk completely outside of technological civilization have defaults of 00%.
     Computer Use is, in essence, the ability to control and modify computing environments, while the LiSe skill is the ability to understand and navigate these environments.
     Most applications can be written in seconds with no Computer Use roll. This adaptation is a vital part of LinkWar. Advanced simulations or InLink interactive applications, such as roving AIs, require a Computer Use check. Either form may be restricted by the Link rating, as defined by the Link equipment used. (This is covered in Link gear)

Cthulhu Mythos (varies, see below)
     In the Endtimes, Cthulhu Mythos has a default. Mankind is exposed to the reality of things, to the influence of the Great Ones and the Outer Gods. Reports on activities of Dark Young can be found InLink, children chat about Cthulhu's awakening, and there is no refuge from the truth.
Defaults are as follows:


Default Cthulhu Mythos

Other notes









Survivors on Earth, far from Mythos centers


Martian colonists


Survivors on Earth, near Mythos centers

First Aid (30%)
     First Aid does not change a great deal between the 1990s and 2040s, and consists of the application of procedures in a variety of situations to diagnose, treat wounds, and generally use emergency medical procedures. Use of InLink is rather common and helps diagnose more unusual situations. Medical kits, some utilizing Hypertech, allow very compact and complete equipment packs.
     EMTs will generally have at least 75% in First Aid. Most will also have at least 25% in Medicine.
     The most important difference is the use of Hibernate and Static drugs. (See Drugs)

Hightech Repair (00%)
     Similar to other repair skills, this skill focuses on machines and devices that incorporate highly developed technologies. Nanotechnology, morphable materials, organic polymers, and most 'fringe' sciences (at least by 1990s point of view) are the domain of Hightech.
     In comparison, Electrical Repair is used for working on a building's wiring, or the electrical systems of vehicles. Mechanical repair is useful for vehicles and robots. Electronics is useful for computer technology and miniaturized components. Hightech Repair is used for implanted devices, advanced weaponry, and other specialized equipment.

Hypertech (00%)
     The engineering of Domains and equipment that utilizes them. This skill allows a character to diagnose a piece of Hypertech equipment and, with proper tools, repair it. Note that all repairable problems are ones of alignment and basic adjustments. Significant damage to Hypertech equipment requires full replacement.
     Hypertech installed into the hypershadow of a person requires medical knowledge, as well. A check of both hypertech and medicine skills is required. Similar overlaps may occur in other areas (Physics, for example)

LiSe (Edu x2, x1, or x0)
     LiSe stands for Link Search, pronounced like 'lies'. It represents a character's ability to use InLink, and replaces Library Use. Default of LiSe is based on level of education. For the majority of technological humans the default is Edu x 2. Humans in less technologically rich areas will have a default equal to Edu, while humans lacking any InLink access (very rare) have a 0 default. Tech/Equipment outlines what a character needs to actually be InLink and use this skill.
     LiSe is rolled whenever references are needed or searches are made InLink. At 25%, almost all basic references (thesaurus, general history, and so on) can be made automatically, allowing Archaeology, Physics, and similar skills to be used with extensive reference materials at hand. The same is true for functions such as GPS, time, news, weather, and so forth.
     It takes longer, and definitely requires a roll, to retrieve secure information, to perform actions without notice InLink, or to effectively browse many sources. Time to do so is usually on the scale of hours to days.
     LiSe can only be performed with a link to InLink. This can be a fixed site, like a personal computer, a pocket computer, or some form of connection. LiSe is limited to the link rating x10, and functions as an Equipment Skill Bonus to any information-based or analytical skill. Uses of a skill that require great ingenuity or intelligence may be at 1/2 or 1/5 LiSe skill.
     See also Immersion and Virtual Reality and Technology and Equipment.

