Mercedes Kelleher


“Mercedes Kelleher” (an alias) was born on 19 March 2109 in Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada. From her earliest days, she showed herself adept with computer systems of all sorts. Not only could she program with ease, but she also possessed a keen understanding of systems engineering. These skills, combined with expertise in mathematics, all but assured her a prosperous career.

Despite her abilities, Kelleher didn't have much interest in computer programming or engineering. She viewed such careers as “menial” and beneath her. Instead, she had her eye on entering the corporate world, preferably for GigaCorp. Her family didn't approve of her choice of vocation, believing it a waste of her skills; Kelleher could not have cared less.

She secured herself a scholarship to Columbia University in the United States. Upon graduation, she attended Harvard Business School and did exceptionally well. Obtaining a position with GigaCorp should have been no problem.

Unfortunately, events didn't go precisely as she had planned. Kelleher was correct about one thing: she could easily land a job with GigaCorp. They were very impressed with her grades and her skills, especially those relating to computers. At that time, GigaCorp (and most other corporations) was in the midst of preparing to send ships through the newly discovered Aleph. GigaCorp needed the skills of people like Kelleher to program the vessels and their sensor packages. The company offered Kelleher an impressive salary and promised that there was plenty of room for advancement.

Kelleher was initially quite stunned by this turn of events. She was even a little insulted. How could even GigaCorp fail to recognize her talents other than computer programming? Nevertheless, she accepted the offer and immediately went to work in GigaCorp's Aleph exploration project. As she worked on this project, she came to realize its immense potential to the future of not only GigaCorp, but the whole of humanity. Kelleher spoke often with some of the space pilots who would be journeying through the Aleph and she longed to go with them.

She began to develop a plan for her advancement within GigaCorp. Given her skills as a computer programmer, it would be child's play to cut orders assigning herself to the expedition as a “scientific advisor.” With her newfound status, she served aboard the GigaCorp vessel Hudson's Bay, as it made its transit through the Aleph and into the Epsilon Indi star system. The transit through the Aleph was an epiphany, awakening something within her. She believed the Alephs were the key to GigaCorp's eventual dominance over all its rivals - corporate and otherwise.

When she returned to Earth, she found herself unable to go back to the “minor” job she had previously occupied. Instead, she again forged herself new credentials. She even changed her name on several occasions to aid her transfer from one division to another. For several months, she moved from place to place, acquiring firsthand experience of the breadth and depth of GigaCorp's operations. Everywhere she went, she saw room for improvements and alterations. In short order, she saw GigaCorp's future clearly and sought whatever means she could to put these improvements into effect.

In 2140, Kelleher decided to return to Epsilon Indi as a “security systems analyst,” a job she had “held” before. Her original intention was to remain at the sparsely populated outpost for a period of a few months, in order to plan her next move. Just three days after her arrival, word reached Epsilon Indi that Earth had been destroyed by a rogue asteroid. Kelleher saw this disaster as an opportunity. Hacking into the GigaCorp computer system, she forged new credentials for herself (as Mercedes Kelleher, the name she has kept ever since) and managed to place herself in charge of the corporation's security forces.

Kelleher - who is extremely paranoid - correctly surmised that she'd need to act quickly if she were to maintain her new identity. In the past, she had never retained a position for more than a few months at a time. Likewise, she had always tried to keep a low profile for fear of blowing her cover. Even with her computer-forged credentials, Kelleher lived in perpetual fear that someone would discover her trickery.

Her fears were well justified. Colonel Jonathan Markham had been the previous head of security for GigaCorp. When he learned that a young woman whom he had never heard of had been appointed to his job, he confronted her. Rather than lie to the grizzled old soldier, Kelleher did something unusual: she decided to trust him. She explained to him that the old GigaCorp died with Earth. A new era was dawning and, without proper guidance, it would pass GigaCorp by.

Kelleher then informed Markham of her plans to redirect GigaCorp toward the exploitation of the Alephs. Untold resources (and riches) lay beyond the solar system - if only someone with determination and vision took control of the company. She offered Markham a place by her side in this bold new endeavor. If he would keep her secret and help her gain control of GigaCorp, she promised him wealth beyond imagining. Markham readily agreed.

With Markham's assistance, Kelleher produced a series of successes under her “command.” She then seized control of GigaCorp. In general, she is shrewd, prone to constructing elaborate schemes (with varying degrees of success) and somewhat nervous that her machinations will be unraveled. She recognizes that she has little military ability, and relies heavily upon Colonel Markham in martial matters. At the same time, Kelleher does not entirely trust her accomplice. She realizes that he could betray her at any time. Consequently, she has begun to take steps to ensure that that does not happen.


Mercedes Kelleher is a flinty, no-nonsense woman in her early 40s. She typically appears to be what she is: a driven, ambitious corporate executive who is extremely good at her job. Indeed, her no-nonsense personality comes through quite readily. Some might consider her speech patterns stilted, flat, and humorless. This is an incorrect assessment. Kelleher merely speaks clearly and with precision. She avoids small talk and sticks to the facts.

Kelleher has dark hair cut fashionably short (as is common among space travelers) and an athletic build. She has dark brown eyes and she always looks directly at the person to whom she is speaking. This gives her an air of command that is hard to mistake. Kelleher exudes authority with her every action. She tries very hard to ensure that every element of her current persona seems “right.” To that end, Kelleher always dresses fashionably, wearing clothing that highlights both her build and her position in GigaCorp. She favors solid colors without excessive ornamentation. Likewise, she does not wear obvious jewelry or other adornments.

Despite her best efforts, the stresses of her position are beginning to manifest themselves. Kelleher is beginning to show touches of gray in her hair, and worry lines are slowly becoming apparent on her smooth face. She has the look of someone under a great of pressure. While this look does not undermine her carefully constructed persona, it does offer a counterpoint to it. Kelleher is a woman at the center of a conflict within GigaCorp. Thus far, she has been remarkably successful in handling that conflict. She has the energy and drive of someone half her age and she uses it well.

Nevertheless, there is growing evidence that Kelleher may be losing control. Her face is often twisted in displeasure and she speaks sharply to her underlings. What this means is uncertain, but the change has been noticed. Not everyone believes it to be a good sign.