Dolbec Gri wasn't always a firm adherent to the Code. For much of his youth, he rejected it, (as is popular among “younger” Rixians). The Code's precepts and admonitions seemed too far removed from his daily existence to be of much interest. Furthermore, what purpose did it serve? What did it mean to him? Even non-Ascended Rixians live many centuries and have bodies stronger and more intellectually acute than most other races in the galaxy. To suggest that somehow one could achieve an even more exalted state by denying many of life's pleasures and living according to rigid guidelines was, to him, ludicrous.

Gri spent his early years traveling extensively, seeing as many worlds beyond Lapi as he could. He interacted with a dozen species and learned their ways. Gri did whatever he could to remove himself from the mainstream of Rixian society and its emphasis on the goal of Ascension.

Eventually, Gri decided to present himself as a candidate for the exploration fleet. He knew that the requirements were great and that his early rebelliousness might be an impediment. Even so, he also knew that his experiences made him an excellent candidate - and he was correct. The exploration fleet readily accepted him. Gri was assigned to a vessel with a commander well known for his ability to handle “special cases” - unconventional thinkers - like himself.

Gri spent many years in the fleet and participated in many diplomatic missions. He also saw first contact for himself. He came to believe that the Rixians did not have adequate procedures in place to deal with species whose perspective might differ greatly from their own. Now that the cleansing fleet was an established part of Conclave policy, Gri feared that it might be used far too often. He worried openly that the Rixians were ill prepared for many of the possibilities that awaited them elsewhere in the galaxy. If his youthful travels had taught him anything, it was the value of being prepared for anything.

With the assistance of his commander, Gri proposed the establishment of a training academy for diplomats. His arguments swayed the Conclave, who greeted his proposal with great relish (despite the opposition of the now-powerful cleansing fleet). The Conclave asked that Gri consider instructing the first generation of these new diplomats, but he declined. He argued that he could do more good for Rixian civilization by being in the field, participating in diplomatic assignments. The Conclave disagreed, as did his commander. Together, they convinced him to change his mind.

Gri did not like teaching, but his students learned much from him. They saw in him a new opportunity for the Rixians beyond those available in the past. In the end, they even began to revere him as opening a path for other races to share in ascension. At first, Gri dismissed these notions. On reflection, though, he realized they were correct. In a single moment, Gri came to believe in the value of ascension. He saw it as a goal not just for the Rixians, but for all races in the galaxy. It was a means to unite intelligent life everywhere. Perhaps the failure of all Rixians to ascend was not an accident, but part of a grand design in which the Rixians would shepherd many species to a higher plane.

Gri changed almost overnight. What he had once rejected, he now embraced with a fervor unlike any other. This brought him to the attention of the Conclave and Issa Rix, who congratulated him on his new faith. Rix offered to instruct Gri in the meaning of the Code, but Gri respectfully declined. He had followed his own path his entire life; that would not change now. Gri adopted an ascetic lifestyle and spent much of his time meditating on the ascension and how his own work might help in its achievement.

Of late, Gri has become obsessed with humanity. The Conclave has asked that he serve as the Rixian liaison to this new species. They believe that only a diplomat of his skill (and devotion to the Code) will be successful. Gri understands all too well that failure on his part could result in the appearance of the cleansing fleet. He will do almost anything to ensure that that does not occur. Consequently, Gri has begun to consider a number of new approaches to dealing with the humans that he hopes will be to their mutual advantage.


Dolbec Gri is tall for a Rixian. He stands nearly as tall as the average human; he towers above his fellows Rixians. His skin is considerably more pale than average, nearly translucent. He dresses in robes very similar to those of Rix, but cut in such a way as to allow him more freedom of movement. Gri may be an ascetic in his interpretation of the Code, but he nevertheless sees the necessity of action as well. His mission on behalf of the Rixians demands it and he wants to be up to the challenge.

Even more so than his height (which is remarkable), one cannot help but be impressed by Gri's personality. Unlike many Rixians, Gri has a forceful aura. He possesses a magnetism and charisma that is hard to explain; his presence is electric, invigorating. Gri has an intuitive grasp of what it is that impresses humans and he uses it to great effect. He is not a shrinking violet and won't hesitate to speak his mind.

Other Rixians find Gri unnerving. His towering height, his outgoing manner and his affinity for other, “lesser” species makes him something of an alien among his own kind. This suits Gri well, as he prefers to spend his time among the species to which he has been assigned; currently, humanity.