Medicine (05%)
     In the main book of CoC, Medicine is an extended and advanced version of First Aid.
     Keepers may elect to ignore this, and focus Medicine on the more eclectic and advanced areas of health. Virology, genetics, anatomy, development, toxicology, pathology, and many other areas become the province of Medicine. If this rule is followed, Doctors will often have 50%+ in First Aid, while researchers or others familiar with the science of medicine but not performing it will have Medicine, but not First Aid.
     Also, in this alternate system, Medicine cannot be used in most emergency situations (that is, no 1D3 for immediate treatment). However, Medicine is used to analyze symptoms and administer treatments, giving the 2D3 per week healing rate. There are situations where a successful Medicine roll is needed to allow a First Aid application (diagnosis for treatment), or vice versa (stabilize to give time for a diagnosis, or to buy time for full treatment)

Pharmacy (00%)
     Unchanged, but has some new drugs to work with and understand. Often used in conjunction with Hypertech, for the advanced drugs. Used frequently whenever a specific and unusual drug concoction is needed, otherwise Medicine and First Aid are adequate for commonly used drugs.

Physics (00%)
     Physics now includes a good amount of knowledge about Domains. It is used to understand the theory behind Hypertech, whether in design or to understand unusual Hypertech behavior.

Psychoanalysis (00%)
     Techniques for soothing emotional trauma have advanced quite a bit. Most dysfunction stemming from biology are easily treated. Disorders such as bipolar and schizophrenia can be cured within a year or two through a combination of Psychoanalysis and Medicine.
     Psychoanalysis can be used as per normal. However, on a critical success (1/5 skill), SAN recovery is 2D3.
     Psychoanalysis may be used in concert with Psychostructure. This takes a week of solid work (subject has little to no free time). The lesser skill is rolled:

     SAN may be improved beyond normal limit and max, but this is dangerous. Any insanity result (including temporary) requires an additional SAN check. If this check fails, the character immediately looses current SAN - SAN score and current SAN - max SAN.
     In other words, the sanity that has been recovered above the normal SAN score is lost. If SAN has been pushed over max limit, the character's sanity is even more unstable. Any sanity recovered over the normal maximum possible is lost twice. This represents the complete collapse of the reprogrammed psyche that has been constructed, and usually sends the character into a long bout of indefinite insanity, if not shattering the mind completely.

Psychology (05%)
     Techniques of manipulation and observation have become more rigorous. By watching body language, a good model of the way a person reacts and thinks can be designed, as well as motives and character. Over time, skilled users of Psychology can set up influential environments and use this skill to brainwash others.
     If Psychology is over 25%, a character can use these techniques to watch another character for at least 20 minutes, making a Psychology roll. If the target has Psychology over 25% and is attentive, or attempting subterfuge, the target also gets a Psychology roll.
     If both characters succeed, they are each aware of what the other is doing.
     If neither character succeeds, the observer is unsure and the target unaware of the observation.
     If the observer succeeds and the target fails, the target is analyzed and any further deceptions, or resistance to manipulation, is at 1/2.
     If the observer fails and the target succeeds, the target realizes the scrutiny and can throw it as desired. The observer is then at 1/2 to manipulate the target and is fed erroneous details.
     These multipliers are noncumulative.

Psychostructure (00%)
     Psychostructure skill draws on Psychoanalysis, Psychology, and other skills. It replaces Hypnosis, being essentially an advanced and rigorous form of hypnotherapy.
     Psychostructure skill allows detailed analysis and modeling of a person's mind, using computers and a variety of sensing equipment. It can also be performed as Hypnosis with little to no equipment to get basic information or plant simple suggestions. Link equipment allows interrogators performing Hypnosis to ask non-leading questions, control tone, and get more accurate results than in the past.
     Under ideal situations (hooked up to equipment), a successful Psychostructure roll will allow a detailed analysis of emotional traumas, some basic visual or auditory recording of memories, and an accurate model of the subject's personality.
     Actively, Psychostructure may be used to reprogram a subject. It takes a week to attempt this. It may be attempted in 4-6 days at 1/2 skill, 1-3 days at 1/5 skill, and ~5-10 hrs at 1/10 skill.
     The subject gets a resistance roll based on Power x factor related to complexity of task for active Psychostructure attempts. Simple tasks, like 'you don't want to smoke', or 'people distrust you', cannot be resisted, though dissipate over a few days. Singular tasks (you don't remember meeting that officer yesterday) are at x1, more complex tasks (you like the government) are at x2, very complex tasks (you remember Joe, a good childhood friend who you haven't seen in years) at x3, broad complex tasks (you have been working as a military courier for the past 6 years) at x4, while full personality reworking (memories altered, attitudes, everything from childhood) is at x5.
     Critical failures of the Psychostructure roll will cause 1D3 of SAN loss per resistance multiplier and require one successful week of Psychostructural study per multiplier before another attempt can be made. (That is, if multiplier is 3, three successful Psychostructure rolls are needed, one roll per week)
     Indefinite insanity can be cured as a x3 resisted attempt.
     Anyone with at least 20% in Psychostructure can perform basic lie-detection and create simple responses automatically.
     It is possible to pick out memories and impressions of a well preserved corpse with a successful combination of Psychostructure, Medical, and Hypertech rolls. This requires specialized equipment.

