HISTORY Issa Rix was born approximately 3,000 years ago on the planet Lapi. Like many of his contemporaries, he marveled at the possibility of evolution the Alephs offered. When it was discovered that not all Rixians were capable of achieving this evolution through a simple Aleph passage, he placed his hope in the superior technology of his people. When even this did not work, he trusted that his highly evolved brothers and sisters would find a way to effect this change in all Rixians. From the beginning, Rix was one of a small number of Rixians who viewed the more highly evolved members of his species (the “Ascended Ones”) as something greater than mere mortal Rixians like himself. That they denied this only strengthened his conviction. After all, would divine beings have any need of worship? Would they have any need to impress those so far beneath themselves? The fact that they remained to help the non-evolved Rixians was further “proof” of their divinity. Some might call Rix the founder of the Rixian religion and in many ways that is true. Rix and a few others who shared his views on the Ascended Ones came to realize that they must act for the preservation of their race. Together, they created the Code. The Code is a lengthy set of instructions for the maintenance of Rixian civilization. Combining both guidance on the operation of technological devices with recommendations on achieving spiritual enlightenment, it is the central document of Rixian culture. Rix himself considered the spiritual advice to be of greatest significance, as it offered the only hope of Ascension. Nevertheless, he also realized that Rixian civilization could not survive without Rixians who knew how to keep their impressive technologies operating as they should. Rix's own adherence to the Code made him a popular and revered figure, a kind of living saint among the Rixians. Indeed, the aliens took to addressing him as the “paradigm of our race.” This is how he acquired the appellation “Rix,” which displaced his actual genetic name. He acquired a seat on the Conclave - the Rixian council of leadership - and, in time, became the Rixians' supreme leader. Yet all of this meant little to him. Instead, Rix is obsessed with achieving not only personal Ascension, but Ascension for all Rixians. It is this concern for his people that has so endeared him to them. As the Rixians explored the Aleph system of the galaxy, they encountered several other intelligent species. Some of them welcomed the Rixians and their religion, while others opposed them. Rix calmly enjoined his fellows to work hard to convert those who did not immediately see the truth of Ascension. When these efforts were rebuffed, often with violence, the Conclave acted to create the maratusayi - literally, the “cleansing fleet.” For millennia, the Rixians had little need for warfare to “cleanse” lesser species; the bulk of their early conversion efforts were directed at primitive species that revered the Rixians, with their superior technology, as gods. Rix never approved of the cleansing fleet or its actions. Yet, he reluctantly accepted that not all species were capable of the Ascension he preached. Indeed, he eventually accepted that some species were, in fact, a hindrance to that very goal. For the good of all, they had to be destroyed. Over time, more and more species were added to the latter category and the cleansing fleet grew more powerful among the Rixians. Issa Rix never intended this to happen, but events had conspired against his original plans. The discovery of the humans startled Rix, reminding him of his long-forgotten goal of offering Ascension to all species. The leaders of the cleansing fleet and many members of the Conclave see humanity as yet another dangerously primitive culture. They wish to wipe them out without argument. Rix, however, is not so sure. His observations of the humans suggest to him that they might be capable of greater things - perhaps even Ascension. PHYSICAL APPEARANCE Issa Rix looks markedly different from the other members of his species. His skin is of a much lighter, almost whitish color. His large eyes are a dark grey hue, highlighted with flecks of gold. His head is slightly larger than normal and he stands proudly erect without the stoop characteristic of his kind. He's even a few centimeters taller than the average Rixian. Other Rixians stand in awe of their leader. Both his physical appearance and his mannerisms set him apart. Yet, when speaking, Rix is calm and unpretentious. Those who engage him in conversation find him pleasant and attentive. He listens patiently to anyone who approaches him and gives their words careful consideration. Indeed, he almost radiates acceptance. Despite his position within the Rixian civilization, he never fails to remember his duty to it. Rix prefers to act after great deliberation, sifting through all the information available to him. This trait can be both reassuring and maddening at the same time. Rix has adopted the simple clothing associated with an ascetic seeking Ascension. His dark robe is girded with a belt. This attire sets him apart from the bulk of his people, few of whom dress in this archaic fashion. Yet, this unusual style enables Rix to show his dedication to the ideals he espouses. For him, the Code and Ascension are not merely abstract concepts; they are tangible goals. Rix has devoted his entire life to them and he believes that the time of not only his own Ascension, but that of the remainder of his people may be at hand. |