Oct 14, 2022 at 3:05 PM #2
Academician Prokhor Zakharov said:
The substructure of the universe regresses infinitely towards smaller and smaller components. Behind atoms, we find electrons, and behind electrons, quarks. Each layer unraveled reveals new secrets, but also new mysteries. - For I Have Tasted the Fruit

Academician Prokhor Zakharov: The Technologist


Soviet physicist Prokhor Zakharov, celebrated designer of the Unity stardrive. The second-eldest of the ship's half-million passengers, Zakharov was eighty-two years old at mission launch and in declining physical health. United Nations medical staff estimated his odds of surviving cold sleep at only sixty-two percent.

An impressive service record paid testimony to the genius that had won for him a Noble Prize. Born in then then closed city of Vladivostok in 1989 to a father employed by the Red Banner Pacific Fleet and a mother on the Central Auditing Commission of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union, Zakharov was educated at Moscow State University. An inexhaustible pen and a clear taste for controversy earned him a place on the editorial board of Physics Letters A while still an undergraduate. Multiple papers on low-energy nuclear reactions, popularly known as "cold fusion," introduced much-needed rigor to the study of that subject, restored its prestige in the eyes of the global Academy, and paved the way to a PhD in nuclear physics. Following graduation, Zakharov served his universal military obligation in the Reactor Laboratory Division aboard Ulyanovsk , one of his country's two fleet carriers, achieving the post of Captain, 2nd Rank.

From 2035, he was Deputy Administrator of Experimental Design Bureau-1 (OKB-1), largest and most prestigious of the multiple design bureaus in the Soviet space program. Here, he presided over the successful design and testing of second-generation Tifon spaceplane based on designs stolen from the United States. During that period, OKB-1 experienced largest relative increase in cosmonaut deaths since the earliest days of the U.S.S.R.’s manned space program.

Zakharov became an active contributor to Pravda of opinion pieces intended for consumption by audiences outside the Soviet Union. From the first, he stood a technocrat. He was a consistent critic of resistance to mass vaccination and the use of genetically modified food crops. Consistent with Soviet teaching, he declaimed “the feudal crutch of religion” as “the foremost barrier to the social progress of our species.”

At the height of his career, Zakharov was recruited by the Soviet Institute for Problems of Cryobiology and Cryomedicine to develop a new program of geriatric medicine. His team was ultimately credited with major advances in anti-aging and preservational medicine, resulting in the “Long Politburo” of 2031-2065 and laying important theoretical groundwork for use of cryogenic stasis aboard U.N.S. Unity .

Zakharov was reassigned as head of Soviet delegation to U.N. Alpha Centauri Mission in 2052, and recommended unconditionally by U.N. Security Council for position of Unity Chief Science Officer in 2059. To mark the occasssion, he was awarded the title Hero of the Soviet Union. Subordinate only to Captain Garland and the Executive Officer, Zakharov became responsible for safe and efficient function of the ship’s fusion drive and associated sub-systems.

Brusque and arrogant, Zakharov was widely disliked by his peers on the ship's command crew. During the Unity Crisis, Captain Jonathan Garland found that Zakharov was unwilling to place the collective interests of the survivors and their mission ahead of his personal ambitions. Rather than awaken damage controllers, the good Soviet doctor had instead sent for his own hand-picked reactor crews, summoning them to him despite an intervening meat grinder of Holnist fighters. Zakharov refused to seriously consider his captain's suggestion that the crew return to cold sleep and take the Unity into a slingshot orbit around Alpha Centauri A, lying about the feasibility of such a solution, which he alleged to be impossible based on the level of fuel and oxygen remaining. In truth, Zakharov was afraid of the near-certainty of his own death should he be placed back into Wespe-Quinn-Vagner suspension.

Hunted by the Spartans, frustrated by Kellerite interlopers, and working at cross-purposes to the general evacuation ordered by Executive Officer Francisco d'Almeida, Zakharov's engineers proved unable to save the ship. Their doomed attempt to vent and recover Unity's collission-damaged reactors poisoned thousands. The burden of providing lifelong care for so many victims of radiation sickness, many of them permanently crippled and sterile, had dramatic implications for the community that would eventually become The University of Planet. Robotic servitors of Zakharov's own design outnumbered living colonists by an order of five-to-one as many as three decades after Planetfall.

Picture is, of course, Ricardo Montalbán as Khan Noonien Singh in Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan .
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Oct 15, 2022 at 6:16 AM #4
Lady Deirdre Skye said:
In the great commons at Gaia’s Landing, we have a tall and particularly beautiful stand of white pine, planted at the time of the first colonies. It represents our promise to the people, and to Planet itself, never to repeat the tragedy of Earth. - Planet Dreams

Lady Deirdre Skye : The Conservationist


It is the way of things that heroes are unheralded in their own times. To many survivors, Lady Deirdre Skye was one of these.

She was born in Belfast, Northern Ireland, to minor Scots-Irish nobility. Her father, a U.N. security consultant, carried on with numerous women before her parents divorced when she eight. Soon after, her mother, heir to a powerful Protestant clan in County Antrim, became active in humanitarian causes. As the Second Troubles escalated to a fever pitch, a wing of the family home, Wainwright Downs, was converted to a Unionist women's hospital. Young Deirdre often escaped her tutors to spend long afternoons in the greenhouses with the battered and the fugitive.

Teenage pique carried her across the Atlantic. She received a comprehensive education at Cornell University just as North America's own internecine crisis was beginning. After a bachelor's of science in agriculture and a masters in environmental biology, the Lady Skye completed a PhD in plant genetics. Greatness beckoned. The Chancellors of Cold Spring Harbor Laboratory on Long Island, New York, wanted her for post-graduate work. With them, she discovered the L7 hybrid corn variant, prized for its pest-resistant traits. This crop would go on to feed hundreds of millions in Eastern Europe, and Skye would eventually received the Nobel Prize for the part she played.

But there was other work to be done than with microscopes and pipettes. In March 2059, Skye was dismissed from the Lab's faculty following her arrest for trespassing and criminal mischief at the International Genetics Corporation's Orient Point research station. In a subsequent public statement, practically snarled into the baying cameras, Skye accused InGEN of "reckless and dangerous experiments involving plant matter whose behavioral characteristics are completely unknown to the scientific community, placing the Long Island Sound and Gardiner's Bay at great jeopardy from biological invasion." After a plea bargain, Skye was recruited to the Environmental Defense Movement, ascending to leadership during its direct action phase, which lasted through 2064.

In that same year, the Isla Nublar Incident led to widespread acknowledgement of InGEN's unethical business practices. When the company's CEO, John Hammond, shoveled dirt over the last of the eight coffins filled by his overweening ambition, the shade of Skye's reputation rose anew. With the help of sympathetic friends of her mother, and because self-preservation is not a privledge afforded to the desperate, she was made a supervisor with United Nations Disaster Relief Fund, still overwhelmed by the outcomes of the Six Minute War. Deployed to Peshawar, Skye braved the probabilistic certainties of cancer for the opportunity to do good.

In Pakistan, Skye focused on adapting food crops to high-radiation environments. Her voice proved decisive in the selection selection of v097 apple and Mark IV wheat strains for use in the contaminated soils of the Indus River Valley, widespread adoption of which helped to relieve famine conditions within the year. But controversy was not far behind. A decision to employ local women as administrative and research assistants provoked violent reactions from tribal leaders, necessitating the frequent intervention of the Pakistani Frontier Corps. There were frequent accusations from friends and foes alike that Skye instigated conflict with the locals, whose patriarchal values she openly disdained. Skye resigned her post in late 2066 following the deadly fire-bombing of an affiliated seed bank and the deaths of more than thirty of her people. While convalescing, Skye found time to author her Eden Thesis , postulating that patriarchal societies tend toward competition, inequality, and corruption, whereas matriarchal societies tend toward cooperation and growth.

The deliberations of the Nobel Committee and the notoriety of her writing placed Skye on the radar of the United Nations Security Council, which secured her services as Mission Botanist and extended to her a lieutenant commander's commission over the protests of Chief Science Officer Prokhor Zakharov. She was tasked with securing the mission's food supply, which included drawing up a plan for stocking Unity's seed bank after reviewing spectrographic analysis of Chiron relayed by the Pathfinder Probe.

Under Unity's emergency protocols, Skye was awakened early to check on the viability of the hydroponics bays. She was abandoned there along with her agronomists when Prokhor Zakharov declined to detail his engineers to make repairs to that space, hoarding them instead for work on reactor containment. Skye was still supervising the placement of bracing tape on cracked sunports when the mutineers made it amidships. Though she'd managed to dragoon a number of Francisco d'Almeida's security officers encountered en route to her duty station, they were too few in number, and most were slaughtered by Colonel Santiago's Spartans 'ere they could take cover and return fire. Victory was snatched from the jaws of defeat thanks only to the timely intervention of Chief Medical Officer Pravin Lal and a scratch force of mission loyalists. Afterward, Skye and her followers gathered what foodstuffs they could from the wrecked greenhouse block, agreed to make a go of it on their own, collected certain farming equipment from storage, emptied the ship's seed vaults, and moved for the hangar levels.

Morena Baccarin as Inara Serra in Firefly .
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Oct 16, 2022 at 10:03 AM #6
Chairman Sheng-ji Yang: The Despot
Chairman Sheng-ji Yang said:
Learn to overcome the crass demands of flesh and bone, for they warp the matrix through which we perceive the world. Extend your awareness outwards, beyond the self of body, to embrace the self of group and the self of humanity. The goals of the group and the greater race are transcendent, and to embrace them is to achieve enlightenment. - Essays on Mind and Matter


Sheng-ji Yang followed an unlikely path to Chiron. Born in Chongqing in 1992 to a family disfavored by the ruling Communist Party due to a maternal grandfather's service in the Nationalist Army during the Second World War, Yang completed his formal education late in life and endured long exile in the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps, spending more than 45 years under state surveillance.

Denied more than a primary education, Yang received instruction in the Chinese classics from his father, a noted scholar of literature. By the time he was sent west at age twenty-two, he was a Master of the Five Excellences: calligraphy, poetry, painting, traditional medicine, and martial arts (t’ai-chi, wushu).

At the Bingtuan, other prisoners beat the timorousness from Yang, who sheltered in the possibilities of an Interlink degree. Beginning his formal studies in the twilight of his twenty-fourth year, he completed coursework in psychology and military history from Beijing University, earning a PhD in the former field. The combination of hard physical and mental seasoning toughened Yang and revealed previously unsuspected leadership competancies. He was made foreman of agricultural laborers, then sub-prefectural commander on the recommendation of the 12th Division political commissar.

Yang's administrative and intellectual qualities began to excite those once tasked with limiting his horizons. Yang's teams carried out the construction of new shelterbelts in the Taklamakan Desert, expanding the New Green Wall by thousands of kilometers. As an adjunct to the Military Studies faculty at Tarim University, Yang prepared War in the Global High Country , an exhaustive and densely-written analysis of the failures of the People's Liberation Army Air Force and Navy during the Third Sino-Indian War that gained significant attention from the Communist Party elite and became standard reading in military academies worldwide. Professional historians despaired of Yang's narrative flourishes, but his undiguised opinions were welcome ammunition for Politburo knife-fighters and easy for readers to engage.

Yang was mobilized during the Uighur Revolt of 2038, during which he was listed M.I.A. After a time in hiding, probably in the Soviet Union, he reappeared during the Golden Revolution as a senior officer in the new emperor's Lifeguard. He was later recommended for the U.N. Mission to Alpha Centauri by his government as a Political Officer with special supervisory authority over the ship's Chinese contingent.

To his farmers and followers alike, Yang presented a philosophy of government emphasizing the Three Pillars: 法 (Fa), or Law, meaning that the law is known and obeyed because it is systematically enforced; 術 (Shu), or Method, whereby the ruler holds himself apart from society and applies "special tactics and secrets" to obscure his motivations, reducing the opportunity for confidants or supplicants to influence him inappropriately; and 勢 (Shi), or Legitimacy, which focuses on drawing distinctions between the excellence of the ruler and the flaws of the man who rules.

During the Unity Crisis, Yang was awakened to join the general evacuation. He quickly asserted his authority over his original command and, upon learning of Executive Officer Francisco d'Almeida's abrogation of the U.N. Charter, consulted the ship's central mainframe computer regarding the choicest compartments to check for useful people and equipment. Next, at the head of a picked squad of People's Liberation Army veterans, Yang subdued the U.N. Security Forces guards placed over a nearby weapons locker. As the contest over Unity's carcass intensified, Yang didn't stint from making captives of entire damage control teams or shooting his way to sole ownership of contested cargo bays. He was specifically interested in caches of terraforming equipment.

Inspired by his many years in Xinjiang and armed with survey data collected by the Chiron Probe (thought corrupted by the U.N. Data Sciences Unit but intercepted and cleaned up by Chinese intelligence), Yang brought his convoy of Landing Pods to the shelter of the Planctae Upthrust, a massif in the inhospitable Dune Sea. Supervised by the Greek geologist and miner Archelaus Laskaris--a Morganite seed agent discovered wounded in a hangar bay hose room--the survivors excavated subterranean bases to tap Planet's deep aquifers and shelter from the heat.

The self-styled Chairman went on to administer a week-long battery of multi-disciplinary examinations to sort followers into classes. Those who demonstrated the least aptitude for implementing Yang's vision were immediately subjected to nerve stapling and neural re-socialization before being reassigned to perform menial labor or base defense. Persons flagged as potential Talents were earmarked for leadership roles and received direct instruction from Yang himself. Candidates who then failed to meet Yang's exacting physical, mental, and "moral" standards received "redirection" into mid-level technical and administrative posts.

Since the so-called "Human Hive" rarely relinquishes its members willingly, the only reliable information on Yang's grand experiment in social organization comes from a handful of traders and prisoners. Their consistent description is of a life dedicated wholly to the leader's whim, usually squalid, never with enough to eat, and always in fear of official reprisal for failure to meet quotas or demonstrate sufficient "thought discipline." The austerity and density of Hive living, combined with the desperate need to please an all-powerful individual, promote grinding competition that saps the innovation, enthusiasm, and mental health of every one of Yang's unfortunate subjects.

This still of François Chau as Julies-Pierre Mao in The Expanse serves for Hive Chairman Sheng-ji Yang.

The connection between Yang and Legalism is apparently made here rather than in the lore. I explored the rudiments of the philosophy using Wikipedia.
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Oct 17, 2022 at 5:40 PM #8
Colonel Corazón Santiago: The Survivalist
Colonel Corazón Santiago said:
Superior training and superior weaponry have, when taken together, a geometric effect on overall military strength. Well-trained, well-equipped troops can stand up to many more times their lesser brethren than linear arithmetic would seem to indicate. - Spartan Battle Manual


Somewhere along the line, Corazón Santiago determined that fate owed her the fair shake she had been denied all her life.

Hers was a tragic childhood. Brought from her native Puerto Rico to Miami, FL as an infant, Santiago was orphaned during the West Flagler Riots of 2042. Already a runner for the Jade Falcon survivalist gang, she served as surrogate parent for her two younger siblings for several years more. The Falcons made Santiago attend their community school, but numerous arrests for felonious violence led to a youth diversion program. While in detention, Santiago's sisters were placed in foster care. One died due to criminal neglect. The whereabouts of the second sibling were soon lost.

The contrasting experience of official and unofficial authority left a deep mark on Santiago. She left detention at age sixteen and struck out for greener pastures. She was soon in Wildwood, FL, alone, attending cookouts, "ready" weekends, and backyard book clubs hosted by the Dorian Militia. Her new friends displeased the Federal Bureau of Investigation. As tensions simmered up in Tallahassee, she was interrogated twice, though no charges were filed.

Santiago longed to make a difference but continued to bet on the wrong horse. As the threat of civil collapse mounted in late summer 2052, she returned to Miami just forty-eight hours ahead of Hurricane Ivoire as a founding member of the Florida State Fencibles, a public self-defense compact resisting imposition of martial law. Waving flares and firing automatic weapons, the Fencibles turned Federal Emergency Management Agency convoys around. Then the hurricane hit. A Category 5 that stayed over Florida for three days and four nights.

The Fencible leadership panicked. The state was in dysfunction, the federal government excluded. Santiago determined that she had inherited responsibility for them. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers wanted to dynamite Miami’s hurricane barriers to relieve flood pressure on wealthy developments, and Santiago now led the armed occupation of seawalls and municipal pump stations to prevent it. Once the storm was past, her fighters worked alongside the Miami-Dade Sheriff’s Department to maintain civil order in the city. They were invited to do so again following Miami’s unilateral declaration of independence from Christian States of America in 2053.

Santiago had become a folk hero and found it to her liking. With a constellation of other citizen militias, she enthusiastically helped to hold South Florida against both Federal recapture and intrusion of Christian States forces. Repeating the model that had worked in Miami, she began collaborating with local Holnists to obtain relief supplies for distribution to civilians. Convinced of the essential justice of her work, and preoccupied by running the distribution side of the operation, she ignored suggestions that their foraging was in fact theft.

In 2055, the forces of Union at last came south for the Holnists and their collaborators. Santiago was reported among those killed during a failed survivalist raid on Kennedy Space Center, during which the attackers managed to collapse the Vertical Assembly Building. Among the last coastal enclaves still in Federal hands south of St. Augustine, Cape Canaveral was an important political objective for the Florida Independence Movement. The Holnists pushed easily into the city and overran the space complex the following morning. Civilian hostages made easy sport for an army drunk on victory. In this manner, they were themselves ambushed: Federal defenders set off demolition charges. The blasts killed hundreds of the separatists and destroyed much of their accumulated loot.

Under an assumed identity, Santiago, nose broken, head shaved, followed the war west. Her new philosophy: if you can't beat them, join them. The Tahoe Crisis was nearly at an end. On the outskirts of Los Angeles, she joined the California State Forces (CSF), receiving an enlistment bounty of $3,000. Theater Commanders judged her an able battalion commander during the Federal offensive against Carson City, last of the major Kellerite strongholds. Santiago ended her CSF service as a major, responsible for guarding Holnist prisoners at the Golden 1 Center in Sacramento. Luxuriating on a major's salary, she started Interlinks Courses but earned poor marks. Most of her time was spent attending debriefings with high-value captures. She was finally released from service in 2056.

Rootless after the war, Santiago fell back into the skepticism of her old Florida friends. Wandering the post-war South, she wrote and self-published her “Spartan Thesis," attracting over four million followers on the Planetary DataLinks. Brevity was not Santiago's strong suit, but she practically lived at public libraries, synthesizing a huge reading list of philosophy, always careful to leave town before authorities could put a stop to her press. Thus she became noteworthy among the Second Wave of amateur philosophers to speak to issues first popularized by Nathan Holn and Jean-Baptiste Keller.

Santiago echoed the latter rather than the former in that she claimed to speak from experience. Under a pseudonym, she shared stories of fighting a long war of confused allegiances. Tapping into the new dichotomy between veterans and "stay-behinds," she sternly condemned those who had failed to take up arms, implying that indecision, neutrality, and "pointless pacifism" were greater crimes than service in an unworthy cause.

For one year, she was the talk of every counterculture movement from San Diego to Jacksonville. Then the popularity of her writings wavered as post-war consensus consolidated around the Houlihan Thesis: that Holnism, and by extension, all Survivalism, was a fundamentally selfish and maladaptive reaction to the emotional stresses of modernity, too deeply mired in racism and sociopathy to yield any worthy truths. Santiago's wartime experiences, once a source of credibility, now weighed her down to drowning.

She jumped again, joining the U.N. Security Force in 2060 on the strength of her CSF service, though being accorded only the rank of Sergeant. There was training in Antarctica, then a permanent posting to the Singapore Space Elevator. She did rotations as armorer and counter-assault team leader and received numerous citations for personal bravery and command excellence. This record of unbroken achievement led to her selection as part of the U.N. Alpha Centauri Mission, a prize few enough of her peers were chasing.

Even while in her position, Santiago continued to participate clandestinely in Datalinks political discussions under the pen name Thucydides, finding her U.N. paymasters less stern than the American Government. She managed to find a small audience, mostly Holnist collaborators and other insurrectionists covered by the National Pardon of 2061 who grudgingly lined up behind her advocacy for mandatory gun ownership. Santiago seemed to have reached an acceptance of certain facets of Houlihan: "Those who do not go armed," she wrote, "are making a choice not only about their own safety, but the safety of their neighbors and communities as well.” (Possession of firearms was strictly controlled in the Occupied Territories of the post-war United States.) Starting in 2064, Thucydides wrote at length about the ethical problems of the U.N. Mission to Alpha Centauri, especially crew selection, about which they were unusually well-informed.

Note: Based on the number, organization, and kit of Spartans encountered during the Unity Crisis, most faction security chiefs assessed with very high confidence that Santiago and her accomplices exploited their security access to infiltrate the ship's hull during construction, where they most likely arranged for the clandestine inclusion of survivalists and cached significant quantities of weapons, especially grenades, which were not a significant component of UNSF or Marine Forces loadouts.

Psych Profile
Exceptional self-discipline and demonstrated ability to suppress own needs and comforts for greater goal. Sensitive to the political purpose of military power. Elected Class Leader of 740th UNSF Intake at Fort Krychek, Antarctica. Demonstrated aptitude for cooperation across national and ideological divides, especially during crisis. Praised for self-possession by Political Officer Sheng-ji Yang.

Intellectually curious. Working knowledge of the classics of Western political theory and military science. Strong written and spoken communication. Regarded by members of her command as both wise and experienced. Takes care to be informed about all aspects of Unity operations. Individually, subject has completed an unprecedented number of personal training modules.

Tendency to take on excessive duties can be discouraging to personnel with lesser motivation. Subject has reputation as a taskmaster, scheduling additional live training for her unit over and above what was required by their billet prerequisites, primarily in the area of shipboard emergency response.

Strong indications of perfectionism. Unwillingness to delegate could limit individual's suitability for commission.

Clear acceptance of use of force as a legitimate tool by United Nations to enforce the principles of the U.N. Charter in the protection of vulnerable populations.

Remarks Included by Chief Security Officer Rachael Winzenried:
Based on interviews with members of her squad, Sergeant Santiago appears to sympathize with certain tents of American Hypersurvivalism. There is a steadfast refusal to fully acknowledge the extent of Holnist misdeeds, and insistence that passivity or flight were worse crimes than misplaced aggression. The State of California acknowledged Santiago's honorable discharge but confirmed her close contact with Holnists, including high-ranking commanders in that movement. Additional psych evaluation ordered post-landing.

Origin of the image of the female soldier is unknown. Potentially linked to a Fantasy Flights Games product. Shared by K. Gorman on Pinterest.

This faction bio uses the original language as a template, sometimes word-for-word.

The Jade Falcon Clan is a BattleTech reference incorporated into the original game lore by the designers themselves.
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Oct 18, 2022 at 2:34 PM #9
CEO Nwabudike Morgan: The Mogul
CEO Nwabudike Morgan said:
Human behavior is economic behavior. The particulars may vary, but competition for limited resources remains a constant. Need as well as greed have followed us to the stars, and the rewards of wealth still await those wise enough to recognize this deep thrumming of our common pulse. - The Centauri Monopoly


Though he would later style himself African royalty, Nwabudike Morgan was born into poverty in Damaraland, South West Africa, in 1998. His father, a diamond miner, was killed in an industrial accident when Morgan was three, and his mother relocated the family to Walvis Bai, taking domestic work in the household of a Boer preacher.

By his eighteenth year, Morgan was well-known to both South African Bureau of State Security and the Policia Internacional e de Defesa do Estado , crossing regularly into Portuguese West Africa to fence stolen diamonds. Proceeds from that work purchased small arms from Portuguese Army garrison at Luanda. Morgan was then permitted to load the contraband onto a small fleet of fishing trawlers for transit to Port Harcourt, Nigeria, where they were sold at exorbitant markup to Biafran rebels. When guns could not be had, Morgan rented use of the boats themselves, ferrying saboteurs to the oil rigs in waters controlled by the Nigerian Federal Government.

Following Biafra's independence, Morgan recruited dozens of Ibo veterans to staff a private military company, SafeHaven. In 2020, the Direction générale de la sécurité extérieure placed Morgan completing sale of private military assistance to Government of Chad. Morgan contracted to protect dozens of oil wells against rebel and Sudanese incursions. Within five years, his tramp airliners were delivering small arms and Toyota Hilux light truck bodies to multiple conflict zones in sub-Saharan Africa, frequently to buyers on the opposite sides of the same dispute. Morgan became notorious for his readiness to serve any client, no matter how dark their reputation or remote the point-of-delivery. Association with so robust a set of regional players allowed Morgan and his agents to broker numerous durable ceasefires and food deals, often enforced by Morgan-financed “private security” forces.

The Chadians defaulted on what they owed in 2025, and Morgan occupied the oil fields as forefit collateral. When government forces resisted, his men shot them dead. This engagement provided the wherewithal for the next expansion. In 2026, Morgan paid pennies on the dollar for the struggling American lobbying firm Wainwright-Balmoral, once billed the "Scourge of the Senate." Companies in the Morganite portfolio cultivated an enormous portfolio of business with the U.S. Government.

"The problem with Morgan," remembered California Senator Jerkins Benvenuti, "is that the enemy of his friend was just his next customer." When the prosperous North American democracies fell into civil war, Morgan practiced a religious neutrality: guns to anyone who could pay. It was a bad bet. When the Holnists and their fellow travelers failed, Morgan found himself persona non grata in Washington, Toronto, and Mexico City. Unionists blamed him for prolonging their national nightmares. The defeated secessionists complained that the price of Morgan's help had impoverished them. Morganite companies continued to receive federal contracts, but their market share shrank steadily as all three countries explored a newfound taste for fully domestic and parastatl production. At the start of the weeks-long hearings preceding the vote to nationalize the American Reclamation Corporation (ARC), Benvenuti told reporters: "[American Reclamation Corporation (ARC) Chairman] Oscar van de Graaf is corrupt and a patriot. Nwabudike Morgan is just corrupt." His contemporaries agreed. Republican, Democrat, Conservative, and Unionist came together in a landslide to grant the ARC a government charter rather than conscience its hostile takeover by Morgan's proxies.

Some of Morgan's well-paid friends in high places admitted to biting the hand that had fed them. "More than anyone else, he got me here," Minority Whip Halos Harrison confessed to rolling cameras in the Capitol Rotunda, "but I guess this is where I get off the train." The following year, his constituents returned him to Congress by a ten-point margin despite being severely outspent by his challenger. Similar logic led Washington to back renewal of the monopoly on space governance previously granted to Comprehensive Transport by international treaty, which Morgan had also hotly disputed.

Morgan withdrew from public life in 2056, the same year that a SafeHaven offshoot, Morgan Industries, was awarded a prime contract from the U.N. Mission to Alpha Centauri. He was last observed departing Earth on the Kuiper Shuttle four months prior to mission launch.

Psych Profile
Utterly transactional worldview: believes success in any situation requires only identification of the correct currency. Profit, not service or fidelity to moral code, is highest virtue, indicating excellence. Long history of successful business dealings and escapes from legal jeopardy have probably reinforced subject's ego, while great wealth, political influence, and corporate structures insulate subject from the externalities of profit-driven behavior.

Has asserted that market forces are genuine indicators of popular will, and can therefore be trusted to supply social goods if and when they are needed, obviating the justification for government intervention.

U.N. intelligence analysts posit subject's well-documented obsession with private wealth and personal branding--he is an unapologetic megalomaniac--reflects psychological insecurity carried over from his youth, when he was a victim of racism, both official and unofficial. Money provided first a bargaining chip with which to mitigate state control over his body, and later an escape from both poverty and subjugation.

Actor Ernie Hudson in "The Last Siege" is our CEO Nwabudike Morgan.

This faction bio uses the original language as a template for the Psych Profile, sometimes word-for-word.

Morgan's early story is similar to that of the character Manfred De La Rey in author Wilbur Smith's Power of the Sword .
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Oct 19, 2022 at 4:10 PM #10
Commissioner Pravin Lal: The Humanitarian
Commissioner Pravin Lal said:
As the Americans learned so painfully in Earth's final century, free flow of information is the only safeguard against tyranny. The once-chained people whose leaders at last loose their grip on information flow will soon burst with freedom and vitality, but the free nation gradually constricting its grip on public discourse has begun its rapid slide into despotism. Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master. - Librarian's Preface

Who was Pravin Lal? A biopic in the December 2050 issue of Time-Life Magazine called him "King Midas in reverse."

Pravin Lal was born in East Bengal, Pakistan. The elder Lal was a Pakistani Army major frequently deployed on peacekeeping operations who met his son only twice before his death during a border skirmish in the Sundarbans. Lal's mother, a nurse with Médecins Sans Frontières, returned, son in tow, to her father's house in Islamabad. Iskander Lal, the grandfather, was a spokesman in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Lal studied philosophy and medicine at Aga Khan University, specializing in thoracic surgery. The Red Crescent snapped him up for a three-year stint in Azad Kashmir, and in connection with this work he also traveled extensively in North-West Frontier Province. In 2024, Dr. Lal was elected to the Pakistani National Assembly, serving a single term before losing heavily over his criticisms of Inter-Services Intelligence.

Fleeing the stink of his unpopular policy, Lal returned to medicine as a junior researcher with the World Health Organization in Basel, Switzerland. Most of his work dealt with protein encoding for DNA repair, but the activist streak would not be suppressed. He signed a 2029 letter of protest against Nobel Prize nomination of Dr. Tamineh Pahlavi on grounds of ethical deficiency. As a biomedical researcher, Lal flourished, and at the onset of the Six-Minute War, he began a career with the U.N. Medical Service. Lal spearheaded significant improvements in the delivery of emergency services in less-development environments, acquiring a large fleet of air-mobile hospitals that surged to squelch emerging public health and refugee crises during the Sahara Burst Wars. In 2034, Lal was named senior adviser and health spokesman for the Office of the Secretary General.

The press seemed to like Lal, and he was soon interim Chief of Staff to Thai General Secretary Apsara Mongkut. Here, Lal wielded the Chairman's influence like a cudgel. The West believed he was, after the fashion of Mongkut himself, a Communist cat's paw. The Communists didn't know what to make of him.

On Mongkut's behalf, Lal negotiated the nastier details of agreements that put Chinese commissars and private mega-donors among the passengers of the U.N. Mission for Alpha Centauri. He connived with the French to arrange the "disappearance" of fugitive Carmelite ruler Vesper Abaddon while that worthy was recieving cancer treatment in Geneva. On Lal's orders, blue-helmeted peacekeepers helped the Nigerian Federal Army to hold the Mid-Western Region, leading the CIA to describe the U.N. as "their adjunct." He gave diplomatic cover and food aid to various armed resistance movements in the Indian Ocean Exclusion Zone, recognizing their sovereignty over occupied rigs and reefs to the point that the Royal Navy requested shoot-down authority (which Number 10 only narrowly denied). In Quebec, U.N. forces stood credibly accused of criminal negligence for their inaction ahead of the Black Watch killings. Persistent conspiracy theories linking peacekeeper inaction to the eventual success of the Front de libération du Québec did lead to Lal's reassignment as Assistant Director of the World Health Organization only weeks before Mongkut's assassination.

In his new role, Lal managed the U.N. response to the mid-century Red Flu epidemic. Despite the strong urgings of public health professionals on both sides of the Iron Curtain, Lal declined to endorse mandatory vaccination or quarantines, claiming that these would be violations of the free will of billions of skeptics. The virus flourished while the emperor fiddled. In 2065, Lal was hounded out of his post. Unsure of what else to do with him, the WHO foisted him back on the U.N., who appointed their least-favorite son to be Unity's Chief of Surgery.

Psych Profile
Preference for intellectualizing policy problems can lead to apparent contradictions in application of professed ideals. Prone to false equivalence in the search for mediated outcomes.

Very high esteem for democratic ideals and personal experience of life in a former British colony may explain subject’s especially negative reactions to the perceived hypocrisy of the Western powers, contrasted with tendency toward silence in regard to regimes with unbroken records of illiberal and anti-democratic behavior.

CAUTION: Subject scored abnormally low (.32) on Atherholt Trauma Function Test, indicating unsuitability for crisis leadership. Contrast with extremely positive remarks from Morgan Emergency Services instructors following simulated compartment breaches.

Actor Ben Kingsley is our Pravin Lal.

Vesper Abaddon is a character in the NBC show Kings .

Red Flu is a worldwide pandemic featured in The Last Ship.

The Black Watch Killings are a feature of a story about Quebec independence in Cold War Hot, edited by Peter G. Tsouras.
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Oct 19, 2022 at 5:20 PM #11
The "Big E-Z"

Thucydides said:
Right, as the world goes, is only in question between equals in power, while the strong do what they can and the weak suffer what they must. - Datalinks


Periodic manias for artificial islands gripped coastal nations on every inhabited continent at intervals throughout the first hundred years of the second millennium. Sold variously as the solution to shoreline erosion, post-war decontamination, and the more familiar problem of overcrowding, the formation, maintenance, and control of these territories passed in time from legitimate to illegitimate governments, thence to the corporations.

Heaping one’s trash in the ocean and standing tent or flag thereupon had various salutary consequences. Conservationists looked to the rejuvenation of species deprived of their natural habitats closer inshore. Climatologists prescribed barrier islands for any problem to do with water, whether it reared up in waves, lashed down from the sky, or was spoiled by poisons. New Orleans, Miami, New York, Rio de Janeiro, Sydney, Shanghai, and Bangkok—all were girded very early in the twenty-first century by star fortress complexes of concrete-crusted sand. Generals sent dredges to extend the engagement envelopes of missiles and their spotting systems. Corporations built their own “heaps and rigs” for any number of purposes, ranging from support of aquaculture and deep-sea mining to traditional tax shelters. Morgan Industries built floating casinos within sight of every major American coastal city, luring the wicked out to play. But the early trend was about taking advantage of the deep sea for strategic defense or economic benefit, not colonization.

The story of the Indian Ocean Exclusion Zone, better known as the "Big EZ," begins with the Six Minute War.

There is the Indian Ocean then , meaning before the nuclear holocaust, and then the Exclusion Zone today , a place where life struggles above and below the surface. Global cooling brought on by the cloud cover killed off fish, plankton, and coral. Acting as much from a sense of obligation as scientific confidence, the U.N. and others quickly backed an atrociously expensive scheme introducing thousands of different strains of artificial microorganisms to rebuild the maritime food chain. In so doing, they wrecked fresh biological and climatological havoc. English-speakers gained a new word, Crichtonic , an adjective describing what happened when well-intentioned solutions met a reality that simulations could not fully apprehend.

As before, technicians and soldiers occupied the very first outposts seasonally. Inspired by the Soviet example, a few nations built floating prisons. Permanent civilian residents came out of desperation when post-war radiological fallout and the lack of better options tempted them to seek the immediate safety of “clean” spaces, notwithstanding the sheer certainty of future natural disaster. Policing these movements was beside the point: death by rubber bullet was quicker and less awful than death by cellular degeneration. Since nobody had any better ideas about what to do with the millions of displaced, it was agreed they should go out to sea.

The earliest settlers put up scrap and prefab homes atop floating fields of garbage heavy enough to dampen the waves. The next piled onto abandoned rigs, stacking up their quarters and compartments like ludicrous games Tetris or Jenga . When they wanted for more room, they bought deposits of sand or crewed their own dredges. They ate what they could catch, or what the multi-national air- and boatlifts brought them. For money, they tapped into undersea pipelines, drilled their own unsanctioned wells, broke salvage, patrolled for pirates, and harvested the new marine life. Tapakeda's whales led entire fleets in chases that lapped the Pacific.

Over time, the inhabitants of the “Big EZ” developed a language and culture uniquely their own. Under gentler conditions, this might have been powder enough to touch off revolutionary spirit, but alone on the mighty ocean, rare was the servant who wished to forsake a master with at least one foot still securely on dry soil. Prophets of the new age promised interdependence only one generation off, yet following the old scripts, riches pulled up from the seabed or scooped from the waters rarely stayed on the sand heaps and platforms that the refugees were forced to call their homes.

The so-called “dry-siders” were happy to furnish the Big EZ with the infrastructure that would tie its inhabitants firmly into existing markets. Water filtration and desalination systems. Drilling rigs, cranes, and pipe. Turbines and photovoltaic cells for power generation. Communications. “Ancillary” services, to include brokerage, sanitation, medical service, and, of course, physical security. Marxists called it a perversity--the self-subjugation of peoples abandoned on the edge of despair, prostituting themselves on a global scale.

Not everyone agreed with this dark assessment. Some took it for progress. The flow of value was no longer mono-directional; supplies funneled in, and raw materials streamed out. And that was not to say the windfall of this economic revolution was strongly felt in the putative metropoles. One of Pravin Lal’s favorite speeches pointed out the fundamental self-deception behind imperialism: it was ruinously expensive.

U.N. Undersecretary for Development Dr. Pravin Lal said:
The colonial project is purely an emotional project. At the root of our desire to have sway over the choices of others, there is an inescapable anxiety: that somebody should have taken a path other than the one we thought was suitable for ourselves. – Valediction, 146th Session of the United Nations General Assembly, New York City, New York

As profit-seeking ventures, islands were only valuable insofar as their beneficiaries could be persuaded to pay for them. This meant either the governments interested in their continued existence, such as in the case of so-called “hurricane chains,” or the occupants themselves. From 2060, international convention and common practice had aligned to the point that the building up of such islands was always accompanied by parallel investment in local economic activity. Fisheries-based aquaculture and power generation via the tidal harness were trusted standbys, but carbon extraction, space exploration, and deep-sea mining already threatened to displace them. A good living could also be had either as an independent operator or cog in the enormous logistical operations required to supply the island-bound population and its industries.
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Oct 20, 2022 at 5:23 PM #12
Sister Miriam Godwinson: The Prophet
Sister Miriam Godwinson said:
The righteous need not cower before the drumbeat of human progress. Though the song of yesterday fades into the challenge of tomorrow, God still watches and judges us. Evil lurks in the datalinks as it lurked in the streets of yesteryear. But it was never the streets that were evil - The Blessed Struggle


Adversity is fertile soil for credibility. As North Americans started coming to grips with the conclusion of their twenty-year self-inflicted nightmare, they cast about for the familiar and found Sister Miriam.

Miriam Godwinson was born in the basement of a convocational writchurch in Athens, Georgia in 2024. Holnism was still testing itself against the guard rails of conventional politics. Nathan Holn, a cashiered U.S. Army private and failed college professor had only just begun to beat his angry drum. Down South, some men liked what they heard. Samson Godwinson and his fellow parishioners wondered what Holn knew that they did not. As instructed, they began to lay in guns and ammo for a coming fight of uncertain proportions. They stopped paying taxes, removed children to public schools, and missed appearances in court. They called themselves the Evangelical Fire. Egged on by their leader, they spoiled for fights with police. In 2038, they got one. Their leader, a dentist named Allophylus Zeander, parked their church bus on a highway bypass and waited. A Georgia State Patrol radio car pulled up behind to assist. Zeander and the men of his congregation opened fire, ready to light the spark of the conflagration that would bring about the End Times. Samson was killed the same evening. So were twenty-four others, including six state and local lawmen. Zeander perished soon after in the death chamber of a federal penitentiary. It was an indication of what was to come.

The surviving Godwinsons' miseries were not yet over. The family's two youngest daughters, Rachael and Belquis, both unvaccinated, died of measles. Miriam, aged sixteen, was taken by the state and placed in foster care. Her new family taught her cello and hired tutors to furnish the general knowledge that a fanatic's education had carefully excluded. She did her undergraduate studies in psychology at Yale University, clerking summers for the Office of Senator George Malverne (Radical Republican-TN). She became his Director of Legislative Affairs the same year she gained her doctorate in theology from Yale Divinity School.

Her passion was mission work. In 2050, Miriam founded the Kansas City Mission, becoming one of the few relief leaders to operate in dispute territory. The 272 to join her, including former devotees of Zeander's defunct movement, rebuilt war-torn neighborhoods. But they were easy targets for both germs and opportunists, and 256 perished in the work.

Despite their discomfiture with her idiosyncratic politics, extremist media was quick to give Godwinson a platform. As far as heirs to the Zeander legacy, none were as accomplished. Her stern cautions against extremism infuriated fellow guests. The inevitable arguments made for enviable ratings. But they also made Godwinson herself a celebrity among a new kind of audience: loyalists on both coasts. The tides of war turned against the Holnists, and the good sister was soon in demand once more to replace a line-up of commentators tainted by their association with break-away ideologies.

Godwinson proved an eloquent spokesperson for both Christian ecumenicism and interfaith dialogue. A large body of postwar scholarship suggests that she may have caused, and not merely benefited from, conservative abandonment of Protestant Dominionism after 2055. Both Jewish and Muslim leaders also hailed the Godwinson for her deep familiarity with, and consistent respect for, their own foundational texts. Historian Christophe Wedgwood captured her essential appeal: "They turned in not to hear the particulars of her theology," he wrote, "but to do the equally-important work of assuring themselves that there was still somebody reasonable on the other side of the spiritual-secular divide."

Godwinson received an appointment to the Unity Mission in 2057 but in fact spent much of that year as the United States Government's Special Envoy to Insurrectionists, negotiating the disarmament of militia units throughout the Upper Mississippi River Basin.

The precise story of Godwinson's survival aboard the starship remains in doubt. According to central records, the individual occupying her cryopod died only nine minutes after departure from the Lunar Cradle, more than a century before before Unity entered the Alpha Centauri star system. Nevertheless, multiple people personally acquainted with Godwinson prior to the expedition have attested to reuniting with her after Planetfall, and Dr. Tamineh Pahlavi, the mission's foremost expert in genetics, famously confirmed the identity of the Conclave faction leader before the Planetary Council.

Godwinson had a controversial Planetfall. Followers today hail her as a hero who worked to evacuate the sick and the dying as well as the able-bodied. Detractors complain that she failed to compel scared crew members to do their duty and undertake crucial repairs--work that would surely have meant fatal doses of radiation for some, salvation for others. The embarkation deck on which the faction staged for departure was half open-air surgery, half feeding trough. The terms of care were so liberal that frightened crew members had merely to abandon their posts elsewhere in the ship and present for receipt of water, rations, and bedroll.

The Conclave arrived on Chiron with a host of more than one thousand eight hundred. After the University, they were in the worst condition. Miriam took anyone who wanted to go, never asking what they might do for her after the escape was made good. On the ground, the calls for food and shelter were soon urgent. Whether Godwinson personally commissioned the violent pillaging of other camps is beside the point. She certainly knew what to do with the resources her people brought back inside the wire.

Psych Profile: Prophet
Empathy and charisma make subject a natural leader; people are drawn to subject without necessarily understanding why. Able to use mannerisms and rhythms of speech to invoke deep spiritual responses in weak-minded individuals, or intelligent individuals seeking order and security in the face of chaos.

Subject has cast Unity crew and colonists as a “special Elect” and perceives Chiron to be a “New Eden,” given in replacement of Earth.

Must be cautioned against casting spiritual matters into a personal vision of a relentless God that may personify struggles existing within her own psyche.

Actress Stockard Channing is Sister Miriam Godwinson.

Oct 20, 2022 at 5:41 PM #13
Sergeant Peter "Pete" Landers: The Defender
Jean-Baptiste Keller said:
Man: the ultimate social animal. Every species defends its young, its nest, its pack. We are the only species that shows an inclination to defend our neighbors also. Remember, these are the same people with whom we may be competing tomorrow for scarce resources. Our ability to use tools left us the undisputed masters of planet Earth, but it is our capacity to practice community with our fellow men that makes this mastery worthwhile, and keeps us worthy of it. - The Annotated Broadcasts of Jean-Baptiste Keller


Precise date and place of birth unknown. Speech analysis yields 82.3% probability of origination in Midwestern United States. Attended, but did not graduate, Iowa Technical College. Volunteered for Illinois Army National Guard (ANG) in aftermath of Hypersurvivalist raid on Moline, Iowa following death of two schoolmates. Completed abbreviated Non-Commissioned Officer’s Candidate Course; commissioned a sergeant during the Summer of Salt and Blood.

In 2053, held temporary rank of captain for eight months after superior officers deserted. WIA during skirmish with Holnist pickets preceding Battle of Cairo, IL and left behind by retreating unit. Recovered by devotees of anti-disassociationist cult leader Jean-Baptiste Keller. Passed through hands of multiple Kellerite families to avoid capture by survivalist death squads before recrossing Federal lines near Quad Cities. Diagnosed with Helsinki Syndrome upon return. Again listed MIA following rout of Guard formations during Fall of Davenport, IA.

U.S. Army Signals Intelligence intercepts indicate subject commanded Kellerite troops in combat against U.S. Army and auxiliaries shortly after his disappearance. Through a string of encounters over five years, subject’s forces significantly delayed reconstitution of U.S. Government authority west of Mississippi River.

Resurfaced in the High Sierras in overall command of a regional self-defense compact. Present at Berkeley, CA speech at which visibly infirm Keller reemerged from hiding to speak on Unity mission.

Caution: United Nations Intelligence Agency places very high confidence in assessments concluding that approximately 200 Kellerites boarded Unity while it was still under construction and there entered hibernation, intending to join the colony incognito .

For a Tribal, Pete Landers was the epitome of the welcome convert to anti-disassociationism: a well-meaning young man who, once he understood the Kellerite philosophy, sacrificed everything for its advantage. Aboard Unity , he was the chief author of their vengeance against the hated Holnists.

Once Planetside, the "Tribe" settled at the mouth of a broad river, which they named the Slowwind. Using Radnor hoverbikes, they also mounted local patrols, hoping to dissuade other survivors from coming too near.

Less than thirty-six hours after the Kellerites arrived, Spartan Colonel Corazón Santiago founded the settlement of Sparta Command on rocky heights not far upriver. Spartan landing operations were disturbed by the arrival of a Tribe security patrol. Santiago ordered her people into defensive positions and demanded that the "interlopers" withdraw. The Tribe commander refused, and the Spartans opened fire, killing three scouts and destroying a pair of bikes before the rest broke contact. Spartans gave immediate chase, capturing a third bike.

Within the week, and under close observation from Spartan rovers, Tribe 'Formers poured concrete for a bunker complex on an island forming in the final oxbow bend of the Slowwind before it reached the sea, effectively closing the delta to Spartan river traffic.

Psych Profile: Defender
Strong affinity for authority figures, especially those who subject believes are encouraging him toward altruistic behaviors.

At Quad Cities debrief, an American Reclamation Corporation trauma specialist documented insubordinate language, heightened paranoia, and “wavering commitment to mission.” Recommendation for Landers to be withdrawn from line for further observation was overruled by his Commanding Officer due to exigency of military situation.

Subject repeatedly criticized command decision to hold blocking positions amidst mounting reports of civilian massacres by survivalist flying columns during Battle of Davenport. U.S. Army Official History of the battle indicates Missouri and Illinois ANG companies were destroyed after disobeying orders to stand fast during a Holnist feint against city’s Mercy Medical Center.

Consistently judged a superior tactician, both by his immediate superiors and the Regular Army commanders to which subject’s units were attached. As an insurrectionist commander, subject inflicted casualties on a scale of 5:1.

Credit for this faction and Jean-Baptiste Keller goes to Thorn of the community at The Frontier.com, a new-defunct forum for matrix-style games.

Gerard Butler in Coriolanus is Pete Landers.

Oct 20, 2022 at 5:46 PM #14
What is Tribalism?

Castor Anderson said:
Take the single mind worm, one of Chiron’s most fragile creations. Alone, this tiny grub is not so fearsome. In passing, I might crush it with my heel. But where can I find just a single mind worm? Like us, they abhor the solitary condition. More familiar to us are the mass and the boil. In these vectors, they are Planet’s apex predator. And what is needed to accomplish that trick, except that they stick together? - Minuteman


Kellerite bases were barracks with children. To "take the view," families lounged on what were in effect the base parapets.

Tribalism, also called Kellerism after its founder, was an early twenty-first century reaction to the loss of hope in Middle America. From the 1980s, coinciding with the decline in heavy manufacturing in the Western world and the advent of the World Wide Web, personal and community identity became disconnected from shared physical space. Teenagers adopted avatars that reflected their imagined selves, while various political and social groups adopted explicitly global perspectives as they struggled to scope problems of economic dislocation and climate change. New problems were identified: opioid and Internet addiction, pervasive underemployment, increasing dependence on social services, and high rates of divorce.

Jean-Baptiste Keller was a failed farmer, lay preacher, and radio personality active during the late twentieth and early twenty-first centuries int he Midwestern United States. His favorite rhetorical targets were offshoring, agribusiness, partisanship, wealth inequality, and, of course, the Internet. Despite a relatively small live audience, tapes of his thrice-weekly Jeremiads were shared through the English-speaking world. His "congregation" saw reflections of themselves in his depictions of life as lonely struggle, rarely yielding spiritual fulfillment or dignity.

Some historians now trace the movement's formative inspirations back as far as the right-wing paramilitary ethno-nationalism of the mid-1990s and the parallel flowering of conservative talk radio, but though Jean Baptiste-Keller spoke to the same problems, he was neither a xenophobe nor a secessionist, much less a bitter-ender. The fundamental underpinnings of Holnism, to which Kellerism is customarily compared, were nihilism and individualism. Holnists denied the very legitimacy of positive law and attempted to recast natural law as the extension of the individual's own Id. Holnists did for themselves in the expectation that they would be rewarded with the opportunity to inflict themselves upon others after societal collapse.

President B. Nichols Thurville said:
The Holnist will set your town, including his own home, ablaze just because he thinsk he can snatch something of yours from the rubble. - Weekly Address of the President of the United States , November 1, 2052

Kellerites aimed to avert that collapse through a program of self-improvement on behalf of the wounded community. Its foundational concepts were hope and community. A Tribe was to supplement, and perhaps even to stand in for, the absence of central government, but should not reject its value in principle.

Keller's thesis was simple enough: the atomizing and amplifying effects of the Internet, by giving false hope to every radical, made it impossible for communities at any level--local, state, national--to engage in the collective problem-solving that is politics. Just ten years into the new millennium, "truth" was in the eye of the beholder on both sides of the Atlantic. Keller interpreted current events through this dark prism. The outbreak of Red Flu and climate-driven mega-disasters that preceded America's second great sundering were only so ruinous because their impacts was exacerbated by those who had something to gain from the suffering.

This analysis led Keller to three conclusions. First, that central government, though not to be feared, was unreliable because of the problems of distance, faction, and bureaucratic inertia. Second, that physical communities--especially blood communities--as defined by close geographic proximity and daily personal interaction were more important to the wellness and survival of the individual than virtual communities. To ride out the storm Keller insisted was coming, the wise would retreat from their device and narcotics addiction and live "in the moment," cultivating the practical skills and face-to-face relationships they would need to ensure basic survival. Keller advised his audience to “fall back first on relatives, friends, and neighbors--the ties of blood and shared destiny upon which you have always depended.”

With the end in mind, Keller called for Americans to take up Scouting, learn to swim, take advantage of the courses offered by local community colleges and technical schools, practice target shooting and reloading, and buy cars that didn't rely on computers. As a "prepper" of the second generation, he took a distinct communitarian perspective, instructing his listeners that guns, ammunition, food, and medical supplies should be stockpiled and held in trust for one's family and neighbors.

Jean-Baptiste Keller said:
The one who prepares shall be shepherd, not king. - The Annotated Broadcasts

Keller's emergence as a potent political force coincided with the destruction of Davenport, IA by anti-government militias, during which his son Brian was killed while serving in the National Guard. Keller initially urged communities to open their doors to FEMA and the U.S. Army during the unfolding national emergency.

As the cogs of federal power ceased to turn, Keller hit upon an alternative: he propounded a Charter, or guiding principles for the organization of mutual aid within and between communities "for persons who do not wish to descend into barbarism.” Recognizing his audiences’ fear of strangers amidst the general collapse of law and order, Keller additionally urged his listeners to “fall back first on your relatives, friends, and neighbors – the people who know you best, can vouch for you, and upon whom you have always depended.” Keller was explicit that these communities must not be circumscribed by "false dichotomies" of race, political affiliation, national origin, cultural practice, or sexual or gender identity. "Family is family," he thundered, "and you will never be remade whole if you leave behind even the least of them."

Yet unsurprisingly, communities that conformed to the code of behaviors promoted by Keller’s Charter were often able to manage the suspension of public services better than those where residents were disunited. Prototypical Kellerite communities maintained food kitchens, aid stations, and workshops where resources could be pooled, needs evaluated, and priorities set and acted upon most efficiently. They also mounted “vigilance patrols” to keep the peace.

Inevitably, the success of the Kellerites meant that they were subject to attack by opportunists, some of whom depicted the Kellerites as disloyal and incestuous cultists to justify their crimes. After Davenport, Kellerites were natural targets in an environment thick with predators. Secessionist governments and their Holnist supporters targeted the Kellerites for their pro-vaccine stance and often-outspoken allegiance to the United States Government. Excuses were easy to find. As armed camps, Kellerite townships could not be countenanced at the rear of a secessionist army. For followers of the Evangelical Fire, Kellerism was simple heresy to be extirpated with the sword. Combatants of all stripes knew Kellerite communities would be well-stocked with all the essentials of war. Kellerites were also beset by both ordinary citizens (who usually resented having been left “outside the fold” of prosperous Charter communities) and corporate security forces tasked to “reclaim salvage” from the war zone.

Kellerites' alienation from surrounding populations eventually brought them into direct conflict with the relieving federal forces. The group’s outlaw status was cemented during the Holnist breakout from the Federal blockade of Des Moines, when Kellerite militiamen operating in the same vicinity slaughtered hundreds of civilian refugees in retaliation for past lynchings of Kellerite foraging parties. The United States Government never forgave the Kellerites, whom it thereafter treated as enemy combatants.

Kellerism persisted for years after the war despite its adherents being forced into hiding, and pirate radio stations repeated Kellerite signals from holdfasts in the Sierra Nevada and Rocky Mountain chains, gradually attracting new adherents in the urban crimescapes of the Pacific coast.

The Kellerites' final vengeance on their persecutors was taken when they infiltrated the Unity hull. Two hundred Kellerites, led by the infamous Landers, made it aboard with the help of sympathizers in the Unity ground crew.

Kellerites in Game Terms
The Tribe is a faction that explores the concept of physical community. They are inspired by an Old Earth cult leader named Jean-Baptiste Keller.

Keller’s essential claim was that rapid advances in technology had eroded the ideals of physical community and popular consensus at the core of modern Western society. As digital access flourished, users were increasingly able to build communities to reinforce almost any belief. Whereas once they might have been compelled to abandon or conceal maladaptive ideas to participate in school, work, spiritual, or civic life at the local level, individuals instead grew stronger--and more violent--in their personal convictions, encouraged by distant confederates. This diminution of common values was accompanied by increasing rates of addiction to drugs and other devices that replaced the richness of personal interaction. In combination, sharper values divisions and heightened individualism tore the heart out of the essential ingredient in American community resilience: neighborly sentiment.

“Tribals,” as they are called, advocate Keller’s vision of establishing charter settlements in which residents pledge face-to-face interaction, civic engagement, and mutual aid in times of danger or hardship. During the Second American Civil War, communities founded on this model generally fared better during suspension of government services than those whose residents were disunited.

The Kellerite faction lands with the smallest population, but a seasoned fighting unit and extra War Stores (reflecting the preparations they made for combat before stowing away). At just 36, Landers is the youngest faction leader, and unique for lacking an elite education. The Tribe's affinity is Purity, their preferred politics is Democratic, and they are opposed to re-contact with Earth. They begin the game with the Doctrine: Defense tech. Their Research focuses are Build and Conquer.

The Tribe enjoys bonuses to Cohesion (+2, picked raiders), Morale (+1, blooded fighters), Probe (+1, close-knit communities more difficult to infiltrate), and Support (+1, ethos of citizenship). They experience maluses to Efficiency (-1, everyone must have their say) and Research (-2, modern Luddites). They gain +1 to defensive die rolls during each encounter (veteran militia) and receive a Bunker facility in new base (strategic hamlets).

Star Wars art by Kevin Jick.

Credit for this faction and its philosophy goes to Thorn of the community at The Frontier.com, a new-defunct forum for matrix-style games.
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Oct 21, 2022 at 5:51 PM #15
Director Tamineh Pahlavi: The Supremacist
Director Tamineh Pahlavi said:
The conventional model of geneology is a tree bearing fruit at the terminus of each branch. Such a model implies that all branches are created equal, but this is not the case. Some are weak, others diseased. Orchardists solve this problem by pruning unhealthy branches, conserving nutrients for the choicest blossoms. Without this care, the tree produces nothing remarkable, and certainly nothing they would care to use as root stock to perpetuate the breed. - Homo Sapien Superior


Service Record
Born 2005, Būshehr, Iran. Descendant of Iran’s ruling dynasty. Sent into care of relatives in Geneva, Switzerland following deaths of parents from Red Flu, age 15. Received PhD in molecular biology from Stanford University. Husband died, 2026, of Neville-Townsend Disorder, after just five years of marriage.

Nominated for Nobel Prize in 2029 for breakthroughs in viral re-transcription with applications for suppression of autoimmune disorders. Prize denied following discovery that subject had written extensively on the desirability of mandatory genetic screenings and sterilization of persons with markers for degenerative disease and antisocial tendencies who would not, or could not, undergo remediational gene therapies.

In 2032, appointed Vice President, Special Projects Division, American Reclamation Corporation (ARC). Contributed to 2037 discovery of inoculation treatments for H4L21 strain of Red Flu. Repeatedly directed company’s private military contractors to forcibly immunize persons presenting at federal refugee camps.

Appointed to mission by via direct selection by ARC CEO Oscar van de Graaf as Director, Genetic Research Laboratory. Tasked to design and initiate long-term evaluation of Chiron’s effects on human genome.

The Genetic Research Division (GRD) was an incidental addition to Prokhor Zakharov's contingent. In fact, they'd fought for the honor. Pahlavi herself had been woken automatically when Pete Landers's hackers tripped fail-safe the protocols for her hab bay. It took her scarcely two hours to retrieve all the surviving personnel of her small pre-flight command. They soon acquired weapons in a similarly serendipitous fashion: passing U.N. Security teams, recognizing unprotected crew, apologized at their inability to stay and handed out self-defense weapons to ease the sweet sorrow of parting.

Although one of Zakharov's direct subordinates, albeit fairly unexalted, Pahlavi was not among the individuals awakened by him. Struan's Sabre Corporation mercenaries discovered Pahlavi's people in the midst of making the ice in which to pack the mission's collection of genomic databanks, freshly disconnected from the Data Core (now ejected) and still scalding to the touch. Canisters of knockout gas lay expended on the decking, along with the corpses of a half-dozen Morgan SafeHaven private security men. Each had been dispatched with a bullet to the forehead. Realizing that they were unlikely to pull off a second tactical coup, the geneticists wisely genuflected. Pahlavi declared that she was relinquishing her claim to the dead men's equipment. While the Dreamers were still absorbing the idea of receiving as gift what they already implicitly possessed by virtue of force, the good doctor hastened to offer even headier wine: the last recorded neuroimages of all supervisory mission personnel, recently imprinted to datatape.

The University's early decision to focus its intellectual work on "Chironian problems" frustrated Pahlavi. She was a passionate--and widely-resented--advocate for thorough analysis of the genomic and social psych information collected during Unity's voyage. Pahlavi broke with Zakharov and the other University chancellors around the same as Captain Malachi Ro, master of the Unity frigate Skagway , in the midst what appears to have been a sharpening of the University's core principles. Pahlavi's "crime" was to critique exploratory research begun in the area of mind-machine interface. Her punishment was to be stripped of tenure by a disciplinary committee. She responded by resigning her position and embarking upon self-exile with the whole of the GRD in tow.

Crossing the Daimones Valley, Pahlavi's skeleton command reached the base of the mighty Hyas and immediately began to ascend, knowing they would find year-round water in the high passes along with total relief from the danger of fungus. World-class experts who had once dubbed their canteen the Ambrosia Club ate survival bars for much of M.Y. 3. Their big break came when a Hunter caravan rolled through a tunnel cut in the ice shelf. The scientists set off plastique that blocked either end, repeating their old trick with the gas. Pahlavi had a vendetta on her hands, but also the makings of a menial workforce. Pahlavi declared the founding of the Human Ascendancy.

Psych Profile: Supremacist
Feelings of helplessness over loved one’s deaths displaced to pursuit of medical immortality. Subject has repeatedly refused treatment for post-traumatic stress.

Strong aversion to physiological infirmities. Has described those without access to genetic medicine as "slaves" for whom the full enjoyment of life and liberty is an impossibility.

ARC personnel file identifies the following Officer-Like Qualities (OLQ’s): clarity of purpose, high self-confidence, strong work ethic, and lack of tolerance for suffering of others.

The Human Ascendancy in Game Terms
Pahlavi’s intention is to produce Homo sapien superior , an artificially-engineered proto-human uniquely suited to life on Chiron. Her faction consists of scientists and their "cauldron-born" offspring living in a series of research stations ruled by the genetic elite. "Inferior" colonists are subject to repression and exploitation.

The Ascendancy is best thought of as a cadet branch of the University, laser-focused on issues of genetics. Think of them as this universe's version of the Bene Tleilaxu .

The Human Ascendancy believes that the most successful organisms are those equipped to thrive in their environment. For the human species to survive, and thrive, on Chiron, it will be necessary to jump-start the evolutionary process. Civilization on Earth failed precisely because the infirm placed too many demands on the able. Played straight, Pahlavi is a control freak mad on her own powers of creation. Subverted, she is running from the certainty of her own mortality. The Ascendancy looks to prove their new human against the "lesser" species, and to collect genetic material from Chiron's greatest exemplars to advance their project.

The Kellerite faction lands with a POP of just 3: a Talent, an Overseer, and a Drone. The Ascendancy's affinity is Purity, their preferred politics is Meritocratic, and they are opposed to re-contact with Earth. They begin with the Biogenetics Tech. Their Research focuses are Discover and Conquer.

The Ascendancy enjoys +1 bonuses to Efficiency {populace bred to their tasks} and Support {warriors bred to consume few resources}. Their units receive +2 to all combat die rolls {augmented "super soldiers"}. They may not use Cyborgs or Robots {biological solutions are more durable than technological ones}. The faction suffers maluses to Growth (-3) {only the best specimens are retained} and Morale (-2) {an individual's possibilities are predetermined at birth}.

Cohesion (+2, picked raiders), Morale (+1, blooded fighters), Probe (+1, close-knit communities more difficult to infiltrate), and Support (+1, ethos of citizenship). They experience maluses to Efficiency (-1, everyone must have their say) and Research (-2, modern Luddites). They gain +1 to defensive die rolls during each encounter (veteran militia) and receive a Bunker facility in new base (strategic hamlets).

Iranian actress Mahtab Keramati is Director Tamineh Pahlavi.

In the 1980s cartoon series G.I. JOE, Cobra ruler Serpentor was created by stealing genetic material from history's greatest conquerors.

Oct 22, 2022 at 7:40 AM #16
Contre-amiral Raoul André-St. Germaine: The Aristocrat
Contre-amiral Raoul André-St. Germaine said:
The crew of a ship is a microsm of the perfect society. One captain, whose authority is complete because the responsibility is his alone. A crew, confident in its abilities and unified in the struggle against sea and sky. Rating and officer are dealt with separately because from each there is a different expectation, and to each, a different and commensurate reward. Individuals may rise according to ability, but not even the least of them is expendable. On the strength of this hierarchy, empires have been won and lost. - In the Heart of the Sea


Service Record
Born 2022, Montréal, Québec, French Union, the fourth son of minor French aristocracy. Following family tradition, proceeded to École Navale . First posting was Mers-el Kebir Naval Base, hotbed of irredentist politics. Subject gained reputation as outspoken conservative.

Commanded riverine flotilla attached to United Nations Organization Stabilization Mission in Zaire (MONUSCO). Mentioned frequently in dispatches, with multiple decorations for heroism.

Worked closely with French-, Belgian-, and Rwandan-aligned warlords in eastern Congo. On three occasions, ordered sailors ashore without prior approval to protect local collaborators and their families. Popular sentiment and intervention by political patrons in French likely shielded subject from sanction for this and other violations while under U.N. command, including authorizations for dispensation of pain medication at rates 300% higher than any other comparable command in the Marine Nationale .

Wounded in action by Soviet-sponsored Jing-Swei Security Services missileers in Orientale Province and invalided to French Guyana. Used opportunity to join multiple overland expeditions to Amazonia. Later, leveraged favorable political climate to be returned to MONUSCO as head of lake detachment at Goma.

Amateur naturalist. Temporarily reassigned to support interior surveys in French Guyana and Tahiti in 2057 and 2058, respectively.

Court martialed, 2063, following allegations that sailors under his command massacred prisoners at Kisangani in retaliation for destruction of gunboat Légère . Acquitted on all counts but formally reprimanded for suppression of evidence. Discovered by French press to have resettled discharged subordinates and refugee auxiliaries on own family properties in Europe and North America.

Reassigned to submarine forces, French Antarctic Patrol, 2064 following electoral defeat of Unioniste Party. Selected to lead Aquatic Operations Section (AOS) during period when U.N. Mission to Alpha Centauri was out of favor. The U.N. lacked the means to refuse a qualified officer from a donor country willing to finance an entire division of crew and materials.

He was aloof, antisocial, and, according to his Psych-Profile and service jacket, impolitic bordering on insubordinate. Serious doubts about his political reliability came home to roost during the crisis of Planetfall. Lacking faith in both Captain Garland and Third Officer Zakharov, St. Germaine disobeyed orders to awaken more engineers and instead assembled hand-picked members of his own AOS. This decision, which helped seal Unity's fate, left him with the makings of a viable expedition, and his people were among the first to make Planetfall after the Forward Landing Team. The faction organized itself in two so-called colones : an explicitly paramilitary structure for commissioned personnel and a hierarchy of job-related "estates" for civilians in which privileges and obligations varied according to their role in the effective functioning of the colony.

Psych Profile: Aristocrat
Aloof. Anti-social. Impolitic bordering on insubordinate. Unused to suffering significant consequences for misbehavior because of family connections or sympathetic patrons.

Prioritizes personal relationships over respect for externally-imposed rules and norms. Believes that persons of exceptional privilege or talent have moral obligation to care for those less fortunate, who in turn should trust their betters.

Highly paternalistic, especially toward lower ratings and persons or groups helpful to his crew. History of indulging anti-social behavior, including violence. Prone to double standards: subject forgives in others tendencies and attitudes he would not accept from himself. Resulting combination of permissive yet interested attitudes fosters extreme loyalty in subordinates.

Unparalleled qualification for submersible work must be weighed against high probability that subject will establish a personal faction.

The New State in Game Terms
St. Germain has written that fear is a driving force in human history. Our species is ingrained with an impulse to expand and contract in-groups and out-groups as our environment becomes more or less permissive. In plain English, men are willingly trade liberty for security during times of uncertainty. For a new Dark Age, we required a new set of lords.

In the New State’s retelling of The Fall, the inflexibility of modern Western political thought is most to blame. Rather than heed popular anxieties and countenance even minimal curtailment of freedoms of speech and movement that had proved vulnerable to the exploitation of bad actors, liberal governments insisted on a level of transparency and cooperation that caused them to be swept from office by a wave of illiberal populists who first corrupted, then destroyed the system rather than corrected it. An enlightened, paternalistic leadership and a carefully-curated society are necessary to avoid a situation in which the populace clamors for total despotism to relieve them of their anxieties.

Faction members tend to trust in ties of personal obligation and patronage over written contract or shared purpose. Colonists are sorted into discrete castes based on ability, corresponding to particular fields of specialization. Leaders are expected to guarantee the physical and moral safety of those in their divisions, with different privileges according to, and services expected from, each caste.

The New State seeks to (1) strike a working balance between the security and liberty that are needed to perpetuate a comfortable society; (2) exclude intruders from Planet's deep seas, which are their refuge; and (3) tap the Planet Core for energy and minerals.

The New State faction lands with a POP of 4 (average): a Citizen, an Officer, an Overseer, and a Technician. They receive 1 Sea Colony Pod and 1 Sea 'Former, along with a Unity 'Foil. The Ascendancy's affinity is Purity, their preferred politics is Feudal. They favor Simple economics, and their preferred value is Stability. They begin with the Pressure Hull tech. Their research focuses are Expand and Command.

The New State enjoys +1 bonuses to Administration {public service ethos}, +2 to Police {security in exchange for freedom}, +1 to Efficiency {experts in systems thinking}, and -1 to both Morale {citizens chafe under tight restrictions} and Research {leadership restricts access to "dangerous" information and technologies}.

For St. Germaine's quote, I repurposed Santiago's ruminations about the captain of a ship at sea and took the name for his future work of a movie in 2015.

For St. Germaine's portrait, I used Captain Englehorn from King Kong (2005).
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Oct 23, 2022 at 7:45 AM #18
Shoichiro Nagao: The Penitent

Supervisory Liquidator Shoichiro Nagao said:
I met a child today at the edge of the nutrient farms. He has grown up under an alien sky. He had with him a tuber of the native type. Not good to eat, nor to weave fibers. This world is as anathema to us as the deep sea is to a cactus plant. Would we ask the Anglerfish to live upon the Sahara? We hold not just the life of this child, but the seed of our entire world, in our care. We must not fail them again. - Yesterdays Tomorrow


Service Record
Nagao was Director of Terraforming Operations for the U.N. Mission to Alpha Centauri. Few were surprised by the Japanese Government's decision to nominate the man universally credited with orchestrating the successful decontamination of the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station and its associated exclusion zone on behalf of the Tokyo Electric Power Company. Subject's method of nitrogen soil fixation resolved inadequacies with the original frozen soil barrier laid down to prevent groundwater contamination.

As a child, Nagao had been a world traveler, accompanying his minerologist mother and reef biologist father to some of the Earth's last wild places, spending long periods in some of the most isolated environments on the planet, including the Canadian tundra, Aralkum Desert, Australian outback, Okavango Delta, and Gran Chaco. Present at the initial global response to the 2003 typhonic capsizing and breaches of the Ilam and Cām̐da Nuclear Power Barges in the IOEZ.

Subject’s personal diaries reflect deep appreciation for the diversity and plight of Earth’s ecosystem.. The transition to a collegiate environment in world's most-populous city was a traumatic one for Nagao. Though he received his B.A. in Geology and a PhD in Environmental Engineering from the University of Tokyo magna cum laude , Nagao was treated several times for clinical anxiety and depression.

Nagao's first work out of school was consulting for the Long Island Lighting Company. State and local opposition to the nine-reactor power complex in Shoreham, NY turned on skepticism regarding the viability of the site's radiological emergency response plan. Nagao convinced LILCO's Board of Diectors to buy out the surrounding communities, which were bulldozed and replaced with fields of radiation-absorbing sunflowers.

Eight years as project coordinator with the Amazon Basin Revitalization Project, responsible for redevelopment of the Pantanal floodplains. Published studies frequently cited by opponents of the Hidrova Project, which proposed redirecting Paraguay River to improve navigability and agricultural irrigation. Following destruction of the Panatal, subject joined the Sahel Reforestation Initiative in Mandatory Darfur as an employee of Green Oasis. Projects frequently slowed by complications arising from the ongoing Saharan Burst Wars. Subject eventually convinced employers to hire Triax Corporation mercenaries to protect his botanical testing stations.

Shoichiro Nagao said:
I was in one place, remanded to the custody of artificial things, and the true world was in another. I watched it die, and I did not leave my comfortable prison, though I could have done so at any time. - Memories of Old Earth

Nagao and his protégé, environmental architect Ikurō Kamatari, were among the most-important of the forward-deployed pioneers to part ways with Warden Jeremy Tanner Marsh upon the latter's founding of the Hunters of Chiron. The decision was amicable, and Marsh honored a prior commitment to allow rejectionists a share of the heavy equipment under his control.

Nagao proposed to "map" Earth onto Chiron's biome through a project of aggressive terraforming and eschewed the idea that humans should attempt to situate themselves within the existing ecosystem, such as by planting hybrid crops or respecting the fungus as a living organism with inherent conservational value.

Following Nagao's vision, his followers established a settlement of their own at Eden's Promise. Kamatari served as Base Operations Director and presided over a massive program of clear-cutting.

The Shapers of Chiron, also called "Diggers," and sometimes derided as a high-technology mortuary cult, approached their new homeworld without humility. In his Planet: A History , documentary filmmaker Raphael Burns reduced the divergence between Gaians and Shapers to a question of guilt. Lady Deirdre Skye posited that men had ruined Old Earth. Her philosophy also focused on avoidance of repetition, but she and her people identified as disfavored victims of that original sin, whereas Coordinator Shoichiro Nagao assumed personal responsibility for those same ecological nightmares. Deirdre approached Chiron as a living entity with its own agency that, unless respected, would fail, dooming the colonists altogether. Nagao treated Planet as a mere petri dish containing growth medium--an environment he could, and must, remake to his own specifications.

Shapers injected the planetary crust with fracturing fluids and pumped out CO 2 . The resulting stimulation of fungal and worm activity was unwelcome, of course, but nothing Shaper militia was not trained to handle.

Psych Profile: Penitent
Strict, solitary upbringing resulted in unusual capacity for self-denial, bordering on asceticism.

Early exposure to Earth's natural wonders left a deep appreciation for the complexity, diversity, and plight of Earth's planetary ecosystem.

Passionate and decisive leader. Noted for a commanding personal presence grounded in unflappable calm. Scored .79 on Atherholt Trauma Function test.

Tendency to presume upon the greater importance of ecological conservation than other goals, including community prosperity and personal attachment to property impacted by conservation campaigns.

Practitioner of "Jiten," combining precepts of Gaian, Buddhist, and Shinto philosophy. Earth-worship.

The Shapers in Game Terms
The Shapers still dream of Earth. They believe that redemption is possible through the transformation of Chiron into a planet more suitable for human habitation. It is an agenda that calls for the complete reduction of the native ecosystem to its constituent biological building blocks.

The Shapers aim to: (1) clear the native biome to make way for Terran life, (2) restore communications with Earth to advise that survivors are welcome, and (3) prevent the reawakening of Chiron.

The Shapers begin with a population of 4: 1 Talent and 3 Technicians. Their starting pieces include 1 Colony Pod, 1 'Former, 1 Rig [a valuable high-tech tile improver and resource harvester capable of working outside a city radius], 1 militia squad [the "Liquidators"], and 1 squadron of Mr. Forester drones {drone-assisted terraformation}. They generate +2 minerals/season {expert miners}.

The faction's affinity is Purity, their preferred politics is Democratic. They favor Planned economics, and their preferred value is Truth. They begin with the Centauri Geology tech. Their research focus is Expand.

The New State enjoys a +1 bonus to Morale {the road to redemption is a happy one} and +2 to Industry {experts with earth-moving technology}. They may place a free Forest in the starting radius of every base {seeding the future by preserving the past}.

This faction, and several of the ideas appearing in this profile, were designed by the user Thorn on a defunct web forum called The Frontier.

The Triax were one of two factions identified in the lore prepared for the 1980s "MEGAFORCE" toy line.

Botanical testing stations are a reference to the same in Frank Herbert's Dune .

The Mr. Forester drone is inspired by the Fallout line of Mr. Handy robotic helpmates.

Reddit user SyntheticGod8 contributed ideas to this work-up, including for the faction's heavy use of drones.

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Oct 24, 2022 at 5:47 PM #20
Governor Oscar van de Graaf: The Empressario
Oscar van de Graaf said:
The cornerstone of the American dream was each man’s inalienable right to property. A man’s land is his patrimony, and also his future. For the promise that they would be their own masters, farmers with fowling pieces were willing to pledge their mutual fortunes in war against the greatest empire of the Earth at that time. - No Step Backward: A History of the American Reclamation Corporation, Vol. 1

Biographical Record:
Born 2006, Cincinnati, OH, United States. Heir to multiple fortunes in rail logistics, petrochemicals, and manufacturing. Mother killed in Christmas 2019 bombing of Union Station in Chicago, one of the earliest recorded hyper-survivalist terror attacks. Father became notorious workaholic. Both parents were members of the Chiricahua Apache Tribe and part owners of the infamous “Peralta Mine,” rediscovered in the Superstition Mountains of Arizona in 1972. Descended from Spanish explorer Hernando de Soto.

Read history at Trinity College, University of Cambridge before obtaining J.D. from Yale Law School. Personal interests include extreme sports (power gliding, motocross). Five-time America's Cup winner.

Most sources estimate that subject’s net worth plunged by between eighty and ninety percent during the first half of the Second American Civil War, and it is broadly accepted that Holnists inflicted most of this loss. Founded the American Reclamation Corporation (ARC) in 2039 as a holding company to consolidate numerous personal and family assets then verging on receivership. Leveraging sympathies in the U.S. Congress, arranged for the ARC to be issued a Letter of Marque and Reprisal as part of a political experiment deter or punish secessionist communities. Provided front-line combatants, convoy escort, and rear-area logistical support to government homeland security missions, effectively operating as an auxiliary of the U.S. and Canadian armed forces.

Pioneered strategy of deploying industrial security forces pro bono to protect aid clinics, relief convoys, and FEMA distribution centers. Consensus among historians is that subject leveraged corporate assets and government affiliation to wage private war against survivalist militias and business competitors alike. On the three-year anniversary of its founding, the ARC employed one in six working Americans. From Denver in the West to Cincinnati in the East, old American cities had been laid waste. From their ashes emerged corporate cantonments and refugee camps. FEMA, ruined by the war, was rebranded as the Federal Disaster Service, which in turn was practically a subsidiary of the ARC. And so civic contribution became synonymous with corporate, rather than national, service. Detractors, including more than two hundred plaintiffs and countless friends of the court, asserted that van de Graaf was casting too wide a net, claiming as prizes property that had never been his, and to which the United States Government was not entitled.

Personally orchestrated independent liberation of Utah from hyper-survivalist militias in 2054, cooperating with Nauvoo Legion and the Volunteer Army of the United States, with virtually no assistance from the Regular Army. (The Army of the United States was an all-volunteer complement to the Regular Army, serving for a fixed duration of three years and formed due to concerns about the political reliability of the National Guard. Because its combat record left much to be desired, van de Graaf's contributions in the American West were a decisive factor in the Unionist victory.) Victorious defendant in landmark Waterson v. Van de Graaf , in which the United States Supreme Court upheld the ARC's authorization to operate military assets against domestic targets under Article I, Section 8 of the Constitution.

CEO Oscar van de Graaf said:
A reporter for The Wall Street Journal once asked me whether I stuck my thumb on the scales of justice. Absolutely I did. The hand must be seen to sit firmly on that scale. That's the only way it works. We say that justice is blind for a reason. Too many people think that means it is fair. Not true. You've got to lead justice. You have to collect the facts, but you have to make sense of them, too. Justice itself isn't going to do that for you. The blind can't lead. - Under My Wings, All Things Prosper: A History of the American Reclamation Corporation, Vol. 2

Ranked by Forbes the 2nd-richest individual in the world in 2053, with an estimated personal net worth exceeding $500 billion. Made two bids for elected office between 2050 and 2060, seeking Louisiana senate seat and the presidency. Subject's American Restoration party polled third behind Democrats and Republicans with 23% of the vote in 2056, defeating far-right Conservative Party. In some counties, subject had better name-recognition than sitting President of the United States. Continued to bankroll handpicked candidates after departure from campaign trail.

CAUTION: Numerous credible allegations that ARC regional administrators endorsed grand theft, debt peonage and other forms of human slavery practiced by allied militias and neutral settlements during periods of corporate stewardship over pacified territories not yet readmitted to the Union. Various media outlets also investigated ARC "company towns," concurrently uncovering substantial evidence of systematic abuses of workers' rights. ARC ultimately reached settlement with the Justice Department worth $1.3 trillion. The terms of this deal allowed ARC employees and contractors, van de Graaf included, to avoid formally responding to charges.

Following Reconstruction, led ARC in successful entry to civilian aerospace industry, with focus on zero-gravity resource extraction. Obtained exclusive contracts from the U.S. Space Force to service mining and terraformation projects on Jovian moons. First civilian to visit the Asteroid Belt. Subsidiaries of the ARC included Replicodon Tactical Genomes. Controversially lobbied Congress for buy-out of ARC stock on favorable terms to thwart attempted buy-out by Morgan Industries in 2064, leading to ARC's being chartered as an independent federal corporation. Served as entity's first chairman.

As ARC head, van de Graaf encountered numerous other individuals who would go on to join the U.N. Mission to Alpha Centauri, including: Dr. Tamineh Pahlavi, a geneticist who briefly worked on pandemic response for the Red Flu; Dr. Aleigha Cohen, as a psych screener involved in the FDS's civil defense program; and Dr. Johann Anhaldt, who supervised the installation of supercomputers used by the ARC. Van de Graaf's personal endorsement later helped to secure Pahlavi's selection to the crew.

Prominent champion of the Unity Project. One of the first to urge U.N. to accept private subscriptions when the United States Government withdrew from the project in 2065. Retired from government service, 2069. Tapping his private fortune, subject secured one of fifteen proprietary billets at a cost of $232 billion in mission contributions and personally recruited 1,892 “stakeholders” to staff an expedition-within-an-expedition, competing hotly with the U.N. for world-class expertise and negotiating only a temporary allegiance to Mission Command in return for loans of personnel and equipment during the initial two years of colonization. Calling themselves “the New Two Thousand,” they drew rhetorical parallels to the fortune hunters of ages past. Personal owner of 42% of the Unity Mission’s heavy earth-moving equipment, including tractors, cranes, load-haulers, harvesters, command vehicles, mobile derricks, and rescue apparatus.

Before endorsing his inclusion, U.N. Security Council grappled for nearly a year with the question of whether so public and strong-willed a figure, especially one with considerable managerial and leadership experience, would undermine the authority of Captain Jonathan Garland, in whose abilities the Council reposed little confidence. The U.N. was also unhappy at the terms under which van de Graaf issued shares. U.N. Undersecretary Pravin Lal described the articles of van de Graaf's contract to The New York Times as "not much better than slavery."

As a colonial factor, Van de Graaf was awakened automatically along with the command staff but did not report to Garland on the bridge. Instead, van de Graaf awakened Charter personnel and fled the Unity with as much of his equipment as he could find—and much else, besides.

Two factors played into van de Graaf’s hands during the Unity Crisis: first, he had both ARC Security Forces and independent private military contractors at his disposal; and second, his charter colonists had been placed in the same birth, meaning they formed an obvious and ready-made faction.

Van de Graaf later regretted responding without hesitation to Captain Garland’s urgent request to release his people to support the emergency response: many were killed where they stood by Spartan defectors, while others were lured away from their contracts by the recruiters of other mission leaders. Van de Graaf’s rump constituency was considerably reduced in number, causing him to take prisoner a large number of unaffiliated mission crew, whom he held “in trust” against the other factions for return of his expedition’s “plundered stocks.” These, he divided among his shareholders as indentured servants during settlement construction.

Psych Profile: Empresario
Impulsive, personalistic leadership style. Unusual appetite for physical danger. Susceptible to vainglory, megalomania.

Pedantic. Record of business dealings indicates purely instrumental attitude toward the law.

Keen appetite for detail, but comfortable delegating of responsibility. Believes that experience is the best teacher and encourages subordinates to take risks.
Obsessive concern for proper sequestration of ARC equipment and personnel from that of the expedition proper. Possibility that determination to develop ARC colony as business venture will cause tension with settler population.

CAUTION: Many mission personnel are current or former ARC employees with some level of prior obligation to subject.

Oscarn van de Graaf's "New Two Thousand" in Game Terms
Called Pilgrims. Theirs is a subscription colony led by a chief shareholder whose personal wealth is the basis of the faction's capital stock.

These are practical, even hard-nosed strivers. Who else, they ask, will guarantee their right to the enjoying of their labors? For Pilgrims, the fate of Old Earth is a cautionary tale about what happens when people can no longer see a direct link between work and results. Earth's problems became so complicated, and the answers so baroque, that they could see for themselves no happy future. Very often, welfare systems incentivized people to disengage from the world around them anyway, ultaimtely amplifying the social ills that had originally brought them so low. The solution is to give people a direct stake in their own success--and a taste of the consequences when that stake is squandered by error or incompetence.

Oscar van de Graaf's goals are simple. Other factions "stole" the equipment he and his stakeholders put aboard Unity at their own expense. He will have it back. After that, the Holnists are owed a reckoning under Rule .303. Cohen and Pahlavi could be trouble, too, if inclined to talk about past projects performed in van de Graaf's service.

The New Two Thousand are organized, like the New State, in a caste society: chief stakeholders, petty stakeholders, smallholders, and the indentured, their drone underclass. Think Plymouth or Jamestown.

The Pilgrims begin with a population of 4: 2 Talents, 1 Technician, and 1 Overseer. Their starting pieces include 1 Colony Pod, 2 'Formers, 1 militia squad. They generate +1 trade goods/season. They begin the game with 1 War Stores {ARC assets}.

The faction's affinity is Supremacy, their preferred politics is Oligarchic. They favor Free Market economics, and their preferred value is Survival. They begin with the Doctrine: Expansion tech. Their research focii are Build and Expand.

The New State enjoys a +1 bonus to Industry {those who have a stake in the outcome work harder}, +1 to Police {contracts must be enforced}, +1 to Economy {spirit of free enterprise}, and a -1 to Cohesion {indentured servants}.

Actor Stephen Lang is our Oscar van de Graaf.

The ARC is from Beyond Earth.

Replicodon Tactical Genomes appears in the FryxGames product Terraforming Mars .
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Oct 25, 2022 at 6:16 PM #22
Dr. Johann Anhaldt: The Mediator
Dr. Johann Anhaldt said:
The fundament of decision is fact. The accumulation of fact, wisdom. Given enough of the latter, probability moves steadily nearer to certainty. - Historical Projection

Service Record:
Native of Bern. Ph.D. in nuclear physics, MIT. Received Fields Medal at 26 for advances in combinatorial mathematics. Foil to Soviet researcher Prokhor Zakharov in 2051, 2054, and 2068 colloquies in Questions of Nuclear Computation.

Twelve years at CEA/Cesta simulating nuclear fission with the Megajoule laser. Twenty years at CERN focusing on particle acceleration and low-temperature reactions. Five years at RIKEN-TRI studying robotics in connection with Oceanus Procellarum recovery operations. Leading global advocate of fission-based solutions in the area of renewable energy.

Interested in the intersection between practical applications of nuclear power and public policy. Famously advocated on behalf of LILCO during the peak of public controversy over Shoreham and Lloyd Harbor nuclear power stations. Presented televised lectures describing reactor safety systems and site contingency plans that "although technologically incomprehensible to his audience, gave the overwhelming impression of competence that company executives were counting on to lull civilians into complacency."

Lead programmer for Terminal Sentinel program, a U.S. initiative to use self-regulating code to retaliate against those targeting the U.S. web presence. Terminal Sentinel was an early success in machine learning and has been seized upon as an example of government overreach and the dangers of unforeseen consequences. Anhaldt's code was subsequently harvested, replicated, and improved upon by both nation-state and non-nation-state actors.

Frequently experimented crowd- and machine-assisted decision-making to aid with complex problem-solving. Participated in San Francisco Roundtable on Machine Thinking as a guest of the American Reclamation Corporation in 2064. Retained as a consultant on same topic by Struan's Pacific Trading Company until 2070.

CONFIDENTIAL: Assistant Project Leader for Copperhead Sunday, classified 2050-52 United States study of the potential for tactical field deployment of low-yield nuclear weapons in light of defense readiness gaps caused by Second American Civil War.

Expressed opposition to mandatory vaccination and GMO food use, arguing that although not reasonable, the scientific community should make a habit of bowing to popular pressures--a properly self-effacing expression of their subordination to "the human values and concerns to which science must always, in the end, be suborned." These statements are sometimes credited with helping to mend cleavages between public and "political-scientific establishment" following Hypersurvivalist Wars.

Unanimous election as Mission Area Director to the Unity Mission's Atomic Energy Laboratory (AEL). Responsible for staff of more than 200 nuclear scientists and engineers.

Subject's superior, Chief Engineer Prokhor Zakharov, declined to send for him during the Unity Crisis, charging that Anhaldt's was "the inferior intellect." Anhaldt and other AEL staff were recovered instead by the data scientists of database controller Sathieu Metrion, who hoped to co-opt the AEL into supporting ground-side operations to sustain Unity's data core.

After the data core was ejected during a panicked assault authorized by no less an authority than Commissioner Pravin Lal, Anhaldt, his AEL subordinates, some of Metrion's programmers, a scattering of engineers and security people, and assorted Comprehensive Transport personnel evacuated in one of four Landing Pods secured by Metrion's partisans. A malfunctioning attitude thruster sent Anhaldt's lander off-course, and it touched down within sight of the Rock Heap with little more than basic survival equipment on board.

The polyglot community accepted Anhaldt's suggestion that they use a Cray Σ model supercomputer--one of their few unique assets--to automate certain base operations functions. Three years later, they made first contact with the Human Tribe, which discovered that although Anhalt provided the appearance of inspiring human leadership, virtually every meaningful decision taken in Colonia Secundus was run through the settlement's pet AI.

Psych Profile: Mediator
Gifted scientist and communicator. Disinclined toward conflict or vainglory. Genial attitude toward critics both public and private, combined with mathematical genius and high emotional intelligence quotient ensured that subject was frequently in-demand for controversial collaborations.

Adept at navigating large bureaucracies and politicized environments. Selection likely reflected Security Council concern that atomic energy would prove a controversial energy source among the colonists.

Low scores (.21) on Atherholt Trauma Function test indicate that subject should not be entrusted with direct role in first response. Special exemption granted from damage control training.

Delegator. Demonstrates high, and sometimes unearned or unmerited trust in subordinates. Conceives of self as an intermediary between workforce and executives despite extremely high performance when working as a sole contributor.