Reputation <> (20%)
     This replaces Credit Rating, and reflects the degree to which the character is known and respected (or feared, or hated) by a broad group. It can be used to influence the group, draw on resources, and so forth. Reputation <Elite> could be used to leverage purchases or impress the upper class, but will piss off other groups and make the character the target of crime.
     An occupational template with Credit Rating may be adjusted, with any other skill picked in place of credit rating. One Reputation skill is always considered an occupational skill, regardless of other occupational skills. This Reputation skill, however, must be related to the occupation.
     Each character has default of 20% in a group usually defined by their background. Reputation groups can be regions (Reputation <New York>), occupations (Reputation <Physicist>), social (Reputation <Criminal>), and so on. Reputations don't have to reflect actual skill, as persuasion and stories can build up reputations much further than warranted. Skilled characters may go unrecognized, having little reputation.
     More than one Reputation can be gained, but further Reputations have a default of 00%. Reputation is improved like any other skill.

Smallfire (20%)
     Smallfire is a firearm skill, for weapons that are significantly smaller than handguns, and thus require a different style of operation. It covers ring-guns, palm pistols (fit in the palm and fire straight out), cyber pistols (firing from within the arm), and pen-guns. Smallfire is used for any firearms that are .01 weight rating or lower.

Surgery (00%)
     Morphable tools, guided nano tools, hypertech, and other advances make surgery a very powerful skill. It is required for most implants or physical modifications, although usually with a Medicine or Hypertech accompanying roll.

Wealth (20%/00%)
     As described in the PCs section, Wealth is a skill that reflects financial power. Legal citizens have a default of 20%, illegal characters have a default of 00%. In either case, Wealth is always considered an occupational skill, in addition to any skills on an occupational list.

New Dexterity/action rules
     Dexterity now has a more direct impact on actions. An action can be moved up in phase by subtracting 10 from Dex for Dex order. That is, a character drawing a gun and firing or punching normally acts in the second phase of combat. As long as Dex is 11 or higher, the character can choose to act in the first phase at Dex-10.
     Another action may be taken at Dex -10, cumulatively, until Dex is 0 or less. So a character with Dex 14 can act at 14 and 4, and a character with Dex 21 can act at 21, 11, and 1. A character with a 21 Dex can move from second to first phase, and then act at 11 and 1 in the first phase.
     Note that this Dex shift does not apply to extra normal actions. A character who can fire twice in a round can still fire at first phase and second phase at normal Dex. If the character attempts to fire twice in the first phase, however, the second shot is at Dex-10. Any further actions is at an additional -10 Dex order, if at all possible.
     Weapons may be fired past their normal rate of fire, but each shot is considered an extra action.
     Note that A Keeper may elect to allow particularly brief or minor actions to cost Dex less than 10.

Int and Edu
     It is suggested that Intelligence checks be used for dynamic and inventive events. Figuring out a puzzle, noticing some odd detail, being alert, and others are good examples. Education should be used for reasoning, structured thinking, and tasks dependent on research.
     Learning a spell from a teacher would likely require the normal Int check. Deciphering large books and ancient manuscripts, on the other hand, may depend on an Edu roll to transform the work into something meaningful, with an additional Int check to see beyond the work to what is being suggested.
     Just some ideas for making Int and, particularly, Edu something more than skill pools.

Optional Rules

Optional Extra Firearm Rules

     It is assumed that normal firearms are targetted at the torso. Since range is usually a squared factor and CoC treats range multiples linearly, it can be assumed that hitting a target that is 1/4 as big is at 1/2 skill.
     A head shot (with humans) can be made at 1/2 skill. Damage is doubled (or quadrupled, if impale result applies).
     A death shot tries to destroy the base of the brain. From the front, this involves a shot through the triangle of the nose and upper lip. At 1/5 skill, damage is x5.
     Hitting an arm or leg is at 1/2 skill. Such hits are treated like normal KO checks, with 'unconsciousness' translated as the limb being useless for a few minutes, and then at 1/2 skill (or Move) until healed.

