The following characters are generated using the point method. Totals are based on 110 points. Trait Sanity rules are being used, as well. The wealth 'total bought equipment' rule is used. That is, Wealth^2 is available per 2 days, over the past year. Or Wealth^2 x 182.5
For beings with fewer traits, point value is as if all dice are rolled 4.
Description: Free citizen (illegal), Chinese man in his mid-30s. About 5'4", with bright green eyes, long black hair held back in a ponytail, and a jade brooch. Dresses sharply, in muted tones that favor his green eyes. |
Background: Jade Tiger was a promising youth, well skilled in both martial arts and arcande disciplines. Respected for his talent at Feng Shui, he chafed as a mid-level manager in the Seven Circlet Tong his family belonged to. Jade Tiger then attempted to make a name for himself by taking over Yakuza territory. His failure ultimately led to him fleeing the Tong. Jade Tiger has spent the last 10 years keeping his head down in New York arcologies. After a few attempts, the Tong has stopped putting contracts on him, but he is careful lest he cross their path again. The Seven Circlet Tong has a Mythos infiltration of 36% |
Occupation: Tong manager (Military Commander with Martial Arts instead of Handgun), credit rating is now reputation and available to all as an occupational skill, so is now free to be assigned elsewhere. Add psychic occupation with 3 skills (- make maps, freed credit rating skill, history, and accounting). |
Str 12 | Dex 18 | Int 10 | Idea 50% |
Con 14 | App 14 | Pow 15 | Luck 75% |
Siz 9 | SAN 75% | Edu 18 | Know 90% |
Hit Points 12 | Damage Bonus -- | Current Sanity 65% |
Maximum Order: 9 | Order 3 | Disorder 1 (Insanity: OCD) |
Computer Use 20% | LiSe 36% | Cthulhu Mythos 30% |
Wealth (00) 40% | Lifestyle (25% devoted from Wealth) 42% | Reputation (Tough ex-Tong wizard) 60% |
Martial Arts (Kung Fu) 75% | Occult 30% | Psychology 70% | |
Own Lang (Mandarin) 90% | Other Lang (English) 40% | ||
Psi: Spirit sight 60% | Psi: Bind Spirit 40% | Psi: Telekinetic 40% |
Spell known: Flesh ward (30 skill points) |
Psi Spirit sight is sensing of spiritual energy, has focus of shadows, range of Line of Sight. Psi Bind Spirit is a manipulation of spiritual energy, with focus of ritual, with a fixed range (150 feet). This ability allows him to bind free spirits to his service, and commune with them. If they resist, the total Pow or MP of spirits resisting (whichever is higher) is tested against the number of MP he has. Psi Telekinetic has focus of kata (specific gestures) and fixed range (150 feet). When he has the opportunity, he uses his Occult to boost these abilities. |
Three spirits bound: Enki, Happy Fish, Kildegon. Each functions as a gaki with Int of 6, Pow of 5, and the abilities of spirit combat, travel, apprehension, focus Ritual, walk. |
Martial arts extras: He has 7 points from his Martial Arts abilities. Throw, Sweep, Deadly Strike-throat, Deadly Strike-Solar plexus, Combo Block punch/strike throat, Block Weapon, No Mind Note that his fist/punch and other personal attacks are at default levels. |
Money: $41,000 (based on his effective Wealth, lowered by Lifestyle allocation) Elder sign $4,000 Blessed blade 1D6+db, $3,000 Mana battery 15 MPs stored, 3 of them, $3,000 Remaining funds: $31,000 |
Description: Free citizen (illegal), redheaded 24 year old woman. Long red hair normally tied back, pale skin, 5'11". |