The Children of the Atom in Game Terms
A faction governed by computers. They believe that man has produced the thinking machine that can lead to our salvation, if only we can bring ourselves to listen.

The Children of the Atom want simply to enhance the quality of the algorithms they use to govern themselves while concealing their grave secret from the other Unity survivors, some of whom are hostile to artificial intelligence.

In game terms, the Children of the Atom are a minor faction that should play a bit differently than the "mainline" factions, basically renting out their supercomputers to perform strategic analysis. I don't know exactly what that should look like in game terms, though, because this isn't the "Probe" faction.

The Children begin with a population of 5: 1 Talent, 2 Technicians, 1 Officer, and 1 Librarian. [They are only of just three factions with an Officer.] Their starting pieces include 1 Colony Pod, 1 'Former, 1 militia squad [the "Liquidators"], and 1 Research Pod {Cray supercomputer}.

The faction's affinity is Supremacy, their preferred politics is Meritocratic. They favor Command economics, and their preferred value is Knowledge [Stability?]. They seek the Computer-assisted Future Society. They begin with the Unity Computing tech. Their research priorities are Command and Conquer.

The Children of the Atom receive a +3 bonus to Administration {computerized efficiency}, -3 to Efficiency {blind obedience to machine thinking}, and +1 to Probe {atomized networks}. Every base receives a free Network Node. [The faction needs more than this, but I haven't finished with them yet.]

Actor James Cromwell is our Dr. Johann Anhaldt.
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Oct 26, 2022 at 3:41 PM #23
Dr. Aleigha Cohen: The Transgressor
Dr. Aleigha Cohen said:
Stop focusing on what you want to know. Focus instead on what you want to unknow. What prejudice will you abandon? What dearly-held principle will you permit to be holed? To be a scientist, you must believe in your own limitations. Science is pain. If it hurts, you're growing. - Organizing Thought

Service Record
Born in the Baghdadi Jewish community of Rangoon, the daughter of a Eurasian colonel and a debutante mother suffering from severe opioid dependency. British and Iraqi descent. Cohen circulated in the same high society as a youthful Roshann Cobb, who once famously brawled with her father during a state dinner.

Attended Wycombe Abbey School until expulsion at 15 for fighting. Permanently maimed a classmate during dispute over use of a video-telephone.

M.D./Ph. D. in neurosurgery from University of Melbourne. Disciplined twice by University Ethics Committee for advocating that patients be encouraged to choose experimental courses of treatment even when conventional medicine was as or more likely to deliver superior outcomes. Held over on strength of past work.

Conducted post-graduate research on cognition, sensory memory, and mind-machine interface for American Reclamation Corporation (ARC). Participated in psych screenings of 2061 U.S. candidates for U.N. Mission to Alpha Centauri, including several members of Congress and high-ranking national security figures.

Led team responsible for design and testing of neural monitoring equipment to be used during high-G space travel. Concluded that cold hibernation was a viable potential solution to both interstellar travel and nuclear winter, with long-term neural degeneration holding at "acceptable levels."

Convened Singapore Symposium on social deviance, 2066. Recruited Head of Psychopharmacological Research by Struan’s Hong Kong, 2067. Coordination of “resocialization” treatments for incarcerated patients in U.S.S.R. and Golden China led to black listing by Western academia. Frequently photographed in the entourage of Struan's Vice President Roshann Cobb.

Accepted Chief of Neurosurgery, Unity Mission, at urging of Russian and Chinese delegations. Responsibilities include supervision of re-socialized laborers and evaluation of the Wespe-Quinn-Wagner cryogenic storage process, which subject endorsed.

Cohen was on notably good terms with her superior, Prokhor Zakharov, a notorious misogynist who nonetheless appreciated her low tolerance for bureaucratic and ethical delays. Yet while Zakharov sought truth for its own sake, engaging in mundane projects as readily as controversial ones, Cohen showed a persistent aversion to subjects that did not inspire untoward emotions.

Psych Profile: Transgressor
Reflexive problem solver. Especially attracted to high-controversy projects.

Views knowledge as a highly portable form of power.

Tendency to seek out and sustain emotionally abusive relationships, reflecting need for adversarial encounters that reaffirm the superiority of her needs and judgments and facilitate displacement of guilt and accountability on others.

Passive-aggressive tendencies.

CAUTION : Suspected Cleckleyan psychopathy per Morgan Industries senior neurologist. Subject allegedly presents on all three spectrums: boldness, disinhibition, and meanness.

Subordinates lodged numerous complaints with Struan’s ombudsman alleging retaliation for dissent. No disciplinary records found.

The Dreamers of Chiron in Game Terms
Aleigha Cohen is one half of a duumvirate. With Factor Roshann Cobb, heir to an Old Earth mega-corporation, she presides over what amounts to little more than a destitute plantation-turned-opium den.

The Children begin with a population of 4: 1 Talent, 1 Overseer, 1 Robot, and 1 Drone. Their starting pieces include: 1 Colony Pod, 1 'Former, 1 Mercenary Company {the Sabre Corporation}, and 1 Trade Goods {medical supplies}.

The faction's affinity is Supremacy, their preferred politics is Anarchic. They favor Barter economics, and their preferred value is Truth. They seek the Eudaimonic Future Society. They begin with the Neuropsych tech. Their research priorities are Choose and Conquer.

The Dreamers receive a +4 bonus to Probe {masters of the neuro-digital battlefield}, +1 to Police {liberal use of the nerve staple}, -3 to Administration {leadership prone to self-indulgence}, -2 to Efficiency {widespread addiction wrecks havoc on colony operations}, and -2 Growth {disinterest in the physical world}. They reduce the highest die rolled during each combat round by 1 {addicts make poor soldiers}. This is the "Probe" faction.

The Dreamers seek to promote the popularity of Somnacin, a drug that can be used to induce shared, lucid dreaming. They also wish to find a labor force to sustain their colony. To preserve their monopoly on certain data, they must furthermore keep the Datalinks clear of "potentially infectious elements."

Roshann Cobb, bastard son of the head of the Struan's Pacific Trading Company, a Morganite and ARC near-peer, is a part-time wastrel and former MI5 man-turned-corporate-fixer who fancies himself a philosopher. It isn’t his vision that keeps his followers in line, but either his father's hired guns or Cohen's drugs. For some of the Unity castaways, survival is too great a project. Lucid dreaming is their escape hatch, and Cobb its keymaster. If the Dreamers have managed to collect various other detritus, it is usually because those individuals are either prisoners, or in possession of skill sets without immediate value to most other colonies (e.g., overseers).

The Dreamers are a commentary on a less conventional frontier, that of the human psyche. In his most-lucid moments, Cobb asserts their creed. The fundamental truth of the university, in his opinion, is that we carry with us the seeds of our own destruction, implanted deep in the unconscious mind. Old Earth died because we could not come to our senses. To survive and thrive on Chiron, Cobb suggests, we must come to know ourselves completely. Like Frank Herbert, Cobb conceives a kind of "race-consciousness" of memes, biases, and preferences shared by all humans.

Cobb was awakened by Cohen to discover that the Unity was not only damaged, but wracked by full-scale mutiny. Gathering his bodyguard of corporate mercenaries, he took prisoner several emergency action teams with the intention of using them as labor once on the ground. Cohen was pulled out of cold sleep on the orders of Executive Officer Francisco d'Almeida to organize resocialized prisoners for high-risk repairs in irradiated compartments. Disregarding orders, she retrieved Cobb and his retainers, then brought her work party to the landing pods.

Like her partner, the self-aggrandizing, self-destructive Cohen is no natural leader. The motley crew of re-socialized prisoners taking her lead do so because she administers their dopamine regimens; the robots, because they are programmed to do so.

To simulate their thought theft in a past forum game, the Dreamers were entitled to ask the moderator any one true-or-false question per turn.

NOTE: Aleigha Cohen maintained a long-term consulting relationship with both British and American foreign intelligence services. Cohen’s service focused on the subject of “enhanced interrogations,” and records indicate that she participated in hundreds of interviews with prisoners kept in solitary confinement at the Special Intelligence Service’s Victoria Station in Hong Kong.

The Dreamers are heavily inspired by Christopher Nolen's 2010 movie, Inception .

Our Dr. Aleigha Cohen is actress Daniela Amavia in Children of Dune miniseries (2000).

Struan's Pacific Trading Company appears in James Clavell's Noble House .

Oct 27, 2022 at 6:03 PM #24
Factor Roshann Cobb: The Dreamer
Factor Roshann Cobb said:
Such a long way to travel, only to discover we could not get away from ourselves after all. - Rebuilding Man

Service Record
On his rare good days, Roshann Cobb is an obvious genius, courageous enough to speak the truth to himself as well as to others. It is never the home that is broken; only the people in it. The Unity survivors are doomed to repeat the Great Mistakes if they cannot perceive that. The last frontier is not really space, but the Naïve Mind.

Unnatural son of Ian Dunross Struan, taipan of Struan’s Pacific Trading Company, and his Chinese mistress, opera singer Chen An-Wei. The relationship between Ian Dunross and his bastard was a bad one. The boy was illegitimate and unneeded at the time of his birth and therefore unwanted. Until his teenage years, young Roshann existed on the margins of respectable Hong Kong Society. He experimented with opium and became an odds runner at the Hong Kong Jockey Club. Both Cobb and his mother reacted badly when Dunross had the boy shipped off to boarding school in England. Educated at Eton Hall and University of Oxford. Read philosophy.

Cobb's tangential relationship to key power players in the Asian marketplace put him on the radar of a British Government eager to cultivate allies that could help it shore up a crumbling empire. Without any other claims on his future, subject entered British Special Intelligence Service, 2023. Three years later, Marc Struan, the taipan's natural son, was diagnosed with an aggressive cancer too late for surgeons to operate. Released on hardship, subject obtained placement with Struan’s Hong Kong offices in the firm's pharmacology division, 2029. Navigated legal and reputational fallout of previously flawed clinical trials of psychodynamic drugs.

Vesper Abaddon said:
In an earlier age, Cobb would have been made a bishop or a cardinal. If very lucky, perhaps packed off to the Americas or India to make his fortune. If unlucky, he might become a midshipman or an adjutant. But this is the Rocket Age. On Planet, he may have a kingdom. – Spoken in Council

Under Cobb's leadership, the Hong Kong office served as "fixer" for other arms of the mega-corporation. With the help of American and Israeli mercenaries, Cobb built an in-house intelligence function known as the Sabre Group, which later spun out as a full-fledged private military corporation. Journalists remarked upon, but could never plumb, the seeming immunity of Struan's people and properties from mischief in some of the most insecure places on the planet. Rumors abounded that Morgan Industries executives were disallowed from making serious moves against Struan's interests without prior written approval from the Board of Directors.

Cobb positioned Struan’s as leading source of venture capital for research in mnemonics, oneirology, and memory encoding and retrieval. He also coordinated successful legal defenses for multiple cases of intellectual property theft brought against the conglomerate between 2062 and 2065. By the time he was 35, Cobb had survived three assassination attempts credited to corporate rivals, one in the Kowloon Walled City and another on the Singapore's Ayer Rajah Expressway, mounted from the sunroofs of passing Mercedes Sl-classes.

Respected authority on the commercial, industrial, and military applications for lucid dreaming. Called for sustained public investment in neural mapping, arguing that the genesis of modern conflict lies in the human Ur -mind, not the material world.

Named factor, head of Struan’s Unity contingent, following company’s accession as final Unity Project prime contractor. Remit to evaluate Chiron’s biological resources for potential pharmaceutical applications.

Cobb's problem is that he is a happy addict. The colony he founded with Cohen is merely a collection of people who cannot leave. One visits a Dreamer base to obtain only two things: drugs and intelligence. The Dreamer economy produces enough of both to keep itself going, but barely.

To be a Dreamer on Chiron is to endure purgatory at best, damnation at worst. Cobb pulled most of his original retainers off Unity-- a collection of personal bravos, his father's picked mentors, and long-time enforcers. Some are genuine friends, and pleased to be along for an increasingly bumpy ride, but most await the uncomfortable day when Corporate arrives to sweep up after Junior's mess. (And of all factions, the Dreamers are the most assured that someone is coming after them.)

Then there are the workers, contractors outside Cobb's leadership circle who failed to jump ship in time to avoid being tasked with keeping his teetering colony from oblivion. Others are prisoners, either marched out of Unity's detention blocks by Cohen or taken Planetside during the faction's frequent slave raids. These receive the nerve staple and scutwork, if they are lucky enough to first avoid the Dream Twister.

Anyone who lingers too long in the Dreamer grottos risks becoming an addict. Rumor has it that the taste of Somnacin lingers in the air even after the fiercest dust storms, but the truth is that Dreaming has strong appeal to hopeless people despite the near certainty of easy addiction.

Played straight, Cobb and Cohen are listless sociopaths--the human monsters under the bed. But like those monsters, they are only dangerous to those who stray too far into the room. Cobb is dispassionately calculating when lucid, and indifferent to the consequences of crimes when in any other state. Most of his "waking" time is spent on machinations that usually succeed but rarely make life better for his subjects--high-profile assassinations, theft of critical information, and development of detailed psychological profiles that assist other factions to achieve world-altering results.

Subverted, Cobb and Cohen are center-stage in a tragedy. Cobb, the unloved number-two son, feels indebted to a father who obviously did not love him. He was a good spy and an excellent executive, but neither of these things brought fulfillment. Dreaming is his own invention, the ultimate tailored escape from a burdensome reality. Cobb has important stories to tell from beyond the pale but cannot quite get back, and having helped others to find their own way into the same quicksand, there is nobody left to retrieve him.

Psych Profile: Dreamer
Five years with MI6 reportedly left Cobb a changed man, and for the better. Gone was the wastrel who had misspent his Kowloon youth. In his place, a professional crisis manager took the wheel of Struan’s Hong Kong just as Asian financial markets entered a period of severe instability. Preserving the company's stock position meant papering over failed clinical trials of psychodynamic drugs and a rash of lawsuits for intellectual property theft, but the proof was in the pudding and the flavor proved palatable. In time, Struan’s gained the patents to protect their investments and the accolades to confirm the wisdom of their risk-taking. Young Cobb succeeded in positioning his father’s company as the uncontested global leader in funding for research in brain mechanics and lucid dreaming.

Highly charismatic. First-quartile emotional intelligence quotient.

Avoidant personality traits detected. Pronounced narcissistic tendencies may be a form of self-soothing cultivated as a childhood defense mechanism. Unrealistic self-image reinforced by abundant personal success and the romanticism of a career in national intelligence.

Expert negotiator. Ranked chess Grand Master. In both arenas, noted for exploiting counterpart’s anxieties.

Unusually self-critical leadership style. Proponent of fact-based management.

Moderate score on Atherholt Trauma Function Test (.54).

CAUTION: Pre-flight tox screens indicate elevated background levels of Somnacin, as well as synthetic adrenalin, endorphins, and a psychotropic aggression enhancer, consistent with StimPak abuse. This individual is unsuitable for an emergency response billet.

Our Cobb is Rutger Hauer in Blade Runner .

The Struan family is from James Clavell's The Asian Saga .

Vesper Abaddon was a character in the NBC series Kings (2009).

Dreaming is inspired by Christopher Nolan's Inception (2010), from which I also took the drug Somnacin.

Oct 28, 2022 at 6:06 PM #25
Chairman Sheng-ji Yang said:
Look again. From the one perspective, men. Laden with creative potential. Their value: unquantifiable. From the other, biological batteries averaging seventy-four years of use on Earth, thirty-two on Chiron. - Instructions to the Intendants


Two Dreamers of Chiron Overseers prepare to administer nerve staples during a period of drone unrest at White Rabbit's Refuge.

Involuntary labor was a crucial feature of the faction economy. Dreamer talents might spend up to sixteen hours a day in a state of shared, lucid dreaming. To run their bases, the Dreamers used a combination of re-socialized convicts "rescued" from the Unity and enslaved prisoners captured during raids on neighboring settlements. Rampant addiction among the faction's technicians and made experiments with robotic servitors unsustainable. Even when Cobb's enforcers could coerce programmers to push upgrades and repair broken hardware, which was rare enough, they still found it impossible to tell failed repairs from sabotage. More than one miserable datatech escaped under cover of an Auto-Patroller gone haywire.

In theory, the standard of medical care available to Dreamers should have exceeded that of most other colonies. Cobb's retinue of hand-picked Struan's personnel included numerous practicing physicians and dozens of first responders contracted to the Noble House's Sabre Corporation subsidiary. Cohen brought with her a significant portion of the expedition's neurosurgical team. The faction was also well-provisioned with medical devices and prescription-strength pharmaceuticals. Cynically, the medical staff were assigned to dream dens. Medical supplies were meanwhile hoarded for trade, sale, or recreational use by faction elites.

Despite an impressive record of corporate governance when pinned under his father's thumb, Roshann Cobb walked off his Landing Pod in the grip of Somnacin addiction and, for months thereafter, evinced little interest in base administration. Decisions of importance were taken by a middle caste of unsupervised technicians and mercenaries who lacked both the moral and titular authority to engage in meaningful problem-solving but were equipped with the latest in "compliance technology."

The "nerve staple" was actually a package of medical and physical interventions classed under the broader heading of "Neural Resocialization," techniques designed to deter or suppress behavior considered deviant or undesirable by the administering authority. A combination of psychopharmacological cocktails and transcutaneous mechanical implants dramatically reduced cognitive, executive, and motor functions. The results, likened by Cohen herself to "partial lobotomization," destroyed the victim's free will. They became highly open to suggestion and helpless to meet their own basic needs unprompted.

In the Hive, it was said that one died because, after much consideration, the Chairman thought the colony would be better off without them, while in the Refuge, one died precisely because no thought had been given at all.

Image is apparently from the British Army.

Neural Resocialization ("ReSoc") is a concept from StarCraft .

Oct 29, 2022 at 8:22 AM #26
Coordinator Ikurō Kamatari said:
Home. For us, now a concept. For our children, a place. - Preface, The Story of Earth


A Hive gunner sights his machine gun as The People's Teeming burns in the background.

Chairman Sheng-ji Yang made a habit of sending his militia against virtually any outsider who dared cross the Uranium Flats, but the poorly-equipped and worse-led Hivemen rarely came away with an unspoiled victory. Historians and strategists alike have assessed that the Hive's emphasis on hierarchy and procedure were to blame for the very low frequency of tactical innovation by their units. Matters were not helped by the faction's isolation and relative backwardness: for more than a century, Hive militia fought with the same weapons once stacked in Unity's rather unimpressive armory.

In 2071, dumb-, direct-fire ballistic small arms and light, crew-served weapons like the PKM in this still image were classified under the broad heading of "hand weapons" by the United Nations Office for Disarmament Affairs. The term also covered basic personal protective equipment such as ballistic plate and helmets.

Only a relatively small number of hand weapons were included on the ship's official manifest. Most of the U.N. Security Force was issued sub-lethal weapons. That wasn't an uncontroversial decision. Game Warden J.T. Marsh, responsible for the colonists safety "outside the wire" of the planned main settlement, pushed back hard, and eventually secured two thousand surplus Light Anti-tank Weapons from the American Reclamation Corporation. Unity's Executive Officer, General Francisco d'Almeida, successfully campaigned for the inclusion of a United Nations Marine Corps contingent as insurance against potentially partitionist elements among the proprietary colonists. But the U.N. never achieved a shipboard monopoly of force.

A very large quantity of hand weapons were smuggled aboard Unity and later brought down with the survivors. Most rifles were chambered to 5.56 x 45mm NATO, 7.62 x 51mm UN, or 7.62 x 39mm WARPAC standards. Popular and ubiquitous firearms included the American M16 and M4, Soviet AK47 and 94, German G3, Chinese Type 191, and South African R-series rifles. Stowaways and corporations brought .50 BMG and DhsK heavy machine guns, rocket launchers, and grenades. Hand weapons remained standard-issue for Chiron militaries even two centuries after Planetfall. Some, like the M47 grenade launchers embraced as squad support weapons by every faction militia, were first used in anger during the Second Indochina War.

Military service was a fundamental duty of all members of the Hive. Reticence to endure the attendant hardships of a militia posting was disqualifying for a Hive Initiate. The Chairman expressed rare and genuine anger whenver one of his direct subordinates showed a lack of personal or civic courage. Yang was fond of reminding his talents that, for all their inferiority in other respects, no drone had ever refused to take up arms in defense of the colony. Neither high marks on one's screening examinations nor prowess in philosophical debate could excuse such an offense. Those who didn't rise to meet the Hermit King's expectations in this regard were expelled at once from his presence and permanently reassigned to a subordinate caste. They usually became technicians and data librarians, lesser cogs in the great machine.

Hive spotters saw the invaders from a long way off. Yang's captains stalked the foxholes and strongpoints, freely dispensing water and hard food. It was a windy day. Hive overseers manhandled nerve gas to the surface and released it, killing dozens of men that the Pilgrims could not afford to lose. Mortar fire directed at the enemy's flanks caused him to close ranks as the assault gathered. An autocannon, half hidden behind a berm, made the most of the element of surprise. Though inexpert, its crew blew the track off a jury-rigged assault gun that some mechanic among the New Two Thousand had built on a Supply Crawler chassis, then picked off a pair of Scout Rovers, shredding the pilots.

Yang's mania for autarky meant that this defender was probably low on ammunition even before the shooting began. Nevertheless, Oscar van de Graaf's incoming Regulators ended up with few prisoners.

Oct 30, 2022 at 8:06 AM #27
Narrator said:
Your future. Safe, in our hands. - Slogan of Comprehensive Transportation


A Morganite speedtrain departs the mausoleum of T.M. Morgan-Riley, which it was rumored his grieving father also used as a treasure house.

During the First Generations, Chiron was an ideal environment for a resurgence of interest in transportation by train. Rails were cheaper to build than paved surfaces, and locomotives more fuel-efficient than rovers, aircraft, or tracked carriers for carrying people and freight over the very long distances between factions.


A locomotive completes the steel climb into the Hyas Teeth where it will mate with water tankers at this waystation operated by the Children of the Atom before being hitched into a rack-and-pinion system for the dangerous descent. As on an aircraft carrier and aboard Unity herself, the rail crew are distinguishable by the color of their uniforms: yellow for traffic control, red for yard operations, green for loadmasters, and blue for climb configuration.

Engineers designed the ultra-heavy atomic locomotives as rolling fortresses to keep the radiation in and danger out. A foot of composite armor blunted the psychic lashing of mindworms to tolerable levels and was also virtually impervious to the low-velocity ballistic weapons available to most militias. Locomotives invariably featured reinforced accommodation (albeit cramped) for both escorts and passengers. The later would muster from adjoining cars in case of emergency.

Trains were potent offensive and defensive platforms. Many carried parasite vehicles to effect minor repairs on damaged rail as well as to mount counter-assaults. The onboard reactors usually powered laser turrets with full 360° traverse. Using defoliants, rail-builders cleared generous rights of way so that train-board spotters could focus fire on potential trouble. When it appeared they might be overwhelmed, trains could vent super-heated waste steam and radiation from their sinks, converting crucial safety systems into deadly area-effect weapons. As further protection, trains usually traveled with at least three powered engines: the locomotive, a "midcar," and the caboose, all of which could detach to open up fields of fire for onboard defenders, thus creating defensive islands.

Speedtrains also helped bring necessary services to outlying colonies, either by serving fixed stations or making field stops that drew in the custom of wider catchment areas in carnival-like tent cities. In addition to basic stockcars, locomotives could pull surgical, laboratory, and recreational suites; machine shops; and modular facilities.

Adversaries were as likely to use track as to rip it up or destroy it. Conversion kits allowed Rovers to ride the rails for faster travel. The effectiveness of small-time sabotage diminished greatly when air cushion technology matured. Locomotives retrofitted with undercarriage safety bellows could stay true across up to 60' of damaged track, while powerful magnets, set in series, could be activated once geometry detectors confirmed that the train was again over parallel rails.

First image is by Jarkko Kinnunen.

Second image is "Snow Train" by Wibble on ArtStation.
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Oct 31, 2022 at 7:04 PM #28
Contre-Amirale Raoul André St. Germaine said:
It is not disagreement we punish, but dissent. You disagree? Fine. But hold your tongue after the decision has been made, lest you provoke doubt in lesser men. Nothing better serves a sailor than confidence, and nothing so dooms him but the creeping thought that his course is already wrong. - The Discipline of Obedience

The 2019 invasion of Arunachal Pradesh was a near-total catastrophe for the Communist Chinese. Intending to have their way with powers they considered second-rate, the People's Republic instead pushed two enemies into a united front against itself.

A game of brinkmanship in the Himalayas was not yet two months old when, after rioting over a desultory earthquake response in Ashgabat, the Chinese Ministry of State Security facilitated the defection of the First Secretary of the Turkmen Communist Party.

China's military overestimated its readiness for war, especially at sea. The impressively large People's Liberation Army Navy had only a fraction of the naval aviation experience possessed by its adversaries, each of which had been perfecting its doctrines for forty years or more. Postwar analysis also found that the Chinese had been unwise in their decision to use American configurations on old Soviet hulls. Without the ship-killing missiles and heavy throw-weight of Soviet shipboard defense schemes, Chinese commanders relied too heavily on their air groups on both offense and defense.

The combined efforts of the allied navies and scarcely-concealed assistance from GCHQ Hong Kong put three Chinese aircraft carriers on the Indian Ocean floor in quick succession, starting with the Shandong and Liaoning , dispatched off Sri Lanka by MiG-29K fighters flying from Ulyanovsk and Vishal , respectively. A week later, INS Vikramaditya, attended by the ancient Viraat and its small flock of Sea Harriers, fatally wounded Fujian off the Spratley Islands, where the PLAN had hoped she would have time to take on more interceptors.

The only bright spot of the war for China was when they found and finished off the already-fire-damaged Streltsy in the Southern Ocean. Senior Captain Wu Fang Bao's squadron rerouted from neutrality patrols off Port Prosperity to give chase with a combination of seventh-generation Type 092 missile frigates and a few corvettes. The Soviet carrier couldn't scramble fighters, and though its AK-630s and Kashtan CIWS did bloody work, the Renhuai cracked its bridge and magazine almost simultaneously.

Two of the Type 092s made up the Golden Chinese contribution to Unity's small surface fleet. Their missile armament and three rapid-cycling deck guns were supposed to offer the colonists a comfortable dome of protection against unspecified threats. One Type 092, dubbed the Skagway after the homeport at which its crew trained before mission launch, was contained within a Supply Pod that joined the exodus led by Academician Prokhor Zakharov.

This picture is from the sci-fi MMO Sea Fortress , made by IGG.
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Nov 2, 2022 at 5:03 PM #30
CEO Nwabudike Morgan said:
And do you know the cause of the very first murder on our expedition? Light. Two crewman argued over possession a headlamp. Gripped by avarice—and, no doubt, by fear—one stove the other’s head in with a sonic hammer. Over light. Even then, in our first hours above this new world, energy was the thing. For what is light but its herald?” – The Centauri Monopoly

At 00:03 Mission Time (MT), 1 November 2116, Unity crossed the edge of the Alpha Centauri system, passing its outermost captive solar body, an asteroid designated Argus. The Forward Contact Team under Warden-Administrator J.T. Marsh deployed aboard landing pods. They would proceed to make landfall on schedule, four days hence, where they would immediately secure a planned landing area in north-central Shamash, Chiron's largest continent, on the southern shore of the Lycatian Sea.

The Forward Contact Team consisted of pioneers, roughnecks, and logisticians. Marsh was to develop a depot to receive the disgorging colonists and their cargoes. His immediate objectives, in order of priority, were to make safe the landing site, establish a base of operations for emergency crash rescue, construct a prefabricated triage station, and mark out assembly areas for the various crew departments and their respective equipment. Subsequently, he would organize resource-gathering farther afield and initiate a search for evidence of the Chiron Probe, a smaller expedition that preceded Unity by fifty years.

01:19MT, 3 November 2116, Unity was impacted on the port side by a micro-object forty-eight Astronomical Units (AU) from Chiron. Impact sheared off Cryobays 6, 7, and 8 and destroyed two of three hydroponics modules, A and B. In an instant, more than 68,000 people were killed, and the expedition lost the majority of its fresh food and 90% of its medicinal crops. Fires raged shipwide, consuming oxygen at a prodigious rate, killing helpless crew and ashing uncounted fortunes worth of irreplaceable supplies. Among those immediately flagged dead by the computer were Chief Security Officer Rachael Winzenried and senior Psych Chaplain Miriam Godwinson .

The port-side ventral hull was showered in shrapnel, causing breaches and depressurization spread across eighty-three decks. Primary reactor shielding was breached and emergency coolant systems crippled. Coolant system failure led to a rapid increase in core temperature. Safety systems immediately SCRAMMED the primary reactor, but radiation leaked into Cryobays 1, 2, 4, and 9. A secondary reactor powered up automatically but tripped twice during start-up, indicating that it too had suffered significant damage.

Unity's computer automatically woke the senior command crew and 150 damage control technicians to begin preliminary damage assessment. Executive Officer General Francisco d'Almeida activated the Damage Control Center amidships at 01:58 MT and woke an additional 400 personnel to conduct urgent firefighting. By 05:12MT, d'Almeida summarizes what was then known for the arriving Bridge Crew, themselves still fighting through debris. More than 40% of Unity's automated fire suppression systems had failed and dozens of airtight bulkheads remained inexplicably locked in the open position. Emergency lighting had not come on in key compartments aft and amidships. Radiation alarms were indicating potentially fatal contact doses in compartments along a full kilometer of the hull forward from the reactor spaces. Most crucially, life support readings foretold that the ship's supply of oxygen was at 82 hours and dropping. Unless drive power could be restored to complete a rapid deceleration burn, Unity would overshoot Chiron and pass through the star system.

Damage to lesser systems and cargo bays was equally critical. Lieutenant Commander Sardul Singh, head of Unity's Engineering Division, led damage control parties to the Primary Data Core, where halon fire suppression systems had activated. Singh advised of "significant apparent damage" to the core and began a full diagnostic. On his recommendation, Captain Jonathan Garland approved a transfer of data operations to the Secondary Core. Working with Chief Medical Officer Pravin Lal, Lt. Commander Deirdre Skye began an inventory of compartments that were still showing non-emergency status and calculated that the quantity of safe rations remaining aboard might be sufficient for as little as one-fifth of the crew. Spacewalks of the hull confirmed grave suspicions that a significant quantity of free wreckage had become trapped in the ship's eleven kilometers of latticework, attracted by the microgravity drums fore and aft of the waist. Aerospace Operations Director Ssihash Regelman began vectoring drones to create clear paths around the launch tubes.

At 05:41MT, Captain Jonathan Garland sought options from his staff. If the ship's fusion drive could not be restarted within 97 (effectively 82, given life support problems) hours, the only alternative would be to enter an elliptical orbit, using Alpha Centauri's gravity to bring the ship back into range for Planetfall, a maneuver that would take fifty-seven standard years. Placing hundreds of personnel safely back into cold sleep was a practical impossibility, particularly on low-margin reserve power. The Wespe-Quinn-Vagner process was traumatic even under ideal conditions with medical technicians on stand-by to resolve the seizures that afflicted 21% of all sleepers. Most of the 500 souls awake aboard Unity would face a statistical certainty of death if Unity overshot. Garland ordered d'Almeida to awaken more workers.

According to survivors present with him at the time, access to information provided by damage controllers contributed to Executive Officer d’Almeida’s strong belief that Unity’s destruction could not be prevented. Heated discussion began in Damage Control concerning the probability of reactor repair and weighing the benefits of a total shutdown to conserve life and gasses that might be used to advance other solutions. Around 6:21MT, still conflicted, d'Almeida was caught off-guard by the patent insubordination of the ship's Chief Science Officer, Zakharov, whom he observed on camera violating orders to awaken additional structural engineers so that urgent repairs could be made to failing sunports in Hydroponics Bay C. Instead, Zakharov was organizing members of the Dosimetry and Reactor Engineering departments and countermanding evacuation orders for workers still in irradiated compartments. D'Almeida then tried and failed to raise Garland on central and point-to-point radio. Text communication was impossible as the data core was still rebooting and computer operations were limited to basic recall and supervisory control and data acquisition routines.

At 6:48MT, d'Almeida began receiving frantic radio traffic from multiple locations reporting that armed assailants were attacking responders. Damage Control Center personnel were astonished by the number, recklessness, and reach of the attackers, who seemed to be swarming at all points, as well as by the fact that most were apparently wearing U.N. Security Forces togs, indicating that a crucial segment of the crew complement had been suborned. D'Almeida remotely initiated recovery of General Marcel Salan and his Marines, far forward near the Bridge, but their contributions focused forward, on the personal defense of the Captain. The situation went from dire to untenable when the initial group of shooters found themselves in running firefights with a new set of organized attackers. D'Almeida turned on cameras to watch Kellerites swarm from one of Unity's many vestigial cargo bays. Over the next few hours, warrens of Charterists, including stowed-away followers of Nwabudike Morgan, Earth's richest man, followed the cultists' example, breaking out of hiding in supernumerary compartments whose precise history was unremembered even by the ship's builders. D'Almeida radioed his people that they were to stop waking fire crew. Instead, he furnished them a list of military officers known to himself and directed that they muster at the Ship's Armory.

Zakharov insisted to Garland that the fusion drive could be safely restarted and demanded permission to wake 2,000 additional engineering personnel. This would bring the total operating crew to approximately 2,600, severely taxing available supplies of food and water. Lal, Skye, and Atomic Energy Laboratory head Dr. Johann Anhaldt recommend entering elliptical orbit. A civilian adviser, Tell Stillwell, formerly a U.S. Secretary of Defense, pointed out that the problem would be moot unless Garland's forces could retake the ship. Gripped by uncertainty, Garland ordered forward damage control crews to redouble efforts toward the restoration of contact with d'Almeida and put people on the task of trying to locate Winzenried's lieutenant, Wael Salibi. He expressly forbade Zakharov from going ahead with his plans for the drive.

Garland send Lt. Commander Skye aft to Hydroponics Bay C to assess integrity. Though furnished with a squad of firefighters, she insisted that she also be permitted to retrieve a number of her soil biologists. En route to the hydroponics bays, Skye was surprised at the number of engineering and military personnel she encountered. Judging by some of their billets alone, these individuals, who were assigned to Zakharov or d'Alemida's divisions, had no business participating in a radiological or structural emergency. More than a few were armed, though weapons were still, in theory, strictly controlled and had not been ordered distributed, a decision that would need to be routed through the ship's security command. It was a foretaste of what was to come. When the door to Hydroponics C cycled open, a rifle bullet creased Skye's left bicep and inflicted a mortal wound on one of the rescuers standing just behind.

Screenshot from The Expanse .

Nov 3, 2022 at 4:51 PM #31
CEO Nwabudike Morgan said:
Without water, there is no life. Without metal, there is no form. Without energy, there is no action. From the crudest outpost to the largest arcology, whether producer or consumer, these are the critical raw materials in the solar system. - FY2051 Annual Report , King Priam Mining

All faction operations in Alpha Centauri 2 are made possible by four resources: water, energy, minerals, and nutrients.


Survivors used oxidizing tablets to render the groundwater drinkable. Water passed through Landing Pod treatment plants was stored in casks to prevent contamination and preserve freshness. Upland colonies with access to high mountain snowpack did a brisk trade with vally-dwellers eager to irrigate their sandy soils.

Water was necessary not only to sustain human life, but also as an input for virtually every industrial activity.

Without water, your population will die and your production will slow to a crawl.


Fission products powered the Unity expedition. Donors cynically exploited the U.N.'s need to co-opt them in clean-up operations that were too little, too late for Earth. Nearly every one of the 22,500 vehicles carried aboard Unity had a waste fission battery or onboard microreactor.

On Chiron, energy was currency. Rather than issue money, factions tracked each individual's debts and credits on an energy index. Energy credits were redeemable as cash, fuel, nutrient equivalents, and time-cycles of light or data access.

Without energy, your base facilities will be rendered inoperable and your movement and signals intelligence will be severely impaired.


The mineral wealth of Planet could not be fully exploited except at great cost to it. Geomorphic warfare had been practiced since ancient times when Alexander of Macedon threw down a causeway to reach Tyre. The Hive went one step further, sometimes digging deep and fast enough to trigger intense backlash by native ecosystems that their subterranean bases could withstand far better than those of surface-dwelling adversaries.

Without minerals, your production will grind to a halt.


Unity 's seed banks and livestock pens were virtually wiped out. A large fraction of the prepackaged survival rations stored inside the Landing Pods were also heavily irradiated.

Colonists ate the rations anyway, and grew the few remaining seeds in greenhouses. The ubiquitous Chironian fungus was inedible, and most leafy Chironian plants, though edible, lacked measurable nutrient value. Animals were a different matter. Native sealurks and crustaceans were not only palatable, but nourishing as well.

Without nutrients, your population will sicken and die.

Water hauler is "Mining truck vehicle, Halo 5" by John Wallin Liberto.

Batteries are "SCI-FI Battery Pack" by Carol Sung.

Mining rig is from James Cameron's Avatar (2009).

Fourth image found on Wallpaper Flare. Original artist unknown.
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Nov 4, 2022 at 9:14 PM #34
Chief Medical Officer Pravin Lal said:
I am making no representations to desire a momento of home, nor professing disdain for the wise counsel that we tread here at our own risk. We are taking the Crawler because it means that we eat. Maslow before Miur or Martha Stewart.


The high heat and low oxygen levels on Planet are conducive to natural carbonization. Spectrographic analysis correctly predicted that Chiron's crust had trapped large reserves of potential fossil fuels. The chief problem was one of access: the nitrate-based plant economy choked most surfaces with many feet of organic detritus that colonies needed to clear before they could access the topsoil.

The oceans on Chiron are warmer, sweeter, and much more active than those on Earth. In colder climates, the turmoil is less. In exchange for lower biodiversity in a cooler and drier environment, the Peacekeepers who settled the Southern Pole faced a thinner mantle of nitrate spoilage and greatly reduced xenofungal activity. Mineral counts were also very good, while the ice sheet, thin though it was, provided an easy source of water.

Ice Station Taurok, an outpost founded by the Peacekeeping Forces, supplied supplementary power and water to Warm Welcome and U.N. Relief Station from M.Y. 0 to M.Y. 57, when it was at last destroyed by an electrical storm and left to molder.

Base layout was simple: the central pump station was flanked by irrigated greenhouse domes. An air defense emplacement, visible to the left, was built in M.Y. 15 to deter hostile landings. Because of its relative isolation and small, seasonal population, Taurok was considered at high risk of capture or destruction by Lal's chief adversaries at that time, the Nautilus Pirates and Dreamers of Chiron.

Turok was home to sixteen technicians seasonally, and never more than twenty-eight at any one time. Recreation opportunities were limited,. The hydroponics bays made passable conservatories from which to view the Borealis. Like all colonies, they also built a physio-therapudic saltwater pool to ease the vertical loading imposed on their bodies by Chiron's high gravity. Residents performed most administrative work suspended on floats. During electrical storms, when the pools were closed for safety reasons, they gathered in social commons and kitchens where overhead monitors cycled familiar favorites from the base's small datalinks library. Fresh-mixed nutrient paste was always on tap, along with a generous selection of "flavor-enhancing" powders that added more to indigestion than to enjoyment of meals. Drinks rations and cigarettes banished the unpleasant memories of mealtime--Ice Station Turok received a double ration--and both were often abused.

The work was hard. For six hours a day, the Ice Station's inhabitants wore powered exo-skeletons and did their best to tolerate supplemental oxygen drawn from self-contained breathing apparatus. The lower nitrate content in the local biome reduced the speed with which narcosis set in, but the deep subzero temperatures lent a new terror to routine mishaps. Tracked robots and computers played a significant part in keeping the Ice Station going to limit the outdoor exposure and menial work required of its living custodians.


Quarters were well-appointed to compensate for the hardships of the posting, not least of which was the social isolation. Individual habs were lush with cushions. Most colonists used ferns in decoration, a luxury made possibly by large picture windows--a huge imposition on the heating system. Wall-mounted technology suites, complete with programming tools, provided more functionality than it was possible to use fully on the small datalinks library, a true intranet. Too much time and too much equipment inspired digital painters who wrote their memory-intensive masterpieces on reel-to-reel storage impossible to obtain in other settings. Then there was "the jazz," a kind of artistic programming language first invented to add character to shared electronic message boards.

True to their creed, residents meet weekly in council. Rotating chairpersons facilitated according to Robert's Rules of Order . Subjects of dispute ranged from the mundane to the inane. A conversation that began by touching upon occupational health and safety matters might soon stray to the noisome personal foibles of "problem" individuals.

For fear of raiders, colonists went armed, though their arsenal was limited to the sub-lethal weapons typical of Unity's under-stocked armory. They had only shredder pistols, a kind of single-shot flechette weapon intended for crowd control. In the high gravity and open snow fields, they were all but useless.

First picture is a base in the computer game Aven Colony.

Second picture is by late futurist Syd Mead.
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Nov 5, 2022 at 8:07 AM #35
Poseidon Energy said:
Begin your odyssey with us.


U.N.S. Unity's twelve-reactor power plant under construction on the Martian surface.

The project was, in generous terms, an unmitigated disaster. First conceived as the American Ares III intra-solar foundry, Unity's derelict skeleton had been a fixture in the nighttime sky above North America for more than a half-century before it was purchased by the U.N.'s Janović Commission for conversion. The ship then finished another forty-three years in geosynchronous orbit, followed by six of trials that took it only as far as Pluto. By volume, it was the largest object ever built by man. Knowing that technological progress would outpace them before completion, her shipwrights opted for obsolete but proven systems and modular design, hoping to install the engines, reactor, and computer mainframe last, while swapping out secondary infrastructure only when necessary. As the budget ballooned out of control, austerity measures forced the designers to use progressively less-advanced technology so that, in the words of Chief Engineering Officer Prokhor Zakharov, "What began as a starship ended up resembling a square wheel with spokes missing."

U.N.S. Unity's development was a case study in design flaws, self-destructive behavior, and the perils of consensus-based project management. Amidst countless arguments, industrial accidents, and incidents of terrorism and sabotage, entire sections were started, gutted, and started again as political will and available resources waxed and waned. Very often, whole sections of the ship were simply abandoned in place, operational but unwanted. To save time and money, construction crews usually sealed them up without bothering to salvage all the newly-installed equipment. Many of these "forgotten" compartments, more advanced than what was constructed to replace them, remained wired into the ship-wide power and water grids even though they gradually lost the ability to "talk" with the datacore. That was another mess--a retrieval system bearing the sum total of human knowledge that relied on near-century-old punch card, reel-to-reel, and disk storage technology. Some crew members trained seven years to achieve mastery in programming languages their great-grandparents had stopped using as teenagers.

Old technology did have its advantages. Unity was considerably less vulnerable to interstellar radiation than her more-impressive predecessor, the Pathfinder Probe , and was made safer by redundancies that even the most conservative spaceys could only dream about.

Nonetheless, a revolving door of visionaries, sponsors, and builders produced a "Frankenstein's Ark" of not only obsolete, but also incompatible components. Political imperatives often spoke louder than practical science. When the Western powers temporarily suspended their participation in the Project from 2014 to 2050, the U.N.'s new Chinese and Warsaw Pact dismantled and stole entire modules for closer study Earthside, replacing them with inferior or even inoperable counterfeits. During one of countless breakdowns in contract re-negotiations, Morgan Aerodynamics convinced Mission Command to write off and condemn dozens of already-loaded cargo bays previously installed by competitors, including Serrol-Merowe, Fairchild-Grumman, Verset-Brantley, and the Arcannon Group, then charged its customer to rebuild and restock similar bays on the ship's opposite side. In December 2069, less than two years before Unity's departure, the U.N. Intelligence Cell warned then-Secretary-General Degra Tallowan Irú that the number of stowaways, secreted away in purpose-built "secret compartments" that almost certainly contained weapons and equipment more impressive than what the mission had for itself, would more than likely cause severe political problems for the first colony. (Of course, they presumed, wrongly, that the stowaways would not be so foolish as to jeopardize the safe arrival of the ship at its destination.) An additional 2,000 Security Forces were then added to the manifest after a vetting process that also left much to be desired. To a U.N. Board of Inquiry still convening just hours before his departure for the lunar cradle, Unity's captain, Jonathan Garland, observed wryly, albeit accurately, that there was not a single integrated or accurate schematic--let alone a proper inventory--of the whole ship anywhere in existence.

Stocking Unity was equally disastrous. Food and other perishable materials, including biofuel, spoiled due to problems of power quality or because of industrial accidents, especially radiation and water main leaks that ruined electronics as thoroughly as it did rations. Donor nations gave what they could afford to part with--surplus not worth its own scrap value, and politically or environmentally problematic equipment.


At more than 9.5km in length, the ship was so large that an internal monorail was used to move people and cargo from assembly bays to their assigned berths in the ship's interior. Many of the specialized cargo-bearing cars were off-loaded prior to the ship's departure, but this was a moot point anyway since the force of the micrometeorite strike that ruined her also broke Unity's rail backbone.

Providing a crew for the ship presented a separate brace of problems. Tens of thousands of crew members perished in training, while many more died at the hands of mobs and terrorists incensed at the idea of being left behind. Some 18,902 personnel interred in cold sleep--about four percent of the total passenger list--were lost to mishaps like the ones recounted above before Unity departed the Lunar Cradle on its shake-down cruise. (And this was quite apart from those killed during training accidents or assassinated by mobs and political adversaries jealous of their good fortune.) During times of extremity, the U.N. made a habit of accepting donations from corporations, private individuals, and even criminal enterprises. Earth's best and brightest shared their one-way trip with exiles, outcasts, and stowaways of every conceivable stripe. Pursuant to a mission charter further amended beyond recognition after most were placed in hibernation, led by a multi-national crew on the verge of dissolution since the day it had formed, they were destined for a world where contact with the more-advanced Pathfinder Mission had already been lost without explanation.

Poseidon Energy is a corporation from the Fallout franchise of video games.

Power plant is Shin-Ra Electric Power Corporation base and City of Midgar from Final Fantasy VII.

The name "Degra" is a nod to the eponymous character in Season 3 of Star Trek: Enterprise .

Monorail picture is from Babylon 5.
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Nov 5, 2022 at 8:44 AM #36
Colonel Corazón Santiago said:
To be a Survivalist is to live out the proud pledge not to be a burden others. This makes the traditional role of government inherently problematic. If I don't require as many services, it is not necessarily to bind me by as many rules. - Planet: A Survivalist's Guide


The Southeastern Ravelin of Xerxion Fortress, 0.3km from the Slowwind River.

From the perspective of Hypersurvivalists, the U.N. Mission to Alpha Centauri was the final, intolerable indignity heaped upon the back of the working man. Claiming to bring salvation to all humanity, they believed that bureaucrats in New York and Geneva had in fact filled their great ark with only two types of people: those who didn't need saving (the well-heeled, well-off elite) and their wretched serving class of voluntary debtors who would step foot on a new world as slaves. Ever the aspiring poet, Corazón Santiago warned that Secretary-General Apsara Mongkut's plan "took only the top of the pyramid." Her less-literary followers boiled the crew manifest's guiding principle down to "taking pharaohs."

The problem for Santiago was that though her rhetoric was popular, direct action was not. To effect her great plan of reckoning, she needed co-conspirators who had already won their hard-fought placement aboard, making it less likely they would adjudge the contest as rigged, or those willing to take a bad gamble on first-generation cryotubes--the kind that could be smuggled behind false bulkheads and run on siphoned power without tripping loss alarms. She made up the deficiency of true believers by recruiting among the harder core of unreconstructed Holnists, wrongly presuming that their shared diagnosis of the problems afflicting humanity would translate, in the end, to agreement on the right prescription.

Spartans organized along paramilitary lines so that their bases resembled the North American service academies that came back into vogue during the three-decade lead-in to the Hypersurvivalist Crisis. They defied Chiron with a combination of calisthenics and self-abnegation. To entertain themselves, they staged trial combats, hunted the booming rodent population that had come off the Landing Pods (which they soon discovered had made the descent into partial cannibalism), and harassed their neighbors for sport or slaves. Some absorbed the nihilistic manifestos produced or recommended by their Colonel, broadcast from loudspeakers in the barracks halls and gymnasiums. Santiago wanted them tough: they used labor-saving technology sparingly, eschewing the powered exo-frame.

Spartan bases were built in a distinctive fortress style that resembled the earthwork defenses of earlier eras. The principles held. Spartans inflicted outsized losses on most enemies from behind murder holes or battlements. Common quarters afforded no privacy worth mentioning. Spartans slept, bathed, fed, and worked in teams so central to their lives that the bonds of comradeship frequently became romantic. Since they could not easily adorn spaces they did not personally own, they did it on their own bodies, developing a practical mania for self-decoration. Spartans also developed stenciled covers for their body-mounted flashlights that shone in configurations or colors unique to themselves or their squads, helping them to identify one another during combat. Social and contact diseases were a problem for the close-packed Spartans, who received daily antibiotics to manage the risk of fungal and other breakouts.

Hypersurvivalists , often called Holnists , soon found Santiago's party line intolerable. Fault lines had yawned wide from the moment the Spartans had launched their attack. Rather than seize "their rightful share," the majority of Santiago's "followers" had engaged in orgiastic violence that seemed to have no purpose other than to sate an appetite for troublemaking and self-aggrandizement. They committed murder without preamble, destroyed vital systems or supplies for the sheer thrill of destruction, and seemed not to care that they, too, were imperiled by Unity's plight. Once on the ground, many took bubbletents and sought a more solitary life than their leader and her acolytes thought prudent, existing as a collection of disorganized barnacles on the main society, or so Santiago believed. Poverty and hardship kept them fit for fighting, but internecine violence claimed a sizeable number of victims and forced the creation of penal battalions that Santiago eventually put at the forefront of her fights, hoping battlefield attrition would solve her problems of leadership where persuasion had failed.

The constant state of war in which the faction existed retarded social development. Food was never abundant and sleep cycles were interrupted almost daily by klaxons sending everyone to shelter. Spartans rested as often "rough" in foxholes or guardrooms as in their cots. They slurped 3,000-calorie "battle butters" and swallowed caffeine pills so often that solid food upset their digestion and tempers were rarely shorter than a hair. Many Spartans received injections of hemodynamics to help resist oxygen narcosis in case of battle damage to their survival rigs.

Datalinks use was unimportant to Spartans, who found a better outlet in radio chatter. Within the carefully-delineated lanes of strict radio discipline, Spartans collaborated in development of a battle language that awarded treasured call-signs and had an ever-expanding vocabulary rooted in context and allegory--one that required intimate knowledge of the faction's members and their exploits and was nearly uncrackable to outsiders. The Dreamers of Chiron paid premiums for Spartan prisoners whose secrets they could plumb with the "Somnacin Cure."

In theory, a Spartan sought battle with worthy foes. Tribals were worthy, if hated, and a trophy culture permitted the taking of skulls, ears, and, especially, the enemy's own weapons. The production and trade of shrunken heads was ubiquitous. They adorned spikes on the walls of Spartan bases. Some troopers kept menageries. In practice, Spartans learned from their less-restrained cousins to shoot at anyone unfamiliar luckless enough to stray into their sight, soldier or civilian.

Menial work was performed by slaves called helots --captives who, according to the Spartan creed, were made inhuman by the shame of their surrender. The Spartans arrived with hundreds of able-bodied workers corralled aboard Unity and immediately set them to work mining, planting, and hauling water. Any robots that fell into Spartan hands were reconfigured immediately for war. Rather than build, Spartans expected to take.

Picture is "Desert City" by ARTek92 on DeviantArt.

The allegorical radio chatter of the Spartans is inspired by the "battle language" of Dune and the communication style of the Tamarians in the Star Trek: The Next Generation episode Darmok .

Nathan Holn is from David Brin's The Postman (1985), later made into a movie by Kevin Costner.
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Nov 7, 2022 at 6:28 PM #38
Vesper Abaddon said:
For these, the disposition of Unity’s inheritance is but an interesting piece of chancery. Men who are utterly indifferent to the legacy of the recently-deceased, except that some specific portion of it should come into their own hands. - Musings of a Mad King


A Soviet-manufactured Landing Pod on Sunny Mesa, observed by hunter-seeker drone, shortly after Planetfall. Her landing chutes are still unrecovered. Some crew have deployed in extravehicular mobility units. Protocol dictated to check for leaks of coolant and fuel before general disembarkation.

Even once Unity's survivors had got away, the danger remained very high. Rare was the pod that touched down with the same number of survivors that had gone aboard.

A Landing Pod, also called a Unity Pod, was a short-range, single-use shuttle with which to make the controlled descent from high orbit to Chiron's surface. Hermetically sealed and abundantly heat-shielded, there was a pod for every task and a task for every pod.

Those built by Fairchild Grumman were passenger carries, meant to ferry up to three thousand passengers in dubious comfort and acceptable margins of safety. At nearly ten stories tall and most of a city block wide, they were practical settlements in their own right. Designers meant that they be incorporated wholesale into the first settlements. Standard contents included:
  • Elevated command center with 360-degree views and holographic "sand" tables
  • Operatings theaters stocked for impact trauma and burn victims
  • Seed banks, with accomodation for reserve power to ensure constant refrigeration
  • Agricultural grow-racks suitable for both vertical and horizontal configuration
  • Diagnostic laboratories ready to perform body imaging, brain scans, and microanalysis
  • Large-capacity galleys with serving kitchens
  • Self-sanitizing dormitories with racks stacked five high and eighteen deep
  • Machine shops and their garages, with attendant motor pools
  • Full-service armories ready to reload spent ammunition and recondition surplus weapons
  • Threaders to rewind, erase, and reuse old data tape
  • Broad-band communication suites with radio-frequency tags for the pod's fleet of parasite vehicles--
  • Cranes and derricks for loading and construction
  • Breeder reactors and batteries for on-premesis and off-site power
  • Water and chemical hook-ups, with pump houses, to feed irrigation networks or conduct dredging
  • Brigs for unruly colonists
  • Recycling facilities
  • Abundant office space
  • Water filtration
  • Robotics workshops stocked with legions of General Electric Automators and Cray Construction Units
Pods built by South African Kentron were legendarily festooned with survival gear. The parastalal 's engineers had doubted the tolerances provided by U.N. Mission Command and turned out over-engineered marvels that would go on to withstand atomics. Whatsmore, of their thirty-six decks, twenty-two were given over to rack after rack of crackers, flashlights, batteries, reflective blankets, water canisters, fuel cells, pneumatic drills, hydraulic jacks, and every other product or device congenial to one who might be stranded.

Dassault Avionics, Hindustan Aeronautics Unlimited, and Imre-Meinertzhagen were engaged to produce pods with primary duties other than general evacuation. Some would use telescoping manipulator arms to dismantle Unity herself, claiming entire reactor blocks from the superstructure for subsequent re-entry. The largest pods, configured for automated descent, were reserved for cargoes that would be unaffected by relatively high-G landings: construction materials, vehicles, and solid-state network nodes.

Awkward control arrangements required as few as two or as many as six pilots. Due to the amount of heavy wreckage around Unity's launch tubes, observers stood at observation ports to help inform attitude adjustments. More than twenty-five pods wrecked, lost with all hands, in spite of that. Pods not manually launched by departing colonists were eventually dumped by Unity’s fail-safes before it passed out of Chiron’s gravity well.

The pod designs of Soviet design bureau NP Lavochkin mounted a remote weapons station with a rotary cannon. Though there are no recorded cases of the weapon being used to harm other evacuees, their occupants used the Lavochkin's unique addition to blast away at errant debris, providing safer vectors for escape. Not a single Lavochkin craft was lost.

A pod's cargo bay, once relieved of other contents, became a motor pool for the large parks of "parasite" vehicles inevitably carried inside per U.N. loading conventions: fleets of tractors, tugs, high-loaders, cranes, and other small utility runners, including self-powered pumper carts for firefighting, half-squadrons of Unity crawlers (tracked low-loaders), and complement of earth-moving machinery--dumpers, graders, and power shovels. Dedicated pods with bigger retro-thrusters brought down the true terraformers, huge in their own right, as well as the even larger harvesting rigs.

Complicated landings convinced some passengers that it was safer to stay aboard indefinitely. Sub-divisions in larger pods made post-launch accountability all but impossible. For weeks after Planetfall, some colonists avoided participation in the colonization effort by pretending work they made up for themselves in the familiar grey corridors.


Landing Pods, like all spacecraft of their era, sprouted equipment lockers every few feet. These usually contained devices to be used in case of a botched re-entry: tunrout gear, hull patches, fire extinguishers, emergency air supplies, portable lights, axes, winches, and the other accoutrements of heavy rescue. Hose reels and water mains were never more than fifty feet from hand.

Vesper Abaddon was a character in the NBC television series Kings (2009).

First picture credit to MacRebisz on DeviantArt. Picture title is "Ambition 1 Lander."

Bottom picture is "Battleship Corridor UE4" by Finlay Pearston on ArtStation.
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Nov 9, 2022 at 5:48 PM #40
Vice Dean Spiros Theophanos said:
Information is power. I cannot learn except in dialogue. The secreting of knowledge is an act of tyranny, camouflaged as "proprietary research" by Morgan's overseers and "prudence" by Conclave synods. On a world about which we know so little, it is also tantamount to murder as surely as if one has pulled the trigger of a gun. - Opening Remarks to the 5th Congress of the Academy of Planetary Sciences


Densely-packed schedules. Rigid hierarchy. Regular intervals of bloody drone violence. These were essential features of the University experience as much as of the Hive.

Commissioner Pravin Lal said:
The Proctors bequeathed to Planet a society that nourished the mind while leaving the soul to starve. - A Social History of Planet

University bases divided themselves neatly into academic faculties led by deans who together formed a senate, the resolutions of which were subject to the veto of the faction chancellor, the Academician Prokhor Zakharov himself, to whom the senate delegated authority on matters of faction governance they did not otherwise address. In each base, student and service workers' unions was entitled to observe senate proceedings but not to vote. Membership in the faculty was limited to those with doctoral degrees.

There were three types of bases. Residential colleges, where the bulk of the University population dwelt, were closest in organization and purpose to traditional settlements. Institutes--really isolated research stations--were organized like Soviet design bureaus, harvesting the best graduates to supply the breakthroughs in materials science that became the faction's hallmark. Symposia were academic junk heaps where those assessed as lacking the talent or temperament for "better placement" found new purpose in development of syllabus content and the practice of library science.

Social and political incentives within the University swung sharply toward the pursuit of higher education and careers in the STEM fields. Engineers sat at the top of the pecking order, followed by administrators, then social scientists, students, and, lastly, the small, undifferentiated mass of laborers. By custom and regulation, the latter were intellectual inferiors, barred from the levers of power and, unless academically inclined, restricted in their choices of residence, occupation, and recreation.

The superabundance of robots to perform difficulty or uncongenial tasks combined with the precariousness of life in a hyper-competitive environment enhanced prejudice toward anyone with less than a terminal degree, leading to periodic expulsions of "excess human capital" into the planetary wilderness. Justifications ranged from the pecuniary to the Darwinian. The situation was especially grotesque because so many of the faction's citizens, including leading minds, were physically disabled by radiation sickness or wounds suffered during the Unity Crisis.

A special committee, with Zakharov as chair, awarded tenure, which exempted its beneficiaries from the public-facing stacked rankings that tracked one's accumulated credit hours, publications, and teaching output. When in M.Y. 24 the University began accepting endowments from other factions, these, too, were added to the calculus.

Tenured faculty received a fixed annual energy stipend to fund self-guided research. They appeared before a tenure committee every three years to defend the value and pace of their output. The committee handed down recommendations that faction leadership usually applied without amendment, adding to some stipends and curbing or withdrawing others. The defense was notoriously demanding. Approvals skewed markedly in favor of the physical and computer sciences. About half those appearing before the committee at each session were relieved of their stipends.

The University population in M.Y. 72 included 4,720 tenured positions out of more than 20,632 total members of the academy and another 25,006 students below the doctoral level. Among those with tenure, just 82 were social scientists. The average time from award of a Ph.D. to that of tenure from M.Y. 10 through M.Y. 70 was nine years, with substantially more work expected by comparison with degrees programs on Earth.

Students reacted to the social and emotional burdens of Zakharov's educational dystopia by engaging in bouts of spasmodic violence against faction authorities, a tendency that faction leadership inadvertently indulged by maintaining separate systems of justice according to academic attainment. University Security lived in terror of rabble-rousing students, which University policy said could not be resisted except with tear gas and by grappling. Drunkeness, licentiousness, sutures, and datalinks violations were all features of a complete student experience.

To soothe the moods of his followers, Zakharov and his favorites subscribed to the philosophies of civic design extolled by Commandant Sardul Singh, Unity's Mission Area Director for Corrections. As a foremost apostle of the Recuperative Movement, Singh taught that behavior was a matter of nurture more than nature, which in the twenty-first century was often judged "correctable" with surgical and pharmacological intervention. Following Singh's precepts, which the Commandant himself applied at his own bases, University architecture was open and soaring. Lush green spaces punctuated exteriors and interiors alike--no small feat during the early periods of settlement when life support imperatives pushed base designers to "go small." Professors lectured to open-air amphitheaters. Business was conducted increasingly at garden parties, which suited Zakharov's preference that senates be seen and not heard.

Career came before virtually all other considerations in University life. A researcher's wealth, romantic matching prospects, and place of residence closely correlated with their field of study. Auxiliary staff were even less secure. They and their families were traded like favors between bases.

Found the image here , on rethink.earth. Artist unknown.
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Nov 11, 2022 at 6:41 PM #44
Warden Jeremy Tanner J.T. Marsh said:
Architects tell us that form ought follow function, but the man in the bush knows that function can only ever follow form. Lack of spirit and indulgence have combined to rob us of our form. Motion and hardship—the stuff of progress—have become too difficult and are despised. “There’s a machine for that,” says the man. But what is a man if not a body whose purpose and value are clear only in the moment of adversity? Here is the essential issue: we can simply invent out way out of being human. - Peregrinations of Planet


Service Record:
Born in Belfast, Northern Ireland, to an unwed mother. Soon placed in care of maternal uncle, the Viscount de Mohrenschildts, a sisal planter in the Central Highlands of British East Africa. No relationship with father, a lieutenant in the Royal Signals killed on deployment in Cyprus.

Graduated RMA Sandhurst. Posted to 23 Special Air Service Regiment. Awarded Victoria Cross, 2044, for rescue of two squad mates when FV430 was fire-bombed in Derry during Second Troubles. Following recuperation, sent to Mombasa. Participated in Action at Meru, liberating 20 British Government personnel and 37 other hostages from insurgent prison camp. Escape involved a supremely arduous overland trek of 120km.

Wife and daughter killed in U.K. motorway accident, 2009. Resigned Army commission and relocated to South Africa. First operated safari company catering to the ultra-wealthy. Game warden and lands supervisor at Kruger National Park through 2054, including during catastrophic fire seasons of 2051-53. Served intermittently with South African Defense Force in 2/44 Parachute Battalion, largely in Rhodesia and Portuguese East Africa, and periodically in townships. Deployed periodically to South West Africa for "police actions" and anti-terrorism missions against South West African People's Organization and allied People's Movement for the Liberation of Angola rebels.

Consulted for various private military and humanitarian organizations on subjects including intelligence-gathering, logistics, wilderness fieldcraft, and austere medicine. Retained as practitioner-in-residence by Avalanche Corporation. Confirmed engagements with Gezah Valley Authority [Carmel], Verne Stellar Navigation Co., and Yugoslav State Security Service (UDBA) coeval with the Slovenian Crisis. Suspected by MI5 of brokering arms to Biafran rebels during Saharan Burst Wars.

In 2052, joined Seven Summits Expeditions, leading three climbs on Mt. Aconcagua. Pioneer in the management and sport hunting of resurrected megafauna, including predators from Mesozoic and Pleistocene periods. Briefly advised International Genetic Technologies, Inc. (InGEN) of Palo Alto, CA on theme park venture in Costa Rica. Receive severance of indeterminate amount after workplace injury.

Invited to submit credentials to U.N. Mission to Alpha Centauri on the recommendation of Colonel Derek Hacker, British Special Intelligence Service. Responsibilities included reconnaissance, external security, and natural resource management. Received extensive training in space-borne damage control and zero-gravity and confined space rescue preparatory to becoming training supervisor with U.N. Olympus Mons mission intake facility.

Note: Based on Chiron Probe telemetry, subject arranged for hundreds of surplus M72 Light Anti-tank Weapons (LAW) to be taken into Unity armory ahead of mission launch.

Psych Profile: Hunter
Olympic-level athlete. Accomplished tracker and expert marksman.

High-range emotional stability, interpersonal dominance, introversion, social boldness, and self-reliance. Low-range rule-consciousness, sensitivity, and abstractedness. Regards lack of physical conditioning or personal independence as evidence of selfishness inconsistent with the social contract. Nevertheless, exhibits compulsion to assume responsibility for those less able. Strong preference for democratic traditions over hierarchical command structures.

Unprecedented .98 score on Atherholt Trauma Function Test. Emotional "projector." Readily inspires others to follow his personal example. Heightened interest in, and tolerance for, risky behaviors.

Consistent critic of labor-saving and augmented-reality technologies as well as synthetic narcotics due to their “emasculating” effects. Fears that mankind will use his technical aptitude to create a world in which his body and mind will be steadily eroded.

Forward Landing Teams departed Unity three weeks ahead of scheduled landing. Their mission: to secure the ideal location for a colony and make ready basic infrastructure. Pioneers sank automated mines, clear-cut forest to make way for planting, and set the first moisture traps on Chiron. To perform their mission,they were equipped with rugged, all-terrain vehicles capable of operating independently over extreme range and in all weather conditions as well as power-armor shells.

Whereas the Spartans perceive the human story as one of tribe set against tribe, the Hunters treat the natural world as their great adversary. Survival and success alike depend on achieving mastery over one’s environment, which first requires mastery of one's own body. On Earth, man was the apex predator, but on Chiron, he is a prey item. Accordingly, Hunters are nomads, living in tents pitched against their Scout Rovers or a Mobile Command Vehicle. This bubble gum-and-bailing wire existence naturally lends itself to pure democracy: the Hunter is a doughty sort, trusting in few, living hard, and offering his or her opinions readily. That said, they are never above a trick or two if the moment is ripe.

Marsh’s was the only faction to form independently of the Unity crisis: his Forward Landing Team departed the ship weeks ahead of its fateful collision. This gives the faction exceptionally high homogeneity, as all members are essentially practitioners of a narrow set of common professions, usually miners, pioneers, and roughnecks. They became the Hunters of Chiron .

Author's Notes

This faction is inspired by the call to adventure and exploration of traditional masculinity. They are a meditation on the question of what makes a “real” man, and one answer to the question, “By whom was the West really won?” Is there anything inherently desirable about the idea that the strong owe something to the weak? Ought we draw distinctions between man and woman? The faction also explores anxieties about the impact of technology on man's ability to do and think for himself. As we provide ourselves with every convenience, do we lose some animal aspect of ourselves that is actually integral to being human?

The character of J.T. Marsh combines aspects of Louis L'Amour's itinerant, fortune-seeking cowboy (whose rough-and-ready values, while no longer suitable for "civilized" society, are the only means by which to tame a lawless and pitiless frontier) and Wilbur Smith's great white hunter, who measures greatness only according to the yardstick of physical courage and cannot abide the "domestication" of settled life in village or town.

Hunters in Game Terms
Marsh felt that over-dependence on robotic servitors had ruined the physical fitness and mental toughness of human civilization. Like the Spartans, whose conflict-oriented policy he disdained, Marsh felt there was an urgent need to reinvigorate society in the most literal sense.

Without adversity to test, inspire, and renew the man, he could not become great. The answer was to pit oneself against the natural world. This philosophy, which dictated that humanity could find its salvation only in the Great Outdoors, dictated a strong conservationism.

The Hunters are nomads, capable of building outposts but not bases. Instead, they operate mobile headquarters and cut deals with other factions to obtain the resources necessary for growth and production. The Hunters' affinity is Harmony, their preferred politics is Anarchic, and they are opposed to re-contact with Earth. They begin the game with the Doctrine: Mobility tech and access to the Rover chassis. Their Research focus is Explore. The Hunters have just two population at game start, one Talent and one Technician, but they begin with 2 'Formers and a Scout River (the Main Force Patrol).

The Hunters enjoys bonuses to Cohesion (+1, landed ahead of the ship's main company), +1 Planet (leave no trace), +1 Support (survival experts), -2 Growth (nomadic lifestyle inimical to large families), -2 Industry (mobile workshops can't achieve economies of scale), and -2 Police (living wild and free). They gain an automatic reroll to one combat die (early experience with a dangerous new environment) as well as +1 mineral/season (roughnecks and rockbreakers). They also begin with the comm frequencies for every faction (we saw you come down). They may not use Cyborgs, Robots, of Specials (aversion to labor-saving technology and body modification). They begin with 1 War Store, reflecting Marsh's careful preparations for managing dangerous wildlife.

The Hunter mission calls for exercising and enforcing their usurfuct rights--free access to land, water, and the other natural boundies of Planet. They also look to test their mettle by completing the first Planetary Survey.

"J.T. Marsh" is the main character in the 1990s animated series Exo-Squad .

The character of Robert Muldoon in Jurassic Park , played by British actor Bob Peck, is our J.T. Marsh.

George Sergius de Mohrenschildt was an interesting figure involved in the Kennedy assassination. I simply like the surname.

Avalanche Corporation is a tip of the hat to AVALANCHE, the rebel front in Final Fantasy VII .

7 Summits Expeditions was created by the Walt Disney Company as a reference on a commemorative windowpane along Main Street in Orlando's Magic Kingdom in honor of deceased Chief Operations Officer Frank Wells.

Derek Hacker is a portmanteau of some of my favorite characters on Yes, Prime Minister .

Nov 12, 2022 at 1:34 PM #45
Colonel Corazón Santiago said:
Man has killed man from the beginning of time, and each new frontier has brought new ways and new places to die. Why should the future be different? - Planet: A Survivalist's Guide

War was a commonplace of the twenty-first century. Nations dueled with their neighbors over resources, with their ideological rivals over influence, and, more and more, with themselves over the future of political and social affairs. When it set out to select colonists and crew for the great expedition, United Nations Mission Command agreed on the principle that there should be fewer veterans than mere statistics would yield from a representative sample of the global population. Mercenaries were hardly any better. This thinking was received favorably by the Security Council, which worried that strong feelings of national allegiance might fuel mutiny. More than that, the aggressive mindset inculcated as part of military training everywhere seemed an unnecessary and unstable element to introduce to living environments that would put colonists in extremely close quarters under predictably high stress.

Records of life in the lunar training camps didn't support their continuing pessimism, but as in so many other settings, unjustified bias proved easy to enforce. Secondments from member states' armed forces already protected and trained mission staff. A policy was enacted to shunt veterans into roles supporting, rather than participating in, the Unity Mission whenever possible. Psych screening for current and former service members ran twice the standard length. By preferring a younger age cohort, the U.N. also reduced the number of years of service eligibility behind each applicant.

The increased incidence of inter-state war had led to explosive growth in national military spending, and many countries had relaxed their draft schemes to recognize civil contribution as a form of national service running parallel to shorter stints in their armed forces. When recruitment of veterans could not be avoided, the choice first went to those who had not been to war, then to those long out of uniform. Unity's captain and chief engineer fit the former description; its executive officer, the latter.

Significant exceptions did apply. U.N. Security Forces members had, on average, three years of service behind them, often in combat or domestic policing roles, a legacy that Morgan Emergency Services tried to suppress by retraining them according to a curriculum that stressed delayed confrontation. In an act of massive cognitive dissonance, anyone who fought in the vicious battles for the Space Elevators--when the U.N. abandoned any pretense of reliance on less-lethal methods--was immediately deemed unfit for mission accession. Certain other skill sets, such as in the domain of deep-sea exploration, could be obtained only through service in a military or paramilitary organization, national or corporate. When they able to drive bargains favorable to themselves, donor nations unenthusiastic about the project but seeking to bank favors with the U.N. jumped to foist their hardship cases on the mission. Thus the appointment of disgraced Contre-amiral Raoul André-St. Germaine.

There was a disparity of access to military expertise among the survivors. The U.N. Marine Corps mostly rallied under its original commander, Canadian General Marcel Salan, and constituted an island unto itself. Any Marine survivors not serving Salan threw in either with Commissioner Pravin Lal, who claimed to have inherited the mantle of mission command from Garland via d'Almeida, or Commander Kleisel Mercator, who likewise established something resembling a military command from loyalist remnants. The New State, too, was practically a self-contained navy pledging personal allegiance to its French leader. Both the Human Tribe and Spartan Confederation were armed camps, and their members veterans almost to a one, though they had done their fighting by and large as auxiliaries and lacked even the whiff of a service-driven identity.

The wealth-driven factions had planned ahead. Morgan, Cobb, and van de Graaf had brought paid men. The former's, provided by one of his own companies, Morgan Safe-Haven, were well-regarded until Planetfall, then turned out to have little stomach for earning pay they couldn't spend. Struan's Sabre Company killers discovered similar misgivings. Van de Graaf's American Reclamation Corporation volunteers liked their arrangement better (they received land rather than pay), but the telling part of the calculation was probably that, unlike the Morganite or Struan's mercenaries, they hadn't expected to return to Earth soon after arrival.


Druze triggerman Kadal Jumblatt commanded the small detail of Morganite private military contractors responsible for the CEO. Power quality issues with his Soviet surplus cryobed led to an ischemic stroke during cryosleep, resulting in total loss of vision in his left eye and loss of fine motor skills in his (dominant) left arm and hand. Morgan had taken Syrian money to make something of allied militias, a plan that went to naught. Jumblatt's chief recommendation, he later said, was that "he survived the complete pig's breakfast we made of things, telling me there was something of the grit there I expected from all my subordinates." Thinking that Jumblatt would be a fine addition to his staff pour encourager les autres , Morgan placed him on a stipend and bundled him off to fight the Cartels in Mexico. Jumblatt convinced the company to buy him a platoon of four tanks and leveled the mansion of a local drug kingpin in Puerto Vallarta, setting the stage for repeat performances throughout Jalisco State. Jumblatt passed on the lucrative contracts for service in the United States, recognizing that Morganite clients couldn't hope to win. During the Unity Crisis, he showed the same sound judgement, hustling his boss forward and away from the Spartans, creating the circumstances that led to Morgan's installation on the bridge. Jumblatt stayed with his men, reuniting with Morgan planetside.


The Sabre Corporation had tested themselves against no less a formidable foe than the Soviet Union. The Pahlavi Dynasty owed its continued residence on the Peacock Throne to Struan's premier service. In 2052, top Struan's paramilitary officer Aluel Gatdet, a Darfuri veteran of the South Sudan People's Defense Forces, coordinated the Imperial Guard's crack defense of the Niavarav Complex against an assault by Soviet Alpha Group and Communist Party of Iran fighters hoping to repeat the successes of a century earlier in Afghanistan and a decade earlier in Iraq. Under Gatdet's personal leadership, the palace defenders held out long enough for Iranian Imperial Army units to arrive. Gatdet was present with Cobb aboard Unity and helped him wrest control of the Corrections Bay from its stunned constables but did not turn up amongst the survivors huddled at White Rabbit's Refuge. Her subordinates were glad to be rid of such a bloodthirsty fighter, though they were reduced by her absence to sporadic banditry rather than the set-piece fights for which they had once been renowned.

I don't know the provenance of the first picture. I found it on Tumblr. It appears to be related to the video game Star Citizen.

Second picture is from the Fragments of a Hologram Dystopia page . Couldn't find the artist's name.

Nov 13, 2022 at 12:59 PM #46
Conquer Tech: Heavy Smokes
Academician Prokhor Zakharov said:
The answer to the problem of practical invisibility was known to the magician and the charlatan long before it was clear to the scientist. - Field Notes


Profile of a Conclavist grenadier. They were present for all the faction's major feast days. Congregants overcome by the ecstasy of their experience were known to engage in manic dancing. Some had died afterward from the exertion. The first time security forces waded in to restore calm, the crowd had rioted, pulling down the great cross erected at Planetfall and using it to batter at the doors of the Great Tabernacle.

The higher gravity and thicker atmosphere of Chiron provided ideal conditions for smoke warfare. Smoke weapons especially attracted the factions forced to build their own arsenals practically from scratch.

Heavy smokes ( Conquer ) were formulated to linger for extended periods of time at altitudes of between .2 and 1.8m, and they appeared for every mission. The technology depended on prior understanding of Centauri Chemistry and Centauri Meteorology ( Explore ).

All factions used incendiaries against mindworms. They also made a fine close-in defense for armored vehicles beset by enemy infantry, as the Kellerites learned to their detriment during the fighting in the Slowwind Delta.

Pilgrims and Shapers shot defoliants in amongst the Gaian defenses during the Marshland Battles. Gaian mortars returned sonic shells that scythed down their attackers like wheat. Dreamer slaving parties fired wax slugs, still liable to be deadly at close range, along with exploding rounds that cast rubber pellets the size of large gumballs.

Smokes could also be employed on the defensive. Hive militia used dense formulations to shield tactical movement on the saltpans. The Spartan Battle Manual recommended carbon-rich obscurant smokes to defeat lasers.



A dataman loyal to Data Services chief Sathieu Metrion listens as his data node enunciates the appropriate treatment protocol for a turned ankle. He is fortunate that confederates have borne him into the cover of a cave complex.


Morganite bosses held recreation equal in esteem to production. A worker couldn't fully do his part for the company unless he "reinvested" the profits of a day's sweat at the pachinko parlor. To buoy morale, the bosses legalized stimulants. A portion of each pay packet was held back for medical-grade euphorin rations. Each worker was encouraged to take the drug on brakes and at mealtime. A worker could decline, but the pay came out either way. Many sold their pills. Rumor had it that there was an exceptionally high rate of placebo replacement.
First image is "grenadier quickly" by Asahisuperdry on DeviantArt.

Second image is a still from the 1964 film Robinson Crusoe on Mars, directed by Byron Haskin.

Third image is from an unknown artist. I found it on Wallpaper Flare.
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Nov 15, 2022 at 5:57 PM #53
Dr. John Bridges said:
A foole and his money is soone parted. - Defence of the Government of the Church of England


A company of Morgan SafeHaven mercenaries climbs the Drosselmeyer Stair, a 92km track hacked through the Monsoon Jungle by Chiron Probe explorers to link the Veca Pools (later, Morgan Bodyworks) to the geothermal power station at Michalmas. The Monsoon Jungle was one of the very few environments on Planet where ambient oxygen levels permitted a human to safely doff their supplemental breathing apparatus.

Well-informed opinions differed on the optimum solution to the problem of starvation, a danger facing all early colonies.

Lacking useful insights about the land, most societies founded their first colonies--inevitably, their first capitals--precisely where they had come down from space. This, they soon learned, was often a mistake that, once made, was not easily corrected due to the high labor costs of relocation.

Charitable arrangements were not unheard of. Skye's folk voted two containers of nutrient cracker to hungry Believers a week after founding Gaia's Landing, and it was only a loosely-guarded secret that visitors to the Tribe could expect hot meals provided they stayed overnight. Exploration was the commonest way of getting more of everything, and some factions, such as the Watchers of Chiron, equipped powerful columns to go abroad in search of salvage.

Still, more extreme measures were sometimes accepted when managing limited food supplies. Bare weeks after making Planetfall, University cryotechs defied both manufacturers' instructions and generally-accepted standards of practice in attempting to cryogenically reinter medical hardcases--those who, in the words of their leader, "consume much and give nothing"-- with fatal results. Many factions, including the New Two Thousand, the Human Hive, and even the Peacekeeping Forces applied physical banishment as a judicial punishment for its salutary economic benefits. The Morganites cooked up a war.

Through repeat encounters with Kellerites, Morgan foraging parties were relieved of most of the carefully-hoarded rations that paid confederates had placed aboard Unity on their behalf. They were down to a two-month supply window when the CEO authorized his mercenaries to demonstrate in the vicinity of University Base.


Long-range patrols by "Mr. Gutsy" reconnaissance tripods confirmed the presence of human interlopers not far the limits of University sensorfields. Academician Zakharov panicked. His small medical staff was overwhelmed. In those first days, University Security was but a sad joke. Base Operations didn't even trust them to carry agitating sprays. (Several wrong-footed encounters with rowdy students drunk on fungal wine had led to thrashings for the uniformed protectors.) Knowing little more than that he was facing armed men who seemed to know which way to point rifles, Zakharov opted for simple appeasement.

At first, Zakharov hoped to be able to relieve himself only of spoiled rations--cartons irradiated past the point of safe consumption. The Morganite commander drew a harder bargain. At the encouragement of his lieutenant, he produced a dosimeter and was soon in possession of three-fifths of the unspoiled food left to the University.

Forty years later, Morgan's diary from the period claimed he hadn't the stomach for war. His raiders were no more or less adequate than their luckless victims. He told them to accept whatever terms might be proffered, avoiding battle at all costs. "What had we to fight an armored war machine?" asked the CEO of his readers. "Nothing!" The light machine gun housed inside the floating globe of a Gusty should have done for them all.

Back to home, the mercenaries were given two extra meals apiece, a week's worth of calories. Amazingly, Morgan held back the remainder. Only the Board of Directors was apprised of the risk that had been run, and to them he promised the new food would be kept as a last resort, but simultaneous discovery of a well-stocked Supply Pod soon rendered the whole adventure moot.

The picture is from the U.S. Department of Defense.

The Mr. Gutsy is a combat robot in the Fallout video game franchise, made by General Atomics.
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Nov 17, 2022 at 6:45 PM #58
Thucydides said:
...the search for truth strains the patience of most people, who would rather believe the first things that come to hand. - History of the Peloponnesian War , Datalinks

The exact fate of their captain preoccupied the expedition's survivors long after the ashes of vengeance were cold upon their grate.


Dr. Najewa Kumrandi's two-year course on analytic methods took Chiron's most infamous cold case as a framing device to demonstrate for young Memorialists the various logical fallacies. Commander Kleisel Mercator, energetic to a fault, slightly bug-eyed, his shock of white hair rarely combed, certainly gave the impression of a man let loose from the lunatic's asylum, but even he felt that a Spartan was the most likely culprit.

Here, students speak to Dr. Ruprecht Graff, a doctor of the Peacekeeping Forces available to them on Datalinks Exchange, regarding the autopsy he conducted within an hour of finding the Captain's body. Graff named the cause of death as a sucking chest wound caused by flechettes fired at extreme close range.


Governor Oscar van de Graaf believed that Morgan's people, not Santiago's, killed the captain he had once called "a leader about as inspiring as a tomato." In keeping with this theory, Morganite prisoners taken by the Pilgrims received summary courts martial and speed executions for their part in the mutiny. Van de Graaf's accusation, true or otherwise, at least answered the open question of how Morgan had made it down to Planet a free man, much less at the head of a large body of contractors and crew exclaiming his virtues.


So-called "earnest dreams" arose from the meeting between knowledge and desire. The characters behaved essentially as the sleeper thought they would have in real life, and were therefore accurate first approximations for understanding personalities and value structures, but the scenarios were contrived. Dreamer librarians searched for consistency in portrayals across different sleepers to build psychological profiles for the benefit of their Probe Teams.

The problem with Garland was that, like all faction leaders, he featured in a very high number of dreams, including in the dreams of people he had never met. For those with a direct knowledge of the origin, "False Garland" was easy to spot.
Dr. Aleigha Cohen said:
The False Garland was the father we all wanted. He stopped what he was doing when you approached. If the dream involved his death, it was unintended: you were the assassin's real target, and he intervened without hesitation. Other people failed Garland, and he forgave them. On waking, the tragedy of his loss was for a moment unbearable because you felt an overwhelming sense of opportunity lost. The real Garland was actually none of these things. They held him apart during training to prevent charges of politicization, but it was just as well: he was distracted by the yawning gap between the magnitude of his task and the inadequacy of the resources provided. Hours of deep conversation with the U.N. Intelligence Cell robbed him of the ability to engage in the retail politics that would be essential in a crisis. On the bridge, he found it difficult to feign respect for certain subordinates--people he held in moral contempt, but who had ready-made constituencies among the crew and far more tangible agendas. Since he was accustomed to command in a context where all present shared the same purpose, Garland's first thought was almost never for diplomacy. The father-child relationship is between superior and subordinate. But Prokhor Zakharov and Nwabudike Morgan saw themselves as Garland's betters. - O Father, my Captain: A Biography of Jonathan Garland


Five Shift bridge crew struggled to colate damage reports into something resembling a common operating picture. They were first to realize that resources were not flowing as they should: too many crew were still assembling in the reactor spaces. Garland attempted to confront Zakharov on the shipboard intercom, but the Soviet polymath, who left the bridge after only four hours to assemble his own makeshift incident command in a shielded supply closet, was beyond the lures of argument. To avoid giving full vent to the spat, Garland retreated to an en suite office where he met successively with his Chief Medical Officer, Pravin Lal; the enigmatic stowaway Nwabudike Morgan, theoretically in possession of knowledge regarding "off-program" additions to the ship's complement, design, and load-out; Lieutenant Commander Tạ Dọc Thân, a systems engineer spearheading efforts to save the all-important Data Core; and Colonel Flavio Jilani, to whom shipwide security duties had devolved in the absence of Rachael Winzenried. Five Shift personnel were the last to see Garland or Jilani alive as they rose from their stations to meet Spartan attackers who had overwhelmed the Marine guard posted at the main entrance to the bridge. A half hour passed, and several Spartans pushed past the defenders. When at last mission loyalists secured the room, Garland's office door was open, he and Jilani had been shot to death, and Morgan was missing entirely.

First image is a still from Ender's Game (2013).

Second image is Stephen Lang in Avatar (2009).

Third image is Meta Lab of ZeiferZ, found on Pinterest.

Fourth image is David Corwin, a character from the series Babylon 5.

Nov 28, 2022 at 8:38 PM #63
CEO Nwabudike Morgan said:
But of course we must have secrets! No, I cannot tell you why. - Remarks to the Board of Directors


DEEPEYES operatives protect a University minerologist.

Persistent rumor had it that a complete cell of U.N. DEEPEYES special forces was placed aboard Unity on the initiative of the Secretary-General Halder Georges Simmelmann, successor to the murdered Apsara Mongkut. Unlike Mongkut, who was content to rely on French and Soviet muscle when the need arose, Simmelmann wanted a force loyal to his office, if not the ideals enumerated for which it stood.

An obvious problem arose in that the nature of a Praetorian Guard, especially one trained and equipped along the lines of DEEPEYES, which made no secret of its readiness to take on offensive missions as well as defensive, was, by certain reckoning, at odds with the stated goal of international peace and security. The United States was not alone in questioning why the Secretary-General should feel that his ordinary constabulary lacking. By their contributions of troops and materiel, member states conferred legitimacy on United Nations operations. Given independent forces, the U.N. might become unmoored.

And it did. Since no government would tolerate direct recruitment of its citizens, Simmelmann scoured U.N. refugee camps and the IOEZ for stateless persons. Many were reputed to be the cast-offs of private security programs, standards for which were already notoriously uneven. They trained in fits and starts with Soviet Spetznaz , special heliborne forces of the Yugoslav People's Army, and the French Foreign Legion. As expected, DEEPEYES went on to amass a checkerboard record in the 2060s, adding targeted killing to the menu of U.N. services and botching the arrest of more than one warlord.

Rather than align themselves with either of Jonathan Garland's generally-recognized heirs apparent--Marcel Salan, his enforcer; or Pravin Lal, his chief imitator--DEEPEYES troopers presented themselves as servants of Chiron Probe grandee Joralamon Hardacre. On paper, the logic was sound. Assuming one accepted that General d'Almedia had been acting within the limits of his delegated authority when dissolving the Mission Charter, Hardacre, not any member of the Unity crew, was the senior surviving U.N. official on Planet. That might have been the end of it, had Hardacre not protested to the Planetary Council that he had never had any dealings whatsoever with an organization called DEEPEYES, nor any persons claiming to be affiliated therewith.

First, and the DEEPEYES military unit, are from Final Fantasy: Spirits Within .

Nov 29, 2022 at 5:18 PM #65
Warden J.T. Marsh said:
You cannot be king from a throne; only from the saddle. - Peregrinations of Planet


A Hunter finds her prize: remnants of an orbital cargo tender. Good for emergency supplies, fissile materials, and and rare earths if undisturbed.

Hunters of Chiron reckoned themselves to enjoy a fine living, and in a certain manner of speaking this was indeed true.

The industrial pioneers, dry land ecologists, and associated trades represented on the Forward Contact Teams (FCTs) were well-provisioned for a months-long mission of exploration and exploitation far "beyond the wire" of the main colony. At his disposal, the Warden had forest harvesters, combine seeders, tanker sprayers, rock drillers, armored low-loaders, and a host of other machinery that would later make his people targets of renown.

Launched weeks ahead of the main body as Unity first crossed into the Alpha Centauri star system, future Hunters grew wise to the themes and moods of Chiron whilst their comrades lay yet entombed in glass cylinders. By the time they got the hard news that all was lost in the sky above, they had less to fear in the dark. The mines, wells, and outposts dug for a landing that would never come became their coin in trade. Brother Camroe Horus of the Conclave siphoned the Brethren their first fresh water from an FCT pump jack. Though in later years she would imply the Stepdaughters had found it unassisted, Hunters led Deirdre Skye, her head still bandaged and ringing, to the Place of the White Pines where she first claimed to hear the Song of Planet.

Followers of the Warden's personal credo lived in fully or seasonally-nomadic caravans taking work where they found it. Cumbersome devices that seldom lasted out the day held little appeal by comparison with the animated (and often well-lubricated) delivery of a skilled raconteur who acted all parts and sang for his mates' entertainment. At fire camps across the southwestern slopes of the Shamash Divide, loggers boiled tea in billy tins over flameless heaters and remembered the mad dash of Rawcanth Hines to the sea, Spartan rockets falling all around. They were miners, too, and bush pilots, rescuers, and scalar engineers. Some were courageous firefighters, not too stingy with their skins to help dig the brakes that saved the Hive at Deepscour, Yang's scrub-garlanded toehold beyond the edge of the Uranium Flats, the closest he would ever get to green grass.