Optional Extra Martial Art Rules

     In addition to being able to choose a parry when attacked rather than declaring such, a Martial artist may launch an attack immediately after successfully parrying a blow (if they still have an attack available to them).
     Martial artists may bar, throw or sweep opponents. The personal attack (fist/punch, grapple, or kick) or Martial art skill, whichever is less, is rolled. A test of Dmg vs. Con is made. Success indicates the opponent is knocked down until an action is taken, of Dex x 5, to get back up. Regardless of the success of the check, 1/3 normal damage is taken.
     A disarm can be attempted, using Martial Arts or Personal attack, whichever is less. Weapon skill substitutes for Personal attack, if appropriate. Hand-to-hand attempts are at 1/2 skill against significant weapons. Disarms count as an attack, Dmg vs. Con test. Success indicates the weapon is disarmed, 1/3 damage in either case.

Another Set of Optional Extra Martial Art Rules

     These use the same rules as the last section, but the available uses of martial arts is more detailed. If the Martial Arts skill is not specified, a personal attack or martial weapon attack is rolled.
     Once a character has at least 25% Martial Arts, the character receives one point of Extras per 10 full points of Martial Arts skill. That is, at 25% the character gets 2 Extras.
     A character may elect to gain a second Martial Arts skill, reflecting another style. Extras are tied to that particular style, but the styles can be mixed during a given turn.
     Training : Roll Dex, Con, or Str again. If new roll is at least equal to old value, value is raised by one permanently.
     Tumble : When thrown or fallen, roll Martial Arts. If successful, no damage is taken and the character is back on his feet. This is in addition to any dodge attempts.
     Bar/Throw/Sweep : Character is trained in bars, throws, or sweeps.
     Intimidate : Character may use Martial arts/5 or Pow in a Pow vs. Pow psychological attack.
     Combination : Character may combine a defensive move with an attack (often a joint lock/grapple). The specific move must be chosen per combination (block punch > armlock). If the defensive move is successful, the specific attack is made, in addition to any other attacks the character might be allowed.
     Deadly strike : The normal damage doubling of a Martial arts attack is replaced by Deadly Strikes. Deadly Strikes are specific attacks to specific body areas. If the opponent is expecting the strike, chance of success is 1/2. Damage is doubled if both Personal Attack and Martial Art is successful. A solar plexus strike or throat crush are examples.
     Double strike : The Martial Artist may make two attacks, each at 1/2 skill. Taking double strike twice makes it triple strike, each at 1/3 skill, and so forth. The second attack counts as happening at one less Dex order than the first.
     Double block : The Martial Artist may make two Parry/Blocks, each at 1/2 skill. Taking double block twice makes it triple block, each at 1/3 skill, and so forth. The first block or parry must be declared at 1/2. If the second turns out to be unneeded, it is simply lost.
     Block Weapon : Character is trained in dealing with armed opponents. Defensive attempts are at full skill if a knife or similar weapon is being parried, 1/2 skill for anything longer or more dangerous.
     Centering : Character has +5 SAN, though still limited by normal SAN score.
     Path : Can only be improved if SAN is no less than SAN score -5. Character makes a SAN check. If the check succeeds, SAN score itself increases by 5.
     No Mind : Allows an action to be taken that brings calm and focus to the character. With a single action and a Martial Arts roll, the character is put into a state of No Mind. While in this state, the character applies Martial Arts to any sanity-related checks. If the martial arts portion succeeds, the character will behave with discipline.
     That is not to say the character is sane, but will perform any actions with complete clarity. A character that would flee in terror will now flee as fast as is reasonable, and will not stumble due to panic. Using the Trait Sanity rules (which follow), the state of No Mind counts as Survival state and negates skill penalties due to distraction.
     If the Meditation skill is being used in a campaign, a Keeper may allow it to function as No Mind, instead.