Background: Gretchen grew up in a white zone of New York. Her father was a respected civil servant, her mother a socialite. Gretchen was accustomed to wealth and priviledge. Gretchen hated the world she lived in, the lies, the coldness, and the isolation from what she knew existed just beyond the guards and fences. From a young age, she trained in military skills. Her parents consoled themselves that she might have a distinguished military career. Finally, after a number of run-ins with security forces, she escaped into the illegal warrens of New York. She adjusted to street life, equipped with expensive cybernetics her parents had reluctantly financed. |
Occupation: Street warrior (Dodge, Spot Hidden, Hide, Listen, Sneak, + 2 military skills) with Fist/Punch and Armblades as military skills. |
Str 11 | Dex 18 | Int 14 | Idea 70% |
Con 17 | App 8 | Pow 13 | Luck 65% |
Siz 15 | SAN 65% | Edu 14 | Know 100% |
Hit Points 16 | Damage Bonus +1D4 | Current Sanity 50% |
Maximum Order: 16 (10) | Order 7 | Disorder 9 (Imbalance: Rage, Insanity: Catatonia) |
Computer Use 20% | LiSe 40% | Cthulhu Mythos 15% |
Wealth (00) 20% | Lifestyle 4% | Reputation (Street tough) 20% |
Dodge (28) 83% | Spot Hidden (25) 50% | Hide (10) 25% | Listen (25) 50% |
Sneak (35) 75% | Fist/punch (50) 80% | Armblade (20) 90% | Grapple (25) 40% |
Own Lang (English) 100% | Psychology (05) 45% | Martial Arts (Bladefighter) 60% | Martial Arts (Kung Fu) 10% |
Medicine (05) 20% |
Martial arts extras: She has 6 extras from her Bladefighter martial arts. Kung Fu is too untrained to provide her any skill with it. Deadly Strike-Gut stab, Deadly Strike-Jaw hook, Deadly Strike-Armpit jab, Combo Block thrust/armpit jab, Double Strike, No Mind |
Money: $73,000 CyberPreparation: 18 points are prepared for cyberimplants. Cost is (rating x 10)^2 x 2, or $64,800. Hightech armor: Switchable hightech armor, implanted, provides 3 points of armor. Rating 45 (armoring x size). Cost is rating^2 x 1.1 (switchable) and x2 (cyberimplant), or $4,455. Weight rating is rating /4 (hightech) x 1.1 (switchable), or 12. Cyberblades: 2 switchable hightech swords, implanted, 2D6+2+db. A hightech version of a normal sword is twice cost, 2x damage (normal damage would be 1D6+1). A normal sword weighs about 1 kilo, which is .5 weight rating. A cyberblade thus has a weight rating of .5 x 1.1 (switchable), or .55. Two of them are 1 weight rating. Cost is $250 x 2 (normal > hightech) x 1.1 (switchable) x 2 (cyberimplant) x2 (there are two of them), or a total of $2,200. Smartlink Perceptor: Rating 25 scanning gear. Wearable hightech, boosts perceptions for darkness. Helps Spot Hidden and Listen. Cost of $625, 6 weight rating. She doesn't carry more, since it would be more noticeable. Acceleration: 1.2x normal speed, effective 22 Dex (also +8% to Dodge). Cyberimplanted hightech, with 20 rating. $800, 5 weight rating. Remaining funds: $120 |
Description: Free citizen (illegal), black haired 29 year old caucasian male. Head is usually close-shaved, has a military air about him, 5'9" and broadly built. |
Background: Soft-spoken George Gold came from a blue-collar family in a suburban white zone, in western Masschusetts. Excelling in athletics and his studies, he was soon recruited into the NorthAm branch of the USO. He completed Special Forces training, then soon grew disillusioned. Raids on illegals made it increasingly hard to justify, at least to himself. Eventually, he pulled some gray-market favors and made himself disappear. In New York, he's made a small career for himself, working for reputable protectorates. His computer skills help in a wide range of areas. If there is no interference, he can use his Link to boost application of First Aid. |
