Kischuk Lecef has led a very unusual life for a Rixian. Unlike most of his species, Lecef has never seen much value in exploration or scientific endeavors. He grew up knowing that his genetic structure was somehow “inferior,” thereby preventing him (and the rest of his family) from the Ascension the Rixians sought for their entire race. Rather than rail against it or seek solace in the possibility of the future achievement of it, Lecef is content to accept his lot in life. Instead, he has devoted herself fully to the present-day concerns of the Rixians.

Because of his nature, Lecef found he was most interested in the weapons technology of his evolved brethren. The old Rixians had never been a violent race. They preferred to gather information about their enemies and find weakness that could be exploited without recourse to warfare. Nevertheless, the Ascended Ones had created destructive weapons of immense power, logically concluding that victory was more likely in any engagement if you carried superior firepower. Lecef eventually came to believe that the old Rixians had anticipated the establishment of the cleansing fleet. Initially, though, Lecef's interest was of a purely morbid sort. The other Rixians had no interest in such matters and, in fact, believed such interest to be perverse. Rather than dissuading him, this viewpoint only encouraged him to push harder to learn the secrets of his ancestors.

Lecef's knowledge of Rixian technology made him invaluable to the cleansing fleet. In recognition of his efforts, the Conclave selected him to become part of the Rixian exploration fleet that traveled to systems through the Aleph network. At first, Lecef refused this honor, arguing that he had no interest in traveling beyond the home system. More importantly, he did not view the Alephs as the “gateway to Ascension” that most Rixians did. He suggested that the position could better be filled by someone else.

The Conclave realized that Lecef would not be easily swayed. In addition, they knew that his talents would prove vital to the fleet's success. Thus, they offered him command of a ship of the fleet in return for his services. Lecef found this offer much more compelling. He agreed to the offer on the condition that he be allowed to equip his ship with some of the old Rixian supertech, something almost unheard of. The Conclave agreed with some reservations.

Lecef proved to be far from a good commander. Those who served under him disliked him, because he was quick to anger. Yet, Lecef was an excellent organizer and had an adaptable mind. However much his underlings disliked him, none could deny his abilities. He simply lacked the interpersonal skills that the Rixians had come to see as essential to the role of mission commander. Given that a significant portion of their duties involved first contact situations, Lecef's deficiencies were feared to prove devastating to the fleets' efforts.

Which is exactly what happened. While exploring an unknown link in the Aleph network, Lecef made contact with a new species, the Saalvshok. The Saalvshok were less advanced than the Rixians and easily insulted. When Lecef failed to address these beings with the respect they deemed proper, they attacked Lecef's ship. He ordered return fire and destroyed the attackers. Against the counsel of his crew, Lecef then attacked and disabled every other Saalvshok ship and space installations he could find.

Lecef reported that the Saalvshok were a danger to the Rixians and should be quarantined to avoid posing a greater threat later. The Conclave did not act on his warning at first, sending another ship to negotiate with the Saalvshok. When this effort failed as well, resulting in the deaths of several Rixians, the Conclave agreed with Lecef's recommendations. Flushed with that victory, Lecef then argued that the Rixians needed to create a standing fleet to “cleanse the galaxy” of those who posed a danger to the goal of Ascension. While few believed with Lecef's fervor, none doubted that he might be correct. There were races and cultures in the galaxy that posed a danger to Rixian goals. Thus, the first cleansing fleet was born.

Since that time, Lecef has commanded the cleansing fleet and counseled the Conclave on the dangers of non-Rixian cultures. Even when they disagree with him (as they often do), the members of the Conclave rarely dismiss his concerns out of hand. Even Issa Rix listens carefully to Lecef's advice.


Kischuk Lecef is, physically, a typical Rixian: short, slight, pale-skinned, hairless. Unlike Issa Rix, Lecef is gruff and short-tempered, given to wild outbursts when things do not turn out as anticipated. His seemingly total lack of empathy with other Rixians (never mind other species) is tempered only by his fervent devotion to the Code.

Lecef possesses none of the qualities one would hope to find in a leader, especially in a military leader. Despite this, his organizational abilities and discipline make him the best person to head the Rixian cleansing fleet. Similarly, his inability to find common ground makes him a fierce and uncompromising opponent. Once Issa Rix has given the word, Lecef will follow it to the letter. He will not deviate from a prescribed course of action unless explicitly commanded to do so by Rix or the Conclave. Lecef's underlings thus fear him rather than respect him. The difference is, naturally, lost on him.

Lecef dresses in the standard uniform of the cleansing fleet, a form-fitting gray jumpsuit. He rarely carries a sidearm or any other accessory on his person.