Trait Sanity rules:

     This alternative provides some ways of coping with radically different outlooks, while maintaining a Lovecraftian atmosphere of threatened sanity.
     In addition to the usual Sanity rating, a character has two factors, Order and Disorder. These factors have a digit from 0 to 10. This reflects the balance between two traits.
     Order is a scale from Humanity to Survival. A 10 signifies that the character's ordered thinking is dominated completely by Humanity. A 0 signifies that it is dominated by Survival.
     Likewise, Disorder is a scale from Imbalance to Survival. 10 means that all disordered thinking is Imbalance, 0 means that disordered thinking is always Insanity.
     A character's State of mind is judged by which of the traits at a given moment is dominant. Note that specific characters will have unique, personal variations on each trait.


     Humanity reflects characteristic human virtues of sociability, polite society, friends, family, hope, faith, charity, pride, honor, patriotism, and so forth. It is the sphere of human socialization. While in a Human state of mind, a character can deal well with other humans, but is often sensitive to nuances that are irrelevant to other viewpoints.
     The Humanity trait ((Order) x current SAN /10) is limited to a maximum of (99-Cthulhu Mythos). Cthulhu Mythos does not otherwise affect sanity in these rules. It's a good idea to keep track of Humanity trait, and recalculate Order once maximum Humanity is hit.
     Maximum order is (10 x (99-CM) / current SAN) rounded up or 10, whichever is less. A bit complicated, but only bother to correct the numbers only between game sessions.
     While in a Human state of mind a character can interact well with other humans.
     At 0 Humanity, a character will often be considered permanently insane, at least from the point of view of other humans. The character will not care for human values and has no orderly motivations beyond survival. A Keeper may elect to render the character immune to SAN loss due to human values (like murder or violence).

     Survival reflects the basic drives of safety, self interest, keeping fed, and otherwise fulfilling instinctive urges. Someone in a Survival state of mind can socialize with others, but it would require use of Psychology to avoid rubbing people in Human states of mind the wrong way. Survival states of mind can be altruistic as well as selfish. They are goal-directed, rather than social.
     Combat veterans or other types living close to conflict may have some amount of this trait. Other starting characters should have an Order score no lower than 8.
     In a Survival state of mind, a character can ignore or lessen focus or surprise based penalties. In some cases, Survival state of mind can also help a character ignore pain. During situations requiring quick thinking, a character not in a Survival frame of mind functions at 1/2 Dex. Animals and many Mythos races can be considered to always be in Survival mode. Any critical failure in social interactions causes characters in Human mode to be disturbed by a Survival-oriented character.
     In addition, in a Survival state, a character can ignore some forms of SAN loss, particularly those due to violence. This only applies if there is an immediate reason. A Survival-dominated character can shoot a potential enemy without loosing sanity. The same character cannot torture a prisoner without suffering some lost sanity, however, whatever the pretext.

     Imbalance represents basic drives out of control. Whether violent, pushy, or simply inappropriate, a character that is Imbalanced will act or react without concern. A SAN check can help a character 'calm down', but while in an Imbalanced state the character is easily set off again. An Imbalanced character is egoistic, unfocused, and has tunnelvision. Due to these effects, Imbalanced characters may be at 1/2 skill for skills requiring attention to detail or coherent thinking, particularly social skills.
     Imbalance is a common antagonist of orderly behavior, when stress, shock, or temptation become too great. Disorder is commonly high in starting characters.
     In an Imbalanced state, Disoder may add to Con, or even Str and skills, on rare occasions. An Imbalanced person is capable of surviving deadly wounds, until order is regained or wounds become too severe.

     Insanity represents behaviors and thinking that are essentially foreign to normal situations. Some insanities represent adaptation under unusual circumstances that do not normally apply. In those circumstances, insanity can be useful. Other insanities are biological in origin and often represent delusional or erratic behavior.
     It is important for the type of Insanity (or types) to be indicated. It is not unusual for characters to have latent biological mental problems, or to have mild phobias or obsessions that can grow over time. A Psychology roll may sometimes let an Insane character 'act normal', but the roll may be resisted.
     If a social roll is attempted and the roll fails, characters in Human frames of mind will be disturbed by the character. This does not apply if the roll succeeded but another roll negated it.
     A character dominated by Insanity may be proof against SAN loss due to spell books or spell casting. The chance is based on the Insanity level, (10-SAN/10)x(10-Disorder). This effect lasts a length of time generated on the Temporary Insanity table, and is related. Essentially, the character enters a focused, warped frame of mind capable of accepting and dealing with the stress of spell use. If the effect fails, it cannot be attempted for a length of time determined by the Temporary Insanity table.
     A character can voluntarily try to enter a Disordered state by performing an action that causes SAN loss.