Occupation: Special Forces (Foot Soldier : technical skill instead of Machine Gun, he has Hightech repair) |
Str 13 | Dex 16 | Int 16 | Idea 80% |
Con 15 | App 12 | Pow 11 | Luck 55% |
Siz 11 | SAN 55% | Edu 16 | Know 80% |
Hit Points 13 | Damage Bonus -- | Current Sanity 50% |
Maximum Order: 15 (10) | Order 5 | Disorder 6 (Imbalance: Says stupid things, Insanity: Link Delusion) |
Computer Use (20) 65% | LiSe (32) 60% | Cthulhu Mythos 25% |
Wealth (00) 42% | Lifestyle 18% | Reputation (Ex-Military) 60% |
Dodge (32) 70% | Spot Hidden (25) 50% | Hide (35) 70% | Listen (25) 80% |
Sneak (35) 60% | Rifle (25) 70% | Climb (40) 60% | First Aid (30) 50% |
Own Lang (English) 80% | Other Lang (Russian) 22% | Martial Arts (Special Forces) 40% |
Martial arts extras: He has 4 extras from his Special Forces training. Combo Grapple from behind/Throat cut, Sweep, Bar, No Mind |
Money: $322,000 Light Armorsuit: $1,189, 9 Light Armor: Rating 33, full coverage, hightech, armor rating 3 (for his size), $1,089, 8.25 weight rating Comm: Hightech Interlink (basic communications) 10, $100, .25. CyberPreparation: 9 points are prepared for cyberimplants, $16,200. CyberWired: Cybernetic hypertech acceleration 2 speed (32 Dex, 86% dodge) 100 rating, $40k, 4 Stealth Implant: Cybernetic hypertech stealth/hide equipment 50 rating, $20k, 2 Fire Control Implant: Cybernetic hypertech firearms booster 50 rating, $20k, 2 Hyperlink: Cybernetic Hypertech link gear 90, $64,800, ~0 Light FlyProbes: Hightech perception enhancer through flying nannites, standard boost 20 rating, $400, 5 Recon FlyProbes: Same, rating 50, $2,500, 13 USO HyperForce Rifle: Same as USO HyperTeam Blaster (near the end here), but not available as an installed item. $8k, 7 Standard Scrambler Grenade: 20 of them, 4D6/4m $200 each, 1 wr each, $4k Standard Grenades: boosted normaltech, 20 of them, 8D6/4m, $750 each, 1 wr each, $15k Healing Accelerator: Hightech nanowebbing, accelerates healing 21 times. This allows a weekly healing check every 8 hours. Rating 200, $40k, 50 wr (100 kg) Remaining funds: $89,811 This will be vital if his hyper-based implants need repairs. |
Description: Free citizen (illegal), 26 year old hispanic male. |
Background: Javier grew up in quiet neighborhoods of New York, in a region dominated by the Brown Signet protectorate, a large and stable group. He trained and saved up, working up through the ranks. After political divisions caused the protectorate to break up, he tried his hand at various small franchises, seeking his fortune. He's known as an honorable and reliable protector. |
Occupation: Hand leader (Police Detective, with Handgun replaced by Forceblade), Pilot Flight Column as personal specialty. |
Str 8 | Dex 14 | Int 17 | Idea 85% |
Con 12 | App 16 | Pow 18 | Luck 90% |
Siz 10 | SAN 55% | Edu 15 | Know 75% |
Hit Points 11 | Damage Bonus -- | Current Sanity 85% |
Maximum Order: 8 (10) | Order 8 | Disorder 3 (Imbalance: Self destructive, Insanity: Haunted) |
Computer Use (20) 20% | LiSe (30) 30% | Cthulhu Mythos 30% |
Wealth (00) 50% | Lifestyle (10% Wealth devoted to Lifestyle) 36% | Reputation (Honorable Protector) 40% |
Dodge (28) 40% | Spot Hidden (25) 70% | Bargain (05) 40% | First Aid (30) 30% |
Force blade (25) 70% | Law (05) 40% | Persuade (15) 60% | Psychology (05) 50% |