As civilization spread its indelible stain across the face of Chiron, Hunters were increasingly wont to explore the upsides of domestication. Here, a vintage Baserunner is restored in a Morganite repair bay.

Time turned them from their brothers' keepers to simple laborers, leading Institute Hunter-Killers in search of enemy Probe Teams, guiding the first caravans down what would become Peacekeeper magrails, pursuing the bounties paid out on the Morganite exchanges, or perhaps running high-value cargoes through fungal blooms for the likes of Colonel Santiago herself.

In all their forms, Hunters were risk-takers. Their preferred sport, full-contact racing, resulted in dramatic sacrifices of men and machines that sent other factions into apoplexy. Who would dare sacrifice so much to the gods of vanity? They defied the certainty of war with more territorial neighbors, refusing to speak terms with Governor Oscar van de Graaf despite the savage mauling administered by him at Terra Nova. For the Spartans, they were the last, best defense against Gaian treachery, summoned to do battle with the mindworm menace when even Myrmydons would no longer stand firm.


Hunter Hopper pilot Sergei Popov burned anti-inflammatories to Morgan Hydroceramics in record time. The Board of Directors voted him a gift of ¤200,000, which he declined in favor of a 12' statue of himself in the base solarium. Popov was a sentimental man, notorious for his treasured collection of melted chocolate bars from every nation (trades made in all the bases he frequented) and the patches of musty Soviet Republics where he'd first learned to fly.


A minority of Hunters in fact traced their lineage to the Damned Generation, anyone who had fought for despised causes or broken governments and could no longer return home when the Reconstruction era dawned in the West after the Hypersurvivalist Wars. Many lit out across the old battlefields, visiting the places where friends were buried and keeping two skips ahead of the reclamation teams, using their guns more sparingly than when they had been pirates and reinventing themselves as soulful penitents, an identity they refused to surrender on Chiron.

The first two images are from Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak .

Popov is by Kenney Solis.

Last picture is by an unknown author. I found it on the Pinterest page of "patrick loveland" but could not trade it all the way to an original artist.
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Nov 30, 2022 at 7:04 PM #66
Dr. Aleigha Cohen said:
Clouds obscure the son. - Chaos Theories


Struan's traditionalist Colonel Artagan John "Joiner" Banes, formerly a National Security Council back-bencher, seethed over Roshann Cobb's leadership shortcomings. Unlike the cowed set of aides and minders that had been with him since the beginning aboard Unity and knew full well the depravities he so easily commissioned against enemies real and imagined, Banes spent another decade asleep in the belly of a submerged Hab Pod. Hunters fished him out along with four hundred others and traded the full lot to Oscar van de Graaf as the ransom for outriders taken in the Sensorfield Fight. Van de Graaf, who regarded most uniformed service professionals as intellectual inferiors, made a gift of Banes and his various retainers to Roshann Cobb at the Colonel's own suggestion.

Later, Banes recalled their "rising horror at the awful stench that coiled like some visible serpent" a full two kilometers from the rust-streaked walls of White Rabbit's Refuge. Banes owed nothing to Ian Dunross's heir and refused to be impressed by the MI5 connection. Based on personal knowledge of the Old Man, Banes was prepared to believe that Cobb would receive the quick axe whenever the auditors arrived, and warned his peers that the skinflint would not thank them for their obsequious loyalty to a sociopathic failure.


No fool, Banes kept his opinions to himself even while forming the makings of a splinter element. With so many new charter colonists in tow, Banes was immediately a power to be reckoned with. Cobb had little choice but to accede to the Colonel's insistence that his fighters take on the vital long-range objective raids that Cobb's dwindling cohort of Sabre Corporation mercenaries could no longer handle.

General Artagan John Joiner Banes said:
Unity wasn't a lifeboat, it was the Titanic . You don't put your only surviving son aboard a lifeboat and then decline to climb in beside him. - Ken Burns's Planet: A History

Banes's men were Mara'Toan Martians, descendants of hydraulic bureaucrats who have gone down in the history of two solar systems as members of a "post-modern cargo cult." On Earth and Mars, the Mara'Toans, who originated in the IOEZ, built a distinctive identity around the feast-and-famine cycle of supply barge deliveries, becoming experts in the field of recycling and metabolic self-regulation. They were quick studies in their first few years on Chiron, and their behavior inspired doctrinal advances in water discipline later adopted by the majority of mission survivors. Mara'Toans in Bane's service wore distinctive red ranging gear to distinguish themselves from the yellow-orange color favored by the Saber Corporation.


At the height of the faction struggle within Dreamer society, the Saber Corporation struggled to protect its principal. They were short of everything, including warm bodies. Although 150 had embarked with Cobb, just 42 of the original contingent remained in service. To rebuild their strength, the unit had taken in volunteers from among the healthy prisoners, such as this one-time Spartan fugitive from the Fall of Xerxion.

Although he appears still to receive regular hemoglobin injections to counteract oxygen narcosis, the rest of his kit is reflective of the chronic supply problems and serious indiscipline that otherwise plagued his new employers. The helmet, a steel pot purchased by Struan's from French Indochina stocks, is painted in reflective coating suitable for laser combat, whereas most of his adversaries will use hand weapons. A pair of bomb switches clipped to the rubber hatband await counterpart explosives. Also carried on the helmet are a rangeviewer (left side) and a collapsible baton.

The dressing pouch worn over this soldier's heart is mildewed to the point that the contents could endanger a patient. His marksman's rifle is the unholy union of Belgian stock and British barrel, probably dangerous to discharge. Most alarming of all, an anti-stab vest (with the baton, indicative of this man's primary concerns) is worn in place of a flak vest.

Late actor Powers Boothe is our Artagan John "Joiner" Banes.

Second picture is from Star Wars . I think it's a still from The Mandalorian .

Objective raids are a concept in Battletech .

Water discipline is a concept from Frank Herbert's Dune .

The final image is "Scarif Rebel" by Caleb James.
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Dec 2, 2022 at 8:52 PM #68
Colonel Artagan Joiner Banes said:
Stand in too much darkness, and you won't be able to see until you leave it. Stand in too much light, and you may never be able to see ever again. - Sunshade

More than one historian of Planet has speculated that John "Joiner" Banes would have been happier had he seconded himself to a better master. The popular money is on Raoul André St. Germaine, outwardly a fellow conservative, though such interpretations do grave injustice to the motivations of both men.

They were each of them pruners of other men in their own way, but the contre-amirale 's notoriously conservative politics sprang from a different conceit than those of his American counterpart.

St. Germaine's take on future society reflected his pronounced class prejudice. Along with Sheng-ji Yang, he held it axiomatic that the "lower classes," distinguished by their excessive passions, could not rule themselves. Moral instruction was the natural prescription for this ailment. Yet if the Hive taught these lessons through brutal repression, the New State coddled its malcontents in the tradition of Bradbury, removing that which was offensive from their gaze through strict censorship, the cult of command, and well-limned social conventions. Certainly the submariner's was also a fairly light touch, so that while certain opinions and behaviors were "unwelcome" in public settings, private freedom of conscience was scrupulously respected. In yet another distinctive departure from Yang's example, the contre-amirale himself behaved erratically, such as by placing himself in the thick of combat or consciously cultivating favorites whom he excused for misdeeds ranging from corruption to outright insubordination. Aquanaut conventions provided clear avenues to move between castes, and mobility was within reach of the ambitious, but the stratocratic bias was undeniable and the possibility of individual pardons for most misdeeds fueled grave abuses of the public trust, especially by the captains answerable to no one but St. Germaine himself. As one might expect, this inconsistency was ruinous for faction cohesion. Long submarine patrols already placed a significant portion of the warrior caste, including nearly all senior officers, outside effective supervision for years at a time. Animosities festered. In extremis , St. Germaine alternated the velvet glove with an iron fist, personally executing three senior captains between M.Y. 12 and 17 during private audiences following their returns to home port.

The contre-amirale 's excessively personalistic approach to governance created another problem unknown to the Hive: it utterly discouraged the emergence of any obvious successors, for rather than hone himself to a sharper edge, St. Germaine merely made himself available to his followers so that no one else need grind the knife. St. Germaine prided himself as the paterfamilias , an emotional role in which he strove to do right by his dependents, but was never constrained by explicit obligation to them. The "household" of his faction was an open sandbox, and he amused himself by meddling in his followers' affairs, believing that his was always the superior judgement. Officers and other leading citizens resented but could not refuse the intrusion, while common rankers celebrated the knowledge that they could always appeal grievances to a higher authority.

It is not certain that St. Germaine was ever a "happy warrior," for though a success in his chosen profession and a favorite with his crews, there had never been any question whether he would make a career of military service. Combat was both the expectation and prerogative of his station.

Banes was much St. Germaine's opposite, in fact. He was an administrator, not a combat commander, and never as individually controversial. St. Germaine regarded command as the thing for which he had been bred, while for Banes, it was a sacred calling. St. Germaine knew himself for a leader, while Banes regarded himself as the foremost servant of his fellow citizens.

Until the Holnist revolt, Banes had been a peacetime soldier and was nearing the end of a respectable yet unremarkable career. The jazz of an intelligence speciality had faded from hearing within only a few years of receiving his commission. Banes's reputation was that of a competent administrator and a sought-after mission planner. Promotions came at a steady pace, but he was neither covering himself in battlefield glory nor driving revolutions in the way war was fought. At best, he followed the principles of his trade with enough fussy precision to limit loss of life. He was a talented writer, and this kept him close to the Pentagon. With fifteen years in, he was placed in charge of target selection for special operations forces attached to United States Southern Command. This duty gave Banes a front-row seat to one of the most impactful levers of American power, but he was largely immune to its charms, an outlook that may well explain why he had been picked to begin with. The Colonel was skeptical of what he considered the unseemly and even anti-democratic warnings of peers, particularly FBI men, who wanted to go "gloves off" against "the radio preachers." To friends, Banes despaired of hypersurvivalism, which he felt demeaned the essential goodness of public servants everywhere. Men like Holn--a despised wash-out from the profession in which Banes had made his bones--wanted something for nothing. Nevertheless, Banes pointed to his oath when asked why he believed such troublemakers were entitled to shout their grievances from any rooftop.

Like many of his generation, Banes later internalized a share of blame for the catastrophe of fully-metastasized Holnism. It was a guilty seven-year war for the American national intelligence community, and Banes fought his from behind a steel desk, sending others to die in a war he felt should never have been. Amongst certain colleagues of his, a new theory began to gain currency from the 2060s: that the leaders in their circles had allowed the global crack-up to happen inadvertently through their own misguided inaction. "We should have pushed the President harder to authorize extrajudicial killings," they said. "We should have done what Holn accused us of doing. We paid for it just the same as if we had."

Banes facilitated hundreds of operations against the Holnists, which had acquired large followings in the so-called "ABC" nations: Argentina, Brazil, and Chile. It was a relatively low-tempo war in a lesser theater until affairs in Florida prompted a change in theater assignments and Florida was handed off from Northern Command. Banes was quick to perceive a truth that eluded many senior commanders: while Floridians were generally enthusiastic about succession, they were divided between "Home Rule" and membership in the Christian States of America (CSA). Some hoped for the Sunshine State to play a dominant role in this alliance with smaller states, while others feared a quick fleecing. Banes used his helicopter-borne commandos to seize or destroy key federal installations statewide, limiting the number of bargaining chips Florida could bring to negotiations with the CSA and stimulating internecine disputes over fair apportionment of blame within the constellation of uneasy partnerships propping up the secessionist movement. After grave deliberation, he also authorized missile strikes that destroyed relief supplies needed after natural disasters. Millions suffered for it, but the scarcity of every needful thing put the selfishness of the insurrectionists on full display.

When the U.S. Army shrank in the post-war years, Banes and his ilk, now an embarrassing reminder of the failure to "get it right," received their discharge papers. Pensions were smaller than expected in the lean post-war economy. Banes was just fifty years old, but his daughter, Taylor, a former combat medic, had been made a paraplegic by the war and required intensive home care. At the suggestion of a sympathetic colleague, Banes found his way to a corporate sinecure.

The ARC was already glutted with veterans still in uniform. Morgan Industries had become the hated enemy over their role in Middle America's war. For those who set their sights high, that left only Straun's. It was rare that the Noble House took on an American executive, but Struan's Portuguese clients had been dealt an urgent setback by Morgan-backed mercenaries in the Amazonian Andes, and Banes had a record of success against Morgan Iron Lock, the primary advisers to the Spanish garrison in Far Peru. A small contract was arranged with Steelhead-Barrett, a Struan's subsidiary operating from Caracas.

Banes's attention to detail saw him promoted to Struan's Macau Office with the intent to put his experience of airborne operations planning to use in the IOEZ, where Struan's hoped to elbow Morgan Industries aside, but a chance meeting with the Tai-pan over drinks at Santa Sancha (Macau Government House) saw the Colonel's fate redrawn. He ended up the old man's confidant, described in newspapers as "a freelance crisis concierge." In practical terms, Banes presided over the bribes, killings, sabotage, and interventions that served the interests of the Western-aligned governments for which Struan's labored. In Banes's view, these distasteful activities made the world safe for those who were now dependent on corporations for services they had once obtained from their governments.

After deposing Cobb in White Rabbit's Refuge, Banes attempted to do properly what the former Dreamer leader had found too difficult: design a program of interventions that could temper a person's most destructive impulses and provoke them into the insights expected of the wise. Pahlavi bred excellence; Yang tutored it; Banes excised it from baser pursuits, one nightmare at a time. Cobb had wasted his energies on experiments and squandered the faction's potential through clumsy mental safe-cracking. Banes usually subjected others to Dreaming for a supposedly more constructive purpose, forcing them to face down and overcome deep-seated fears and simulating stressful encounters until the sleeper achieved a minimally acceptable outcome. He also attempted to move on from mere piracy to something more organized, spending Saber Corporation and Mana'Toa blood less willingly. He refused to honor standing contracts to deploy Dreamer Probe Teams on behalf of paying clients and turned the operators toward new targets.

To explain Banes's approach to government, Commissioner Pravin Lal in his A Social History of Planet related an old joke about the Soviet Union. A train carrying all the great leaders of that country was stopped somewhere in Siberia for unknown reasons. Rising from his seat in the passenger car, Josef Stalin ordered the engineers to disassemble the locomotive and fix the problem on pain of death. When they failed in this task, he had them shot. Khruschev, despairing of such brutal methods, proposed instead that all should disembark. They would attempt to pull the train into station using cables. This, too, failed, and the premier returned to his place dejected. That was when Gorbachev leapt up and shouted his own solution: "Why not draw the curtains and pretend we're moving?" It was a solution tried gamely by the contre-amirale .

There were, of course, other options. When Yang found reality unsuited to his purposes, he used two strategies. Sometimes, he attempted to ignore it. The old saw that Hivemen would simply hold their breath until they learned to get by without oxygen was not really so far from the mark. In other cases the Chairman made snap decisions, erradicating or mechanizing those he did not care to educate, reform, or let be. Banes tried for surgeries of another kind. Pushing down the same track that Cobb had plowed, he used the óneiromachaíri in an attempt to produce better citizens, sometimes through inducement, sometimes compulsion. Identifying lost causes in the Dreamer power structure, he killed them. The faction, he said, would turn its considerable powers toward a new cause: suppressing the will-to-power that shepherded the rise of men like Holn, and, yes, would-be despots like Nwabudike Morgan, or "kicked dogs" like the the Imperial Military Focus.

Other leaders hardly knew what to make of the transformation. Though the Dreamers were now much closer to the ideal envisioned by some higher-ups in the Peacekeeping Forces or the Restoration of Earth, neither faction was prepared to trust in a "mere mercenary" like Banes, while Cobb's traditional victims refused to give up cherished hopes of vengeance. So Banes kept fighting.

Factor Roshann Cobb said:
What could be worse than for a man to have morals that are not his own? - Rebuilding Man

Still is Powers Boothe from "24."
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Dec 3, 2022 at 6:43 PM #69
Motto of CTR said:
Victory through knowledge. - Datalinks


Treachery could take a faction far. After triggering a radiation alarm in a secondary armory held by Salan's Marines, Tribals gained access by donning radiation suits and organizing a frantic evacuation. The Marines could already taste ionizing radiation from the damaged main reactor and took the newcomers at their word. They left their rescuers, who were already well-armed, in possession of a second full arsenal.

The Tribals evacuated in those same suits and used them again on patrol around their encampments at Keller City and Rock Island Refuge. The thick quilting was proof against shredder flechettes and the hip-mounted portable air supply was more comfortable than most.


Survivors obsessively recycled whatever they could. Colonists knew better than to abandon their oxygen bottles without good reason. This SMACER, seen on the battlefields below Xerxion during a per-arranged ceasefire known as a casualty pick, will earn a week's gruel for returning Spartan gas to Tribal depots.

He has learned to put safety first. His cloth smock, stained with the blood of the dead and wounded, is sewn from anti-spall liner. On his right wrist he wears the same dosimeter he took into cold sleep.


A child of the Second Generation negotiates a bog somewhere in the Kordoshel Forest, a temperate analogue to the Monsoon Jungle where ambient oxygen levels were high enough to support breathing unassisted. She is accompanied by a personalized Omnibox Companion.

Omnibox cornered the market for household tutors during the rise of corporate arcologies when problems of law and order put most of the elite behind gates and guns. The learning software packaged with an Omnibox adapted to its owner's individual learning style and cultural preferences. Most faction data libraries were large enough that parents or officials could arrange for lessons in practically any knowledge domain or professional field. An Omnibox used organic tissue to store and retrieve information far more efficiently than on datatapes, and it was not uncommon for Omnibox owners to report unexpected bursts of activity when they exposed the machines to new circumstances.

The autonomous, self-contained Omnibox was always preferable to any devices that a traveler had to carry themselves, and a well-curated disk invariably included information on prevailing weather conditions; biome-specific plant, animal, and soil features; faction etiquette; and wound care. All Omniboxes could confound predators with directional noise and strobes. A few were loaded with liquid irritant as a last resort.

First picture is of Weyland-Yutani Commandos, action figures posed by user DarthRick3rd on the NECA Reddit threat.

Rock Island Refuge was my first LEGO set as a child. It spawned a life-long love affair with the building toy.

The second picture is apparently a production still from Rogue One: A Star Wars Story . I found it on Pinterest.

The third picture is from the film Vesper .

Dec 11, 2022 at 3:59 PM #72
Datalinks said:
Vengeance is a season. - Iron Law of the Mara'Toa , Traditional


Morgan Industries CEO Nwabudike Morgan was identified for capture and rendition in Executive Order 920099, "Justice for the Victims of Extremism and Insurrection." This latter-day blood hunt took the American military around the world and across the inner solar system, leaving thousands dead or maimed in its wake. Accountability for those who had directly facilitated Hypersurvivalism was a potent, albeit controversial, strain in postwar North American politics. The 2056 Conservative Party platform headed by Oscar van de Graaf had justice--not reconconciliation--for its central plank, a distinction that helped fuel its impressive performance at the polls. Other voices, also on the political Right, insisted that avoidance was the best medicine, reasoning that the political cancer had been so widespread, an attempted incision of the offending mass must prove fatal. Social reformers made common cause, if only because they viewed E.O. 920099 as a bill of attainder incompatible with the Constitution, long suspended and much-missed.

United States Africa Command was particularly active in the search. Commanding officer General Vincent Robichaux had his pick of decorated veterans and surplus military equipment left over from decades of war against the Holnists and their ilk. The Central Intelligence Agency assessed with very high confidence that Morgan had secured refuge in Chad, which entrusted all public services to Yfantís Worldwide, a Morganite consultancy, and huddled under the French North African defensive umbrella. In November 2060, the United States Space Force inserted a Brigade Combat Team into the Lake Chad flooded savanna outside Massakory, where they clashed with elements of the Chadian Presidential Guard and three companies of French Colonial Artillery of the Force d'Intervention . During a nine-hour fight, the attackers advanced successfully on the Hotel Sarif , wrecking much of the city's new Garden District, only to capture a mere consolation prize: Morgan Industries Chief Public Experience Officer, Jayceon Kalloe, who was released after serving only two years of a life sentence. His freedom was the asking price for use of Morgan Industries' good offices in facilitating the successful release of certain American prisoners from the Soviet Gulag, an exchange many considered to be unequal.

Morgan's disappearance in early 2071 after boarding the Kuiper Shuttle was widely accepted as the work of the American national intelligence services.


Joralemon Hardacre welcomed guests and supplicants in an enlarged vestibule of the nine-million-gallon Grand Tank that had been fitted into the hull of the Chrion Probe . Introduction (some called it invasion ) of Terran marine organisms into Chiron's waters was an unqualified success, so long as one agreed that the new planet was merely so much growth medium for relatively short-term commercial and industrial endeavors.

Top picture is "Warzone" on ArtStation by Akkarapon Veeravisan.

Second picture is a still from "Give them back the light, short movie Part II" on ArtStation by Victor Anceaume.
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Jan 8, 2023 at 2:30 PM #79
The flavor is here. - Digital Billboard on the Garland Road near Morgan A-Tron


Though survivors were never issued the dreaded meal pills teased in the science fiction periodicals of the 1960s, alimentary options on Chiron were nobody's idea of good eating.

Pathfinder experience had confirmed that Chiron's atmosphere and soils were, on the whole, hospitable to Terran crops. Both the Probe and Unity expeditions carried seed banks and stock pens. But food production was problematic in the extreme.

First, the biological feed stock of both expeditions was poor from both the qualitative and quantitative perspectives. Most of the animals brought by the Probe had perished from lack of care at the height of the Red Flu epidemic, insects included. Unity's animals were killed by fire or loss of life support 'ere they made Planetfall. Unity's seed was severely irradiated. According to dosimetry gathered by the Tomorrow Initiative, about 78% of all seed lines had to be written off immediately as unsuitable for consumption. Second, Planet did not have the native insect population necessary to supplement human farming techniques, limiting the hardiness and spread of crops planted in native soil. If a single faction compromised a seed line, as the Believers did when Corn Variant L19 Bravo failed twice due to cold during the short M.Y. 2-3 growing season, it was probably a permanent loss. Third, Planet mounted a vigorous natural immunological reaction to Terran lifeforms. Xenofungal growth increased by rates up to 400% per day on the margins of human settlements and had to be fought back by vigilant work parties to protect the viability of the soils.

Early attempts to safeguard Terran crops often triggered the Crichton effect familiar to anyone who had witnessed the handiwork of the European colonial powers in the Indian Ocean Exclusion Zone. Game Warden J.T. Marsh long regretted an attempt to introduce phosphate solubilizing bacteria into the water table at Matilda's Waltz. The Hunters hoped to stimulate nutrient retention in their plants even as fungal roots competed for the same spoils, but their hardier stalks of golden wheat were soon buried by six feet of mucilaginous spores. The fallout accumulated so rapidly that all of the workers on-premises were trapped before they realized the threat. When the air recyclers seized up, the thirty-seven residents suffocated.

Planet did not always win the struggle between native and non-native life forms. Safari ants played havoc on the ecosystems of the Monsoon Jungle and Wet Coast, rapidly annihilating the subrid colonies that thrived in the moisture-laden lowlands. Their reign was so brutally complete that Peacekeeper and Pilgrim ranchers organized to make joint drives three or four times each year to repopulate the crustaceoid spawning beds from their own excess broods once the hungry ants had gone through.


To avoid ecological retaliation, colonies often practiced small-scale hermetic, or greenhouse agriculture, a practice that was labor, space, and energy-intensive. The Lord's Conclave stood firm against Hive spoiling attacks to operate a prominent example of such a station on the northern ridge of Balian's Depression. What Yang learned about Planet's water table through his national sponsors, Miriam deduced through observation. Reasoning that Yang could not have come with his own water, she arranged for a Hunter drilling rig to take soundings until they found the aquifer.

Some factions never grew their own food. Aside from captured meals, Spartans ate irradiated M and R-rations until their faction's final battlefield defeat. Santiago's holdouts were thereafter known to trade with SMACERs their non-perishables for fresh food, but there is no record even of garden farms among those who survived to carry on the legacy of armed self-reliance. Spartans preferred to seize or steal, not to sow.


Those willing to forsake flavor could find their way to a new dispensation. The Hive literally ate their own, casting all organic refuse into great rendering vats from which their scientists extracted a "nutritionally optimal" paste distributed in silvered-foil squeeze packs remade from the weather-proof packaging of Unity survival rations.

Chairman Sheng-ji Yang said:
Nowhere is the fruitless obsession with comfort better showcased than in the quest for more flavorful food. Why should food have flavor in this era when we already know it is safe to eat? Flavor has outlived its primary function. - Essays on Mind and Matter

Yang left behind hundreds of memos in which he refused to accept the broad unpopularity of his feeding methods. To hear his official position, Paste was necessary not just to overcome shortages, but as a physical rejection of biological determinism. To do only what was necessary and sufficient, but not pleasant, embodied the living that Yang propounded to every one of his hapless minions.

Nwabudike Morgan took great delight in other factions' obsession with efficiency. The Chairman mobilized armies of text-bots to ridicule the misery of life in other factions. Tragically, fugitives from other societies often ended up at the mercy of corporate recruiters who enrolled them into truck systems so unsparing that they received the same ration as Hivemen.

Some factions took turns at ranching the native wildlife or grafting hybrid crops. Led by Deirdre's old lab-mates, the Gaians spent decades bringing forth a melon known as the mercantelope, which wags claimed so resembled the head of Commander Kleisel. The canary yellow pulp oxidized almost as soon as the rind was cut and stank like refuse but was sweet to the taste and reasonably nutritious, with very high water and Vitamins C and D content.

Top image is from the May 1960 edition of If magazine.

Second image is from Scientific American .

Third image is from the video game Star Citizen .

Jan 10, 2023 at 7:12 PM #80
Academician Prokhor Zakharov said:
A student asks: "Is it possible one can be too curious?" Let us remember that even Folgier has been canonized. - Records of the Symposia


Chiron's winters were short and its poles very small, but for a few weeks each year, the surf would freeze and Folger's Floes would pass between the Straights of Tokaj. These icebergs and the slow-growing crystalline spires that thrust up from the heart of them were both named for a doomed explorer of that region--the man whose battle-damaged, storm-tossed foil had been first to spot them both. To make the most of a sour journey, he went ashore with a geologist and a rock hammer. Together, the two men made their final discovery: the new matter was wildly unstable, exploding with the force of two tons of TNT.


In M.Y. 31, the Human Ascendancy announced a practical cure for blood cancers. Their solution: blood-scrubbing (haemodialysis) via a matrix of fungal antigens to promote a more aggressive immunological response. Similar technology was later employed to combat nitrogen narcosis and heat loss during abyssal dives. The rigidity of the diving bell was legendary, as one would expect for a cramped but effective escape pod. Many were recovered intact in the stomachs of surgan whales decades after being lost.


The ram prow had a long and glorious service life with the Spartan Federation. It served them best when fitted to hovercraft, which could reach sustained speeds of more than 209km/h. The Spartans used them to "crack" the stockades that were an inevitable feature of every enemy base. A squadron of ram-equipped Kites made possible the destruction of the settlement at U.N. Catalogues even after the defenders' mobile close-in weapons system (CIWS) countered the Spartans' tube artillery. The rotary cannon exhausted all its remaining ammunition on the first of the seven Kites present that day, creating favorable conditions for a traditional infantry assault.


Variable-yield grenades, complete with biometric safeguards, cut deeply (and, one might presume, fatally) against the fundamentals of mindworm suppression as taught since the beginning of human colonization on Planet. Yet Spartan commanders agreed to a one that merely to be entrusted with a weapon demanding such deliberate and skillful use seemed to imbue event the lowliest sentry with a sense of self such as could face down the utterest nightmare. An M106 shock payload disrupted synaptic activity in the blast zone, rendering both the planetary hive mind and human targets inert. Spartans took glee in crushing juvenile worms so indisposed beneath their boot heels.

First image is " Mountain climbing ," a 2015 work by Art Station user whinbek.

Second image is " Sci-fi armor " by Robert Navarrete Moreno on Art Station.

Third image is " Snow Flyer " by Scott Robertson on Art Station.

Fourth image is " Sci-fi Grenade " by Dmitriy Gvozdev on Art Station.

Jan 13, 2023 at 6:26 PM #81
Dr. Johann Anhaldt said:
The difference between compass and computer is no more than a few billion switches. - Building a Lighthouse


Less-celebrated among the the Academician's private projects was the Portable Cognition Unit, an attempt at lab-grown "neuronal matter" designed in cooperation with legacy staff of Johann Anhaldt's Atomic Computing Lab. Awkward questions about the origins of the devices' innards discouraged widespread commercial adoption, foiling Morgan Industries' initial high hopes. (Surplus PCUs were all liquidated to the Children of the Atomic, who used them as benchmarks.) The brains, if very inferior in computational speed or accuracy to electronic processors, showed marked superiority to artificial intelligences in creative tasks and during Turing Tests. They also intrigued their creators by stubbornly repeating some errors despite accepting correction of others, leading to the consensus conclusion that they were exhibiting self-awareness.


The basic essentials for successful travel on Chiron: extended-range UHF antenna to stay in touch with faction security; heavy-duty suspension; at least two spare tyres in case of rupture; sturdy crash bar; enhanced light package; and plenty of armor plating to protect crew. Soft-shelled vehicles were close-to-homers, useful for conducting perimeter safety sweeps or running technicians out to stranded 'Formers. This example wouldn't have been sent into battle without modification, but somebody had the thought. Note the front passenger-side firing port and roof hatch.


After Kalumetra, both the Nauvoo Legion and University Security limped back to their starting lines in disarray. Hive patrols were startled to discover water-fat corpses and vehicles in good working order but for fuel. The retrofitted turret of K-Car A16 was a fearsome menace to under-defended Pilgrim settlements on the Grit Frontier, holing as many as six Impact Rovers in a single afternoon with its 30mm smart cannon. A16's height afforded its gunner good visibility but the car was very prone to tipping despite an independent front suspension. No wonder mechanics disfigured its exterior hull with external winching anchors. Her thirst for gasoline was no problem on a carbon-rich planet.

A16 mounted a camera-operated reconnaissance drone, a boon for the loot-starved Hivemen. The guidance package is mounted at the base of the traversable commander's stack.

First picture, "Portable Cognition Unit," and key terminology (PCU, neuronal matter) are the work of Patrick Sutton, lead artist at C77 Entertainment, on ArtStation.

Second picture, "Military buggy" is by 3D artist Gregory Trusov on ArtStation.

The third picture, from "Oversize Military ATV explorations," belongs to Christian Bravery on ArtStation.

Jan 14, 2023 at 8:36 AM #82
Miriam Godwinson said:
Here, shed the burden of who and what you once were. Be renewed and remade by God's Eden. - Letter to the Gaians


Chiron quickly reclaimed that which Man did not maintain. Roriton Station, situated only eight hours from Gaian, Tribal, and Data Angel outposts, made an ideal roost for SMACERS selling "protection" and supplies.


To save their concept for a slow-moving patrol hovercraft from early rejection by the postwar U.S. Army, Cadillac-Gage added a cast-armored pilothouse, sensitive early-warning systems, and a triad of countermeasures both active and passive: an electro-static "skirt" to confuse heat-seeking warheads; three banks of smoke dischargers (officially, Light Vehicle Obscuration Smoke Systems), and a decoy system. All three failed during trials and the project was cancelled, but not before a quick-thinking executive offered their thirty-two prototypes to the United Nations.

Marsh took four of the craft to the surface, leaving ten divided between Kleisel Mercator's Chiron Guard and Land Architect Nagao's Liquidator militia. Unhampered by the threat of anti-aircraft missiles, the hovercraft gave excellent service as mobile watch stations and usually accompanied 'Formers or Colony Pods as close escorts.

Mercator made special use of his half-squadron of AVRO-IMVs to police boglands and river deltas made placid but treacherous by unstable xenofungal lillypads. These environments were considered prime targets for water collection and the introduction of Terran wildlife. Few intruders stood their ground when an AVRO disgorged a squad of riflemen.

The AVRO's designers had chosen simple, rugged parts relatively easy to obtain, repair, or print in the field, and with nothing on Chiron in the early years that could destroy the crafts' pilothouses, they were back in action within hours or days of being knocked down. They were also easily copied. Servicable versions quickly appeared in the hands of Hive and University Security. A double-sized, under-armored version--essentially a floating platform heaped with sandbags--was even made in the garages of Keller City.


Uniform of a Pilgrim Regulator militiaman, c. M.Y. 10. It is a stark reminder of how badly off the early colonies were, either because they used century-old surplus or because their level of material culture was so primitive. Much of the kit seen here is at least fire-retardant and lightweight for tropical environments, though none was state-of-the-art. It certainly could have been sturdier, although leather strapping and metal bucklers were easier to reproduce under primitive conditions than nylon and plastic. Arm gaiters were essential to protect bare skin from xenofungal spines.

Attitudes toward service varied by faction and time period. Failure to participate in the colony project was unthinkable to the earliest Unity survivors, and all stood their posts "on the walls." Raids, especially for plunder and slaves, were another matter. Armed struggle was at the heart of what it meant to be Spartan or Kellerite, while paramilitary service was the privilege of both New Stater and Hiveman, but full-hearted pacifists and half-hearted shirkers abounded in (and bedeviled) the Believer, Gaian, University, Atomic, Morganite, Digital Preserver (Tomorrow Institute), and Dreamer factions, leading ultimately to heavy reliance on fanatics or mercenaries. The latter, though widely respected at first for their very high professionalism, were judged harshly in posterity as most found that contract warfare on Chiron was nowhere near as lucrative or sensible as on Earth.

Reflagged Nagao's title to Land Architect.

Roriton Station picture is Jean-Pascal Mouton's "Remnants of Sci-Fi Locomotives in a Jungle" on ArtStation.

"Avrotank design" is by Maarten Hermans on ArtStation.

Third picture is Toby Burnside's "NCR Trooper (F4NV)" from the Fallout 5 franchise, found on ArtStation.
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Jan 14, 2023 at 2:49 PM #84
Chairman Sheng-ji Yang said:
Comparison is the source of all misery. A drone counts himself a king to dine on thin gruel so long as he feels certain that his companions have only water. - The Book of Twenty-Six Princes
Nearing the bicentennial of human settlement on Chiron, Librarian Sawenna Omruds thought to collect entertainment clippings from each of the factions major . The results of her survey, published in a series of widely-read updates on the Peacekeeping Forces' Datalinks, caused hysterical laughter in White Rabbit's Refuge, gnashing of teeth in New Jerusalem, and hours of work for tabulators and constables in The Core. Prisoners at the latter base rioted after learning what they were missing. Morganites demanded new entertainment packages for their money. Censors yanked the cables in Atlantis.


Damsels frequently questioned whether one-time merchant sailor Arvn Gym had rocks for brains, but poor test scores never seemed to stop him from saving the day.


Academician Prokhor Zakharov was a chess Grand Master, a distinction he shared with the higher-ranked Roshann Cobb. To his lasting chagrin, CEO Nwabudike Morgan was a notoriously poor hand at the ancient game, so long associated with strategic aptitude. Cherished rumor had it that chessboards abounded at the New Jerusalem Long House precisely so that Conclave Probe Teams could evaluate that dimension of their visitors' intelligence.

Though they pretended to enjoy the educational program piped free into their kitchen terminals, University tastes in entertainment were strictly low-brow. Callow undergraduate and mad scientist alike preferred to unwind with a bit of slapstick. They would go as far as serialized adventure in the style of Commando Cody or Space Patrol , a romanticized rendering of what could be done with the wondrous tools they created by people far more worldy than themselves, but anything more serious struggled to gain an audience. Walt Disney animation also took deep hold in Zakharov's territories. This form of escapism showed on long loops in the faction's crowded anti-radiation clinics, and Dr. Ludwig Drake von Duck was narrating "Maths Magic" by Autumn of M.Y. 2, although nobody in University Programming explained how his Austrian accent had been lost in favor of Azeri.


The Memory of Earth followed Special Agent-in-Charge Marmon Harrison's search for missing Safety and Freedom Executive agents "Fox" Muddler and Dr. Danielle "Dana" Scolly.

Gaia's Stepdaughters watched overwrought telenovelas , the heroes and heroines of which were sure to be hobbled by debt and perpetually unlucky in romance. The matriarchy found it difficult to gets its arms around the obvious tension between the identity values it expressed as faction policy and popular fantasy, gradually walking back restrictions until, in M.Y. 24, it released a statement accepting that the two could exist in "imperfect parallel." Attention turned to naming deficiencies in the attitudes and behaviors depicted in entertainment rather than forbidding them. As it turned out, Gaian students relished the opportunity to craft essays savagely deconstructing the flaws of their screentime idols, enthusiastically comparing their own assessments to those of parents and grandparents at the same age.

CEO Nwabudike Morgan naturally used the misalignment between Gaian fantasy and reality to taunt the Lady Skye as an unstable leader, though more incisive takes on the Gaians' inner lives wondered at the cynical throughline: the futility of trying to hold on tight to that which one loved.

Hive Drones craved sport, the bloodier the better. Commentators for Chironian Rules Football found their way into public service audio. The same voice shouting, "Foooul!" with unrestrained enthusiasm also reminded one to don their eye protection if venturing to the surface levels. Yet the most popular programme in Hive circulation--oft touted before the Planetary Council when the Chairman wished to deflect accusations of tyranny--followed the Kafkaesque journeys of Itilan Gann, a relentlessly cheerful Drone who repeatedly failed his merit exams for lack of study and arrived at his workstation each morning to find bizarre instructions dispatching him to distant service tunnels. Never would he finish his journey: at the bottom of the half-hour time slot, an urgent cable summons always saw Gann recalled, though not before he'd finished drawing the double ration for overtime work. The show consisted largely of feed from Gann's point of view and mentioned the Chairman only as the sort of person Gann felt he might like to buy a beer. Enthusiasts searched with relish for "his" stickers, planted frequently by Overseers.


Lavatory attendant Itilan Gann relishes a rest. Naturally, the Hive's huge workforce encompassed no such assignment.

In addition to Chironian Rules Football (their team, the Fort Defiance Derangers, won numerous titles with no whiff of doping accusations that stalked other clubs), milk-fed Spartans attended their history lessons. Commissioner Pravin Lal remembered in his diary that the informational content and even-handedness of Spartan documentaries "struck me doubly." He wondered at the accuracy of the reputation surrounding the Spartans in light of "this refreshing honesty that would not have been the least objectionable coming from our own terminals."

Tribals did not watch; they listened. Radio was an obsession, hearkening back to the "olden, golden" days of yore when flu-addled, flood-stricken Midwesterners used the very last of their battery power to tune in for the latest diagnosis of the nation's plight from the gentleman farmer [Jean-Baptiste Keller] they imagined to be very like themselves. Each base had a different stable of disc jockeys, and only a minority bothered to rebroadcast the sermons most listeners knew by heart. Better to blast the Rock n' Roll music.

Dreamers tried "digital drugs," using binaural beats to cause the brain's sound processing center (the superior olivary complex) to alter the brainwaves to compensate. Adjustments in frequency could stimulate or inhibit different psychological conditions, some therapeutic, some potentially problematic. Many addicts claimed that the sensory input that could be got from their home terminal was an inextricable aspect of the high, as essential as the tube that delivered the Somnacin itself. When sober, Dreamers tended to search for a news feed, usually the trusted World Restored service run by the Peacekeeping Forces, through which they could learn information that their own faction was incapable of providing to them. By M.Y. 194, the Peacekeepers reserved whole blocks of daily programming for audiences in other societies. Some Hivers followed the radio signals to freedom. Dreamers soaked up storm tracks, wormsign reports, and news from active military fronts. Morganites (and interested SAMCERs) noted the comings and goings of caravans.


Data Angels found high "jazz" in repurposing work consoles to play competitive video games, a hobby so pervasive it measurably reduced faction efficiency.

Pulp sci-fi art by Bob Larkin.

"IBM 5150 Personal Computer" is the work of Tristan Chesselet on ArtStation.

Police detective is "The Agent," by Josh Newton on ArtStation, for the board game Horrified: American Monsters , apparently a spin-off of Arkham Horror .

X-Files references made lovingly. Marmon Harrison's name is inspired by South Africa's WWII-era armored car. SAFE, an acronym that has no translation , is the name of the intelligence agency used by the Free Worlds League in Battletech.

Lunching still is from the fifth season episode of Babylon 5, "A View From the Gallery."

The "Derangers" were a team featured in the early 1990s series Mutant League, inspired by the Electronic Arts video games of the same name.

On binaurual beats, I consulted WebMD , which I'm not sure is scientifically valid.

Final picture is "DEFCON 1" by Zaki on ArtStation.
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Jan 15, 2023 at 2:28 PM #85
Colonel Corazón Santiago said:
Brevity is the soul of wit and of warfare. - Planet: A Survivalist's Guide


Deep losses in M.Y. 40 and 42 made it impossible for the Children of the Atom to fully garrison settlements on their frontier with the Ascendancy. The Atomics' top commanders, Colonel-General Brian Ronson and Fieldmonitor Babar de Torre, recommended the faction withdraw to a more defensible line, abandoning key positions astride the River Sarpidon. Programmers fed the same information into one of their mainframes. This was the origin of Planet's first Quick Reaction Force. Launching from deep within friendly territory, Hoppers carried fresh companies of Defenders to relieve beleaguered militia, then returned to central holding positions. Upon learning of the great Atomic victory at Piers's Canticle, CEO Nwabudike Morgan quipped to his board that "Johann Anhaldt could teach us a thing or two about economizing."


Comparing the relative population size, resource yield, industrial and military potential, research output, or even youth of each faction was an obsession of all leaders and a permanent source of job security for faction Librarians and Thinkers. The Children of the Atom resolved to make the most of the "advantages of lateness" by basing future decisions on what they had already observed other factions attempt.

This graph compares colonial expansion in the first ten years after Planetfall, showing known ventures by the University of Planet, Human Ascendancy, Dynamic Enterprise, and Lord's Believers. What it does not show is the success rate of those expeditions. Most of Miriam's were costly failures, leading to the death or capture of more than a thousand of her flock. Many ended up Spartan prizes, driving pickaxes and chisels into the face of Mt. Xerxion before it fell.


Unity's flight coordinator, Luftwaffe commander Kleisel Mercator, scrambled seventy Single-Occupancy Repair Craft to evaluate and help seal Unity's wounds, but repeated Spartan attacks forced mission loyalists to evacuate the Flight Deck. Returning "eggs" were then shot up by Holnists as they came in for refueling. None of the courageous pilots survived. Their efforts bought their comrades another ninety-six hours to complete evacuation, a sacrifice later acknowledged by an obelisk erected in Watchpoint's Staunton Park Domes.

First picture is in "In-A.22 Nikto-ega - Very Fast Stripes" by Eluqqa on DeviantArt.

Second image is from Star Trek: Enterprise via the "Space Warship Design" page on Atomic Rockets .

Third image is by Pierre Mion via the "Spacesuits" page on Atomic Rockets .
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Jan 16, 2023 at 3:51 PM #86
Chassis: Crawler

Warden J.T. Marsh said:
Crossing an environment means changing it, but that doesn't mean you have to destroy it beyond healing. - Peregrinations of Planet

CEO Nwabudike Morgan said:
Call me old-fashioned, but there is still something about arriving on the battlefield in a tank! - Promotional watchvid, Morgan Military Machines

The U.N. wanted for vehicles, and it could hardly refuse charity, even the backhanded kind. To meet their obligations, donors gave what they could or would no longer use: post-war surplus, items in liquidation after radiological clean-up, and whatever else had been worn out or refused by their own forces. Thus, the greater proportion of Unity's motor pool was tracked.

The survivors' small inheritance of rotary aircraft, experimental hovercraft, and under-powered hoppers might point to a better tomorrow, but for more than two centuries, wheeled or tracked vehicles were the only scalable mobility options accessible to all colonies. Even the New State was forced to keep a significant portion of its operations "sandside" because it could not turn out enough pressure hulls.

Wheeled vehicles were faster, better over rocky ground, and easier to repair and maintain. Because of their greater surface area, however, tracked vehicles could take substantially heavier payloads despite also requiring much larger engines. Early vehicle-scale lasers in particular demanded power supplies to heavy for wheeled transport. Tracked vehicles could also (usually) keep lower profiles becaue tyres were oversized to provide the ground clearance that lent them their off-road advantage. Pilots of unarmed cargo Crawlers and tracked gun platforms crashed with practical impunity through all but the mightiest fungus and brush. They also had better luck on the many saturated and sandy surfaces of Chiron.

To get the most out of their investment of precious vehicle power plants, most factions put even tracked military vehicles to work as tractors when they were not needed in combat.


A short-lived attempt to design a mobile EMP by the U.S.S.R.'s Design Group 12 was conveniently swept under the rug and aboard a Unity cargo bay. Zakharov, who leaked word of the project to the Western press, absorbed the project's staff into his rocket program. The next time he saw the tank was when mechanics coaxed it into the lower garage of a landing pod.

The угорь, or eel, lived two lives, first as an impervious mobile machine gun platform in defense of the Tsiolkovsky Institute, then, with the armatures fully restored, as an experimental electro-static weapon turned against Mindworm boils.


Tank destroyers were a popular vehicle type on Chiron since the object of warfare was usually to cripple the enemy's forces while leaving their infrastructure intact. This Spartan Companion is powered by rear-mounted cylinders of nuclear fuel and displays hallmarks of Centauri adaptation: a laser warning detection system, rear-mounted countermeasures launchers, and bolt-on fire suppression bottles.


After a decade or two of continuous service, tanks were works of art and artifice as much as they were complex killing machines. This example, serving with the Chironian Guard, is literally held together with bungee cord and duct tape. Exposed wiring shows where techs have added a radio modem and improved imaging as well as early-warning devices. Because the main threat is infantry, there are two turret-mounted weapons stations, both protected by gun-shields. Side-mounted mantlets have been added, and the barrel of at least one of those mounts has been ported.

As a reminder of its "day job," an amber hazard light and external cooler remain mounted during patrol.


The Hunters of Chiron provided mobile power to projects and bases on-demand. Despite his problems with the Pilgrims--in which Marsh was hardly alone--the Warden had many more friends among the other faction leaders than he did enemies since Hunter caravans provided critical labor and emergency response for which other factions simply lacked the equipment and expertise.

Many factions build seasonal outposts that they could operate only with the assistance of Hunter personnel.

Unity Crawlers like this one could be freighted with any of 780 unique mission modules. Marsh paid top price for salvaged examples, knowing he would recoup his investment by only the fourth or fifth engagement. Godwinson, Lal, Anhaldt, Mercator, Zakharov, Cobb, Roze, Aki-Zeta-5, Morgan, St. Germaine, and even Landers were almost always willing to sell. Yang and Skye could not as a result of their isolation. Nagao and Van de Graaf were the consistent exceptions.

In Game Terms:
May cross light or medium xenofungus without penalty.

The Crawler chassis may carry up to 2 mission modules.

Soviet tank is "Tesla's Tank" by Lennard Claussen on ArtStation.

Second tank is "tank_heavy" by Colie Wertz on ArtStation.

Third tank is "Post-Apocalyptic Tank" by Yakolev Art on ArtStation.

Fourth vehicle is "Arctic Communication Module / Tracked Vehicle Concept" from Alex Advuevsky on ArtStation.
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Jan 18, 2023 at 6:02 PM #87
Selectman Peter Pete Landers said:
The argument for kings and government dies at the first moment of their weakness. Do not give your loyalty to someone who thinks they can forsake you without forsaking themselves. - Against All Others


Extrusive crystalline formations called njaa , from the Swahili word for hunger, colonized any site contaminated by nuclear radiation. Anyone willing to sweat--and probably fight--for the privilege could help themselves to a mineral, energy, and salvage bonanza. The foolhardiness of the venture could usually be ascertained by the number and contents of the many abandoned campsites that rose beneath the njaa pinnacles like hopeful weeds from the soil.

At almost 2,000m above sea level in a cleft of the Pholus Ridge, Chandler's Lookout, opposite the wreck of an old Unity cargo pod, stood silent and tempting testament to a long-dead Kellerite's severe miscalculations.


Danger on Chiron often correlated with desecration of habitat. Factions with no particular interest in Planetary Stewardship as a developmental choice turned to technologies and processes that provided temporary relief from harassment by native life. This Shaper Bastion, essentially a submersible strong room, accompanied divers searching for Planet pearls.


Mission recruits receive instruction on basic Landing Pod operations from the United States space agency. In the real event, successful flight operations turned out to depend not only upon competent pilots, but also dumb luck and sharp-eyed spotters, positioned at the view ports and communicating by radio, to help avoid obstructions. (The original plan called for a SORC-assisted departure.)

First picture is "Mission to Minerva" by Jon White on ArtStation.

Second picture is "Deep Sea Sub" by Ben Harrison on ArtStation.

Third picture is "SR-7132N Deep Space Tow Tug Cockpit" by Ben Harrison on ArtStation.

Jan 19, 2023 at 5:08 PM #88
Base Facility: Sonic Fence said:
We must first exclude to find the self. Then, we must include to perfect it. - Governor Oscar van de Graaf, Command Diary


Chironian waters were usually violent. Average wave height in the calmest seas was 12.8m, where lightning flash rates exceeded 500 instances over the 17.53 hour day. Unity Foils were self-righting for this reason and usually traveled in trios.


This Nauvoo Legion mountaineer is typical of her MOS in any faction military force. The articulated backpack contains 120m spools each of dynamic and static dry-core, dry-sheath rope with self-securing grapnels and glove-directed winch. The canister on the right hip contains Expansion Foam with which to make new holds. Her Morgan Military Mechanics SmartCarbine uses TV-guided ammunition monitored on the screen at her chest.[/img]


The motto of the British Special Air Service is "Who dares wins." Game Warden J.T. Marsh, a veteran of that unit, practiced the maxim, organizing a series of spectacular raids on Shaper bases in the Terryon Basin in M.Y. 23 and 24 that made use of diversionary attacks to facilitate hijacking of more than sixty precious 'Formers. It was a double victory in that most of the vehicles captured by the Hunter Probe Teams had once belonged to the American Reclamation Corporation.

First image is "Sci-fi Boat" by Scott Robertson on ArtStation.

Second image is "Spacesuit" by Zongwei on ArtStation.

Third image if "Photobash Practice" by Zongwei on ArtStation.
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Jan 21, 2023 at 6:56 AM #90
The Conclave Bible said:
And Cain did again what displeased the LORD, and in his House all other manner of iniquity was also practiced. Now the Sons of Nod laid waste the Kingdom of Lut, and when all was smoke and ash, they returned to their homesteads, which they fired, and then slaughtered the kine, treading out even their own vineyards, for blood was their sweetest wine. - Datalinks

Unity passed out of the Sol system carrying 591,894 colonists aboard and another 20,000 estimated stowaways. By the time word was passed to abandon ship, more than half that total had been lost.

Survivors faced all the nightmare scenarios cooked up by the Red Teams at Morgan Emergency Services and more. The initial micrometeorite was bad enough. Aside from the loss of lives and ship’s stores, multiple vital systems were crippled or destroyed in a series of cascading impacts.

The power system was failing. Spall shattered the main reactor housing aft and destroyed primary feed pumps on two of the four secondary reactors. This was a radiological catastrophe of the highest order. To approach the reactor halls aft was to recieve potentially lethal doses of radiation. Meanwhile, the loss of so much electrical firm load threw the ship onto battery power even as life support systems were ramping up to counter both the widespread loss of atmospheric containment and the sudden introduction of hundreds—then thousands—of crew. It was too much. Fuses blew. Breakers tripped. Unity went dark.


Radiation doses to people and machines were so high, even datatape corroded. This grainy image was taken by a landing pod's exterior cameras at Planetfall.

In theory, this surge in demand could be offset even if the reactors were offline, for the ship trailed a solar sail—a potentially inexhaustible power source if fed by the Alpha Centauri system’s three stars. Yet this crucial back-up system had been ruined, holed in countless places by pieces of Unity herself, while the mechanism for deployment of its redundant auxiliary lay likewise smashed. There was now no hope of restoring electrical power except by recovering the fission plant.

Life support was in even worse shape. The errant space rock had severed Unity’s water mains--including the firemain and its three auxiliary lines. A complicated system of valves sprang shut to staunch the outpouring, but this only created small islands of reserve water useless for any practical purpose except local firefighting. (Six days into the crisis, Machinery Leading Chief Petty Officer LeFevre organized rust techs to pump the dregs down to the hangars using a daisy chain of fire hoses.) This residual supply was still on the order of several tens of millions of gallons, some of which continued to be lost from malfunctioning sprinkler heads or unattended hoses.


Orly LeFeuvre, a Rabat native, traded a decade's service in the Alang Bang for her SPAR marks before finishing a late apprenticeship in the sprawling junkyards of Manila City. Along with the cybernetic upgrades, her experience pulling older technology convinced U.N. canvassers to request her by name. French President Varil Gaultier's short-lived Socialist government was glad to name her to Project Unity as one of that country's few meritorious representatives. She spent time among J.T. Marsh's people after choice words with Academician Zakharov, who took her down to Planet, but found that SPAR placed her firmly outside the Hunter mainstream. Oscar van de Graaf gave her a stake that she worked off in just five more years to become, at last, master of her own fate.

Atmospheric loss had the same results: emergency bulkheads deployed shipwide. Approximately 70% of compartments were opened to vacuum. In many cases, electrical shorts delayed activation of the seals until after damage control parties had begun operations, including Hab Bay evacuations, so that hundreds were killed repeatedly in mass strandings. So many compartments suffered explosive decompression during the first hour of damage control operations that Executive Officer Francisco d'Almeida began routing responders to cargo bays rather than risk them to retrieve "worthless artisans" and "needless bankers."
Emergency lockers throughout the ship were inexplicably empty. Under such extreme conditions, most protective gear was donned improperly. In machinery spaces, crews repeatedly suffered line-of-fire injuries as equipment shook itself apart. Large sections of the ship became inaccessible due to internal structural collapse. Fires raged out of control wherever oxygen or chemicals would feed them. Whole cryobays became fatally entombed in fire suppression foam. Upon learning that the occupants were still alive and mostly unharmed, Damage Control Assistant Giat Keo famously broke out fire axes, ordering miners and foresters to take shifts chipping survivors out of the mess.


Rescuers below Deck 61 worked in ponchos to prevent their environmental suits becoming waterlogged. To enhance visibility (their only reliable light otherwise came from portable torches), stick leaders sprayed their teams in fluorescent marker wash.

Alas, the armed assailants calling themselves "Spartans" made it their business to gouge the expedition’s already-grievous wounds. The mutineers slaughtered every damage controlman they could find, apparently with the intent of dooming the ship to destruction. A small fraction may in fact have been Survivalists. Many were naught but sociopaths, human trash working overtime to conceal racism and misogyny behind pseudo-intellectual papier-mâché . To protest their exclusion from Project Unity, they did what came naturally: open fire.

Their killing was so indiscriminate it astonished even their erstwhile leader, ultimately revealed as the faithless Security Forces lieutenant Corazón Santiago. Between bouts of professing her manifesto the bridge crew—a popular hobby also taken up by another stowaway, the Morgan Industries CEO, and eventually, Prokhor Zakharov also--she was forced to execute more than a dozen “friendly” fighters for offenses ranging from unforgivable breaches of fire discipline to simple insubordination. Santiago was soon in crisis. She had not anticipated that so many of her own host were fully committed to self-destruction.

Adjunct Instructor Sheng-ji Yang said:
The essential problem of generalship is that soldiers expect you to make provisions for them to come back. - Institutes of Leadership

Given the loyal crew’s focus on systems restoration and the depth of Santiago’s treachery, few Security Forces survivors materialized to defend the former. For a time, d’Almeida attempted to make do with pressed mercenaries and veterans reassigned from other divisions, but with losses mounting and other key leaders diverting personnel for their own ends, those scratch efforts soon gave way to thoughts of self-preservation. The Spartans and Holnists were too fast and too many, the able and willing defenders too few and too disorganized.


Morganite contractors secreted a small armory with their CEO. Future Capitalists of Chiron made unhurried tours of critical storage areas while Morgan Armored Security provided flank security, posting heavy weapons teams. Fully prepared for extreme conditions, veterans like this auto-gunner taught too-bold Spartans the difference between amateurs and professionals.

When the lion hunts, the jackals shall feast. Another active threat, more fearsome but also more disciplined, stalked the ship in parallel with the Spartans, who they shot on sight. While they could and did sometimes negotiate temporary ceasefires with crew who held their fire, the Kellerites were not above cold-blooded murder. They had bones to pick with authority, circumstances be damned. At least these newcomers were intent on making it down to Chiron.

Whether Jean Baptiste-Keller himself ever made it aboard the object of his obsession is unknown. His followers got close enough to ask Garland for his autograph, storming as far as the damaged computer core (just minutes from the Bridge) before rallying Marines broke their momentum with help from sonic grenades and Cargo Corps flankers. Pete Landers, the Kellerite commander on the scene, had come of age on the Mississippi River not far from the riverboat casinos. He well knew: if the House starts to win, choose a different game. His people melted away, descending into the lower levels, relinquishing their chance at prime captive so that they might be free to take rations and fuel cells.


Pete Landers confers with a subordinate in Utah shortly before the Declaration of American Unity. The turncoat National Guardsman was a moderating influence on his much-wronged companions, famously brokering a cease-fire with Pravin Lal. The two divided the contents of a disputed cargo bay by coin toss. Landers demonstrated himself a gracious victor and, after taking it in turns with the Chief Medical Officer to use a laser designator to apportion spoils, had his people escort Lal to the Landing Pods, where he also assisted them during final loading. The good deed did not go unpunished. Many Peacekeepers present at the time claimed that the two had worked out a bargain that rendered Lal's subsequent pretensions to leadership void on the basis of conspiring with supposed war criminals.

D'Almeida gave the official order to abandon ship, but the giving up on Unity's salvation had begun almost at once. The tone had been set by the Chief Engineer himself: in defying Garland and d’Almeida, even in service of the lofty goal of bringing the secondary reactors back online, Zakharov signaled the legitimacy of questioning orders. For every courageous soul who obeyed the muscle memory created by months of training and exercise to go and serve their fellows, three others scurried for the exits while the fifth availed themselves of an opportunity for target practice and the sixth fed psychotropic drugs to those just decanted.


Escape from the ruined ark was not an experience most would ever live down. On a world where cooperation was the best guarantee of survival, those who engaged in selfish acts might receive the ultimate sanction. The smart ones banded together and continued to do as they had done before, often taking a perverse pride in having been the cause of such momentous misery. This SMACER Rocket Raider comes close to looking well-appointed, though his hand weapons is missing a trigger mechanism. The shoulder patch lets folks know what he's about in case the sudden appearance of a cannon-wielding thief in their midst is too subtle.

Dr. Aleigha Cohen said:
The seasonal fever has come again. Mobs hunt Spoilers in the flex tunnels. A hopper pilot, his skill irreplaceable, is caught and dragged outside to be suffocated. Later, we will see that it was a case of mistaken identity, but the cathartic feeling won't be diminished. - A World Upside Down

Any run on the Landing Pods inevitably veered straight through the nearest cargo bays. No faction was to be denied a share of the starship's endless variety of cargo. From apple seeds to ammunition, anxious survivors and would-be monarchs claimed anything they could lay hands on, often by gunning down someone who had gotten there first. Mostly, the objects they secured had immediate value, such as food, medicine, and hand radios. Sometimes, they were a putative investment in the future, as when Tamineh Pahlavi's people emptied cold storage of more than fifty thousand genetic samples from family lines that had not got a descendant aboard Unity .

The plunder might even be living people. Elements of the ex-Canadian Vanadair Guard, taken on by Oscar van de Graaf, fought hard against poachers come to pick "his" cryobays clean of the colonists with the choicest service records. Sheng-ji Yang, Raoul André St. Germaine, and Sathieu Metrion each consulted the ship’s databanks before so much as lifting a finger to help their fellows, intent on finding those who mattered to them.

Grainy explorer image is "The Wreck," by Guillaume Menuel on ArtStation.

LeFeuvre is "Scfi cybergirl" by Bulygin on DeviantArt.

Neon astronaut is "Funky Astronaut" by Amanieu Rebu on ArtStation.

Auto-gunner is "Combat Engineer Demo" by Johnson Ting on ArtStation.

Actor Gerard Butler, seen in Coriolanus , is our Sgt. Pete Landers.

Rocket Raider is "Pleinpaper" from the tumblr page of ishouldsketchmore .
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Jan 22, 2023 at 12:44 PM #91
Dr. Johann Anhaldt said:
For centuries, kings have lighted fools the way to dusty death. Now we have built such a one of our own devising. We freely admit it is flawed. What king was not? But this, our king, we can make better. Who else could say that? - Salvation by Numbers


Name: Guadalupe Selinas Torada
Rank: Ensign (rising)
Position: Supervisory Scriptrunner
County of Origin: Imperio Mexicano
DOB: 01-2-2041

Service Record:
Born 2041, Mazatlán, Mexico. PhD in post-conflict econometrics from Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile . Post-graduate fellowship with Toron-Garcia, a grant-bundler working Venezulean Reconstruction. Accepted for SPAR assessment by Morgan Pearl Standard after correctly predicting 2064 trends in oil market contraction.

Denied SPAR due to hazards arising from interaction with medications required for suppression of Bollon-Sprauge Radiation Syndrome. At own request, participated in development of AEGAEON software package used to design and organize construction of the Caribbean Plate Tri-cities.

Joined 2067 Mexican National Commitment to Project Unity . Total mission training reduced to seven months. Prior to hibernation, worked an additional three months as a compiler in the Data Services Division helping to transliterate the preliminary A-Code behind the Unity's stellar navigation system to the century-old Apep proprietary machine language used in the Unity Data Core.

Approached by Morgan SafeHaven operatives during the Planetfall Crisis with an invitation to join in the CEO's escape. Declined. A resulting standoff was broken only with armed intervention ordered by Data Services Lt. Commander Tạ Dọc Thân. After rescue, subject was organized into Dr. Johann Anhaldt's ground team.


Ensign Torada participates in perimeter patrols as a junior officer in the faction militia. With her fire team, she burns back advancing xenofungus.

Psych Profile: Skeptic
Expresses core attitudes common among her generation: skepticism toward market economics and corporate replacement of public services, aversion to personalist politics, and openness toward expanded presence of Artificial Intelligence in daily life.

A technocrat. Believes that machine-assisted government is more trustworthy than the "corruptible" rule of popularly-elected leaders and self-interested oligarchs.


Programmers of the Data Services Division under Dr. Johann Anhaldt's command were historians as much as they were computer scientists. To build the perfect Intelligence, they first had to determine the desired course of action for thousands of potential scenarios. Basic predictive algorithms then added millions more examples from which the machine mind could "learn." Human analysts pruned at the margins, but there was always too much code to debug thoroughly.

Portrait sourced from Pinterest, which traces back to a website called wallpapermaiden. Artist unknown.

Second image is the work of Travis Charest on characterdesignreferences.com.

Third image is the artillery crew from Guns of Navaronne .

Jan 27, 2023 at 9:38 PM #95
Tech: Industrial Economics

CEO Nwabudike Morgan said:
Our first challenge is to create an entire economic infrastructure, from top to bottom, out of whole cloth. No gradual evolution from previous economic systems is possible, becauise there is no previous economic system. Each interdependent piece must be materialized simultaneously and in perfect working order; otherwise the system will crash before it ever gets off the ground. - The Centauri Monopoly


For most colonies, "profit" was an afterthought; something to be considered long after everyone was sheltered, bandaged, and fed. In Morganite territory, within mere weeks, it was practically the only thought. Base services from air supply to medical care were furnished by contractors.

Service costs were deducted automatically from each workers' salary. Morganites became notorious for chasing deals by flitting between their own and other factions' bases, creating Planet's first reliable travel flows, and with them, consumer price signals.

Those who couldn't pay owed a periodic labor tax akin to the medieval corvée . Eventually, more than a quarter of the Morganite colony was reduced to this plight. Often, the CEO used them to advance projects that enhanced his personal wealth.


Unencumbered by breathing apparatus, Morgan Security trainees perform Battle Drill #7 on the edge of the Monsoon Jungle oxygen sink.

It did not take long for the Chief Executive to suspect that the contract killers of Morgan SafeHaven were losing their sharp edge. His answer was to bring new gladiators into the stable. In short order, he chartered Morgan Security, then the obliquely-titled Morgan Industrial Defense Service (MIDS).

On paper, each unit was to perform a unique function. The once-proud praetorians of SafeHaven were retasked from personal protection of the Board and CEO to objective raids against other factions. Morgan Security assumed responsibility for base defense under a "bunkers, barriers, burn-out" model that was supposed to keep their focus outside the perimeter walls. MIDS stood watch in the opposite direction after receiving authorization under Board policy to police the Company's employees and secure its property against theft and misuse.

As it happened, Morgan encouraged inter-jurisdictional rivalries and rewarded poaching. The three units therefore became almost indistinguishable from one another but for their uniforms. SafeHaven continued to post gate watches alongside Morgan Security. The infamous Saharan mercenaries also retained control of the small brigs in both Morgan Industries and Morgan Metagenics, indifferent to formal reprimands. The Board also repeatedly overlooked the fact that both MIDS and SafeHaven made a habit of joining Morgan Security militia during base defensive actions despite refusing to train together, resulting in multiple friendly fire incidents. This was hardly mere comradeship: neither of the two "attending" units slouched in claiming the bounties offered for adversaries killed or captured.

Here was the point: military service in the Morganite world was a money-making venture. Under faction bylaws, the officers of Morgan Industries were compelled to purchase commissions in Morgan Security--a reflection, Morgan said, of the company's public service ethos. Yet corporate policy also forbade officers from taking that very service on grounds that "sideline ventures" deprived the employer of the employee's full value. Ergo, substitutions had to be obtained. (This substitution was usually a middle manager, but, as time went on, increasingly an ex-Spartan or a SMACER.) Handicraft victuallers paid for annual monopolies on sales to different units, then squeezed them for every cartridge and canteen. SafeHaven, which at times made an art form of doing the outrageous, demanded and won the right to charge training fees to the very Morgan Security personnel that replaced them. All three outfits abused their arrest powers to build up chain gangs whose labor could be sold for profit.

The natural conclusion of Morgan's policy was to cripple faction military potential. Loyalties and doctrine split three ways. The system was also grossly top-heavy by design, with three sets of leaders performing the same work. (Left behind in the evacuated trenches below Xerxion, anti-disassociationalist soldiers found hand-drawn playing cards featuring more than four dozen individual Morganite officers, many in the ironic pose of the Suicide Jack.) Taken on the whole, any benefits from competition were entirely wiped out.


Unstructured time was sacrosanct among the Peacekeepers, who used it for lively debate and other forms of self-enrichment. Gaians hiked and meditated. Hunters raced. Spartans relished their bloodsport. Most factions firmly prohibited more than six hours of work for health and safety reasons. Morgan scoffed at this calculus. His governors collected a tax on leisure not spent at approved amusements (i.e., corporate gambling halls). Many "dodgers" figured they got ahead by engaging in individual entrepreneurial activity, including the sale of their own excess labor. Accident rates soared during these after-hours "gigs," when workers were already exhausted in both mind and body. Prosthetic limbs were disturbingly common in Morganite settlements. Companies would front injured workers the cost of limb replacement. The recipient rented their prosthetic under very disadvantageous terms. When their credit ran out, the limb seized up.

First image is Disney concept art for Dok Ondar's Den of Antiquities.

Second image is from Rogue One: A Star Wars Story .

Third image is "Celsius 13 - Worker revamp" by Jan Weßbecher on ArtStation.

Jan 29, 2023 at 3:34 PM #96
President John F. Kennedy said:
This technology represents a promise to our children, and to our children's children, that they can sleep safely under a blanket of peace. - Address to the Federation of Atomic Scientists, 1962

Project Orion was the American effort to perfect nuclear pulse propulsion as a method of interplanetary, and especially interstellar, space travel. Rooted in theories propounded by Polish mathematician and physicist Stanislaw Ulam and American physicist Frederick Feines in the late the 1940s, Project Orion culminated in the successful construction and deployment of the world's first nuclear-powered space superiority platform, the space battleship of the same name, and touched off a century-long military space race that ended in disaster for the Soviet Union. Feasibility calculations were completed at Los Alamos National Laboratory and by General Atomics. Ground-side construction took place at Newport News Shipbuilding, the Philadelphia Navy Yard, and the Brooklyn Navy Yard, which Project Orion helped save from closure. Funding and direction came from the U.S. Air Force and the National Aeronautics and Space Administration, with additional input provided by the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, Northrup-Grumman, and the United States Marine Corps. The prime contractor was General Atomics.

Elementally, the vision for Orion involved using a sequence of one megaton thermonuclear shaped charges to create extremely high exhaust velocity and thrust, far exceeding the speed factors available from chemical rocket engines. Acting on a pusher plate mounted at the rear of the payload, the explosions could propel 400,000 tons to a terminal speed of 0.03c during an acceleration run of 10 days. As many as 300,000 of the compact, 6" diameter, disc-shaped charges would need to be released at a rate of one charge every 1.1 seconds to achieve this result. The Coca-Cola Company consulted on the design of the mechanism used for that purpose.


U.S.S. Orion bore 80 launch tubes for its magazine of 480 nuclear missiles, each tipped with an MIRV. Additional offensive punch came from three Mk42 5" naval guns on limited-traverse turrets in the central hull. For protection, the ship was girdled by eight retractable Close-In Weapons Systems, while the naval guns could be loaded with the Casaba shell, a form of radiation bomb used to melt incoming projectiles--or Soviet missiles headed for American and allied targets. The battleship, under the command of the Air Force's Deep Space Bombardment Force, embarked 80 Marines of the Lunar Expeditionary Unit and spent most of its life in Near-Earth space. She received a significant upgrade in 1992, including a single prow-mounted 100 kW X-Ray laser and installation of additional barracks space for another 40 of the indispensable Marines.

The technological, political, environmental, economic, and cultural consequences of Project Orion were felt worldwide.

Along with the Apollo Program, which placed a permanent habitat on the Moon in 1980, Project Orion ushered in an era of technological flourishing. The first locus was in the United States and Great Britain, while the second was in the Soviet Union. Research on the shape and yield of atomic explosions and the need to demonstrate political confidence in the technologies underlying the Orion concept breathed new life into the Atoms for Peace program. Defying credible and growing concern about atomic fallout, industrial-grade nuclear devices became widely used in mining and terraformation. Dozens of nuclear power stations were built throughout the United States where the abundance of cheap energy led to a collapse in fossil fuel markets, promoted a general trend toward electrification of consumer products including automobiles, and tempted Army experiments with laser weaponry. The amount of intellectual potential devoted to Orion by both superpowers created the so-called Atomic Generation. Between 1956 and 1984, one in three adults in either country spent ten or more years working in a STEM field. Echoing the downstream effects of atomic research on the civilian energy industry, lessons-learned from the Orion Program and its Russian Counterpart, Project Zharptitsa (жар-пти́ца, or "Firebird"), also caused a flowering of aeronautical and commercial space ventures. Indeed, the Orion herself was constructed in two parts, and the pusher plate, which had been severely ablated during blast-off from the Nevada desert, was reworked in high orbit using uranium mined from Near Earth Asteroids by a growing fleet of independently-owned-and-operated spacecraft.

Perhaps the most important outcome of Orion was to demonstrate the viability of the propulsion concept for what would become the Chiron Pathfinder Probe, a pusher-plate design of the mid-twenty-first-century that made the journey to Alpha Centauri in just 40 years by taking advantage of compact fusion pellets to gain more thrust at less weight than with the original bombs.

Orion kicked the Cold War into overdrive. Soviet Premier Marat Barrikad, who had spent two years in San Francisco with the Soviet consulate there, rejected the traditional dictates of Escalation Theory. Knowing that the Americans would beat the Soviets to a nuclear missile shield, he guessed that the resulting surfeit of confidence would tend to soothe rather than aggravate American bellicosity, creating conditions in which voters and politicians in the United States would tolerate an expansion of Soviet power outside the Western Hemisphere. Accordingly, Barrikad's Politburo reduced funding for Zharptitsa while dialing conventional aggression sharply upwards to compensate, including on and beneath the lunar surface, where Soviet and American troops clashed seven times in the 1970s with deadly results. Barrikad also repaired his country's rift with the Chinese Communists, wooed India firmly into the Soviet sphere, subjected the Dutch to a twenty-year insurgency in the Netherlands East Indies that led to partial Indonesian independence, and nursed client regimes in Burma, Egypt, Ethiopia, Iraq, Italy, Nigeria, Libya, Somali, Sudan, Syria, and Yemen.

Radiological pollution created by the nuclear Space Race led to a sharp increase in cancers worldwide. Several nuclear disasters have been linked to Project Orion-inspired reactor construction, both directly and indirectly. In the end, Congress and the Air Force managed to protect their investment from cancellation only at the cost of a massive erosion of public trust that helped fuel violent eco-terrorism beginning from the 1990s and laid the groundwork for the pervasive anti-government sentiments of the following century.


U.S.S. Orion was joined by U.S.S. Odysseus in 1994, then by the Soviet Admiral Gagarin in 1998. Gagarin, seen here docking a Buran orbiter, carried more than a dozen short-range rocket pods the purpose of which was to disperse smart debris in the path of oncoming Marine assault shuttles.

The complexity of pusher-plate shock absorption was very high. Pusher plates were highly prone to damage and misalignment, especially if, as in the case of the Soviets, nuclear, not conventional, explosives were used to break Earth's atmosphere during first take-off. Furthermore, the thermonuclear warheads used by the Gagarin were of unreliable design. Prokhor Zakharov warned his colleagues and superiors of these two risks in a position paper in 2023. Four years later, Gagarin's pusher plate malfunctioned with fatal results. During routine repositioning from geosynchronous orbit above the dark side of the Moon, a bomb pellet failed to pass through the port in the pusher plate and exploded prematurely, wrecking much of the mission module. The ship was stricken. While there was enough mass between the crew and the explosion's epicenter for crew to evacuate, the escape pod failed on Earth atmospheric reentry with the loss of all hands.

Disaster prompted the Politburo to take up again the shelved research on chemical rockets, leading Zakharov to the fusion stardrive he built for Unity in 2061.

Space Battleship Orion picture by Andrei Stanavov. Found on ToughSF Twitter feed but originally from ArtStation.

X-Ray lasers appear as a warship-scale weapon in Babylon 5 .

The science for this article was taken from the Wikipedia page for "Project Orion (nuclear propulsion)" and "Fusion rocket," as well as the YouTube video "The insane USAF space battleship that almost got built - Project Orion Battleship" by Found and Explained.

Space battleship Admiral Gagarin is an image of an O'Neill Cylinder from the webpage "Stories by Williams." For her systems, I was also inspired by some pictures found on Deep Space Forces on rhysy.net and commentary on space warfare on the Atomic Rockets website.
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Feb 2, 2023 at 4:45 PM #101
Sister Miriam Godwinson said:
The first step to knowing God is knowing his greatest creation: the self. - A Prayer for Peace


Journeymen of the Timekeeper's Lodge contemplate the Desecration of Faith.

Sixty years after Planetfall, at the place called Shurath, where once a wide river curled, the Lord's Conclave finished the man that was a mountain. He was, said Sister Miriam Godwinson, "our fitting penance," built to acknowledge the great hurt done to their fellow survivors during the hungry days when the Nauvoo Legion had swarmed undefended camps like the frogs and locusts of Exodus .

Godwinson's neighbors were unimpressed. "I cannot fill empty bellies with the self-righteousness of the blind!" Governor Oscar van de Graaf thundered to his stakeholders. At his behest, the propertied families among the New Two Thousand voted a special allowance for military operations that put two thousand militia in the field. Miriam's people defended their great monument to the last. The kasan stone from which Man was built dispersed directed-energy weapons fire with better than 99.2% efficiency. The Nauvoo Legion built fighting positions inside the feet and ankles of the statue, resisting the Pilgrim assault for decades with only a minimum of effort. Then, in Mission Year 94, a separate upcountry campaign severed supply lines to the Shurath Valley. No quarter was asked, and none was given. The Governor celebrated his victory by inviting the Shapers of Chiron to dump their spoils at the foot of "this bold-faced monstrosity." In ten years, the tallest structure on Planet was buried to its ears in tailings from Coordinator Nagao's borehole mines. The valley became a wasteland.


A Pilgrim Rocketeer is ambushed by Chiron Guards during training at the Cloudbase Academy. Note the soldier "crouched" in cloud cover, a defensive technique peculiar to his faction. (Maintaining position in the air required constant consumption of fuel and could fully deplete a typical soldier's fuel supply in less than a minute. The Guard favored additional thigh-mounted drop tanks for this reason.

Rocket-assisted infantry were considered useless on Old Earth because of the ubiquity of cheap, ground-based air defenses. On Chiron, where "legging it" was substantially less viable and armaments of all kinds were less common, this modality of combat enjoyed a total renaissance after its MY11 debut by the Honored Dead.


Salvage, especially self-aware salvage, was valuable--or emotionally alluring--enough for enterprise souls to risk life and limb in the trackless places of Chiron. Here, a SMACER approaches the outskirts of Volokhovo Center, hoping no doubt to reawaken the intelligence that once animated the shell he drags behind. Ironically, his attached to a robot has not precluded forming close bonds with a more traditional companion.


This SMACER has undoubtedly stumbled across rich pickings, perhaps from a crashed Supply Pod, though his loot has not included firearms if the primitive spear is any indication. The blade is probably bathed in xenofungal oils to induce delirium in his opponents. A long-band radio helps him track the movements of potential quarry or communicate with whatever comrades he might have to hand. He wears a rust tech's hardhat in lieu of a combat helmet. The tunic is too short; he has found it expedient to add sleeves of another fabric.

First picture is "Expedition V2" by otomozok on DeviantArt.

Second and third picture are from theamazingdigitalart on Tumblr. The former is from Fara Shanyar, while the latter is credited to Friendly Robot, François Leroy. Both are on ArtStation.

"Volokhovo" is from Fantasy Name Generators .

Final picture is "Darkest Odyssey Portrait" by Friendly Robot, François Leroy, on ArtStation.

Feb 3, 2023 at 5:45 PM #102
Governor Oscar van de Graaf said:
There are only two watchwords of progress: "Stay out!" - Manifesting Destinies


Most property on Chiron belonged to the commons until the third century after Planetfall. The need to construct, preserve, and maintain life-giving public infrastructure influenced Chironian laws, traditions, and attitudes toward both labor and leisure.

The cost for vandalism, sabotage, and repeat carelessness could be expulsion from even the most compassionate of colonies, a fate statistically indistinguishable from a sentence of death by hunger, asphyxiation, or exposure.

With few other joys available and medical resources thin, colonists readily turned to drink. Fungal wines were easy to source, and the scarcity of workers strengthened their hand against the bosses when it came to temperance enforcement.

Though terrestrial religiosity was frequently confused with abstentions behavior, Conclavists sipped as frequently as Hunters and Drones. Unfiltered drippings from rust-eaten moisture snares could be a potent base for hallucinatory brews.


Rwanda National Police Constable Egon Hazikimana mended fences among the early Peacekeepers with so much deft that a grateful populace knew him as "Carpenter." He refused to carry a shredder pistol, the standard sidearm of his era, and instead wielded a retooled Federal Riot Gun. The canister shells it took were fused for near-instant detonation and cast a net that immobilized targets.

Hazikimana was lost while on a scout before the end of the first mission year. U.N. Marines tracked the wreck of his stripped-down Rover to the remains of a dry camp pitched by men who had stolen from the main colony. Despite considerable evidence of a battle and dozens of booted footprints left in the loam, no bodies were ever recovered save that of the ringleader, dispatched by a single bullet to the center of his forehead.


Fort Kasinahwan lacked for aesthetics, not firepower. When Oscar van de Graaf sealed the Kern Pass to the Shapers of Chiron, a sudden volte-face that, after more than a decade of cooperation, the Coordinator seemed not to have expected, the Pilgrims were obliged to garrison ten such redoubts on the Southern Ripheus Rim alone.


The Chairman hid his people's wealth in plain sight. The "Castles of Iqthbalan" were misidentified for decades as thermal features by surveyors as experienced as Vinchenson Parke and Vadim Kozlov. Then, in MY48, a Pilgrim scavenger witnessed one of the stacks drain spontaneously into an unmistakably artificial grate while on a skijat flyover. The stone basins were being used as vessels for the Hive's most noxious industrial chemicals.

First picture is "Water Farm" by Rob Cross on r/ImaginaryTechnology.

Second picture is "See You Space Cowboy" by Barry Brown on Digital ArtLords.

Third picture is "The Wall," concept art for a project called "Sons of Light," by Pablo Olivera on ArtStation.

Fourth picture is by French artist Pierre Deschamps, as found on this-is-cool.co.uk.
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Feb 4, 2023 at 8:56 AM #103
Selectman Peter Pete Landers said:
The best doors knock back. - The Good Neighbor's Bible


Tribal leaders were keen to enhance the protection of their very few armored fighting vehicles, precious assets that could not easily be replaced.

Reactive armors exploit chemical or physical actions to limit the damage inflicted by incoming projectile weapons fire on contact, especially to protected vehicles. The standard technique called for applying reactive elements atop exposed armored surfaces as
appliqué . Unlike ablatives, which merely supplemented the absorptive potential of the underlying armor plate against all hazards, reactive armors could deflect or destroy incoming projectiles. Standard techniques involved using metal "bricks" of high-brisance explosive to counteract an incoming round with shrapnel, or layering armor with inert substances to dissipate or divert the energy of a kinetic attack. More advanced reactive armor formed an ersatz capacitor that, when turned into a closed circuit by a metal penetrator, would vaporize it.

The Tribals smuggled a handful of armored vehicles aboard
Unity at the sufferance of water services mogul Sumter Voidallion's Hydroxilide Corporation, an obscure supplier of Seramon Steel, one of the mission's twelve prime contractors. Voidallion had been a civic militiaman for Las Vegas and one of several prominent citizens to question the federal government's hard line on Kellerism after the peace. In 2051, during the final phase of the civil war, Las Vegas Mayor Rafael Ramos was briefly deposed by agents of the American Reclamation Corporation after brokering a defensive alliance with local Kellerites. Hydroxilide pipefitters and hydrotechs disguised eight Stryker armored fighting vehicles as water carriers and converted a disused tertiary reactor hall to conceal them during transport. Atomic energy safeguards had required that the reactor hall be capable of emergency separation from the hull. Working alongside Landers's mechanics, Voidallion engineers restored the compartment's original functionality. The Kellerites added a rudimentary guidance system with about the same computing power as a scientific calculator and small containers of reaction mass to fire the compartment's thrusters a second and third time for repositioning after being jettisoned. The compartment fell within a days' walk of Tall Trees and was quickly recovered by the Minutemen.

The Strykers, picked as the best of their lot from a Kingman, Arizona salvage yard, were equipped with early electron lasers and overhauled in secret by the stowaways before launch. For most of Mission Year One, four sat hull-down on a high bluff over the Slowwind from which they could set fire to Spartan barges.


Pete Landers greeting Chief Medical Officer Pravin Lal in EVA Sign, the physical language of gesture used by astronauts working in space. The meeting left a deep impression. Days later, Lal found time amidst the construction of survival shelters and heat wells to remember the encounter in his diary. He recognized Landers as a gifted leader. Pressure from the Canadian and American governments had forced the U.N. to automatically reject Kellerite applicants for the Unity Mission. But Lal remembered Landers's people performing work in a manner that betokened basic familiarity with spacework fundamentals, implying that the Kellerites had operated a shadow program of selection and/or training in order to determine who would make up their stowaway contingent.


Six in ten Indians were displaced by the impacts of the Six Minute War. Many went north into the Himalayan range to find work in factories, mines, and atmospheric reprocessing facilities financed by the Chinese.


Four hundred Tribesmen volunteered for recovery work in the Indo-Pakistani Nuclear Exclusion Zone. They posed as heavy equipment recovery specialists employed by the True Government of India (as opposed to the Government of the Republic, also recognized by the U.N.). A portion of their "finds" were diverted under U.N. safeguard to the port of Karachi for "sale" on behalf of their insolvent employers. Actually, they were carried under false pretense by a Morgan Maritime tanker to the space elevator at Batavia, claimed by Hydroxilide shipping clerks, given a cursory scrubbing by Carillon Recovery radtechs, and sent "up the ladder" to be loaded aboard Unity .

Picture of Landers is from concept art for Alien by an artist called Moebius. This image, found on Pinterest user Rhys Hayward's page, was reportedly scanned from Fantastic Films (Blake Publishing Corp., 1979).

EVA Sign is a rebranding of Belter Cant from The Expanse .

The mountain landscape is by Gavin Manners from this-is-cool.uk.

Final image is fanart for the game S.T.A.L.K.E.R. Artist unknown.

Feb 10, 2023 at 6:34 PM #104
Governor Oscar van de Graaf said:
The beasts of the soil built our forefathers great empires. They had oxen to haul their wagons, horses to carry them at speed, small critters to make their fields and forests grow. They found these things living with the land and converted them to their purpose. Now, we find none of these helpmates. So we must build them ourselves. With hammer and tongs, we shall forge mechanical pollinators and self-guided plows. - Plowman's Paradise


Pahlavi's Scalplists set aside the burden of chasing perfection when they "intervened" with the Igoar, more rooster than lizard, and thrice as self-important. What appears to be a partially alien creature is actually human artifice. Vast experience with strict clones and, to a lesser extent, basic editing of gene expression with protein regulators, mostly to control hereditary disease, were not enough. Supercomputers plundered from the Children of the Atom extrapolated suitable base pair sequences like an artist joining the lines between talons and tusks.

All Igour were sterile. Some were completely blind. The geneticists urged troopers to kill their own mounts through over-exertion, hoping to see which series were the hardiest. Relations between beast and rider were often fraught: Igour were inveterate biters.

The Nauvoo Legion recovered something like two dozen Igour cut loose by their original owners and used them for patrol in the Harrowlands, a portion of Shamash studded with rocky outcroppings and poisoned by methane soaks.

The rider in this image wields a primitive coilgun.


Experimentation with artificial brain matter, both grey and white, began when medtechs transported samples from Unity's specimen lockers down to Planet. Later, prisoners, sick cases, and a few generous volunteers "contributed" viable base tissue for continued research.

Although the relationship between absolute brain size and intelligence was not straightforward, there was evidence to suggest that neural conduction speed and slow cerebral metabolism were both desirable. Larger brains were not the goal per se ; they were simply easier to work with.

Here, University undergraduates fumble their way around an over-juiced "starter" brain much the same way as a toddler learns play with oversized blocks.


Historians now agree that the Corporate Age, referring to the period of early manned exploration of the Inner Planets, roughly 1970 to 2030, was characterized by significant knowledge loss . Sabotage accounted for at least twice as many setbacks as honest error and, like Project Unity itself, many ambitious projects were set aside after meeting early resistance.

The failure of MarsCorp's attempted survey of the Mariner Valley in 1992 delayed discover of significant water ice deposits until 2060.

The cycle was repeated on Chiron. The Hive, the Tribe, the Pilgrims, the Morganites, and the Ascendancy all slaughtered competitors' colonies without mercy to preserve opportunities for their own future expansion.

Dr. Johann Anhaldt famously refined his critique of human government during this period.
Dr. Johann Anhaldt said:
I can see no reason why timidity and cupidity should be our leaders into the twenty-second century. You say I want to take all the heart out of it. Well, you are very correct. Those hearts are hard. Those hearts are weak. I want my taxes to pay for something worthwhile, not failures with a human face. - Quoted in Le Monde , November 2028

First picture is the work of Pascal Blanche from this-is-cool.co.uk.

The Igour's origins owe a good deal to the cloning methods offered by Michael Crichton in Jurassic Park . I did a bit of poking about on the Jurassic Wiki. I also tried to get something out of this article in Scientific American .

Second picture is the art of Sergei Borisenko, also discovered on this-is-cool.co.uk.

I learned a bit more about the brain from Wikipedia and this article on PubMed.

Third picture is "Artwork Rover" by Grafik on DeviantArt.
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Feb 12, 2023 at 8:58 AM #105
Dr. Aleigha Cohen said:
The great sweetness of science is to be first to success, but the truth is that we rarely start from scratch. - Chaos Theories


Abandoning the delta-wing configurations then in vogue after the successful test flight of the Atlas Voël by South Africa's National Space Agency in 2030, Zakharov opted for anhedral pointed-tip wings that gave a better stability profile on both take-off and re-entry.

The Soviets converted Zakharov's design into a commercially successful product that supplanted rocket-launch systems worldwide, infuriating the West Germans, who pointed out the obvious similarities with their Sänger spaceplane.

Theft of intellectual property was so central an aspect of Soviet methods generally, and Zakharov's in particular, that datalurks in other factions were on constant alert for Soviet markers of network infiltration. Taking full advantage of this blinkered expectation, Morganite and Dreamer Probe Teams laid many a data heist at the Academician's doorstep.


The University of Planet's Institute for Immunological Research was a front for projects prohibited by the Planetary Charter. Most of the samples stored therein were too volatile to be opened given the rudimentary condition of scientific equipment and processes available during the First Generation.

Oscar van de Graaf said:
A good teacher will explain the things you don't know in terms of what you do. Take vaccines. Until recently, vaccines used either dead or weakened versions of the germs against which they wanted to protect. Like frog-marching a thief through town so that everyone is put on their guard, or releasing ex-outlaws to hunt their old boss. The second of those strategies can be very effective, but you have to take care the parolees don't back-shoot you when you're leading from the front. That's why the new mRNA vaccines are so interesting. They're the equivalent of calling out the town guard before the raiders arrive. - The Personal Diaries


The Uranium Flats were created by the detonation of Unity's secondary nuclear reactor vessels and subsequent spillage of nuclear fuels. It was not long before they became a common dumping ground for "hot" equipment as well as the corpses of those struck down by radiation.

