The BIOS | |
![]() "The location of this shot is still somewhat shrouded in mystery. It appears as though elements of the background, such as the planet Dutemer seen in the shot, were added to mask its real location. Expert opinion differs on the function of the building shown as some suggest it is the base of a mining shaft. If so, this is one of the few planetary BIOS mining facilities known to exist." The BIOS IDEOLOGY STATEMENT BACKGROUND Longstreet revealed this facet of the program to no one; unbeknownst to his project managers, he secretly altered the program to further his own ends. Unfortunately, his knowledge was not equal to his ambition. Two “generations” of BIOS were wiped out when Longstreet inadvertently created a genetic dysfunction in his “children.” In order to cover up his error - and to avoid exposing his hidden agenda - Longstreet used automated systems to disintegrate the remains of the failed “experiments.” Unfortunately, a team of outlaw journalists had infiltrated the orbiting research complex where the disposal was taking place, recording the event and broadcasting it to an outraged populace. Even worse, it soon became apparent that these “failed experiments” were in fact normal human beings who had been coerced or forced into participating. GigaCorp executives were secretly furious that the ALEXANDER Project had been exposed, particularly since Longstreet had played his cards so close to his vest. Compounding the problem was Longstreet's refusal to acknowledge the situation, hiding behind aides and public relations flacks. While Longstreet secretly moved the ALEXANDER Project to a hidden facility - codenamed: Creche A - GigaCorp execs covertly investigated the mess on their own. (In some circles, it is believed that the ALEXANDER “fiasco” led to Longstreet's eventual ouster.) As the controversy raged on, Longstreet furthered his hidden agenda. A number of ALEXANDER subjects - nicknamed “BIOS” by project geneticists - managed to covertly seize control of the project facility, supervising the development of other genetically enhanced beings, following secret orders from Longstreet. After Longstreet was ousted, he maintained contact with Creche A through a prearranged series of satellite relays and electronic mail traffic; the BIOS had thus far managed to keep knowledge of their seizure of the facility hidden from GigaCorp security (through a combination of computerized legerdemain, falsified records, and barefaced deception). Shortly after GigaCorp's board of directors removed Longstreet from his post, Longstreet launched his “Omega Protocol.” The BIOS covertly diverted supplies, vehicles and weapons from GigaCorp inventory, fleeing Creche A. To divert the inevitable GigaCorp security investigation, the BIOS destroyed the facility, making it appear to be an accident. (All the Project geneticists were killed in the blast.) The BIOS - accompanied by Longstreet - fled to Saturn, which they developed into a covert staging area while planning their next moves. Longstreet and the BIOS began planning the former GigaCorp CEO's return to Earth; Longstreet planned on using the BIOS and their physical and mental enhancements to reclaim GigaCorp. Longstreet even went so far as to generate his “Caesar Protocol” - a plan to use an army of BIOS to seize control of Earth governments. These plans were still in their early stages of development when Emmet Longstreet died (from a combination of age, radiation exposure, muscle atrophy, and a life of excess). The BIOS - bred to view Longstreet as a father-figure/messiah - saw their leader's death as both a rallying cause and a warning. “Clearly,” says the BIOS' dogma, “Mankind can not live in space without proper preparation. Even He who created Us was not immune to its effects.” The BIOS plans to slowly “enhance” humanity took on a much more fanatical tone. The BIOS spent the next several months developing an intelligence-gathering apparatus, planting spy satellites in and around other human settlements and facilities. Often, BIOS infiltrated military, government and corporate bases to divert supplies, materiel, food, and data to the Bio staging area near Saturn. Over the next several years, the BIOS altered the Caesar Protocol; Bio leadership planned to smash GigaCorp and use the corporation's resources to conquer Earth and force bio-enhancement on the “stalegene” populace. The BIOS have established “enhancement facilities” throughout nearby systems. While the “stalegenes” fought amongst themselves, the BIOS - using technology stolen from GigaCorp and other sources (and improved upon by the highly developed scientific skills the BIOS possess) - developed innovate bio-mechanical ships and weaponry. As Bio enhancement technology improved, the BIOS began to capture test subjects; a rash of disappearances - of colony ships, mining transports, military troop haulers, and so on - were reported. The BIOS would then apply their techniques to the captives, with varying degrees of success. Many of the tests failed (with fatal results for the subjects); others were “improved” and indoctrinated successfully into the Bio hierarchy. The BIOS continued to work in the shadows, sending penetration agents against GigaCorp, the Iron Coalition, and virtually every other major power in the system. When the first Aleph was discovered in 2125, the BIOS knew almost immediately. As the various factions struggled to control the Aleph, a Bio prowler ship managed to sneak through the blockade. The discovery of the Aleph was viewed by the Bio leadership as a grand opportunity. The Caesar Protocol called for the conquest of the Sol System; the Alephs offered a chance