Pilot Flight Column 70% | Own Lang (Spanish) 75% | Other Lang (English) 68% |
Money: $292,000 HyperPreparation: 18 points, $64,800 Flight Column: Installed Hypertech, Mov 100 (100 kph cruising, up to 300 kph, all assuming open area), $40k, 4 Acceleration System: Installed Hypertech, switchable 2x speed (28 Dex, 54% dodge), 100 rating, $40k, 4 Avoidance System: Installed Hypertech, dodge booster 50, $5k, 2 Target System: Installed Hypertech, personal attack booster 50, $5k, 2 Force armor: Installed Hypertech, 120 rating, armor rating 12 for his size, switchable, $63,360, 5 Force blade: Installed Hypertech, 4D10+2 damage, $1,000 each, .5 wr each, $2k, 1 Remaining funds: $71,840 |
Description: Free citizen (illegal), 8 year old Machine Intelligence 4th generation (effective age of X). Protomatter fixed-unit brain. |
Background: Amad's parents were MI4 experimenters. He did not share their interest in research and science, and was somewhat of a disappointment to them. Performing adequately in MIA activities, he managed to buy off his cost of birth and fend for himself. He still communicates with relatives, but prefers his isolation. Amad masquerades as a human Link-wizard, running a small protector franchise. |
Occupation: Link Wizard (LiSe, Computer Use, Spot Hidden, Hide, Conceal, Track, Sneak, + one other skill), using Bargain |
Dex 9 | Int 18 | Idea 90% |
Pow 10 | Luck 50% | |
SAN 50% | Edu 16 | Know 80% |
Current Sanity 25% | Maximum Order: 24 (10) | Order 3 | Disorder 8 (Imbalance: Fearful, Insanity: Catatonic) |
Computer Use (20) 80% | LiSe (30) 90% | Cthulhu Mythos 40% |
Wealth (00) 65% | Lifestyle 42% | Reputation (Skillful fixer/leader) 20% |
Dodge (18) 58% | Spot Hidden (25) 50% | Bargain (05) 40% | Hide (10) 20% |
Conceal (15) 20% | Track (10) 40% | Sneak (10) 40% | Occult (05) 45% |
Own Lang (Arabic) 80% | Other Lang (English) 75% | History (20) 45% |
Money: $771,063 Machine Intelligence Unit: Sessile protomatter system, total cost $150,825, 299 wr (19 Siz) Brain: 9 Dex (90), 18 Int (180), 16 Edu (160), 10 Pow (100), hightech, $76,100, 133 wr Matrix Acceleration: 15 speed (135 Dex), 140 rating, hightech, $19,600, 35 wr InLink PentaPipe: 5 Hightech Links, each at 105 rating, $55,125, 131 wr (Usually 3 Devotion is relegated to each Link, allowing 5 seperate Link actions) Protector Bot: Mobile protective unit, heavy brain surrounded by armor and limbs, $133,469 x 3 units Body: Hightech Military hunter form Str 18, Con 12, Dex 18, Mov 20, Siz 17, $119,200 Basic AI: Int 2 (20), Edu 2 (20), hightech, $800, 10 AI Skills: Skillgroups (Climb, Dodge, Rifle, Spot Hidden) each at 20 rating, $400, 20 Armor: Hightech, rating 85, armor rating 5 (for its size), $7,225, 21.25 Visceral Pocket Party: Hightech laser rifle as listed in equipment section, $2,000, 2.5 Hightech Link: Hightech, rating 62 (allowing Dex 18, Int 18, Edu 16 to feed through, and up to 100% of skills), $3,844, 1.55 Fixer Bot: Mobile repair unit, guided by remote AI, $89,600 x 2 units Body: Hightech Str 8, Con 10, Dex 15, Mov 8, Siz 4, $45,300 AI Pipe: Hightech link, rating 30 (allow Int 6, Edu 10, and 140% of skills), $900, .75 Toolarms: Hightech equipment, $400, 1 Brain: Remotely communicates, $43,000, Siz 9 Advanced AI: Int 6 (60), Edu 10 (100), hightech, $13,600, 40 AI Skills: Skillgroups (Climb, Electronics, Electrical Repair, Hightech repair, Mechanical Repair, Spot Hidden) each at 70 rating, $29,400, 105 Remaining funds: $40,631 |