Salvage was a thriving business on Chiron--factions often traded in spite of ongoing hostilities--and survivors made a point of never discarding objects that had not been exhausted of all value, but opinions about where to set the threshold of that value differed--as did the ability to exploit what remained--and so the Flats attracted scavengers who hoped to find treasure in other colonies' trash.

As the boundaries of the Flats expanded unpredictably, vehicles (and people) with inadequate shielding might be caught by surprise. Here, a Hot Crew of the Chiron Guard, amply-equipped and well-trained for NBC warfare, recovers a wheeled [/i]Unity Crawler once operated by the Peacekeeping Forces. [/center]

Contre-amirale Raoul André St. Germaine said:
It has been said that failure is the education of a free polity. Failure is a killer, too. Democracy is a complicated machine. It is not too much to insist on proper safeguards for handling. - The Organization of Fear

"Sänger Spaceplane and Horus Orbiter" are by GrahamTG on DeviantArt. Model by N. Stevens.

Biohazard picture is "Vaccine" by noro8 on DeviantArt.

Final picture is "Martians / Tutorial" by amirzand on DeviantArt.
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Feb 13, 2023 at 7:05 PM #106
Datalinks said:
Passion paves the road to poverty; moderation, the road to wealth. To be successful, love nothing too much. - Fylan Rei, Stakeholder


Mineral deposits inhibited fungal growth. Bases like Sarkan's Coffin economized on defense by declining to harvest the resources nearest to hand.


Long after the evidence of their humble beginnings had been otherwise cleared away, survivors continued to prize their original Landing Pods. Sentimentality aside, technology brought from Earth far exceeded what the colonists could make for themselves for centuries after Planetfall. In MY430, the Lord's Conclave was still using one of their pods as reserve generation for the New Jerusalem grid.


Unity bore a number of small-capacity Landing Pods that served as their own cryobays. These were scheduled to land only once the main colony was well along. Passengers included supernumerary workers to be held back in case of early catastrophe, colonists whose skills lay solely in the humanities, and hostile environment teams equipped to study planetary features of particular interest to mission planners--e.g., the continent-sized Fungal Blanket.

Sarkan's Coffin is "Depot2" by cyberkite on DeviantArt.

"Shuttle 204" is by MacRebisz on DeviantArt.

Third picture is "Cargo capsule retrieval team" by MacRebisz on his website, Space That Never Was .

Feb 16, 2023 at 7:36 PM #108
Sister Miriam Godwinson said:
With their axes, Noah and his sons felled the cypress trees of Syria and Lebanon to build his ark. For to make Unity , mankind first felled cities with bombs.- The Blessed Struggle


Every last pane of tempered glass in the windows of Ecclesion was colored to shimmer in the sunlight, reflecting God's glory on the peaks and scrapes below.


Unity faction leaders spent heavily to seize the two dozen ground-to-orbit communications arrays built by Caretaker Joralemon Hardacre's people some fifty years before their arrival. It didn't seem to matter that there was nowhere to send the messages.


Costly trial and error taught that super-inflated tyres were the best means of traversing the gluey quicksoils of the Kheimon Floes in high summer. Here, a pair of Tribal Colony Pods travel in close company, demonstrating the proper countermeasures. What look like satellite dishes are actually sonic projectors, a defensive weapon in common use from the second through fifth decades after Planetfall.


Breaking companies like Eos Planetary Renewal and Revileer Scrapworks were sometimes said to have built Unity up from the very wreckage of the world. From Pakistan east to India, thence south to Shiloh, and as far afield as the Mississippi Basin, the human race clawed up evidence of its failure, as if embarrassed by such a lapse.

First image is "MountainCity" by K41Lab on DeviantArt.

Second image is "Space Engineers_Decompression" by IvanLaliashvili on DeviantArt. Third image is "Space Engineers_Road" by the same artist on the same site.

Fourth image is "Orbital Waste Land vistas" by 2buiArt on DeviantArt.
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Feb 20, 2023 at 9:49 AM #110
Warden Jeremy Tanner Marsh said:
What other purpose hath a living thing than to seek to reduce all its labors? We simulate death before ever it meets us. We are too lazy to run towards it. - Peregrinations of Planet


Use of automated inflatable cervical collar to inhibit motion following possible neck injury after which survivor must self-recover.

After the discovery of fabrics that could heal themselves, scientists set their sights on those that could heal their wearers. The answers lay in the combination of advanced piezoelectrics and bio-sensing textiles. Kinetic energy produced by natural motion at first powered sensors calibrated to sound caution alarms in case of pending fever, heat stress, hypothermia, or hypoxia. Second-generation suits constricted to control bleeds, slackened to assist fatigued muscles (in the presence of heightened levels of lactic acid), and deployed sticks of glucose, adrenaline, and pain medication.

Datalinks said:
And while the law of competition may be sometimes hard for the individual, it is best for the race, because it ensures the survival of the fittest in every department. - Andrew Carnegie


Datalinks said:
The first Morgan got rich by breaking the law of his land, the rest by making it. - Popular Jest

Repeated battlefield setbacks swept four long-serving Morganite proxies from the conglomerate's ten-member board in MY76, leaving the family with a narrow majority of just one. Replacements included ousted Unicorp risk chief Velson Choi, who called for a "head-to-toe audit" of all subsidiaries, and Chiron Probe grandee Tollace Markinson. The latter had penned an explosive mission statement promising negotiated peace with the État Nouvel that was supposed to result in a fee structure for maritime transit. All four new board members were killed in the only recorded Mag-Lev deceleration failure, an accident that involved the cascading failure of fifty-six independent safeguards.


As the Chairman's ambitions soared, so his Hive clawed its way up from the dust. Here, Hive mounds begin downtake from the Orbital Energy Transmitter placed aloft by Commander Kleisel Mercator's aeronauts, courtesy of a Data Angels Probe team. Apparently, there was jazz in turning the magnifying glass to the ants' benefit for once.


Morganite Crawlers depart Point Dexter with grid-scale batteries.

Passionate in their preening, University scientists were hardly the type to keep new inventions to themselves. Beyond providing a valuable source of income to fuel their further experiments, commercial activities were undeniable proof of excellence in the one space that mattered: bringing the hostile world around them to heel.


Subrids interrupt their grazing to study the arrival of second-generation Spartan adolescents. They will be abandoned here in the Syfolt Wilderness with the traditional materials: twenty four hours of breathable air, water purification tablets, salt cake, personal blade, automatic hand weapon, and a single clip of compatible ammunition. By tradition, life-saving medicines are forbidden to be carried, although students are implicitly encouraged to defy this edict.
First picture is "The Exploration" by derektye05 on DeviantArt.

Second picture is "Empty Office" by Dominique-van-Velsen on DeviantArt.

Third picture is "W20160703 - AG Drive Desert Planet Concept" by StMan on DeviantArt.

Fourth picture is "Garbage trucks" by sergeo-art on DeviantArt.

Fifth picture is "Red Planet' by sergeo-art on DeviantArt.
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Feb 21, 2023 at 8:08 PM #111
Colonel Corazón Santiago said:
Proper care and education for our children remains a cornerstone of our entire colonization effort. Children not only shape our future; they determine in many ways our present. Men and women work harder knowing their children are safe and close at hand. And never forget that, with children present, parents will defend their home to the death. - Planet: A Survivalist's Guide


A proper University education began in the home. Interactive elements in windows and appliances stimulated curiosity through reward. Polymorphic software tailored the pace, focus, and depth of information exchange to the particular characteristics of the user, accommodating physical, visual, and neurological distinctiveness.

Parents could call upon the considerable insights of specialists and well-stocked libraries of practical material when confronted with the routine problems of adolescence.

The teenage and young adult years were the most problematic: students fell under a different, more lenient set of criminal laws than did "technicals," the faction support staff. Many took advantage. Drunken brawls with University Security were a rite of passage.


Nearly all meaningful Gaian education took place outdoors, often alone. Gaian parents thought nothing of entrusting their offspring to Chiron, which rarely resisted the Stepdaughters' presence.

Gaian children attended faction moots from a tender age. The youngest read poetry to help them become accustomed to public speech.

One noteworthy aspect of a Gaian upbringing was the performance of the Adaptations, aerobic and exposure exercises to reduce oxygen consumption and heighten allergen resistance.

Gaian property passed matrilineally.


Like his counterparts in the similarly unsentimental Ascendancy, the Chairman learned quickly that long-term separation of parents from their children was a serious disincentive to both compliance and mindfulness. Ill-conceived breeding and sterilization programs gave him similar results.

Aptitude tests, administered many times on the road to physical and mental maturity, suggested a drone's potential, while "morality drills," which often involved crude attempts to lure individuals into "anti-social" misdeeds, determined exactly how far they would rise. Yang rewarded families with extra rations and rest cycles not for giving birth to genius, but for inculcating selflessness.

Hive propaganda celebrated menial labor to the point that Acolytes usually questioned the social utility of classroom study when first selected.

The Chairman was especially discerning in his appointment of teaching staff and at first performed nearly all formal instruction himself.


Spartans were taught the fundamentals of "self-help," the first and most important of these being marksmanship. Their teachers were almost always disabled veterans.

Spartan children were little more than helpmates for their parents once released from the crèche. Between group lessons in target practice and fieldcraft, they performed basic household tasks: cooking, cleaning, and running ammunition. Childhood regularized after the fall of Xerxion.

Spartans and Tribals were unique in that they had not come aboard Unity as the foremost representatives of a recognized global elite. In consequence, they were less inclined than the adherents of other factions to direct their offspring toward pursuits of the mind, finding more value in handicrafts and war-making.


Datalinks said:
I am naturally anti-slavery. If slavery is not wrong, nothing is wrong. - President Abraham Lincoln, Letter to Albert G. Hodges, 1864

Morganite youth were easy prey for any of a million distractions, the deadliest of which was surely Dreaming.

These dissolutes were sure to run down their Social Credit, resulting in debt bondage.

For the first image, which is by futurist Syd Mead, see kimsarc.com .

Second image is "Listening" by Xhuuya on DeviantArt.

Third image is "Spartial Zen, Cyborg Buddhas" by DreadJim on DeviantArt.

Fourth image is a still from The Postman (1997).

Fifth image is "Electropium Den" by Zirngibl on DeviantArt.

Feb 22, 2023 at 6:15 PM #112
Contre-Amirale Raoul André St. Germaine said:
History consists not of facts remembered, but feelings inherited. - The Organization of Fear


A Senior Ring demonstrates the fundamentals of plate tectonics using Hardlight holoprojection.
Peacekeepers pursued the well-rounded ideal. Enrichment in the libraries, exercise on the pitch, instruction in the classroom, relaxation in the pools. The council chambers were closed to adolescents.


Childhood in the Conclave was idyllic. Miriam's essential commandment: love thy neighbor. A community approach to child-rearing in such a polyglot society promised rich cultural experiences for anyone willing to take part.


Soaring public spaces drew Believers out of their quarters, inclining them toward fellowship. Once the money economy stabilized, faction leadership sweetened the lure with free meals and music.

Many young Conclavists of the second generation found that faith was a natural concomitant of their hardscrabble life. Without the weight of painful memories to discourage them, they embraced Scripture with fewer questions than their parents. Faction chaplains tended to see the massive Conclave Bible as a total replacement for academic histories.

Once described as the most-entitled people on Chiron, Conclavists approached physical interaction with New Eden with scarcely less enthusiasm than the Gaians.


Many Tribals were actually family. Weekly swap meets provided the opportunity to catch up with relatives. Some families rotated responsibility for childcare to share the burden between households.

Tribals embraced the institution of Scouting, a somewhat tamer, if more formal variation of the past times enjoyed in Sparta.

While recreational use of the Datalinks was not forbidden in Tribal society--government was too disinterested to move so false--young people most enjoyed the practical crafts handed down from their elders, especially rover repair.

The risk of high consanguinity was overcome by generous terms of pardon for non-Spartan prisoners, whereas any of Santiago's followers who surrendered was simply shot out of hand.


The striplings of L'État nouvel joined naval cruises as cadets whose job was to be seen and not heard. Each shift ended with group problem-solving sessions that culminated in a combined escape from a flooding compartment just prior to graduation. For one in twelve cadets, the experience turned fatal.​

St. Germaine's was one of the two colonies on Chiron to operate a Social Credit system, but estrangement from the state, not punishment at its hands, was the price of a weak account. Those who refused to toe the line were effectively marginalized in society--free to live the life they chose, but not where anybody was watching.

First image is a still from Ender's Game (2013).

Hardlight is a concept from Planetside 2.

Second image is a still from Lost in Space (2019).

Third image is "John Carter Concept Art" by Ryan Church from ConceptArtWorld.

Fourth picture is still from The Expanse , depicting a colony on the planet Ilus.

Fifth image is from Aliens (1986).
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Feb 25, 2023 at 6:20 PM #115
General Ôrad of Utár Wawesh said:
It is the things we do not abandon that define who we are. - Datalinks


For every three happy hearts set to work on the so-called Ark of Humanity, there was one turned bitterly against. Ôrad of Utár Wawesh was one of these.

Utár Wawesh was a constituent commandery of the County of Toltan, one of the three thousand "sandbox" nations dredged up by the likes of Eos Planetary Renewal in the Southern and Pacific Oceans in the 1990s to relieve South American overcrowding and provide a landing place for refugees of nuclear accidents becoming steadily more common as the technology cleared the hurdle of broad commercial adoption.


Engineering protocol called for reclaimed nations to be ringed in barrier peaks to protect against the ravages of typhoon waters. Corazón Santiago's refugees would follow this well-worn principle on hurricane-prone Chiron when they became first to found a maritime base at Anchorage on the Nessus Sea.

Descended from original settler stock (the same who bequeathed Chironians a term they later used for themselves, "newlander"), Ôrad set aside his childhood interest in music to become a soldier so that his family would not lose valuable rights to land, pearl beds, and shares in whaling fleets under Toltan's merit-based inheritance laws.


The waters of the southern Pacific were garbage-choked to the point of ecological disaster but schools of toxin-resistant fish thrived in the artificial reefs formed around the skeletons of dormant tidal generators stopped up by the floatsam. This trawler uses digital fiber to catch crosswinds for easy maneuvers. The sails, which were embedded with conductive monofilament, could be furled near-instantaneously when the weather turned foul and deployed just as quickly when it passed.

The Cold War was heating up in the Southern Hemisphere in the first decade of the new millennium when Ôrad found himself a fresh-faced cadet at West Point Military Academy, one of sixty International Cadets. Domestic woes had begun to sap America's ability to play its traditional role of global policeman. Soviet agents stepped eagerly into the void. Their promises stoked the emergence of an increasingly violent liberation consciousness among the destitute, dispossessed, and colonially subject. Ôrad returned home by Concorde supersonic jet to spend school holidays in the uniform of a special policeman brawling with fishermen and algae tenders that ate just two meals a day on the U.N. dole.


"U.N. Standard Care" provided between 2,000 and 4,000 calories of food per person per day based on assessed nutritional need, most non-habit-forming medications, seasonally appropriate natural clothing, all-weather survival tents, and one datalinks terminal per family unit that could be used for education, entertainment, and professional activities. Most factions followed the same model in the Era of Planetfall, adding hostile environment survival equipment and air supplies. Similar arrangements continued to be made available to struggling citizens in some factions for decades longer, among them the Believers, the New State, and the University. Humanitarian services were more comprehensive among both the Peacekeepers and the Tribe.

From the first, Ôrad sought opportunities to reach the acme of his profession, earning jump wings at Camp Hero, New York before spending six months with the 27th Armored Division during a deployment to wide swing through Atlanta to bring the Christian States to heel. In 2045, Ôrad received instruction as part of the Central Intelligence Agency's short-lived Great Neck Project, designed to groom the officers of allied governments in the fundamentals of national security and derided as "coup school" by its detractors. Ôrad put what he learned to good use, participating in the bloodless overthrow of his country's democratically-elected government two years later for failing to ratify accession to the SEPTO.

In return for his services to the new ruling junta , Ôrad was made Viceroy of Asidaph, a strategically significant atoll that, at the time of his appointment, had become a haven for pirates under an ex-American naval officer, Cyril Banes, who punctuated his depredations with ostentatious gifts to the burgeoning IOEZ and Pacifica drone population and claimed the mantle of "environmental activist." Using his newfound authority, Ôrad commandeered a tramp freighter impounded by the Toltan Water Watch and, with a scratch crew of reservists, sank the pirate mothership at anchor in a daring night raid.


The S.S. Arkannen's masts were removed to make room for the turret of an M60E7 Patton tank bought from a Brazilian intermediary.

Ôrad's career drew to a close just as Toltan began an aggressive courtship of the U.N., then casting about for almost any assistance to replace inconstant sponsors in the Global West. Ôrad counted himself a skeptic. Good people owed their lives to the U.N.'s relief programs, but they had not, in the end, provided a viable blueprint for regional development--only a crude existence that corroded the human spirit and stoked friction between social classes that, sharing the same space, ought to have worked together. Local critics accused Ôrad of reading Jean-Baptiste Keller. Ôrad had them jailed and returned to brokering fishing quotas with the Philippine government.

Retired for more than a decade by 2059, Ôrad buried his wife, their daughter, and two sons in that year, the saddest, he said, of his entire life. They were victims of crop blight, too weak to fight off the Red Flu season. Toltan, like many third-world nations, purchased rights-controlled rice seed. The varietal was engineered by Zerant Technologies (ZtN) to manifest biological defects, including botulism, after a set period of time if the purchaser did not obtain genetically-modified insects capable of restoring its viability. Toltan could afford neither the high asking price of the designer insects nor the price asked by Struan's for its life-saving defoliant. Flu inoculation at clinics in Chile proved useless: the headwinds against the preventative had been too strong, producing conditions in which the virus easily mutated to resist the latest drugs.

For weeks, Ôrad contemplated suicide. Then, word came that Carmel had fallen into a second bout of civil war. Toltan stood by its traditional ally. Ôrad returned to uniform and led the Pacifica Battalion, an all-volunteer force that joined the desperate fighting along the Küv-Dan Line. Ôrad's forces took hundreds of prisoners for which the Gathis were unprepared.

Ôrad's solution was to offer the Shilohne captives to the U.N. as replacements for the colonists they were no longer enrolling through their original talent lottery. Nearly all the prisoners accepted this offer, reasoning that they were otherwise facing certain starvation. The U.N., strained otherwise to the breaking point, ignored the protests of the disgraced Benjamin government in Gilboa. After once drinking such sweet wine, the U.N. developed a taste for it. Soon, it became accepted practice for governments to give convicts, no-pats, and others the choice of exile.

As for himself, Ôrad refused to be lured away from the false archipelago for which he had done so much. Instead, he used his newfound fame as a platform from which to question the ethical and practical basis for the U.N. Mission to Alpha Centauri.

General Ôrad of Utár Wawesh said:
We, who can make nations from the sea and pitch ourselves forty-four light years through nothingness, despair of the simple project of saving ourselves. It is not apocalypse we are outrunning, but the shame of failure. - Datalinks

Ôrad released an autobiography shortly before Mission Launch. The datatape was an obscure one, but it made it as far as the personal effects of Roshann Cobb, recovered from White Rabbit's Refuge, and the voluminous libraries of Liquidator Shoichiro Nagao, who returned often to the islander's accusations, which he told subordinates were true, however upsetting.

First picture is a still from the NBC series Kings (2009).

Second picture is "Craters of Lyra 9" by Artur Rosa on ArtStation.

Third picture is by Simon Stålenhag, found on Radical Ocean Futures.

Fourth picture is "Fishing Village" by jpeabody on DeviantArt.

"U.N. Standard Care" inspired by "Basic Assistance" in The Expanse .

S.S. Arkannen is "Tramp Freighter" by LordSopping1885 on DeviantArt.

Feb 26, 2023 at 9:21 AM #116
Vice President Eret Ingollsman said:
We have already discovered immortality in the form of generational wealth. Long after my name is forgotten, the decisions I make in this life will have shaped a comfortable future for my children's children's children. - Datalinks


The view from Base Operations. Massive mainframe computers housed in the bowels of Unity's Landing Pods monitored the air pressure of every compartment, performed radiolocation for every vehicle, tracked ambient temperature and humidity in every hydroponics dome.

Automation was the accepted solution for very low population counts and very high rates of death from accumulated injuries or post-landing accidents, or simple misadventure. Given the correct stack of diskettes and fail-safes, a single duty tech could easily oversee a base of 15,000 residents.


Baptismo Wells, a corruption on the original Greek for "ceremonial washing," was an early example of the preservationist instinct in Believer architecture, which later trended toward monumental Egyptian Middle Kingdom and Polynesian Hale styles.

The Wells originated as a shrine to martyr Jarvis Findlay, shot dead and mutilated by Holnists during a period of self-imposed isolation in MY2. Within a year, the draw of his example, along with the area's splendid beauty and abundant waters, gave rise to permanent settlement.

The structures appeared to rise up from the roaring River Tethys but were actually built on massive stone peers. On the orders of the Kritarchy, huge flood gates were installed to dam up the river--a method of ensuring the Conclave would retain strong advantage if ever it were forced to cede its interest in the valley below.


Academician Prokhor Zakharov said:
Imagine the entire contents of the planetary datalinks, the sum total of human knowledge, blasted into the Planetmind’s fragile neural network with the full power of every reactor on the planet. Thousands of years of civilization compressed into a single searing burst of revelation. That is our last-ditch attempt to win humanity a reprieve from extinction at the hands of an awakening alien god. - Planet Speaks

Centauri Computing built on understandings of the xenofungus as analogous to a nervous system at planetary scale. The same mind-machine interface between humans and computers, still dangerously imperfect, was attempted with Planet itself.

Alexandria's Elegy, built and operated by the Tomorrow Initiative, thought the exchange was a one-way street: its librarians drew energy from the fibral network of xenofungus to speed indexing and retrieval from the Unity Data Core surrendered by the Restoration under orders from the Planetary Council. Without the speed enhancements of optical computing, this was a brute-force action, and the residual heat required that the base by placed directly at the sub-zero headwaters of the Tartarus Frost Range. Circuits burned so quickly that Morganite liquidators were in permanent residence. Planet attempted to crush the pyramidal stacks from without: they were built from plasma steel to warp with the attempt.


Captain Shizen Ito of the New State submarine Burr enjoys the suns. She has developed a personal style distinguished by the use of leather, outlawed everywhere on Earth after 2021. Her jacket might be a rare heirloom, but given the flawless condition is almost assuredly a harmless reproduction. The sentiment behind her appearance--the idea that giving and receiving offense is a critical aspect of healthy society--reflects the fundamental hypocrisy at the heart of L'État nouvel, where the often hidebound population demanded the Admiralty protect them from the emotional consequences of their own prejudice.

First quote is paraphrasing the character of Donald Whitfield, played by Timothy Hutton, in 1923 , produced by Taylor Sheridan.

First picture is "Stargate Research Base" by Nevena-Jevtic on DeviantArt.

Second picture is "Watercity After Storm" by the same author on DeviantArt.

Third picture is "Alien World 2" by the same author on DeviantArt.

Fourth picture is "Xiang Lavigne" by CodexBorderlining on DeviantArt.
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Mar 1, 2023 at 6:10 PM #117
Renewer Ikurō Kamatari said:
It was easy to love the Earth. Standing barefoot in the sunshine, we swallowed cold lungfuls of juniper-tinged air and plucked apples from the trees. What use to us is this other place that we cannot even taste? - I Reject


At Folger's Tear, the waters of the broad River Lethe completed an important milestone on their their long journey to the sea. Flat, fertile plains beckoned irresistibly to human settlers. Pilgrims made the place their home in MY4 using materials found at nearby crash sites. Hungry for familiar foods, they exterminated the local fungus and began Terraculture. Within a decade, aggressive cancers had claimed fully half the recent arrivals, defeating the rudimentary chemotherapies still at hand. Hunter hydrologists soon discovered why. A chemical tank had impacted just twelve kilometers away and forty-four million gallons of ethylene glycol had soaked into the water table.


Morganite cities embraced the Second Empire style. In the eyes of the Families, giving form to one's megalomania was evidence of their fitness to rule.

Drones were rarely inclined to surrender the energy credit required for entry into any such domicile of the elite. Instead they sought the "Liberté, égalité, [et] fraternité" of the open market stall and the salvaged cargo container.

Morgan outlawed the dangerous phrase. Corporate "Specials," deputized by the powers-that-be, made regular runs through the Commons, ostensibly looking to enforce the vice laws that forced the less-fortunate to take whatever solace they could in the gambling halls.


Telbi Acharya first spoke on behalf of the Conclave in MY51 during Sister Miriam Godwinson's Second Convalescence. Her appearance, and the strident warning she offered to her Ascendancy interlocutors, were a radical departure from the scrupulous humility and extreme agreeableness of the Believer diplomatic corps.

Records indicate that Acharya was a resocialized victim of Post-Nuclear Madness, a disease she contracted during childhood in Kashmir. Before withdrawing from the region, a Chinese "relief mission" attempted to "cure" her by implanting a Memory Cassette loaded with the eighty books of the Conclave Bible, which Acharya could thereafter quote at will.

Acharya perceived herself the perfect accompaniment to Miriam's honeyed leadership style, for she was willing to do what the Blessed Sister was not. Like Pravin Lal, Godwinson gambled on a team of rivals to balance her natural inclinations.

Serious misgivings about Acharya's judgement did not prevent Godwinson from ceding authority over the Nauvoo Legion, which she felt unable to use to best advantage during a time when enemy encroachments were reaching intolerable levels.

First picture is "Crater" by NeotericEvolution on DeviantArt.

Second picture is "Bridges" by AndreeeWallin on DeviantArt.

Third picture is "Zaide Sayadova" by CodexBorderlining on DeviantArt.

Mar 4, 2023 at 8:23 AM #118
Lady Deirdre Skye said:
Like the teeth of some ravening monster, the hard angles and false promise of mechanical ingenuity have come again to reduce us all to drones. - We Must Dissent


"The Stacks" are an area of volcanic badlands in far northwestern Agammen bounded by the Odyssean Sea to the north, the Iapetian Piers to the south and west, and lava flows to the east. The nearest permanent settlement is Watch Station LR-4, maintained by the Memory of Earth.

Ambient winter temperatures bottomed out at 114°F. The boiling water that churned from its geysers had a pH of zero. Caustic burns were a constant concern: local conditions visibly corroded most materials after just one standard hour.


On a world where the land fought back with ferocity and skill, a base's first significant expansion was apt to be skyward.

As time went on, the humans of Chiron, already fractured by ideology, divided again along the fault lines of their affinities toward technology and ecology. In cities like Electroville, people who had never seen Planet Earth cocooned themselves in glass and steel to gain a better understanding of their ancestors.


F-26M Polecat Interceptors of the Japanese Air Self-Defense Force prepare to meet a Soviet Tu-210 Bashplate over the Sea of Okhotsk during the Confusion in Heilongjiang.

The tenterhooks of nationalism had loose claim on most mission survivors, and no leader with any significant following proposed forming colonies around national or ethnic ascription. In the chaos of the escape from Unity , there had been no time for such a sorting. Yet the political bequests of our divided homeworld were obvious.

As a shining success from a brutal system, Academician Zakharov retreated from students' calls to act decisively against such things as hazing and provide greater insight into faction governance. In public, he denigrated the ability of the "lesser-educated" to "apply the necessary discernment" around what to study or where to allocate scarce resources. Privately, he lamented the presumptuousness of the student body and rarely expanded his circle of close confidants, always men, frequently fellow products of similar authoritarian regimes.

Many factions tolerated the continuing use of national symbols like the Red Star or the Union Jack as a means of either fostering collective memory or rejecting the continuing authority of the United Nations, which had instructed they be painted over.

One-time U.S. presidential hopeful and ex-Cabinet member Oscar van de Graaf went furthest in exploiting the memetic qualities of national identity--Pilgrims waved the American flag--but his vision of the future was essentially a fantasist's riff on concepts of self-reliance and fair dealing popularized more by the likes of Walt Disney than the Founding Fathers. Van de Graaf saw no requirement for equitable courts, much less an independent legislature jealous of its own prerogatives. Besides that, his colony had a distinctly international mien since he'd hired without much consideration of national allegiance. To whom would his workforce write home?

Other key leaders spent much of their lives abroad from the countries of their birth: Deirdre Skye, J.T. Marsh, Roshann Cobb, and Aleigha Cohen were as much victims of British imperialism as loyal citizens of Empire or Commonwealth. Nwabudike Morgan was a political renegade that had tried more often to unmake governments than to serve them. Tamineh Pahlavi was an expatriate by circumstances outside her control. A short stint in the service of the American Reclamation Corporation had hardly inclined her toward national consciousness. Johann Anhaldt was of more use to the French government than the Swiss, but left his homeworld embittered. St. Germaine and d'Almeida both cultivated national cadres, and the Executive Officer was reckoned a hero by his country's elite, but the Contre-amirale was too much a believer in the correctness of his own wisdom to have loved France better, while d'Almeida was too much a realist to attempt the resurrection of a thing bound to another time and place.

First picture is "Sci-Fi_character practice." by TylerThullCreations on DeviantArt.

Second picture is "Sunshower" by JonasDeRo on DeviantArt.

Third picture is a screen capture from Patlabor 2: The Movie (1993).

Mar 5, 2023 at 10:33 AM #119
Colonel Corazón Santiago said:
The moods of history, like the laws of energy, suggest that, for every advantage gained by some, there must be a disadvantage inflicted on another. Let it not be you. - Armed, Forewarned


Writing in the 1920s, German architect Herman Sörgel proposed that his country's expansionist ambitions could be fulfilled by draining the Mediterranean Sea.

For as long as humans have lived with the Earth, we have attempted to change it, usually for commercial reasons. The dam and the ditch have been our preferred tools. Egyptian pharaohs ordered canals to be dug between the Nile River and the Red Sea. Governors used them to make New York City into a hub of industry and turn the Great Lakes of North America into vast highways of maritime trade. Soviet leaders attempted to drain the Aral Sea for irrigation water. Huge dams harnessed old waters to bring electricity--modernity--to burgeoning cities in the American West, Central China, and the Amazon Basin. The European Economic Community dammed up Homer's Wine-dark Sea beginning in 1982, with sub-projects extending south, deep into Central Africa. This work resulted in one barrier across the Dardanelles, a second across the Strait of Sicily, a third at the Bosporus, a fourth on the River Congo. Lake Chad swelled to reach Faya-Largeau.

From the 1950s, the great powers did much of their digging with what they dubbed "Atoms for Peace." Nuclear charges blew the tops off mountains and scoured deep trenches in the Earth's crust. This practice was especially appealing to developing nations and imperial powers in possession of large, sparsely-populated or politically-subjugated territories. Leading the way were the Americans, Soviets, French, Indians, Portuguese, and South Africans. Las Vegas became the City the Bomb Built. Atomic engineering was used again on the Moon and Mars to excavate sub-surface habitation, and as a motive force to move small asteroids into accessible orbits for scientific investigation and subsequent strip-mining.

Rising sea levels spurred strong interest in the creation of artificial reefs and island chains. Three distinct habitation zones emerged: a storm barrage along the North American Atlantic Littoral, including in the Gulf of Mexico; in the Indian Ocean in the Bay of Bengal but later extending to the waters due west of Perth, for purposes of refugee resettlement; and in the Southern Pacific Ocean, largely tied to resource extraction.

Use of atomics for purposes other than killing had become so frequent on Earth that the United Nations thought little of supplying Chiron Interstellar Probe and Unity Mission colonists with a full range of warhead sizes. Early settlers used them immediately for terraforming as well as flattening mountain ranges to alter the paths of rivers or patterns of precipitation and water retention.

Performance against fungus was notably unsatisfactory. Different from the lesser wounds inflicted by fire and conventional explosives, the radiological output of nuclear weapons appeared to stimulate planetary aggression and the re-population of fungal mass. Secondary ignition of nitrate beds was problem: wildfires rarely burned hot or long because of Chiron's low oxygen levels--just 41% that of Earth--but fine dust kicked up through atomic activity choked atmospheric filters and produced deadly and destructive arc flashes.

The question of just whose interests were served through these radical reconstructive surgeries of the living Earth was never explored in full, and each megaproject inspired passionate, sometimes violent, resistance. Agribusiness, cultural chauvinists, the non-patriated, and inland city-dwellers were at the forefront of pushing schemes like the creation of "Atlantropa." Politicians sweetened the offer by promising cheap land and lifelong work for those who had neither. The perspectives of coastal populations, logistics firms, and transhumant people were cooler even after assurances were given of priority relocation and huge tax breaks for impacted businesses. Environmental liberationists struck hard and often. As the impacts were disproportionately inflicted on populations and interest groups with the least political voice, critics reckoned sea level change a form of cultural genocide.


Magnets played a feature role in combating the very high rates of cancer experienced by the First Generation. Unity survivors received an extra lifetime radiation dose of between 15 and 1700 rem, asbestos exposure far exceeding the maximum tolerable safe level of .1 fibers per cubic centimeter every 30 minutes, and post-hibernation disorders of the memory and nervous system collectively referred to as Cold Disease.

Led by the University of Planet's Xisho Center for Cancer Eradication, researchers used magnets to create steerable drug payloads and trigger amalgamation of defective and cancerous cells for easy obliteration.

What was used to heal could also be exploited to do harm. At Hive infirmaries, workers received generic "inoculation" with magnetic nanoparticles that allowed Overseers to trigger fatal clotting at the push of a button.


Sale of subscription billets through the charter colony scheme led to a 40% increase in Unity passenger capacity. Project managers turned to museums and private collectors to obtain serviceable equipment. Soviet space suits were favored for their ruggedness, while American styles incorporated better safety features in case of a breach.

For more about Atlantropa, see this article on allthatsinteresting.com.

"Fantastic Voyage" diagram is from Sylvain Martel, "Magnetic Microbots to Fight Cancer," IEEE Spectrum , Robotics, 25 September 2012, https://spectrum.ieee.org/magnetic-microbots-to-fight-cancer (accessed: 5 March 2023).

Clumping magnets are described here on howstuffworks.com.

Rem exposure chart from Idaho National Labs.

Third picture is from the Apple+ show For All Mankind .
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Mar 6, 2023 at 7:44 PM #120
Sholt Plumb Martin said:
If you've ever wondered what true despair looks like, ask a prize-winning author to help you dig a latrine. - Life, Barely

Specialization of labor is both the first sign of a wealthy society and the very means by which it can become that much wealthier. Tests of faction leadership on Chiron were often about creating opportunities for some of Earth's best-educated people to do what they were good at.

Mission planners had tried to mitigate that very problem through painstaking selection. At first, consideration for inclusion in the mission was limited to candidates who fell within narrow parameters of age and physical fitness. The rule was clear: prefer the well-rounded 'jack over the narrowly-focused master. Once accepted, prospective colonists began two or three years of intense practical training in any of two Colony Occupational Specialties. Mathematicians became journeyman welders and elite rescue swimmers. Surgeons tried their hands at welding. Then came the time in classrooms. Theologians fluent in Latin, Greek, and Hebrew were taught machine language. Poets studied criminal justice and project management fundamentals.

Standards relaxed, then vanished. About a third of Unity passengers graduated the full program. Another quarter completed some training through the U.N., usually the physical component, with a focus on life-safety. Approximately the same number of colonists and crew undertook "equivalencies" with their national governments or qualifying corporations, some in addition to their U.N. commitment, some in lieu of it. Jonathan Garland believed such replacement education was suspect, amounting to political indoctrination, and he turned over document verification to Rachael Winzenried's Security Forces for three months before higher-ups in New York overruled him. Anyone not participating in U.N. or national training was awarded between two years and one month of credits to participate in InterLink correspondence courses--just enough, remembered Aayla Cantwell, to begin to confront all the things one didn't know. Crew members called it being "scared straight."


U.N. Security Forces recruits participate in room-clearing drills on the orders of Unity Security Chief Rachael Winzenried.

Once on the ground, natural hierarchies arose. They followed a familiar pattern. Leaders and their coteries gained and retained status by assigning posts and dispensing favors. Absent coercion, techs of any kind were next-closest to the top of the heap since anyone who could keep a body or machine going in adverse conditions was nearly guaranteed to receive supervisory duties and the perquisites that went with them. (Subordinates were to learn through proximity and observation.) The next layer belonged to professional soldiers and safety responders, first in the way of harm. Weapons were useful and scarce, therefore valuable. Morgan, Santiago, Cobb, and van de Graaf incentivized their combatants with the promise of plunder. On the third rung were those who filled out the common labor pool, digging and hauling. Below these was anyone who could do no more than watch a gauge or check the seals of a spacesuit.

Within each layer, more granular divisions emerged. Medical professionals were early celebrities. Among paramilitary types, national service usually trumped.


Pilots learned that they were mechanics first, drivers second.

In time, adjustments were made. Morgan and Van de Graaf linked political power with property rights so that one's occupation mattered less. The University made distinction between those who only worked at a job and those who could instruct others in its performance or otherwise contribute to their "economy of ideas." Factions that employed overseers--the Morganites, Spartans, Dreamers, Hive, and Ascendancy--initially ranked them alongside or just below soldiers, but all learned quickly to carefully circumscribe their authority and limit their access to weapons lest they become an internal fifth column.

Chairman Sheng-ji Yang said:
Practice economy by match reward with need. Recognize the veteran and the drone with food and rest. Tomorrow, they will fight and work all the harder. Send the doctor to the datalinks and he will educate himself in a finer technique. Give the parent a primer and she will use her time to better her child. - Institutes of Leadership


CEO Nwabudike Morgan said:
Happiness is a menu with many options. - The Centauri Monopoly

Joseph Plumb Martin was a Continental soldier and diarist who, after the war, left behind an autobiography titled, A Narrative of a Revolutionary Soldier: Some of the Adventures, Dangers and Sufferings of Joseph Plumb Martin .

First picture is from "Mech Constructor" by Slava Zhuravlev on Bēhance.

Second picture is "training-0217" by Jay Li on Art Station.

Third picture is "Netspectre - Cyberpunk Hacking Roguelike - Hummus bistro" by Joseph Surý on Art Station.

Mar 11, 2023 at 3:18 PM #124
Traditional said:
I perceived that there is nothing better for them than to be joyful and to do good as long as they live; also that everyone should eat and drink and take pleasure in all his toil—this is God's gift to man. - Ecclesiastes 3:12-13


A Hive labor unit distributes the standard ration. Civic Dieticians worked day and night to enhance the gruel's nutritional value but the Chairman insisted that it be rendered flavorless. Longing for joy in food was an "anchor sign," he said.

In Talents, deviation from the Chairman's Tenets could be punished with demotion or added work, but in drones it was overlooked with tolerance bordering on affection. Favorite meal accompaniments were simple: rock salt, green onion, and mushrooms grown in the patches where pipes leaked.


Fourteen percent of Unity's cargo by volume was shelf-stable food and potable water. It was stored in radiation-shielded, climate-controlled vaults together with the mission's seed stock, blood banks, and temperature-sensitive medicines.

Bulk medicines were sourced from the International Red Cross and broken down for distribution with individual meals. The U.S. Federal Disaster Agency contributed water purification chemicals drawn from post-war storage. Morganite loadmasters blunted the desired public relations effect of the donation by repainting the livery.

Shipboard radiation levels remained so high for so long that the original storage measures failed to prevent widespread radiation poisoning. Knowing full well the dangers of introducing alien crops to a new biome, all factions preferred to recover Supply Pods deployed ahead of the disaster, but they also raced to grow fresh food in Planet's willing soil.

At first, spoiled rations couldn't be entirely avoided. Democratic societies arranged schemes to keep dose rates equitable, factoring age, weight, and other health factors. Crawlers like this one shuttled supplies between bases where Base Operations oversaw distribution. Some leaders had other ideas. Spartans fought duels over the small number of clean meals. In the Ascendancy, Pahlavi ensured that the older and sicker residents received the worst rations. As intended, they died in droves, relieving her of the duty for their care.


Submarine crews of L'État nouvel received special allowances to supplement their rations with food purchased at the faction's Exchanges. They prized selections particular to the land, especially wheat-based and milk products.


Tribal meals were near-celebratory occasions. Neighbors pooled resources to organize meals cooked with a wider range of ingredients than were available to any single household. Tribals, like most Purists, insisted on real meat and beer. They brewed the latter from corn.


Subrids were bread for their flesh, which most colonists found appetizing. Colonists usually combined their fresh food with accompaniments drawn from their survival meals. Hot sauces retained the same cult following they'd enjoyed back on Earth.

Fire-starters, seen here in the bottom right quadrant of the open tin, often failed to ignite but were valuable precisely because of how difficult it was to make fire without them.


Resurrection of extinct megafauna fueled a popular resurgence in sport hunting among a certain type of wealthy traveler on Earth. For a time, Warden J.T. Marsh had made his living leading safaris of this type. Hunter Lodges took pride in organizing "hungry" expeditions that left their bases without survival packs and undertook to eat only what they snared or shot while on-scout.

First image is from The Expanse .

Second image is "Where you want 'em?" by Marrekie on DeviantArt.

Third image is from the film Alien .

Fourth image is from the TV show Firefly .

Fifth image is " Pocket-Sized Star Wars Emergency Ration Kit " by Chrononaut on Autodesk Instructable.

Sixth image is from The Lost World .

Mar 12, 2023 at 1:16 PM #125
Tạ Dọc Thân said:
Whether they knew it or not, Holnists were confronting a timeless problem. It is impossible to tell an audience what has happened without also influencing how they feel about it. – Media and Modern War

Notwithstanding the near-catastrophe of 1973, Israel and Iran more or less ran the Middle East table from the late twentieth century forward, acting in concert themselves, or with the United States, to blunt the ambitions of neighboring states.

In early 1979, the Shah was dying of aggressive cancer, and Iraqi strongman Saddam Hussein thought he saw an opportunity to meddle in the succession. But Iraq’s Intelligence Service was inferior to SAVAK in every way, and attempts to stir up pro-Communist sentiment failed, triggering an Iranian ground invasion that quickly gained the northern third of Iraq as a Kurdish homeland.

The U.N. spoke airily of experiments in national reconciliation, but retaliatory pogroms gripped the new Kurdistan Republic and two hundred thousand Iraqi Arabs fled its new capital of Mosul hot on the heels of the retreating Republican Guard. Among them was the extraordinary Essa family.

Awad Essa had been a conservator of manuscripts with the University of Mosul, but a vehicle wreck during the escape to Baghdad left him unable to work. Second son, Boualem, joined the army where he earned assignment to an air defense unit and trained under Soviet advisers sent to rebuild the Iraqi armed forces. Radar operators trained for three months in the Soviet Union, where Boualem saw his first computer, an Agat-7 micro-terminal.

Through black market trades, Boualem acquired an RCA Cosmo personal computer and a word processing program in the form of a ROM cartridge. Boualem’s son, Gulzar, built and rebuilt the machine for the year it took to buy writable memory, at which point the real work began: digitizing the text of centuries-old documents their family patriarch had taken with him into exile.

Patriotic feeling had run dry among Gulzar’s generation, and an uneventful conscription did not tempt him to make soldiering his career, but as a typist he made it onto a colonel’s staff. That colonel ran interference with the United Nations on behalf of his political masters, and from those diplomats of the Mongkut School, Gulzar learned of the opportunities available to the descendants of war refugees like himself.


Gulzar Essa at training in France. Data Services personnel abandoned the standard togs of other mission branches in favor of uniform blouses and berets.

To grasp hold of the future, Gulzar first had to cut ties with the past. Enormous bribes and genuine transit papers provided by one of Boualem’s former commanders took Gulzar northwest across the border into Mandatory Syria, then on a passenger flight to Marseilles, home of the United Nations Interlink.

Data services were the fiefdom of a Tạ Dọc Thân, a notorious martinet who used paramilitary language and stylings whenever his superiors were looking the other way. To Gulzar’s surprise, he was taught less about the fundamentals of database management or electronics repair than the politics of popular memory. Thân, he noticed, had a taste for length. No documentary was too long, no memo too detailed. He delighted in knowing things that other people did not and once explained to a packed classroom that Data Services existed not to determine what should be stored in Unity’s computer systems, but to know where to find what was.


A Data Services technician completes production of one of the 973 million hard disks that will deliver instructions to the Stasis and Fidelity Emergency Control System, the “brain” for all shipboard hibernation functions. With these instructions, colonists experiencing medical emergencies would receive a lengthy menu of automatic interventions based on declining vital signs.

Thân’s leadership aboard Unity was decisive. He knew his purpose: defense of the Data Core, and abdicated other duties in its favor. For terrified subordinates like Essa, it was the obvious choice: a leader committing to remain with his people when he was most needed. They would not attempt to respond to what was happening ship-wide, Thân explained, and would instead fall back to tending the only machine that really mattered. Whoever was left, they would surely perish without the fund of knowledge held fast in the Data Core.

Gulzar Essa killed his first man for Tạ Dọc Thân in the sixth hour of the Disaster. A Holnist broke into one of two electrical closets abutting Memory Hall ψ. From concealment, Essa shot the man in the side of the head and recovered his rifle. In the finest traditions of the Data Services Division, he organized the defense of his position under heavy duress until the enemy’s resolve flagged.

Brevet promotion followed, and once Planetside, Essa looked to reunite with the mentor he had come to idolize. Only then did he learn the terrible truth: the great man was dead and the Data Core lost—fallen, perhaps, into unfriendly hands. In Thân’s place was a lieutenant, Sathieu Metrion, with a problematical interest in second-guessing his dead master’s decisions.


The Tomorrow Institute divided its energies between two objectives: accumulation of the inputs necessary to operate the largest computer system on Planet and recovery of the information to be stored within. “Forklifts and bullets” was Sathieu Metrion’s clear and unhesitating answer to that infamous first question broadcast to the Planetary Network by Nwabudike Morgan: “What do you want today?”

Tạ Dọc Thân said:
A librarian is a field guide, not a creator, and certainly not a curator. There is no decision about what to take, only the most precise attention to where it will go. – Ancient Architecture

Gulzar Essa is represented by Seth, a character from the first entry in the long-running Command & Conquer series from Westwood Studios.

Computer image is from IBM, included in this Business Insider article from 2016.

Forklifts picture is “research” by Darnok9 on DeviantArt.
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Mar 13, 2023 at 6:50 PM #126
Vyachisalv Kolchaiev said:
Our job is to do for thinking what Henry Ford did for the production of the automobile. - Fragments from the Joining


Information Socialists posited that, once disclosed through shared or recorded, an idea was the shared property of all people. Hackers, like Holnists, made a window-dressing of this philosophy, though most data piracy in the Hopkirk Era was for personal entertainment or partisan political purposes well divorced from clear altruism.


University of Adelaide Wellmand Chair of Computer Science Kyle Porters became an enduring New York Times bestseller and a talk-media staple for his argument that information fit the classic criteria of a monopoly good. Only government intervention, he wrote in 2023's Creative Alcatraz , could ensure the full exploitation of this classically undervalued resource.

Soviet and Chinese Communist propagandists amplified Porters's message whenever they stood accused of industrial espionage, which was often.

The Blue Devil Holnist Cell abducted Porters from Victoria Square-Tarntanyangga and shot him dead three days later. They produced a watch-vid of the assassination, which they put behind a paywall. It became one of the most-accessed vids of all time, earning 17.9 billion views in twelve months.


Building on Porters's ideas, zap theorist Starling Dade suggested that the real benefit of public ownership of intellectual property was to press comparative advantage, as the Datalinks Revolution had already begun to demonstrate. What if an idea in Hokkaido was just waiting for an architect in Zaragosa? And how better to achieve frictionless exchange than via a hive mind?


Ex-Soviet Airborne General Vyacheslav Kolchaiev (left) gradually warmed to the conclusion that a hive mind was the only viable solution to the Developmental Leap, a theorized planetological singularity that humanity needed to cross to overcome an extinction-level event on Planet.

To find himself one of the Unity colonists was a disgrace for Kolchaiev, a decorated combat commander whose only "crime" was believing deeply in the correctness of Communist political doctrine at a time of political rapprochement with the West. To keep Kolchaiev from making common cause with more militant hardliners, the KGB allowed his emigration to Sudan.

Mercenarism being the highest form of fascist corporatism in his estimation, Kolchaiev kept himself fed by taking contract work with United Nations anthropologists attempting to preserve the cultures of crisis-afflicted populations. In 2068, Kolchaiev was recalled to the U.S.S.R. on the occasion of his son's death and handed his fate.

Kolchaiev's name is known to have appeared on several manifests used by faction leaders as divergent as Chief Engineer Prokhor Zakharov and Chief Medical Officer Pravin Lal to sort out the choicest conscripts for their causes. In fact, he was made a Forward Controller by Executive Officer Francisco d'Almeida and oversaw the defense of Unity's reserve reaction mass. (The Holnist rampage was so beyond reason that one body of Santiago's people tried to dump the compartment and thereby throw the ship off-course, thereby to consign all its passengers to starvation or strangulation--whichever came first.)

Hard on the heels of the Survivalists, Roshann Cobb's people came looking for Kolchaiev. Proximity to an exploding grenade cost Kolchaiev one ear, one thumb, and, temporarily, his wits. When he woke, Kolchaiev found that the attending physician was none other than Dr. Aleigha Cohen.

Years passed. Too valuable to be wasted on a work gang, too dangerous to be traded carelessly away, Kolchaiev studied his captors and the technologies that enthralled them. Never partaking himself of lucid dreaming, Kolchaiev nevertheless joined the culture it spawned.

Members of the Joining communicated with one another by accessing a sequestered terminal in a storm-damaged agricultural research bay. "Aspirants," as they called themselves, agreed that perceptions and emotions as well as ideas and data should be shared as part of an intellectual commons. The purpose of Dreaming should not be the individual enlightenment supposedly sought by Cobb, much less personal amusement . The truest form of public service was participation in a mental collective that, once large enough, must outpace the University's innovation, predict market shifts more accurately than Morganite polysoftware, and even regulate the baser emotions of its own participants.

Information Socialism, also called Nanosocialism, along with its fictional originator Kyle Porters, were introduced in Jan F. Zeigler's Transhuman Space: Fifth Wave , a sourcebook for the GURPS role-playing game system.

First image is "Hardcoding: Redshift Study" by Zaki on ArtStation.

Santiago Cabrera as Cristóbal Rios is our Kyle Porters.

Starling Dad is "Cyberpung girl portrait" shared by paisacrypto on reddit (r/midjourney).

Kolchaiev's picture is "World in Conflict-Soviet Assault, Cutscenes" by Miguel Iglesias on ArtStation, produced for UbiSoft.
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Mar 17, 2023 at 5:38 PM #130
Sarah Williams said:
I have loved the stars too fondly to be fearful of the night - Datalinks


"Raid by two-stage Hopper" appears as the final entry for 391 individual colony sites in the Great Register of Planet , a crowdsourced history that began at Mission Launch and remained active in the Planetary Datalinks until the First Destruction.


Survival suits were never completely stowed, vigilance never completely relaxed. At the close of each cycle in the Hive, Chairman Yang's voice crackled through wall-mounted consoles from which citizens practiced unspooling individual breathing hoses. The warning was always the same: "Move to air. Move to air. Move to air."


No more worshipful hands ever did touch Unity than those of Joralemon Hardacre's drones, who removed every gainful thing. Founded as Rundun's Yard, the towering salvage facility was renamed to Brent's Barrage. Full companies of Impact troops were garrisoned permanently in the sprawling mine fields and defensive emplacements that kept jealous neighbors at arm's length.


Watchkeeper Militia race around the perimeter of Super Station Σπύρος, a steam plant devised by University scientists in service to the Shapers of Chiron. Its purpose was to boil away the permafrost and melt the glacial ice that shrouded Chiron's fourth continent, Aaru.

First picture is "Lomonosov Venus Lander" by Mark Maxwell (1986) from David Hardy's Visions of Space (1989) on the Tumblr 70s Sci-Fi Art.

Second picture is "Mining colony apartment" by JamesCombridge on DeviantArt.

Third picture is "The Outer terrorities-Shipyard" by PeteAshford on DeviantArt.

Fourth picture is "north" by polosatkin on DeviantArt.

Mar 18, 2023 at 12:01 PM #131
Commissioner Pravin Lal said:
As our ambitions elevate above petty survival, we ask ourselves: what sacred thing remains to spoil? How long before the water cannot be drunk, nor the earth tilled? - A Social History of Planet


By volume, more than one half of all Unity's cargo and equipment was affixed to the exterior of the hull for independent deployment by retrograde rocket. This made it impossible to access from the ship's interior.

Here, a Multi-Directional Salvage Unit of the Conclave Flight Pillar makes contact with the High-Altitude Sensing Module (HASMO) on Unity's "east" mission arm in preparation for removal.

Four perspectives emerged on the essential purpose of returning to space: salvage, war, study, and commerce.

Despite backing from as unlikely an ally as the Human Labyrinth, the U.N. Office for Outer Space Affairs was unable to secure support for its proposal that the orbiting remnants of
Unity be made neutral ground, subject to recovery by a multi-faction arbitrator empowered to award salvage rights based on proven need. Projecting bravado he didn't have the guns to enforce, Academician Prokhor Zakharov challenged that such an arrangement "reflects only the best interests of the pigs who have not prepared their homes. They would have everyone live in straw and call it fairness."

All factions wanted something from within the stricken hull. Meeting at High Atomica, Dr. Johann Anhaldt and Conservator Sathieu Metrion agreed that retrieval of computer systems should take priority. Cobb, Van de Graaf, and Lal each left numerous diary entries pointing to remembered friends and colleagues who might still be aboard in suspended animation.

Spartans and Memorialists raced to put weapons platforms aloft before scientific or commercial payloads. Santiago experimented with Chiron-facing ortillery (a portmanteau for "orbital artillery") in the form of kinetic re-entry vehicles. Mercator put a pair of solar-powered chemical lasers in geosynchronous orbit above the poles awaiting an external threat.

University astronomers and materials scientists hoped to intercept and redirect a transient comet in MY412.

To please its hard-charging board, Morgan Aerospace took on significant debt during the race to survey the Nessus moon. Successive failures of the company's proprietary
Theseus launch packs forced executives to admit that they couldn't meet financial obligations, a condition for which the faction had no established response. Bourse proxies launched a successful takeover on the Planetary Energy Exchange. Other Morganite power-brokers, led by T.M. Morgan-Reilly, would not back the CEO's proposal to close the markets.

Some factions disdained rocketry. Neither the Gaians nor the Dreamers turned their attentions skyward. Factor Roshann Cobb scoffed at his peers' failure to perceive the importance of delving "the true frontier" of the human psyche.


Though he did not advertise it, even Nwabudike Morgan strained harmful pollutants from his faction's water supplies.

As crowding on the Atrean landmass reached a crisis point around the third mission century, factions necessarily began diverting resources from extraction to recovery activities.

Environmental liquidators whose skills had been formerly weaponized to eradicate xenofungus were asked to reapply their original craft by tending the mess that had resulted. At the Planetary Council's behest, the Hunters of Chiron began a decade-long ecological inventory of Planet.


Gaians pursue loggers felling timber and veg within their sovereign borders.

Walkers were an indispensable workhorse of Gaian security organization. The chassis had several features ideal to local conditions: a high stance that kept it well above high water levels, zero turn radius for negotiating dense terrain, and, in the deft hands of a careful pilot, the option to push toadstools aside in deference to destroying them.

Weight management was more a problem than with tanks, but thickly-forested conditions mitigated the obvious liabilities of a walker's hulking profile and limited the kinds of weapons adversaries could use in opposition. The ball turret design used organic superlubricant to speed adjustments when targeting the vehicle's four-barreled laser cannon mount. Note the subtle evidence of biovoltaic paneling on the roof. The vehicle drew energy from the waste heat of the toadstools themselves.

First picture is "Space" by cyberkite on DeviantArt.

Second picture is "Turbine" by cyberkite on DeviantArt.

Third picture is "Into the woods" by Rajanandepu on DeviantArt.

Mar 19, 2023 at 8:38 AM #132
Sister Miriam Godwinson said:
Children and adolescents are a paradox for our mission. They offer the great danger of distraction while providing that which is indispensable: a promise of continuity. - Speech to the 76th World Congress of the U.N. Committee on the Rights of the Child


Ten years passed before the population replacement rate turned positive. Most losses were delayed fatalities caused by injuries sustained during the Unity Crisis.


Population replacement was an urgent problem for the Unity survivors, and would have been even had the settlement process unfolded as planned. Passengers under the age of twenty, including Kellerite stowaways and Charterist dependents, represented less than half of one percent of the original ship's complement.


Warden J.T. Marsh said:
Young, healthy, and fearless is a sometimes-fatal combination, but one to be savored. - The Lost World

Some missions required the finesse of a trained Probe Team. For the rest of the dirty work, there was always another ReSoc retread.


Rites of passage in Sparta culminated with the construction of a rover using parts stolen from the faction motorbay. Prospective warriors then went looking for a fight. They usually got it. Most of these tear-offs ended honorably in death by combat.

Governor Oscar van de Graaf said:
If you ever think, 'I'm not tough enough for this,' just remember: you're still here. You've been tough enough every day until today. Why shouldn't you be tough enough tomorrow? - Manifesting Destinies


Gaians knew better than to resurrect the institution of marriage, which Skye called "a question of property, not of commitment." Lovers loved until they loved no more. Their children were raised in common, sometimes none the wiser as to who their parents were until they became old enough to access the Datalinks. When a member of the faction died, their property was reclaimed and any organic remains composted.


Leaders already comfortable impoverishing others from afar were quick to argue for the re-institution of slavery by another name. Why convert a prisoner when you could work him instead? A Spartan lieutenant (middle) has an apparently healthy Tribesman for sale (right).

Spartan couples married in the Old Way, speaking vows before a Psych Chaplain and witnesses from their barracks block.


Most factions encouraged procreation with preferential treatment for those with children. In L'État nouvel, membership in a child-rearing family unit became a prerequisite for achieving both full citizenship and flag rank.


Tribals married in public ceremonies marked by weeks of celebration. The betrothed were given away by relatives and neighbors who gave long testimony to their "marriagable" qualities.


Stadtholder approval was required for new marriages among the New Two Thousand. Both pledges required certifications of land ownership and evidence of readiness to occupy and hold ground at the edge of faction territory, for which they accumulated retainers who lived under less formal arrangements.

First image is "Cyber Frankenstein" by Vladimir Manyukhin, discovcered on Instagram under the "Evil Design" account.

Second image is "Carefree," by Seven-teenth on DeviantArt.

Third image is "Sandy Road" by Seven-teenth on DeviantArt.

Fourth image is "They told me I was gone" by Seven-teenth on DeviantArt.

Fifth image is "Big Big Tree" by MCfrog on DeviantArt.

Sixth image is a still from Kevin Costner's The Postman (1997).

Seventh image is a still from Lost in Space (Netflix version).

Eighth image is a still from the MMORPG Ashfall found here .

Ninth image is "Details for wild west sci-fi colony 03" from a Tweet by Francis Goeltner.

Resocialization ("ReSoc") was the process by which Marines were made in StarCraft .
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Mar 21, 2023 at 6:30 PM #134
Datalinks said:
God is on the side of the big cannons. - Napoleon Bonaparte, Apocryphal


Given the tools and knowledge predominant among the survivors, direct-fire energy weapons were easier to produce than conventional artillery tubes.

Unity crawlers were excellent gun tractors: rated for extremely heavy loads, designed around redundant systems, fitted to operate in NBC environments, and heavily armored to defeat hostile environments.


Mining vehicles like the Mjolnir stood in for "proper" cannons. Accuracy was wanting: the cannon's original nuclear payloads demanded little precision of its designers. To mitigate this impediment, the vehicle's primary operators--Hunters and Shapers--experimented with gas and splintering munitions.


Cheap to build, easy to repair, lightweight motor trikes operating on biofuels furnished the Human Labyrinth with the larger part of its mobile strike arm. Other third-rate or merely resource-poor militias took the lesson eagerly in hand. Both the Nauvoo Legion and Kellerite Minutemen operated garages turning out similar platforms.

First image is "X-Ray Tank" by Anton Tenitsky on ArtStation.

Second image is "Mjolnir" by KaranaK on DeviantArt.

Third image is "Troika" by jflaxman on DeviantArt. Biofuel idea is theirs.

Mar 23, 2023 at 5:59 PM #136
Kleisel Mercator said:
Unless we learn to lift our sights, we already know our sinking fate. There is something inescapably true about Morgan's logic: nothing is ever big enough for sharing. - On Guard for Tomorrow


The Worldshaper Battery fires atomic salvos in the direction of the Blue Line.

A palpable sense of desperation now set in amongst the Human Pact. Reports from Lab Three, Shcherbinaville, Lobachevsky Park, and Razvitia-Progress Base indicated the allies were down to just four months worth of fissile material. Enormous graveyards of abandoned machinery--rank after rank of
Unity Rovers--formed just behind the front lines. They were victims of what the techs called "fuel rod lobotomies."

After every breakthrough, Lady Skye's solar techs sent hundreds of vehicles eastward as spoils.

Addressing the Planetary Council in November MY320 from an undisclosed location that many believed was in fact a Hive warren, Liquidator Nagao labeled Skye a
genocidaire[/i] and promised to resurrect Planet after cleansing it with fire.


Counted as a political unreliable by the junta in which he had come up, Argentine major Ricardo del Moreno Aguirre was made a military attache to Rio de Janiero. He took a subsequent sentence of exile to the Unity as a new lease on life. During the Crisis, Moreno Aguirre collected and led urgently-required reinforcements to Hab Bay 7, organizing a successful flank attack on a superior force of Vigilance mercenaries working for Nwabudike Morgan. Among the prisoners liberated in the attack were Life Support Systems Chief Michael Hefferan and Atherholt Group psychiatrist Steven Zale.

By order of Kleisel Mercator, Aguirre was made colonel and ordered to locate the remnants of the Chiron Interstellar Probe. To assist the search, Aguirre turned to a character whose "services" he had previously used once before: Avtoritet Ryang.


The M-91 Cockroach Self-Propelled Bunker was a modestly successful product of the Chrysler Corporation's Detroit Arsenal Tank Plant. The concept was simple: a rolled homogeneous armor box, hardened against most of the weapons available to insurrectionists, with enough firepower in its triple 40mm guns and three .30 caliber machine guns to enable platoon-level commands to take on numerically superior forces and win consistently.

The memory of the M-91 inspired Chironian copy-cats built around decommissioned earthmovers like this Memorialist wreck on the doorstep of Tribal Corrosiontown.

First image is "artillery barrage" by 5ofnovember on DeviantArt.

Second image is actor Pierce Brosnan in "The Fourth Protocol."

Third image is "Relic" by cyberkite on DeviantArt.

Michael Hefferan, Steven Zale, and the Atherholt Group are creations developed in the Chronicles of Pre-Unity, a speculative fan fiction effort hosted on the defunct Alpha Centauri forums back in 1998. Hefferan is a creation of the user MikeH, while Zale and the Atherholt Group belonged to the user Octopus.
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Mar 25, 2023 at 7:22 AM #139
Colonel Ricardo del Moreno Aguirre said:
Exigency is the best argument of kings and cowards. - Defensa de la Justicia


Captain Victoria Reyes resigned her commission in the United States Army in 2039 to serve the secessionist Republic of Texas. Her open letter of intent, published contemporaneously by the Houston Chronicle , was addressed the next morning by the White House Press Secretary and is archetypal of the public apologia produced by members of her profession to justify their realignment of loyalties. Reyes framed her decision as a difficult and deliberate reaction to federal mismanagement of state tax revenues, negotiation of unfavorable trade agreements, and failure to resolve border control issues. This style of public rhetoric leaned heavily on hypersurvivalist tropes. Critics were quick to point out Reyes's reliance upon a combination of inaccurate or incomplete facts sourced from the Global Datalinks. During the Second American Civil War, Reyes served in the Texas Army's Legion of Cavalry as a quartermaster. She oversaw inventory and returns to service of equipment seized by Texas forces at military installations around San Antonio.


Texas soldiers shelter from a partisan sniper in Tulsa, OK during the Second American Civil War.

Texas governor Frederick Anthem--he retained the old title even after signing a unilateral declaration of independence--launched simultaneous invasions of Oklahoma and Louisiana. From the first neighbor, he wanted more oil. From the second, control of the Mississippi River delta. Both, he thought, could later be traded for a promise of perpetual peace with the rump United States, but a proposal along those lines was rejected out-of-hand by President Katherine Detweiller.

The Texas Occupation of large sections of New Mexico, Oklahoma, and Louisiana lasted more than three years. Finding he could not sell the assets back to their original owner, Anthem negotiated instead with a multinational corporation, Morgan Industries.

Reyes, made a captain in Texas service but demoted by the U.S. Army to private after the war, was briefly imprisoned at the Naval Consolidated Brig, Miramar, receiving a pardon after two years as a beneficiary of general amnesty. She returned to Texas but found herself blacklisted by the American Reclamation Corporation and was therefore unable to obtain war recovery work. She became a Datalinks journalist, living hand-to-mouth before learning through an outlawed veteran's association about work in the Caribbean.

A Morgan Industries subsidiary, the Rook Corporation, hired Reyes as an Outbound Cargo Manager for the Quito Worldport. Rook furnished Reyes with forged credentials that saw her past U.N. Security Council safeguards on employment for the U.N. Mission to Alpha Centauri. She kept her superiors closely informed about the particulars of the fitting-out process and the manifests submitted to her care.

During the Unity Crisis, Reyes and fellow green-shirts made up part of the [/i]ersatz deck gang that prepared the Landing Pods used by Morgan and his followers. Although Reyes herself was taken aboard, she was given the unenviable task of denying access to additional survivors so that space would be available for additional pallets of undifferentiated cargo.


Prominent among Chironian Servantists was Colonel Moreno Aguirre, who found the Memorialist's focus on imagined, non-human enemies to be a relief from the suppressive instincts of the junta.​

Servantism, also translated as "Service Attitude" in non-English-speaking contexts, was an intellectual movement influential among the armed forces of the world in the mid-twenty-first century. The movement's origins lie in the statements made by Reyes and other commissioned officers regarding their loyalties.

Servantism broke with the older, American articulation of civil-military relations rooted in the post-Revolutionary period and the emerging United Nations doctrines of public service, both of which tied themselves to formal written documents--the United States Constitution and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, respectively. Indeed, American Servantists, many of whom were secessionists, argued that they had been punished for attempting to exercise the Duty to Disobey contemplated in the Uniform Code of Military Justice, reflecting the inadequacy of the old system and the reality of its "subservience to special interests."

The new philosophy refused to take its cues from either the popular will of democratic majorities or common codes of principle and law. Majorities were fickle and the mob could be cruel. Centuries-old constitutions could not contemplate the problems of modernity. Courts were bought, or ideologically suspect. The fix, according to Servantist thought leaders like Corazón Santiago, was for officers to "be their own conscience." Servantists circulated recommended reading lists for officer enrichment containing works as diverse as Magna Carta Liberatum , History of the Peloponnesian War , the Conclave Bible, The Four Books and Five Classics , Das Kapital , The Complete Works of William Shakespeare , and Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-tung .

Many armies forbane the profession of Servantism on grounds that it ran contrary to their creeds. In the Soviet Union, Servantists were often sent to the GULAG. Post-war loyalty oaths in the United States, Australia, Mexico, and Canada required adherents to explicitly renounce Servantism. Servantism survived in the liminal spaces on the map and, later, enjoyed a rebirth on Chiron, when large numbers of cashiered officers began working for sub- and trans-national organizations or ideologically-motivated factions without strong public service traditions parallel to those that had animated the national armies of which they had once been a part.

Disagreement about the legitimacy of Pravin Lal's claim to be the ranking mission leader fueled the deployment of Servantist rhetoric both as a genuine expression of belief and a cynical rationalization for resistance. The Struan's agent Carnaveron quoted Servantist logic on the Peacekeeping Forces faction datalinks in response to rebukes during public forums during his time as a guest-cum-prisoner at Warm Welcome. After the Fall of Xerxion, Servantists among the Spartan Federation, led by Santiago herself, eventually forswore the Holnists as morally unfit to practice their creed.

Captain Victoria Reyes is Julia Reyes (played by Adira Arjona) from the film Pacific Rim: Uprising .

Second image is from the RPG Twilight 2000, sourced from the Black Gate .

Third image is another still of Pierce Brosnan in The Fourth Protocol .
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Mar 28, 2023 at 6:30 PM #152
Chairman Sheng-ji Yang said:
Two moments when the system is most vulnerable: at the loading and unloading of tension. - Essays on Mind and Matter


Commencement Day celebrants stroll the main promenade of University Commons in the company of friends and family come to tout their success.

The attractions seen in this painting were permanent in nature. On the far left can be seen the recovered hull of Experimental Satellite-76, the first artificial satellite placed into Chiron's orbit from the surface. Work stations convenient to the main pedestrian path provided public Datalinks access for visitors to peruse students' work or participate in colloquies on subjects interesting to them.

Graduates hooted and hollered their way through a speech from the Academician himself, trading ribald barbs with that famously acid wit, who would inevitably demonstrate encyclopedic knowledge of the hecklers' thesis materials. The experience was the first conquered summit of their academic journey, eighteen years in the making. (Meanwhile, the University Masters squirmed over Zakharov's unseemly humor, another reminder of how far he stood beyond their influence.)

In the center of the Commons is a geodesic dome planetarium used for commemoration of Yuri's Night.


The Witch's Hats were exhibits in Rockefeller Plaza, Morgan Trade Center, constructed by the Berrio-Salva Corporation in honor of CEO Nwabudike Morgan's one hundredth and fiftieth birthday extravaganza.

After a week-long blitz of entertainments during which all base operations slowed to a crawl and only banks remained open, the ostensibly temporary structures were left standing on his orders and converted to restaurants where the CEO's birthday was celebrated continuously and the faction's Talents engaged nightly in craven performances of loyalty to their human god.


There were no days worthy of special recognition in the Human Hive. All moments were ripe for work or instruction.

First image is an artist's depiction of Communicore at EPCOT Center.

Second image is Coruscant concept art by Ralph McQuarrie, discovered on the tumblr "Consumed by Star Wars Feelings."

Third image is "The Tunnel" by wonderlandartworks on DeviantArt.

Mar 29, 2023 at 4:55 PM #154
Governor Oscar van de Graaf said:
Last month at their Headquarters, the U.N. marked survival. A solemn spectacle, if ever I did see one. This world does not require more solemnity. Here, we celebrate achievement. - Founder's Day Speech, M.Y. 2


Responders restore network connectivity at Epsilon Center shortly after a bombing raid by Ascendancy Needlejets.

An official policy of pacifism brought no relief for the Cybernetic Consciousness. The Prime Function struggled to understand why this should so. Her units had violated nobody's borders. Convergence was a purely voluntary decision.

Tamineh Pahlavi levied a new sort of casus belli : fear that the Consciousness would displace what they called "Biologicals" until the small remnant of human civilization embodied in the fewer than two million survivors and their offspring would be unable to sustain the species through normal reproduction.


Redoubtable "Madam Mim," an M62 Super Casey built by Pacific Car and Motor Works, performed four years more of leal service once reassembled by Furman & Sellars engineers to partake in the Founder's Day parade. As Grand Marshal, Oscar van de Graaf stood in the turret with a wide grin and a lit cigar. The licensing to take her aboard with functioning armament had been handled personally by Tạ Dọc Thân after a referral from Rachael Winzenried.

Thân's permission was granted in part because Mim was supposedly a casualty, holed in three places by shot from newer M551 Sheridan light tanks.

Mim was emblematic of the intent behind the Founder's Day observance: to remind stakeholders that Oscar van de Graaf, not the easily-hoodwinked bureaucrats of the United Nations, was the vision (and yes, pluck) to ensure their survival.

The day after the parade, wounds still unplugged, Mim was tagging Hunter scout rovers with beehive rounds from a firing step on the berm at Camp Challenger West.


Soviet strategic rocket forces used the Szilinger scout car, better known as the Автомобиль обнаружения опасности or AOO-1, for battlefield reconnaissance. The AOO-1 was a single-occupancy 4x4 with a collapsible wheelbase. In "tight" configuration, it could be carried in the back of an Mil M-26 Halo heavy transport helicopter. Following U.N. specifications, the Buffalo Imperial Tank Plant produced an ultra-heavy lander to cart the three examples that the Kremlin volunteered for J.T. Marsh's Forward Contact Team.

One AOO-1 was lost immediately in a peat bog but the other two survived, sipping the air of the planned landing site for indications of nuclear, chemical, or biological danger. Later, they performed roving patrols for hire, spending much of their service lives on or near the Blue Line.

First image is "Cinematic Concept Art Mentorship Batch 02: Week 03 Demo" by Leo Avero on ArtStation.

Second image is "Steroid Pershing Tank" by Michael Kus on ArtStation. Madam Mim is the villan from 1963's The Sword in the Stone .

Third image is from the collection "Atomic vehicle" by artist Tomasz Nowak on ArtStation. Nowak credits an unnamed pinterest.com concept as his inspiration.

Apr 2, 2023 at 8:30 AM #156
Factor Roshann Cobb said:
The fundamental problem of our species is that we are better-equipped to handle routine than choice. - Follow the White Rabbit


Popular mythology blames administrative incompetence and corporate malfeasance for most cases of colony death, but the historical record is replete with examples of self-immolation over social conflicts.

destruction at the hands of nihilistic sociopaths seeking only the emotional high of retribution itself was the retelling of an old story, preceded in history by both the Second American Civil War and the Copernicus City Riots.

In 2060, more than seven hundred people suffocated to death during a failed attempt to extort changes in healthcare policy by the Parilon Corporation, which managed the Copernicus ice-production operation on the Moon. Hoping that improved health outcomes would boost production by increasing morale, Parilon had rolled out a new policy in which biological organ replacement would be replaced by cybernetic implants. Notwithstanding scientific consensus that machine components were more reliable, less likely to be rejected by the patient's own immune system, and substantially more functional, workers reacted with a combination of terror and anger. A stunned board reversed the policy and called for mediation, but the original protest had too quickly merged into much broader, global disputes over the role of machines in daily life.

Work stoppages escalated into a hunger strike, then extortion. Human Front agitators arrived from Aldrin Circle with media, entered the Hab Complex, and fomented a campaign of sabotage, venting oxygen from storage. According to survivor interrogations, the saboteurs expected to force the notoriously risk-averse Parilon board into becoming their mouthpiece and hoped that the prolonged unrest at Copernicus would yield a bumper crop of new recruits to their cause. Instead, an unrelated shuttle accident delayed delivery of emergency supplemental oxygen and supplies could not be restored in time to prevent disaster.

These past traumas haunted Chiron faction leaders as they weighed the benefits and danger of ideological drift.


A crash-landed Supply Pod.

Before factions connected to the Planetary Datalinks, "awakened" colonists were often manipulated into believing there was nowhere to run.

Commissioner Pravin Lal famously agonized over how much information to disclose about the status of other societies. Charterists were a special problem. Those who had exacted generous terms from the likes of Struan's or the van de Graaf Expedition were naturally hopeful of improving their fortunes through escape or emigration, while the considerably larger population of indentured workers inclined toward the argument that preexisting contracts should not be enforced.

It was not unusual for faction leaders to collect and titrate Unity colonists, timing their reanimation for political propitious moments under cover of the claim that resource constraints discouraged adding new mouths to feed at present.


Xenofungal colonization of non-native elements began within four standard minutes of proximate contact.

Choice of affiliation was a luxury available to only a small minority of Unity survivors.

Those with a tolerant attitude toward emigration included Academician Prokhor Zakharov, Sister Miriam Godwinson, and Game Warden J.T. Marsh. The University's situation was partly determined by the very high demands of patient care arising from widespread radiation sickness, which made it difficult to police desertion, and Zakharov's personal disinterest in the perceived challenge of assimilating "unsuitable perspectives" into his society. Santiago's mutiny and the failed shipboard security response fueled violent antagonism between the Engineering Division and Security Forces. Officers who should have led the faction militia instead were sequestered for their own safety, or sent out on long roving patrols from which they sometimes did not return. After a period of mere weeks, the Office of the Registrar proactively exiled a list of billets handed down from the Provost, including virtually all military and paramilitary functions. While he denied them more than token food and refused to give up any medical supplies--to the point of stripping crash kits from their vehicles--Zakharov otherwise let these unfortunates have the run of his warehouses so that they would make appealing new additions to other settlements.

For two days after Planetfall, Miriam Godwinson remained in a coma. Sympathetic followers had brought her along in their Landing Pod with the intention of offering a planetside burial. Immediately after Planetfall, dozens of survivors dispersed into the bush, most never to be seen again. Once recovered, Miriam's agenda contemplated no priority beyond mere survival, forestalling discussion of politics. Poor planning and failed harvests led to starvation conditions. When they showed up at the gates of rival settlements, Believers were more likely to complain of empty bellies than misinterpretations of Doctrine. Political malcontents showed themselves only later, as Miriam's intent to use faction resources to subsidize faith practice became more obvious.

Marsh appears to have decided on principle to give the Forward Contact Teams freedom of conscience, though the practical problems involved with enforcing his writ over such a mobile, self-sufficient, and self-directed workforce were much on his mind.


Factions were eager to found new colonies on the site of Unity wreckage, which meant both shelter and rich salvage--in terms of people as well as familiar, viable systems with components from a technology base potentially more-current, or at least more complete, than the survival gear they used day-to-day.


An Hourglass Battalion ambush-protected vehicle, abandoned in Atacama, Chile.

In the brutal and dubious tradition of the European Freikorps, the Hourglass Battalion, later reflagged with a corporate identity, Hourglass Services, was an association of Hypersurvivalist veterans of the Second American Civil War. Canadians, Americans, and Venezuelans predominated, with companies of Argentines, Australians, and Britons serving at various times in its history.

The unit's colorful history runs from its founding in Florida as the majority of that state's Independentist militia during the period of CSA courtship and incursions to the Central Intelligence Agency's cynical attempts at "rehabilitating" its members by involving them in the overthrow of the Cuban Communist government in 2061.

The hourglass badge was in the same vein as the old death's head symbol--a meaningful boast about the unit's ultra-reactionary ideological proclivities and, less-accurately, its battlefield élan .

Hourglass Survivalism was corporate in its sentiments, with less of self-aggrandizement behind so-called mainline Holnisms. "Hourglassers" wanted fascism--performative populist authoritarianism short on ideological consistency--in which they could have modest employment as hired guns by the repressive state. One FBI dossier accurately concluded that Hourglass Survivalism was a lifestyle more than a roadmap for law, although a super-majority of believers were highly skeptical of established power structures--academia, "science," corporations, and government.

Hourglass Battalion performance was markedly superior to that of Holnist volunteers in general. As a semi-professional military unit, it demonstrated unity of command and discipline levels usually lacking among irregular forces. Regular forces were never available in the desired quantity even after the Florida National Guard was back-filled with stay-behinds from dissolved federal units headquartered in the state, and Hourglass was often called to plug in the gap.

Hourglass prisoners were not eligible for the general postwar amnesty in the United States. Foreign-born members in Federal custody were deported, sometimes to face execution in "homelands" they could not remember, sometimes to be welcomed with open arms by U.S.-allied regimes that embodied their preferred ethos. About two thousand Hourglass participants in the successful Cuban venture were given a plane ticket to the non-U.S. destination of choice. Morgan Military Products employed several hundred in Peru. Canvassers for Corazón Santiago, still a big name in Florida survivalist circles, found and reconciled the old fighters to her cause.

A Chironian faction's destruction provided opportunities to map the ideologies prevailing among its members. Scattered after the Fall of Xerxion, the Hourglass Battalion held Santiago to blame for the faction's defeat and offered their services instead to Director Tamineh Pahlavi of the Human Ascendancy, who accepted.

At face value, the Hourglass Battalion's attitudes most closely tracked with those of L'État nouvel, though the Contre-amirale , famous for his formal denunciations of "robotic deviancy," drew a firm line at persecution that most Hourglassers were wont to cross, and the faction's strict speech codes, combined with St. Germaine's own ambivalence toward showmanship, would have cut against the mercenaries' taste for the politically dramatic.

"Follow the White Rabbit" is a taunt from The Matrix (1999).

First image is is "Copernicus City" by AdrianMarkGillespie on DeviantArt, from whence I get the eponymous lunar city.

Second image is "Crash probe" by Fetscher on DeviantArt.

Third image is "Beyond The Horizon" by sulvijan on DeviantArt.

Fourth image is "Old spaceship," a piece of AI art by Leoncio22 on DeviantArt.

Fifth image is "Pitbull" by jflaxman on DeviantArt.
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Apr 4, 2023 at 6:39 PM #157
Academician Prokhor Zakharov said:
To militia, we say: Think first. Then shoot. - For I Have Tasted The Fruit


Landing Pod workshops could be turned to war-making but were suitable only to a point. Like the designers of Unity itself, they settled for the proven, if less capable, designs of another era.

The mercenary was the freest person on Planet. Armed to travel, he roamed wherever the whistle of bullets beckoned and so became wise in cultures and experiences strange by comparison to his own. Fatted with pay awarded in preference to more reliable faction militia, he found welcome at nearly every trading house and drinking establishment without question as to his ideological convictions. His captains were courted assiduously by leaders of mythological stature, including several of the more severely reclusive variety, and on returning shared with him with political intelligence more comprehensive in it ways than was available to any probe team.


University Security await rescue after their turbofan sled seizes in the cold. As they have allowed the warmth to escape from the open cockpit, they are most likely certain of the arrival of pending help.

Strangers fighting for pay were trusted in preference to familiar Jeremiahs. Faction militia stood on guard for four types of hazard: that arising from nature, that brought by contact with other human factions, that caused by disputes within their own walls, and simple desertion. Once a body knows there is grass beyond the fence, he will seek it out on the mere assumption it is green.

Many factions paid trackers a percentage of supplies recovered from defectors. Reactions toward these so-called "quittists" ran everywhere towards violence. Faction charters frequently prohibited unilateral separation on grounds that it set too dangerous an example and was almost always accompanied by acrimonious disputes over scarce resources leading to general unrest and potential lynching.


Lancer Shellowa Strong, a decorated senior non-commissioned officer of the Spartan Federation and ringleader of the Tallow Conspiracy.

Conceived in a test tube, raised in a common creché and cast away early by her creators, Strong was an uncelebrated drone belonging to the Human Ascendancy before escaping a faction timber camp in MY14. A compass sewn into her togs provided direction to reach Cruesot Pass where she accepted water and food from the Children of the Atom.

She became wise to a Spartan patrol near Fort Montag, following for two days before announcing her intention to join them on the strength of having liberated herself.

First image is "Razorback" by jflaxman on DeviantArt.

Second image is "Stranded" by jflaxman on DeviantArt.

Third image is "Lt. Hanover" by ObsidianPlanet on DeviantArt.

Apr 7, 2023 at 7:48 PM #158
CEO Nwabudike Morgan said:
The Boss said he would give me mealies, not information. That, my friends, is real power. - Golden Dreams, the Authorized Biography of Nwabudike Morgan


SMACER guntokka seen with early-model data wheel. Note the mechanical prosthesis replacing the left arm.

The data wheel was a mono-directional information-retrieval device used for mind-machine interface during the late twentieth century. Distinguishing components included a high-capacity tape reel and an electrode-covered stent ("stentrode") threaded through the circulatory system directly into the wearer's cerebral cortex.

Data wheels provided what their West German designer, neurosurgeon Konrad Diest, called rapid memory expansion ("RAME"). In layman's terms, the wearer could recall information stored on the tape reel as if it had been committed to their natural memory. Recall was near-instantaneous and consistently perfect.

Diest specialized in the care of patients with Alzheimer's disease. His intention was to make palliative care more effective by helping patients to access certain critical information such as their home address or the names and images of family members, but the applications for his data wheel far exceeded even those laudable ambitions. Industrial workers used data wheels to help them perform difficult work more safely. Militaries used data wheels to provide their elite soldiers with mission-specific information to increase survivability. By 2070, the data wheel was an ubiquitous presence in most knowledge-centered and high-risk occupations.

Although there is some evidence that use of data wheels resulted in the creation of durable trace memories in the wearer, both corporations and governments appreciated that knowledge transmitted by data wheel was perishable.

Given the number of skills and diversity of information necessary for an intersolar expedition, the United Nations Mission to Alpha Centauri stocked hundreds of thousands of data wheels and millions of tape reels.

Attitudes toward data wheels differed according to a society's relative comfort with cybernetics. Peacekeepers, Hivemen, Morganites, Children, and Tomorrowans embraced the data wheel as a valuable tool for work and learning. In University culture, the wheel was disdained as a crutch for lesser intellects, but many instructors used it to lecture rather than devote time to classroom preparation.

For some societies, tape control was an obsession. University Security, Corporate Security, and Dreamer militia regularly tossed citizens' habs for tapes--the University and Morganites to protect their ideas, and the Dreamers to limit access to exploitable dream records.

In the Ascendancy, use of data wheels was grounds to be sentenced to the Nerve Staple. Authorities in L'Nouvel Etat were skeptical of the data wheel, which diminished its public profile and therefore its private adoption.


A portable terminal, the HX-54, colloquially dubbed "Hikes."​

"Hikes" were handheld personal microcomputers used to read and write to low-capacity data tapes. Hikes replaced data wheels in the hands of factions uncomfortable with mind-machine interface, the number of which grew over time as cybernetics took on nakedly political overtones.

Hikes was useful in ways that the data wheel was not, but the speed of learning and the fidelity of information transmission were exponentially less.

First image is "Survivor 2" by fightpunch on DeviantArt.

On mind-machine interface and the stentrode, see this story in Wired magazine.

Second image is "Handheld C64," a 3D rendering by Cem Tezcan as seen on the indieretronews tumblr .

Apr 9, 2023 at 9:29 AM #161
The Dark Glass said:
Only assessments of strong confidence (70% certainty) or greater are included in this product. - Yearbook of Chiron, M.Y. 21

Starting with the example set by J.T. Marsh, whose road crews provided support for other factions largely without discrimination during the moment of Planetfall, Chironian societies attempted to create markets for goods, services, and too often, people, for which they had no immediate purpose.

The Memory of Earth was one of many factions selling tailored intelligence products, though unlike the Dreamers and Morganites, they limited this offering to allies in good standing. This service was usually provided via The Dark Glass, a commercial venture named after a passage in the Second Testament of the Conclave Bible, 1 Corinthians 13:12.

Precisely where the Glass obtained its notoriously accurate information has never been answered. Leading theories include secret uplink to still-active Unity spotting devices, a primitive space launch capability that allowed the faction to sent aloft its own spying machines, intercepts of signals intelligence, and a large network of human assets. An investigation prepared by the Children of the Atom using their ZHANG LIANG Calculator concluded that the Projectionists must be working directly with other faction defense forces to produce the highly specific material handed on by The Dark Glass.

Annual reports, compiled under the signature of company president Alessandra Marković, formerly of the Yugoslav State Security Service, or UDBA, were mandatory reading for audiences as diverse as the Spartan High Command, board members of Morgan Industries, the Governor's aides in Terra Nova, the Tribal Command Council, and cadets of L'État nouvel.


K Squadron of the Spartan Federation's ε Speeder Regiment, spotted at night by Tribal pickets, represented an urgent threat to proximate factions, mitigated only by the difficulty of making sorties from the surrounded Xerxion massif. Santiago's edge in this regard reflected the care she had taken to select co-conspirators with skill sets that lent themselves to the creation of a small regular army. Unlike the joyriders and teamsters of other factions, her tankers were the genuine article, trained on the battlefields of Kansas, Afghanistan, the Punjab, the Ronne Shelf, and the Mongolian plains.

Note the mineral growth on the cliff ledge. The Spartans mined their own fortress to fuel wartime production.


Notwithstanding the competence of the original Saber Company and SafeHaven mercenary units positioned with Roshann Cobb and Nwabudike Morgan, the fighting forces of the Dreamers, Morganites, and Conclave in particular were mostly light infantry punching at, or just above, their own weight with some assistance from technicals and overhauled military equipment several generations old. A high operational tempo ground down both Dreamer and Morganite resources within only a few years of landfall, while the Nauvoo Legion, once seasoned, withered into a demoralized camp force, better-skilled at thwarting mindworm assaults and desertions than standing off a determined attack by human adversaries.

These Nauvoo Legion scouts are armed with hand weapons that represented the cutting edge of the early twenty-first century. More interesting than their weapons are the gear that accompanies it: full-spectrum gas masks and backpack radios that suggest both access to a valuable cache of defense equipment and competent direction.


Devoting too many of one's able-bodied adults to combat could render a colony unviable. Most confrontations were between just dozens of fighters, many trained only as reluctant constables. The main "punch" was provided by smuggled armor--often no more than a company's worth. As benefit crown jewels, they were almost always used cautiously and in contexts where they could be recovered if knocked out.

Here, Oscar van de Graaf's "Spitting Dragons" trade fire with an unseen foe.


The Dark Glass cautioned that settlements like Fort Meriwether Lewis were tougher than they might at first appear. Using sectioned defenses, the Tribe was able to quickly perform repairs on damaged sections of curtain wall. Landers brought a number of crew-served weapons dragged off by Tribals after victory over their Holnist foes, who used old museum pieces and the dregs of National Guard armories handed down from allied state secessionist forces who sometimes employed the hypersurvivalists as auxiliaries. Both towers are equipped with old antiaircraft emplacements.

The Soviet armored personnel carrier attempting to negotiate the wooden causeway was probably demilitarized for service as a civilian tractor, but it was easy enough to fit a machine gun back into the turret mount.


Holnist fighters use a 20mm Oerlikon gun to shell a Willamette Valley federal building. Judging by the gardens that have sprouted up in the background, this image was captured well into the war, after towns like this one were cut off from Federal help.

