Immersion, InLink, and the World Within
The internet, by the mid twentyfirst century, had become the spine of all media, all information, all entertainment, all commerce, all civilization. Nothing in society existed apart from it, nothing was unaffected, all things were intimately intertwined with all other things in the world
Right now, you sit, reading off a phosphor screen, capable of spinning out, almost randomly, and interacting with scripts and text from a hundred million other people. You can see weathermaps updated hourly, you can read news constantly, see people move, hear people talk, shop, immerse yourself immediately in the affairs of the world.
Of course, eventually you turn away, focus on day to day affairs, let the chaotic noise continue without you. The net is hard to navigate, and the noise is irritating.
Turn it up 100 times. Every second, 3D realtime maps of the weather, of traffic patterns, of commerce, waterflow, barometric pressure, stock prices, minute by minute food purchases, every radio program concerning pastry, graphs analysing market activity as related to temperature, twenty billion voices filtered and spinning past at high speed.
You can be anywhere, doing anything. In the back of your head, images and voices continue, filtered, tuned down, but never out.
It did not take long for entire segments of the population to immerse themselves completely, constantly, to InLink, for a global consciousness, of sorts, to grow and become powerful.
And, at the same time, some chose to isolate themselves. Not from the information overload, but within it. Virtual worlds expanded, offering the best, as far as their users were concerned, of all things. Virtual realities where things were simpler, quieter, more focused, more happy, more meaningful, more... more.
Most PCs in the Endtime will have equipment giving them access to InLink. All will be very familiar with InLink, barring some unusual types of PCs. Check out Link gear for relevant information.
Terms: InLink is used much like the word 'online', Link is used as 'connect'. A character would establish a Link (connection) to get InLink (online). InLink activities would be online activities, InLink news, and so on. In the 2040s, there are no terms distinguishing between 'the Internet' and 'being online'. InLink is handled as noun and adjective.
Although most of the time a Linkrunner will only need LiSE or Computer User skill to perform normal operations, there comes a time when an opponent is met, either a software construct or a sentient adversary. At that point, LinkWar begins.
LinkWar StatsSoftware Constructs
Software constructs generally have the following characteristics, bought as described in gear:LinkWar Damage
A successful hit causes a variable amount of damage directly to the target instrument. The target's link rating/10 is the number of D6s rolled for damage. LinkWar rating can be used to provide armor, reducing damage directly, or can be devoted to increasing damage. A soft attack can be launched, with a +1 rating per -2 dice of damage. The result depends on the type of attack chosen. An impale result means the damage should be rolled twice, greater result is used.
Note that an inapplicable sort of damage will have no effect, and the attacker, with a successful LinkWar roll, will notice. This information can be quite valuable, beyond choosing a different attack type.
The damage may target the brain directly, though this will fail if the target turns out to be an MI or is not linked via the brain. This type of damage will reduce 1 Int per 10 points of damage, and require a KO check (Con vs damage). No HP are lost. Int can be restored via very expensive neuroreconstruction (facility with Hypertech medical equipment, Medicine roll at 1/2 to restore 2D3 Int per week)
The damage can be directed at an MI directly, which will generally cause Int damage as above. However, restoring Int will be difficult for MIs.
Damage can be directed at the physical body, again depending on a brain link. Con is tested against damage. Failure means the character goes into cardiac arrest and requires immediate medical attention or will die, and takes the damage as systemic damage. A success still results in the character taking 1/3 damage as systemic damage.
Damage can be directed at perceptions and ability to keep a grasp of reality. In this situation, damage is translated as SAN loss.
Damage can be targetted at the Link itself. Any damage reduces the connection rating of the Link. Unlike normal attacks, regular success causes software damage, impale results cause hardware damage. Software damage can be easily repaired with a Computer Use roll and damage rounds of time. Hardware damage requires either Electronics or Hypertech roll and damage hours of time.
Damage can be targetted at a software construct. Constructs have Link rating/10 (round down) hit points. When HP reach 0, the software has been destroyed. For software constructs, Computer Use functions as Medicine, but healing times are per day (that is, a construct can 'heal' 2D3 per day).