One of the new Belter tycoons is Charlie Remington, a businessman from Alaska who escaped the Disaster by only a few days (while on a business trip to Io). Remington had virtually nothing in the aftermath, only a travelling kit, some GigaCorp stock, an assistant he couldn't pay, and his connections. Declining an offer to join GigaCorp, Remington made his way to Ceres Base, collected a small band of seasoned prospectors, swapped his GigaCorp stock for a ship, and started wildcatting.

His first three expeditions broke more or less even, but his fourth excursion found rich deposits of He3, turning enough profit to refit the ship and finance his next two missions. These two missions brought in a bonanza of He3 and even more rare elements, providing enough money to buy refinery ships, which allowed Remington to fuel his own ships and cut costs. Although one of his expeditions ended in a micrometorite accident, after another few missions Remington was able to send out contractors, and now only supervises occasional missions, when he feels like it. Most of his administration is handled by employees, and Remington can indulge in pet projects and investments.

His luck and success have made him an occasional target of less successful Belters, and he has lost shipments to pirates. Overall Remington has become a symbol of Belter bootstrapping, and is widely respected for his ability.


Charlie Remington stands 6'3", with sharp green eyes and sandy blond hair - a bit larger than most spacers. He uses isometrics to maintain his Earth-native muscle mass, but loses ground every year. Although he once wore frontiersman-business suits he now favors simple spacer's jumpsuits for their relative comfort.