to conquer a galaxy. The Caesar Protocol's scope was dramatically widened. As more Alpehs were discovered, the BIOS began launching colony missions to distant stars, setting up covert listening posts, enhancement facilities and other strongpoints. (The BIOS even sent out Generation Arks - massive, self-sustaining that traveled at normal, slower-than-light speeds. Fifteen such ships, each containing 200 BIOS, were dispatched; none have been heard from again, nor is it likely that they will be for several hundred years.) Due to their expanded space operations, the BIOS desperately needed fuel. After exhausting the He3 reserves off Saturn, the BIOS began stealing He3 shipments, much like Belter pirates (with considerably less sloppy methods). As the race to claim Alephs heated up, the BIOS began to move aggressively to locate and exploit He3 resources. In general, the BIOS followed a simple doctrine: seed a target with Bio infiltrators, move in force, eliminate all resistance, and disappear. The BIOS operational practices are highly successful; they manage to remain undetected for years (often seizing enemy facilities and holding them, using sophisticated computer intrusion techniques to convince enemies that nothing untoward had occurred). The BIOS were wraiths, ghosts, invisible; only tall tales told by spacers in seedy bars hinted at their presence. That all changed in mid-2143. GigaCorp security specialists - investigating a number of disappearances and lost materiel - tracked down and raided a Bio enhancement facility. The GigaCorp strike team helmet cameras recorded the Bio enhancement process (conducted on a captured Iron Coalition patrol squad). The entire Bio contingent at the station was killed during the raid. Though GigaCorp attempted to keep the raid and the existence of the BIOS a secret, outlaw journalists broadcast the security recordings; humanity was aware of the BIOS' existence. Further weakening the BIOS position is the recent encounter between a Bio scout ship and a Rixian Unity envoy. While initial communications between the two species are limited to very rudimentary statements, the BIOS are aware of the Rixian's desire to “convert” them. Since the Rixians are an unknown quantity, the Bio leadership - the Council - is unwilling to risk fighting against this potentially threatening alien force and human forces. While more radical elements of Bio society favor outright combat, currently more conservative heads prevail. The BIOS are fiercely determined to shatter GigaCorp as part of Longstreet's Caesar Protocol. In addition, they feel the ability to enhance “ungifted” humans should not reside with anyone who has not themselves been enhanced; GeneFlex is a primary target of Bio attacks. The BIOS possess a fierce hatred of “unenhanced” or “stalegene” humans, and the Bio leadership has plans to enhance the “ungifted” - against their will if necessary. The BIOS believe that they are the next logical step in human evolution, and want to force the rest of the human race to evolve. Those that resist are deemed throwbacks and detrimental to the evolutionary progress of the human race. Since the destruction of Earth, a schism developed within their leadership. The architects of their escape were third and fourth generation products of the experiment (the first and second having been declared failures and destroyed, leading to the discovery of the project). The 3Gen and 4Gen BIOS were the next step in human evolution, and that they should work to enhance humanity as a whole. Younger BIOS, who have been bred with more aggressive qualities in light of the hostile state of human affairs, believe that stalegene humans should go the way of the Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon. This rift between older and younger BIOS has occasionally flared up into open conflict, though never on a large scale. In addition, many younger BIOS see no reason to maintain traditional human shape. A small movement of young BIOS who want to add more and more enhancements has sprung up, though thus far it has not caught on. Physically, BIOS appear to be normal humans - albeit incredibly fit and attractive humans. They are extremely fastidious about their appearance, and their design aesthetic reflects this. Bio spacesuits and ships are sleek, organic and somewhat alien; they live in geometrically efficient spiral-shaped complexes, and have a somewhat homogenous appearance (since many BIOS have been cloned from the same basic templates). The most obvious feature of the BIOS is their eyes - ice blue, with no visible iris or pupil. When dealing with unenhanced humans, they wear contact lenses to conceal this feature. BIOS possess many enhancements that allow them to function well in space: quicker reflexes, a greater understanding of and tolerance to zero-g, the ability to withstand high-g actions, bio-links into the computer systems of their craft (allowing them to react much more quickly in combat), and even extra limbs and sensory appendages (that are concealed within the BIOS' own bodies and are undetectable to casual observation). Earlier generations are extremely conservative in their modes of dress and speech; they tend to wear functional, unadorned clothing with immaculate, precise tailoring. Later generations - “Gens” - are more given to individualism. Younger BIOS tend to wear brightly-colored clothing, and ornament themselves with face-paint (drawn out in intricate geometric patterns). BIOS are highly adaptable, very intelligent, physically strong, and supremely convinced in their own superiority. They are led by The Council, a small group of BIOS from each “Gen.” INTER-CIV RELATIONS