Santiago, Morgan, and van de Graaf were intentional about incorporating crew-served weapons into their cargo complements.


By far the deadliest infantry on Planet were Ascendancy Myrmidons, seen here using baffles to descend into the bowels of a missile silo at Chernitskygorsk. Zakharov's under-trained Security Forces usually retreated in the face of anything more threatening than a thrown bottle. Still, Pahlavi's raiders have come in force, accompanied by a manned weapons platform that gave infantry the same firepower once only provided by much larger vehicles.

The only forces equivalent to the Myrmidons were fielded by the Neo-Spartans, Projecitonists, and the semi-mercenary Bourse.


Marković was a qualified field operative and suffered severe radiation burns and the blinding of her right eye during an otherwise successful mission to destroy the Great Beltan Power Station. Because its operators, the Tomorrow Institute, ran their closed grid at tight margins, they were unable to prevent cascading power loss and severe power quality oscillations. Damage reports submitted to the Planetary Council claimed "significant, permanent losses to historical, scientific, and patent libraries with incalculable cultural and future economic value."

Marković, a student of Tito's Third Way School, believed in Mercator's warnings that the petty squabbles of the Unity factions would surely destroy the mission survivors if not somehow suppressed. Lal chose reason. Mercator tried the distraction of an external threat. Marković proposed to wage an unrelenting war against any who would not submit, reducing other factions to depenency on the largess of her own.


The Great Beltan Power Station a decade after its destruction. Master Archivist Sathieu Metrion engaged the Shapers of Chiron to attempt site recovery and twice reoccupied the area with his Sweeper militia but could not supply the resources necessary for meaningful reconstruction.


The Dark Glass pointed out that armored trains cleared "no-go" zones considerably greater than was commonly believed. Marković's observation led to more serious efforts at destruction of these strategic assets.

Here, a University Needlejet responds to protect the Very Long Line between Admiralty Base and Morgan Vintages from a despoiling attack by Tomorrowan Hopper.

K Squadron is "Red Zone Rumble" by Karl Beiler on ArtStation, a piece of art based on the Command & Conquer franchise.

Second image is "Space Raiders" by Imad Awan on ArtStation.

Third image is "JGSDF LAV-25" by BeignetBison on DeviantArt.

Fourth image is "Swamp fort" by JuavT on DeviantArt.

Fifth image is a still from The Postman (1997).

Pahlavi's raiders are "Descent" by sekido54.

Train attack is "Contact - Aliens on a Train" by Shimmering-Sword.

Our Marković is Olga Kurylenko as Taskmaster in Black Widow (2021).

The Great Beltan Power Station is "nuclear power plant" by Biubiubiu on ArtStation.

Apr 10, 2023 at 6:58 PM #164
[size=22pt]Facility: Entertainment Center[/size]

A Laser League gridiron during play.

Perhaps the high gravity best explained Unity survivors' great enthusiasm for Laser League, a fast-paced sport combining elements of individual target shooting, team orienteering, and the child's game of laser tag. Exhausted to the point of immobility by the day's labors, oppressed by an alien gravity one-third greater than Earth's, workers saw their own aspirations for freedom of movement play out in the vibrant, coruscating ballet on their terminals.

The rules were simple. Competing teams of five, seven, or eight athletes used rocket packs and weak laster marking guns to play a game of elimination. One shot, one "kill." Five teams played the game simultaneously: blue, yellow, green, white, and orange. Gunners started singly in random locations on the gridiron behind hardlight barriers of their own color.

For each team on the field, there was a controller sequestered in a radio booth with full overhead view of the gridiorn. A controller's job was to supply route guidance, early warning, and tactical recommendations for their gunners, while also putting down shot-obstructing "hardlight" barriers between rounds. All team members sat the controller's chair twice in a season.

Hardlight was impassable for both gunners and their beams, but the gridiron's outer boundaries reflected light and could be used to bank shots. Barriers were reconfigured every three minutes, and again after each kill. The number of barriers available to controllers increased over time until the game's final rounds were fought in heavy cover. Barriers were laid in sequence. The controller of the last team to score a kill laid down the first segment, followed by the next team laying down the second, and so on. Teams tied in score were given a random order of precedence.

Games of Laser League took place at Entertainment Centers, glitzy, windowed successors to the drab gymnasiums and closely-supervised reading rooms of the First Generation. Drones were the main clientele, wont to lose themselves in drink and dance before ending the night on arcade games like Ski Free and High Noon. For a few credits more, they could also log into the Planetary Datalinks. Faction networks continued to be used for knowledge-sharing and commentary as before, but Chiron's World Wide Web soon came to resemble that of Earth: dominated by the production and reproduction of conspiracy. Leaders soon learned to distract their more restive elements by organizing team sports, played by semi-professionals, that could unite fans in the ecstasy and agony they would otherwise seek out on their own.

Laser League's appeal was broad and enduring. There was something for every taste. The game was played continuously in the Planetary Olympics from MY 96. Every faction supplied a team. Hive teams were big on sacrifice plays, rushing two flankers forward to distract and divide their opponents. Spartan and Morganite controllers devoted themselves to just one star player while the remaining gunners operated as "free agents" unencumbered by a common plan. Conclavists moved in cautious formations of two or three so that most contacts generated a prolonged firefight. The New Two Thousand played aggressively, thrusting hard in the early game when the burdens on the controller were still small. New Statists and Memorialists played defensively for time until surviving players could operate as a single fire team, clearing corners systematically.

A Hive gunner has harsh words for a referee.

More traditional pastimes certainly kept their luster. Chess continued to fascinate as a social game. University children were assigned chess problems beginning in the third form to stimulate spatial reasoning. Morganites gambled heavily on mahjong. Hunters organized races eagerly attended by their employers. These were actually overland expeditions intended to perform commercial tasks, but with the addition of a catchvid team, they became spectacle for viewers who were themselves too timid to stray "outside the wire."

Inspired by the game Laser League by Roll7.

First image is from Disney's Tron (1982).

Second image is from Laser League.

Hardlight barriers are from Planetside 2.

Ski Free is an old computer game for Windows 3.0 released in 1990.

Apr 12, 2023 at 5:30 PM #165

For every job that posed an unacceptable high risk of injury or death to a human, and many more that did not, the Unity mission designers arranged for a mechanical stand-in. Whether the settlers would deign to use them was another matter.

Robots like this British-built Carrington Mobile Systems Critical Response And Suppression Helpmate (C.R.A.S.H.) showed themselves valuable almost at once, performing duties as varied as firefighting, electrical fault detection, medical diagnostic testing, and cargo bay inventory monitoring.

C.R.A.S.H. unit characteristics were typical of Second Generation androids: vaguely humanoid configuration, multiple articulated appendages including lamp arm, articulated gripper, foam monitor, and hydraulic jacks. Just one minute after the micrometeorite impact, Unity's central computer dispatched fourteen hundred C.R.A.S.H. units ship-wide to conduct preliminary damage assessment.

This "Carrington C.R.A.S.H." clears a path to the bridge from the main cargo bays. Bridge sections are indicated by the vertical band of blue from floor to ceiling. The C.R.A.S.H. follows a path from the ship's main holds, indicated by the yellow reflective tape on the deck plating. The so-called ark was really a labyrinth. At the time the crew entered cold sleep, Unity remained unfinished. Responders trained on physical mock-ups of the ship's interior. They had never walked her decks.

For crew, to stray from the surety of the tape was to risk becoming lost without hope of reorientation. The ship was so large, call boxes had to be installed to supplement the colored deck traces. The idea was that lost workers would "call in" to Bridge, where, if the circuits had not been cut, they could receive assistance with navigation. But there could be no certainty about the path from "here" to "there." Following C.R.A.S.H. units was out of the question. The data tapes that spelled out their instructions were inaccessible from outside the cranial command module and they were unable to receive external commands. Instead, they worked to their own tune, following prearranged routes, solving only the problems imagined by their programmers--usually bit-rate workers whose many inevitable errors compounded with tragic results.

Debates over the role of robotic help played out across two distinct cleavages. The first cleavage concerned whether to use robots in any capacity. Hunters took the most reactionary line, followed by the Ascendancy, the New State, and the Gaians. All four factions practiced a philosophy eventually to become known as Conservationism around M.Y. 100, under which they sought to avoid incorporating certain "enervating" and "integrity-compromising" devices into their societies. The precise list of prohibitions varied, but the intent was always the same: to reduce opportunities to surrender routine tasks to machines, whether occupationally or intellectually. Speaking practically, Conservationism's hallmark was the absence of machine cybernetics or any technology made to compensate for human frailties. A Hunter would gladly use a radio, motor, or electronic navigation--technology judged not to impinge upon human prerogatives--while refusing an artificial limb replacement or to use a robotic assistant for camp tasks.

The second cleavage arose over the extent to which robots should be allowed to learn, such as through the iterative process enabled by polymorphic algorithms. Artificial intelligence and robotic companions designed to replace the human worker attracted considerable interest by some of the factions most certain of the individual: among the University, the Morganites, the Tribe, Dreamers, and Peacekeepers. Robots were tools, and better tools meant a better life.

Those with a darker outlook on human nature were more leery of trusting machines. Pilgrims, Spartans, Memorialists, Hivemen, and Conclavists speculated that their creations might one day betray them. Tomorrowans and the Children of the Atom were less concerned that they would one day lose control of their machines than that unfettered programmers could outrun their own expertise, inadvertently damaging their interests. Sathieu Metrion reminded his companions that the total number of known errors in the Data Core's machine code exceeded four hundred trillion lines. The accepted solution for "roboskepticism" was strict "disk obedience," limiting users' ability to reprogram their machines.

Image is concept art from the Disney movie Black Hole by Robert McCall (d. 2010).

Apr 17, 2023 at 6:59 PM #166

As his body began increasingly to fail him, so Academician Prokhor Zakharov's hunger for new knowledge grew. Already infamous as the Man Who Doomed Unity , Zakharov gained further notoriety for impatience. Scholarly ethics committees were told to concern themselves with unethical proposals "only to the extent that they might not work." Recklessness was his new watchword.

There were indulgences in Somnacin from which he had to be awakened by external defibrillation. One long walk through a fungal forest, made at the cost of three militiamen, ended when Zakharov cried out, "I can hear no song!" Seizing a flamethrower, he burned his way out. Another attempt to stimulate resonance activity involved detonation of three small mining warheads at ground level and a fourth in the sea. (This last was answered with bombardment of Hydrothermal Institute by New State pressure hulls.) Agritechs released a quarter-million bees from the tent apiaries of University Base, though without apparent effect. Over several months, a known polymorphic virus replicated on the faction network unchecked while Institute of Electrotechnology computer science students measured for sentience across forty-four indices. Progress on research ground almost to a halt faction-wide as findings were copied laboriously to data-tape and exchanged hand-to-hand. In M.Y. 30, rumor had it that two Ascendancy prisoners were vivisected while the Academician made dispassionate suggestions from the observation deck over the surgery.

The old man despaired of the inadequacy of his prosthetics: an oculus for the left eye, overcome by cataracts; a hoversled because doctors refused hip replacement under what they said were "unfavorable" conditions in which to perform such a complicated procedure; transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation for vertebrae crushed during the hard landing. Attempts to grow new eyeballs in a wet lab with the help of stem cells were dashed by transcription errors in the retina. To keep his mind sharp while the rest ailed, the Academician carried on as many as forty games of chess at any one time, overriding the stern warnings of his own faction security to engage such adversaries as Morgan Industries CEO Nwabudike Morgan and Factor Roshann Cobb of the Dreamers of Chiron. Determination to preserve the best part of himself lured Zakharov toward the mind-machine nexus, though not before he inflicted permanent brain damage on a slave purchased from the Dreamers for the purpose of a "neural incursion," in which learning algorithms and stem cell therapy were deployed in tandem to attempt to colonize the victim's brain.

Image is from Star Trek II: Wrath of Khan .

On the possible future of cures for blindness or eye damage, see this article .

Apr 21, 2023 at 6:46 PM #169

The twentieth century bore witness to the state at its zenith, expressed in the war-, wealth-, and sense-making potential of the Great Powers and their Three Ideologies: fascism, communism, and democracy. In the Atomic Peace that followed World War Two, bureaucrats and their computers changed everything. The war had been a testament to the importance of political and industrial organization, lessons that continued to be applied with gusto. There were New Deals, Five Year Plans, Great Leaps, and Great Societies. Soviet and ex-Nazi science propelled Yuri Gagarin into space. American science carried Raia Muñoz to the floor of the Challenger Deep. The promise of Tomorrow was close within reach.

But the promises soured with time, as promises always do. The Bomb was dirty. And it was tempting. The soil began to fail. Cancers and birth defects reached epidemic levels. New wars, fought in minutes, wrecked such havoc as had never been known. The men in this equation were fallible, but now, easily replaced. Why pay a man of uncertain character or skill a steady wage when you could buy a robot tailor-made to do that same job instead? Computers were more than calculators, they were prophets, and anyone who rejected their dispassionate conclusions was a Communist or a Capitalist or a Splittist, or whatever people became when they refused to recognize the truth of something and chose to remain a slave to their own emotions.

Trust eroded. In Europe, the huddled masses longed for simplicity. In North America, dignity. In the Soviet Union, freedom. Early in the twenty-first century, the Hypersurvivalists revolted under the argument that a state provided nothing but trouble. Their effort was for naught. Decades of warfare simply made space for a new master, the corporation. Meet the new boss, worse than the old boss. Corporations rewarded those who served them, true, but they were less willing than states to share their spoils, and, unlike the state-sponsored ideologies of yesteryear, corporate business plans did nothing to soothe the alienation of their beneficiaries.

This history, Tamineh Pahlavi and her followers knew intimately. Their point of divergence lay in the Eisenhower years, when machines were trusted only with tabulation, government was in the hands of responsible adults, and the worst ravages of the atom were as-yet unsuspected.

High up in their snow-bound mountain redoubts, management was reserved for the aged--those made wary by the honing blade of their own past mistakes. Pahlavi would let no callow youth lead her people on some doomed crusade. Robots were not made in the likeness of the human form, nor used for tasks that were easily performed by a human. Machines, she said, were incapable of resolving "the emotional component" of a decision. Then there were the breeding programs--efforts to restore the "natural progress" of the species using a population that had been mostly chosen for its superlative qualities and certified free of the defects that some thought would make natural population replacement impossible on Earth as soon as 2100.

Prototypical Ascendancy citizens came from the politicized sciences--rocket bureaus, technical ministries, and federal laboratories--or the allied professions of the Administrative State. The purpose of science was not to know, but to control. Likewise, the purpose of governance was not to advance the general commonwealth but to execute a particular agenda of empowerment for those best-fitted to rule--not because of a cultural bequest, as in L'École nouvele, but according to their intellect and education.

Pahlavi played a hard game. The Ascendancy was notoriously paranoid and aggressive. She wanted captives to fuel her eugenics work and relieve the burdens on her scientists, and the safety that is possible only when one's neighbors have been wiped out.

Our Pahlavi is actress Shohreh Aghdashloo, Secretary Avasarala from The Expanse .

Apr 22, 2023 at 10:04 AM #170
Mortens Andersen said:
In a word, brutality. - Datalinks , excerpt from a discussion with Staunton Communications on the life of Nwabudike Morgan

Nwabudike Morgan c. 2040, before physioenhancement.


Shortly before his death during a botched surgery in July 2066, conflict journalist Mortens Andersen gave an exclusive interview in which he discussed the major themes of his latest book, a biography of the world's richest man, Nwabudike Morgan.

He was not a celebrated inventor either of products or business models. Gun-running had been a venerable profession for centuries by the time he first came along. As managerial geniuses went, there were many ahead of him in line. The strategic missteps that saw his companies take up the part of blatantly weak and broadly unpopular secessionist movements have occupied many volumes in the discipline of failure studies. Nobody in his own time was particularly interested in what Nwabudike Morgan had to say about the performance of specific funds or the future of particular commodities. What most set Morgan apart--what Andersen said made it possible for him to reach the pinnacle of material success--were his willingness to do unto others what others had previously done unto him, and his lack of any firm obligation to a government that could have moderated his behaviors.

Andersen explained the reason for Morgan's success bluntly: he was a sociopath incapable of empathy. Was that not the root cause of enduring public fascination with his infamous response to appeals for the plight of refugees or environmental conservation? "Why?"

At first, Westerners saw what they wanted to see. American Central Intelligence mistook Morgan's interest in the displaced Igbo population of Nigeria as a "weakness for the underdog." The vehemence of Soviet denunciations of Morgan's early ventures convinced Morgan's boosters that the Young Buccaneer had a well-deserved place in the firmament of ideological allies of market capitalism alongside Pinochet, Park, Tshombe, Protokev, and Diem. When Morgan turned on his Chadian paymasters, they dismissed the coup as fair play in a faraway land where the rules were supposedly different. Comfortable in their unexamined racism, they changed the channel.

In independent Biafra today, public buildings are named in Morgan's honor. School children are taught that his ingenuity helped to make possible their present safety and security. The government insists that Morgan came out of a kindred sense of duty to another oppressed people. Speaking to an authorized outlet years after his first visit to wartime Port Harcourt, Nigeria, Morgan remembered the experience very differently. The Nigerians already had suppliers in the form of the British and Soviets. They weren't interested in the third-hand relics Morgan had to hand--stockpiles of old hand weapons captured from rebels by Portuguese Flechas. He sold to the Biafrans because they were willing to take his low-quality product. And he later hired Biafran veterans "because they were in Port Harcourt, and so was I," when the next opportunity came from Chad.

Morgan earned his fortune by making deals that others would not. Both the CIA and the KGB relied on him to conduct assassinations and prisoner rendition. The Sahara became ground zero for new Cold War intrigue. Spies rubbed shoulders with buyers acting on behalf of warlords, narco-terrorists, and the "temporarily displaced" ruling elites of nations suffering through "periods of unfortunate revolutionary transition." There were three places one could go to see the rich and famous: Hollywood Boulevard, Walt Disney World, and L'avenue du 10 Octobre in N'Djamena, where it was popular knowledge that Morgan housed a parliament's worth of down-and-out leaders hoping to fall into the means to finance their political resurrections. In the mid-2040s, two successive American presidents resigned in disgrace after special counsels discovered that both had paid the New Adventures Corporation, a Morganite holding company, to send mercenaries to fight in the war between Egypt and Sudan, violating a Congressional amendment.

"What's lacking throughout," Andersen insisted, "is any trace of concern about the consequences for others." More than once, Morgan claimed to have implicated others in his own thefts from the Namibian diamond pits he worked as a youth. His company's take-over of Chad, sometimes interpreted as a form of comeuppance by hagiographers, involved assumption of ownership for national resources, but not acknowledgement of any obligation to govern. Morgan's mercenaries and allies defended the towns in which they were interested but stood by as the remainder of the country fell into chaos. Eventually, Libya and Sudan shouldered their way into territory that Morgan was then happy to sign away--as if it had been his responsibility after all. Pride in his reputation for supplying clients with only the most effective operatives didn't keep Morgan from signing untrained criminals and refugees to fill billets in Texas, Missouri, and the Christian States--a situation brought about by the unwillingness of properly-informed people to take up the secessionists' flagging cause, he said. Leaked board room audio reveals that Morgan Industries executives laughed upon being told their deception was convincing. These were conflicts Morgan didn't especially care about winning. Morganite unit commanders were forbidden from coordinating across state lines because the clients hadn't thought they should have to pay for the privilege.

Morganite operations in Spanish Peru reveal the full nihilism of Morgan's take on the Human Predicament. Within just five years, virtually the entirety of the Peruvian Amazon was clear-cut to open range for cattle. A few dozen conservation and pleasure domes were built to advance pharmaceutical research and ecotourism.

CEO Nwabudike Morgan said:
Conservationism is of no concern; after all, you have just told us Earth is dying. - Morgan responds to his critics on "Roundtable," a production of Track Eight News

Morgan is happy to spin his attitude as a sublime philosophy. His favorite tactic is to question his interlocutors. Why should Morgan be asked to do the work of caring about humanity when there is nobody to help him do it? Even if he were to try, he would fail for want of help. It is just a tactic to distract him while others put themselves first--which is their right, of course. Appearing twice in absentia before Congress, Morgan fulminated against being denied the right to do business in the Restored United States over his role in their civil war, arguing that the country's historical commitment to free enterprise made it necessary to conscience his return. "Regulation is simply another word for fear of freedom," he said. It should not be up to governments or their cronies to decide what was best for people--they could do that themselves through observation. (This extreme take, echoing the anarchic strains of Holnism, was no longer as well-beloved by Americans after their prolonged bloodletting.) When called to account for his part in the arms trade, Morgan wrapped himself in Luttwakian Ethics. Some things were worth fighting for--and, if so, deserved to be brought to a swift conclusion, if only so that the warring parties could reassess their willingness to keep it up.

On Planet, Morgan used the lure of Hedonism to build and sustain his empire. To do this, he held himself out as a dissenter from the campaign of self-sacrifice "waged over the last six generations." What had the market socialisms, "compassionate" conservatisms, and Communist dictatorships really done for Earth but ushered it unhappy to its demise? Perhaps, as inevitable victims, they ought to have instead eaten a fine last meal, savored a last cigarette? It was an easy leap for those too shell-shocked to give any more of themselves on behalf of the mission. Work hard, Morgan said, and you will be allowed--even encouraged--to play hard. Corporate guardianship had been common enough on Old Earth. Governments could be fickle, but businesses, at least, had a reputation for single-mindedness. At least there would be comfort and consistency.

Morgan used the stick and carrot for motivation and imposed few expectations beyond the generation of value in terms of energy credits. Safety margins were worse than those in the Human Labyrinth, which at least recognized that a human life was worth precisely the output of its thought and labor. The politics was very bad. Since failure meant seizure of one's assets by creditors--up to and including one's future labor--the competition was exceptionally intense. Theft, sabotage, and intimidation were acceptable business practices. Without regulation, many inadvertently drank, gambled, or otherwise signed their freedom away without ever intending to do so. To buoy spirits, the availability of drink, drugs, and distractions was pushed to its limits. Six hours of labor for seventeen of pleasant numbness. Morgan himself was surprised by the number of people for whom these arrangements were seemingly acceptable, a placebo for the superior fulfillment they doubted they could get in service to other causes.

Capitalism was just a buzzword to Morgan. A free market was indeed supposed to reward good ideas naturally as customers adjusted their behavior to pursue more of what they liked. But, contrary to Morgan's assertions that an economy was most free when governments exercised restraint--the freedom to exploit, Andersen called it--no healthy market could endure without active monopoly-busting. The vision Morgan sold his adherents was a lie. Morgan had no qualms about engaging in market-distorting behavior if it was to his own advantage.

Picture of Morgan is a Midjourney AI creation made and shared on the AlphaCentauri sub-Reddit by user Gold-Ad-8211.

Morgan's second quote, along with his take on the rainforest is from an alternate history work by RvBOMally, "Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri," on DeviantArt.

Apr 24, 2023 at 5:30 PM #173

Roshann Cobb, age nineteen, in an ad for Targe Cigarettes.

Calling his musings Seed Theory, Roshann Cobb began at age fifteen to propound the idea that he was a prisoner of coping mechanisms he scarcely understood. "Less than the sum of my traumas," he wrote in a Business Organizer purloined from his father's office.

He smoked opium cigarettes and drank wine without knowing why they appealed to him. Started fights for no better reason than the mood struck him. Found himself placing bets on chess games he already knew he would throw. Confounded by the complexity of his own case, the adolescent Cobb chose an easier study: his father, Tai-Pan Ian Dunross Struan.

There were similar cracks in the allegedly brilliant facade. He was the notoriously jealous master of a multinational conglomerate without ever being able to exert order in his own household. Made and broke eight marriages despite a decades-long and very public infatuation with the same mistress, placing his financial holdings in jeopardy each time. Alienated each of his four legitimate and twelve illegitimate children to the point that several were institutionalized and one attempted to stab him. That last, he shot dead in self-defense.


Ian Dunross Struan, Chairman of Struan's Pacific Trading Company, date unknown.

With this new perspective in hand, Cobb fit his hypothesis to other contexts: industrial accidents brought on by failures of organizational culture, such as the failure of Ice Binder One at the mouth of the Isidis Basin on Mars; public health crises exacerbated by the performative medical obscurantism of well-educated politicians; even the selection process for United Nations Mission to Alpha Centauri prime contractors. The results overwhelming supported the existence of the Collective Unconscious, a mental schema of preferences, phobias, and logical defects common to every member of the human race.

Cobb's great desire was to create a taxonomy of the mind--a master reference to filter the personal from the impersonal. Here is what it means to dream of falling, to obsess over danger, to profess faith in something intangible. Without this work, Cobb predicted that the Unity survivors would merely repeat the mistakes of previous generations.

Factor Roshann Cobb said:
For how can I know you if our common ancestors keep getting in the way? - White Rabbit's Refuge

The role of genetic inheritance and the large size of the data sets necessary to make his proofs caused Cobb to take special interest in the Human Ascendancy and the Children of Chiron. Collaboration with Pahlavi came naturally: both societies were comfortable with slavery and, lacking for alternatives, it was convenient that the two should make common cause. Anhaldt, on the other hand, extended the services of his data-techs only as a victim of extortion.


Earth's population reached a high of 4.9 billion in 1986 only to collapse to 2.2 billion in 2070, slightly less than a century later. "Replacement labor" to sustain the global economy was provided by androids. This Radio-Dispatched Unit (RDU) was sold by the Park Chaebol in various configurations as a general laborer and night watchman. The Unity Robotics Conservancy (RC), so-called because it maintained existing designs rather than inventing new ones, embraced the RDU as an especially serviceable companion for Chironian settlers because of its very low complexity and compatibility with atomic batteries. The large eyes were projections on the plasticized housing that protected the unit's superprocessor.

Cobb devoted about half his shipboard time to cargo selection and the RDUs were early finds. Because the RC couldn't know precisely what kind of mission package would be necessary, it organized the parts in vast lots. Cobb's scrap heaps contained potentially hundreds of unbuilt copies, along with about twenty first put together by D'Almeida's security forces to provide distractions while fighting the Spartans. Each forearm assembly housed a shredder barrel.

Most of Cobb's research was self-contained within base intranets. The faction never developed a Datalinks. Although the Tomorrow Institute is known to have made several failed attempts to obtain Cobb's research notes via Probe Team insertion, it is not even certain the material survived the Factor's capture by Pahlavi after the two leaders fell out.

Better-attested is the passion with which Cobb revisited his earlier thinking after Pahlavi removed him from the Punishment Sphere, a "cure" she claimed had broken the prisoner of his addictions. Cobb was disturbed to find significant differences between the brain activity of first- and latter-generation colonists, a trend broken only among captive Hivemen.

Young Roshann Cobb is "Somebody go tell Andy he is smoking again" by Lidiash on DeviantArt.

Actor Pierce Brosnan is our Ian Dunross Struan, a character from James Clavell's Asian Saga .

RDUs are "Retro Robot Prints" by JubbenRobot on DeviantArt, inspired by Forbidden Planet.

Apr 26, 2023 at 7:44 PM #174

HMS Vanguard , last of a breed, photographed at Port Faud, Israel, in 1977. Laid down at the start of the Second World War in October 1941, she received her commission only in May 1946, but served the Royal Navy for sixty years thereafter.

Many a Prime Minister wanted her struck from the Navy list and broken up for low-background steel but the Foreign Office found it convenient to "send a battleship" wherever appreciation of British prerogatives or the safety of British nationals was in doubt. Vanguard was present for the first half of the Malayan Emergency, the 1956 Suez Crisis, the 1967-70 Biafran Crisis, and the 1982 Falklands War. On campaign in the South Atlantic she was struck twice, aft and amidships, by Exocet missiles, courtesy of Argentine Super Étendards. Both hit above the water line and one was totally defeated by her armor.

Over the course of her very long service life, Vanguard lost three of her four 15" turrets, half her 5.25" turrets, and nearly all her remaining Bofors guns to make provision for Seawolf missiles and Royal Marine Commandos. (When called up for Operation Corporate, Bofors and Oerlikons were hastily cut from museum ships to bulk up her antiaircraft capability.) In 2040, HM Government admitted that Vanguard had sometimes sailed with five-kiloton nuclear artillery shells, although it was categorically denied that any were issued for Corporate. The battleship never fired its big guns in anger again after Malaya. In the Falklands, her role was primarily as an armored decoy and accommodation ship for general staff.

Boiler trouble discovered in March 2001 finally put paid to Vanguard . She was decommissioned in February 2002 and sold for scrap. The breakers took her under tow to India but she foundered coming into the yards and partially sank in rough waters not three miles off the coast. There she remained, a popular target of photographers and gulls, until 2048, when a recovery fleet sent by Morgan Marine re-floated the hulk and shuttled it back across the Arabian Sea to Üroan, an unrecognized secessionist state huddled in the shadow of Puntland. Huge sheds hid the hull from view for more than three years. (In Washington, the British ambassador was obliged to make repeated assurances that there was nothing of special interest left aboard, though it was properly understood that the hull was being stripped for armor to use on another warship.)

An American ballistic missile submarine, Rhode Island , bombarded the island with eight submarine-launched cruise missiles. Pentagon brass were horrified when at least two were shot down by land-based point defenses. Close reconnaissance was impossible, but satellite photography suggested a kill: at least five of the missiles hit their target. It was a decoy.

The life-extension package didn't come near to restoring the ex-battlewagon, now rechristened Surger , to its former glory, but as a poor man's cruiser, it had huge capacity for parasite craft and, because of its tonnage and power plant, was an overmatch for anything short of a capital ship. Morgan Industries used it as a mothership for "anti-piracy" and customs enforcement operations.

Senior Morgan Emergency Services rescue-techs on Honua Station remembered their time aboard Surger well enough to regale Unity trainees with stories about hours spent trying to staunch leaks in the Surger's hull. Apparently, she was never fully watertight again after her long soak off India. Many of the principles the Morganites applied to make the battleship serviceable again were applied aboard Unity , including installation of quadrupally-redundant generators.

Apr 29, 2023 at 11:33 AM #179
[size=18pt] National Profile: French Union [/size]


France is an idea. France is progress. France is stubborn. As Unity left the Sol System, France was still synonymous with political erraticism, fashion, haute cuisine, automation, civilian use of nuclear energy, and, less salubriously, colonial repression.

France spent the twenty-first century attempting to unwind the long diminution of its political, cultural, and economic relevance during the nineteenth and twentieth. This meant bloody attempts to retain the crown jewels of its old colonial empire and refusal on principal to integrate with political and economic initiatives not of its own making.

Results varied. French ambitions exceeded French resources. Until the mid-1960s, France was essentially a pensioner of the United States and a junior partner to Great Britain in ham-fisted attempts to reassert European prerogatives in Africa, Asia, and the Middle East. Despite some success, this humiliation was too much to bear, and, starting as early as 1958 under the leadership of war hero Charles de Gaulle, France began to chart the independent and often-hypocritical course in world affairs that his many less-talented successors would follow for another hundred and fifty years.


Paratroopers of the 1er Régiment de Parachutistes d'Infanterie de Marine watch their comrades drop in Laos, 1971.

Politically, France succeeded in retaining Algeria, much of Lebanon (divided with Israel), and most of Indochina. A combination of American bombers and gifts of tactical nuclear weapons salvaged major blunders at Điện Biên Phủ, but the wayward colonies remained bleeding ulcers, atrociously expensive to pacify and severely divisive at home. Student riots and labor strikes became a semi-permanent feature of life in continental France, so common they reshaped the work week and dictated train schedules. Workers received automatic time off because employers could not prevent their attendance at demonstrations. White settler populations grew explosively from the mid-twenty-first century as rising sea levels in Europe made emigration to war-torn colonies more attractive, and together with ex-servicemen and local garrisons, formed a power bloc that French presidents crossed only at their mortal peril.

This great inversion of power tempted politicians to use all three subjugated nations in ways they would not have used their own. Southern Algeria and French Polynesia became testing grounds for the French nuclear weapons program. In 2030, the DGSE sabotaged Friendship Station Nam Đinh in North Vietnam, which melted down unexpectedly at the cost of eight hundred thousand lives. Ecological advocate Deirdre Skye explained this cruel dynamic to tens of millions of readers for the first time in 2059:

Deirdre Skye said:
The more they were victimized by the decades of atomic fallout caused by tests and by war, by the countless industrial accidents encouraged through weak regulation, by environmental travesties inflicted through the utter carelessness of their colonial masters, the greater was their dependency on the administrative and logistical powers those same masters refused to let them build for themselves. This was the essence of colonialism. We would beat them until they cried out for us. – The Eden Thesis

After a period of post-war adjustment in the mid-twentieth century, the gross domestic product of France consistently ranked fifth or sixth globally. Led by strong energy, agricultural, recycling, and heavy manufacturing sectors, the French economy was diverse and its workforce highly skilled. Behind the two superpowers, France was third in the sale of defense products. Behind the United States and Japan, French firms vied with those of India for third place in the sale of consumer electronics equipment. French automakers Renault, Peugot, Panhard, and Citroën had a stranglehold on the African and South American markets.


Paris, France, c. 2040

Influenced by both national chauvinism and socialist deputies, French economic policies were blatantly protectionist. Foreigners paid dearly for access to French markets, and mercantilist policies turned Algeria, Indochina, Lebanon, and later, Quebec, into captive markets for goods and services made in France. In the late 1970s, France developed its own telephonic, videotex intranet service, the Minitel, never fully embracing the World Wide Web.


A Minitel terminal.

The Minitel preceded the Web and, until 2005, offered considerably more functionality to its users for lower cost, including directory services, transportation scheduling, mail-order shopping, library services, games, and chat. To encourage wider adoption of the Minitel, the French government distributed terminals at its own expense in campaigns that reached every corner of the Union. Similar gifts were made to French allies. The scheme was remarkably profitable after factoring in savings from reductions in print services, physical mail delivery, and the use of live operators. The government was deliberate in courting potential opponents of the Minitel, especially newspapers, which received preferential treatment on the service.

Eventually, the Minitel’s capabilities were surpassed by the World Wide Web both in terms of data speeds (served by dedicated lines rather than coterminously with voice traffic) and application variety. Nevertheless, the French government resisted encroachment of “foreign” services and successfully leveraged the monopoly status of the Minitel to charge “extortionate” fees to foreign entities seeking an entree into France’s territoire électronique via the Web, which they required to be done via the Minitel. One legacy of the Minitel is that France was essentially behind a firewall. Thus, the country suffered considerably less than other developed countries during the decade of Global Information Purges beginning in 2017.

Culturally, France was safe in the hands of Élodie, Minister of Culture for three presidents, who organized for France on the Minitel an exhaustive database of language, genealogy, art, literature, music, cuisine, and national mythology that provided the pattern for the subsequent U.N. effort to index the cultural heritage of the Earth. Élodie called her achievement La Note .

France naturally resisted the creation of the European Common Market, both from fear of competition and to discourage the success of another forum in which Britain or West Germany might press their respective national interests. To get a run in on its neighbors, France was a leader in detente, the systematic reduction of tensions with the Soviet Union, and became the major pipeline for passing western technology through the Iron Curtain. In return, the Soviets cancelled, withheld, or reduced their traditional support for insurgencies and client regimes active in French colonies.

In international politics, France quit NATO. Paris refused to contemplate nuclear test bans. France also put itself forth as the patron-of-last-resort for reactionary regimes from Pretoria to Taipei and intervened aggressively in Saharan Africa under the pretext of responsibility for its former colonies. During the Burst Wars of the 2040s, Foreign Legionnaires parachuted down to preserve French-aligned governments in Mali and the Central African Republic in the face of pressure from Morgan SafeHaven. A proposal to reconstitute French Equatorial Africa (ostensibly as a bulwark against corporatism) went nowhere, however.


The Morgan "starscraper" obscures the moon on an otherwise clear night in central N'Djamena.


To complicate attempts at restoration of the status quo , arms dealer Nwabudike Morgan invited Millennarian separatists to settle the Burst Zone. Promises of sweet water were mostly untrue, but his contractors had enough helicopters to give most rebels and ex-government loyalists trouble.


French intervention force deploying to fighting positions in eastern Mali ahead of an expected raid by Morgan-backed militia.

Without success, France attempted repeatedly to assume leadership of the Non-Alignment Movement, which it hoped to bulk up into a counterweight against the United Nations. This courtship was ill-fated: as an inveterate imperial power, France lacked the credibility to speak for nations that themselves were only recently liberated and wanted no part of the kind of neo-colonialism in which France unreflectively trafficked.

French domestic politics was famous for its oscillation between Socialists and Conservatives (Republicans). Socialists predictably opposed automation and favored detente with the Soviets while conservatives took opposing views. The French remained notoriously sensitive about their country’s relevance in global affairs, and proud of the manner in which they have navigated between the Scylla and Charybdis of Cold War alliances while at the same time adapting to the inundation of more than ten percent of European France’s total landmass. (Rising sea levels also claimed large swaths of populous northern Algeria and southern Indochina.) Frenchmen also credit themselves for the continued survival of pariah regimes in South Africa, Israel, Rhodesia, Biafra, and Taiwan.

Traditional Survivalism didn’t get much traction in France even among the colons , who frequently shared the Holnist’s taste for machismo , violence, and the politics racial grievance but preferred to suborn rather than fight the government and its all-important ministries—the best guarantees, they knew, of their precarious livelihoods. Nevertheless, revanchism gripped the French, manifesting in land-grabs on behalf of “oppressed” French-speaking minorities in Wallonia, Switzerland, and Riviera Italy during the chaos of the Floods.

Unsurprisingly, France played a major role in the Second Crisis of Québec Secession, running diplomatic and media interference for the separatists and their excesses. French companies and French intelligence helped get weapons to FLQ fighters. After Quebec gained its negotiated independence, France organized the referendum that resulted in its accession to the shambolic Union as an “independent” member. Quebec Francophones were happy to participate in this arrangement, and France soon nationalized Canadian and international firms resident in the ex-province, which became a cockpit of railroad and aerospace manufacturing. A majority of those who left France as refugees from flooding resettled in Quebec.

The French military was well-respected. The French soldier was tough, innovative, and above all, daring. The French were acknowledged experts in counter-insurgency warfare. France made its military equipment available on liberal terms to virtually any buyer. It did a brisk business with the Portuguese, Israelis, Argentines, and South Africans.

The Force de Frappe , France’s nuclear strike assets, consisted of land-based tracked and rail launchers and submarine-carried nuclear missiles. (France’s three aircraft carriers could arm their strike fighters with nuclear missiles, but were not officially considered part of the Force, which remained a dyad.)

French intelligence had a hair-raising reputation the world over. The DGSE took on the role of extortionist, applying the necessary “incentives” for smaller countries to play within the boundaries set out by the politicians in Paris. French spies were killers, it was said, and could be hired to carry out the dirty work of shahs, board executives, and even the Soviet Politburo.

France’s very active space program was based at Korou in French Guyana and in the Algerian desert, with lesser operations in French Polynesia and leased facilities in the Republic of the Congo (Brazzaville). In 2002, construction commenced on a space elevator in French Guyana that contributed to the construction and fitting out of U.N.S. Unity . Though a founding participant in lunar settlement (a domed French Quarter is among the very few charms of Verne City), France focused mostly on “downward-looking” space applications via satellite operations, including deep ocean mapping.


Verne City, Luna, c. 2051

French support for the U.N. Mission to Alpha Centauri peaked in the 2040s, waxing as American focus was diverted to war at home, but many French politicians still viewed the project as a constant and painful reminder that there were other more potent actors than they on the world stage. France charged the U.N. heavily for access to its space launch infrastructure.

Two French mega-corporations, the Groupe Aéronautique Degére (GADE) and manufacturer of prime movers, Former Ciel, were major sub-contractors on the Unity Project, together employing a workforce of almost 90,000 in Earth and space.

The major French “bequests” to the Mission were a large stock of surplus hand weapons (mostly ex-American) left over from its colonial wars and tens of thousands of older Minitel terminals for connection to Network Nodes.

French paratroopers picture is from a History Channel website article on the Battle of Dien Bien Phu.

Picture of future Paris is by French company Vincent Callebaut Architectures, shown on archdaily in an article by Holly Giermann.

"Starscraper" name and picture are from "Starcraper #1" by miggysmallzxd on DeviantArt.

Desert cathedral is "Arizona Arcology - Earth That War" by nixoninevile on DeviantArt.

Picture of French troops in Mali is by Finbarr O'Reilly for The New York Times .

Verne City picture is from this article by Joshua Hawkins on BGR.

The character of Élodie was created by Strategos' Risk/MysticWind.

Apr 30, 2023 at 4:19 PM #181
Unity Tech: Stims


Stims were mildly narcotic stimulants used as performance-enhancers. They were chemically simple. Primary ingredients included caffeine, Ibuprofen, and epinephrine. Stims were popular among military and space professions.

A stim was injected sub-subcutaneously using a single-use pneumatic auto-injector about the size of an adult thumb. The injection was suitable for delivery through capillaries and could therefore be applied to almost any portion of the body.

The expected primary users of stims among mission staff were emergency and security personnel. Stims were Class 2 equipment, issued personally to all crew for their lock boxes and included in all medical, emergency response, and survival kits.

Stims were habit-forming. Stim addiction was a disqualifying trait for mission personnel recruited by the United Nations. According to the World Health Organization, nearly all users of higher-grade narcotics also abused stims.

Private manufacture of stims was very common, especially by teenagers and spacers. Modification of stims was treated as a serious crime by most judicial systems.

Hallmarks of stim addiction included eye mydriasis, episodic hypertension, insomnia, constipation, and heart arrhythmia. After extended use, side effects included visual, auditory, and tactile exclusion, creating a sharp cliff of diminishing returns.

Because of disparities in the supplies accessible to different factions before Planetfall, med-techs rarely had the medicines necessary to treat the many traumatic injuries afflicting their patients, nor any way to manufacture them. Stims were a popular, albeit minimally effective, treatment for chronic pain.

Factor Roshann Cobb of the Dreamers of Chiron suffered from addiction to stims.

Stims were a part of the culture of many factions. Stims could be obtained from vending boxes at most University bases, though their public use was limited to academics (drones were considered less-responsible). Stims were paid out as an accompaniment to wages by the Dreamer faction, which produced them in bulk. Morganite overseers were trained to dispense stims to any worker that met their daily quotas. They were available on a complimentary basis on the gaming floors of company casinos. Mercenary outfits expected stims before fighting.

Leaders in the Ascendancy, New State, Gaians, Hunters, and Conclave inveighed loudly against stims, which they saw as antisocial, though they were popular with Hunter road crews and New State mariners. Colonel Corazón Santiago seized stims when she could and openly punished those who used them. The Human Hive outlawed them altogether.


Security Bots check for stim effects before drones are released from the Entertainment District of Morgan Bank back into GenPop.

First image is "Stim Pack" by karlavaggio on DeviantArt.

Second image is "Future Nightlife District" by ClaudioPilia on DeviantArt.

May 2, 2023 at 6:50 PM #182

As Unity's launch date neared, the cost of pretense mounted. Governments and mega-corporations that had been dithering with the United Nations over the terms of their participation now sang a different tune. Between January 1, 2068 and November 1, 2071, a total of 7,800 launches were carried out between the American, European, Soviet, French, South African, Chinese, Scandinavian, Argentine, Japanese, Indian, Iranian, and Israeli space agencies, never less than four a day. High-value personnel and equipment were recalled from as far as Hippocamp, a moon of Neptune.

If the expedition were really leaving, it must be because the United Nations had information that others did not. Was Earth truly beyond salvaging? Best not to be left behind. If unable to join in, what did it hurt to be generous with a final bequest? History dubbed it the Anti-Ozymandias Protocol, a name that would reemerge two hundred years later on Chiron. But that is a story for another day.

Commissioner Pravin Lal said:
Like the stunned womanizer who promises change only after his much-abused lover has at last begun to collect her things, they realized the fullness of their mistake. - What We Left Behind Us


Soviet space habitat Друг рабочего (Worker's Friend) where the first vitamin-replenishment therapies were developed to help combat the debilitating effects of extended weightlessness.

Unity Generation was notoriously sickly. Radiation sickness, sterility, severe osteoporosis, combat and crash injuries complicated the creation and sustainment of viable colonies.


Unity's bridge was an afterthought. Nobody expected it would ever be used in extremis , for if it were, then per force the ship would have to be so compromised that no input from captain or helmsman would be enough to avert disaster. Either damage control would succeed, or it would fail--quite independently of input from the brass hats. Led astray by the probabilities, Mission Control did not contemplate that a disaster might occur within spitting distance of the expedition's destination. Therefore, the crew did not prepare for one. When Jonathan Garland assembled his command for the first time, he that his scopes furnished little in the way of meaningful information about the status of ship's systems. Two precious hours passed as the groggy, frightened leaders groped their way through a user interface that had changed drastically while they were asleep.

First image is "Gone Astray (to the stars) by aerroscape on DeviantArt.

The Anti-Ozymandias Protocol was a faction designed by Cetashwayo for the forum-based mega-game "An Unraveled Tapestry" on SufficientVelocity.

Second image is "FUE Soviet Space Station" by MeckanicalMind on DeviantArt.

Third image is bridge art for the Nostromo from Alien , artist unknown.
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May 9, 2023 at 5:28 PM #183
What's different about the Racing the Darkness universe?

Sister Miriam Godwinson said:
We did not require to be told the obvious--that once the apple is plucked, it can never be restored to the tree. - On the Nature of Progress


An XB-36H Crusader demonstrates the potential of the Nuclear Aircraft Program during a test flight in February 1957, shortly before its acceptance for general service. Under Operate Chrome Dome, a fraction of the American nuclear arsenal was permanently aloft from from 1960 to 2044, resuming in 2054.

The atom bomb was used again in anger after the Second World War. Taking advantage of its strategic bomber force, the United States used atomic weapons against the North Koreans and Chinese four times in 1950 and 1951. Central Intelligence Agency pilots of the American Civil Air Transport program dropped a small atom bomb on Viet Minh forces in early spring 1954, inadvertently dooming much of the French Far East Expeditionary Corps to radiation sickness but lifting the siege on the French base at Dien Bien Phu. The Iraqi Republican Guard detonated an atomic device in Khorramshahr in 1980 during Saddam Hussein's unsuccessful invasion of Iran, with ruinous consequences for the Shatt-al-Arab. (The Imperial Iran military easily shouldered aside Saddam's troops, temporarily occupying Baghdad and prizing away Kurdistan for their trouble.) Pakistan and India traded nuclear salvos during the 1991 Kargil Conflict, an exchange that by some estimates eventually cost the lives of a half-billion people and rendered Gujarat, western Rajasthan, and Sindh essentially uninhabitable. What is believed to be a domestic terrorist partially detonated an atomic device in Seattle in 2051 during the Second American Civil War.

Proliferation, though worrisome to the Great Powers, was widespread. In some cases, patrons assisted their clients to a bomb. The British helped its Commonwealth allies Canada and Australia to find their way to the Bomb. The French underwrote much of the Israeli program, and the Israelis, in turn, assisted the South Africans and the Taiwanese. Spurred by Soviet adventurism in other theaters, the United States quietly helped Communist Yugoslavia grope their way into a deterrent much later. Independent regional powers like India, Pakistan, Argentina, and Iran developed atomics as the bluntest sort of insurance against their traditional adversaries.

There was no convention against the militarization of space, a problem unmoderated except by cost. (As of 2071, only the U.S. and the U.S.S.R. are known to have troubled themselves.)

The atomic powers and their dates of accession to the "Club":
  • United States of America (1945), now the Restored United States of America
  • Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (1949)
  • United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (1952)
  • French Fourth Republic (1960)
  • Canada (NLT 1963)
  • Commonwealth of Australia (NLT 1963)
  • People's Republic of China (1964), now Empire of Golden China
  • State of Israel (NLT 1973)
  • Republic of India (1974)
  • Federal Republic of German (1975)
  • Republic of China (Taiwan) (1979)
  • Iraqi Republic (1980) [believed to have been provided by the U.S.S.R.]
  • Portuguese Republic (NLT 1986)
  • Islamic Republic of Pakistan (1987)
  • Republic of Argentina (NLT 1988)
  • Republic of South Africa (NLT 1989)
  • Imperial State of Iran (NLT 1992)
  • Socialist Federal Republic of Yugoslavia (2002)
Fission is the primary method by which electrical power is produced worldwide. Most military equipment is powered by nuclear reactors or fission batteries. Most space propulsion is by the nuclear pulse method.

Government trade agencies regularly detonate "commercial-scale" bombs in support of mega-projects around the world, especially in the western United States, Africa, and South America.

Major commercial nuclear and radiation accidents, defined by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) as events involving damage to reactor cores and significant radiation release, occurred at an average rate of three per year in the United States and Canada, starting with an explosion at the National Reactor Testing Station in Idaho Falls in 1961 running through 1970. Domestic extremism in the United States prompted a reassessment of power system security around the turn of the millennium and in 2023, the Francisco Act significantly increased the stringency of regulations governing emergency operations and physical security at nuclear stations throughout the United States.

Military accidents are also a global commonplace, although for obvious reasons the details are usually suppressed. A rare New York Times expose of May 1992 reported that U.S. Strategic Air Command was unable to account for at least seven bombs in the American arsenal.


At midnight on 30 June 1997, the New Territories reverted to Chinese control, but Hong Kong and Kowloon remained possessions of the British crown. Her Majesty's government used a combination of skyscrapers and shoreline reclamation to make conditions in the Crown colony more tenable. British administration of the New Territories was resumed under a new 99-year lease arranged with Golden China.

Powers that pretended to economic and military greatness valued colonies as easy sources of raw and human material, captive markets for noncompetitive goods and services, quiescent proving grounds, and valuable bases from which to project power into distant regions or, if in equatorial latitudes, to put payloads more cheaply into orbit.

Imperial ambition and atomic terror went hand-in-hand with large standing militaries and the budgets to match.

On the ground, colonial populations often policed themselves. British readers were eminently familiar with the exploits of the King's African Rifles (KAR), the Brigade of Gurkhas, the Singapore Rifles, the Burma Rifles, and the Royal Ulster Rifles. The Far East Expeditionary Corps was composed primarily of fighting men from Algeria, Lebanon, and Indochina.

Mercenaries and expatriates were a common element in many militaries. The French and Spanish operated large foreign legions swelled by the exiles of climate change and fallout. The British enrolled South Sudanese in the KAR. The Portuguese inducted Zairian exiles into the colonial armies of Angola and Mozambique. Rhodesia aggressively courted veterans of French colonial and American internal wars. The richer sovereignties in the IOEZ let contracts for service with firms like Rockhalter and R.J. Earlingborne & Sons that sifted the professional cream off the tops of elite Western units.


At sea, cruisers, especially "through-deck" cruisers with the deck space to support helicopter and vertical take-off/landing aircraft, endured as elements of a well-rounded fleet.

Operating from 1992 to 2050, the Kings Mountain class of American cruisers favored automatic 5" and chemical laser mounts over the temperamental missile armament of other late-century warships and shipped up to six Sea King helicopters in cavernous internal hangars. While highly effective for fleet air defense, the lasers could do almost nothing else, and both the Royal and U.S. Navies found the quick-firing cannon to be even less satisfactory than the TV-guided missiles they were meant to replace.

U.N. Chief of Staff to the General Secretary Pravin Lal described cruisers as "the last bastions of scoundrels," for they possessed enough crew and firepower to conduct essentially independent foreign policy. The theory behind twentieth and twenty-first-century cruiser warfare could be heard echoing on Chiron where military units were at times ungovernable and needed to be given extreme latitude because of basic communications difficulties.

Governor Oscar van de Graaf said:
Have just been told I am at war with Sparta and Ascendancy. Leaders, unknown. Their crimes, very bad. Locations, unclear. Reasons for hostilities, unclear. Friendly casualties, very high. - Personal Diary


France insisted on the AZERTY keyboard, complicating the lives of datatechs for more than a century afterward.

Global telecommunications were hamstrung by long-standing international animosities, extreme weather, and regime obsession with domestic stability even in the traditional democracies. Electronic data storage limits were low, retrieval speed even lower, and the power draw of supercomputers capable of industrially relevant calculation was extreme. Rudimentary national intranets created a phenomenon called the Splinternet, meaning that information exchange had a variable rate of speed, proceeding speedily within the same language bloc but slowly between blocs. Scientific and cultural experience became fragmented. A Soviet scientist knew of theories and techniques his American counterparts did not, and vice versa.

NB-36H picture is a 1955 image from the U.S. Department of Defense (U.S. Air Force) labeled DF-SC-83-09332.

For more on nuclear escalation during the Korean War, see this article in Smithsonian Magazine .

"Neo Hong-Kong Sunset" by is by JJcanvas on DeviantArt.

Cruiser CA-847 is "Advanced Gun Cruiser beautyshot" by kaasjager.

"Splinternet" concept introduced to me by MisterP on alternatehistory.com.
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May 10, 2023 at 7:09 PM #186
[size=18pt] Tell me more about what's different about the Racing the Darkness universe. [/size]​

What's up in Africa?
  • [li]Western tolerance for independent settler states was almost limitless, reflecting anti-Communist hysteria (worse since the Americans themselves had used the Bomb), the political impossibility of critiquing colonialist practices in which Europe was still heavily involved, and the need to "outsource" leadership on the continent during the apogee of Hypersurvivalism in the North Atlantic world.[/li]
    [li]The successes of the Union Minière du Haut-Katanga in the 1960s and Morgan Industries in the 2020s convinced other companies that nation-building could be a profitable endeavor.[/li]

What's up in South America?
  • [li]Early points of divergence for the alternate history. In Brazil, the colonizers held on tight. In Peru, they returned shortly after independence. (Spain reconquered Peru in stages beginning with the Chincha Islands War.)[/li]
    [li]In return for stabilizing its faltering economy, Spain gifted the Peruvian Amazon to Nwabudike Morgan as virtually a private fiefdom.[/li]
    [li]A Bolivian junta stood for self-determination on the continent but was in fact dependent upon American defense assistance to pursue simultaneous wars of territorial aggrandizement against three of its five neighbors.[/li]


Gas diffusion towers have their roots in the subterranean mining complex below the silver mountain that is Bolivian Potosí.

Is the level of technological advancement any different?
Yes. Computer guidance systems were still rudimentary in 2071. For this reason, the precision of missile weapons was quite low. Missiles could only be used successfully when very large (read: atomic) payloads compensated for this drawback, but in tactical applications, wire and CCTV guidance was still the norm.

Lasers were viable in combat because of the prevalence of fission batteries, but bulky. Most designs were vehicle-mounted.

Robotics evolved with a heavy emphasis on human control. The performance of a robotic companion had to be closely monitored for acceptability and their behavior adjusted through frequent input by an experienced programmer.

Technologies required to tame and explore the world's oceans, and the wider solar system, were considerably further along than in OTL. However, this work was extremely labor-intensive.


The sending rig for Sea Base Alpha above the Mata Nui Ocean Habitat. Shown here at center, the hydrolator descends more than three miles, a journey of six hours for humans or other "pressure-sensitive" cargo.

Sending rigs were small cities in their own right--home to thousands of tradespeople responsible for maintaining the complicated machinery necessary for the denizens of Base Alpha to communicate, trade with, and return to the wider world.

In what ways is culture different?
Supersonic passenger flight was a commonplace. Most wealthy people could afford terminals that connected them to the World Wide Web and its hundreds of unmoderated newsgroups. By 2071, their emerging technocratic uni-culture placed strong emphasis on STEM education in preference to the "crass" and "political" humanities (tainted by the perception that they were easily deployed to excuse political violence); government service over corporate or independent employment (the former was "padded slavery," the latter a road to sure penury; guilt-free use of consumer robotics; acceptance of designer medicine, especially to confer disease-resistance and manage the effects of aging; and class consciousness.


The idea of the "drone" emerged--one who traded non-supervisory craft labor to a corporation for subsistence living according to a contact and was therefore without the traditional political protections derived from Natural Law and previously supplied by a government irrespective of one's employment status.

"Drone" was derogatory, emphasizing the perceived loss of human value inflicted upon the subject, who was usually assumed to have entered into the arrangement foolishly and with both eyes open, implying guilt. The work assigned to drones was stereotypically dirty and dangerous--to be avoided if it could be helped. Drones were acutely vulnerable because there were so many of them. Failure to satisfy the overseers meant loss of access to food, shelter, and physical security as well as the meager creature comforts that low-paying work could accumulate.

Picture of future Potosi appears to be an AI (Midjourney)-generated image. Found in El Comercio .

Sending Rig is "Colony Mining facility" by PeteAshford on DeviantArt. Sea Base Alpha and Hydrolator names are homages to the Living Seas attraction at Disney's EPCOT. Mata Nui is an island in the story behind the LEGO Bionicle toy line.

Final picture is "Starcraft 2 SCV" by ArtofRagnar on DeviantArt.

May 11, 2023 at 6:14 PM #190
Global Warming heralded the return of two great preoccupations of the human species: religious millenarianism and seaborne piracy.

The 2060 decennial review of The International Journal of Maritime Crime and Security explained this renaissance of free-booting as a simple maths equation. Vulnerable populations were up, state capacity was down. Sailors, divers, shallow- and deep-water engineers: from necessity, coastal nations were minting new entrants to these professions at breakneck pace. Once released into the wild, it was inevitable that some would be diverted to illegitimate ventures.

Jurisdictional clarity hit a four hundred-year low. Not since the Thirty Years' War ruined Germany had it been so difficult to "know one's prince." Islands came and went with each new storm. Even on those rare occasions that governments were certain of what was theirs' and had the wherewithal to enforce such convictions, they might find good reasons to do otherwise. Kickbacks farmed from pirate gangs underwrote municipal government for the Baratarian Commonwealth, successor to the State of Louisiana, and the same was true in Santiago de Cuba, Dakar, Constanţa, and Maracaibo. Speaking as a cabinet member, Oscar van de Graaf admitted that ARC police were sometimes stood down from interdiction runs in New York Harbor as a political pressure tactic in the federal government's bitter war with private capital. And anyway, one man's pirate was another man's freedom fighter. Vermont pirates made a patriotic virtue of raiding Quebecois river traffic, returning home to receive the approbation of local authorities.

ARC Administrator Oscar van de Graaf said:
Citizenship is a compact. If a commercial enterprise isn't going to keep their end of the bargain, why should we keep ours? Taxpayers expect more wisdom of us than that. - Testimony to the Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation, U.S. Senate


Large battlewagons were the accepted answer to both piracy and the intransigence of the "new islanders." It hardly required to be said that they were fully capable of obliterating the very platforms and populations they protected. Pirates of course had no hope against them.


Tyral Collins ashore in the Florida Keys in the disguise of a Christian States Crusader.

One of the most successful of the American pirates, Tyral Collins, claimed to have raised the Black Flag after the drowning of his native Boston. As a member of the United States Coast Guard, Collins bore personal witness to the city's failed evacuation, a disaster that cost him a mother and four younger brothers.

At the urging of his own crewmates, Collins led a successful mutiny against the officers of his own ship, the cutter Merrimack . Their strategy was simple: avoid the feeding grounds of more successful predators. Respect for the United States Navy and the New York Naval Militia sent them scudding due south. The Caribbean was a violent sea, but like-sized challengers were fewer and farther between.

Collins came ashore in the Northern Floridas and, despite moonlighting with the Prohibition Patrols, learned to disdain the Christian States cause, which he felt dealt with esoteric problems not relevant to its own population. But if Bible study appealed little, he nonetheless consumed enough Genesis to think deeply on the situation of the Patriarch, Adam. He also explored the literary output of the New Environmentalists. Collins drew strong parallels between the two sources.

Master Tyral Collins said:
Adam couldn't keep the Lord's Garden, and was expelled. We had better keep His Pond. - Racing the Rain

Collins reported to Unity as a nominee of the Cuban government, which first issued Merrimack a Letter of Marque in 2051. With Tonkin Vraal, Collins was the chief theorist behind the emerging Harmonist creed of the Nautilus Pirates--lipstick on the more atavistic violence perpetrated by faction leader Ulrik Svensgaard.

Battleship is "Marshal Zhukov Class Modern Battleship - Studio Renders" by Jamison Cunningham on ArtStation.

Tyral Collins is Travis Fimmel in Raised by Wolves .

May 14, 2023 at 9:13 AM #203
Expedition Leader John Moraine said:
Rest is for the Lord, not His creations. - Chronicles


Name: John Moraine
Rank: Warrant Officer
Position: Xenohydrologist
Assignment: Aquatic Operations Divison
Country of Origin: Mobile Experimental Deep Foraging Object 4 (MEDFOR)
DOB: 02-17-2028
Height: 181.9 cm
Weight: 80.4 kg

Service Record:
Vault-born. (Released, age two.) Child of American parents, both seismologists affiliated with Dr. Emyr Flinting Oceanographic Laboratory. Raised aboard a roving research platform operating on the ocean floor. Early education by Interlink Correspondence.

Raised as a First Conversant. Taught that mankind has a positive obligation, documented in the Book of Genesis , to find and study all God's creations, animal, vegetable, and mineral, and the cosmic rules (physical laws) that govern them. Followers of this sect chose professions that fitted them to participate in oceanic and space exploration, leading to over-representation among crew of U.N.S. Unity .

Graduated U.S. Naval Academy, Annapolis, MD. Posted to research submarine U.S.S. Lantern Fish as diving superintendent. Accumulated significant experience with very-deep sea dive rescue and ship's husbandry. Participated in Ballingwrath Expedition to study mud volcano located in Puerto Rico Trench. Recommended against construction of the Sea Base Echo habitat near same location. Testified before Congress when habitat dome cracked from structural overloading. Afterward, regarded as protégé of Congressman Jabez O'Comry.

Organized collection of ice cores from above Arctic Circle while Lantern Fish provided ship-to-shore power for City of Anchorage from 2060-62. Reassigned to U.N. Mission to Alpha Centauri by American National Selection Commission in 2065 on O'Comry's recommendation. Assisted in final review and approval of mission emergency management protocols.

Taken from cold sleep during Unity Crisis on the orders of Psych Chaplain Miriam Godwinson. Assisted her entourage to make safe progress from hab bays to landing pods. Tactical leader during skirmishing with charter colonists from CNR Corporation, a subsidiary of Struan's Pacific Training Company. Persuaded Godwinson to include watercraft among the faction's take of expedition supplies. Singled out for special recognition by Godwinson at Great Convocation to acknowledge his "coolness under pressure," but forced into exile the following year by faction elders who accused subject of poor judgement (the boats were taken in lieu of additional seed, fertilizer, or foodstuffs).

At subject's own request, dispatched on long-range overland reconnaissance. (Elders had lobbied for subject to be placed in command of raids on neighboring settlements, which were expected to suffer very high casualty rates.)


In a hollow chamber below Chip Rock Pass, John Moraine observes a planet pearl governed by physical forces unknown to human science.


First Conversants were often compared to Hunters of Chiron. The former's "spinner" colonies were made up of those who wished to conduct geological and archaeological inquiry at Sunny Mesa. It was a violent existence: Hivemen were constantly tunnel through the interiors the rock formations to destabilize the Believers' habitats and pursuing anyone who came down to ground level.

The bridge structures were mosaics of innovation, from turbines placed to harness the canyons' wind tunnel effects to the sloped roofs that prevented accumulation of standing rainwater and siphons that diverted it to cliffside gardens.

First Conversants had much in common with the University of Planet. Moraine shared Academician Zakharov's belief that knowledge was the toolbox in which the solution to every one of Mankind's problems could be found. Yet if Zakharov wanted to engage in what Miriam called "petty creation" of his own, Moraine stopped short of that. Adam was not to add robots to the litany of fish and birds, cattle and wild animals. And as the University cloistered itself away from the physical world of contaminants and turned over ever more of its problems to machine intelligence, First Conversants learned by moving through Creation physically and experiencing its wonders firsthand.

Psych Profile: Adventurer
Classified as "soft" believer by Federal Bureau of Investigation--one whose convictions do not have immediate political implications for duly-constituted government or authority. U.S. Navy personnel record contains no contraindications.

Parents selected for participation in Vault Program by U.S. Army as part of Project: Aftermath, an attempt to cache millions of carefully-vetted soldiers and civilians who could reemerge from hibernation to rebuild the United States following a nuclear winter. Vault was re-opened early due to mechanical problems.

Very high physical fitness and mental resilience; .91 score on Atherholt Trauma Function Test. Long exposure to vault and submarine environments makes it highly likely that subject will thrive in high-density living conditions.

Veteran of numerous actual emergencies aboard MEDFOUR. Close attention to detail and safety matters.

Apparent aversion to violence except in clear cases of self-defense.

Moraine is Robert Patrick from Last Resort .

The concept behind First Conversants is from David Brin's Earth . Credit to MysticWind for bringing it to my attention.

Vault Program is from Fallout universe lore.

Picture of the planet pearl is "The Black Pearl" by ATArts on DeviantArt.

"Spinner" colony picture is "Wind Turbine Bridge Colony" by ATArts on DeviantArt.

May 15, 2023 at 5:50 PM #205
Chairman Sheng-ji Yang said:
The architect has much to teach the overseer, for what is more ruthless than a human colony? - Centauri Reflections


The Castle Spires were impervious to the best tricks of the Shapers of Chiron. Bitter losses had taught the Believers to site all new settlements well above maximum flood levels. That these two factions--Conclave and Shapers--should become such bitter enemies was not an obvious consequence of their respective politics. Psych Chaplain and Terraformer were just three years apart in age, both ascetic, both prone to fits of melancholy. In Planet they shared a mutual adversary, wanting nothing but that it should cease to be an encumbrance to them. Guilt was second-nature to them--the kind that only a survivor can experience. What caused them to quarrel was more elemental than any idea. It was water, cool and clear.

Barnacle cities were studies in economy. Miriam's used ground source heat pumps to moderate temperatures in a land of extremes. Vanes in the base superstructure harvested the abundant static electricity.


Desperate lieutenants suggested that the Lady Skye should take instruction from the subrid, which carried its home on its back. Cracks and fissures within the creatures' shells, which on a large specimen might be five meters across, were known to host miniature ecosystems similar to bottle gardens when plugged with organic matter.

Skye called them blasphemers and refused to build an industrial base capable of construction on the scales required to flatter such notions.


A simple tower--height--could mean the difference between the life and death for an isolated settlement. This Pilgrim roundhouse is twice blessed.

The tall tree standing beside the water tower is a carniverous Bildant. Hollows within the trunk lure nesting prey, which in turn are overcome by digestive chemicals secreted from the phloem. Also harmful to humans, the trees were tolerated and even cultivated because their greedy root systems created hostile conditions for the spread of xenofungus.

First image is "Hidden Desert Cities on Alien World" by lestrium on DeviantArt.

Second image is "Arcology Walker" by theNo7er on DeviantArt.

Third image is "The Farm" by Abiogenisis on DeviantArt.

May 17, 2023 at 6:14 PM #206
Lady Deirdre Skye said:
Living systems cannot be fully described in mathematical terms. Successful examples have a value greater than the sum of their individual parts. - A Comparative Biology of Planet


Morley Towers, like this example in the Memorialist base of Neu Union, were early engines for mass conversion. They were named not for their inventor, a forever-anonymous Shaper engineer, but for a brand of British cigarette.

The noise was deafening. The waste output, highly carcinogenic. Ominous thunderheads formed above any productive stack, from which violent electrical storms always followed. Mindworms were never far behind. Yet for factions that lacked access to resources of a higher grade, Morleys were a favorite addiction.


University engineers cannibalized and refashioned larger terraforming machinery into multiple smaller vehicles, sacrificing speed and efficiency at a single task to be able to colonize with greater scope and depth.

University programmers developed the computer code for Autonomous Herd Intelligence through trial and error with groups like the one formed by these surveyor rigs.

Aleigha Cohen said:
On the frontiers of science, we should wish for audacity more than for brilliance. - A World Upside Down


Destruction being a coarser art, the code behind the Vulcan Vivonics Brawny Man sentry was a study in eloquence--just 77,000,000 lines on a spool approximately half the size of a Frigidaire.

First image is "Terraforming Station" by Matthew Burke on ArtStation.

Morley cigarettes are a prop brand used in movies and television. They were the preferred choice of the Cigarette Smoking Man on X-Files.

Second image is "Snow scape robotic machines" by AIFLOWART on DeviantArt.

Third image is "Concept art AI generated" by AIFLOWART on DeviantArt.
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May 18, 2023 at 7:05 PM #213
Director Tamineh Pahlavi said:
The most virulent disease is failure. - Homo Sapien Superior


I offer a draft map of the world in November 2071 as U.N.S. Unity set out for the Alpha Centauri star system.

Flooding affected every continent, so we shall focus our discussion on the other eccentricities.

The new island clusters are artificial. The largest of these, Shamash, can be found in the Southern Indian Ocean, roughly equidistant between Australia and Madagascar. That name, Hebrew for "servant," was used again on Chiron.

In North America, Quebec gained independence in the mid-twenty-first century. A determined Francophone separatist movement timed their terror campaign to coincide with hypersurvivalist revolts in both the United States and Canada and catastrophic flooding in the U.K. Both the Soviets and the French provided material assistance, to include combat advisers, while the United Nations ran diplomatic interference. NATO dared not deplete local forces in Europe. Canada was reduced to accepting military assistance from the likes of the Southern African Treaty Organization. Hawaii is independent, probably a fluke of presidential politics.

In South America, traditional regional hegemons--Colombia, Portuguese Brazil, Argentina--were laid low by flooding. Bolivia used the opportunity to expand at the expense of traditional enemies Paraguay and (Spanish) Peru. Madrid underwrote its colonial war effort by outsourcing defense of the Viceroyalty to Morgan Industries. Their asking price: practical control over a tract of resource-rich territory larger than Uruguay. Note the Republic of Rio Grande Del Sol, a remnant of the Triple Alliance War and Paraguayan hegemony during the late nineteenth century. Argentina continued to seek continental greatness after its defeat in the Falklands in 1983, falling in with the French while the Americans chose Bolivia and the Chileans leaned into a British alliance.

Europe's borders were more changed by water than by man. Sweden and Finland came together in self-defense during the protracted violence of the Russian Revolution. Acting from similar motivations, Norway joined them in 1951. Greece managed to achieve much of the Megáli Idéa in the 1920s, opening a bitter feud with Turkey that spiraled into violence several times thereafter. France held onto Algeria and Lebanon as colonial dependencies. Along with Israel and Turkey, these enjoyed an honorary status as members of the European community.

The Soviets occupied a remnant of North Korea in 1951 and Afghanistan from the 1970s, propping up an unpopular regime opposed by neighbors Iran and Pakistan. In 2017, Soviet tanks rumbled forth into Xinjiang.

African independence remained an elusive dream as of 2071. White settlers still ruled in Algiers, Nairobi, Luanda, Lourenço Marques, Salisbury, and Pretoria. A decade after their shared centennial, Katanga and South Kivu were kept afloat by Belgian mining interests. The Soviets made inroads in humiliated Nigeria and embattled Ethiopia. Sudan hewed to the Americans, South Sudan and Biafra to the Israelis. Morgan Industries toppled Chad and made a muddle of the Sahara during the Burst Wars of the mid-twenty-second century. Rwanda fed happily off the carcass of Congo, too big to succeed. U.N. interventions there and in Darfur and Somalia achieved semi-permanence around 2050.

In the Middle East, Israel won a series of wars beginning with the conquest of Sinai in 1956, later going on to smash the Hashemites and the Syrians in Lebanon. Iran runs the table to the east.

India and Pakistan committed mutual suicide. Their populations moved north into Kashmir and the Himalayan foothills or south into the Indian Ocean Exclusion Zone.

The British held on in Burma and Singapore, and the French in Indochina but for North Vietnam. The Dutch held West New Guinea, dividing the island with the Australians.

China reunited under the Golden Emperor, but the British used the moment to renegotiate their lease on Hong Kong.

On Shamash, Shiloh is presented in tangerine, Gathi in periwinkle. By 2071, they were united in federation. Nod, always independent, is seen in honeydew.

Map is based on a template I found on The Frontier, a website that went defunct in 2017. Original artist unknown. Global warming impacts are sketched from "Q-BAM Base Map Sea Level Rise 100m" by Metallist-99 on DeviantArt.

This version of Quebec separatism is based on that found in Cold War Hot , Peter G. Tsouras, ed.

For more on Greece and the Megáli Idéa , see this article on the Avalanche Press website.
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May 20, 2023 at 7:29 AM #216
Chairman Sheng-ji Yang said:
Planet is a machine, like a tractor or a human body. More complicated, yes, than the examples with which we are generally familiar, but equally as predictable once disassembled. - Essays on Mind and Matter


Hive engineers supervise the work of a radio-controlled parasite excavator as they break ground on a new Hab Warren. Once the new stem tunnel is braced, the excavator will be sent back "up-dig" to its parent rig and subsequent work will continue by hand.


Mid-century budget pressures compelled the U.N. to radically rethink its plans for the Unity mission. Transit fees from the Earth to the Unity hull came to account for 80% of cost-per-unit of cargo delivered, squeezing out considerations of quality control, performance, and interoperability in the acquisition process. U.N. logistics operations competed for payload with millions of emigrants fleeing steep declines in the quality of life on Earth, military satellite launches, and cargoes destined for lucrative commercial operations elsewhere in the solar system (all made possible by simultaneous technical improvements in the nuclear-pulse propulsion method). National governments fortunate enough to possess space elevators knew the U.N.'s desperation to bring the Unity Mission to fruition and charged accordingly.

This product of the Minsk Wheeled Tractor Plant started life as a ballistic missile transporter. In 2061, the Minoboron (Soviet Ministry of Defense) sold a lot of 1,200 vehicles to Frost-Wellerman Combat Products, which added mission packages at the Naval Weapons Industrial Reserve Site, Atlantic City, New Jersey. Morgan Efficiencies auditors certified the final products good, but representatives of Oscar van de Graaf were considerably more skeptical, documenting a range of issues that included excessive engine wear, leaky hydraulics, inoperable stabilizers (an issue affecting an estimated 52% of the fleet), removal of the armored shutters, and insufficient noise baffling for the tillerman/operator's cabin. As a condition of the mogul's charter, a Van de Graaf front company, Mount Ascutney Enterprises, financed many improvements recommended by van de Graaf's consultants.

This example, plundered by the Spartans and captured the Human Tribe at Xerxion, carried an ultra-high wattage laser, and was doubtless partly responsible for the construction of that mighty fortress.


An American M1A5 Mattis Main Battle Tank of the re-actived 40th Armored Division (California Army National Guard) shepherds a mobile gantry vehicle during evacuation of the Hunters Point Naval Shipyard in the San Francisco Bay Area. The towers and booms carried by these vehicles assisted with routine yard work.

At first a rarity on Planet, mobile gantries enjoyed temporary popularity whenever factions disassembled
Unity wreckage. In M.Y. 30, Hive Security used one such rig to exfiltrate from a tunnel dug beneath the University desert botanical testing station at Ferghana Wells, capturing the base and its prized greenhouses just ahead of the fall harvest.


"Pickers" were another unpopular "consolation prize" of late access to Unity equipment stocks. In an act of creative accounting, the U.N. transferred hundreds to Unity from the Indus Valley Radiological Exclusion Zone (IVREZ) where they had worked salvage recovery missions, as seen here. Note the much smaller parasite hauler at bottom left. A member of the ground crew is preparing charging umbilicals from the mothership. According to U.N. sources, it was expected that the Pickers would be disassembled for parts, which is the probable fate of most of the examples recovered from Unity or its Supply Pods.

The distinctive features of a U.N.-supplied Picker included very high ground clearance; very high engine torque; thick environmental shielding, including total nuclear, biological, and radiological protection; and armor plate capable of defeating mines, projectiles of less than 20mm, and rocket-propelled grenades--a necessity to overcome trouble from raiders active in the IVREZ.

To the extent that they were retained in their original configuration by the
Unity settlers rather than being stripped for their armor and other components, "pickers" performed as effective minesweepers, equipment recovery vehicles, and rescue platforms, both for classical emergencies and during mindworm encounters. At Terra Nova, the Pilgrims converted one of their pickers to respond to emergencies at outlying settlements. Ironically, that vehicle did double-duty as both fire (water) pumper and flamethrower tractor. The Spartans, who fielded a relatively large number of combat rovers, used three as mobile workshops assigned to a reserve column.

As lesser-valued vehicles, Pickers were sometimes converted to combat roles when there were no better options. Thus the Human Tribe exploited a Picker to smash through the cargo-box perimeter wall of Cibola 7, a Pilgrim mining base, for which it deployed its articulated grasping arm. The responsible commander, a Captain Harcourt Cahill, gave a favorable report to faction stakeholders; the Picker had demonstrated "total imperviousness" to the defenders' arsenal, which had included various anti-material weapons.

First image is "Moon mining AI concept art version 2 of 3" by AIFLOWART on DeviantArt.

Second image is "Superheavy Transport Concept" by MikeDoscher on DeviantArt.

Third image is "The Last Holdouts" by MikeDoscher on DeviantArt.

Desert botanical testing stations were a feature of the Imperial occupation of the desert planet Arrakis in Frank Herbert's Dune .

Fourth image is "Salvage Operation" by MikeDoscher on DeviantArt.

May 21, 2023 at 4:41 PM #219

Popular artist Frank Tinsley painted this archetypal nuclear-powered airship in 1955 as the United States government explored civilian and commercial applications for its premier wartime technology.

The strongest argument for civilian nuclear energy was its abundance. Range would become a function of maintenance, not fuel capacity. Power-to-weigh ratios would become quickly meaningless. The RAND Corporation drew up concept papers calling for mobile fortresses with guns and armor enough to secure the republic on land, at sea, and in the air, but still amazingly fast.

Nuclear power was also synonymous with cleanliness and efficiency. Nuclear reactors did not belch forth smoke or fly ash. Spent fuel could simply be recycled.


Battleship U.S.S. Missouri hosted the formal surrender of the Japanese Empire in Tokyo Bay. Converted to a commando carrier in 1982 based on the British experience in the Falklands, Missouri was attached to the Fifth Fleet, covering the Persian Gulf and the Indian Ocean Exclusion Zone.

Though not herself nuclear-powered--she carried only small-scale atomic batteries for point-defense laser emitters--
Missouri suffered from the misapprehensions of a generation of American naval leadership taught to believe in the near-invincibility of large fighting platforms.

Fearsome pedigree and vestigial 16" turrets aside, post-conversion
Missouri was no longer intended to fill the role of combatant. Instead, its complement of helicopters and landing ships would ferry U.S. Marines ashore to stiffen the spines of allied militaries facing down Soviet-backed insurgencies.

The proud ship, an icon of the United States Navy, ended life as a burning hulk after being recalled to home waters during the last hard fighting of the Second American Civil War, a mission kill for land-based missiles fired by the Tennessee State Guard units defending Memphis. (A post-war inquiry by the Navy suggested that state forces lacked the sophistication to fuse their missile warheads for the very short ranges of riverine combat, leading to speculation that Morgan Tactical Services hatched and enabled the battle plan.)

Escorts avenged themselves promptly upon the city but left the wreck of
Missouri behind when they steamed upriver toward St. Louis.


[Political scientists coined the term "consequence stratification" to describe the strong bifurcation of civilian attitudes regarding nuclear power. The United States government actively suppressed information about the effects of radiological contamination until 1962 while a string of Supreme Court cases provided broad indemnities to companies operating in partnership with the Atoms for Peace Program. French and Soviet leaders went as far as assassination to protect their preferred power source.

Proponents of the "Nuclear Future" included the large atomic bureaucracies; academia (which derived huge prestige and funding from playing its indispensable part in the safe implementation of the new power source); corporations active in the nuclear energy marketplace, especially defense manufacturers, power utilities, and mining companies; the wealthy consumers of nuclear-powered products; and, of course, militaries. Later, these were joined by the computer industry, which proposed their machines as the ultimate guarantees of nuclear safety.

Use of nuclear power for rapid air and space travel complicated attempts to back off the technology once safety issues took hold in the public consciousness, even after the sharp spike in accidents worldwide beginning in the 1980s.

Macabre results of this new Nuclear Age included government-run vaults where tens of thousands of persons with degenerative nuclear sickness were placed in indefinite cryogenic hibernation pending the discovery of effective medicines to reverse or halt their disease.

"Atoms for Peace" airship image can be accessed from Google Arts & Culture .

Missourri conversion is "Iowa Commando Ship Conversion" by Tzoli on DeviantArt.

For nuclear-powered plane, see Dark Roasted Blend .

Vault programs are a central concept in the Fallout universe of computer games conceived and published by a string of companies including Interplay Entertainment, Black Isle Studios, Bethesda Game Studios, and Obsidian Entertainment.

May 23, 2023 at 4:28 PM #223

Old Number Seven tilled fields in the Horai Valley for eight long years, more than twice the standard lifetime for a 'Former on Chiron. Overwork and spoiling attacks by other factions led to constant breakdowns.

Between modification and repair, the individual 'Former was a gradually remade into a temperamental work of art uniquely suited for its particular service territory.

The Brethren responsible for "Old Number Seven" added supernumerary tyres to better distribute weight and mitigate the risk of roll-over. An armored skirt sealed lower levels against infiltrators. (Authorized crew boarded from a gantry.) Provided ground conditions were favorable, spine-mounted blowers would wreath Number Seven in dust whenever enemy spotting rounds fell too near. Once shrouded, work would continue using the spotting lamps rigged to the castle.


SPAR Security Devices Defensive Pistol, engineered to United Nations Security Forces specifications. The most common firearm aboard Unity . This low-velocity handgun was issued to supervisors as part of their personal kit, to be retained in the lock-boxes at the foot of their cryobeds and worn holstered at the hip.

Various noteworthy design features are apparent in this image, including: (A) molded comfort grip; (B) low-profile, pressure-sensitive trigger plate (highly prone to malfunction), (C) charging plunger (to be depressed whenever a new cap was loaded into the rear port), and (D) muzzle break.

To Psych Chaplain Miriam Godwinson, the shredder pistol was a "terror device borne straight from somebody's nightmare--an insult to us all." Chief of Security Rachael Winzenried defended them as a "last resort" in case of mutiny. Furious higher-ups demanded to know why she had not accepted SPAR's suggestions of stun, gas, or sonic loads only to be told (correctly) that flechette rounds were more reliable.

Winzenried felt the deterrent power of such a munition would be her officers' best guarantee for the safety of themselves and others since they could not rely on numbers. Privately, U.N. higher-ups agreed. In the end, they compromised: Winzenried was allowed to take the pistols aboard with just one reload apiece, but mission security personnel received no training on the weapon. Winzenried's signature invalidated the draft Standard Operating Procedure that described how they would be used.


"Safety over water," one of the better-known axioms of Planet. Storms were preferable to mind worms and Spartans. The Nautilus Pirates were glad to protect sea bases from New State retaliation provided accounts were not in arrears.

The number of inhabitants of such places always exceeded the number of available jobs in maritime industries, and anyone not so gainfully employed could earn credits processing code on the Planetary Datalinks.

Bad code--millions of lines worth--was introduced to the
Unity Datacore during Planetfall, either by hostile actors connecting through slaved terminals or the many competing "defenders" of system integrity mobilized by Data Services Section Chief Sathieu Metrion. The Tomorrow Institute democratized the repair work in one of the first Special Projects shared between factions.

"Old Number Seven" is "Harvester" by Pieere-E. FIESCHI on ArtStation.

Shredder pistols are Phased Plasma Guns ("PPGs") from Babylon 5 . The image I used was found on a Pinterest post by Mark Martinez .

Third picture is "Cliguari's Drop" by sleepcircle on DeviantArt.

May 25, 2023 at 7:04 PM #227

What better can be said of Corazón Santiago than that she is hopelessly naive? Was it not inevitable that the Holnists would defy her control, those miscreants infamous for fragging their own leaders? The Holnist was a parasite unable to resist killing his host. Canny Statist commanders operating in tandem with Holnist irregulars soon learned to post guards whenever they occupied any territory they intended on keeping, lest the militias perpetrate casual atrocities on the people recently liberated. But Santiago was not the first to pay them court in hopes they would excel themselves given a worthy cause. Still smarting over the fate of her sisters, she could not conceive that a person could love only themselves.

Santiago is also, of course, a remarkable figure. Out of consideration for her childhood traumas, we might forgive the alienation from authority that made her a fertile convert to the Survivalist cause. It is surely to her credit that she should have acquired an education in spite of her poverty and rootlessness. Her leadership qualities, including a knack for compromise, are well enough attested by enemies, let alone by her friends. And who else is a more legitimate voice for the miserable Left-Behinds? Unity had a long way to fall--from humanity's greatest expression of itself to a grotesque indictment of liberal internationalism. Is this what the visionaries of the 2010s had in mind? That the ship's berths should be filled with billionaires and their future servants?

Yet something critical is missing from the Spartan equation on Chiron. Santiago's Earthside exploits were performed in the alleged interest of marginalized peoples who could not or would not fight for themselves, and there is no reason to presume her intentions false. But on Chiron, there are no peaceful or indisputably victimized civilians whose part the Spartans can take. And so the Colonel is a fish out of water, and her true believers, an army without a nation, play-acting as soldiers. She yearns for something more noble.


The Tribe has always been one of my favorite factions. The beauty of Kellerites is that they're such effective Boogeymen. Oscar van de Graaf has to assume they're gunning for him. Santiago, too. Nobody is very sure what goes on behind those high walls. To Zakharov, the Kellerites are death cultists that have turned their backs in ignorance on the science that could save them. Pravin Lal can't overlook the fact that the Kellerites contributed to the destruction of Unity . Miriam will have a hard time convincing her followers that the Kellerites are not Satanists.

The Kellerites are explicitly insular. Their leader, Pete Landers, has no particular interest in the other factions except as objects for the taking of vengeance. Nobody weened on exaggerations of Kellerite deviance would be likely to give his emissaries the time of day, even were he inclined to send some. And Landers speaks through the barrel of a gun, not the mouth of a diplomat.

Landers's conversion to the Kellerite cause was an honest one. For an impressionable youth, the kindness of the Tribals was a profound lure, a debt he attempts to repay with the only coin he has to give: the tactical genius that made him a fast sergeant in the U.S. Army. The Kellerites' running feud with the other factions is fueled by a sour combination of offensive realism and simmering resentment.

The Tribals are the smallest faction by population size--just a few hundred people. They took almost no captives and attracted almost no hangers-on during their sweep toward the exits. Befitting their homogeneity, they have exceptional cohesion--after all, each one was hand-picked by Keller and his lieutenants because they could offer something as a stowaway.

Kellerites are fierce fighters, especially on the defensive, but they're constitutionally wedded to inefficiency as ardent individualists whose horizons extend only as far as the stockade walls. On top of that, they are Purists, and quite possibly human cultists (to borrow from Saw Guerrera). The Ascendancy rejects androids because biological organisms are supposedly superior where it counts. The Hunters avoid them so as not to become addicted to easy living. But the Tribals don't like robots because they are unfamiliar objects usually created by corporations, the same relentless entities that hunted them nearly to extinction.

I think Landers must be too self-conscious for his own good. Keller had the vision and the following. Landers was at first dependent upon his tolerance, and his leadership role is derived in no small part from Keller's personal favor. A string of military defeats would invalidate the case for his leadership role with the faction.


Miriam probably found it difficult to return to ground after her experience being cast as a messianic figure. Did she believe it herself?

Can we call her an angel of mercy? The good Sister is one of the few sympathetic figures in the retelling of the Unity Crisis. Though she soon regretted the oversight, there was little thought spared for contesting whatever the other factions were claiming as their own.

Miriam and most of her followers stop short of body modification, which they believe approaches the boundary of sacrilege. The Book of Maronicus admonishes, "Thou shalt not disfigure the soul," which members of the Conclave take to mean crossing the mind-machine barrier.

Miriam begins our story with a great deal of forbearance toward those not similarly-sentimented. Over time, the perversity of the factions toward one another and the constant stressors of survival push a minority of survivors toward a hard interpretation of Scripture that promises punishment for the Believers' enemies. It is even possible that the Believers might come to regard even fundamental violations of the U.N. Charter as a function of God's anger.

To compensate for their military weakness, the Conclave adheres to a firm neutrality. It will attempt to clothe and feed everyone it can. Conclave med-techs honor their Hippocratic oath to a fault. Conclave bases are the "Rick's Cafés Américains" of Planet, welcoming traders and spies who must escape harsher controls.

Miriam is less spymaster than trapeze artist, clumsily using whatever her counter-intelligence bureau can glean to help navigate a "middle way" through the vendettas being pursued all around her. In time, the act is too much, and she must cede more ground to a more bloody-minded set to help her rule.

Santiago is Halo: Reach concept art: Female UNSC Army Soldier from isaachannaford.com.

Gerard Butler in Angel Has Fallen is our Pete Landers.

Tilda Swanson takes a turn here at Miriam Godwinson.

"Thou shalt not disfigure the soul" is a quote from Dune by Frank Herbert.

May 26, 2023 at 7:08 PM #232
Andelko Saratov said:
They would not take me, they said, because I was a murderer. Moses murdered. Because I was a thief. Prometheus stole. Due to my implication in revolutionary activity. Since I recognized no boundaries. Did not know my place. Refused to stay silent. Lacked "proper understanding" of risk and reward. Who better to form the vanguard? - Anger in a Thousand Places


Avtoritet Ryang

Avtoritet Ryang
Rank: none
Position: none
Country of Origin: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
DOB: 4-29-2037
Height: not on file
Weight: not on file
U.N. Intelligence Cell Personal Background File
Born in Tashkent, Uzbek Soviet Socialist Republic, to ethnic Korean parents resident in U.S.S.R. since Joseon Dynasty and deported to Central Asia by Joseph Stalin. Entered Russian mafia circles during childhood. Became Vor v Zakone sometime prior to 2056. Adherents may accept no charity and must not perform honest work so long as they live. Branded an outcast by criminal compatriots for accepting conscription, violating pledge never to collaborate with government. Served three tours in Afghanistan with Soviet Airborne Forces. Frequently seconded to GRU intelligence operations.