     Note that it is possible to be dominated by one trait but in another state of mind. Combat veterans with low Order (high Survival) will still be in a Human state of mind under many circumstances. Being in a Human state of mind or having a high Human trait doesn't necessarily mean a character is a wonderful, nice human being. A character with a high Order can be an arrogant, self righteous jerk. When faced with the Mythos, however, Human self-importance collapses.
     Some Mythos races have analogs to Humanity, based on their view of themselves in the Cosmos. If they do, they will suffer the same detrimental effects due to Cthulhu Mythos knowledge that Humans do. Most Mythos races can be assumed to rely on Survival strategies as their bedrock of Sanity.

SAN Checks

     When a SAN check is made, the 'one's digit determines the trait that dominates. In cases where the roll succeeds but the minimum sanity lost pushes the character into an insanity result, the roll is considered a failure for trait purposes.
     A successful roll indicates an Ordered response. If the ones digit is lower than the Order trait, Humanity dominates. Otherwise, Survival dominates.
     Likewise, an unsuccessful roll indicates Disorder. If the ones digit is equal or lower than the Disorder trait, Imbalance dominates.
     Humanity reactions to combat or surprise are composed, but usually an action is lost or skill used is at 1/2, as the character is burdened by human concerns. Survival reactions are immediate and focused, allowing full Dex to be used for actions. Imbalanced reactions usually entail 1/2 skill for a round or some lost actions as the character tries to get a grip. Insane reactions often involve a wild or uncontrolled reaction to the event.

     Sanity should be still recorded as normal. Order and Disorder traits do not represent how ordered or disordered the character is, that's what the Sanity score is for. They reflect the proportion, within order and disorder, of humanity to survival or imbalance to insanity.

     Various events can cause Order or Disorder traits to shift. Indefinate Insanity will shift Disorder down one, at least. Prolonged stress and violence will cause Order to shift down. If the Keeper is uncertain of what to shift, the traits can be left alone.

     State shifts/Trait tests: The normal frame of mind of a character is determined in two steps. If Sanity is 50 or more, Order is dominant, Disorder if otherwise. If the Order or Disorder trait is 6 or greater, the first part of the trait is dominant (Humanity or Imbalance). If the trait is 4 or less, the second half is dominant. A 5 trait represents a balance which can go as the player or Keeper decides. Though temporarily shifted by SAN checks, this is the state the mind will drift to without outside influence.
     If a situation or action occurs that strongly demands a new state of mind or severely threatens the current frame of mind, a SAN check is made. No loss occurs, but the frame of mind that results is dominant for a time.
     If a character is trying to put himself into a new frame of mind, this requires a roll of Pow%, Psychology/5, another character's Psychoanalysis or Hypnosis/2, Meditation/5, or Occult/5. If this roll is successful, a SAN check is made. If the character just wants 'another' frame of mind, the SAN result determines it. If the character wanted a specific frame of mind, the attempt fails unless this SAN result comes up as desired. This often occurs if a character in a human frame of mind, for example, tries to kill someone else in cold blood.
     Tests within a trait, such as Humanity vs. Survival, can be simplified to a simple D10 resolution.
     If a player makes a decision contrary to such a test result, the Keeper may adjudicate a skill penalty or other side effects. In compelling cases, a Keeper may rule that it causes 1 (or more) SAN loss to act contrary to the test result, in addition to any normal SAN loss that the action may normally cost.


     Temporary Disorder: If 5 or more SAN is lost in a single event, a SAN check is required. The Imbalance or Insanity result becomes dominant for at least the period rolled for on Temporary Insanity table, after which point the state of mind reverts to the dominant one.

     Indefinite Disorder: If 1/5 of SAN is lost in roughly an hour of gametime, either Imbalance or Insanity will be dominant for 1D6 months. If either an Imbalance or Insanity state is dominant when this disorder develops, the state becomes dominant for the entire period. Otherwise roll a D10 to determine which is dominant.