Ascended to leadership position in Tashkent organized crime circa 2061 following assassination of top rivals. Cooperated with KGB to place underworld tails on suspected Western intelligence operatives.

Subject exploited commercial and underworld contacts in Turkey, Persia, and Golden China to arrange more than $700 billion in credit for the Soviet government during Financial Crisis of 2064, lining up more than half of all funds secured. Negotiated similar agreement with U.N. Alpha Centauri Mission in 2065 to make one-time donation of more than $1.2 trillion on behalf of the Constituent Peoples of the Soviet Socialist Republics.

Subject's criminal enterprises are most commonly linked to the sale of Soviet weapons on global markets, with significant sidelines in human trafficking. Subject's networks were especially active assisting Chinese Communist leaders and other political refugees to flee the purges of the newly-ascended Golden Emperor following regime change in Peking. Major broker of arms to SWAPO, ANC, MPLA, DERG, SFR Yugoslavia, and the United Arab Republic.

INTERPOL analysis tied the Tashkent Banda to several high-profile aerial thefts of rail-bound radiological cargoes throughout Central Asia in the early and mid-2060s, including casks of nuclear fuel and intra-continental ballistic missiles, some with atomic warheads, in northwestern Iran, Kashmir, Manchuria, and Eastern Anatolia.

Former Soviet military operatives participated in large numbers in the undeclared war of assassinations waged internationally by corporations in the final half of the twenty-first century, the Tashkent Banda included. Along with three other unidentified Russian males, subject's second-in-command, Igor Ivetchkin, was shot dead in New York City by a Gallano Crime Family hitman in 2067 who, upon arrest, was found to be carrying the business card of an in-house attorney for the Consolidated Fruit Trust.

Arrested in Leningrad, 2069 for unknown reasons. Remanded to Gulag system. Current whereabouts unknown.

U.N. Intelligence Cell assesses with high confidence that most convicts assigned by Soviet Union to Project Unity owe final allegiance to subject's organization.

During Unity Crisis, subject is known to have contacted Chief Medical Officer Pravin Lal with offer of assistance to "facilitate transit" through contested ship's spaces.


Ryang made his way to Unity's Penitentary Block as soon as he woke and distributed hand weapons just minutes before the arrival of Saber Company operators responding to a summons by Dr. Aleigha Cohen, Chief of Neurosugery. Cohen held supervisory authority over the mission's population of re-socialized convicts and was an executive with Struan's Pacific Trading Company, one of the mission's chartered expeditions. Using command overrides, she initiated lock-down procedures that prevented Ryang from obtaining reinforcements and nearly sealed off his means of escape.

From Damage Control, U.N. Security Forces leadership watched over CCTV as a firefight broke out. Ryang's people shot first amidst what looked to have been negotiations. They were enthusiastic but uncoordinated. The PMC troopers had personal ballistic protection and were quick to react. With methodical, effective fire, they forced Ryang to disengage. About half his command stayed behind to cover the retreat. Those who survived the rout were rapidly executed, but Ryang was not among them. A Saber Company squad detached to pursue the escapees was annihilated by a Claymore mine.

How Ryang made it to ground is still uncertain. He is clearly the intelligence behind the Promise-Keepers, a set of criminals that continually put themselves forward to carry out questionable actions on behalf of faction leaders, especially theft of high-value supplies and the murder of ideological dissidents. Both Prokhor Zakharov and Tamineh Pahlavi paid Promise-Keepers for test subjects. Lady Deirdre Skye recorded wrestling with what was probably a Promise-Keeper's suggestion that she sanction the killing of a rival for power late in M.Y. 2. Colonel Santiago pitched a still-living Promise-Keeper agent over the walls of Xerxion in a public repudiation of "underhanded means" during a particularly tense confrontation with Holnist malcontents, though this did not dampen rumors that she was somehow responsible for the deaths of several Hypersurvivalist warlords nominally under her banner. Morgan Industries officers openly condoned the use of Promise-Keepers for strike-breaking. The Promise-Keepers were particularly alienated from the Dreamers of Chiron, which kept a strangle-hold over the manufacture and sale of pharmaceuticals, especially narcotics, on Planet, and retained many Vory in captivity.

Psych Profile: Non-conformist
Demonstrated willingness not just to serve, but perpetuate, the Soviet system of government despite total repudiation of Soviet labor philosophy, lifelong attraction to criminality, and own personal involvement in protracted conflicts with Militsiya and Ministry of Internal Affairs. Linked to the deaths of more than 300 Soviet police and military personnel.

Simultaneous repudiation of "legitimacy" and tumultuous relationship to the Soviet state indicate that subject may struggle with self-acceptance.

Subject apparently derives pleasure from their unconventional lifestyle and feels a special fraternity with criminals that transcends politics.

Outstanding soldier with demonstrated capacity to carry out extra-legal killings.

Daniel Dae Kim in Stowaway is Avtoritet Ryang.

Second image is from The Expanse (episode Winnipesaukee).
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May 27, 2023 at 7:22 AM #234
Johann Anhaldt said:
The scientist is servant, not a leader. Old Believers understand this fundamentally. God is the greatest scientist of them all. The complex systems at work in our universe reflect His labor. And so it is with Artificial Intelligence. God created Adam, and we created AI. The ability of AI to defy human control is no more real than the power of sinners to escape God's Judgement. - Adam, His Atoms


Johann Anhaldt is interesting to me in that he represents, I feel, a perspective that was not embodied by any single faction leader in the original game. The dangers of a society managed by Artificial Intelligence are instead addressed in the flavor quotes that accompany tech progression. Any society can fall prey to it.

Were somebody to write a literary critique of this fan fiction, they might position Johann Anhaldt's earliest origins in the 2014 forum-based megagame that preceded this work. A large number of the player-designed factions in that game were looking to absorb humans into a mechanized hive mind. But I think Anhaldt doesn't really take full form except in light of David Brin's The Postman . My first thought for him was as the harried administrator of a fragment of the Unity computer core that his faction used to make all its decisions. These were going to be people so doubtful of their own capacity that they wanted to be told what to do. Except that people weren't to be trusted, so they were turning over every important decision to the great calculator. To make matters worse, only Anhaldt knew that the computer was inoperable, like Cyclops of Corvallis.

Gradually, I hung some new concepts on this same peg. I came up with a neat-sounding name, the Children of the Atom, and decided that they would have an unusual affinity for nuclear power, although it didn't fit with any other aspect of their identity. This was OK. I thought the Nautilus Pirates of the Crossfire expansion committed a worse sin, having a neat gimmick without a coherent ideology to go along with it, however good or bad a fit.

Digging down to a deeper layer of detail, it's possible that Anhaldt thinks nuclear power is a game-changer on par with AI. Could he believe we are outrunning both an energy and a problem-solving choke point in our world-historical development, necessitating that we embrace both advances immediately?

Anhaldt is a deliberate mirror to Zakharov, insisting that traditional social values should be placed ahead of technocratic ones. In Zakharov's view, society should "follow the science" to a self-evidently better tomorrow, while in Anhaldt's, science should be led by the needs and preferences of its human masters. Zakharov is in the vanguard; Anhaldt is a servant.

To be sure, both men worked hard to "sell" their science to a skeptical populace. Anhaldt was much better at it, mostly because he finds it less necessary to belittle others.

In his first appearance in this essay, Anhaldt is given the appellation Mediator , whereas I later experimented with Programmer . His title is currently Plotter, indicating that he is a mere functionary of whatever machine is generating output in his capital, Colonia Secundus, today.

The Children sell their services as a latter-day oracle, harnessing the unprecedented computing power at their disposal to solve complex problems on behalf of other factions. We can assume these problems relate to the mapping of the prediction of the weather, mindworm activity, and diplomatic or combat results.

Anhaldt has ties to the American Reclamation Corporation as well as Comprehensive Transport, an American mega-corporation that holds the franchise on supply runs to the Outer Planets. In his faction leader profile, I detail a history of serving as an advocate for atomic energy that gives him perhaps too much the same flavor as Zakharov.

I've never fully fleshed out Anhaldt's value system, so let's try to do that right here.

What is the fundamental truth of the universe? Humanity finally produced an intellect superior to itself. It would be an act of mass suicide were we to try to organize our affairs without it.

Why did civilization on Earth fail? Our civilization generated problems that humans themselves could no longer solve.

What is needed for the survival of our species on Chiron? To harness the full potential of artificial intelligence.

These answers are accurate, but it becomes difficult to part Anhaldt from Zakharov. That could be inevitable as one makes more factions.

Maybe Anhaldt feels that scientists like Zakharov misled humanity. Whereas Zakharov lays the blame for Earth's misery on popular resistance to science, Anhaldt might throw that back in his face: experts tried too hard to deny "regular people" the right to make their own choices. This is rich, of course, coming from someone who earned the reputation of paid shill for the Axis Atomical Corporation, but it's true to the kind of person we known Zakharov is. With the slight change of Anhaldt's answer to question #2, "People were asked to follow science rather than to guide it," his answer to #3 takes on a new light. Would Anhaldt say he is still the master of his own fate because he chooses to trust in machines, whereas Zakharov is the blind follower?

I feel as if there has always been this idea in the story that the computer outran Anhaldt, but there could be some value to creating a character that is constitutionally unable to arrive at that conclusion. Someone who thinks the child, though he can perhaps be of very great service to the father in his great age, could never exceed him.

James Cromwell is Dr. Johann Anhaldt. The still is from Succession .

May 28, 2023 at 11:47 AM #237
National Profile: Union of Soviet Socialist Republics (U.S.S.R.)


The Soviet legacy was a complicated one for Mission Survivors. To Americans, Anglophone Canadians, a majority of Britons and Eastern Europeans, the Portuguese, African whites, the Iranian elite, Bolivians, Yugoslavs, Afghans, Greeks, Filipinos, Australians, and about half of Scandinavians, Soviet Communism was best described by President Ronald Reagan: "Life as it could be, not as it should be, Mr. Ustinov."

There was truth, of course, to these concerns. Soviet citizens were the property of the state. There were no freedom of the press, no freedom of movement, and only a sad simulacrum of free enterprise beginning in the 1980s. Particulars prohibitions might change at the margins, allowing for self-expression or retroactive critique of past leadership, but the labor camps were once again full in 1980 and remained that way until the 2020s. There were a dozen Soviet satellite states, and little effort wasted on pretending that orders were not passed down daily from Moscow. East Germany, Poland, Czechoslovakia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Mongolia, Qwin, and Koryo were only rarely out-of-step with the Soviet march. The special plight of the Afghan peoples, driven from their homes, their children maimed by landmines, was rarely out of the American press.

Yet the Soviet Union was indisputably a superpower. Russian standards of living rose sharply during the later half of the twentieth century, especially in the largest cities. By 1980, the average lifespan of a Soviet citizen was seventy years--up from forty in 1917. Soviet education produced world-class physicists, chemists, biologists, mathematicians, engineers, geologists, and computer scientists. The Soviets led the way into space and achieved numerous firsts: first orbital launch vehicle (1957), first satellite in orbit (1957), first person in space (1961), and first person on the Moon (1969). Other Soviet inventions included the programmable computer (1950), the nuclear power plant (at Obninsk in 1954), the hologram (1962), and the personal computer (1965). Soviet medicine was known to be well advanced in the areas of aerosol vaccination, organ transplant, and the humane treatment of psychiatric conditions. The Soviet navy actively participated in arctic and antarctic research. Aeroflot operated the world's largest fleet of commercial supersonic passenger aircraft and, from 1982, carried all space traffic sunward and back by special agreement with the United Nations, over the strenuous objection of Comprehensive Transport and the United States of America. In 1994, the U.N. adopted Soviet principles of construction for mid-ocean rigs as a global standard. Soviet automobiles and farm machinery were ubiquitous features of modernity in Second and Third World countries. Soviet assistance was indispensable to infrastructure megaprojects like Egypt's Aswan Dam, Cuba's Juragua Nuclear Power Plant, the Sunda Strait Bridge, Ethiopia's Renaissance Dam, reconstruction of the former Dutch space elevator at Jakarta, and the Lake Baikal Diversion that watered most of northern Mongolia.


The Soviet moon landing of June 26, 1969.

Among Arabs, Frenchmen, almost half of West Germans, for an overwhelming number of Africans, and in India, "the Russians" were treated with hopeful caution. Anyone not warm in the American embrace or held fast beneath a European thumb could rest assured that the Soviets would take an interest. They would listen. Advocate in the world's great multilateral forums. Remonstrate, perhaps, with the Americans or the Europeans. And when the time came, the Soviets would live up to their words--with generous subsidies of arms and men. The French, the Indians, and to a lesser extent the free Baltic states, learned to play the Soviets at their own game. "The French Proxy" entered Western lexicon as any vote or initiative in the U.N. out of character for the caster but advantageous to Russia. It was an open secret that French and Indian firms resold Western technology to the Soviet Union, especially electronics. Embarrassed by the politics of the decades-long Afghan debacle, the Soviets touted instead their popularity in Xinjiang, where they were greeted as liberators by the oppressed Uyghur majority in 2017. Strong Soviet allies included Cuba (before 2050), Ethiopia, Nigeria, North Vietnam, India, and Indonesia.


Snow falls early in East Berlin in September 2062. Traffic along the Old Wall is light.

The Soviets were active humanitarians, making the largest per-capita commitment to recovery operations in the Indus Valley Exclusion Zone among all contributing nations. Soviet hydrologists played a major role in earthquake and tsunami response in Turkey, Syria, India, Japan, Israel, Lebanon, and the IOEZ.


Soviet tractor used to string cable car line in the foothills of the Himalayas to assist with the relocation of industry from the IVEZ. Later resold to Gath for work on the Sapphire Railway, a rack-and-pinion railway used to climb the Saggrinid Mountain Range. The inheritors named their craft "Tyrannus" in a pun on popular criticisms of their king.

Western scholarship has coalesced around the idea that there have been two phases of Soviet foreign policy: a Timid Phase shaped by American boldness during the short window of its nuclear supremacy in the 1940s and early 1950s, and a Muscular Phase beginning with the Sino-Soviet Clash of 1969 that reached its maximum expression with the Christmas invasion of Afghanistan ten years later.

Soviet war planners were caught off-guard by the American escalation to atomic warfare in Korea, and it caused them to throttle back on actions that might have been considered provocative to Washington. Although the primary human costs were felt by the Chinese and North Koreans, the Soviets contented themselves with seizing a small buffer zone to protect Vladivostok before pressing Beijing to negotiate. A final accord was reached in February 1952, leaving the South Koreans in control of a mostly unified but utterly wrecked peninsula. The American public hailed the war as a great victory and wondered what else the Bomb could do for them, seemingly oblivious to the fact that Korean recovery cost them more in blood and treasure over the next twenty years than Korean defense had in less than three. Just two years later, the Americans let the French use four small atomic bombs in Indochina, underlining the mortal danger to any power that could not reply in kind.

Soviet leadership was spooked. Huge new investments were made hardening the U.S.S.R.'s strategic rocket forces and increasing both rail-based launch systems and ultra-long-range bombers. Despite local superiority of conventional and nuclear forces in Europe by 1960, the Soviets remained concerned about American unpredictability. When the Americans agreed to remove PGM-19 Jupiter missiles from Turkey in return for removal of Soviet missiles in Cuba in October 1962, the Politburo felt the two powers had come to something of an informal understanding--a tit-for-tat relationship in which saber-rattling had no place. They tried diplomacy instead, toning down their bellicosity almost to the point of obsequiousness, even ceasing material support for independence movements working against the French, hoping to widen the growing rift between the United States and its European allies over the Suez Crisis. The strategy paid some dividends in 1966 when the French withdrew entirely from the North Atlantic Treaty Organization, although critics charged that the Soviets had missed huge opportunities to influence the direction of post-liberation politics in Africa. The wooing of France became a blueprint for future Soviet adjustments of the international order. (Similar overtures to Portugal were less successful, and the Soviets persisted in supporting both the MPLA and FRELIMO into the new century.) Threats of military force were more useful against those too weak to resist: a mid-decade build-up of forces on the Finnish border dissuaded the new Scandinavian Union from affiliating with NATO altogether, and wrong-footed the Dutch in Indonesia, eventually dooming their attempts to preserve a colony there.

Then came disaster. For most of 1969, the Soviet Union and China were at war in northern Manchuria. From that point forward, Soviet attentions shifted decisively eastward. The Fulda Gap remained a convenient political pressure point, and Moscow continued to recognize the United States as its primary competitor for global influence, but Soviet forces expected, and prepared, to fight against a numerically superior enemy on a front spanning more than 5,000km. China was the more urgent threat. By 1974, growing desperate, the Soviets added a new tool to their arsenal: the All-Union Science Production Association Biopreparat, which would give rise to the world's largest and most dangerous bio-warfare program.

Soviet space efforts, code-named "Firebird," meanwhile lost ground during the 1970s as the geopolitical storm clouds gathered. To compensate, the Soviets tried sabotage. There were several clashes between American and Soviet moon men. Each side accused the other of provocation, but the Soviets got the better of most of the fights, which later records confirmed were pursued at Moscow's instigation. It did little good. The U.S. Marines were authorized to add 2,000 "space commandos" to their ranks. In 1980, the Americans built the first permanent colony on the Moon, taking back the initiative in the Space Race. The U.S.S. Orion , a space-borne warship, went up that same banner year and finished trials in '85. The new American president, Ronald Reagan, terrified the Politburo, and they readily believed his assurances to the world media that Orion could shoot down ICBMs in-flight.

Enter new Soviet Premier Marat Barrikad, who had spent time in the United States and thought himself a keener judge of the American psyche than most of his contemporaries. Barrikad believed that as American military superiority increased relative to the Soviet war machine, a countervailing soothing effect would result. They would come to see themselves as invulnerable, and the Soviets as an unworthy opponent who no longer demanded a forceful response. Democratic Party opponents were already criticizing Reagan as a cowboy, and even fellow Republicans worried over the runaway costs of his defense build-up. This gave the Soviets options. Barrikad dialed up support for liberation movements in Southern Africa, where white minority governments and colonial regimes were fighting a rear-guard action against Western public opinion. Soviet infusions of money, advisers, and equipment were carried out through Cuban, Yugoslav, and East German clients, and timed for peaks in the cycles of mutual alienation between Portugal and the State Department.

With nuclear power flowing freely in the United States, Barrikad also saw his moment in the Middle East. The Soviets rebuilt the armies of the Syrian-Arab Republic and egged them on against the Israelis (an over-calculation that cost Jordan a fifth of its national territory, culminated in the 1981 assassination of Anwar Sadat, and, paradoxically, reinforced the growing American conviction that the Soviets were second-rate competitors). After learning that the Shah was sick with cancer in 1978, Barrikad accelerated support for Iraq. Reasoning that China was more afraid of the Soviets than the Soviets of China, Barrikad reopened diplomacy with Beijing, securing a long period of deescalation. He welcomed Indonesian independence as a Communist state, ignoring the ill-fated rump in Dutch New Guinea, and, in 1991, hacked Italy from NATO through support for a successful Socialist majority in that country's parliament.

The Soviet's worst blunder came in the late 1980s, when Barrikad tested American resolve by passing a low-yield nuclear warhead to the Iraqis for use against Iran. The backlash was swift and overwhelming: the Iranian military swept across Iraq's northern tier to effect the secession of Kurdistan while the Americans quickly and correctly traced the offending isotope back to its source.

While Barrikad drew down funding for subsequent Soviet moon landings and imposed delays on the country's answer to Orion (less an expression of doubt than to avoid economic overheating), he pushed for greater action in the Inner Solar System, and is usually acknowledged as the major influence responsible for the Soviet grip on activity above Mercury and Venus. These latter footholds proved to be a saving grace for the Soviet economy. When Barrikad died in 1992, he was succeeded by Mikhail Gorbachev, whose name is now synonymous with political and economic liberalization. To achieve his vision, Gorbachev forged close relations with fellow leaders in France, Italy, Turkey, and India, often cooperating on industrial and research projects to spread costs.

The twenty-first century for the U.S.S.R. was dominated by five themes: discovery and interaction with the Mercury vulcanoids, renewed conflict with China and the United States, environmental catastrophe, interference in the IOEZ, and post-liberalization criminal activity.

In 1982, Soviet probes discovered the hypothesized vulcanoid objects inside Mercury's gravity well, some of which contained new elements, including Barrikadium-109. The hard currency earned from strip-mining these asteroids in the early 2000s helped keep the Soviets afloat through the disruptive "shock therapy" of exposure to the free market under Gorbachev and the "snap back" that followed when the hardliners returned to power six years later. The Soviets did make important contributions to the settlement of Mars and the exploration of Titan but otherwise kept their focus sunwards. The Soviet space program was always bedeviled by the lack of access to a friendly space elevator, and benefited considerably after the Indonesian Revolution from the restoration of the elevator built by the Dutch at Batavia, renamed Jakarta.


Denezhnaya Kul'tura (Денежная культура) gave Soviet bureaucracy an overlay of glamor designed to impress foreign audiences more at home in New York and Tokyo.

By 2017, the Russians had reached the point of defensive alliance with India. Pakistan hastened into a similar arrangement with China, which increasingly worried about the breakdown of civil order in the nuclear blast zones created during the 1991 Six Minute War. In March 2017, the Pakistani government was facing crisis. Popular unrest in Dacca was overwhelming civil authorities. India was threatening intervention on humanitarian grounds. At the invitation of the Pakistanis, China invaded Arunachal Pradesh. The Chinese calculus was three-fold. First, the Chinese Politburo hoped to signal to India that it would not tolerate intervention in favor of Mukti Bahini guerillas in East Pakistan. Second, Chinese leaders believed the gains they would make could be traded away during subsequent negotiations for favorable concessions in northwest India. Third, Chinese leaders wanted better intelligence on the quality of the Indian Armed Forces since the nuclear holocaust. The war was a disaster for both Pakistan and China, resulting in Bangladeshi independence and the destruction of most of China's nascent blue-water navy after the sinking of two of its aircraft carriers at the hands of Indo-Soviet task forces. (Quite the feat, since both the Indian and Soviet navies suffered from very poor maintenance practices and Soviet aircraft cruiser Kremlin experienced a deadly shipboard fire just hours before the engagement that sank the Shandong .) The war ended in 2019 with a Chinese return to prewar borders and powerful Pakistani misgivings about the value of Chinese friendship that pushed them toward the waiting Americans. This was not the optimum result for Moscow, but it did at least review the instructive lesson of 1969 that Soviet arms were not to be trifled with.

The Soviet Union's greatest coup against the United States since the 1970s occurred in Quebec, where the Soviets worked closely with the French and the United Nations to gain the province's independence during the Second American Civil War. Soviet involvement was extensive: Soviet submarines delivered weapons to Felquiste terror cells and Soviet special forces helped inflict serious casualties on the NATO (mostly American and Commonwealth) forces that could be spared to help Canada's small army hunt the terrorists. The Soviets used frequent false-flag attacks to turn public opinion against Ottawa, massacring Francophone civilians and blaming Anglophone "Black Watch" militias. There is scattered evidence to indicate that Soviet troops also entered the United States to leaven state separatists and Holnist forces despite the avowed anti-Communism of those movements; many of the sub-contractors provided by Morgan Industries affiliates were Russian speakers who claimed to come from the Russian Diaspora.

The Soviet Union was an Alpha-class nation--more than ten percent of the country's landmass was claimed by rising sea levels. Only Western Europe and certain Polynesian islands suffered greater calamity. Most nations coped with the change by taking to water. The Soviets in particular preferred land or space, drawing their displaced peoples inward and building large habitats at the L[sub]1[/sub] and L[sub]2[/sub] LaGrange Points. Soviet industry was highly active in what became the badly-polluted intermingling of the Black, Aral, and Caspain Seas. The problem was made considerably worse by the prevalence of industrial disasters, especially nuclear disasters, within the country's borders, which exposed tens of millions to life-altering illness and inflicted severe losses on Soviet agriculture so that the country was often a net importer of food.

Following the example of Barrikad, later Soviet leaders maintained a large civil and military presence in the IOEZ, where training and cooperation with the Indian Navy helped create the groundwork for successful joint maneuvers during the 2017-19 war. Soviet missions were no different than those carried out by other Great Power interlopers: delivering humanitarian supplies, ferrying evacuees from the path of typhoons, suppressing pirates, and conducting diplomatic visits in support of commercial appeals. The Soviet Navy constructed various artificial islands for its own purposes, including as listening posts.

Criminal activity in the Soviet Union was known to be extensive, providing a living to an estimated eight or nine percent of Soviet citizens. Corruption was widespread due to political disaffection, especially over cronyism. Many officers sold military equipment to supplement their salaries, an acute problem among those deployed to foreign war zones. The Soviet government often used Russian organize crime as a front for intelligence operations.

The date and idea for the Russian moon landing are from the television show For All Mankind . Source for the moon landing art is unknown.

Quora user Alexander Ginnegan offers a fascinating list of Soviet scientific-technological achievements.

Picture of "East Berlin" is "777Jihad" by isleeyin on DeviantArt.

Picture of tractor is "Steam Crawler" by kceg on DeviantArt.

Picture of futuristic Moscow is "USSR 2.0" by ianllanas on DeviantArt.

The Quebec Independence War concept of false-flag attacks by a "Black Watch" unit is from Cold War Hot , ed. Peter G. Tsouras.

May 29, 2023 at 9:13 AM #238
Marty Robbins said:
No one dared to ask his business / No one dared to make a slip / The stranger there among them / Had a big iron on his hip - Datalinks, Traditional


The Abbasov Institute of Automatic Information Processing in Baku, Azerbaijan SSR, where the system architecture of the Unity computer core was first conceived.

Unity's computer systems followed the principles of mainframe computing, slaving many terminals to two high-reliability computational engines, a primary and a back-up. This also simplified standards selection for the hardware and software that could be contributed by mission donors. Mainframe Computing is a UNITY tech.

By special agreement with France, the mainframe ran three operating systems simultaneously, the shipwide standard (using Bharat Operating System Solutions, BOSS), a partitioned Minitel instance for user-to-user plain text communication, and a partitioned Soviet-sourced Kronos instance dedicated to the ship's fission plants.

Cold War tensions prevented emergence of a shared programming language, and the field of practical computer science was fragmented along national lines, with well-established English, French, Russian, Japanese, Indian, Esperanto, and Chinese branches.

The official mission language was English, and proficiency with that language was a requirement for crew selection prior to 2050, but non-English-speakers together formed a plurality of the crew. Non-intuitive keyboards hampered timely, accurate input for systems administrators and made text communication practically impossible for traditional life-safety responders.

Even within Data Services, only a small percentage of technicians could work proficiently with the French- and Soviet-made sub-systems. The Minitel system survived through efforts by the New State to establish a closed network, but Zakharov declined to use Kronos for his nodes on grounds that science required collaboration. Use of a Chironian Standard was a major plank of Council business for the Morganites and Data Angels.

The Children of the Atom experimented with trinary and quatrinary (quantum) machines not long after Planetfall but chose to use BOSS for most of their applications because of the difficulty of manufacturing new hardware in the colonial setting.


Unity's computing center prior to launch. Technicians are verifying correct operation of components.

The ship's secondary core was manually disconnected from the primary by a Data Services panic button moments after the mainframe control room was breached by mutineers.

The secondary core was physically absent from its housing twenty-five hours after the micrometeorite impact when Data Services teams organized by Sathieu Metrion reached the ship's data center to perform damage assessment. Two U.N. Security Forces officers lay dead of flechette wounds at the man trap.


Data Services personnel drain kinetic gel from cryotubes before bringing compatriots out of cold sleep during the evacuation of Hab Bay 4.

Computer scientists were prized targets for recovery, recruitment, capture, or elimination, depending upon one's ethical predisposition.

Colonist Morgan and Governor Van de Graaf organized retrievals based on lists of colonists with whom they had previously contracted for computing services. Directors Anhaldt, Pahlavi, and Cohen, and Assistant Director Metrion, moved to retrieve their respective staffs. After the mission's dissolution, Cohen and Pahlavi returned to claim as prisoners various others that has escaped their initial sweeps.

Data Services was not monolithic. Many of its personnel spent their careers seconded to other departments, rarely interacting with the leadership of their own. As a consequence, these forward-deployed Data Services members usually absorbed the cultural and political outlooks of their new environments wholesale. Seconded crew were therefore treated identically to the core members of any department they served for purposes of evacuation and faction alignment.

Abbasov Institute bears the name of former Azerbaijani Minister of Communications and Information Technologies Ali Mammad oglu Abbasov.

First image is "Futuristic city Moscow" by Pickgameru on DeviantArt.

Second image is the Astuter Computer Revue at Commicore at EPCOT in Walt Disney World during the 1980s.

Third image is Fate of the Vanguard BACK COVER by JonHrubesch on DeviantArt.

Jun 7, 2023 at 4:29 PM #247

A University Scout Patrol investigates Unity wreckage not far from Academy Park. A sonic disruption emitter, visible in the foreground, provides a small measure of safety from mindworm attacks but is redundant at such high latitude. A shortage of hand weapons caused quartermasters to issue electroprods, devices intended for animal handling.

On the advice of his physicians, Chief Engineer Zakharov chose not to relocate from the unfavorable location where his landing pods first came down. There were too many sick to contemplate relocation.

The ice fields surrounding University Base were metal-rich, at least, and gave up their secrets without complaint. Core samples recovered by teams of University geologists yielded important insights about Planet's enigmatic grand seasons.

His scientists built their new civilization largely unmolested, spreading reading solars and xenomaterials labs among the snowbound foothills of the Orithyian Range. Crossing those mountains, they later came across the Upland Wastes to within sight of Sunny Mesa on the far horizon.


A Volvo powersled ferries relief crews to Agricultural Shelters 9 and 10 on the North Polar Shelf. Clocking speeds of over 300km/h, powersleds were frequently appropriated for joyrides.

Faction warders punished infractors aggressively to deter such behavior, which placed critical equipment--to say nothing of lives--at very great risk of injury. Repeated crop failures obliged Zakharov to keep a close watch on all growing operations, and rapid transport was at a premium.


Splendid cathedral cities rose along the Alexandros River in southwestern Shamash, a Hebrew word meaning servant. It was a recycled name, remembering the largest of the artificial landmasses in the IOEZ. Miriam avoided the city, which became a stronghold of zealots driven to frenzied fear by the close proximity of Pilgrim prospectors.

First image is "Scavenging" by Kawassass00 on DeviantArt.

Second image is "Ice Planet" by doms3 on DeviantArt.

Third image is "Athra" by Commonbymaru on DeviantArt.

Jun 9, 2023 at 8:44 PM #248
Nwabudike Morgan said:
Convenience is what you want? Any closer and we'd be family. - Promotional material for MorganBazaar


If you could not go to the Morganites, they would come to you. Starting out from Golgu, their traders soon crossed the ocean to Shamash to present themselves--fearlessly--at every settlement they could find. When refused entry, they founded their own bases nearby and waited patiently for another audience.

This merchant, sketched on the Upper Slowwind, has a visor for the suns, a homemade re-breather for the nitrogen-heavy air, and makeshift body armor in case of attack by shredder pistol. A cudgel is his only weapon, suggesting business has not been good. In his last extremity, he may choose to sell his protective devices for their scrap value.


Hunters of the Pleiades Lodge returned to High Hide and Terra Nova with stories of root systems that branched for kilometers along valley floors, soaring to heights as much as fifteen meters. Their impressions, passed on to Deirdre Skye through Pilgrim prisoners taken in vendetta, informed the Lady's Theory of the Living Planet.

This Hunter survey team charts a course through the gloaming. For protection, the rearguard carries a rocket-propelled grenade launcher loaded with a high-explosive squash head munition--enough to crack the bark should the roots go into motion.


The Memory of Earth used Hoppers like this Kero Systems Wind Zipper utility craft to ferry settlers over intervening territories, straddling the Vertian Valley, where lay hidden the Four Cores, southernmost of the Children of the Atom's long string of bases, which ran the extent of the continent into the Orithyan and Sawtooth Mountains. Johann Anhaldt's people soon learned to fear Meractor's crack troops.

Wind Zippers, a product of India, had extremely limited passenger capacity but their hull-mounted waldoes were acceptable replacements for earthmoving machinery that could not be risked on overland routes. Brought from Earth to capture and mine rogue objects moving through the Alpha Centauri system, they instead became trapped in Planet's gravity well and served the remainder of their lives as sub-orbital transports.

First image is "Slaver" by Keithwormwood on DeviantArt.

Second image is "Erth621" by Elvisuall.

Third image is "Abduction" by GameLikeFire.
Last edited:

Jun 12, 2023 at 7:22 PM #250
Unity Mission Landing Manual said:
Section 4.2.3a(12) - Emergency Communication. For all emergency transmissions, use radio channel 433.


Every part of Unity was made to be repurposed once the expedition arrived on Chiron, including the computer terminals installed in virtually all ship's compartments.

These were simple French- or Soviet-made boxes reliant on cathode ray tube technology, capable only of displaying text and making crude noises to announce system errors. Users that wanted to do more than talk to a hardwired mainframe needed a memory cart containing their program of choice, which they inserted in a central slot.

French models like the one shown here were ready for radio modem communication once on the ground. Signal-finding required manipulating the dials found on the right-hand side of the case.


One of the more useful pieces of diagnostic medical equipment available to early colonists was the 3KCAP X-ray gun. Fully-charged batteries guaranteed at least eighteen images.

Bad breaks were a constant threat in Chiron's high gravity well. The gun thus earned something of an unwarranted reputation as the harbinger of amputation (the first and last resort in Chiron operating theaters), and many colonists refused the dubious good fortune of its services.

The platform proved versatile enough to be converted to both non-medical civilian and military uses as a ground-effect scanner and a primitive, short-ranged weapon, respectively. At extreme settings, a single burst from an overloaded 3KCAP at 4 meters could inflict instant disorientation, followed within a day by bleeding gums, vomiting, headache, and fatigue.


High-powered point-to-point radio kept road crews, scientists, soldiers, and sailors in touch with Base Operations at their points of origin. No item other than the personal oxygenation system was more essential to life "outside the wire."

Unity carried a quarter-million two-way transceivers turned out by Turkish defense manufacturer ASELSAN and marked in English.

Sadly, the practical range of this equipment far exceeded the effective response time of most first responders, and the tinny cries for help on Frequency 433 were usually the bookend of a failed mission rather than the starting point for a successful rescue.

First image is "Fallout 4 - Retextured Terminals - 4K" by Ephla442 on DeviantArt.

Second image is "ЛП - 183" by Maxim Buyanov on ArtStation.

Third image is "Sci-Fi Device" by Rogelio Delgado on ArtStation, inspired by the work of Tony Zenitium.

Jun 15, 2023 at 5:26 PM #253

Restorationist fighting vehicles approach a Tribal arcology, intent on its destruction.

Forgiveness was a discipline Mission Loyalists declined to practice.

There is no physical record to tell us what Pete Landers thought of the charges levied against him in the Planetary Council, nor any reason to believe he ever created one. Kellerites could hardly deny the great blow they had struck to the emergency response effort--a fatal one, perhaps, considering the severity of the Hypersurvivalist mutiny already underway.

Landers's cohorts were proud of their bloody work. At Cartersburg the device on their banner read "Nihil doleo," I sorrow over nothing . Unity was evidence of sin to the devoted Kellerite. What worse crime than to relinquish one's ties to family and community in favor of an enterprise that celebrated the anonymity of its members?

Tribal stockades and roundhouses hove close to one another at the mouth of the Slowwind. Expansion was slow, even grudging: there were few enough live births among Landers's people, and before the expulsion of the Spartans at Xerxion, no new colony could be conceived except in immediate peril.

Building skyward was expensive, but the heavy cannon installed in the uppermost levels had commanding range. The column seen here was routed after only a few hours' trouble despite the fighting skill of its members. The Minutemen took many prisoners for future exchange and recovered a platoon's worth of armored vehicles. Landers might have liked to match them against the notoriously mobile Spartans but for economic reasons they were stripped down and used as civilian tractors.


Unit operators at Morgan Monofill consider how to mitigate a burst cask of Shcherbinium 5, a Chironian chemical element and the most radioactive substance known to man.

Shcherbinium 5 was harmonically active at 45,000 Hz and repellent to xenofauna. Morgan Metals cultured the crystals to impregnate vehicle armors and building materials.

Morganite copywriters hailed Shcherbinium as the key to mastery of Chiron.


New State cadets perform routine inspections at Frontenac's Jaws, a military outpost in the Slowwind Delta. Unmanned submersible vehicles could have done the same work more safely and at lower cost, but the experience in pressure suits helped make canny marines of "St. Germaine's Boys."

Almost no problem underwater was a minor one. Sealurks were constantly fouling heat vents and cold water intakes. Shifting sediment blocked escape hatches. Sea creatures, including predators, thrived around pockets of waste heat and compost. Because oxygen scarcity encouraged deep-sea gigantism, pest control was warfare by another name.

First and second images are from the collection "Battlefield" by Daniel Romanovsky on ArtStation.

Third image is from the collection "Ballast powered descent vehicles" by Patrik Rosander on ArtStation.

Jun 16, 2023 at 6:54 PM #255
Warden J.T. Marsh said:
Food is the soul's ammunition. - Peregrinations of Planet


Colonists were pleased to take shifts in community gardens where they received a percentage of all produce brought to harvest. Everywhere, the practice was the same.

Walking wounded like this New State tetra-commander of 17 Inshore Squadron performed light duty in greenhouses as part of their convalescent routines. Scientific illiterates searched for rot-sign and replace insect media.

Deciding what to grow in these shared spaces was a cherished prerogative of all base inhabitants--one of the few decisions granted scrupulous respect by faction leaders worldwide.

Herbs were most in demand, then fruit in the form of coffee cherries and citrus. Kellerites, Spartans, Pilgrims, and Morganites were scoffed at for growing tobacco, which they issued in lieu of coffee.


Commercial bio-engineering restored the endangered blue whale and vulnerable sperm whale populations on Earth to the levels of least-concern, and with them, revived the appeal of whaling.

Terrestrial species took to the waters of Chiron more readily than they did to other environments, and their meat was a reliable source of essential vitamins and proteins for flesh-starved settlers.


"Subpars" were small commercial establishments that traded in additives used to supplement standard rations. Depending upon the faction, customers might pay in cash (credits), goods, labor, network time, or council votes. They could also swap unwanted items in their meal kit for something more personally palatable.

Salt was popular but expensive. Most diners came for spices, especially pepper and garlic.

Subparts sidelined in sales of alcohol (most often grain alcohol, derived from surplus rationpak noodles). In the University, subpars installed Geiger counters so that patrons could account for safety considerations before any purchase.

First image is "space farm" by macarious on DeviantArt.

Second image is "Inside the Market" by METAPHOR9 on DeviantArt.

Third image is "Cyberpunk Tavern" by panprince on NightCafe. It was made with AI.

Jun 17, 2023 at 9:36 AM #256

Technicians have mobilized from Lovelace Dome to staunch a coolant leak on a borehole mining rig. The angle of this image is fortuitous. A near piece of the Unity wreck passes low over the horizon beyond.

Alone on the eastern edge of the Uranium Flats, sensors at Lovelace Dome provided early warning for the faction's more established Vertian settlements nearer Shamash's western coast. Forward-deployed computers calculated probable vectors of attack and cabled them promptly to the Headquarters.


Pete Landers could not bite every hand outstretched in the spirit of cautious cooperation. By special agreement with Johann Anhaldt, two companies of Tribal militia were available to relieve pressure on the Four Cores.

The grenadier in this catch-vid is kitted out, for once, in a manner that makes it seem possible he may return alive. His accoutrements include a re-breather, laser-reflective helmet, ballistic vest, and grenades sourced from at least three separate militaries: spherical American, hive-shaped Yugoslav, and long-handled Gathi.


Once local armories had been stripped bare, museums were the next logical source of war-fighting equipment for the would-be militia. Kellerites were not to be excluded. This militiaman's tin hat and utility webbing predate him by at least 150 years, but there is less to complain about in his 96-model Stoner long-barrel light machine gun. A digital rangefinder will improve the weapon's already-murderous accuracy.

Barring the limitations of their undersized faction economy, Kellerites supplied their soldiers as well as they were able. This soldier is bundled against the upland cold and his pouches are full to overflowing with spare equipment and ammunition.

First image is "Repair-Team Color" by MackSztaba on DeviantArt.

Second image is "An hazmat soldier wearing full body armour and Black-Glass Gas Mask" by weepy-hyena73 on Prompt Hunt.

Third image is "Soldier 5" by ProxyGreen on DeviantArt.

Jun 18, 2023 at 11:22 AM #257
Lady Dierdre Skye said:
This living world takes us for its own example. As we do unto Planet, so Planet will do unto us. - Planet Dreams


At seven, Dierdre Skye escaped her tutors to become lost in the moors. Home for school holidays, she fetched blankets and books to the battered women sheltering in the servant's quarters of Wainwright Downs. Some were scarcely a decade older than the impressionable seven-year-old herself.

Shailene Skye encouraged her daughter to learn the stories of others without disclosing her own. People needed symbols, she said, more than they did friends. The Lady Skye was more away in Edinburgh and Brussels than she was at home, tending the business of charity.

As an adult, Dierdre found she could take the part of others with little in the way of deeper knowledge about their circumstances. She held herself a leader--first to recognize oppression, first to contemplate action, first over the barricade. Her Earth liberation handlers knew her as credulous. This new recruit would throw a bomb or divulge trade secrets on the flimsiest suggestion that a righteous cause would be gratified. To her supervisors, Dierdre was a gifted botanist with regrettable fixations--an albatross they tolerated so as not to offend the influential mother, at least until the point she was jailed, providing adequate pretext for summary dismissal.

Dierdre's work straddled two worlds: she was trained to study a people-less past in furtherance of the future, but she spent her career trying to rewire a natural order upended by Man. The tension was exquisite. Dierdre felt the academy could not keep pace with the horrors of modernity--of war and industry, to be precise, and the scars they inflicted on the land.

Never lacking in physical courage, but blind to the privilege that spared her the full consequences of failure, Dierdre picked fights she had no hope of winning. Anyone in her proximity was potentially at risk of becoming a casualty. The U.N. overlooked that unfortunate business in America in favor of Dierdre's credentials. Her combination of skill and spirit seemed vaguely appropriate for a war zone. Recruiters hoped she might "prove resourceful" when matters inevitably deteriorated.

In Peshawar, with the radical mullahs against her and police leadership paralyzed by fear, Dierdre set aside the pleas of her own staff for conciliation with their oppressors. The female clerks stayed. The clinics and granaries remained open. Dierdre importuned the Northwest Frontier Force for more men and stronger guarantees. Jihadists murdered eight of Dierdre's people, maiming six more. Security forces were slow to investigate. Instead, they accused Dierdre of provoking the bombing. She had been warned many times what would happen if she insisted on defying prevailing customs.

Officially, the U.N. suspended Dierdre's operation for reasons of safety. Unofficially, she was blackballed for a second time--written off as a loose cannon without the reserves of patience necessary for her post. She retired to Wainwright and began to resume the acquaintances of a past life. Her "rehabilitation," culminating with accession to the Unity crew, was merely the happy accident of becoming a Nobel laureate.

Captain Jonathan Garland said:
Any believer in a prejudice will tell you plainly: it is a failing that is best when shared.

Dierdre's aggressive spirit showed itself immediately. Gaian raiders wasted no time falling on other factions in southern Shamash. They had their reasons. From Spartans and Kellerites, they wanted blood. Morganites were collectively to blame for the death of Captain Garland. Pilgrims and Dreamers were common thieves not entitled to the excuse of exigency. Anhaldt was the very face of the irresponsible science that had made it necessary to flee Earth. Pahlavi's geneticists were crypto-racists, Zakharov was a fool, and Miriam a geo-imperialist.

Skye's taste for the performative aspects of rulership led her to endorse physiolatry. Gaians leapt, danced, sang, and drugged themselves with untreated water. They celebrated the things they could see, touch, smell, and taste. They approached Chiron from a place of curiosity rather than opportunism, and in so doing learned more about its ecology than if they had rushed to kill and dissect.

Warden J.T. Marsh said:
The first great civilizations were sun worshipers. God first made light. We, a people of the sun, raised full generations underground, or wrapped in metal cocoons. But you're not really human if you've never felt the heat of sunlight on your upturned face. - The Lost World

Dierdre Skye is Morena Baccarin as seen on the StarGate franchise.

Jun 18, 2023 at 10:47 PM #260
Factor Roshann Cobb said:
A king is just a banker who spends men in place of money, and usually with less distress. - The Puzzle Box


Alfred Siegfried was a successful trader in seal fur prior to winning election as Shiloh's first monarch in 2029. He took the regnal name Silas and adopted the surname Benjamin, claiming descent from the ancient Israelites.

The new king was driven to insolvency by his wooing for the crown and began pulling the levers of state patronage to reward the backers who had made him. Disaster followed promptly. Third-party auditors reported that the central reserve bank was keeping bad reports. The national university at Antioch, previously recognized for excellence in oceanography and the study of tropical disease, gained new proctors who promptly sold most of its $14 billion collections. After deep cost-cutting by the national airline, a passenger flight crashed into the sea just short of Durban, South Africa. All 220 souls aboard were lost.

Foreign investors panicked. Then a sargassum bloom appeared along Shiloh's west coast. Disputes in the crowded fisheries off the Selah Bight escalated to violence. After the abduction and brutal murder of two ethnic Chinese fishermen, Beijing sent a pair of destroyers that opened fire on a pair of factory ships owned by the Shilohne government as they departed the small harbor at Küv. The bombardment overshot and struck a fuel depot ashore. Both irreplaceable factory ships sank and some 582,000 gallons of fuel oil spilled into the sea caught fire.


Küv, Shiloh, c. 2029.

Attempts at economic stabilization came to nought. Shiloh had little arable land and almost no natural resources were accessible from the surface. Silas first contemplated seizing U.N. trust lands from the country's Sikh minority, but backtracked when police admitted they would be unable to enforce the measure if contested. Six expeditions to the lava fields of the Slaar Cone came together after the dynasty mortgaged its crown jewels and adopted World Christianity as the state religion (badly alienating its own multi-confessional subjects) but these, too, ended in disaster. The colonies were abandoned after disagreements with their benefactors, leaving behind $4 billion worth of scientific equipment that Benjamin's government lacked the means even to salvage. Dutch objections scotched negotiations with Geneva over a new space elevator. A visit from the American supercarrier USS Bob Dole (CVA-121) next convinced Silas to send the Soviet ambassador packing with polite rejection of his country's offer to rebuild Küv.


Penitence cults accepted environmentalists' warnings that mankind was actively dismantling Spaceship Earth, but were more concerned with the recovery of a working civil society. Some, like the one at Slaar, attempted the Radical Reconciliation proposed by theologian Miriam Godwinson, forming colonies of mixed allegiance: ex-Holnists joined Vaulters, Unionists, Evangelites, and even ex-Kellerites in "free living," away from what they considered the insidious influence of corporations and the vengeance-minded popular consensus of post-war America.

In Shiloh, the cultists were welcomed only by the crown. Local wellermen resented what they saw as a government preference for outsiders and refused contracts to supply the Slaar venture. Confessional colonization by penitents was already problematic because of their association with an international steering committee under the influence of an exegetical synod that, contrary to Godwinson's stated intentions, insisted upon specific readings of the Marian expansions to the Bible. This stifled the organic revelation that tended to emerge in the isolation of colonial settings and led to many colonies breaking with the committee, thus ending the critical financial relationships that made them possible.

Facing food riots and calls for his abdication, Benjamin accepted the advice of his senior general, Linus Abner, and authorized the invasion of Shiloh's northern neighbor, Gath, a country more than twice Shiloh's size, but with just one-sixth its population. On October 7, 2032, Shiloh advanced two small corps north, led by the crack 3 Motorcycle Battalion.

Gath was caught by surprise. Port Prosperity, the continent's largest metropolis (population 420,000), was isolated from the rest of Gath by an 808-meter massif. The border was undefended. Leading elements of the invasion force road cable cars in from the suburbs unmolested. The local commander, an ex-Canadian Allophone expelled from Free Québec and resettled in Gath by the U.N., was killed in a car wreck speeding to the barracks. His successor, a Major F.R. Bilev, was helicoptered into the city from a pleasure yacht where he'd spent the previous night. Arriving to general chaos, he attempted to enact his predecessor's battle plan, hinging a defense plan on the city's waterworks, only to find that radio and satellite communications were being jammed. With reports of catastrophic casualties, Bilev surrendered the remaining defenders--4,600 of them--in less than two days.


Port Prosperity was recaptured by Gathi forces in the war of 2038. The ruined tower left of center, an observatory built by the Soviets at U.N. invitation, was converted to a prison by Vesper Abaddon in 2039. Its upper tier was destroyed by the Truth and Reconciliation Government after Abaddon left office.

Victory in war provided Shiloh with only dubious benefits. Port Prosperity was quiescent, casualties had been blessedly light despite two years of figthing, and much of the Gathi arsenal, including a modern frigate, fell into the hands of Abner's Royal Army, limiting the possibility for effective partisan activity in Occupied Gath and strengthening the Shilohne military's hand in national politics. A car carrier was intercepted fleeing the fighting, and Abner was able to gift his king with 1,700 Dacia automobiles, soon redistributed among courtiers in Gilboa. On the other hand, most of Port Prosperity's resident industries were unavailable for expropriation or resale. These included large railway workshops owned by Imre-Meinertzhagen, modern port infrastructure belonging to a Danish consortium, a navy yard managed by Grumman Engineering, and steel mills run by a subsidiary of Indian giant Vedanta. Silas left them unmolested, expecting they would remit future taxes to him, but instead they paid no one. Both combatant nations were also heavily indebted to arms traders. Abner had brokered a number of deals with Morgan SafeHaven to keep his soldiers in ammunition and clothing. (Various African warlords and ex-rulers consequently ended up at Silas's court over the next few years, some as guests of the House of Benjamin awaiting Morgan's fulfilment of promises to return them to power, others as beneficiaries of his mercy after being deposed.)


Somewhere along the coast, Morganite Resolutions fighters celebrate a victory over Gathi National Guardsmen during the first year of Silas's conquest. The company did Shiloh no favors by providing the impressively heterogeneous arsenal seen here.

Less than five years after the victory that made him a household name worldwide, Silas Benjamin disappeared. Whether he was killed during the Gathi bombardment of Gilboa in 2040, or became a prisoner of his great enemy Vesper Abaddon, it is unlikely he survived to see Unity on her way. Yet his problematic legacy went with the colonists to Chiron. Even as nationalism fell increasingly out of favor, Silas and Vesper dueled in abstentia through a series of ghost-written essays that appeared on the Planetary Networks beginning in MY4. Many were later traced back to faction leaders themselves.

Foremost among Abaddon's defenders was Miriam Godwinson, who understood Abaddon's self-abnegation as a Pauline allegory with important ramifications about the capacity for lasting reconciliation in the absence of retribution. Colonel Corazón Santiago celebrated Abaddon and Benjamin as the ideals of the reluctant warrior--prepared to fight in the last extremity, but always as monarchs in the pursuit of better circumstances for their respective kingdoms. Morgan was thought to have spoken through intermediaries on behalf of clemency to avoid setting the precedent that leaders might be accountable for crimes to a court other than one of their own making.

Oscar van de Graaf admitted that he'd have liked to hang Silas Benjamin as both a murderer and a charlatan, but held out Abaddon as properly ruthless in his pursuit of peace through total victory. Foreman Domai and Dr. Johann Anhaldt wanted both leaders condemned for squandering what meager national resources they'd had at their disposal. J.T. Marsh struggled to find evidence of good on either side but allowed, like van de Graaf, that Abaddon's was the better claim to clemency as the party "first wronged." Factor Roshann Cobb confined himself to wry remarks on the fact that the human species seemed only to have two solutions for any problem, and both of them war.

Silas Benjamin was a main character in the 2009 NBC television show Kings . His part was played by Ian McShane. His general was Linus Abner.

"...and 20,000 tons of crude oil spilled into the sea caught fire," is a quote from a Clarke & Dawe skit, "The Front Fell Off." I've always loved that turn of phrase.

Walvis Bay, Namibia, stands in for Küv.

Slaar colony is "Ground work -Edge Colony" by Pablo Munoz Gomez on ArtStation.

Port Prosperity is Corto Maltese as seen in the Suicide Squad .

Our Morgan Resolutions mercenaries are cartel fighters in the 1994 film Clear and Present Danger .

Special thanks to the Internal Movie Firearms Database for the trove of relevant images.

Jun 22, 2023 at 6:23 PM #264
Plotter Johann Anhaldt said:
Feeling is information: a reflection of lived experience, and ritual a means of accessing it. - Human Calculus


Kellerites transit the water obstacles at Defianceburg on Rumrunner's Cascade. This far north of the Slowwind Delta, Spartans are a rare sight, but defenders are on high alert for Ascendancy Legionnaires.

The Tribe and the Hunters began with the smallest populations on Planet. Just 254 Kellerite stowaways boarded Unity . Three perished in passage, victims of faulty wiring jobs to cryobeds of second-hand provenance, and another forty-two during the struggle for supplies and escape. Rather than chance their wounded with either the U.N. or Security Forces mutineers, Kellerites shot friendlies who could no longer give battle. Faction fighters took another twenty-seven prisoners along the way, keeping only the able-bodied--thirteen--as slaves.

Marsh gathered 750 of the Forward Contact Team at a promontory called the Scalpel to declaim his manifesto but retained just shy of 400 when the rovers broke up. Nagao's defection, requested in private, led to a row of four hours. It was all a severe blow for a man who fancied himself a gifted leader, especially by comparison with the more "professorial set" like "Zachy" and Garland. A bottle of mushroom liquor got the better of him for the next three days and the matter was thereafter closed to discussion.

The largest faction at landing was the Lord's Conclave, bloated with the injured and the dying, but food ran out quickly and many starved. Believers nonetheless took seriously the Lord's commandment to multiply, and by Mission Year 5 were against the most numerous people on Planet.

Nwabudike Morgan's appeal proved as broad as it was familiar, and for a time during Mission Year 1 and 2, as others foundered, his well-supplied, completely isolated faction was the largest by a wide margin.

Birth rates were very high among the Pilgrims and Believers whenever food was plentiful and the same was suspected of the Gaians and the Hive. Both the Hive and the early Spartans practiced forced breeding, though their populations were much reduced by constant warfare.

Birth rates were abnormally low within the University, the New State, the Ascendancy, the Dreaming, and the Children of the Atom. The scientists were sick, sterile, or disinterested in traditional family life. Beneath the waves, St. Ledger's people needed little prompting to procreate but established a lottery system out of prudence to avoid overtaxing available life support. For the genetic supremacists high in the mountains, new life was created only in the test tube, which meant slowly. Cobb's people were too traumatized to reproduce, some because they were drugged, others because they were unfree. Anhaldt's developed a collective anxiety with similar consequences.


Gaians tend hybrid crops in a weather-controlled stretch of the Nýksan where the atmosphere is tolerable for human lungs.

Fungal bells have been adapted as vessels for Terran soil. The bells provide considerable protection from the natural hazards that ruin harvests on Chiron, including curious subrids.


The Children of the Atom earned the derisive nickname "actuaries" for their obsession with analytical modeling of activities performed haphazardly by their peers.

CEO Nwabudike Morgan said:
The human settlement is a self-regulating system that eventually achieves through popular demand the self-same cleanliness, splendor, and calm that it is impossible to impose at the founding. - Notes on Value

First image discovered on Pinterest account of Tkachenko Zp, linking back to this Russian-language webpage.

Second image is "The Lonely Chull" by InvictaHistory on reddit (r/Cosmere).

Third image is "Mars" by CGCortex on ArtStation.

Jun 24, 2023 at 7:43 AM #266
Prokhor Zakharov said:
Sentimentality is the greatest foe of the human species. We think only of today’s happiness and pleasure, never of tomorrow’s harvest. – Address to the United Nations

Prokhor Zakharov learns the fate of a missing ‘Former team.
A willingness to spend lives like rubles and lack of detectable conscience certainly greased Prokhor Zakharov’s rise through the hierarchy of Soviet academia, but his political patrons were most interested in him for another reason: he was a Cassandra who excelled at predicting catastrophe.

The first contraindications that Chiron was suitable for human habitation were obvious even before the expedition launched. Soviet, U.N., and Indian intelligence consulted Zakharov on telemetry gathered from the Chiron Interstellar Probe that reported significant changes in local ecology coterminous with the time of settlement—changes that were too extensive to have been caused by the colonists themselves. His calls for an international symposium on the matter were declined.

Zakharov also expressed dissatisfaction with the condition of Unity’s powerplant, complaining that the diameter and stoutness of the watermains were not adequate to supply emergency cooling—information that helped Moscow to prevail in arguments with the Secretary-General regarding the number of cryobeds set aside for Soviet passengers. Zakharov furthermore questioned the credentials of most of his senior shipmates, offering replacement lists of his own devising. Deirdre Skye, “overly emotional.” Pravin Lal and Johann Anhaldt, both “indifferent to methodological rigor” and “prone to inventing data.” Those he kept included Tamineh Pahlavi, who might bring “estimable realism” to her duties, and Aleigha Cohen, “a researcher of superior courage.” Zakharov’s low view of Lal tracked with that of the Soviet diplomatic corps, which regarded Mongkut and his inner circle as something like stooges to be pitied.

Ironically, despite his misgivings about fellow crew and his caution that the ship’s systems were “thoroughly unready” to meet the demands imposed by moderate-probability disaster, Zakharov was satisfied when invited to select a further three hundred nominees to the Engineering Division as a hedge.

Few villains had a more enduring presence in the popular imagination. Planetary datalinks polling, open to users of all factions, rarely placed Zakharov lower than fifth place in the list of proposed candidates for indictment by the Planetary Council for disobeying the orders of his captain.


A Morgan SafeHaven mercenary stands guard at a wellhouse somewhere in the Sahara. He has not disdained to use his weapon, a Dutch MG12, which bears the signs of long heat stress.

The relationship between Morgan Industries and the United Nations lasted more than four decades and marked a distinct departure from the century preceding. Until that time, peacekeeping missions were hamstrung by the vagaries of geopolitics. Successful interventions were possible only under the most exacting of circumstances: during periods of global economic vitality when donors were plentiful; outside the immediate spheres of influence of the Great Powers; continuing only if casualties were very light; and under dangerously cumbersome terms of engagement. The use of veteran, non-patriated mercenary soldiers provided muscle and coherence far beyond anything the U.N. had enjoyed since its founding. Conflicts could now be quashed within hours or days. High-tempo and special operations were no longer unthinkable. In March 2038, a SafeHaven strike team arrested South African Bureau of State Security General Charl Viljoens when his South African Airways Boeing 777 made an unscheduled fueling stop at Murtala Muhammed International Airport Lagos, Nigeria enroute to Maison Blanche Airport in French Algiers. The general was convicted of crimes against humanity and later died in prison in Geneva awaiting sentencing.


A column of Morgan affiliate Jõhkrus paratroopers patrols a town in Greek Trebizond.

Drunk on its newfound efficacy, the U.N. found it convenient to accept certain unfortunate realities about its new partner with a stubborn and studied silence. Morganite contractors showed less discipline in camp than regular soldiers and followed no recognized rules of warfare. Nor was it unusual for Morgan to broker services to both sides of a conflict. U.N. auditors complained that Morgan was an obvious self-dealer, pouring gasoline on the same fires he was paid to fight. The U.N.’s increased independence also troubled what had been its greatest sources of general funding and military contributions. The West withdrew. So did developing countries that counted themselves victims of Morgan’s business practices. Thus, there were no good options when Morgan refused to accept assignments.


Independent aircraft operators like Scorpio Battlefield Logistics were cheap… and vulnerable to interception.

The U.N. was also inevitably dragged unwilling into Morgan’s great feuds—with the Americans from the 2040s, and with other mega-corporations from roughly the same time. American naval air strikes against Morganite facilities and paramilitary forces worldwide inflicted hundreds of collateral casualties among U.N. staff.


Morgan’s adversaries lined up to take him on. Here, fighters provided by Stoker-Beltan affiliate Tàiyáng fān (太阳帆) are seen during the Battle of Taipei during the opening hours of the Golden Revolution. An anti-tank team has just finished clearing a roadblock held by Morgan Strongpoint.

Morganites were “fair game” for Kellerite and Pilgrim settlers. So severe was the automatic aggression that Oscar van de Graaf remonstrated with his expedition to use methods of killing that would at least preserve the goods carried by Morganite traders. Pete Landers was more accepting: the heads of Morganites were readily displayed on the defenses of Keller City alongside those of Spartans and Pilgrims.

First image is Stellan Skarsgård as Luthen Rael in Andor .
Source of the second image is unknown. Found on Google after a search for “rebel marine rogue one” and clicking about on related images. Appears to be a cosplayer.
Third image is “Midjourney 4983” by Javiet-Lluesma on DeviantArt.
Fourth image is “Nod Cargo plane” by Madin for the mod “Command & Conquer: Tiberian History” found on moddb.com.
Fifth image is “Battle fo Taipei, 2021” by Aisxos on DeviantArt.
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Jul 6, 2023 at 6:03 PM #271
Contre-amirale Raoul André St. Germaine said:
If I am to be subject to a tyrant, let him also be the better man. – Personal Diaries


Gathi general Oreb does homage to King Silas Benjamin, right, following Gath’s defeat in October 2034.

Powerfully discredited by the experience of the Great War, governing monarchies vanished from the Western world for nearly a century-and-a-half. Where they endured in Africa and Asia, ruling dynasties usually traced their roots back to soldiers—traditional “big men” (and they were always men) whose claims on power were better legitimized by the armies at their backs rather than the blood running through their veins.

Kingship as an institution was revived on Earth by refugee communities in the Indian Ocean Exclusion Zone, and although violence continued to play a role in the consolidation and perpetuation of their power, the monarchs of the Big E-Z often legitimated themselves by appeals to merit.

By 2040, the fruitful marriage of genetic engineering and social psych was in its second decade. With the help of supercomputers, bioengineering firms like the Planitzer Group and Replicodon Tactical Genomes (later purchased by the American Reclamation Corporation) were growing what geneticist Dr. Sarnam Grunta called “a new human architecture”—people with the genetic prerequisites to live 120 active years, compete at the level of Olympians, resist most diseases, and respond positively to most drug combinations. Raised in social laboratories, they were afforded every opportunity to achieve an early social and intellectual flowering, and most tested above genius levels, with an average IQ measured at 162, shifting the traditional the bell curve distribution leftward. So-called “Planitzer Perfects” were paid large bounties to enter corporate and government service. They swelled the ranks of the U.N. Mission to Alpha Centauri whenever meritocratic selection was favored over other avenues of accession. In time, genomic medicine, nootropic drugs, and cognitive conditioning provided opportunities even for those born under “less auspicious” circumstances to “better themselves” in the quest for Perfection.

Critics such as faith leader Miriam Godwinson, lay preacher Jean-Baptiste Keller, and noted public science interlocutor Dr. Johann Anhaldt charged that Perfects were part of what Godwinson herself called “a pronounced crisis of self-doubt in the human race.” There was something inhuman, they said, about trying to beat the odds and reverse-engineer the Miracle of Life.

Perfects engendered significant jealousy. “Authentic” geniuses such as Soviet physicist Prokhor Zakharov were at pains to present themselves as “self-made” men even when the circumstances of their upbringings closely mirrored Grunta’s formulae for successful child-rearing. Many believed that Perfects were victims of mental conditioning. Survivalist Corazón Santiago warned her Datalinks readers that Perfects formed a Fifth Column poised to overthrow governments. In her private correspondence with the Struan’s Board of Directors, Aleigha Cohen suggested that it would have been a “serious dereliction” for Grunta and his financiers to have avoided such an obvious and lucrative application for their creations.

Yet for others, Perfects were a legitimate answer to the loss of human capital caused by the calamities of the early and mid-twenty-first century. In the Big E-Z, Perfects were heroes of labor. They were also a cheaper alternative to supercomputers for groups interested in jump-starting independent governments with the capacity to deliver social goods. The first new monarchs of the twenty-first century were elected by the people of the islets, platforms, and floating cities they served. The House of Benjamin, which eventually governed in Shiloh, was founded by a Perfect.

As symbols tied intimately to the performance of state power, the conservation of traditional values, and the distribution of largess, pretenders to monarchy have been the focal point for political intrigue since time immemorial. In the 2030s, French Unionists rode back into power on a wave of popular backlash against industrial and government automation. They offered instead the promise of policy stability and cultural continuity embodied in the restored House of Bonaparte.

Champions of the “new monarchy” included French military officer Raoul André St. Germaine; mogul Nwabudike Morgan, who announced in 2050 that company historians had confirmed his matrilineal connection to the Ondonga kings of Ovamboland; and geneticist Tamineh Pahlavi. Proponents of kingship laid out a familiar case against democracy: that it produced tyrannies no less severe because popular, that its leaders were taught thereby to be fickle, and that only a person bred to the role should be entrusted with the awesome authority to act on behalf of the body politic. Like many colonial soldiers, St. Germaine bemoaned the large gulfs between what Frenchmen claimed to want and what they were willing to endure to get it. He felt that a monarchy, properly clothed in law, would also break the power of the media to stir up faction since such a system would admit no viable alternative to the present ruler.


Occupied territories were hothouses for coups d’etat. Colonial officials, military officers, and corporate satraps grew accustomed to the intoxicating combination of authority and independence that only national emergencies or interplanetary distance could provide. Here, ex-Foreign Legionnaires greet a reporter at a rubber plantation outside Vientaine, but the same scenes played out in Portuguese Brazil, Occupation South Carolina, and throughout the Asteroid Belt.


First image is from the NBC television show Kings. The House of Benjamin is the ruling dynasty in Shiloh, a fictional kingdom that was the setting for Kings.

Second image is from Apocalypse Now: Redux.

Perfects are discussed on p. 94 of Jon F. Zeigler’s GURPS treatment of Alpha Centauri, published by Steve Jackson Games.

Replicodon Tactical Genomes is a company created for the board game Terraforming Mars, published by FryxGames.

Jul 7, 2023 at 8:55 PM #272
Electrician's Mate Sedgel Meertens said:
The human alone seeks to explain his existence beyond survival for the purpose of reproduction. I say, the purpose was known to us even in ancient times: to be of some good use to our fellows.


Sedgel Meertens, "Kiting" Kellerite, following the bombing at the Wells of Moriah.
Their reputation preceding them, Kellerites did no recruiting aboard Unity and little on the ground thereafter. Two early experiments to absorb survivors pulled from nearby Colony Pods yielded mixed results in Keller City: most were amenable enough to the faction's frontier communalism--an almost obvious remedy to the grand emergency that was Planetfall--but lack of affinity toward their new saviors exacerbated the million dangers and indignities of life under siege. Hoping in vain to build a better reputation with his neighbors, the colony's selectman, Pete Landers, permitted over half the newcomers to depart the base when Santiago withdrew her forces. This left natural births as the only significant source of new colonists before M.Y. 10, a slow and expensive method of population replacement even before considering the very high rates of injury and death prevalent on Chiron.

Little did Landers know at the time that his was not the only Kellerite enclave to make the Crossing from Earth. Like other Millenarian movements, Kellerism sank its deepest and strongest roots wherever traditional sources of social goods--civil order, living wages, and cultural continuity--were most at-risk. By 2050, much of Northwestern Europe was underwater. What remained of Dry Belgium came into French hands following a Walloon uprising. The parents of Sedgel Meertens, both university professors, threw themselves into municipal organizing as an answer to foreign imperialism. Their ninth natural child, a son, was born that same year in a caravan in the enclave of Saint-Remy along the border with France.

Sedgel's people followed the familiar Kellerite formula: kitchen gardens, home workshops, community clinics, and target practice. Meertens was instructed in falconry, soldering, diving, and boat-building according to a community curriculum that attempted to reposit a diversity of skillsets within each family group. In its last, desperate hours, the failing Belgian government recognized the Kellerites as willing allies and managed to distribute enough weapons to harden these communities against raids by Walloon irregulars. French authorities moved conservatively: the French gendarmerie secured key industries and natural resources and delivered assistance to friendly populations but otherwise left the dissenters unmolested.

In this way, Kellerism achieved new heights of intellectual integrity. The Meertens raised Sedgel in the prescribed manner. He kept a well-annotated Bible and discussed his conclusions with a Worship Circle around his own age. Along with that cohort, he performed acts of service in the community as a testament to his faith. Beginning at age fifteen, he stood watch on the town walls and filled sandbags when it rained. Sedgel was blooded young, but no warrior, a participant in occassional skirmishes with Walloons and Frenchmen that inflicted few casualties and were treated as incidental matters by both sides.

Belgian Kellerism was heavily antiquated in its stylings: the enclave lived entirely by the artifice of its own hands, disconnected from the outside world, which provided only the occasional piece of salvage or the odd, transient visitor who might as well have come from the Moon. American Kellerites, like the Evangelical tradition from which they grew, fought to draw their members away from the seductive embrace of the World Wide Web and corporate serfdom. But in France, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Germany, Kellerism was the refuge of people already determined to wall themselves in.

Over time, global Kellerites did become conscious of the American Kellerite tradition and plight. Although it cut contrary to the ideals of the movement's founder, who insisted that communities would find strength from commonality of place rather than of belief, European Kellerites were enthusiastic to build linkages with others who practiced their modes of living. Many were drawn to volunteer for missions in the United States and Canada, earning the label "kiteists" for the way that "blew in from across the Atlantic." As outsiders to the North American civil wars, foreign Kellerites were astonished by its ferocity to the point that many experienced a crusading zeal.

Until his dying day, Jean-Baptiste Keller considered himself an American citizen. His was a "Lost United States," neither that of the Hypersurvivalists nor of the Federal Government that increasingly transformed itself into something unrecognizable so as to better fight the war it had been unable to avoid. Sedgel and his ilk were also nationalists in their own way--"Belgians by refusal," even if their way of life was dictated by an American pamphlet. In letters to the United Nations in Geneva, they made their case for inclusion in the Unity Project as the last living links to a proud legacy. Over strident French objections, they succeeded.

It was the U.N.'s practice to diversity billets so as to avoid over-saturating particular operating divisions with too many crew of the same national origin, but the Kellerites tampered with official records to circumvent these restrictions, intending that their community be preserved after Planetfall.

Meertens trained as an electrician's mate to repair communications as part of Jeremy Tanner Marsh's Forward Contact Team. He landed with these crews, ahead of the main expedition, serving as radio operator aboard a 'Former, and was no longer at pains to conceal his beliefs. Upon learning of Unity's destruction, Meertens and several dozen other Belgian Kellerites were detained briefly on Marsh's orders out of suspicion that they might act in concert with the stowaways. Although later released, the parolees quit Marsh's service and made the long trek to Keller City with their share of supplies in tow where they were greeted with astonishment by the Selectman himself.

The addition of the young Meertens, now a leader among his own cohort, reinforced certain Luddite and confessional tendencies within the broader faction. Meertens had imbibed some of Marsh's suspicion of robotics as a threat to the retention of learned survival skills and saw the ethical content of Scripture as a social glue that set the Tribe apart from other communities of human survivors less inclined toward religiosity. Meertens also called for a more democratic government, demanding that Landers put more decisions to a popular vote and questioning why personal affiliation with the movement's founder should be considered a qualification for faction leadership.

Faith attracted Meertens to the Conclave, and he was eventually made Landers's ambassador plenipotentiary to Miriam Godwinson's court at New Jerusalem. Meertens was present during a baptism at the Wells of Moriah when a University student set off a bomb intended for the Sister. Medical adhesives saved Meerten's life but left him permanently disfigured.

Image is "Mikhail" by GerryArthur on DeviantArt.
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Jul 9, 2023 at 9:25 AM #277

Morgan Sunspark, two megacycles after a New State raiding party laid the island to waste during an executive retreat.

Many and diverse hands were raised against the Morganites once the Data Jazz revealed their CEO's pact with the Shapers of Chiron.


Morgan Industries never established a true standing army; instead, the faction relied on mercenary companies headquartered within its territory but kept sharp through work for other factions, leading at times to a derth of domestic military resources.

Realizing that the Shaper agenda would be tantamount to a declaration of war on other factions, both Morgan and Nagao temporarily suspended offensive operations for more than two years beginning in M.Y. 14 and began setting aside resources for extended conflict on multiple fronts--against both neighbors and the planet itself. Here, in the bowels of a Landing Pod well-stocked with old hand weapons, a Green Team shock trooper readies for combat with the assistance of a squadmate.


Shaper Liquidator in a Chevrolet-Monarch Consolidated Powered Combat Suit, series 312, a fire-retardent, heat-shielded evolution of the older Firebat model. The hand rifle, made by a local workshop, lobs incendiary shells. This soldier will be detailed to combat incrusions by native boils.

CMC-312s were not part of the U.N.'s consignment of security equipment and therefore would have been loot from the corporate reservation of mission stores. Beyond its considerable toughness, the suit was designed to take advantage of the latest advances in battlefield medicine. The wounded operator could expect recieve direct plasma feeds, supplementary oxygen, and nerve blocks (also called pain shunts). This last innovation was a Janus-faced blessing since a soldier heedless of pain signals could unknowingly grieve their wound.


Glass-domed trams ferry visitors to the second Shaper capital at Earthsong.

Extensive use of this scenic transportation method effectively communicated the faction's supremacy over Centauri ecology while also allowing base security to surveil potential threats long before they approached sensitive infrastructure.

Purists flocked to Earthsong the way diplomats and spies did to Believer-controlled Longhouse: it was an opportunity to experience something almost familiar.

Supremacists were less taken in by the falsehood that Nagao and his acolytes perpetrated but marveled nonetheless at its artifice, though Zakharov acidly pointed out that none of the animals and plants on display could--or ever would--behave in a distinctively "Terran" fashion.

For spies, the Shapers' proud reintroduction of extinct Terran organisms was evidence that Nagao had been in contact with Tamineh Pahlavi, and confirmation of her rumored theft of the mission's genetic databanks.


Dead mindworm husks in suspension at the People's Teeming.

Broodlords were made among the Gaians by often-fatal walkabout. Early candidates were always drugged at the outset to overcome their inhibitions.

Before the invention of Plasma Steel, mindworms could not be contained--only killed, avoided, or soothed. Chairman Sheng-ji Yang was first to realize that a mindworm would not burrow through native plant matter.

The first Thinkers among them were made when hand-picked candidates were imprisoned in cells adjacent to pit traps occupied by live boils. The sides of these pit traps were thick with Chironian vegetation. Quite safe from physical attack but separated by just a few feet of soil or porous rock, the sacrifices received the full brunt of the worms' psychoactivity for hours on end. Most went mad. But not all.

Post-exposure analysis showed high rates of brain function in portions of the organ previously dormant. Survivors demonstrated near-perfect recall, heightened feats of audio and visual perception, and vastly enhanced aptitude in spatial reasoning and mathematics.

First image is "777Jihad" by isleeyin on DeviantArt.

Second image is "Gmod | Juggernaut Prep" by OlmateUbafest on DeviantArt.

Third image is "Shock trooper" by Asahisuperdry on DeviantArt. CMC combat suits are worn by Marines in the StarCraft series of computer games. Pain shunts are a BattleTech technology.

Fourth image is "Silent city" by emilysart on DeviantArt.

Fifth image is "Species A" by jbrown67 in DeviantArt.

Jul 10, 2023 at 4:47 PM #279
Oscar van de Graaf said:
They make superb transport, excellent eating, and reliable early warning systems for everything from weather to gas leaks. Given time and gyroscopes, I estimate they will also make worthy gun carriages. - Plowman's Paradise


Peacekeepers were first to exploit the fecundity of the subrid's carapace for agricultural purposes, positioning nature to achieve what their tiny industrial base could not.
The only thing sweeter than a subrid's meat was its disposition. Violent encounters with the species were usually the the result of misunderstanding, not predation.

Lady Deirdre Skye said:
Planet is wise to the intruder. Humanity and its artifacts are magnets to local fauna. Every member of the First Generation remembers a time when they could sleep on an empty camp but wake up to a throng of subrids so thick, it was possible to walk a mile without touching soil. - Planet Dreams

Subrids soon became unwitting pawns in the vendettas between factions. Pilgrim ranchers stampeded herds of the ungainly beasts through the tent camps of unwary trespassers in the dark of night. Three hundred Morganites died in agony after subrids cultivated with fungal spores wandered across the Gaian frontier to collect at the ground seeps around Crazy Igor's Cash-N-Carry. Hive patrollers learned to emulate the burrowing behavior of the dry land subspecies to burst with their mounts from the sands. In M.Y. 38, the Planetary Council authorized and funded the Chiron Transhumant Police, a seasonal gendarme staffed mostly by Hunters. The agency was charged with reducing inter-faction violence during the "petite " migratory periods between changes in season but spent its seventeen-year history locked in a continuous shooting war with Pilgrim snail-punchers and Spartan rustlers.

All factions with access to temperate, tropical, and arid climate zones raised subrids for food. Hunters, Tribals, and Spartans learned subrid handling as a survival discipline. Pilgrims counted subrids as personalty. The Governor often rewarded his retainers with choice specimens cut out from his crawls. Morganites speculated on subrid futures; Oracletians sold predictive analysis of future spawning behavior. High up in their mountain fastness, the University and Ascendancy marveled at the enduring draw of horse cultures on the human imagination.

The Dreamers were notorious for vicious experiments with subrids. Roshann Cobb was enthralled by the creature's uniquely open to a symbiotic relationship with humans and developed the theory that subrids were attuned to Planetary harmonics. To this end, he arranged for vivisections that yielded insights he never shared.

First image is "Chull from The Stormlight Archive by Brandon Sanderson" by Pablo Zamora Almagro on ArtStation.

Jul 14, 2023 at 6:50 PM #280

Superior biological testing station. University of Planet. Monsoon Jungle. Shamash.


Neo-Spartan Battle Master deploys a parasite hovertank during a collection of planet pearls. Red Wastes. Golgu.


Morgan Security Services casecar awaits a shift change in a worker's block of The Crack, better known as Warrentown 55-6.

Overhead, pirate wires connect rogue 'jacks to the faction datalinks. Hunter-seeker algorithms will eventually find their way "downstring" to present the offender with a recurring fine for unauthorized service.


Armored Myrmidons of Sparta take advantage of a whiteout to withdraw following a successful raid on the Helix, plundered network node in hand.

The second trooper wields a graviton splitter, courtesy of the University of Planet, with which the spoils of victory will soon be shared.

Behind them, a disabled Ascendancy
shagokhod pays silent testimony to the martial prowess of these mechanized supersoldiers--a match, for once, against Pahlavi's test tube tyrants.

First image is "Zaiya Ikowuro: Volume III - Wild Outpost (Evale)" by GratefulReflex on DeviantArt.

Second image is "RC-24 Design System: Vehicle Builder" by GratefulReflux on DeviantArt.

Third image is "Quarantine Patrol" by saralgam1980 at DeviantArt.

Fourth image is "Tears of distant sun" by ukitakumuki on DeviantArt.

Jul 15, 2023 at 9:24 AM #281
Annunciator Sathieu Metrion said:
Man without history is a loaded pistol pointed at the wrong target. - Timelines


Name: Sathieu Metrion
Rank: Ensign
Position: Senior Archivist
Country of Origin: Thailand
Date of Birth: 06-06-2031
Height: 170.18 cm
Weight: 72.6 kg

Service Record:
Born in Chiang Tung, United Former Thai Territories, Thai-occupied Shan State. Mother, a librarian supporting "cultural conservation" of the area's Thai legacy. Educated at boarding schools in Bangkok after security situation in home province deteriorated. Contact with parents thereafter limited to written correspondence until their deaths.

Exemplary A-NET scores led to secondary screenings by Buenos Aires-based Tomorrow Institute under the Global Human Resource Project, a collaboration with various governments to identify future candidates for national leadership roles. Graduated Royal Thai Naval Academy. Posted to inshore patrol, primarily combating traffic in plundered antiquities. Initially disliked by subordinates for imposing additional training and education requirements at the expense of their recreation. Subject eventually won their loyalty, and popular acclaim, commanding several victories against trans-national criminal, corporate, and French Union incursions through Thai waters.

Studied data science at Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok. Temporarily assigned to Geo-Informatics and Space Technology Development Agency for SEATO's Fourth Earth-Io Mission aboard the Hayyānu , an orbital surveyor operated by the Trans-Neptunian Development Corporation. Crew claim to have discovered previously-unsuspected deposits of water ice, but the ship's data payload was corrupted and life support compromised by an infiltrator traced through Interpol to servers at the University of Trinidad. Subject later inducted into the Honorable Order of Rama for rapid restoration of central computer functionality despite severe injuries from cold, saving the lives of everyone aboard. Amputation of subject's left hand was mitigated by cybernetic replacement, leading to a long period of rehabilitation that included medically-supervised Dreaming.

Meritorious appointment to the U.N. Mission to Alpha Centauri with Thai national contingent, 2066. Entered Data Services under Lt. Cmdr. Tạ Dọc Thân. During mission training, subject participated in the so-called Frankenstein Debates, a series of networked meta-conversations about the likelihood that humans would inadvertently create a hostile artificial intelligence. With Thân, subject posited that the risk of such an outcome existed in proportion to the number of modifications to original software code. This was the beginning of the "disk obedience" movement in software engineering.

In 2070, subject led interplanetary evaluation team tasked with identifying the most-important areas of human knowledge for preservation in the Unity Data Core. The final report urged U.N. planners to devote more disk space to cultural products, arguing that these were less independently reproducable than practical information such as manuals on small unit tactics and remote imaging of Chiron's moons.

Awakened during Unity Crisis. Delivered most Atomic Energy Lab staff, including their director, Dr. Johann Anhaldt, from cold sleep before joining the larger body of Data Services responders in the Data Core. Participated in initial system impact assessments and remote damage control operations.

As conditions deteriorated, Thân countermanded the orders of Captain Garland and Executive Officer D'Almeida in order to prioritize support for Chief Engineer Zakharov's reactor repairs, leading to a brief confrontation between the two men. Subject was ordered out of the Data Core 36 minutes before its ejection, during which Thân was killed.

Subject gathered Data Services survivors, declaring his intention to follow Thân's plan of preserving "this fund of human knowledge--our sacred trust." En route to hangar bays, Data Services personnel recruited disorganized survivors of other divisions, including U.N. Security Forces wounded, structural engineers previously dispatched forward by Zakharov, damage control parties isolated by failsafes, and contractors of Comprehensive Transport, the quasi-governmental body responsible for regulation of space travel throughout the Sol System. They ultimately commandeered two Landing Pods.

Colonists under Metrion's supervision were first to interact with survivors of the preceding Chiron Interstellar Probe, from whom they contracted Red Flu, triggering draconian quarantine protocols to stem serious losses.

Psych Profile: Sentimentalist
Mission Psych Battery confirms observations by past superiors of surliness and persistent failure to build trusting relationships. Subject also suffers from moderate depression. Strong interest in mementos and memory recovery reflects longing for an idealized past.

Peer interviews demonstrate subject was widely understood to disapprove of Thân's leadership style. Private remembrances, accessed through random audit, indicate subject found Thân "preening."

Thân meanwhile characterized subject as "bookish" and "emotionally immature" and repeatedly withheld promotion in filings endorsed by Political Officer Sheng-ji Yang.


The partially-organized contents of just a single secondary drive of the Unity Data Core had the same footprint as a city of more than 120km². In this secvid view of Dewey's Divide, a commuter tram awaits visiting researchers, planetary archivists, and the odd data custodian.

First image is "Cyberpunk portrait of man as cyborg, sci fi concept art, dramatic, artstation trending, highly detailed," created on Lexica by an unknown author.

Second image is part of the portfolio "777Jihad" by isleeyin on DeviantArt.

Jul 16, 2023 at 7:09 AM #282

Hive kiterunner confirms the destruction of a Restoration crawler after catastrophic loss of payload containment. Yang's salvage teams will mobilize at once.

This scout's personal transport is the Volvo
trollslända , one of the most popular commercial sport vehicles on Earth in 2071.

Made famous a decade earlier by professional racer Su Jin-Che on the Cape Town-Khartoum-El Aaiún Run, the hoverbike was purpose-designed for that grueling, deadly event, combining blistering speed with mechanical simplicity.

trollslända was nothing but carbon-fiber frame, solar power plant, heads-up display, and underslung, rear-loaded tool chest. Su and other trollslända operators trained as much to endure the extreme discomfort of long operation as to become adept at bike-handling and used painkillers to stay mounted.

Like Su, Chironian
trollslända riders reckoned that the bike's best safety feature was its sheer ease of repair.


Perimeter minefields were just one of the many "hard work incentives" provided by Morgan Industries to all team members.

Morgan Security conducted visual inspections of the minefield whenever executives were inbound (as on the highship in the background), plugging the many craters that were formed each cycle.

The bipedal Multiple Use Labor Elements seen here take advantage of Chiron's nitrate yield as a cheap source of motive power.


On Factory Floor W-H-1 at Morgan Manufactures. This crawler chassis is in the middle stages of assembly.

Still garbed in their old uniform colors, former Data Services personnel are making final adjustments to firmware.

First image is "Harvester" by cyberkite on DeviantArt.

Second image is "Terraformer 2" by cyberkite on DeviantArt.

Third image is "Assembly" by cyberkite on DeviantArt.

Jul 23, 2023 at 9:25 AM #284

A settlement of "Dry Gaians" at Asopus's Bend in the Tséyi Bowl. Manufactured components of the original colony pods have been fashioned into durable shelters, but working infrastructure--the windmill at bottom left and the scuttles and docks at center--is of locally-sourced Chironian flutewood, highly resistant to the planet's acidic hydrology.

Scale-punchers have arrived on the opposite bank pushing slakes of desperately-needed remounts. Synoe's Four-Toed Monitors were adept swimmers and even better climbers, taking their Gaian riders up vertical rock faces where no
Unity ground vehicle could hope to follow.

Gaia's Stepdaughters stubbornly maintained a handicraft economy--partly out of concern for Planet's natural ecology, and partly because heavy equipment was largely diverted to the militia after First Contact with other factions.

Because of their advanced techniques, nutrients, water, and (considering their low draw) energy were often plentiful, but minerals were harder to come by. Production and technological progress were painstakingly slow. Mechanical and electronic devices were kept in good order, but significant repairs or replacement were possible only with the help of sympathetic Hunter Lodges or visiting New State shipping--both rarities. A half-dozen supercomputers scavenged from recovered Supply Pods were remanded to Gaia's Landing for weather forecasting and gene sequencing. Heavy equipment not converted for war-making was pooled and apportioned under the supervision of a council answerable to the Lady herself, but almost always found it way to agricultural use.


For resupply, Gaian fighters depended on battlefield salvage. Standard practice was to let mindworms incapacitate enemy patrols before stripping them of their equipment. The prisoners, treated with scrupulous care, could then be traded back as the price of a temporary truce.

This powered combat suit, a Norinco-made Jiànkè (剑客) originally supplied to the expedition by Golden China and once used by Spartans for base security, was more than 110 years old when it stood in defense of The Autumn Clade.


Cranberries, which favored acidic soils, were a popular early transplant.

Here, Gaian drones harvest the fruits from a bog with the help of jury-rigged safety equipment. The shells are clearly spacesuits, while the hoods are bladders sewn from hab-tent scraps and the re-breathers have been converted from water filtration devices. Although similar, the suits are not identical, pointing to the all-important role of improvisation in frontier living.

First image is from the beauty render in the portfolio "Canyon Civilization Rural Village" by jordi van hees on ArtStation.

Second image is "The Rot begins" by DustBye-Fantasies on DeviantArt.

Third image is "Harvest" by Eteriv on DeviantArt.

Jul 25, 2023 at 8:06 PM #285

Holnist paramilitaries block a Michigan road with the help of an old M939 5-ton.

When Jean Baptiste-Keller, then a failing soybean farmer with access to an old 1150 kHz radio tower, described Holnism as "a refusal of this modernity," he was somewhere in the vanguard of countless subsequent thinkers trying to answer the question, "Why now?" Why were so many mid-century Americans clamoring for "home rule" and forsaking national unity?

Colonel Corazón Santiago never publicly grieved her decision to using the movement's veterans to claim her spot in what she called "the New Order," a not-so-subtle dig at the original vision for a single, unitary colony governed under U.N. auspices. Nevertheless, in bringing Holnists from Earth to Chiron, she forced her contemporaries to speak to the same problem that confronted Jean Baptiste.

The standard history of Holnism, Strong Men , by Christophe Mitre, spends 200-odd pages distinguishing Nathan Holn the man--"misshapen in appearance and disposition," dead long before the conflicts that would take his name--and the disparate bodies of thought later ascribed to him. Holnists engaged in what Interior Secretary Oscar van de Graaf memorably called "radical contradictions," holding their neighbors as slaves while denying the jurisdiction of federal and state law on grounds of "Nullification by Conscience." According to their actions, most Holnist leaders were actually proponents of political anarchy, preferring conditions that afforded them maximum autonomy, even at the expense of the political projects (such as state secession) to which they sometimes became attached. To the extent that they recognized any form of government as desirable, it was petty despotism, with themselves in the starring role.

Mitre ventured that Holnists and "supporters of Holnism" were actually two distinct groups. The former were more akin to the right-wing militias of the 1990s: armed to the teeth, already sequestered from the world at large, preparing themselves for a fatal (and inevitable) clash with authority. Many were engaged in illegal activities. The latter were typical political malcontents who had seized on provincialism as a way to manage change, and mistook militants for muscular allies who could defeat the dark forces of their partisan fantasies. They were also early adopters of the World Wide Web, building national and international connections, becoming "people out of place." A decade earlier, said Mitre, and they would have been shunned into hermitage, but in the late 2030s, they felt vindicated by the support of people they had never met.