     Regaining Order: Some situations or attempts can help a character snap out of either Temporary or Indefinite Disorder. Attempts could involve a Psychostructuring or a suitably calm period of rest during Temporary Disorder. If the Keeper judges the attempt worthy, another SAN check is made. If the result is a success, the period of time in Disorder drops by one result (5 to 4 months, hours to 30 rounds). If the result is a failure, the Disorder is strengthened. The period will increase by one result if the rolled trait is different than the dominant trait, two results if the rolled trait is the same as the dominant trait.

     The usual improvement in Cthulhu Mythos applied due to Insanity for Mythos related reasons.

     Most sorcerers and cultists will end up dominated by Survival and Insanity. Bloody rituals can give them the ecstatic frame of mind necessary to perceive the glories of the true universe and keep any scrap of sanity. It is, however, a rather small scrap.
     Other Mythos races are often dominated by Survival, sometimes with rather high SAN. A quirky Keeper can make some races loose SAN from witnessing humans and the human world.

     Samantha, Insane firebug: Current SAN 30%, Order 0, Disorder 3, dominated by Insanity, Insanity : believes herself to be living flame
     Xltcak, Bell gaki: Current SAN 50%, Order 0, Disorder 5, dominated by Survival, Imbalance : easily enraged, childish, Insanity : thinks in a very alien way, has almost OCD-like behavior
     Father Michael, Resolute priest: Current SAN 60%, Cthulhu Mythos 79%, Order 2, Disorder 6, dominated by Survival, Imbalance : heavy drinker, Insanity : obsessive about cleanliness
     Candide Rotor, Bouncy mechanic: Current SAN 80%, Cthulhu Mythos: 20%, Order 9, Disorder 10, dominated by Humanity, Imbalance : can't hold her liquor, doesn't know when to shut up

     Father Michael is faced with the decision whether or not to shoot a fledgling vampire. He is dominated by Survival, but it is possible that a pange of conscience will slow him down. If Humanity wins out, he will be hesitant and suffer some pangs of conscience if he decides to kill the vampire, as well as be at 1/2 Dex. If Survival wins out, he will be confidant in the necessity. With Order 2, he only has a 20% chance of being dominated by Humanity.
(to come: more examples)

Optional Character Generation

General rules

     Human Endtime PC stats are generated as normal. If a Keeper is having Players roll up their characters normally, it is suggested that starting Power be determined as 2D6+6 or even 1D6+12, given the vast array of Power-destroying and SAN destroying effects in the game.
     Other races or types of beings have different generation methods, see the page on each for details.

Some alternate rules:

Bonus dice method
     6 'bonus dice' can be used. A bonus die works as follows: N bonus dice are allocated for a roll, N extra dice are rolled, N lowest dice are dropped. That is, Str is 3D6. If 2 bonus dice are used, 5D6 is rolled, best 3 dice used.

Point method
     Points are divided between stats, but normal limits must be obeyed (minimum and maximum possible die rolls). Rolling all 4s ~= 110 points, 3.5 average ~= 96, rolling all 3s ~= 83.

Complex skill purchasing
     However stats are rolled, 20 points are divided among pools for Dex, App, Int, and Edu. The characteristic x number of points equals the skill points that can be used for skills under that particular characteristic, with skills that are on the occupational template at 1/2 cost.
     Dex: Skills featuring physical action
          Climb, Dodge, Drive Auto, Firearms, Jump, Martial Arts, Operate Heavy Machine, Personal attacks, Sneak, Swim, Throw
     App: Social skills
          Bargain, Credit rating, Fast talk, Persuade
     Int: Perception skills and basic/applied knowledge skills
          Conceal, Electrical Repair, Electronics, First Aid, Forensics, Hide, LiSe, Listen, Mechanical Repair, Photography, Pilot, Psychoanalysis, Psychology, Spot Hidden, Surgery, Track
     Edu: Scholarly and theoretical knowledge skills
          Accounting, Anthropology, Archaeology, Astronomy, Biology, Computer Use, Geology, Hightech Repair, History, Hypertech, Law, Library Use, Medicine, Natural History, Navigate, Occult, Pharmacy, Physics, Psychostructure