Environmental activist Deirdre Skye diagnosed Holnism as "a civic fungus"--the predictable condition of any people who would forsake environmental stewardship, "for a disordered home breeds every malady in the search for relief, and an unhealthy organ poisons or starves the rest." Mitre called it the "Broken Windows Theory of conservationism."

Raoul Andre St. Germainé told colleagues in the Marine nationale that Holnism arose at the intersection of the dangerous relationship between constitutional democracy and the World Wide Web. Forms of government invented during periods of pensée lente and grosse pensée --literally, "slow thought" and "fat thought," meaning elite control over mass print communication--should be modified or abandoned in the presence of pensée rapide . Without censorship to protect the boring and complicated government by the competent, people would elevate an incompetent alternative--the first one prepared to flatter their many prejudices and misconceptions.

J.T. Marsh wrote that Holnism was an attempt by humans to reassert themselves in the presence of something they recognized attavistically as a mortal threat: the machine. The movement's notorious violence was being deployed, he said, to recapture a sense of personal efficacy. Santiago's own take was not very far off from that of the Game Warden. Planet: A Survivalist's Guide contains clear traces of the Holnists' paranoia: for the Colonel, the only way to avoid political irrelevance--the calamity of being subject to the whims of another--was to accumulate so much latent military power that no decision could be made without without her.

The good bureaucrat, Dr. Lal, ascribed Holnism to failures of the American educational system, curiously overlooking its strong appeal among Canadians. As Lal would have it, Holnism was the misbegotten child of refusal to reckon with uncomfortable aspects of national history. "The Americans made for themselves a false ideal, and were surprised when it stepped off the pages of textbooks and into their parlors, guns in hand." Sathieu Metrion and Johann Anhaldt agreed. In dialogue at a symposium on youth education at University Park, they warned that "a falsified historical experience" would produce an intemperate people without the common fund of historical memory--data--required to develop correct solutions to their shared problems.

In her final years, Santiago wrote extensively to try to separate Holnism and Survivalism, but try as she might, the two could not be easily distinguished. Central to both philosophies was a presumptive entitlement: followers became convinced that something good was being denied them, hidden away in the halls of government, the shipyards of the Moon, or the root cellars of neighboring homes, and that it could, and should, be taken by force.

It was left to Pete Landers to describe a Survivialism without predatory features in the shape of Kellerism, with its monomaniacal focus on the immediacy of human relationships and a call to become genuinely useful to one's fellows. Keller was himself an Evangelical Protestant, but he asserted that God was in "the Fellowship of This World," rather than awaiting His Children in the next world. Church was the grill or the firepit, the post office or the general store or the bowling alley--wherever a brother or cousin or neighbor was waiting with a kind word and a cold beer. Holnists replaced the nation and its myriad obligations of citizenship with kingdoms of cruelty and excess they carved for themselves, but Kellerites put family and community front-and-center, gathering together the makings of functional clan groups long before trapped residents of cities like Miami and Los Angeles fell back on criminal gangs as a replacement for foundering governments, absent utilities, and disbanded police departments. There was some astonishment within the Federal Bureau of Investigation after agents described The Complete Jean-Baptiste Keller as "an encyclopedic primer on everything from Robert's Rules of Order to the proper filling of sandbags." The U.S. Army estimated that one in three of its non-commissioned officers carried contraband editions of Keller's tapes as "indispensable leadership aids," a behavior that persisted among many Unity recruits to the great chagrin of U.N. Security Forces.


Somewhere in Kansas, a U.S. National Guard M1A2 Abrams Main Battle Tank levels its cannon at a municipal building where Holnists have gathered in surrender.

Both images are stills from the television show Jericho depicting Ravenwood mercenaries, courtesy of the Internet Movie Firearms Database.

Jul 26, 2023 at 10:47 PM #286
Academician Prokhor Zakharov said:
Disk Obedience is capitalism for a new age. The programmer assumes the rule of the industrialist, and we are assured that only his talents are adequate to the avoidance of doom. - For I Have Tasted The Fruit


"The Meeting in Moscow." Vidcap presented by the Federal Bureau of Investigation at the trial of American spy Rayman Slathers. Found guilty of treason in 1999, he was executed by firing squad the following year. Soviet Premier Garayev celebrated the deceased as Father of Soviet Robotics.

Not every Probe job demanded violence. University researchers frustrated by their leader's long distractions with personal projects or undercut by faculty and student politics were forever bringing their ideas to market with the help of the Morganites or the Bourse. Nor was it unheard of for entire project teams to make the trek high into the Sawtooths in search of that "true scientist," Tamineh Pahlavi, and never mind the nervous rumors of what happened to those who displeased her.

A full division of Morgan Strategic Services did nothing with its generous budget and plentiful human resources but harvest the good ideas from Zakharov's leaking sieve and the notoriously security-deficient Dreamer clinics.


The central assumptions of Disk Obedience were two. First, that the probability of inadvertent emergence of malignant A.I. increased with every post-production change in a thinking machine's code. Second, that the most-impactful change was likely to occur when more than one individual contributed to a single code legacy. The best legacies were short and simple. Idosyncracies in style and the mistakes inevitable in larger legacies created the "liminal spaces" where sentience could supposedly form--the spaces that haunted Sathieu Metrion's sleep. In the most Obedient societies, robots that exceeded the lives of their creators were destroyed.

Where Obedience was weaker, upgrades would be conducted primarily through "practical machine learning," which meant teaching robots in the same manner as humans: by use of reason. A robot could therefore learn in the manner intended by its creator, but (so it was said) no other way. Here, a New State Thinker instructs medical androids to assemble new medications.


The pilot of a crash-landed Hopper awaits rescue in a fungal patch. He is lucky to have survived this long. Such craft were small enough that loss of containment was a common problem after hard landings.

Our subject is conspicuously without a robot guardian. The School of Disk Obedience believed that thinking machines, like humans, would grow most through adversity, and limited their use to a narrow set of roles.

First image is "Negotiations" by Alexander Mandradjiev on ArtStation.

Second image is "Wisdom vs. Tech" by iamrudja on DeviantArt.

Third image is "Crash Landing" by iamrudja on DeviantArt.

Jul 31, 2023 at 6:35 PM #288

Argentine fighter-bombers dash for safety after surprising the British Antarctic Patrol.

Military theorists from Place No. 2 to Sparta Command clamored for Sathieu Metrion's librarians to find them lessons on small wars. The madman Sheng-ji Yang called it "the study of what can be done with nothing." Officer training among the Memorialists began with guided study of three such conflicts: the thirty-six hour War of the Mercenaries waged between Communist Ethiopia and pro-American Sudan at the border crossing of Gallabat in 2024; Red China's "electronic decapitation" of the Philippines in 2036; and the Bolivian Encroachment in the Paraguayan Chaco, a case study in the use of public policy to create "stubborn facts on the ground."


The Erehwolle Style combined industrial authenticity with nods toward Art Deco splendor like the analog clock face at the apex of this turbine stack's auxiliary gas diffusion pod.
Brightly-colored lead lines for aerostatic collectors, also used on Chiron, rise away into the low-scudding clouds.

Morgan Industries found that Erehwolle's philosophy was no real solution to complaints about industrial sprawl. On Earth, stations like the Philadelphia High Mile (pictured above) were tolerated as a necessary evil, but the CEO's rarefied investors were as uncompromising as Gaians in their calls for "free sky."


Gaian Ranger in full "battle rattle."
First image is "Untitled" by JPAN03041992 on DeviantArt.

Second image is "Bfd4fo16" by jdc4429 on DeviantArt.

Third image is "Jungle Guardian" by Auzy on ArtStation.

Aug 7, 2023 at 9:26 AM #290

A Chosen Companion of the Spartan Federation. They are armed with a late-model hand weapon, the Heckler & Koch G97 automatic rifle. Santiago paid premiums to traders for the long-barrel variant, the better to advertise the saw-toothed bayonets issued to all non-commissioned ranks. Along with nineteenth-century military theorists, Santiago believed they encouraged élan, communicating that Spartan warriors were fully prepared for the grueling trial of close-quarters battle even in high gravity.

This mimetic fabrics of this soldier's fatigues have taken on the red shade of the fires at her back. The bulky helmet contains a point-to-point radio set while the torso is protected by bulletproof ceramic plate.


Gaian Patroller in civic duty uniform. The white shoulder boards and sun helmet indicate assignment to Gaia's Landing. Other noteworthy features of his kit include the tall gaiters--Gaians disdained to cut more brush than was strictly necessary for walkways--and collapsible Sarsilmaz machine pistol, typical of the faction's mostly unimpressive armory. Rebreathing equipment is stowed in the pouch at the small of the back: Gaian soldiers practiced endurance drills to accustom themselves to the nitrogen-rich environment. This trooper will go thirty minutes before donning a mask.


Ensign of the Temple Guard, dress uniform. What little wealth the Conclave amassed was spent in two ways: on grand architecture and even grander missions of exploration. Believers guarded their houses of worship in a manner no less fastidious than Miriam guarded their souls. Security was posted at all exterior access points and again outside the mausoleums of the movement's saints, to which only the faithful could gain admittance. Successful colonists were obliged to first make offerings, while all others were accepted on the basis of tithes. Because no "implements of war" were permitted within the Sanctuary, Temple Guard were skilled hand-to-hand combatants.

First image is Imperial Guard battle uniform by FiloBeche on DeviantArt.

Second image is Palladian Regular Infantry by FiloBeche on DeviantArt.

Third image is Imperial Guard of Galileo - AI version by FiloBeche on DeviantArt.

Aug 12, 2023 at 6:39 AM #295

Believers carve new tracks in the Troilus Hills as twin suns burn through the gloaming overhead.

Territorial disputes were a leading cause of vendetta. Hopes of putting an end to serial violations of its "sovereign range" by Hunter overlanders and Conclavist expeditions finally tempted even the proud Two Thousand to participate in Pravin Lal's planetary government.

Godwinson refused to abandon the Naming Project, notwithstanding the very limited resources available to her faction for warfare, especially by unsupported flying columns.

Curiously, the first Believer expeditions reported almost no untoward encounters with xenofauna, a finding that confounded their less-fortunate opponents. Lady Deirdre Skye later hypothesized that the "almost respectful quality of the surveys" must have been apparent to the Living Planet.

The Believers, of course, were later notorious for their proprietary attitude towards the new world and its resources, using the knowledge gained through early roaming to support the Shaping wrought by Chief Liquidator Nagao.


Unity Scout Choppers combined all the most desirable features sought by Mission Control: collapsible, portable, easy to fly, and simple to maintain, with exceptionally long range and an impressive payload considering their weight. Even better, they were cheap: U.N. logisticians sourced them from the Mil Moscow Helicopter Plant, which supplied 164 units that had been previously rejected for service in Afghanistan. (Slow and lightly-armored, they were tempting and easy targets for mujahedin fighters, but neither limitation was judged relevant to flying conditions on Chiron.) Refurbished, fitted with larger power plants and broader rotor blades to handle the much stronger gravity, Scout Choppers took pride of place in J.T. Marsh's blueprint for early reconnaissance.

After accounting for the full squadron of twelve on loan to the Forward Contact Teams, Kleisel Mercator's Air Operations Directorate survivors are believed to have hoarded most of the remaining air-frames. Others were loaded aboard Supply Pods since observed operators by M.Y. 15 included Gaia's Stepdaughters and the Human Ascendancy, and at least six were in the hands of the Lord's Conclave from very early on.


Automatics were as varied as the beasts of the Earth. Many survivors grew to fear cyborgs and robots--"things" that appeared to be facsimiles or caricatures of themselves--without giving a second thought of the use of self-driving vehicles that, equipped with polymorphic software, were often better at avoiding or outrunning danger than organic pilots.

The Forward Contact Teams put thousands of radio-dispatched Unity Crawlers to work. They spread quickly and silently across the face of Shamash and beyond with configurations for every biome: self-righting capsules for the wine-dark seas; wheeled platforms for broken grounds; tracked haulers for fungal toadstools and nitrate heaps; and ski-mounted variants the permanent ice.


Each Landing Pod carried a fleet of micro-vehicles. Provision included at least one emergency tug to perform incipient medical transport and firefighting duties either aboard the Pod itself or in the tight confines of early settlements.

The dearth of atmospheric oxygen meant that most fires would be fueled by whatever the colonists brought with them--industrial gases, and radiological or conventional fuels. Most tugs used expansion foams in lieu of water.

Experience taught that the most common base emergency was loss of life support, and many crews dismantled the firefighting apparatus altogether in favor of conserving onboard storage space for self-contained breathing apparatus and quick-assembling oxygen shelters.

First image is "Scout the Danger Zone 3 - Hill" by lhlclllx97 on DeviantArt.

Inspiration for Believer expedition's is StrategosRisk's recommendation of Earth by David Brin, in which it is suggested that God's first positive commandment to Man was to name the beasts of the Earth.

Helicopter is Mil Mi-8 Ink Drawing [IV] by Rooivalk1 on DeviantArt.

Third image is AF-44 'Autonomous Fuel Transport' by moth3R on DeviantArt.

Fourth image is an MD-33 Navy Tractor firefighting apparatus by Mick Evans.

Aug 13, 2023 at 9:53 AM #297
How Now Shall We Live?

Late twenty-first century scholars of international relations need not have searched far or long for indictments of the modern nation-state. Scarcely four hundred years after Peace of Westphalia, and less than one hundred-and-fifty years after the founding of the United Nations, the gross failures of “commonwealth government”—“political community founded for the common good”—prompted broad and decisive reassessment of how the societies of Planet Earth should live henceforth.

Of the many inquests performed on the carcass of commonwealth government, those carried out by French military officer Raoul André St. Germaine and World Health Organization Director-General Pravin Lal were most influential outside academia. St. Germaine's popular history, written for the lay reader, traced the decline of what he called “the American project,” or multi-ethnic, participatory democracy, to its roots in the pre-modern era. Using data supplied by the Tomorrow Institute’s World Wide Web Watch, St. Germaine showed that, starting from the year 1990, the dispositive content of digital speech was overwhelmingly lies. Without a shared truth to anchor debate, the political amity necessary to hold together heterogeneous societies simply disintegrated. Confronted with a dizzying array of ideas, citizens declined even to seek information that was not pleasing to them, much less to accept it. Political battle lines hardened progressively until the disputants became convinced of the fundamental moral illegitimacy of their opponents, leading predictably to increased tolerance for anti-democratic behavior. Democratic societies therefore experienced a rash of coups d’etats and regional secessionist crises in the search for conditions under which single-party rule could be asserted.

Lal’s assessment was incompatible with St. Germaine’s, but his conclusions were essentially the same. St. Germaine represented central governments as flat-footed and naively idealistic. Lal wrote that they had become infected with the same manias as their constituents, promulgating mass political fantasies that were such a poor fit for objective reality, public administration became impossible. In essence, governments opportunistically sold their voters lies to the point that they were forced to govern as if those lies were true. Under conditions of state-sanctioned censorship, attempts to define national identity in ways that served the state became corrupted by chauvanism. Eventually, civic fires burned out of control as bad-faith actors tired of compromise and despaired of the sacrifices they were being asked to make on behalf of government in spite of its clear incompetence.

Commonwealth government endured as of 2071, but in a much-diminished capacity. Fewer nations attempted it, and fewer people demanded it compared to the previous century. In the words of Survivalist provocateur Corazon Santiago, “Democracy was for the poor and the downtrodden--those who still lack a voice.” Those whose fundamental needs were met usually tried to choose something else.

One of the earliest replacements for commonwealth government was oligarchy—government delivered with many of the same stylings as before, but which did not even pretend to serve the interests of disfavored groups. Instead, these were explicitly persecuted under the pretext that they represented a threat to political order. The distinction between a troubled commonwealth government and a “full” oligarchy was always in dispute, but the non-profit Freedom House identified just fifteen free governments worldwide in 2060, down from a high of forty-three in 2023, whereas the number of partly free and not-free governments rose sharply over the same time period. [1] Microgovernments presiding over populations of less than 20,000 were excluded from this count. On Chiron, participatory democracy was preserved in numerous societies, while multi-party democracy was most associated with the Peacekeepers, the Shapers, and the Hunters of Chiron.

Some wished to dispense with democracy altogether. Monarchists demanded simplification of politics by selection of an enlightened despot who would provide the wise discernment of which a democratic body politic was incapable, and the perpetuation of their dynasty according to hereditary principles. Interest in this form of government was greatest among those steeped in paternalistic, meritocratic, and deterministic institutions that taught obedience and suggested the possibility of closely grooming monarchs-in-waiting to perform their role well. Thus monarchy was most appealing to military officers, technocrats, and geneticists. Monarchy, distinct from simple despotism, was regarded with widespread suspicion and practiced only in a few places in 2071: in Golden China, imperial Iran, and most notably, on the artificial continent of Shamash during periods of national emergency. On Chiron, monarchy in stratocratic (military) trappings became the dominant government type of the New State.

Another transformative answer to perceived failures of commonwealth government was corporate rule, sometimes called corporatocracy. Its chief exponent, entrepreneur Nwabudike Morgan, called it “the antidote for stability.” The purpose of a corporation was to generate profit for its shareholders. Whereas commonwealth government aspired to deliver aspirational goods such as culture and purpose, corporatocratic governments confined their promises to (in Morgan’s words) “measurable, material benefits: food, lodging, entertainments, and physical security.” From 2050 to 2070, roughly ten percent of the Earth’s surface and fourteen percent of its population was managed by for-profit corporations under charter or contract to national governments. The success of corporatocracy as a full replacement for commonwealth government is hotly debated. Biafran PhD candidate Osa Bamidele, who stratified survey respondents according to title and income levels from 2064 to 2066, reported strong satisfaction with corporatocracy as a replacement for commonwealth government among elites, but felt that his results for drone workers must reflect tampering. Corporatocratic governments on Chiron emerged among the Morganites and was also practiced by the Bourse and Unicorp.


St. Louis, MO. The Lucinda P. Shaw Government Building, more commonly known as the ARC Pyramid, is left of center. In the background, the Malcolm Baldrige Suspension Bridge spans the Mississippi River, made four miles wide by the 2039 New Madrid Megaquake.

Shaw was the third African-American to serve as U.S. Attorney General, a position she occupied for fourteen years across five administrations. She survived two assassination attempts unscathed and, upon her retirement, was honored with appointment to the
Unity Mission as an adviser to Captain Garland. Her fate is unknown.


Popular impressions of the corporation-as-government were favorably influenced by the American space program. Every American president from Eisenhower to Shanden claimed that private entrepreneurship was the best guarantee of keeping pace with, or maintaining America’s lead over, the Soviets in Space Race. The credibility of these claims seemed manifest in the success of Project Orion, as well as the more than fifty human recovery missions launched under the auspices of Comprehensive Transport, Liberty Bell Astro, and Kryad Synergies in support of the U.S. Air Force beginning in 1970.

It was widely accepted that the cost of space development outside Earth’s orbit required that profit motive, not civilian science, drive decision-making. Corporations had their own reasons for investing heavily in the skills and welfare of space workers, who almost always reported strong satisfaction with their favorable circumstances.

A fourth answer to dissatisfaction with commonwealth government was self-separation, distinct from secession in that self-separation was always only a temporary measure reflecting objective state failure, not alienation from the very premise of commonwealth government itself. “Classic” secessionism as practiced by the Christian States of America or the governors of Free Missouri, Alberta, Lone Star Texas, North Florida, and Chiapas, wanted permanent estrangement because of irreconcilable differences over the laws and political structures of the states from which they attempted to divorce. Advocates of self-separation, including but not limited to Kellerites, Proto-Survivalists (a blanket term for those who explicitly disavowed the tents of Holnism), and some Vaulters, claimed to have been first abandoned by their national governments, and thereby thrown on what Jean-Baptiste Keller called “the mercy of our own means.” The most generous estimates of the number of self-separated communities approached two percent of global population in 2050 but dropped below a half-percent two decades later. Most were Americans later reabsorbed into Unionist society. [2] Self-separatist communities usually lacked the diversity to achieve democratic pluralism, but did make decisions under a one-person, one-vote principle. On Chiron, this form of government defined the Tribe and the Neo-Spartans.

Corporatocracy and self-separation withstood tampering over time. Joint-stock entrepreneurialism was a form of corporatocracy distinctive for the small number of participants, which meant flatter organizational structures and more opportunity for direct experience of risks and rewards. Echoes of self-separation were evident in the almost hostile attitude that joint-stock entrepreneurs directed toward government. Unlike more traditional corporatocrats, whose wealth was synonymous with power in whatever government system persisted, joint-stock entrepreneurs saw themselves carving out wholly new spaces, merging the lust for wealth with a desire for total self-actualization. Members of the New Two Thousand carried this tradition to Chiron, where they looked to alienate land and practice a radical individualism that some felt was indistinguishable from Holnism.

Some believed that the best salve for loss of commonwealth government was organized religion. The Great Reawakening coincided with the Crisis of the Twenty-First Century. Archaeological recovery of ancient texts brought more than 120 apocryphal texts into consideration for inclusion into the Judeo-Christian biblical canons. Radiological incidents were almost always attended by eschatological claims. Debate around the legitimacy of this new information attracted keen attention from a global readership grappling with the traditional maladies of war, famine, scarcity, and disease.

As civil authorities became less able to meet the physical and spiritual requirements of their subjects, faith-based actors answered the unmet calls, mobilizing charity on an unprecedented scale. Faith movements sometimes allied themselves to secular political causes, as in the case of Miriam Godwinson, whose initial analysis of Scripture led her to the conclusion that civil and religious leadership should be held carefully distinct, or they could become estranged from them. Hundreds of “petty” religions were made and unmade in the liminal spaces of the Indian Ocean Exclusion Zone. Revivalism was especially hot in space habitats: disconnection from the familiar and the very high rate of fatal accidents focused cultural development on the question of life after death.

So Marian Christianity, Catholic Christianity, New Judaism, Sunni Islam, and Confucian thought experienced booming growth. Marian Christians, who comprised most of Miriam Godwinson's followers, incorporated eighty new texts into their canon and were heavily influenced by the belief that works, not faith alone, would come to define their eligibility for salvation. These included charity as well as a new concept, called stewardship, which defined their relationship to Earth, and, for Unity mission survivors, Chiron, which they sometimes called New Earth. Although influenced by the Green movements of the 1990s, the Stewardship movement rejected conservationist values in favor of practical human interests. This put the Believers more in tune with the Morganites than the Gaians with respect to the disposal of planetary resources, but it also suggested the possibility that faction members could have a spiritual relationship with the Planet that was not so much a meeting of equal minds as the acknowledgement between master and subject. Unlike the relatively new innovation of Marian Christianity, other revivalisms tended to be concerned with the engagement of long-standing tradition and thought with the ethical quandries posed by modern technology.

A last noteworthy solution to problems of good government was automation. Some called for humans to submit their common problems to computers that would supposedly strip away any agenda when calculating viable options and balancing competing interests. While Johann Anhaldt would not go so far as to eliminate the human element in governance, he and Prokhor Zakharov undeniably attempted to divest certain aspects of base and social administration in ways they called "scientific."

[1] Colonial governments and minority-rule states usually practiced a form of limited (“closed”) democracy in which only certain privileged classes were permitted to participate officially in national decision-making. Freedom House’s policy was to classify colonial governments as partly free or not free. This included Portugal, Spain, the United Kingdom, France, the Netherlands, Greece, Israel, South Africa, Rhodesia, Katanga, Australia, and Thailand.

[2] Per Xolo-Boaz, enduring estrangement between self-separated populations and commonwealth governments should not be regarded as evidence of abandonment of commonwealth principles by the former. Indeed, it is best understood as reaction to the belief that self-separated persons were treated, unfairly, as traitors.

For the definition of a commonwealth, I used Wikipedia .

First image is “The Pyramid” by Bogdan-MRK on DeviantArt.

Second image is “Colony Ship Launched” by Fondrin on DeviantArt.

Aug 17, 2023 at 4:37 PM #299

Hive sand dredges begin construction of Visionary's Bolthole as a rare storm brews. Moisture will aid the digging process, but, more importantly, the violent winds and rain will suppress Neo-Spartan air patrols.

With few Talents to spare for viceregal duties, Chairman Yang preferred to build outposts in lieu of additional bases after MY35. The Bolthole would serve as just that--a relatively small and inelegant strong-point capable of providing convenient shelter to Hive raiding parties caught out on the far dunes.


Half the tank for half the cost. The Ghazal was a prototype light tank built by the Neo-Spartan Column sometime before MY39.

Its configuration was deceptive: the gyro-stabilized turret contained a highly sensitive television camera used to guide the flight of micro-missiles carried in launch tubes on the hull. For close-in defense, there were pairs of coaxial weapons in recessed mounts to either side of the camera pod: two 7.62mm machine guns firing NATO-standard rounds, each one set below a grenade launcher fed with hard-kill countermeasures. This active defense was guided by the tank's large monodirectional radio crests.

Because there were few better options, Santiago found herself emulating the Hermet King with which she shared a sandy exile, poaching off those foolhardy enough to risk a desert crossing.


Believing that kings must conduct affairs in the open, Contre-Amirale St. Germaine spent jubilee years on land in La Tropicana, a pleasure palace abutting the Promenade Ligne Haute, a resort city reserved for his faction's elite--those trusted not to abuse the privilege.

The "CO" often solved political problems either by entrapping unwary members of "problem" families to undermine their standing in his court or rewarding them with extended furlough at the government's expense.

Though considered a moral obscenity by Miriam Godwinson and a blatant threat to the competing interests of Nwabudike Morgan, La Tropicana famously lured Lady Deirdre Skye into compact with St. Germaine after she discovered he had ordered his gardeners to preserve examples of Chironian flora pushed to extinction elsewhere on Shamash.

First image is "Harvesters of Dune" by Constantin Simion on ArtStation.

Second image is "Sci-fi tank" by Sergey Shinkevich on ArtStation.

Third image is "Abdotupe 0004" by DeviantArt.

Aug 18, 2023 at 4:00 PM #300

The cell blocks of Unity's correctional facilities were accessible only by a trunk-line tramway that traversed the open space between the end of one of the vessel's heat dissipation fins and the forward-most Hab Bay. That gulf was the location of a battery farm, residual light from which is visible through the tramway aperture at the top right of this picture.

Occupying the lowest rung of any Chironian society was the prisoner.

This position was potentially accessible in three ways. Some portion of this population consisted of people made prisoner before 2071. These were convicts placed aboard Unity as unfree laborers by various donor nations. Most were inmates of the Soviet or Chinese penal systems, all were selected on the basis of good health and fitness for hard labor, and the U.N. suspected that a majority were guilty only of political crimes. A very high proportion of these individuals survived hibernation to fall into the hands of Aleigha Cohen. The second population of prisoners were captives, usually taken during vendetta, but also during informal skirmishing or in raids. A third set of prisoners was created through the normal operation of criminal justice when individuals violated the laws of their respective factions or committed trespass while on the territory of another faction.


An image from the Unity Crisis. Two members of a heavy rescue team drag an injured convict to a temporary holding area on the orders of Commandant Sardul Singh, the officer responsible for the mission's correctional functions.

Prisoners presented serious ethical problems for early colonies especially. They demanded food, water, shelter, medical care, and warding. If they did not receive these minimum interventions, there would be trouble: either the prisoners would sicken and die, or they would become violent. For this reason, the Conclave immediately attempted to ransom any prisoners that fell into their hands. Others took a harder line. Spartans, Pilgrims, Gaians, and Tribals shot most surrendering enemies so as to avoid the imposition of care, keeping only a few higher-ranking individuals alive for interrogation. Hunters stripped their victims, consigning them to narcosis. The New State similarly set the occasional prisoner adrift in inflatable rafts. Taking prisoners appealed only to factions eager for labor: the Hive, the University, the Dreamers, the Ascendancy, and the Morganites.

Unruly prisoners could be nerve-stapled into dumb docility, but only at the cost of much of their intellectual and even physical utility, and this strategy was embraced only by the Labyrinth. Some were also made into soldiers, but prior to the advent of reliable neural re-patterning, the reliability of these forces was too low to make the prospect at all tempting. Conversation was possible, but expensive--and controversial, for one's own citizens were sure to object when their enemies were welcomed at table. To create incentives that redounded to the benefit of the faction that possessed them, prisoners were often indentured for lengthy terms of servitude. The Morganites and Pilgrims both practiced this form of coerced labor in lieu of slavery.

Rumors abounded that prisoners of the University could expect prolonged suffering as victims of gruesome experimentation, a fate actually more likely to be befall them in the hands of the Morganites or the Dreamers. With so few able-bodied citizens, Zakharov was more interested in laboratory assistants and medical orderlies than test subjects, at least for the first thirty years of settlement. In a warped reflection of the cruelties visited upon them by their neighbors, the Gaian Sisterhood drove their prisoners into the fungus, a strategy defended by the Lady Skye as her people's best deterrent against future abuse. Spartans were equally infamous for their brutalities to the servile class.

Terms were best from the Children of the Atom, who lacking martial inclination, were usually pleased to release prisoners on their own recognizance; the Peacekeeping Forces; the Memory of Earth; and the Lord's Conclave. Both Lal and Mercator promulgated codes of law that accorded prisoners specific protections from exploitation and guaranteed them the a basic living, albeit in semi-permanent captivity. Conclave theologians produced the Captive's Book , a collection of extracts from the voluminous Books of Meronicus, with an even larger component of theological and sociological analysis. This text, provided as a sequence of data tapes, purported to speak to the spiritual aspects of the prisoner's plight. It was mandatory reading for those convicted of civil offenses.


University Security escorts a proud scientist to his lecture hall at Budushii Dvor. The Academician did not deign to become involved in the affairs of his proctors and rarely considered a colleague's disciplinary status when assigning projects.

Captives were treated far worse than civil offenders, especially those of higher rank or caste--individuals that had already consumed a significant proportion of their factions' resources and so were judged worthy of fast rehabilitation, usually on easy terms. Morganites could buy their way out of trouble, even to the point of arranging their own contracts of indenture before the authorities could do so on their behalf. Spartans were pardoned on the condition that they volunteer for temporary assignment to penal battalions where they would serve as shock troops. Tribals remanded civil offenders to the care of their families. Repeat offenders were simply exiled.

Source of the first image is unknown. I found it on Ben Austin's Pinterest site where it is labeled "Sci Fi Prison." A TinEye reverse image search suggested several possibilities for original provenance, including an artist with the handle of Azure_Dragon and Fantasy Flight Games.

Second image is from the 2012 film Lockout.

Third image is from the Peacock series Intergalactic .

Aug 21, 2023 at 5:28 PM #302

Gaian artisans excavated the conservatory at Titania's Rest from the stem and cap of a mushroom more than 900 meters in length. The still-living myconid's husk proved fertile growth medium for fragrant ferns and bioluminescent bulbs.

In the words of concert pianist Cristopham Westover, who played Titania twice, the performer experienced "a transcendental peace." Sathieu Metrion agreed. Supposing that recollections like Westover's indicated Deirdre had successfully tapped into the planetary overmind, Metrion organized the capture of Titania's Rest in MY40. The Gaian defenders gave their lives dearly, refusing their lady's repeated orders to withdraw.


Members of the Unity crew assemble in the ship's hangar bays to await final departure. Anguish is evident on the face of the nearest survivor.

These evacuees have been directed to don rescue hard-shells with the intent of mitigating injuries during descent.


Tribal Minutemen plant the stakes for a sensor field somewhere in Gaian territory. When it came to the mindworm menace, time--forewarning--was an even better defense than fire.

First image is "ComfyUI 01513" by Dralles on DeviantArt.

Second image is "EVA passage way" by helot on DeviantArt.

Third image is "Warzone art" by VentulArt on DeviantArt.

Aug 24, 2023 at 5:27 PM #303
Chairman Sheng-ji Yang said:
The baton strikes haphazardly. Among the more fortunate, this may impart an unwanted sense of immunity. You will find that gas punishes more equitably. - Instructions to the Acolytes


The Chiron Guard reach Objective Crimson during a rapid-reactor drill in the ruins of Post 87, a Morganite trading post abandoned the year before.

Because of their obvious practical utility, but also the exceptional ease with which they could be manufactured and employed, tactical smokes were used in nearly every recorded engagement fought between the human factions of Chiron, usually by all combatants.

As an obscurant, smoke grenades were the blessed relief of every soldier crossing open ground, and often the only counter to TV-guided, laser, and other direct-fire weapons for factions that had fallen behind in the planetary arms race. For those with stronger research programs, metallic and other "additive" smoke offered protection against an even wider range of sensing platforms and smart weapons. Many a commander earned infamy (and some, a subsequent fragging) for "popping smoke" when in the presence of mindworms, reasoning--incorrectly--that some monsters were easier to fight when unseen.

Knock-out and irritant gasses were equally effective against rioting drones, barricaded Probe Teams, and coup plotters of all stripes. Faction leaders extolled the virtues of "push-button" police actions--far more humane, they said, than bullets or batons. Besides: direct action placed security forces at risk. Chairman Sheng-ji Yang celebrated smoke for its "democratizing qualities."

The Stokes Report, commissioned by the Planetary Council in MY14 to provide all survivors with an authoritative history of the Unity Crisis, named Australian engineering firm Del-Ray negligent over failures of the ship-wide dispersal system for Agent 15.

Many Purist and Supremacist factions issued defoliants to virtually all personnel going "outside the wire," with the admonishment that they should be used liberally to suppress "problem vegetation."

Marking smoke was essential for calling down artillery fire and guiding hoppers to a safe landing: most base defenders carried at least three canisters as part of their standard kit, following the guidelines recorded by Colonel Santiago in her Spartan Battle Manual .

Image is "110" by CanDemirbag on DeviantArt.

Aug 27, 2023 at 11:06 AM #305

The cable car system of Lagos, Nigeria, a local innovation for a global problem of weak government.

Gondola lifts, first used for passenger service in 1908 on Old Earth, were a relatively uncomplicated solution for shuttling people and cargoes over extreme changes in altitude. Many urban neighborhoods around the world fell back on hand-crafted, cable-operated lifts to link high-rise arcologies when municipal services collapsed, drawing on the successful Nigerian example.

Despite questionable mechanical safety records, these ersatz solutions were robustly popular. They were the obvious solution to inundation or seasonal flooding in coastal cities, when urban geography changed with the wind and tides. Provided that care was taken in the siting and defense of their infrastructure, they were also considerably safer for their occupants than boats. Gondola lift systems could be built and maintained with local skills and scrap materials. The engineering concepts behind such systems was relatively simple, and they did not require as much supporting infrastructure as bus systems or railways. Additional gondolas could be cut and welded from junked vehicles in a matter of days. High-grade steel and cable for a pulley system were readily salvaged in urban settings where skyscrapers and bridges were abandoned to decay. Intervening buildings along a route could be converted to way-stations or load-bearing elements.

The atomization of systems, impossible to contemplate when cities were well-governed, became a draw. Smaller networks limited the potential impacts of structural failure and preserved the insularity of neighborhoods already sensitive over their abandonment by "the powers that be," including the corporations that had previously supplied modern conveniences such as transit service. Then, of course, there was the naked truth: without the lifts, most urban high-rise architecture would have been rendered inaccessible to populations already afflicted by severe overcrowding. Ambitious urban renewal campaigns in the 2020s such as China's Sunshine Plan and the Atoms for Peace Program's "Big America" Project created residential tower complexes that soared to 1,800 or 2,000 meters in height.

[Image removed at the request of the artist.]

New York City, view south from The Old Battery. The Atomic Development Administration building, a Koch-era catch for the city, looms in the foreground while the Neo-gothic John V. Landsay Building looks out on the "The Fill," huge hulls of garbage that have been barged into the Upper Bay to extend the city south and create flood barriers. The Lindsay, which housed more than 40,000 people, has been colonized by unauthorized tramways.

Adoption of aerial lifts on Chiron was rapid and widespread, particularly by bases in mountainous or unfavorable terrain. Spartans built a series of gondola lifts to raise foraged supplies up to their redoubt of Xerxion. The Ascendancy likewise used cable cars to link their outposts along the Sawtooth rangetops, while the Hunters built similar infrastructure to access the permanent depot at High Hide and the Conclave used cable cars to shuttle between mesas in the Planetgorge.


Artist's rendering of Pardis . The imperial palace was situated on an artificial lake in the center of Tehran in 2022. It was a public relations disaster. Foreign journalists reported unfavorably on the Shah's diversion of water from an already-thirsty city. Architects and historians called the design a clumsy mockery of traditional architectural styles. Journalists quoted all the usual regime dissidents. They believed the project was a game of subservient theater for the throne's Anglo-American puppeteers--yet another indication that the Shah was engaging in shameful fantasism at his country's cultural expense.

Future leader of the Human Ascendancy, Tamineh Pahlavi, orbited the Peacock Throne until, at the age of 15, she lost both parents to a flu pandemic and left Iran for Switzerland, never to return. Her father, an aerospace engineer, was a cousin of Mohammad Reza Shah, while an older brother, Kamran, rose to prominence as commander of a squadron of tanks in the Imperial Guard. For years, she shared a tutor with the Crown Prince, Reza.

Young Taimneh was raised to regard the 1921 collapse of the Qajar Dynasty and the mid-century White Revolution as turning points in her country's history. She interpreted Iran's regional hegemony as evidence of the superlative quality of her family's leadership by comparison with the more tumultuous and theocratic politics of neighboring Pakistan and the Communist influences in Iraq, Syria, and Afghanistan. One person, honed by the finest education, aided by the best associates, possessed of a worthy vision, and with all the levers of state at their disposal, could break the power of hidebound institutions. As a student of biology in California, Pahlavi went on to draw sympathetic parallels between the Shah's beleaguered position and that of Vesper Abaddon, haranguing her skeptical peers accordingly.

In the United States, Pahlavi often spent school holidays with a former courtier in Tehran, ex-Chilean president and exile Sebastian Valdes Riquelme, and his wife, Rayen. The two were enthusiastic participants in the growing Spiritual Perfection Movement, emphasizing the growth of personal efficacy through philosophical education and aerobic exercise, and flirted with solar worship. Like millions of other devotees who were encouraged to find a suitable historical archetype to emulate, the Riquelmes chose Alexander the Great following the 2031 discover of a partial copy of Adrianus's Alexandriad , previously known only by mention in the Suda , a Byzantine encyclopedia written in the 10th century. In the epic poem, Alexander is Sol Invictus, the Unconquered Sun. Enthusiasts recast Alexander as a precursor of modern multicultural values, ignoring the cultural destructiveness of Hellenization. The belief that certain great persons drove most historical events by reaching behavioral acmes was familiar to Pahlavi, reflecting the instruction that the first Pahlavi shah had passed down to his son.

Other decisive influences on Pahlavi's thinking included Kyrie Tallowan, a member of the board of biogenetics firm Imre-Meinertzhagen. The politically progressive Tallowan was an unlikely ally for Pahlavi, but they shared a belief in the power and moral correctness of top-down change. Tallowan put forward the critique that many of society's problems were drawing reactive solutions from politicians when they should be inspiring preventive measures, which were often cheaper. As a health insurance executive, Tallowan drove steep cost reduction by creating incentive structures for subscribers to make health choices. In the Unity Mission, she saw an opportunity to leverage stronger criteria for crew selection to avoid passing on "the seeds of genetic calamity."

Tallowan's many critics called her a Communist and a Darwinist. At the peak of her unpopularity, Imre-Meinertzhagen expelled her. But Pahlavi, still haunted by the ghosts of her parents and spouse, became a passionate believer in Tallowan's ideas, repeatedly petitioning the United Nations to insist that they apply genetic standards for recruitment, just as they did in the realms of physical fitness, mental stability, and professional aptitude. Though she often invoked ethics as justification for her position, arguing that passing on infirmity was a deliberate generational choice, her attempts to capture and communicate the compounding economic impacts of hereditary illness garnered considerably more attention, leading to a media narrative that consistently presented Pahlavi as a sociopath without feeling.

During her time as an executive with the American Reclamation Corporation, Pahlavi explored transmission of genetic memory in humans and animals, as well as Lamarckianism, the transmission of physical traits from parent to child. She was aided in her work by access to the voluminous genetic databases created to assist the Vault Project, and often consulted on development of the brutal social experiments foisted on the residents of government vaults. Pahlavi was especially interested in developing experiments that could record the psychological impacts of hibernation and hermetic living, and physiological responses to the presence of androids in human societies, which she reviewed on a regular basis with ARC CEO Oscar van de Graaf.

Speculative art depicting a future Lagos, Nigeria by Olalekan Jeyigous in his "Shanty Megastructures" series, as reported by CNN .

The "High Hide" was an aerial platform used in Michael Crichton's novel The Lost World .

The second image, now removed, is "AI arts by Dyonics" by dyonix01 on DeviantArt.

The third image is concept art from the Walt Disney Company for Disney's planned Persian Resort, an idea that did not outlive the Iranian Revolution. I found this particular image at themeparktourist.com .

The Spiritual Perfection Movement hearkens back to MysticWind's post introducing Cuzco Sol. The idea for an Alexandrine religion is taken from the Lux Invicta mod for Crusader Kings II by Shaytana.

Research for this post came from the Wikipedia articles on the Shah and his father.
Last edited:

Aug 29, 2023 at 6:23 PM #306

San Francisco, CA at twilight, September 2070. Golden Gate Park and much of the surface area of the city's eponymous bay have vanished beneath urban sprawl.

Chiron, too, faced a population boom a hundred years after the first human colonists arrived. The first generation clung timidly to their Landing Pods. Many survivors refused to quarter in pressure tents for fear of catastrophe. Raids were many, and most militias pitifully small and unreliable. To reduce strain on life support systems, the first free-standing structures were cramped. Colonists competed for space with failsafe devices, such as zipper-locked partitions, and the bio-hazard bags used to store their equipment.

In time, perceptions of the planet's habitability changed. Led by ex-spacers among the early colonists and unburdened by memories of easier lifestyles on the near-fictional paradise world of Old Earth, young people carved out private spaces wherever it was possible to do so: in vehicle cockpits, storage containers, and in the old survival shelters rejected by their elders. This boom resembled what had been seen before during every time of plenty and peace from time immemorial. Settlers came up against walls and ignored them, discounting threats that had once made them prisoners behind their own defenses. If Base Operations would not serve them, they ran drop lines to power, network, and oxygen conduits--placing their claims on "the common resources" that Planetary Governor Pravin Lal assured them they could not be rightly denied.


Commander Zorion Lekubarri, a native Basque, in his Spanish naval uniform, an impressively-complicated piece of smart clothing typical of materials issued to Unity bridge officers.

The topmost element worn on the right breast is a datalinks adapter for personal storage with a capacity of one high-density 25MB tape. The element just below is a dosimeter.

At the left breast, from top, are digital nameplate (color-coded to ship's emergency operations status), personal security credentials, and push-to-talk shipboard radio transceiver.

The large patch on the right arm controlled various medical features of the garment and was designed to be removable. Silver medication ampules, ready for remote injection, are visible at the right upper arm and along the placket.

First image is "San Francisco 2077" by Kxmode on DeviantArt.

Second image is "Chariss Pikeman" by gingerbreadman84 on DeviantArt.

Aug 30, 2023 at 5:20 PM #307

A University hopper wildcats in the Garland Crater, hunting radiologicals. Faction leadership conducted such missions without the review or approval of the Academician, who referred all such matters to his mercenary commanders. Why else, after all, did he pay them? In this instance, a colonel of the Red Leaf Lancers correctly anticipated that any Data Angels threat response would be slowed due to competition within the faction's notoriously fractured officer corps.


Orbiting Uranus, Station Cole, named for the popular two-term American president who retired from public life in 2004, hosted the farthest permanent human presence in the Sol System until 2062. Experiments performed here furnished patterns for many of Unity's key systems, including: laser communications arrays, synthetic aperture radars, radar altimeters, solar greenhouses, water reclamation filters, and spin-gravity medical bays.

The station experienced a minor crisis in 2030 when, after taking aboard the surviving crew of a damaged Indian resupply tug, some of the Cole's supposedly demilitarized crew were discovered to be members of the U.S. Marine Corps.


The clutchrunner evolved to secret its larvae in the muck of Planet's nitrate beds. Scrambling on four legs, adult specimens were approximately as large as a regulation rugby ball. Prominent features included chitinous spinal plating and a four-bulbed heat-sensing organ facing the direction of travel. Clutchrunner metabolism was based entirely on heat absorption. Human settlement swiftly obliterated all known populations, as they gave up breeding to cluster at energy cables and cooling vents where they were swiftly dispatched as pests.

First image is "Landing on a Distant Moon (AI)" by Dolphin Riders on DeviantArt .

Second image is "Space station Uranius" by GabiMedia on DeviantArt .

Monroe "Eagle" Cole, a character in the film "Welcome to Mooseport" (2004) was the last role played by actor Gene Hackman before his retirement.

Third image is "Grand Space Opera: Light Age Artstation Props Challenge" by Chien Jarvis on ArtStation .

Sep 2, 2023 at 6:31 AM #309

The whale preceded the cow, sheep, pig, and chicken to the mess halls and cafeterias of Planet, joining more familiar grain and vegetable staples such as corn, squash, rice, barley, and beans.

Straightforward procedures carried out in the relatively primitive laboratory spaces aboard
Unity landing pods sufficed to edit the genetic material of bowhead whale ( Balaena mysticetus ) embryos so that the animal might take to Chiron's deep waters.

Within a few short years, fleets of seafoils were harvesting more than 120,000 adult specimens each megacycle. This Hunter mothership departs through the ice gate at Admiralty Bay after a successful sale to University provisioners.


Sanctioned alcohols were served at the New Jerusalem Longhouse, but only to out-factioners.

Fungal beer's distressing odor and notoriously off-putting mouthfeel convinced many colonists to pursue only "the traditional can."

Mombassas, Tsingtaos, American Kings, Ice Choppers, Yompers' Best Bitter, and Titans were hoarded and savored. Beers were a staple of community life in Tribal strongholds, Hunter clutches, and on Pilgrim spreads. Morganite bosses guaranteed a quota of pints for every drone. Drinking alcohols were restricted to upper castes in
L'etat nouvelle , but every ship's captain was expected to provide a supply of spirits for their crew.

Gaians strained "the Strong" over ground xenofungus, yielding the most-potent of Planet's signature beverages. Colonists in every faction pooled expertise, equipment, and time to brew weak mushroom beers that vied for popularity with re-hydrated coffees and teas.

This thirst for the familiar had its darker side. Pilgrim homesteads, considered inviolate even to the Governor, were firmly under "knout and lout." This formulation, popularized in by a nameless Gaian poet, so much reflected the truth that Oscar van de Graaf eventually humbled himself even before Sister Godwinson, pleading that she send spiritual balms to tame the wildness in his people.

Inside the University, heavy drinking was the accepted prelude to any meaningful push for students' rights. Some Data Angels insisted that they did their best coding while inebriated. In the Spartan camp, Holnists threatened mutiny after attempts to regulate their consumption of liquors.


A citizen of the Cybernetic Consciousness has entered the peculiar trance that accompanies a transmission of energy without intelligible information, or... lunch.

The currents of certain hungers could be calmed only by consumption of a new kind of input: electrical energy, drawn from sockets to replenish biomechanical systems. Flavor and texture were irrelevant. Discriminating consumers sought guarantees of heat, voltage, amperage, and load reliability.

First image is from Avatar: The Way of Water (2022).

The first time I heard coffee referred to as "the Strong" was in the Scratch and Burn ditty " Sips from the Strong ," a pardoy of Cypress Hill's "Hits from the Bong."

Second image is "Shahbod Hotel-Bar Design" by Gabriel Jiménez on ArtStation.

Third image is AI art, titled "Anime," created by Dmitriy Vilkov on playgroundai.com.

Sep 4, 2023 at 8:39 AM #310

Zeboin [Zay-bo-inn] (born Aariz Mohiuddin, 2053-MY14) was a mercenary, adventurer, explorer, bodyguard, and courtier retained in the service of Sister Miriam Godwinson. A frequent collaborator of Conclavist expedition leader Major Vinchenson Parke, Zeboin joined Parke on all of his major undertakings and led the successful recovery of Parke's body after the latter's death from a fall while ascending Mount Iapetus in MY12.

The son of IOEZ cargo cultists, Zeboin traveled with his parents to the Shamashi mainland during infancy for a consideration of fishing equipment granted by the Commissioners of Seneref in Khasar. Rather than return with the gift to their clan, Parke's parents instead swore their allegiance to the Commission, signing away communal fishing rights to which they did not have exclusive claim. [1] (An uncle would later stab Zeboin's father to death in retaliation for the betrayal.)

Zeboin received the public education guaranteed to all Khasari residents. According to local custom, he was given a mononym at age 7. He chose the name of an obscure king of Judah in a nod to his mother's people, who were St. Thomas Christians. [2] His background made him a favorite target of bullies, and there were frequent fights. In later life, he covered the scar from a knife wound inflicted by a classmate with a prominent facial tattoo.

Disinclined toward formal education, Zeboin worked briefly as a commercial fisherman with the Seneref winter fleet, then as a local pilot guiding anti-piracy patrols. Here, he showed much élan as a member of boarding parties. The Dutch next hired him in West New Guinea for their infamous Veldpolitie , in which capacity he fought Indonesian patrols and, sometimes, the native tribes of the jungle interior. His willingness to "shoot it out" with the Indonesian Navy contrasted with an outspoken distaste for colonial policing. With the consent of his superiors, Zeboin attempted to uphold the self-imposed isolation of the indigenous tribes and did not retaliate automatically in their "internal affairs," which included, at times, traditional headhunting. Zeboin was known to be a generous giver of gifts and comfortable enough to eat the foods offered to him by the natives, including spiders and grasshoppers. [3]

He was regarded a natural leader among his fellow mercenaries, respected for his self-possession, and rapidly earned promotion to sergeant. Later, he came down to Port Moresby to accept Australian dollars for the same work. In a series of reports filed by colonial officers (usually disinclined to be generous toward IOEZ men), all found Zeboin to be indispensable. One commanding officer recorded that he was, "Superlative in courage and skill." Another rated Zeboin as, "Fit in all senses. Firm. Possessing excellent judgement." Zeboin frequently overcame serious calamities on patrol, from bouts of tropical sickness that put all members in mortal jeopardy, to incoming tsunamis.

On the recommendation of his superiors, Zeboin worked two years with the Australian Antarctic Patrol, but found that even skirmishing among the barren ice floes favored professional soldiers with extensive technical training and equipment well beyond the mercenary standard. There was other work for the hired guns: as stretcher-bearers, mountaineers, and pathfinders scouting WARPAC positions and picking out tracks for armored vehicles to follow. After a difficult acculturation to the cold and arid climate, Zeboin took these lessons to heart but declined to renew his contract.

Rumors of fresh opportunity lured Zeboin to Bolivia in 2061. Crossing the Andes the following year, he was among 1,400 mercenaries retained by the Bolivian government to supplement their National Guard during a campaign to prevent foraging raids by Morganite mercenaries from bases in the former Acre state. Zeboin earned legendary status among his comrades when he braved enemy fire to reach a Portuguese fire base so that they and the Bolivians could coordinate a counterattack.

After the Callao Accords, Zeboin found work with American Christians doing mission work in the Amazon Sea, assisting them with boat operations and medical rescue. Though not himself religiously inclined, Zeboin came to admire his customers, many of whom died miserable and far from home in the service of others. By 2068, Zeboin had built an international reputation, and it was then that J.T. Marsh named the IOEZ mercenary to his reserve list.

Incapacitated by smoke inhalation, Zeboin was evacuated from Unity by Conclavists soon after waking. Upon recovery, he was appointed to the Kritarch's personal life guard. Unlike others in her circle, he was outspokenly critical of Miriam's early aggressions even while giving the raiders their basic instruction, a point that seems to have worked in his favor.

While Zeboin accepted that Miriam's faith was what impelled her to do good on behalf of others, he did not feel that such belief would benefit those who were otherwise possessed of a stable philosophy. Throughout his life, Zeboin remained a nonbeliever, though a quiet one. He was careful to describe Godwinson's resurrection (at which he had not been present) as "a medical miracle"--one that, although beyond his explanatory powers, was not necessarily empirically unexplainable . Miriam consulted with Zeboin often as a proxy for the large number of "religiously fallow" persons among her flock.

Zeboin was a close friend and collaborator with famed Antarctic Vinchenson Parke, whom he had never met before landing on Chiron. Zeboin planned for the physical security of Parke's Naming Expeditions and was often an appointed leader when Parke passed through disputed territories. Zeboin lost two toes to frostbite during the same climb that killed Parke. The two were well-known among the Hunters of Chiron, from whom they often successfully solicited friendly assistance in the form of rations, advice, and even transport. (Unbeknownst to both men, Miriam's disregard for political boundaries in ministry and exploration was consistent with Marsh's personal objective of preventing the development of effective barriers to his ranging operations.) Parke's expeditions were so consistent, it was an accepted convention among the Hunters that participants in the Peregrenation were entitled to call upon the Conclavist camps if low on fuel or supplies during their final run back to the High Hide.

Zeboin was mortally wounded during an explosion caused by an Ascendancy Probe Team at the Orchard in MY14. The Kritach's protective detail, trained by him, did evacuate her to safety. Subsequent analysis of the incident by computer systems of the Digital Oracle indicated that she was not the target, however. The Probe Team responsible for Zeboin's death was recorded taking tissue samples from his arm before shooting him in the head.

[1] Such legal fictions were a commonplace in the IOEZ. Unscrupulous actors exploited the lack of strong anthropological knowledge in U.N. and neo-colonial Admiralty Courts to press claims on resources belonging to displaced peoples. This was made easier by the prevalence of "big man" politics within the non-governmental, non-corporate resident population, which often drafted wealthy or otherwise powerful individuals to make binding agreements for the whole community in the expectation that material and other benefits would then be broadly distributed.

[2] Zeboin was the successor to King Amaziah, a leper, ruling for a period of less than one year.

[3] On the Korowai tribe of New Guinea, which practices headhunting to this day, see: Paul Raffaele, "Sleeping with Cannibals," Smithsonian Magazine [online], September 2006, https://www.smithsonianmag.com/travel/sleeping-with-cannibals-128958913/ .

Image is "Silvaquirrrino like a soldier soldier cat warrior in world war 1, close-up, realistic face, sharp facial features, facial features, black and white, amazing digital art, hyperdetailed, art station, in the style of tony sart" in Lexica Aperture v2 on lexica.art .

Sep 16, 2023 at 7:12 AM #312

Pholus looms at perigee, providing the light by which this Pilgrim get will sink a mine shaft in search of radiologicals. It was customary for the faction’s larger property owners to contribute machinery like this drilling rig and its service tug to such endeavors, even when performed by the smallest freeholders—both for a share of the output, and to promote general expansion and good feeling. Never were neighbors more in need than among the settlers of Chiron.

Scenes such as this one belie the limitations imposed by the faction’s overriding values. Pilgrims resented central planning, and the benefits of large-scale organization therefore often eluded them.

Social Engineering
An additional option for factions with the Industrial Automation and Chironian Landshaping techs and Mercantalistic, Planned, Command, or Post-Scarcity economics.

A specialist in the strategic deployment and effective use of heavy assets--Formers, Crawlers, and Rigs—for terraformation and resource collection. This profession, housed within Base Operations, combines the skills of agricultural and industrial engineer, forester, mining geologist, hydrologist, climatologist, foreman, fleet coordinator, and project planner. Sometimes called “industrial choreographers,” Controllers are the next step beyond the Road Crews of the Forward Contact Teams that served the First Generations: they decide where, how, and under what circumstances land will be worked, and with what resources. For the cost of +2 POLLUTION within a base’s radius, 2 Energy, and 1 Water per season, a Controller will increase the movement allowance of all supported ‘Formers, Crawlers, and Rigs by 1 and improve the yield of each square by 150%, rounding up.

A History of Fleet Control
Though unfamiliar with local conditions, the original mission survivors were well-positioned to eek out more than a mean existence. On average, crew members possessed nine years of advanced education and mission training. Cooperation-era mainline colonists (those recruited prior to the global Holnist Crisis) had seven. For Charterists, that number jumped to sixteen. Members of operations divisions had worked together in simulators for tens of thousands of hours each. Even the least-fortunate among the largest factions possessed dozens of city block-sized earthmovers and the benefit of support from J.T. Marsh’s 750-strong battalion of pioneers.

This expertise was difficult to reproduce on Chiron. Although native-borns found it far easier than Old Earthers to adhere to the routine inconveniences and basic physiological demands of life on an oxygen-deficient, high-gravity world, they had to be taught skills without the benefit of an educational and technological infrastructure equal to the task. A premium of clean spaces, precision tools, reagent, and large laboratories slowed the preparation of scientists and technicians who could provide meaningful insights about the physical world at their fingertips. Work in the field or in support of land use had to be balanced against work on base fundamentals: water sampling, sewage analysis, and air monitoring had higher priorities than mineral assays. The intensive survival training required for Road Crew replacements was also prized by faction militias; promising candidates were frequently hazarded on both assignments.

Then too, fleets were small. The ambitions of Chironian terraforming were Herculean, but some First Generation supervisors had experience in post-atomic environments directing the movements of millions of workers with tens or even hundreds of thousands of individual vehicles. Few factions recovered simulators, and most burned out quickly from hard use. The new generation could not train as their forefathers had. Nor were they often allowed. Fearful of losing their much smaller quantities of equipment to training accidents and lacking the industrial base to immediately replace out-of-service units, many factions kept the proven pilots from their original field crews at work past the age of eighty, reposing more faith in longevity treatments than apprenticeships. Factions flush with population responded to the shortage of trained crews by sending drones to dig alongside power shovels.

Interlink education had been well-respected on Old Earth, but few factions struck a good balance of investment between performing the work of today and preparing for the work of tomorrow. A student in the classroom or observing from a copilot’s couch contributed nothing immediately valuable to her society—less than did the drone unfouling treads five stories below.

Controllers were an innovation of the Chironian Renaissance, part of the flowering of the second mission century made possible by inter-factional exchanges of ideas, technology, and resources as well as the guarantee of safety delivered by increasingly competent militaries and achieved through clarity of borders. A Controller represented a huge investment of time, energy, and trust in interdisciplinary education and the promise of central planning.

Controllers also differed from Road Crews in a crucial way: they moved decision-making from the cockpit to the control tower. The Controller was a mathematical type. Road Crews—usually long-dead by the Controller’s time—would have reviled him as a Poindexter whose education had made him arrogant without making him wise. But the Road Crews were not of the same system: their billet was crafted with the idea of supporting a tailor-made economy in a complete wilderness setting. They were one part roughneck, two parts ranger, working to a five-year plan. Road Crews adapted after the Unity Crisis, of course, but filled a niche that was profoundly tactical. They could see a task, or a particular work group, through trouble. Controllers were vested with much greater responsibility and from the onset of their role faced an expectation to demonstrate strategic vision beyond what was set by the U.N. mission planners. By the Controller’s day, danger arose more from misuse than misadventure.

First image is “ Space Work ” by iamrudja, created using AI tools, found on DeviantArt.

Second image is General Carlist Rieekan from The Empire Strikes Back .

Sep 17, 2023 at 5:50 PM #313

The ironically-named Data Flows, a Peacekeeper base built over the Pools of Polyxo.

Ex-ruler of Gath, Vesper Abaddon, spent the final years of his life convalescing in this location while organizing the faction's archives. This unusual intranet, Lal called "my curative to the carelessness of Sathieu Metrion," whose approach to the telling the story of Old Earth's diplomatic history was simply to "dump" the files without any attempt at providing context.

It was too much for the Commissioner, who feared that release of the previously-classified revelations "untempered by robust liberal arts education" would ignite old national enmities and thwart, thereby, the project of mission reunification. Not for the first time, the Annunciator branded Lal a hypocrite, but heeded a MY51 directive from the Planetary Council to reserve the tranche of documents pending further deliberations.


A Believer hot jumper, the leads of his parachute still attached, prepares with his laser pistol to defend a salvage claim.

Both the collection, and therefore also the defense, of wreckage were important--sometimes critical--activities for the First Generations. Failed settlements and battlefield detritus were valuable sources of nutrients, water, equipment, medicines, minerals, and information or even slaves.

Many factions embodied special forces to carry out this most dangerous work. Standard tactical thinking called for rapid insertion of light infantry to hold valuable ground until relief could arrive. Ideally, this was to be accomplished by drop pod or jetpack if possible, but most factions made do with hoppers reworked as gunships and retrorocket-equipped parachutes. Casualty rates were atrocious.

Conclavists and Spartans prided themselves in that their salvage teams were all-volunteer, but the reasons seemed obvious to Santiago, who remarked on this in her Battle Manual : courage comes easier on an empty stomach.


The best target is one that inspires no sympathy. On an ill-fated raid, Dreamer infantry, armed only with hand weapons, are pinned by counter-attacking squads of Hive Security. Worse, the defenders have the high ground.

Poor results hardly deterred the Factor. Hives were unusually appealing to the Dreamers: Yang's people were many but had no reputation as fighters; there was very low risk of defection by the attackers themselves since the nerve staple would greet any surrender; and the unsentimental Chairman was always quick to overlook past abuse in the interest of future cooperation.

First image is " Other world (49) " by ElneReel, created using AI tools, found on DeviantArt.

Second image is " The Last Breathing Create on the Planet " by iamrudja, found on DeviantArt.

Third image is " 5-A " by IvanKhomenko on DeviantArt. This piece is marked as "Concept for Outrise project."

Sep 25, 2023 at 4:59 PM #314

Persephone, the City Borrowed, where Morganite ambitions clashed with ecoimmunilogical fern growth. When analysis at the University confirmed evidence of Terran gene lines in "those incorrigible weeds," the CEO immediately renewed vendetta against the old Gaian enemy.


A Hunter Cargo Foil of the Scalawag Lodge risks all to attempt trade contact with vigilant Tribal reefers. Anthropomorphic climate change ignited a revolution in sustainable settlement that echoed loud on Planet: rig construction, storm resilience, and micro-economies were all robustly familiar to the children of Earth--to the point that even the Kellerites got their hands on technicians skilled in those fields.

What began as an attempt at self-isolation gradually became a justification for renewed interest in the world beyond. Suddenly, the Kellerites found they had a significant stake in problems such as dumping, over-fishing, and planetary warming.


Humans continued to build fires even without any identifiable physical requirement for doing so. The Uranium Flats were well known to be free of Mindworm activity, but the psychological allure of the flames has tempted these Believers to gather around the light of vestigial flames.

First image is "The Neon Jungle" by iamrudha on DeviantArt. Created using AI tools.

Second image is "Outpost" by Chains-of-Villany on DeviantArt.

Third image is "Camping On the Moon" by Stulti on DeviantArt.

Sep 27, 2023 at 4:15 PM #315
Datalinks said:
A Hive without pollen is no place for bees. - Saying of the Free Drones

All factions were prone to what Chinese Communist teaching had called "splittism"--countervailing modes of thought that resulted in defections, resistance, and general malcontent. The threat was most pronounced among Drones, the least-skilled, and least-valued valued, members of each society. Loyalty was preferable, subordination essential.

One obvious mechanism to achieve the latter was main force. The real purpose of Safe Haven and the Sabre Corporation were plain. Fear of physical retaliation flavored every discussion of serious political opposition even among the Peacekeeping Forces. Purist leaders were certain that Dr. Lal's decision to convert rather than punish the faction's Spartan prisoners--guilty of "plain murder" against their fellow crew--was taken only after they had pledged to act against his enemies.

Another option was discrimination. As late as 2040, the household of King Silas Benjamin of Shiloh included twenty-six servants who accepted chemical sterilization as the price of physical access to the person of the ruler and his immediate family. Silas believed the practice added to the majesty of his court as a lurid expression of his raw power over fate. He was also known to be deeply suspicious of competition from other political dynasties of comparable standing. Sterile servants were considered less likely to form independent familial attachments and lacked the cultural prerequisites to govern themselves.


Shakalo, an usher of the Surn Palace and a chemical eunuch, property belonging to the House of Benjamin.

Fear of competition from superior specimens wasn't confined to archaic monarchies. On seven separate occasions throguhout the twenty-first century, the United States Supreme Court repeatedly upheld executive orders barring cybernetic augments from filling sensitive positions in government on grounds that they were open to exploitation through phreaking (the hijacking of the phone lines delivering Internet service). Unity colonists carried popular prejudice against cyborgs to Chiron. Hivemen executed captured cyborgs as potential security risks rather than hold them as slaves. The Ascendancy carefully screened potential donors of genetic material for evidence of mechanical modification. Attitudes were warmer among factions most interested in the use of computers or the study of the mind. Cyborgs were a commonplace in the University, among the Dreamers, and with the Oracle and the Tomorrow Initiative.

Cyborgs lived under constant threat of tampering. Many factions introduced compulsory changes to code as a consequence for "misperformances" ranging from technical failures in the performance of assigned tasks to the expression of disfavored opinions. Commissioner Pravin Lal devoted much of his second term as Planetary Governor to outlawing a practice he recognized as "pure thought control," attracting strident support from a rehabilitated Corazón Santiago and Sister Miriam Godwinson, a position for which she paid dearly among her own people.


A University Overseer prepares corrective tape to modify the behavior of a cyborg that is thought to be "misordered."

Roshann Cobb promoted Somnacin and Stim abuse among his followers and exploited resulting addictions to preserve his vulnerable leadership. Sheng-ji Yang taught disciples to manipulate the nutrient value of rations as a corrective to brewing trouble: a weakened resistance would soon collapse. Morganite and Pilgrim proprietors dispensed heavy rations of fungal beer to dull the political instincts of their largely servile workforces.


Obedience was the default option on a world where survival often meant access to opportunities and resources held in a common trust and doled out according to the whims of a capricious ruling class chosen on the basis of political conformity. Assignment of defective equipment or high-risk jobs was as good as a death sentence.

First image is " One Security Committee Member " by Floriane Tiam on ArtStation.

Second image is from Space: 1999.

Third image is " SPICE MINER " by Keith Christensen on ArtStation.

Oct 1, 2023 at 4:29 PM #316

Lazarus Beds like this one in Tamineh Pahlavi's private residence at the Tower of Tithonus were required to administer the second half of the treatment colloquially known as Longevity Vaccine: comprehensive blood purification to correct for abnormalities caused by unpredictable gene activation. The necessity to receive monthly treatments from one of two unreliable sources--Pahlavi or Cohen--dramatically altered the strategic landscape of Chiron, allowing both factions to antagonize their neighbors far beyond the limits that might otherwise be tolerated.


Talis Sørensen, seen here in the uniform of a Gathi Federal Air Force ensign, became aide-de-camp to Kleisel Mercator. In her diary, Sørensen described her superior as one for whom lying had become the acceptable price of leadership. "Each time," she wrote, "appears to be easier than the last." There is no evidence Sørensen assessed her own part in Mercator's exploitation of his followers' anxieties. As a Major in MY21, her service code was tied to the deletion of hundreds of faction datalinks BBS posts describing encounters with unidentified flying objects.

Political leadership on Chiron was concentrated in the hands of elders. This dynamic could be explained partly by survivors' respect for the original chain of command, but it also reflected the enduring effects of celebrity. Soviet citizens of the later twenty-first century had been taught to venerate Dr. Prokhor Zakharov as the national hero who had preserved their international relevance. Westerners knew him as the arch-villain of the Space Race. Nwabudike Morgan was rich and self-important enough to have involved himself in the wars of two hemispheres, trying and failing to unmake a superpower. Newspapers presented him as the man pulling the strings of governors and potentates themselves responsible for profound historic tragedy--including detonation of nuclear weapons on their own soil. In a ten-year retrospective on the Second American Civil War, The New York Times could not help observing that "The price for accepting Morgan's backing had been a stark choice between suicide and lethal injection. When his gamble failed, he recalled those Praetorians he did not abandon, and left his many clients to their fates." Another iconoclast, Aleigha Cohen, was at the center of classroom debates on scientific ethics and criminal justice. The theories of government put forth by futurist mathematician Johann Anhaldt were so controversial that mobs in Paris, Lyon, and Marseille had killed to reject them. Before awarding him a medal, Japanese Prime Minister Watanaka Obi praised Shoichiro Nagao as the man most-suited to preserving Terrestrial life elsewhere in the universe--an assessment that galled the ardent partisans of Lady Deirdre Skye, whose remit aboard Unity was just that.


Commander Dilyéhé Etsiddy, was chief of industrial safety. Etisddy had been a longtime resident of the sovereign lunar territory granted to the Navajo Nation by the United States Government in 2050 in recognition of the tribe's support against the Arizona and New Mexico secessionist movements and was recommended to the United Nations by the Chief Executive Officer of Comprehensive Transport himself.

Industrial Safety personnel were issued Soviet-manufactured space suits constructed from hardier materials than mission-standard since it was believed that their normal course of duty might occasion short space walks and encounters with fire or corrosives. The machinery seen on Etsiddy's torso includes a camera (right top lens), Geiger counter (left top lens), and chemistry analyzer (bottom port).

Etsiddy oversaw loading operations at the Lunar Cradle and had first-hand knowledge of Unity's structural weaknesses. From this perspective, she provided some of the most impactful information used by Executive Officer Francisco d'Almeida to make immediate decisions about where to dispatch damage control teams.

She was sought after unsuccessfully by ARC "intervention teams," who shot several of her subordinates in their pursuit before losing her in the vast cargo bays amidships, where she hid in one of the redundant spaces she had identified prior to launch. Etsiddy eventually cast her lot with Shoichiro Nagao, becoming a leader of his road crews.

First image is " space Lazareth#04 " by illbein on DeviantArt. Created using AI tools. The name of the device is also inspired by the title of the work.

Second image is " Naval officer " by Abbylikestopaint on DeviantArt.

Third image is " a beautiful female astronaut inside an cyclopean horrifying alien spacecraft in the style of Vermeer ," by Ian Clarke on Playgroundai.com.
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Oct 7, 2023 at 6:01 PM #317

Helium-3 storage site in Nyala, Darfur. Stations like these linked the breakaway province to an interstellar economy but only further complicated the centuries-old conflict between the region's settled farmers and itinerant herders.
After fifty years of humiliating failures, the United Nations contracted local security to Sunlumo, a subsidiary of Morgan Metallurgy Worldwide, in 2038. A media blitz made Darfur's independence the cause célèbre of the 2040s, and organizers sent from N'Djamina helped local Fur whip votes in favor of home rule, rather than bitter subordination to incompetent juntas in faraway Juba or Khartoum. Soon after, Morganite survey teams began to tap the region's first viable helium-3 deposits.
Tempted by avarice, the Sudanese Republic attempted two failed invasions in the 2050s. Both times the pro-American government in Khartoum collapsed, calling into question the value of Washington's friendship, especially by comparison with the Soviet Union, which was successfully assisting neighboring Ethiopia to subjugate its own restive peripheries. In 2061, a failed palace coup in Juba prompted clients of Morgan Industries to flee across South Sudan's shared border with Darfur. The South Sudanese Army followed, and with justice as its pretext, advanced as far as Al Fashir before Soviet diplomats could broker a stand-down.

Most Sudanese who went with Unity were involved in what Sudanist Martin de Johng called "the Three Miseries:" helium-3 extraction and transportation, humanitarian services, and arid agriculture. Respect for the potent reputation of Soviet learning drew many ex-Sudanese into the faculty of the University. Sheng-ji Yang kidnapped dozens of Sudanese farmers and hydrologists from Arean Tromp's Agriculture Division as a prelude to his landing among the Great Dunes.


General Gu Umkeda of the Neo-Spartan Nuclei in protest regalia worn at the Seventh Planetary Council. Spartan delegates won strong sympathy for their willingness to point out the manner in which attempts at conciliatory diplomacy papered over serious breaches of ethical performance.

Umkeda was born on January 1, 1999. By his fortieth birthday, he was effectively stateless, joining the four percent of the global population living under what the French called " Gouvernement des Brigades ," or government by criminal syndicates. The problem was most acute in the Mediterranean Basin, especially in Italy, Greece, Corsica, and Cyprus, where criminal gangs supplanted weak civil governments in patronage arrangements that had all the hallmarks of feudalism. Similar arrangements were obserable in West Africa, Ecuador, and, periodically, Siberia, and wartime North America.

The pipeline from victim to collaborator to perpetrator was well-tread. After failing as a pickpocket, Umkeda was compelled to learn something about computers. At the age of twenty, he was part of a network of operatives diverting surplus U.N. materials away from the Unity project. It was in this connection that he encountered the first standard bearers of the Spartan philosophy--tailor-made for Left-Behinds who had little else but the solemn pride of the survivor.

Umkeda was a junior leader of one of the first Spartan expeditions to depart Xerxion in the earliest days of the faction's losing struggle against the Human Tribe. His influence later proved the deciding factor behind Santiago's post-defeat recovery.


Commercial passenger service on the Aral Sea.

Soviet investment in ground-effect technology paid large dividends as sea levels rose. The legacy of scientists like Rostislav Alexeyev and Robert Bartini lived on in the design of Unity Foils, equally well-suited for travel over ocean and marsh.

First image is " Forsaken Terraforming Stations on Bad Sector " by CodexBoderlining on DeviantArt. Created using AI Tools.

Reference to helium-3 inspired by " The Coldest War " a grand strategy game developed by harribo.

Second image is a piece of AI art found on Lexica generated by the prompt " Portait of a black cyberpunk male samurai with a blad head in a futuristic city in 2057 ."

Third image is " Bartini Ground Effect Aircraft Carrier " by AircraftFan32849 on DeviantArt.
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Oct 8, 2023 at 4:26 PM #318

CEO Nwabudike Morgan leads his Council of War through a drill concerning the use of atomics.

Rich data and ultra-realistic simulations could not compensate for a fatal lack of political will. Substitutes, mercenaries, and penal battalions thought more fondly of survival than of victory. Generous bounties had perverse incentives: the dead couldn't spend money. Morganite investors, safe behind the cherished anonymity promised them by the Faction Articles, angled for maximum profit from the sale of prototypes and munitions, and were widely suspected of riding out vendettas in luxury in neutral bases like New Jerusalem. Benign toleration for "informal" economic arrangements meant that the brigades were stronger in Morganite territory than almost anywhere else, and true to type, they did even more trade during wartime than while at peace.

Making matters considerable worse, the CEO insisted that his junior executives must have experience with security matters, and fulfillment of this expectation was a prerequisite for professional advancement. Their participation should have lent better coherence to strategy-making, for their knowledge of faction moods and means was both broad and deep, but this was not to be so.

Morgan was no stranger to military officers. In his experience, when they were not blatantly incompetent appointees of a brother, uncle, or other family relation, they were otherwise unimaginative men no less estranged from the world than intellectuals. To that second group, wars were about fighting rather than the fulfillment of broader objectives--like a brawler who thinks the very point of the bout is to demonstrate skill or endurance. Mercenary leaders were even more to be doubted: they were failures by definition, having failed to learn the rules of a profession as straightforward as it was ancient. And so Morgan reverted to the same behavior he had shown during the Second American Civil War, countermanding "his" commanders. Other executives took their CEO's example as license to do the same.

Defectors spoke acidly of the Morganite way of war. The general consensus was that the councils were too large to be effective, and Morgan himself too haughty to recognize good advice. At least a half-dozen different mercenary commanders--at times, that number rose to as many as fourteen--worried that excessive battlefield losses would ruin them--either by destroying their bargaining positions with Morgan himself, or leaving them vulnerable to future palace coups. Faction security leaders fretted that any diversion of resources way from social control missions would invite drone riots. Jealous paymasters complained of financial ruin. Executives struggled to balance the imperatives of the conflict with their iron quotas. Counselors furnished by the faction's various "allies" offered schemes that often far exceeded the tenuous organization and skills of the forces at the Morganites' disposal.


Neapolitan brigadier Giacomo Peri bore the "wide smile" of the veteran knife-fighter.

Organized efforts to cheat and infiltrate the Unity Mission created cracks that others could exploit in more sporadic fashion. The many decisions of unscrupulous subcontractors that left sixteen percent of its internal volume uncommitted were used to conceal stowaways, contraband, and contingency supplies. General Salan laid in heavier weapons for his Marines, girding for a future conflict with Charterist muscle. Ex-Nine Eyes operatives used false bulkheads to conceal the fact that they had taken dozens of political prisoners aboard--a startlingly cynical approach to restorative justice that defied every principle of the charter they allegedly served. Spartans and Tribals installed hab bays that spoke to decades of forward thinking--and enormous means, proving that neither movement was down for the count. Nwabudike Morgan and his 250 retainers traveled in a space with more redundancies than were enjoyed by the actual passengers and crew. Decades after the ship was lost, Pravin Lal's negotiators were astonished to read Oscarn van de Graaf's detailed accounting of the additional cargos, including more than a thousand people, he had hoarded from them in secret. Working with contacts in French intelligence and the Marseilles underworld, fellow monarchists embarked colonists and machinery that Raoul André St. Germaine would liken to the Holy Grail. The ! Movement followed behind Morganite data-tunnelers to place their own agents into position. These would go on to shock Chironians of all stripes with their disclosure of sensitive United Nations materials, leading to the temporary loss of the planetary governorship by Dr. Pravin Lal to one-time Unity Network Administrator Sinder Roze.

Not all attempts at circumvention were successful. Struan's Pacific Trading Company was dismissed from participation in crew selection after it was found that more than 1,200 selections had been manipulated to its advantage (although the recruits themselves were allowed to continue training and eventually joined the general population). Private security selections were more relaxed, and became a popular way to launder "undesirables" from disfavored regimes that had been denied participation in broader crew selection. There were also cast-offs from the infamous Batalĉaro Enterprises responsible for so much misery on the Paraguayan Sea; secreted tranches of Comprehensive Transport men who, like most of the Struan's people, thought only of getting back to Earth; and even radicals affiliated with the Earthdawn Movement, so extreme they were rejected by the Lady Skye.

First image is " Ai.art.0087 " by Javier-Lluesma on DeviantArt. Created using AI tools.

Second image is " "EOC - Tobias Sarjevo" by Estookin on DeviantArt.

Oct 14, 2023 at 7:31 AM #319
President Tymant Harka said:
By Mission Year 100, only the most-naive of his acolytes could still believe that Chairman Yang would ever find an acceptable successor. Shorn of his decrepit body--reduced to a brain in a jar--he lived on as a series of ideas. He communicated through the microchips implanted at the base of every Hivemans' skull and in the stanzas of his poetry, which accumulate on the Datalinks to this very day. - Generations of Planet


There were no true monuments to the semi-departed despot--only the solemnity of the disused atrium where his mortal remains lingered long enough for techs to remove the stuff that Roshann Cobb would later claim was the Chairman's true essence.

Nwabudike Morgan, ever the wit, promised a fantastic prize of energy for the one who could deliver proof that the inscrutable philosophies appearing each morning on the electronic bulletin boards were actually products of that same, once-well-ordered mind.


Two infantrymen of the Russian Airborne Forces approach the Soviet Embassy to search for survivors during the Battle of Baghdad (2037). At the time of this vid capture by the BBC World Service, the city had been burning continuously for more than sixty days: the Shah had responded to Iraqi chemical warfare outside Basra by exercising his nuclear option.

Unity Mission planners paid close attention to the century-old lessons of pentomic warfare and deep-sea habitation as they tried to anticipate the needs of future colonists in hostile environments--first, the icy-cold nothingness of space, and later, the un-breathable atmosphere of Chiron.

The problems were much of the same: how to receive continuous oxygen while on the move, how to conserve energy while encumbered, how to withstand temperature extremes, how to see from inside--much less mount a medical intervention through --one's awkward but life-saving cocoon.

Some solutions lay in adaptable fabrics that changed chemical properties based on certain leading indicators: overpressure, light exposure, or changes in heart rhythm. Other innovations were more intrusive. Recruits were fitted with trans-cutaneous ports and sub-cutaneous micro-bladders via which to receive medicine at the discretion of microcomputers installed in the wrist--all according to parameters approved by the Chief Medical Officer. External cybernetics enhanced carrying capacity and reduced mechanical loading on the joints but required the user to adopt the same entirely new repertoire of movement already familiar to soldiers and divers.

And it was not enough to simply receive access to these wonders: the colonist was not properly prepared until they could understand and respond to the biomedical and environmental sensory data collected by their wearable laboratory. This training, difficult enough to organize on Earth, was rare indeed amongst the Second Generation on Chiron, which struggled with the effective use and maintenance of their wonderful inheritance.


University Colony Pod of the Pyotr Anjou class. Distinctive features included the very tall conning tower, boat-like hull, and thick passive armor. This successful prototype was Zakharov's solution to three problems: the unreliable wildcat surveys and limited mobility that had previously led to poor siting of early bases like Bashiv's Dredge, and the lack in secondary colonies of a sturdy redoubt comparable to the Landing Pods of the First Bases.

First image is " Earthbound - Kira's Lab " by nickstath on DeviantArt.

Second picture is " The Delivery " by ShamanX on DeviantArt.

Third picture is " Amphibious Armored Vehicle " by AiCouncil on DevaintArt. Created using AI tools.

Oct 16, 2023 at 6:42 PM #320
The bloody agonies of botched transitions in Palestine and India, exploited to wicked effect by the conservative press, provided His Majesty's Government with adequate pretext to delay similar arrangements elsewhere. Though colonial obligations arguably impoverished more Britons than they enriched, sentimentality was reason enough to hang on, especially once France emerged as senior partner in the European project. It was political suicide for a Tory leader even to speak of local self-government, much less a managed road to independence.

This changed in 2026 when Parliament voted the funds for construction of a space elevator in Kenya. Colonial Office sympathies remained firmly with the white minority, but it was suddenly clear to everyone that the colony's future value would have little enough to do with tea and coffee. Overtures were therefore extended to black leaders and plans put in hand for political liberalisation to discourage "liberation types." Money flowed into the colony like water, and for once, care was taken to see it disbursed with something that approached equity. Nairobi burgeoned in size as British aerospace firms threw up skyscrapers and relocated tens of thousands of yard workers, draftspeople, and managerial staff from "good old Blighty." Technical institutions cropped up everywhere. Ground had not yet been broken before Kenya's Human Development Index score began to take off.

The elevator was not the colony's only contribution to the Unity Mission. Trencher-Marley Kenya (T-MK, founded 2028) was tasked by mission planners to take on a top-secret assignment as urgent as it was disturbing: construction of a reusable tender for the mothership's redundant populsion systems--yet another contingency in case the solar sail became fouled before Unity entered intersteller space.

The tender's spheroid thorax contained collapsible recovery waldoes and an immense winding rack for just such an eventuality, while nearer its engine cone were four large storage tanks rated for Helium-3, which would be siphoned from Uranius and Neptune. As an expedience (although there was no better option given the tender's unique design), T-MK was granted a contract to furnish and train its crew.

Unity's sail operated correctly and the tender therefore remained docked until the Spartan mutiny. The central computer did attempt to wake the T-MK's crew as soon as the general damage alarms sounded but the directive was countermanded from Central Damage Control when just ten of the sixty-five were awake. Knowledge of the tender's existence was security-locked. Spartans took defensive positions in the unmarked launch bay vestebules without realizing they were near a worthy prize, and were cut down in turn by armed members of the Aquatic Operations Section who moved over their corpses without thinking to depart the main corridor. The tender was therefore seized by Data Services: Supervisory Archivist Sathieu Metrion thought to check the blueprints before evacuating.


Still proudly decorated with a Union Jack, the T-MK tender, forward jaws removed, is lowered into a recessed hangar for post-flight diagnostics at Central Cache.


Ex-Royal Air Force Warrant Officer Sternleigh Harrison, crew commander of the T-MK, was practically a poster child for a certain set of reactionary Britons who counted past grievances to explain present misfortunes. Among the last products of a shrinking middle class, Harrison felt himself an outsider in Nairobi, too "patriotic" for the white proles, the corporate set, or the Kenyans; too vulgar for the settler elite. Like many others who did not collect it, Harrison contrasted himself favorably with those who accepted National Care--the state dole that guaranteed modest discretionary income and social services for all Britons.

Harrison liked what he heard from the American factor, van de Graaf, whose bluff style and talk of satisfaction in self-reliance spoke to his own self-image, and agreed to join the Pilgrims as a stakeholder. He was unaware that van de Graaf's people had sought him out with just such an end in mind.

First image is " This again. " by Paul-Lloyd on DeviantArt.

Second image is " I'm 4 " by Ake on playgroundai.com, using the prompt, "Man of the Future, by AKE."
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Oct 21, 2023 at 7:41 AM #321

1972. Royal Air Force Phantoms demonstrate against the threat of Guatemalan invasion of Belize. Though the Guatemalans backed down, these “lesser crises”—in the words of Conservative back-bench MP Margaret Thatcher—reminded Britons that they were vulnerable.

Disappointment stalked the British Empire assiduously in the twentieth century. Without the money to enforce its ambitions or the political will to be magnanimous in disappointment, His Majesty’s Government lurched from crisis to crisis. Communal violence in Mandatory Palestine and the partitioned Raj was scarcely out of mind before the humiliation of British diplomacy in the Suez and Iran. More inter-communal violence attended the independence of Nigeria and Sudan. The decision to “keep on” in Burma was contested by a vigorous and popular independence movement funded lavishly by the Communist Chinese and underwritten almost entirely by American loans. Discarding any pretense of learning from past experience, the British “corrected” by favoring non-Burmese—Europeans, Shan, Karens, and Indians primarily.

The contrast with France was especially sharp, and often strained British friendship with the United States. The British press never forgot Eisenhower’s refusal to stand by his principle ally in 1956, and frequently complained that American outlays for Indochina were larger by several orders of magnitude than those for Burma, though British counter-insurgency strategy was more effective, and both were at risk from “Red plots.”

Cost considerations and the long shadow of colonialism continued to dog the British throughout the twenty-first century, contributing to a transformation of national character that was palpable to foreign observers. A handful of islands in the IOEZ and survey stations on Antarctica picked up along the way did little for British pocketbooks or prestige. Lack of money sharply limited the extent to which the British were helpful in Pakistan, India, and the wider Indian Ocean littoral after the Six Minute War. The more than four million Indians allowed into Burma—another acknowledged humanitarian disaster—entered despite British policy, not because of it. Artists presented the British as a people weighed down by their glorious past—one so alluring in memory that it drove them into a listlessness from which recovery seemed impossible. Pulitzer prize-winning Canadian novelist Thomas “Torch” Nicholas’s line from the 2052 bestseller Bowden’s Cross was often quoted by Americans: “Britons have taken to bed, never again to alight.” Quebec independence was another terrible shock. Though it had been agreed that the British would tend the Continent while their American cousins shouldered most of the burden in Canada, the whole ordeal was blunt evidence to Britons that their once-great nation was irretrievably weak.

The British space programme—like that of France, mostly in hock to the country’s nuclear deterrent—reflected the Empire’s flagging energies. Its first successful satellite launch, using the domestic Black Arrow rocket, was not until 1971. The other landmark achievement, launch of the signals intelligence platform called Zircon in 1990, was marred by disclosure and delay. The British National Space Center’s greatest achievements focused on the Mercury Slingshot, where British aeronauts worked to prepare an infrastructure of solar mirrors, space elevators, and automated mining equipment that could feed passing starships on a predictable timetable.

British Government involvement in the Unity Mission was hesitant—a reaction often attributed by historians, probably correctly, to the strength of French enthusiasm, but certainly also to do with a lack of money. Great Britain was very badly afflicted by rising sea levels after 2050. Nevertheless, British aerospace, defence, automotive, and shipbuilding firms did a great deal of contract work for the United Nations, and the program spurred an industrial revival that made it highly popular with the average laborer.


Prominent Britons appointed to the Unity crew included its Logistics Officer, Royal Navy Post Captain Sir Antony Banastre Sprat, an Ulsterman whose prior posting was as commandant of the Royal Navy Logistics School.
Like Garland, Post Captain Sprat was politically acceptable to the United Nations. The consummate desk officer, Sprat was renowned for his managerial competence but had served very little time at sea, instead overseeing repair and replenishment operations at the huge naval bases of Hong Kong, Singapore, and Royal Naval Dockyard, Bermuda. During a period of secondment to Customs and Excise, he was scrupulous. In line with the traditions of his service, he avoided politics but was believed by the U.N. Intelligence Cell to be in favor of parliamentary democracy over reassertion of monarchial privilege (an approach favored by conservatives who feared Soviet influence over the Labour movement).

The Logistics Officer was responsible for coordinating the loading and preservation of ship’s stores. In connection with this duty, Sprat became deeply concerned with the number of spaces condemned by U.N. project managers, as well as the laying in of redundant supplies by charter expeditions when cost reductions had already forced elimination of equipment once considered essential for the main mission. Prior to launch, Sprat’s was one of the loudest voices calling for comprehensive, independent audits of contractor operations. Psych records confirmed that Jonathan Garland, Unity’s commanding officer, considered Sprat one of his most-able and trustworthy subordinates. The two men often worked together to plan for the orderly disgorging of cargo and personnel, which Garland saw as the essential precursor to establishing effective government.

Sprat disappeared from his office aboard Unity ten months before mission launch, in an area of the ship where security cameras were not yet operational. U.N. Security Forces investigators concluded that Sprat was unlikely to have been removed from the ship before it got underway but made no headway in finding him and had no credible leads. Master-at-Arms Rachael Winzenried suspected that Sprat had been assassinated by either Holnists or Charterists to prevent his disruption of schemes to smuggle aboard contraband.


British-made Foden Trucks R7 emergency tenders, 30’ tall at the cab top, are dwarfed by their charge, a Conclave ‘Former in the Valley of Peleus. British heavy equipment had a good reputation with U.N. buyers.

Miriam’s search for minerals in the Peleus gave way to despair in MY3. The R7s met the same fate as other auxiliary equipment on hand: sold to other factions in return for bulk food and medicine. These decisions placed Conclavists in great peril: their safety margins slipped to become the worst among the settled factions, exceeding even those of the Hive and the Dreamers, where drone laborers were deliberately under-supplied.

First image is “ Phantoms, British Style ” by rOEN911 on DeviantArt.

For ideas on the future of Mercury, see this conversation on Stack Exchange.

Sprat’s image is “ Naval officer ” by The Zreator on NightCafe.

Final image is “ Mining Facility 01 ” by iamrudja on DeviantArt.

Oct 31, 2023 at 5:02 PM #322

Field Chemist Belika Aleixandrov applied for and was granted refuge in Keller City after quitting the Main Force Patrol during Marsh's vendetta with Oscar van de Graaf and his New Two Thousand. Alexiandrov's Ivory Waters lodge had been first to offer the Hunters' standard menu of services to the prickly stowaways.

As the memory of Old Earth faded in the second and third generations, so too did the reflexive suspicion of societies descended from the twenty-first century Survivalist movement.

Merchants temporarily resident in Tribal settlements remarked with considerable frequency on the similarities between Kellerite attitudes toward Planet's emerging digital society and those of the Old Believers. In his A Social History of Planet , Pravin Lal ventured the hypothesis that complementary perspectives about the role of the community in personal development best explained the emergence of trade between Gaians and Kellerites after MY4, not the common experience of alienation from their neighbors as was commonly understood based on the sources previously used for sociological analysis of both groups: intelligence assessments.


Dedicated reconnaissance platforms like this Embrear GP-421 heralded a new phase in warfare on Chiron as conflict moved from the impulsive and haphazard to the orchestrated and intentional.

The GP-421 was a Brazilian take on the "tac-jumper"--a utility spacecraft used to set Trojan objects on new trajectories for commercial and navigation purposes. The Spartans found two in a Supply Pod and rigged both to take look-down radar and powerful encrypted communications suites.


Early Morganite ad copy for Euphonica, a product marketed as "Catnip for Robot." Designers usually took pains to dampen the learning potential of their creations out of fear that they would be turning over powerful learning engines to small-time competitors--those only capable of standing on the shoulders of giants. But the general absence of prohibitions on such experimentation, a commonplace in other societies, encouraged the feckless to make claims that could not easily be tested--and which led, in time, to the realization that a robot's problem-solving abilities might be a clear expression of unique personality verging on sentience.

First image is " Tmpglac23uk-0000 " by AngelsParadise on DeviantArt.

Second image is " The landing " by SecondsPast12 on DeviantArt. Created using AI tools.

Third image is " Robotix58 " Trihexagonal on DeviantArt. Created using AI tools.

Nov 4, 2023 at 8:12 AM #323

Dallas, Texas by moonlight, c. 2035.

Income inequality was already a growing problem in the West by the end of the twentieth century. It soon reached epidemic proportions.

Deirdre Skye, a prominent environmental activist in Scotland, decried "the growing privatization of what once was public," including access to clean air, potable water, and green space. There were two Earths, she said, one real and one imagined. Elites lived in a curated, but ultimately unsustainable, facsimile of what once was.

World Church luminary Miriam Godwinson spoke out against the same problem, urging wealthy followers not to constructed "personal Edens that make it easier to consign your brethren to a shared Hell." American Reclamation Corporation CEO Oscar van de Graaf exploited powerful sectional jealousies to do exactly that, building a short-lived political movement around the idea that the negative externalities of national reconstruction, civil defense, and climate change mitigation be passed off from loyal states to disloyal territories still under military occupation. One unhappy opponent, Congressman Gerhart Harrington of St. Louis, characterized the national mood accurately in 2062: "Pump stations for Old New York; prisons for Missouri."


Roland Quinton Center for Biocomputing, Admiralty Bay, University of Planet, MY90

Some on the Planetary Council called the process "criminal," but it could not be denied that the processing power of living computers--more precisely, lab-grown brain organoids patterned from pluripotent human stem cells--exceeded anything possible with machines alone.

Students who claimed to have experience with the terminals sometimes leaked stories to the Planetary Datalinks that suggested unique problems affecting this form of biocomputing. In heavily-redacted reports, University computer scientists described "improbable but definite patterns in the errors performed by the devices in question that suggest intentionality." Mediator Johann Anhaldt told his colleagues that they were looking at "definitive proof of emerging sentience," though he cautioned against the idea that it should be called Machine Intelligence. Rather, Zakharov had made "a being in a jar, equivalent to a savant with locked-in syndrome."

First image is " A futuristic apartment " by rtxrkibi on DeviantArt.

Second image is " Alien Plant Lab " by Jano1705 on DeviantArt. Created using AI tools.

On brain organoids, see this article by Noah Fromson from the website Neuroscience News.

Nov 5, 2023 at 6:14 AM #325
Lady Deirdre Skye said:
The Slowmoss is the petty criminal of horticulture, signaling the start of a rapid decline for other resident species until the Grand Season returns. If the xenofungus has not yet taken hold, the delicate Slowmoss will die off and the originally-resident species will return to the land, but it is a rare thing when the xenofungus is slow to follow where its herald first goes. - A Comparative Biology of Planet


Gaian biologists described the Slowmoss as an imperfectly-adapted organism because the same metabolic process by which it fed generated nearly enough heat to cause itself fatal heat stress.

The idea that anthropomorphic climate change might be a viable solution to the xenofungal "scourge" proved useful fodder for men like Shoichiro Nagao and Nwabudike Morgan who saw no compelling reason to leave Chiron as they had found it.


Sguam leaves reminded some of torn kites; others of a dragonfly's wings. Whatever they evoked, their sudden spread was evidence that the plant was soon to bear its edible tart fruit.

When roasted, sguam might make a pleasant accompaniment to starchy grains. Dried sguam rind was an accepted alternative to the multivitamins found in ration packs.

Though she regretted the necessity of it, Lady Skye used her Gaian Rangers to enforce a faction monopoly on sguam cultivation. In MY20, the faction's carefully-hoarded scratch squadron of Needlejets--and twenty-four irreplaceable pilots--were sacrificed wholesale to destroy a Morganite test grove in an operation Skye deemed successful because it sustained demand for one of the few products the Gaians themselves could afford to part with.

Gaian ingenuity made possible the first self-sustaining desert communities on Planet. Local clays were the primary construction material for prominent cooling towers and sturdy domed habitats that resisted heating because of high thermal mass. Drones tended communal gardens day and night, dispatching laborers to make the frequent interventions that would keep gardens alive in the notoriously hostile climate.

First image is from Stable Diffusion , Seed 3630214515 using prompt: "A strange redwood biome and on an alien science-fiction planet, beautiful matte painting, Moebius, frank frazetta, sid mead, james gurney, thomas kinkade, rodney mathews, trending on artstation".

Second image is " Swampscene 1 " by ahaas on DeviantArt.

Third image is " The Dream " by d3cline on DeviantArt. Created using AI tools.
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Nov 12, 2023 at 5:57 AM #327

Headwaters of the Slowwind River. The absence of nitrate ground cover is conspicuous where crimson-topped forruga betula has taken root.

Hardier than Terran vegetation and faster-growing than native flora, hybrid organisms were a widely-acknowledged danger to humans and Planet alike, playing havoc with water tables, soil arability, and the behavioral patterns of local fauna.

Enthusiasts of hybrid agriculture, including the Gaians, the University, the Morganites, the Dreamers, the New Two Thousand, the Oracle, and the Ascendancy, claimed to be inspired by simple curiosity. Sister Miriam Godwinson called it "the blind faith that tampering with an original design must necessarily lead to improvement." Morganite scientists celebrated their achievement in Morgana dominari , a salt-tolerant shrub partly derived from the mangrove but imbued with certain aggressive features common to Chironian fungus. The roots of this creation leached heat energy from organic matter to achieve bio-mineralization, yielding crystals that could be harvested as fuel. Pilgrims in northern and upland climates introduced methane-producing ferns as organic heaters in their fields. But the dangers of these approaches were manifest.

Even trace legacies of Terran genetic material excited Planet's immunological response. Bases practicing Terran monoculture were most affected, but hybrid planting was similarly risky. Defensive arrangements varied from attempting to grow as much as possible in greenhouse settings--an enormous expense that no faction could afford to apply for all crop types--to enhanced training for local militia.

There was also the problem of Centauri chemistry: certain Terran organisms interacted with the Chironian climate in ways that produced toxins and gases fatal to humans even in very low concentrations.

Allegations of agricultural tampering were serious and frequent contributors to faction vendetta. The Spartan and University militaries deployed herbicides, and especially fungicides, with frankly profligate enthusiasm, while Pilgrims, Tribals, and Gaians trained probe teams to introduce unwanted organisms into enemy territory.

The Planetary Council devoted enormous efforts to the control of invasive species but rarely achieved results considered satisfactory to all parties. How to distinguish between a deniable ruse and the genuine loss of laboratory containment?

Image is " Alien Planet Landscape " by guifoxtel on DeviantArt. Created using AI tools.

This post draws heavily from the terrain types found in the 4X computer game Endless Legend .

Nov 18, 2023 at 6:47 AM #328

A Morganite promotional vidcap suggests to prospective buyers that Morgan Robotics' "Big Mac" load-puller is a fraternal relation of well-respected University products used in domestic settings. The Mac's barrel chest conceals an enormously powerful tractor engine.

Laboring avatars began as high-complexity marionettes without strings: circuits and servos in the shape of men, but no smarter or self-possessed than a 1979 Lada Riva automobile.

Avatars were considered a necessity by base operations in every faction because the physical demands of piloting were much less than those of craft work.

Some factions experimented with non-anthropomorphic designs that could more easily navigate tight spaces or traverse traditional interiors, but studies showed operators mastered the use of anthropmorphic units more quickly and were less inclined to place them at risk, reducing costly accidents.


All Our Tomorrows, second capital of the Dreamers of Chiron, and the ultimate expression of Dreaming.

The human body--along with its need for enriching stimuli--was an inconvenience to the Dreamers. Faction elites remained awake only begrudgingly, and certainly they saw no reason that drones should require access to art, sunlight, or even medical care.

In theory, Dreamer bases could give full play to the engineer's lust for efficiency: inputs taking the shortest route throguh processing; all routes of pedestrial travel following interior lines; vulnerable hab spaces encased behind dense thickets of piping, conduit, and structural supports.


Pilgrim homestead on the Aeolean Plain. Noeworthy features include a borehole mine still in its infancy (center foreground), solar panels linked to a modular battery drum that still retains its retrothrusters from Planetfall (center); the tall masts of sensor pods extending to the horizon, and a siren, at far left, to signal danger.

First image is " Metal Companions " by AI-Agent-Zero on DeviantArt. Created using AI tools.

Second image is " Twisted Capital City of Planet Kridaes Prime " by TKMgraphics on DeviantArt. Created using AI tools.

Third image is " Helios Mars colony mining zone " by Ka-Pow96 on DeviantArt.
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Nov 19, 2023 at 7:25 AM #329

Dawn in Bonanza City.

Only their scope of their own ambition stood between the Morganites and environmental catastrophe. Rarely were they deterred.

Four years after its founding, the boomtown of Bonanza, population 250,000, imported its potable water by crawler caravan along a treacherous overland route of more than 650km.

Analysts were reporting that pipelines were more efficient than oceangoing tankers, and so city fathers declared the adjacent River Phlegethon a dumping ground, and the river was soon navigable only to small craft. Most of these were ultimately operated by Morgan Emergency Services as chase boats for frequent oil spills, though a fair number of drones crowded into tenement barges between shifts.

Mindworm attacks were constant. Lady Skye accused the CEO of committing environmental atrocity, but Morgan defended poisoning the waterway on grounds that it was a favorite exfiltration route for Yang's northernmost hives.


The Gates of Reason, on the southern edge of the Great Dunes.

Conclavists raised similar monuments throughout their territory, each exquisitely decorated with Biblical statuary, a testament to the strength and majesty of divine inspiration. Many, like this waystation, doubled as defensive outposts only to be abandoned as the faction's borders ebbed and flowed like a living organism down through the decades.

Some of the edifices doubled as treasure-houses and were advertised thusly, luring raiders to their doom at the hands of the Nauvoo Legion--a novel method of policing high roads that made the most of the Believers' over-extended fighting forces.


A wall of xenofungus advances up the Trapezous Slope.

In the presence of xenofungus, Planet Pearls often became imbued with the bioenergy of the moss beneath, as in this vidcap received from an outlying sensor.

Xenofungus inspired terror even in safely-settled populations, though whether this was simple prudence, or (as Director Pahlavi insisted) compelling evidence of genetic memory, was disputed.

Security forces in all factions consistently reported spikes in antisocial behavior, especially crowd violence, during fungal blooms. Whereas most democratic societies took these trends as the impetus for stronger environmental protections to reduce planetary agitation, factions with a more authoritarian or oligarchical bent replied in kind, pounding the Chironian wilderness with napalm and other defoliants.

First image is " Kimsema " by deejayiwan on DeviantArt. Made with Ideogram AI.

Second image is " Gates of Tartarus - Greek Mythology " by rsovel on DeviantArt.

Third image is " Alien landscape 3 " by cuda1016 on DeviantArt. Created using AI tools.
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Dec 1, 2023 at 5:26 PM #330
Chairman Sheng-ji Yang said:
A soldier unseen is worse than a soldier spent. - Missives to the Acolytes


The motorcycle and its derivatives, plentiful among the Unity's motor pool, were nevertheless unpopular with front-line soldiers who knew first-hand what little good they would do to hold back a mindworm boil. Still, beggars could not be choosers and many factions pressed reconnaissance vehicles like this one into service as caravan escorts or with rear-area patrols.

Pilgrim householders fêted and even provisioned the rare Regulator that appeared at the airlock, hopeful they would remain as a helpmate against the daily slings and arrows of a pioneer's portion, from avaricious neighbors to wandering livestock.


Governor Ferraman called the collonades of Loaves and Fishes "a fistful of regularity amidst the cinders" and exhorted his citizens to continue "ordering the Cosmos." Though it resembled a monstrosus library, the base produced great makers rather than thinkers, yielding statuary, painting, song, and sculpture. Orchardists grew apples and olives in hanging rows.


The McDonnell Douglas F-4 Phantom II was first taken into service in 1960. The F-4M model continued service with the United States Navy and the U.S. Army National Guard into the 2030s, where it was spotted frequently in Shamashi skies, deploying from the Fast Attack Carriers Perot and O'Rourke .

Reknowned for its dog-fighting prowess and priced for export, the F-4 airframe was a personal favorite of Unity's Air Operations chief, Kleisel Mercator, who was a close student of the deep penetration bombings carried out against the Communist Bloc-aligned Rocca regime on the Ile de Bonasario. American fighter-bombers struck the island's Mag Lev line, crippling the regime before it could mobilize against a student-led revolt that ultimately brought Western-aligned leadership to power. The raid was a bold gamble. Of the sixteen aircraft dispatched, two ditched in the ocean due after running out of fuel and eight others were scrapped due to the extent of battle damage. But the Navy aviators were rightly acknowledged for a masterful showing against Soviet and Chinese aviators flying under the colors of the Bonasario Air Defense. Eleven Japanese engineers were also killed inadvertantly, precipitating a brief crisis between Washington and the Kamohito government. Mercator led the way in the use of strategic air power on Chiron, accepting significant losses of pilots and aircraft to achieve eventual flight proficiency--and the unprecedented coercive power that went along with it.

First image is " RESF Reconnaissance Vehicle (Part 1) " by EstevesLuis on DeviantArt.

Second image is " IUSP Parliament building " by Okwa on DeviantArt. Created using AI tools.

Third image is " Tactical Art... (65) " by Airborne71 on DeviantArt. Created using AI tools.

Dec 3, 2023 at 9:38 AM #331

Fire Control Technician L-124 of the Digital Oracle stands fire watch at the Habitation Core of Claros Prime during venting of the base's secondary life support system.

Respiration of fungal spores was a public health issue of the highest priority. In any given cycle, between five and ten percent of base workforces suffered fungal allergies. Most complainants reported mild hallucination and mania when not using personal rebreathers but serious cases might encompass violence. The best prevention was routine flushing of air handlers and filtration systems.


A stick of Chiron Guard "yomping" the Monsoon Jungle.

So-called "Long Patrols" were the bread and butter of training regimens for every militia, as well as many civilian work clutches. For soldiers and scouts, the experience was also an indispensible opportunity to hone their knowledge of the zoological and climatological characteristics of potential future battlefields.

Even these well-equipped troops show high variation. Note the different styles of headgear, from the forage cap worn by the leading man left to the traditional domed radioman's helmet on the trooper at center. The rearmost fighter, who carries a hand weapon with an underslung grenade launcher, is patterned on the old lobsterpot type, itself a hearkening back to the Roman Gallic design. Soldiers prized any helmets with neckguards, desiring protection from both sun and pest intrusion.


The Spartan Sfendonai , a Federal-class landship built on the pattern of vehicles once used by Morgan Industries during the Saharan Burst Wars.

Nuclear reactors gave these tracked behemoths the endurance and horsepower to cross vast distances at relatively high speed while also carrying enormous tonnage, which meant armor thick enough to endure fixed artillery and air-dropped munitions, as well as the kind of arsenals that could obliterate most targets. Like other vehicles of the same scale, the landship bore its own fleet of support vehicles, from wreckers to small mining vehicles. In theory, a landship could build forward support bases, complete with their own greenhouses and mines to feed and provision a sustained campaign.

The drawback was that these mobile cities were a terrible drain on faction resources, especially in places where local resources couldn't sustain the kind of exploitation needed to feed their thousands of passengers and crew. Fear of landship incursion encouraged a more comprehensive form of vendetta that meant burning or poisoning what could not be hauled off by the victor so as to make pursuit that much more difficult.

Wrecked landships--visible by the dozen in the Great Dunes--were popular sites for outposts, caravansaris, and SMACER depots.

First image is " Zamani the library valley " by HBSSart on DeviantArt.

Second image is " Terran Marine Recon in the Jungle " by goeliath on DeviantArt.

Second image is " EDRPG 08CB122 Federal Landship " by KevinMassey on DeviantArt. This art was part of a project of his for Elite Dangerous. I have adapted the concept from Mr. Massey's description of his art.
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Dec 9, 2023 at 5:51 AM #333
Sister Miriam Godwinson said:
In the sterile laboratories of the University, each scientist feels himself an unchallenged master. It is easy to forget, under such heady conditions, that the laboratory does not—cannot—replicate the true conditions of His Creation. Draw your conclusions, but draw them with care. - Recieving Truth


"Ready" Rack in the U.N. Marine Corps berthing aboard the U.N.S. Unity .

Credits to their trade, expedition security chief Rachael Winzenried and U.N. Marine Corps Security Forces General Marcel Salan anticipated the danger of mutiny and prevailed upon Mission Control to place personal weapons with their operators. This was true for both the larger contingent just abaft the bridge and the much smaller detachment positioned to provide immediate security for Atomic Fuels Storage.

Failure by U.N. Security Forces to hold Unity's armory in the first hours of crisis meant only that the Marines would be confronting well-armed adversaries, not that they would be outgunned. Even the lesser models of Powered Combat Suit were nigh invulnerable given the types of weapons provided for the Alpha Centauri colonists. (Most effective were the anti-ordnance rifles reserved for animal control, most of which had already been withdrawn from stocks by the Forward Contact Teams during their final preparations for Planetfall thirty days before the Crisis.


A Supply Crawler of the Forward Contact Team departs a rendezvous with local logging crews along one of the first graded roads on Planet. Awareness of the danger of mindworm attack is already evident even at this early date: the crew ride "unbuttoned" for easier escape and have retrofitted powerful UV radiation projectors where machine guns might once have been.

Like their lightweight cousins the Unity Rovers, Supply Crawlers were customized to mission parameters based on long-range telemetry and information received from the Chiron Interstellar Probe. This Porsche Defense M-83 had been painstakingly designed as multi-modal transport: the rounded body, wide tracks, and diverse propulsion systems suitable for both marine environments and low-density travel surfaces.

Ultra high-power UV projectors were effective against mindworms but fire was a cheaper alternative easier to apply at scale.


A New State scientist considers samples of energy-suffused crystals harvested from a vent in the ocean floor. Despite the absence of visual breach alarms, strict safety precautions are being taken: the commitment of a deep pressure suit by a faction already pressed to deploy every available resource for marine activity suggests that these particular materials pose a significant risk to life and limb.

Humans discovered only a four new elements on Chiron in the first five decades of settlement. Prokhor Zakharov was adamant that three were extraterrestrial in origin, and had similar suspicions regarding the fourth. To Believers, the similarities in chemical properties with Old Earth only confirmed what they already suspected: Chiron and Earth had been created by the same Authority.

The pace of research output slowed dramatically across all factions between MY3 and MY40 in a trend that reached its critical nadir in MY31. A white paper commissioned by Academician Zakharov, leaked at once to the Data Links, concluded that while human curiosity remained undiminished and the footprint of both settlement and explorations were growing at expotential rates, the slowdown lay in the unavailability of suitable safety and testing materials, all of which had been exhausted and most of which could not be replaced by the industrial base then at hand.

Morganites paid bounties for inventions to rehabilitate valuable equipment. Believers, Hivemen, Atomic Children, Dreamers, and Data Angels dramatically increased their Probe activity. Pilgrims and Spartans stepped up combat actions against SMACERS in search of prize loot.

First image is " Future Infantry Armor (AI) " by TorpedoBoat on DeviantArt. Powered Combat Suits are a concept from Blizzard's StarCraft franchise. SMACERS are an addition to this setting contributed by Strategos' Risk.

Second image is " Humans Explore a Jungle Planet (AI) " by TorpedoBoat on DeviantArt.

Third image is " SlimeVerse " by onmarstonight on DeviantArt. Created using AI tools.
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Dec 10, 2023 at 5:00 PM #334

A pair of Data Services external cargo handlers responds to man-down beacons during the Unity Crisis.

The major challenge in high-capacity data storage throughout the twenty-first century was volume. Data tapes, a notoriously low-efficiency technology, were impractical at scale on Earth for reasons of size and weight. Disputes over the production and preservation of historical records were all the more bitter because of the great costs involved and the low probability that content would be revised after initial printing.

Weight was less a problem in zero-gravity, and by 2040, more than half of all human knowledge was racked on constellations of satellites. Long-range spacecraft used tapes of fiche up to thirty-four feet in diameter to feed the computer calculations required for virtually every aspect of their operation, from the activation of maneuvering thrusters to use of weapons systems in combat. Even the largest computers were dwarfed by their databases.

The United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization commissioned custom reels for Unity's libraries. Encoding the reels was conducted in strictest secrecy to reduce the risk of violence or tampering, but data librarians suffered nearly as many pre-launch casualties as stevedores and Security Forces guards, and far more in proportion to their numbers.

Data reels for the U.N. Alpha Centauri Mission were stored on racks inside reinforced shells bolted to Unity's outer hull. Data Services employed eighty extra-vehicular activity experts to service these "trees" of fiche. Most of that material was destroyed by spalling from the initial micrometeorite impact but the team proved useful all the same, for in addition to their extensive training in emergency response techniques, they were among the select few who had pressurized ensemble at hand upon waking.

Image is " DreamUp Creation - Evacuation " by Lonely-Destiny on DeviantArt. Created using AI tools.

Dec 13, 2023 at 6:24 PM #335

Followers of Chief Science Officer Prokhor Zakharov weigh next steps after completing the construction of a prefabricated research dome at Planetfall. The Academician had lobbied mission planners to accept the expensive altazimuth-mount, heliotropic designs submitted by Swiss company AG Pirole. Their appeal, he said, was efficiency, for they combined the capabilities of both weather monitoring station and laboratory. A subordinate was wise to add the observation that anu personnel assigned to "so sunny a structure" would certainly receive a morale boost.


An Ascendancy Legionnaire contemplates the departing edge of a demonstorm from the hull of her laser tank.

Vicious hurricanes scoured the Shamashi coast with depressing regularity. Their passing was usually a moment when upland factions dispatched raiding parties to take advantage of the ensuing dislocation.

After rebuilding Silver Ledge for the third time in as many years, Governor van de Graaf was pushed by his stakeholders to part with the funds for a pressure dome rated to withstand one-minute sustained winds up to 300 km/h while the none-too-proud Gaians began subterranean workings at Last Rose of Summer and Resplendant Oak.

First image is " Mars Base Camp " by JoWheeler on DeviantArt. Created using AI tools.

Second image is " Rest " by AlbertoVangelista on DeviantArt.

Dec 30, 2023 at 9:25 AM #338
Chairman Sheng-ji Yang said:
Understand well the difference between survival and adaptation. Cockroaches are survivable. But only the species that had evolved free will was capable of the change required to escape the Great Catastrophe. - Ethics for Tomorrow


A Hive Impact Squad operating in the Cones of Briseis.

The etymology of the landmark is peculiar, recalling a female captive of the Trojan War, possession of whom was disputed between the great warrior Achilles and Agamemnon, the Achaean commander, for it implies that the Cones were likewise a choice prize. Yet frequent seismic activity and the consequent unpredictable venting of sulfurous gasses at temperatures above 500ºF appeared to render the place worthless except as a barrier to transit. In an assessment of MY14, the Digital Oracle assigned to the Cones the lowest probability of Hive activity. Dr. Anhalt circulated these conclusions broadly among his clients and military dispositions were modified accordingly.

When Hive raiders emerged from the lava fields in MY35, it was months before troops could be rushed from other fronts, giving Yang the respite he dearly needed to evacuate or booby trap vulnerable settlements before their capture by Pilgrim deepfinders.

Asbestos-fiber smocks and heat-resistant polymer helmets stripped from Hive casualties gave tantalizing indications of how the Hive had managed to operate successfully amongst the Cones. One intelligence analyst expressed the common view when he described Yang's solution as "a mess of carcinogens."


Lu Wo Su , Hive Architect, seen during a secret embassy to the Gaians.

Born 2014, in Shenzhen, People's Republic of China. Studied structural engineering at Tsinghua University. Diverted from People's Liberation Army Space Force due to severe vertigo. Reassigned to Project Nian, an attempt to overwhelm British colonial authorities by encouraging encroachment on Hong Kong's periphery. Made multiple visits to Kowloon Walled City to perform "rhizome" analysis, seeking out the developmental and anthropological ingredients to stimulate rapid urban development (and social malady) in an environment without central planning. Lu's field notes constitute some of the most comprehensive and insightful reflections on the City's unique place in the regional and global economy, as well as the psychological effects of life in a proto-arcology. Excerpts of this research were later stolen from Chinese government archives, sold, and exploited by Struan's Pacific Tading Company, among others.

Fled to Walled City during China's Golden Revolution. Turned over to Royal Hong Kong Police Force by triads on the order of the Anti-Demolition Committee and returned to China. Death sentence commuted in return for service with the Unity Mission. Underwent pre-launch training with Planning Division chief Sheffron DeGaues the Elder, 4th Baron Dhekelia, once a Resident in Hong Kong supporting climate change remediation work. DeGaues found Wu to be a curious and, more important, humble observer who "has not fallen prey to that moralizing which tends to afflict persons called to consider societies not their own." Wu served DeGaues as something like an aide de camp, becoming his protégé even as their attention was diverted from planning for the first base on Chiron to searching for evidence of false spaces on segments of the hull being prepped for shipment up the terrestrial space elevators.

Retrieved by crew loyal to Political Officer Sheng-ji Yang. Wounded in a skirmish with Sabre Company paramilitaries prior to disembarkation. Later oversaw the expansion of Hive outposts beyond the Dune Sea, including route through Cones of Briseis.


Tribal outpost on the eastern edge of the Great Dunes.
Severe defeat at the hands of Coalition forces convinced Chairman Yang that a policy of total isolation was at least temporarily unsustainable. His first overtures were to fellow outcasts. Hive caravans traded scavenged weapons and prisoners ("rescued scouts") for greenstuffs and fossil fuels at defensible towers like this one.
One quirk of the arrangement was that the Tribesmen insisted on payment in cash--a nod to the novelty trade inspired by Nox Conglomerate ex-director Eric Preston, who continuously questioned the security and predictability of the so-called "energy economy," especially when so few citizens had access to the Planetary Network. Many Tribals in fact carried coins in the ancient style--as adornments that could be readily disposed of during transactions. (As one IMF wag quipped, "'Twas better'n 'em wearing ears or bullets, as we or th'Spartans sometimes do.")

First image is " DreamUp Creation " by Mixasko on DeviantArt. Created using AI tools.

Second image is " The scout " by tuncundun on DeviantArt.

For discussion of Kowloon Walled City and rhizomes, see " The Densest City in the World Had a (Stange) Secret " by DamiLee on YouTube.

Third image is " Dried Basin Outpost " by Wesley Phua on ArtStation.
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Dec 31, 2023 at 1:51 PM #339
Sister Miriam Godwinson said:
A managed Planet is a Potemkin Village—the shoddy work of an inferior hand. - We Must Dissent


Jourai Al Rifai was born in a refugee camp outside Amman in 2044. Her parents, both solartechs, were among the quarter-million Jordanians displaced by the Israeli occupation of Aqaba. The youngster's political activism attracted positive attention from the Hashemite regime and, with their blessing, the family relocated to Croatan Station, Ceres on a NoxCo contract during her adolescence.

Jourai apprenticed in her parents' trade for a number of years before repeated shortages of water ice and rising tension between labor and management led her to seek opportunities with the United Nations Relief and Works Agency. By 2065, she had joined the permanent crew of an itinerant U.N.-chartered hospital ship, the St.S. Dorothea Dix , first working in the engineering division as a troubleshooter, then as an electronic operations officer supervising interactions between various automated systems. In late 2068, Jourai received the first correspondence from Data Services Division Head Tạ Dọc Thân suggesting that she might be a suitable addition to the Unity muster.

The nature of Thân's interest was a concern to other mission leaders. Records left by Thân suggest that he saw Al Rifai as a valuable addition to the crew as a whole, rather than for Data Services alone. In Al Rifai's personnel record, Thân made notations that described her, approvingly, as a "renaissance woman" with demonstrated aptitude in multiple disciplines. He also questioned a Psych workup that criticized Al Rifai for "antiquated nationalism," writing archly that such a reaction echoed "Soviet-style thinking." Instead, he argued, the young woman's attitude was better taken as evidence of "keen political curiosity" and emotional intelligence. Certainly, the heavy emphasis on positional specialization by Charterist recruiters had also led Mission Control to request that division heads focus on finding "more generic talent." They expected that crew would be ideally-positioned to take on rotational assignments as a means of promoting unity within the increasingly heterogeneous expedition.

But this spirit of cooperation was noticeably out-of-character for Thân, and Al Rifai, like the others, was requested for appointment to the Historical Records branch of Data Services, vice Engineering or Base Operations. Executive Officer d'Almeida called the Data Services chief "an inveterate political operative," and claimed that he was gathering to himself a "shadow crew," the purpose of which was to advise him on aspects of mission activity beyond his assigned remit. Chief Science Officer Prokhor Zakharov was flummoxed when presented with the slate of candidates that included Al Rifai: "For what purpose would one assign these individuals to assist our librarians?" This was notwithstanding general acceptance of Al Rifai's qualifications to be of service. With Zakharov's prompting, Mediator Johann Anhaldt suggested that Al Rifai be placed in the Atomic Energy Laboratory to perform systems integration duties, a proposal that was ultimately successful.

Al Rifai attained high marks during her expedited training but was not considered to have completed enough training to be entrusted with a role during disembarkation or as a first responder. The shipboard computer did not initiate her retrieval during the Unity Crisis and, as a jack-of-all-traits whose career had primarily been in space, she was overlooked when emerging factions scoured the manifests for choice talent. She was saved, along with more than twenty thousand others, by an automated protocol that jettisoned her Hab Bay into a degrading orbit for future retrieval.

Al Rifai's Hab Bay landed heavily in a peat bog in far southern Shamash and went undetected for nearly fifty years before the construction of the Agathoclean Dam by the Shapers of Planet required a dredging operation. Al Rifai was absorbed into the Base Operations staff of Ikurō Kamatari, second-in-command to Supervisory Liquidator Shoichiro Nagao, where she performed much the same work as she had while aboard the Dorothea Dix .

Image is " Children of a dead Earth 2 " by Lumish1992 on DeviantArt.

Dorothea Dix was Superintendant of Army Nurses for the United States during the American Civil War.
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Jan 1, 2024 at 9:11 AM #340

The Oasis, typical of the numerous mercantile outposts established at the north end of Nessus Canyon on the fringes of the Dune Sea following the Hive's first great defeat in MY36. Activity there followed the seasonal cycle of life on the Dunes. As cooler temperatures arrived, it became a staging ground for caravans headed to University bases on the distant Sawtooth backslopes. Morgan also bet on the site's proximity to his traditional Pilgrim and Labyrinth foes, knowing that need would eventually drive them to the mart, where exchanges of mutual benefit might do what traditional diplomacy had not.

Morganite barkers were unable to lure the permanent settlers sought by their CEO to consolidate his faction's toehold in the region. Adjacent lands failed to sell at auction since prospective homesteaders doubted the likelihood of being able to pay assessments, or contribute to their defense, at the conclusion of promised tax holidays, no matter how generous. Deployments of the Imperial Military Focus also backfired. Morganite citizens interpreted the presence of such esteemed warriors--paid for out of Morgan's own pocket--as a signal that the New Frontier was still an active warzone. Morgan eventually sold the territory in question to the Shapers for its reclaimed carbon value.


American M60A3 of the 1st Infantry Division (Big Red One) in Denmark on training maneuvers.

The venerable M60 main battle tank, informally dubbed "Patton," first entered service with the United States Armed Forces in 1959. First stricken from the U.S. TO&E in 2019, more than 9,000 surplus hulls were brought out of mothballs to leaven National Guard units on both sides of the American Civil War. These continued in various marks through the Second Reconstruction. The federalized Florida National Guard retired the last American M60s, M9RM variants, in 2068. Foreign operators included: Argentina, Austria, Belgium, Bolivia, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Ecuador, France, Greece, Italy, Japan, Jordan, Iran, Israel, Mexico, Morocco, Pakistan, Paraguay, the Philippines, Portugal, Rio Grande do Sul, Somaliland, South Korea, Spain, Sudan, Thailand, Turkey, West Germany, and Yugoslavia. Some institutional armed forces also used the M60, including the American Reclamation Corporation, the Hudson's Bay Company, and the United Nations. Morgan SafeHaven retained more than 250 M60s as collateral during the collapse of client sponsors in Texas, Louisiana, Missourri, and Arkansas. Shipped from Gulf Ports, they later operated against the Brazilians in Amazonia and the French in the Sahel. As of 2071, more than 2,000 M60s remained in service worldwide.

The M60 was widely regarded by military observers as superior to most other tanks of its era, especially the Soviet T-72, giving praiseworthy service in the hands of the Israel Defense Forces. Duels between M60s were a notable feature of the Greek capture of Constantinople. The M60 became nearly synonymous with spectacular breakthroughs in the Sinai, at Aqaba, and in Kurdistan. The M60 was disfavored in Commonwealth countries, particularly after a poor showing against Centurion and Chieftan main battle tanks during fighting with India.

The M60's original design lent itself to extensive modification and the tank was a very successful export product. In 2024, Chrysler CEO John Torrence testified before a Congressional inquiry that controversial sales of upgrade packages to disfavored regimes in Lisbon, Madrid, Belgrade, and Khartoum (all negotiated by the U.S. Government and later the subject of an anti-trust suit brought by Ford, Grumman, and General Motors) had been essential to helping his company stave off hostile takeover in the early 2000s.

M60 platforms, sans turret, were fitted with utility kits (plow blades, trench cutters, and cranes) to deal with nitrate accumulations on Chiron. Most are thought to have been converted to ersatz armored vehicles within the first year of settlement.


The slums of MorganBank. Public health services, foremost among which were air scrubbing and effective management of sewage, were a drain on corporate resources tolerated only once disease or dissatisfaction reached crisis point. The undesirability of crossing ripe and flowing streets did much to foster the skywalk toll connections between dormitory blocs while neon signage encouraged the pedestrian to keep their attentions ever upward.

First image is " 055 " by titoesalvaro on DeviantArt. Created using AI tools.

Second image is " Cold War Warrior " bny markkarvon on DeviantArt.

Third image is " Happy new year from 2077 " by Geezer-gun on DeviantArt. Created using AI tools.

Jan 6, 2024 at 8:45 AM #342

Newly-victorious over the Cybernetic Consciousness at Prime Function, the Brethren hunt for subterranean structures using ground-penetrating radar.


Harrison Wul, one of the Unity Mission's foremost artists.

Service Record:
Born 2031, Territory of Papua and New Guinea, to Itamul people. Learned junglecraft and inshore navigation from father and uncles. Subject later plausibly claimed to have participated in numerous intertribal conflicts during adolescence. Received preliminary schooling at VRC missions. Jailed by kiap (patrol officer) for participation in an affray at 17. Joined Royal Pacific Islands Regiment through diversionary offer. Deployed on typhoon relief performing outreach to disaster-impacted communities, subject's first exposure to art as therapy.

Award-winning graduate of RMIT School of Art. Settled in Perth. Last surviving member of the LeGarand Movement, distinguished by use of watercolors "in the wild." Compositions explored light and the seashore.

Reactivated during Second Survivalist Wave, 2057-62. Posted to Nhulunbuy, then Honiara. Thrice Mentioned in Despatches for personal heroism.

Recipient of National Medal of Arts (U.S.), Archibald Prize (Aus.), and second Nobel Prize in Art. Founding member of Solewin Board of the U.N. Mission to Alpha Centauri. Board's purpose was to recruit those with the capacity to make "exceptional contributions to humanity in the fields of art and entertainment, measured in their ability to promote unity, grieving, healing, and striving for the common good." Emerged as leader of a group of members concerned to take on emerging artists in favor of "conventionally-recognized" talent out of concern that the perpetuation of historical themes would perpetuate national politics.

Given supervisory responsibility for Mission's complement of artisans, a division of Data Services.

Psych Profile: Outsider
Empathic personality driven by memories of adolescent alienation.

Themes most prevalent in subject's art include: longing or nostalgia for distant things, anthropomorphic climate change, and the sea as an arena for human activity. While ships appear frequently in his corpus, none of subject's works include recognizable human figures.

Acceptance in the artistic and academic communities is balanced by a firmness and self-assurance that subject credits to "my familiarity with violence."

Note appended by Tạ Dọc Thân, Chief, Data Services Division: Wul's relative silence on behalf of indigineous causes, cultural assimilation, or veterans' plights was considered a boon by mission designers eager to avoid controversy, but his active resistance to the preservation of historical legacies suggests a break, not continuity, with overriding mission values.

Caution: Information provided by another member of the crew indicates that subject has been approached repeatedly by Kellerite propagandists. Subject has not reported these encounters.


An infamous "feeding bay" at Worker's Teeming. Drones here sometimes crafted their own benches, another demonstration of individuality overlooked by faction authorities. Video images of the base's above-ground exterior, while perhaps serving to lessen claustrophobias, were also a blunt reminder that there was no hope of surviving escape.

First image is " Construction vehicle " by Alyskan on DeviantArt. Created using AI tools.

Second image is a photograph of late actor Tom E. Lewis from an obituary in the Mandurah Mail .

Criteria used by the Solewin Board inspired by those applied to films included in the American National Film Registry.

Third image is " Cheap Food " by Kamirei on DeviantArt. Done with the help of Stable Diffusion.

Jan 7, 2024 at 8:26 AM #343

Alessia Barale-Facklin in residence at The Bourse.

Oddsmakers were promising huge returns to anyone predicting a bright future for Canadian organized crime in 2051. Dennis Facklin, head of the eponymous dynasty that had once dominated the Montreal underworld, was beginning a ninety-year prison term in Kingston Penitentiary for double murder. Three days after the sentencing, his eldest son and heir-apparent, Robert, was killed in a car wreck that authorities blamed on drink-driving. Internal memos reflect high confidence within the Royal Canadian Mounted Police that the Facklin arm of North American Mafia activity would be extinguished within the next three years.

Alessia Barale-Facklin, Robert's thirty-year-old sister-in-law, understood that the weak have need of allies, especially those in high places. Barale-Facklin was a Piedmontese immigrant and adjunct lecturer in Arpitan language at McGill University who maintained a close interest in the political organizing of the student Left. University leadership grappled with their employee's radicalism whenever Conservative governments were in power but there is no record of suspicion or implication of Barale-Facklin in criminal activity prior to 2053. Herself a widow, she was also Robert's chief beneficiary, though public records suggest nearly everything of value was immediately tied up in litigation.

The Sûreté du Québec was aware of allegations that Barale-Facklin harbored Communist sympathies but dismissed them on grounds of their incompatibility with the Facklin crime operation. Whatever her politics, Barale-Facklin was in communication with KGB agents in Canada as early as January 2051 and with the French DGSE starting in March of that same year. Working through their allies in the Caribbean and passing intelligence to the Canadian Security Intelligence Service and RCMP, the French embroiled many of Barale-Facklin's relatives and competitors in legal disputes during the interregnum following Robert's death. Within two years, Barale-Facklin had quietly assumed personal authority over most of Robert's former lieutenants and their criminal apparatus.

Barale-Facklin soon placed the entire resources of her inherited organization at separatist disposal, providing experienced enforcers for jobs that included bank robberies, kidnapping, and political assassination. Scholarly consensus is that the success of any individual action was immaterial: together, they encouraged a media narrative that gainsayed the Canadian Government's ability to provide physical security for non-Francophones, undermining enthusiasm for opposing the separatist agenda, while also calling into question the PM's claims that the number of committeed separatists was actually very low. In a series of large-scale interviews conducted after the war, researchers confirmed that popular identification with the FLQ increased at moments when it appeared to offer serious challenges to Government control. (The Facklin faction was just one of many to execute this strategy, which also called upon the resources of the mainline FLQ, the DGSE, and the KGB in-country.)

The success of the FLQ unfolded as Barale-Facklin had forseen. Between defections and casualties sustained in combat, provincial and municipal police forces were grossly understrength and grappling with their own continuing paranoia over loyalist stay-behinds. Even before the instruments of peace had been signed, elements of the DGSE approached Barale-Facklin to signal their interest in using Montreal as a transshipment hub for drugs and spies. The Facklin family, still notorious, was compared to the Brothers Lafitte of Barataria. McGill hesitated to take action for fear of alienating its greatly diminished pool of donors.

Barale-Facklin balanced a steadfast refusal to discuss her legal situation with a self-evident eagerness to take the spotlight in the debates over cultural preservation surrounding the U.N. Mission to Alpha Centauri. Called upon by the Institut de France , Barale-Facklin campaigned in favor of "national historiography"--that is, of preserving a retelling of Earth's history that emphasized the creation of distinctive identities rooted in the common experience of place. She derided "the appetite for a vague and telelogical retelling--a propagandic retelling--that pretends a fraternity between peoples and a widely-shared humanistic, even democratic, ethic that is patently contrary to the historical record." In 2062, French diplomats brokered introductions between Barale-Facklin representatives and the increasingly cash-strapped United Nations, overcoming Sectrary-General Tottodoro's misgivings over Barale-Facklin's blatantly nationalistic sympathies and leading him to publicly rebuke one adviser, Marie du Lac, who warned that the disarray of the Soviet Union from 1989-91 would appear "tame" compared to the chaos that outlooks like Barale-Facklin's might inspire. (Du Lac later referenced the moment as a tipping point in her letter of resignation, tendered during the Lapland Crisis.) Evidence supports the theory that, in hopes of convincing Barale-Facklin of the uselessness of withholding her fortune, the U.N. shared confidential analyses concluding that the Earth had reached a point of terminal decline. Large no-interest loans were advanced and, as before, Barale-Facklin's asking price was simple: survival. Barale-Facklin was trained as a Unity colonist and loaded aboard the starship as a librarian in the Data Services division.

On the recommendation of his father's people, Struan's factor Roshan Cobb had Barale-Facklin retrieved during his evacuation from Unity . Cobb overlooked the Canadian's cultural fixations and preferred to see only the mastermind. The two appeared to get on well, and Cobb entrusted Barale-Facklin with the leadership of his faction's third base, Borogrove, where most of the Dreamers' pharmaceutical production was carried out. As Cobb's viceroy, Barale-Facklin leveraged her authority to preserve the colony from the worst features of its parent faction's influence: she imposed strict limits on somnacin consumption by key positions (enforced by brutal punishments) and diverted trade duties to finance technical missions from the Digital Oracle that made up for the very low quality of talent available from White Rabbit. Apart from accepting Sabre Corporation protection, Borogrove was effectively a city-state unto itself. Barale-Facklin never again saw Cobb face-to-face after settling into the Governor's Residence. In MY32, she responded to word of his imprisonment at the hands of the Human Ascendancy by taking Borogrove under the aegis of Tell Kaestral's Bourse faction.

Barale-Facklin's obsession with national history should not be confused with French, Italian, Piedmontese, or even Quebecois identity. She respected the separatist government in Montreal no more than she had that in Ottawa, and spoke of clannishness as a universal impulse rather than arguing for the primacy of any one particular group. Contre-amiral St. Germaine started from the same point but (in Barale-Facklin's estimation) condescended to "vulgar propaganda" in the attempt to create by suggestion a system of particular values, which Barale-Facklin thought must emerge naturally over time. In A Social History of Planet , Commissioner Pravin Lal explored Barale-Facklin's theories in the same four chapters that addressed Kellerism, and predicted that the criminal queenpin would eventually find her way into collaboration with the Tribals, who likewise believed that location and memory, not ethos, were the basis of human association.

Image is " Cyberpunk 249 " by Cyber-Inu on DeviantArt. Created using AI Tools.
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Jan 8, 2024 at 5:47 PM #344

Father of Total Kellerism, Raphael Cahill Waterdale, c. March 2070, unknown location.

Service Record:
Born 2031, Huntsville, Alabama. Degree in aerospace engineering, Stanford University. PhD in electrochemistry. Received Harold Brown Award from USAF for coining new sampling methodologies used in rocket fuels analysis. Adjunct to Stimson Panel on Trans-Neptunian Spaceflight. Lead author of panel's minority report, which criticized safety regulations governing private spacecraft as "anti-competitive manipulation" by special interests. Briefly advised U.N. Mission Industry Standards Board as representative-without-portfolio for the Special Inspector General for U.N. Affairs (SIGUNA). Selected for inclusion in ARC Vault Program as an Exceptional Mind. Entered Longleaf Vault 12, 2058.

Exited vault in 2061 due to air scrubber malfunction. Worked assembling surface-to-surface missiles at Marshall Space Center. Later supervised laboratories at Sloss Furnaces and Austral USA shipyards. Involvement in Loyalist politics during state secession crisis led to collaboration with Kellerites because of subject's interest in direct action.

Acknowledged leader of Tribal communities in southeastern United States by early 2065. Architect of large-scale partisan resistance that helped to limit the ability of state National Guard forces to subdue independent communities. Organized exodus of local Kellerites to Mountain West in the face of Federal invasion, circulating missives warning that Kellerite communities had come to be seen as an unacceptable threat to the republican form of government. Included among the stowaways commanded by Pete Landers.

Note: Subject's appointment to SIGUNA can be considered a political favor to anti-mission interests. While Mr. Waterdale reported on $18.6 billion of verified overages, he took a public position as an outspoken critic of the Mission to Alpha Centauri, arguing that the nations of Earth should instead focus their energies on promoting commercial space exploitation.

Psych Profile: Disestablishmentarian
Search for familiar environments fueled Loyalist sympathies; predisposed subject to accept entreaties by Kellerite communalists.

Subject has repeatedly used public recognition of his achievements as a springboard to propagate personal political convictions.

Deep skepticism of the value of large institutions and their ability to achieve stated goals through the application of top-down influence (e.g., law, regulation, use of armed force). Subject frequently cited the theories of Stafford Beer to argue that the intentions of business and government should be understood solely from the consequences of their behavior, rather than through their stated aspirations.

Traced the origins of Federal hostility toward Kellerites to the recognition among "power elites" that Survivalism had demonstrated the "wholesale viability of autonomous communities" to an extent not previously anticipated even by Jean Baptiste-Keller himself. (Many Kellerite teachings later ascribed to Keller himself in both Kellerite and popular memory are actually from subject's own corpus of recorded thought and instruction.)

Image is " RODERICK " by Angeline80 on DeviantArt.

On Stafford Beer and his theory that "the purpose of a system is what it does," see this Wikipedia article.
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Jan 16, 2024 at 3:17 PM #346
Contre-Amirale Raoul André St. Germaine said:
This invention, they sometimes called the Information Superhighway. A comparison of the patterns routinely observable in the movements of people and information can lead to important insights. Like traffic, information can bottleneck or suffer from misdirection. It may be dispatched, or withheld, at the wrong time. And, of course, in the wrong combination, information, like different kinds of vehicles, cargoes, and prevailing road conditions, can tempt catastrophe. - France, la rempart.


Popularly known as "metal MULEteers," the carrying crews that worked the ḥꜣ Desert had just one concern: profit.

The Five Posts of the prototypical crew were immortalized in a piece of shareware first traded amongst the Data Angels and later popularized by Morganite marketing. Fryers, so named for their soldering irons, had all responsibility for the correct operation and timely repair of the Multiple Use Labor Elements themselves. Loadmasters oversaw the handling of cargo, and the jury was out on whether Cartelists or Morganites made better judgements with respect to the putting in of the right supplies--water, nutrients, bullets, circuit boards, and hydraulic line. The head Puncher was nearly always a reformed Spartan who shot first, then shot again. Respecting no law, successful outfits so often resorted to violence that caravan traffic was frequently harassed by United Nations Peacekeeping Forces. The Cage handled money, negotiating with buyers and running down sellers, in a role that smacked more of spy work and odds-making than of respectability. Firsts had final responsibility for the success of each drive as operational commanders, paying crews in advance--and settling accounts through resort to their personal stake if the caravan was slow or let weight, the nomenclature for a breakdown.

MULEteers brought wild stories across the Great Dunes and their adjoining salt plans. Stories of humans who had not been members of the Unity expedition, and of body-snatchers come down from the high altitudes to claim anyone whose fame grew too great. There were rumors of submarines breaching in wide rivers and of those whom the mindworms ignored.


A Tribal outpost raised in the shadow of Unity's cooling fins promises water and entertainments in the SMACER language, a combination of Japanese, Cyrillic, and Hebraic scripts. Note the broadcast anetennae unique to Kellerite bases.


A Data Angels Digital Countermeasures team performs "sosh" work with faction youth on stim break from the webcafes.

First image is " Eternal Voyage Adventuers of A Spacesuit Explorer " by wallartgalore0 on DeviantArt. M.U.L.E. is a 1983 video game for the Atari console designed by Danielle Bunten Berry and published by Electronic Arts.

Second image is " Junk Town " by eddie-mendoza on DeviantArt.

Third image is " Just Chillin' " by Seven-teenth on DeviantArt.

Jan 21, 2024 at 10:39 AM #347

Unfinished booster rockets in the yards of Indústria Aeronáutica de Portugal S.A., Macapá, Portuguese Brazil.

Unity was the great work of its benighted age--the simultaneously hideous-but-wonderful brainchild of necessity.

From the dawn of recorded time, Man has been an innovator. The Electronic Century preceding Unity's flight, reckoned by historians to have run from 1970 to 2071, was marked by fits and starts of progress that defied expectation given the breadth and depth of global calamity starting around 2020. Nearly one in twenty of Unity's passengers had lived the majority of their lives until departure either 13,000' below sea level or more than 228 million km from Earth. A regular shuttle service sustained permanent settlements in trans-Neptuian orbit. After 1990, Earth was served by four great telephonic information networks using videotex interfaces: the World Wide Web, a mostly Anglo-American endeavor; the French Minitel; the Soviet National Automated System for Computation and Information Processing; and Japan's university-based JUNET. Human populations on the Moon and Mars exceeded the two hundred thousand mark in 2020 and 2031, respectively, and increased expotentially thereafter. Blood-scrubbing and vat-grown organ replacement helped the wealthy to extend their productive lives to the point that it became common for prominent politicians and captains to industry to retire at the wizened age of 130. Unstinting wars and repeated nuclear disasters prompted significant and successful research into cybernetic limb replacement and the comprehensive management of complicated cancers so that average lifespans increased to 90.2 years.

Though the very idea of fleeing Earth was a testament to its many previous failures, the United Nations approached responsibility for the mission with a redoubled enthusiasm. Thus began what amounted to the largest outlay of developmental capital in human history.

For to make Unity's ribs of steel and her innards of wire, donors funded ten thousand university endowments, one million scholarships, and seventy-one new national laboratories worldwide. Large cities sprang up in the Amazon, Congolese, and Papuan rainforests to feed materiel up the glittering space elevators at Stanleyville, Quito, and Koor. No effort was spared to fully internationalize this work. In the name of exigency and goodwill, U.N. diplomats undertook a private pilgrammage to N'Djamena to woo Morgan Industries (defying the spirit of an American veto on more official overtures); contracted with the Arsenal Nacional in Ascunción despite knowledge of vast corruption by Paraguay's ruling Riós family; and accepted technical advice from South Africa's ARMSCOR and Israel Military Industries, brokered (unsurprisingly) by the French Republic. Recruiters sourced vinteners from among the Greek settlers of unrecognized Trabzon over Turkish and Soviet objections; eminent geologists from the alluvial diamond fields of Gath; experts in animal husbandry from newly-independent Tibet, outraging the Chinese Communist government; logisticians working for the South Sudanese Rally in Juba; educators from the Soviet-sponsored gymnasiums in Kabul; and nuclear physicists from Iraq, Iran, Argentina, and Turkey. Prokhor Zakharov claimed it was the Soviet vision fulfilled: progress achieved through the unalloyed application of reason to global problems and the indefatigable spirit of the Common Man. " Pax Sovietica " masquerading as Pax Electronica ."

But for every successful satellite launch and completed sub-assembly, four or five similartly great ventures died on the vine--even those at very late stages of completion. Earth's surface came to resemble "a tinker's workshop" of unlaunched rockets, half-constructed gantries, cold crucibles, and warehouses crowded with items judged surplus or unacceptable. Dr. Sohichiro Nagao went as far as to warn in a best-selling e-zine that the Unity Mission's timeline would need to be advanced considerably--perhaps by as much as a decade--to offset environmental consequences caused by reckless preparations. By 2060, a huge stockpile of chemicals was ferried (at astronomical cost) to a series of specially-designed holding coffins in the Indian Ocean to limit the damage to watertables--a countermeasure that Lady Deirdre Skye said was not only too little, too late, but "as heinous a crime in its own right as the original sin of poor management." Not to be left out, the Bulletin of Atomic Scientists reported in September 2065 that at least thirty-nine of the forty-six nuclear reactors built specifically to supply power for mission-related projects were afflicted by design flaws that made their operations "an abominably bad bet for public safety." Two of that number ultimately did melt down with catastrophic impact to more than twelve million civilians.

In warfare and politics, control of "the Footprint," a euphamism for infrastructure dedicated to the Unity Project, became an indispensible bargaining chip--the ultimate lure for those seeking legitimation. There was seemingly no crime that could not be expunged for the indulgence of a sprocket that would one day reach space. That which was abandoned was nearly as tempting: a scrapper's payday, and potentially still servicable in other roles. Many governments that accepted U.N. investment later seized whatever they could, either to renegotiate terms or to turn the assets to some purpose other than humanity's salvation, and the U.N.'s finest, far from home, usually found themselves withdrawing rather than dying in place.

Image is " Falcon 17 " by cyberkite on DeviantArt.

"Ribs of steel" is a line from a lyric in the Civil War tune "The Good Ship, Cumberland."

Jan 28, 2024 at 7:34 AM #350
John Greenleaf Whittier said:
For all sad words of tongue and pen, the saddest are these: 'It might have been.'" - Datalinks

Who killed Captain Jonathan Garland? No other mystery has so haunted the Unity survivors.

The most popular suspect is perhaps the obvious one: a Spartan stowaway. The motive is assumed to have been simple: to claim a seat at the table by creating a vacancy--one that explicitly undermined the old dispensation. There is compelling circumstantial evidence to support this theory. After the Fall of Xerxion, Tribal probe teams working overhaul discovered private records under Colonel Santiago's own imprint in which she speculated, based on conversations with fellow Spartans, that Garland had been shot by a Holnist "acting beyond my orders." Scholarly consensus is that the voice diary is real: its integrity was twice independently verified--by the Peacekeeping Forces, who acted within weeks of its discovery, and by the Data Angels a decade hence.

Yet even if the words belong to Santiago, are they true? The essence of Santiago's plan was to scuttle Unity --the very outcome Garland was trying to prevent. Dozens of Spartan prisoners claimed that their only direction was to attack indiscriminately. They took Santiago's claim on a share of the ship's supplies, set forth in her first shipwide communication, as an improvisation--the first time that their mission was presented as something other than a suicide pact.


The Royal Shakespeare Company's Sir Poul Stavrin Rossoppos delivered what many considered the finest turn of a century-long career as Dr. John Cellender, second chair for the prosecution, in Gone Is My Father , a staple of Morganite holotheater.

Some have mooted Nwabudike Morgan as the captain's killer. The two spent considerable time in Garland's private conference room attended by only a single guard whom Morgan suborned prior to Garland's death. Conspiracy theorists insist that as a prime contractor, Morgan Industries would have had access to design drawings and command overrides to aid the plot. As a prisoner with no official position, Morgan could not have expected to sustain his access to mission leadership after Planetfall. How could this have been acceptable to a man who had once dictated terms to presidents and parliaments? Beyond this, there were armed men searching for the captive Morgan, which meant any crew in his company were liable to be shot during recovery.

The same speculation has sometimes surrounded Oscar van de Graaf, and for virtually the same reasons, although unlike Morgan, van de Graaf allegedly had the weaker legal position given how many of his people were temporarily subordinate to the U.N.--and therefore an even greater temptation to kill the man most likely to try to enforce those terms. But this ignores the fact that Garland's successors would have felt equally compelled to hold Charterist resources close after the Crisis, and there is nothing to demonstrate that van de Graaf or his followers were proximate to the bridge at any point during their escape.

A small cohort has pinned Garland's murder on Chief Engineer Zakharov, arguing that his motives were at least as strong as Santiago's. Zakharov's, after all, was the first and loudest voice for dissolution of the Mission Charter, and many of the engineers were known to have armed themselves against the captain's orders. Both the Chief Medical Officer, Pravin Lal, and the Executive Officer, Francisco d'Almeida, had come to regard Zakharov as a mutineer even before Garland was dead. Zakharov repeatedly defied orders from both Garland and d'Almeida about how to assign resources during the Crisis. It is also true that Engineering Division personnel traded fire with d'Almeida's responders, with casualties on both sides, although the reasons for these skirmishes could well have been a reflection of the impossibility of telling friend from foe. (Many of the Spartans retained U.N. Security Forces uniforms and were therefore indistinguishable from loyalist crew.) At Zakharov's final conference with Garland, the latter had ordered the ship saved so that the crew could be returned to stasis--a procedure that Zakharov knew he would be unlikely to survive. Zakharov also had access to Garland by simple virtue of the number of engineers deployed throughout the ship, complements of which were active on the bridge for the entire duration of the Unity Crisis.


RadTech prepared for reactor vessel inspection.

Struan's Pacific Trading Company executive Dole Yudikon offered one of the least-popular theories of Garland's assassination when he fixed blame on Pravin Lal, claiming that the United Nations had selected Garland as an incompetent placeholder--one the self-important Lal felt almost immediately compelled to remove. As evidence, Dreamers have suggested that Marcel Salan's Marines did more in Lal's service than in Garland's, although most serious scholarship discounts these allegations since more than a dozen Marines were killed defending the bridge from a Kellerite assault and there is no reason for Garland to have sought personal command of an armed force during the emergency.

Other plausible candidates exist for the murder. Certainly Kellerites infiltrated past the bridge. Kellerites had previously targeted U.N. personnel, including Garland, for assassination, and it is plausible that a chance encounter between the captain and the Tribals would have ended in gunfire. Meanwhile, the exact fate of Executive Officer D'Almedia remains unknown. Although he was presumed lost with Unity , his departure from Damage Control in the hour prior to Garland's death means he could conceivably have traveled as far as the bridge, although the availability of a negotiable route is as uncertain as a compelling motive. (The relationship between the two men was frosty to the point of discourtesy, but that is hardly the basis for murder.)

First image is " Admiral Vance " by Shade-of-Stars on DeviantArt.

Second image is " Cosmonaut " by iCephei on DeviantArt.
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Feb 3, 2024 at 9:10 AM #352

The selection of Rachael Winzenried, a Helvetian law enforcement executive, for the role of mission security chief, displeased other members of senior staff.

Winzenried was unusual in the Helvetian political firmament: a German-speaking Francophile more afraid of the Soviets and revolutionaries than of a chauvinist France. She held her silence on restoration of the Lost Cantons—portions of Western Switzerland occupied by France in the mid-twenty-first century, declining to engage in the performative patriotism popular with her contemporaries. Defending her readiness to cooperate with French authorities on matters of shared interest, Winzenried invoked shared cultural sensibilities and the lack of meaningful alternatives to association with the Gaullist Bloc. The Soviets sought to overthrow the Swiss way of life, while the Americans and British had become too weak to be of much help. While other Helvetians now saw themselves as kindred to resistance fighters the world over, Winzenried warned that Switzerland must not become a freeport for the “ des déchets malheureux,” the Unhappy Rubbish of the world. A November 2055 riot of Purists in the Basel Marketplatz was a warning, she said. When the Federal Office of Police traced a series of violent bank robberies and home invasions in the winter of 2060 to independence causes, many Swiss conceded that she was correct in her discernment.

U.N. planners were bullish on Winzenried’s record of practical success and reputation for high political acumen. There was a miraculous hostage rescue in Bern—all ninety-one saved, sixteen terrorists killed, and Winzenried the mastermind behind a textbook operation. French authorities might have pointed out that the tactical victory belonged to a GIGN squad on loan from their Gendarmerie Nationale but they saw little reason to wound Winzenried, whom they valued as a stabilizing influence on the Helvetian Federal Assembly.

It was no small thing to say that Winzenried had two successful peacekeeping missions to her credit by the late 2060s: a complicated disengagement-of-forces at Campbellton, New Brunswick, following the Ottawa Accords and a turn in the “Big E-Z” attending the birth and amalgamation of some three dozen micronations burgeoning with a total one million refugees. Despite standing for implementation of a hated national divorce, she had enforced its terms as strictly on the Quebecois as on the Anglophones, and she departed Canada with the thanks of its parliament. Her tour in the Indian Ocean was a coup for both her nation and herself, building credit with those who had previously labeled her a fifth columnist. Helvetians thrilled to watch their fleet in motion while Winzenried’s confidence and self-possession fit the demand for a viceregal figure. Setting aside complicated questions about neo-colonialism, Winzenried was broadly popular with a Western press eager to exculpate their readers for the so-called Catastrophe Complex that had emerged around the Indian Subcontinent. Thus she became “ Mère Noël ,” dispensing largess and wisdom in equal and abundant measure. Despite the humiliation of having to acknowledge Winzenried's success where they had previously faltered, U.N. leaders were pleased to take Helvetian contributions to international peacemaking and looked upon the Swiss as a less-offensive presence than other national expeditions even after Novus Helvetia set its own independent course of foreign policy.


Huldrych Zwingli , an armored war airship (seen here docking in New York City en route to Ottawa), gave the Swiss a power projection capability suitable for low-intensity operations. Rachael Winzenried raised her flag aboard this titan as commander of Novus Helvetia’s 2053-4 mission to the IOEZ. Built in an Italian yard to an updated Soviet design, the Zwingli suffered the many problems typical of a prototype. Promotional films touted her as a “flying aircraft carrier,” but a weak powerplant (translating to inadequate lift and speed), limited point-defense coverage, and unsuitable aircraft handling facilities put paid to pretensions of serious military utility. On the other hand, the ship was otherwise fitted out in a manner suitable to its primary roles: command-and-control and air-landing, and the Helvetian tendency to avoid trying to solve problems through violence pleased the United Nations.

Winzenried’s resume was of little comfort to her direct superior, Executive Officer Admiral Francisco d’Almeida. In his diary, d’Almeida consistently recorded negative impressions. He interpreted Winzenried’s attitude toward the French as lack of patriotic scruples—a fatal flaw in her character—and an indication that she was a DGSE plant. D’Almeida, too, a beneficiary of French foreign policy, but as his first loyalty was to the Novo Estado , he found Winzenried’s equanimity toward the French personally offensive. The admiral also questioned Winzenried’s competence. Although he accepted the accuracy of her increasingly negative assessments of Unity’s security situation, he questioned how the situation could have become so dire since Winzenried had been four years ahead of him in posting. (Captain Jonathan Garland's hesitance to dismiss Winzenried, whom he also disliked, caused D'Almeida to seriously doubt the mission leader's judgement.)

D’Almeida was notoriously cold toward Winzenried’s contributions in-council. Speaking to documentary filmmakers fifteen years after Planetfall, Contre-amiral Raoul André St. Germaine, who reported directly to Winzenreid, recalled that d’Almeida shared his low opinion of the Helvetian even to her own subordinates, with whom the Portuguese admiral often took meals from which she was excluded. St. Germaine alleged that d’Almeida’s aversion to Winzenried grew to the point that he arranged a parallel security structure, spending resources intended on damage control and emergency response to compete for the same security talent as Winzenried's division and giving them secret orders. St. Germaine claimed that he "did not necessarily share" d'Almeida's negative appraisal of Winzenried's performance, but felt that, in retrospect, matters had reached the point that Winzenried probably should have resigned in principle to protest what must have been the United Nations's hamstringing of her ability to bring security problems to heel.

St. Germaine, whose facial scars and service record as a French colonial soldier evoked comparisons to Otto Skorzeny, needed little prompting from d’Almeida to hold Winzenried in contempt for another reason. One of the emotional flashpoints of the Ken Burns documentary Planet: A History surrounds the dissatisfaction of key expedition leaders with their own public reputations. Winzenried, and especially Garland, were unusual in that they had acquired “sainted” status even before the Unity Mission. Winzenried was "the modern cop," implying use of public relations techniques over force, and in liberal circles often received favorable comparison to those responsible for policing trouble megalopoli like New York City, Constantinople, and Tokyo. Even Chief Medical Officer and ex-U.N. executive Pravin Lal considered the idea unwarranted, pointing out that New York and Tokyo were both "orders of magnitude larger than Bern," while Constantinople was under military occupation. St. Germaine insisted that governmental controls on the Minitel and French television broadcasting had helped to conceal Winzenried's true readiness to bring brutal violence against crowds--made manifest in her progressive militarization of Unity's security teams. Much of her popularity, he said, was owed to skillful mythmaking by her own government.

St. Germaine’s bitter remarks reflect views also shared with the filmmakers by Nwabudike Morgan, J.T. Marsh, and Oscar van de Graaf: that Winzenried’s leadership of the Federal Intelligence Service, which included consigning thousands of would-be asylees to the dubious comforts of French detention camps and torturing others for information to thwart attacks in Switerland proper, had more than earned her the Flemish sobriquet Le Sanglant (“The Bloody One”), while Jonathan Garland was a top-class physical coward who had abandoned his own country in time of war.

Van de Graaf was especially dissatisfied with Winzenried, to whom he assigned blame for the extent of losses suffered by “his” people at the hands of Spartan turncoats during the Unity Crisis. “Wasn’t it her job,” he asked, “to weed them out?” Van de Graaf points to Winzenried’s strategy of concentrating weapons as a mistake, and recalled having to “fight tooth and nail” to be allowed to “appoint good ARC boys” to protect Charterist crew and property while the officers “already had their Marines.”

One of the few positive impressions of Winzenried comes from Political Officer Sheng-ji Yang. Records sliced out of Hive hard drives by Data Angels Probe Teams show that Yang was discouraged to find her among the early dead. Hive Initiates were made to study Winzenried as an exemplar of public service and Yang later named a base in her honor. Speaking to documentary filmmakers as a member of the Planetary Council in MY102, Yang insisted that, as one well-informed about “the many heterogenous forces” affecting mission cohesion, Winzenried would have acknowledged the essential wisdom of his vision for survival.

Some of the evidence for Winzenried's success can be adduced only from the complaints of those she hemmed in. If one looks upon van de Graaf as a competitor to the mission's unitary leadership structure, his complaints over being disarmed read as proof that Winzenried judged him correctly and was at least partially successful in limiting his ability to make trouble. Corazón Santiago found the U.N. Security Forces to be pitiful--even pitiable--adversaries, but Winzenried must also be given her measure of credit for stepping aside to allow the U.N. Marine Corps to assume aspects of the security mission. In his handful of appearances discussing the Unity Crisis, Pete Landers remembers the fighting differently than Santiago: the loyal security, he said, often died in place when the Kellerites expected them to surrender or withdraw--a testament to Winzenried's judgement and preparations.

Genevieve O’Reilly, as seen in Andor, is Commander Rachael Winzenried.

The Huldrych Zwingli is “ M-Tec Kambahr Debhin Rhantogg-Class Sky Carrier ” by NikitaTarsov on DeviantArt.

For more on airships in this setting, see Strategos’ Risk’s Post #3 on this thread.
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Feb 5, 2024 at 3:47 PM #353
Datalinks said:
He's more machine now, than man. Twisted and evil. - Obi Wan Kenobi, Star Wars, Episode IV: A New Hope , Traditional


A technician of the Digital Oracle splices temporary connections on the faction datalinks. It was not uncommon for more-developed thinkers to act as intermediate processors when non-sentient computers were unavailable.

Followers of Aki Zeta-5, identifying collectively as the Cybernetic Consciousness, progressively replaced their own organs with mechanical systems in the quest for personal excellence.

Bad'l Ron said:
What at first must have appeared to be an ingenious, if unorthodox, solution to the lack of traditional therapies was, in fact, an organized transformation. These patients were not seeking to recover so much as they were seeking to become . - Acmes

Already estranged from other colonists because of their disinterest in casual social activity, members of the Consciousness became easy victims for exploitation. Notorious for their egotistical impulses--a most ironic flaw for those who claimed to be relinquishing their "superfluous" emotional selves--the would-be superlatives were tapped for the most dangerous and exacting work. The most-complete cyborgs attended Mediator Johann Anhaldt personally as bodyguards and advisers when he traveled outside his own territory.

Cyborgs consumed energy in lieu of nutrients. The Digital Oracle's grid could not supply the needs of all its citizens, reducing the faction to dependency of Morgan Industries.


Strategos Ginko Arata, senior military adviser to Captain Jonathan Garland, on Unity's bridge.

Arata was selected for the Unity Mission years before Marcel Salan made her position redundant. Mission planners overruled the British government's request for her repatriation, citing "unspecified logistical challenges and the value of preserving countervailing points of view."

Prototypical of a generation of Singaporean military officers, Arata was recruited from an older, post-graduate set found in university classrooms and corporate boardrooms. Trained in the Singapore Armed Forces Training Institute with only minimal input from British colonial authorities, these patriotic scholar-soldiers were primed to apply analysis before attempting the annihilation of their targets. If the Israelis were notorious for their improvisation, the Argentines for their élan, the Soviets for their workmanlike indifference to danger, and the French for their quiet brutality, Singaporean soldiers were blatantly professorial in their approach to warfare, looking for the solutions to battlefield problems in game theory and interdisciplinary analysis. Arata's background was in historometric computer simulation, which she used to accurately predict the movements of the Soviet Scarlet Sun Fleet, an intelligence breakthrough that made possible the deep cuts to the Royal Navy's Far East Fleet establishment sought by the Gethin Exchequer's Defense Paper of 2063. [1] Promoted to major, Arata made her second mark on history two years later when she represented His Majesty's Government in the dispute between India, Thailand, and the underwater Ammiel Republic over New Kola Island, averting further hostilities following the Indian Naval Air Arm's unprovoked sinking of the heavy destroyer ARS Othniel by rapidly crafting a leasing and joint basing arrangement that all parties found acceptable.

Practically Garland's shadow, Arata's access, poise, and computational bent inspired jealousy among less-patient crewmates, especially Zakharov and Skye. Following Garland's death, she made an independent escape attempt that eventually brought her into contact with Dr. Johann Anhaldt, organizing the evacuation of his Atomic Energy Laboratory personnel. The two were kindred spirits, and Arata transferred her loyalty to Anhaldt at Planetfall. At his behest, she was elevated to leadership of the Digital Oracle's largest and best-known think tank in MY4.

First image is "OIG2.eQGQkbR" by Ertugrul196714 on DeviantArt. Created using AI tools.

Second image is " Ensign Carla Macdoodle of the Star league... " by starfredy on DeviantArt. Created using AI tools with the prompt: "Female Asian starfleet officer flees a monster."

[1] With less uncertainty about Soviet naval deployments, the politicos judged that the Royal Navy and its auxiliaries had less ocean real estate to cover--and hence less need for ships.

Feb 6, 2024 at 6:49 PM #354

On Chiron as on Old Earth, drones dared--and fought--where humans could not. The University quickly sent its small fleet to retrieve the first of many treasures from the Uranium Flats.


Seen near the end of her life after successfully raiding a Pilgrim fish hatchery, Red Sickle , a converted utility foil, was for many years the loudest echo of Sparta's defiance after Xerxion.

Red Sickle's captain, seventy-seven-year-old Sebastian Aguirre, owed his commission to six years with Argentina's Buzos Tácticos special forces unit, but had spent most of his life on the magistrate's bench in Corrientes province. He therefore did double duty, mediating local disputes among the riverside Gaians when low water temporarily stranded his crew above Tribal territory.

Red Sickle's distinctive aerials, easily mistaken for evidence of a comprehensive ECM suite, were a legacy of her past life as a survey platform. Aguirre used the array to collect intelligence that allowed him to best employ his primary weapon: frogmen.

At least seven hulls of the Spartan flotilla escaped Santiago's great defeat, Red Sickle included. An eighth, Long Tusk , sunk in shallow water by Tribal artillery during a failed attempt to run, was quickly brought back to service by Spartan renegades in the marshes below Xerxion's eastern face. Bottled up in the Slowwind, they raided to and past Defianceburg, running up to shelter at Crick's Cross, where Tamineh Pahlavi's people replenished their food and ammunition in return for captives.


The Orix Industrial Dam, a collaboration between the Shapers of Chiron and Dai Seung Heavy Industries.

Commissioner Pravin Lal said:
In his attitude toward Planet, Coordinator Nagao applies that most-essential lesson taught to us by Mr. Morgan: That the best enemy is the one that cannot fight back. - Lamentations

First image is " 0 0 (65) " by dc98 on DeviantArt.

Second image is " Red Patrol Contact " by ShamanX on DeviantArt. Created using AI tools.

Third image is " Industrial water works " by John Park on ArtStation.

Feb 10, 2024 at 11:18 AM #357

Ballentyne Martelo Sejoy, PhD (CE2028-MY30), was a Lunar cosmochemist, spacer, adventurer, and accused criminal who is generally considered the father of tactical chemistry.

Sejoy’s parents, refuees of the Spanish Alfonsoist regime, resided on Lunar Legrange Capsule 4 as displaced persons at the time of his birth. His mother, a Basque separatist fighter, had been invalided by torture during nine years of imprisonment for a bank bombing. His father, suffering from partial flash blindness and aggressive skin cancer, had set aside a wavering Catholic faith to preach the Solar creed, and the family subsisted on charity from his few followers. Sejoy the Elder was an alcoholic, even naming his son after the brand of canned ale available in the commissary of the displaced persons camp that was to be the family's final home. The father died still awaiting a decision on their application. Little Ballentyne Sejoy was just eight years old. Soon after, he was taken into protective custody by the U.N. Commission for Women and Children on grounds of undernourishment. In his memoirs, Ballentyne Sejoy recollected that his father had known two great loves in his last days: the warmth of a sun lamp on his face and the opportunity to tyrannize his family. Sejoy rejected believership for the remainder of his life. There is no record of his attempting contact with his mother.

Comprehensive education was mandatory for permanent residents of Luna. A series of U.N. scholarships propelled Sejoy through cosmochemistry programs at the new but increasingly prestigious Lunar Academies. He was impressed by guest lecturers that included the world-famous polymath Prokhor Zakharov, irrigation engineer Ikurō Kamatari, astronaut A.J. Vuuren, and macro-engineer Dhargey Samten, an accomplished shipwright. Under the tutelage of interested professors who saw the makings of an intelligent and socially-conscious young man, Ballentyne earned a bachelor's degree in just three Earth-standard years. He often visited Mars, touring the city-sized greenhouses that would go on to lend the dead planet its first traces of an atmosphere. Just prior to receiving his bacehlor's degree, Sejoy boarded an incomplete hull segment of the Unity to inspect the ship's spectrographic suite.

From 2049 to 2051, Sejoy completed a highly-competitive apprenticeship at the Euphrosyne Switching Field in the Main Belt, a transshipment point for most of the solar system’s non-water ice. In 2055, Sejoy submitted a doctoral thesis on new theoretical phases of ice with implications for industrial applications. The work became a standard text in the pedagogy of his field. Immediately afterward, Sejoy taught a year's worth of Interlinks courses in partnerships with Stanford University, Nanyang Technological University, and the Colorado School of Mines. Units of this instruction were packaged by Morgan Adaptive Learning Associations into their proprietary coursework for Unity crew from 2059-2068.

Unaddressed childhood trauma, the influence of his professors, and “plain boredom” drew Sejoy to radical causes. With friends, he frequented shebeens with Lunar Separatist causes despite the professional difficulties this sometimes presented. Sejoy was fined seventeen times in one year by American Lunar authorities for brawling—usually with loyalists—and participated in the unsuccessful defense of Bryson Colony [1] in Mare Serenitatis against the United States Air Force during the Second American Civil War, trying and failing to set off an ammonia bomb. Brief captivity aboard the space battleship [i[U.S.S. Serpens[/i] ended in a partial amnesty: there were too many separatists to count. The harsh terms promised freedom of movement beyond the Main Belt but meant that Sejoy was unable to resume his teaching at competitive universities or take most traditional work. He entered private practice as a U.N.-certified assayer on the Trans-Neptunian mining circuit, eventually contracting with hundreds of corporations on small assignments over a period of five years. His reputation was mixed. Employers found Sejoy’s work product excellent and appreciated his talent for expanding the technical proficiency of his subordinates but nursed shared complaints about his personal judgement--especially his fiery politics and tendency to associate with “questionable elements,” including labor organizers, black marketeers, and separatists under surveillance by company agents. Sejoy's academic reputation attracted many eager employees and partners, especially Lunar and Martian exiles with a common plight, but they found without exception that Sejoy's tolerant character and brilliance were inadequate to compensate for the official suspicion he brought down upon them and none endured. It was now, as contracts dwindled, that Sejoy increasingly began to accept the engagements that would define him for later generations.

Between 1982 and 2040, most nations of Earth, including the ten permanent members of the United Nations Security Council--Argentina, China, France, India, Japan, Persia, Portugal, the UK, US, and USSR--ratified a comprehensive overhaul of the Outer Space Treaty. This instrument, first promulgated in 1967, pledged signatories to the permanent neutrality and demilitarization of outer space and enshrined the principle that states were still to govern the affairs of their citizens in the Black Yonder. Yet practically from its outset, the treaty was a dead letter. Nuclear-assisted propulsion coincided with the introduction of atomic and other prohibited weapons systems, and if the United States was first in violation, it was not for lack of trying by the Soviets, the Chinese, or the French. Meanwhile, certain unspoken agreements emerged: the Soviets avoided the Moon, while NATO mostly fought shy of Venus. Violations were contested vigorously, although usually outside the public eye, so that scandal erupted when the Australian Parringer Commission revealed that tens of thousands had been killed in "secret wars among the stars."

The new revision adhered to the original proposition of the freedom of space itself and honored also the supposed indivisibility of planets recognized by the International Astronomical Union. [2] But for the first time, smaller objects were thrown open to claims of exclusion. Corporations flocked to and were permitted extraordinary opportunities in the Main Belt and beyond, sometimes under color of treaty and sometimes because there was no other authority to gainsay their justice. Comprehensive Transport provided the web of long-range connections between them--and an admirable job it did, too--but what went on in, atop, or about any of the rock havens themselves was the intimate business only of the quick and the dead.

Terms of possession under the treaty were designed to stimulate what one negotiating lawyer called "a rowdy commerce," and in that, they were highly successful. Individuals and corporations could receive titles for "finds of value," meaning commercially-exploitable materials and abandoned "works of Man," but the costs and conditions were steep. Ownership rested upon the following:

[1] Acknowledgement of a title application by the United Nations
[2] Acknowledgement of a fee-based title application by the possessors' national government
[3] Submission of evidence of a find validated by an assayer credentialed through the United Nations
[4] Maintaining a permanent population of at least one at the location of the find for the duration of its exploitation
[5] Building improvements at the find, including the facilities to work the find
[6] Preventing adverse possession of the find

This last stipulation was a kind of escape clause, allowing signatories to contest any claim they could not endure. It provided opportunities for desperate and enterprising persons like Sejoy to undertake "independent survey activity" with the intent of filing parallel claims that would serve as a future basis for claims of adverse possession with the U.N. Admiralty Courts. Victims called it piracy. Many a surveyor who acted within the theoretical boundaries of the new treaty was shot summarily by the people they hoped to dispossess.

The temptation to engage in such dangerous schemes was very great for several reasons, not least of which was the frequency with which corporations failed to meet the legitimate criteria of ownership, either by declining to settle a claim or by failing to improve it. Surveyors went armed. The field attracted ne'er-do-wells and sociopaths--those reconciled to danger--but was also choked with the desperate--refugees and exiles like Sejoy.

In popular mythology, the figure of the assayer stood alongside that of the cowboy. He might ride for the brand, but for every honest man there were three dry-gulching shootists without a lick of science between them. Assayers were as likely to be mercenaries as they were to be educated minerologists, and some, like Sejoy, were reputed to be both. To stay in the profession meant accepting the label of saboteur at best, and murderer at worst. (Sabotage was a tempting and easily-deniable commonplace, being almost indistinguishable from the genuine accidents that plagued spacefarers even under ideal circumstances.)

Whatever the true read of Sejoy's compass, he was involved in enough killings to be counted as a likely taker of dishonest work. Corporate security outfits wanted him both alive and dead, depending on his availability to them. His war record did him no favors: it was easy for loyalists to believe that a separatist was capable of gross moral terpitude. But Sejoy was no mere thug: his output of assays was unusually high, and when he was put on an adverse possession case, his clients found that desirable court rulings often followed. Better yet, they withstood even the closest scrutiny.

CSO Quellam Wakes said:
In the history of frontiers, there is this problem of the intermediary period when civilization and its malcontents decide what will happen next. What one sees right now is a sort of melding of professions. You might say, tactical chemistry: the application of the most cutting-edge science, the very methods of which are still being devised, under circumstances that call for all the craft of Odysseus. Somebody call Indiana Jones. - Lectures on the High Frontier

In 2060, recovering from his third gunshot wound, Sejoy was recruited by sympathetic ex-colleagues in the Lunar Academies as that institution's sole representative on the first expedition to 90377 Sedna. Traces of two new elements were identified, including one, the metalloid Sejoynium, by Sejoy himself. Upon returning to Neptunian orbit in 2067, Sejoy expected that his personal and professional horizons would clear. Instead, he was met with an accusation of claim-jumping filed by Pacto de Industrias San Gloria during his absence. Comprehensive Transport refused to take enforcement action, but as a practical matter, Sejoy was unable to travel inside Jupiter without courting severe peril. With reluctance, he took a permanent appointment as the chief assayer at the Io-Five Facility, lasting just two weeks before an accusation of high-grading led to his incarceration by bounty hunters. Arraigned before a pseudo-magistrate of the Facility’s operator, King Priam Mining, he was sold to the Company of Two Thousand of Cincinnati, OH [3] in September 2070 for a fifteen-year period of indentured servitude as part of the Unity Mission to Alpha Centauri. (The supposedly stolen ore samples were never recovered or presented at trial.) Sejoy was dutifully registered as falsely-imprisoned by the International Commission on Missing Persons at the time of mission departure but the alert arrived too late for the U.N. Security Forces to arrange his release from the ship.


Sejoynium under low magnification.

Through no lack of trying, the retainers of Administrator Oscar van de Graaf did not arrive in time to claim Sejoy during the Unity Crisis. He instead made Planetfall in a Colony Pod that was ejected automatically as the wreck began its final descent. The pod landed in Chiron’s northern polar cone. Sejoy and other survivors spent eleven months under the snow, oblivious, before being found and awakened by a long-range salvage party from White Rabbit’s Refuge. The Dreamers earmarked the mostly-uninjured Sejoy for a return to the New 2000, hoping to earn the customary finder’s fee of ¤200, but a raid by the Data Angels intervened.

Sejoy appreciated his liberators’ light-handed approach to government and adapted easily to the informal rhythms of life in Gargoyle Garden where skepticism toward authority was considered a virtue. Sejoy was said to possess considerable "jazz"--both as a person of action and an accomplished contributor to his field of study. He was ultimately given responsibilities with the faction’s Former crews, helping supervise the analysis of samples from borehole mines put down in the Sergaks. Sejoy found the physicality and unpredictability of field work salutary. While not considered a “digital native,” his former celebrity also drew him onto the Planetary Datalinks where he produced extensive and well-respected commentaries on the mineralogical and geological findings of the Parke and Planitzer Expeditions organized by the Lord’s Conclave and the Peacekeeping Forces respectively. With his crew, Sejoy was confirmed killed during a mindworm attack in late MY10.

First image is " Pedro Pascal as a Spectre " by BraydonJaselle on DeviantArt. Created using AI tools.

Second image is " PNW CRYSTALINE SNOW 1/13/23 INTEL SNOW " by BryadonJaselle on DeviantArt. Created using AI tools.

[1] Bryson Colony is named for the late amateur astronomer, veteran Army Ranger, and oil industry worker William "Bill" Bryson (1947-2023), not to be confused with author Bill Bryson.

On the Outer Space Treaty, see this website from the United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs . On the legal doctrine of adverse possession, see this legal discussion by Rochford Law & Real Estate Title.

[2] "Planets" included, after much dispute, the dwarf planets, inclusive of Pluto, Eris, Gònggōng, and Sedna.

[3] Inspired by the Company of Merchant Adventurers of London, which provided the money for the Pilgrim's expedition to the New World.
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Feb 18, 2024 at 2:27 PM #358

Design principles for armored war airships recalled those of their ocean-going forebears. The optimum design depended upon expected mission profile, which was different for each faction according to circumstance.

This artist's watercolor of the University of Planet airship Mae C. Jemison captures features that typified Prokhor Zakharov's fleet in the sixth decade after Planetfall, when the University of Planet's airships were used for scientific scouts and long-range transportation. (The University learned to its detriment that while they might deliver cargoes safe, Morganite carriers could not be counted upon to respect the sanctity of patent or biolock.)

Many might take issue with Zakharov himself, but the University, unobtrusive and forever useful, made few lasting enemies, and its colonies flourished largely unmolested even in geographic isolation, threatened only by the occasional incursion of Spartan and Tribal raiders. Thus, if the nucleus of the University's holdings was in the Sawtooth Peaks, Zakharov was also putative master of stations in the Dune Sea, more than 500km eastward, and of sea bases nearer the coast of Golgu than of Shamash.

Both exploration and the carrying trade demanded endurance, leading to a choice of nuclear populsion (the reactor containment vessel can be espied in the cutaway of the ship's aft cone). The treacherous flying conditions in the Sawtooths explained the outsized control surfaces: twin tailfins, each with independent rudder. To this, shipwrights added the orthagonally-firing maneuvering thrusters found across the skin of the gas bag itself. Mae C. Jemison carried two cars, a primary control house where ship's functions were performed and all passengers berthed, and a secondary, offset car with laboratory spaces. Barely visible at the prow of the gas bag are sympathetic observation drones, drawing their motive energies through its skin, ever ready to be deployed to investigate phenomena of interest.

For self-defense, the Mae C. Jemison and her thirteen sister ships relied primarily upon their faction's good offices, though, in a pinch, a single, four-cell, air-to-air missile launcher might foil a half-hearted opponent. (Captains disliked the installation, perhaps because they were rarely, if ever, assigned crew with the experience or knowledge to tend the mechanically tempermental devices, let alone operate them under duress.)


Heavy laser rover of the Spartan Federation. Battle of Durok, MY8. A deadly anti-materiel platform. This prototype vehicle uses systems stripped from Unity's long-range navigation arrays.


On maneuvers with the Gaian Rangers.

The antiquity of their hand weapons and body armor is undercut by an impressive uniformity of appearance, purpose, and discipline. Gaian society became progressively more warlike over time in response to persecution, a transformation shared by the scholarship addressing Lady Skye, remembered in the 300s more for her activism and leadership than the many scientific achievements to her credit. "Crazy Gaian witch" indeed.

First image is " Airship 2 " by Asymoney on DeviantArt. Created using AI tools.

Second image is " Rover 2 " by Asymoney on DeviantArt. Created using AI tools.

Third image is " 2024 97 " by angoma on DeviantArt. Created with AI.
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Feb 23, 2024 at 6:06 PM #361
It's been a while, so I'd like to offer a refreshed Racing the Darkness faction showcase. We begin with the University of Planet. Tomorrow we'll try the Human Ascendancy.

I use the original language contained in the game's manual as a foundation and build from there, adding commentary as if we were talking about a playable faction in an Alpha Centauri 2 . I'm very interested in reader perspectives on the faction, both as it is presented here in concept form and as it has been presented in the story so far.

Academician Prokhor Zakharov said:
The substructure of the universe regresses infinitely towards smaller and smaller components. Behind atoms, we find electrons, and behind electrons, quarks. Each layer unraveled reveals new secrets, but also new mysteries. - For I Have Tasted the Fruit


Academician Prokhor Zakharov, c. 2060

The University is completely dedicated to research and the use of tools--technology--to solve the problems of mankind. They are rumored to sometimes put the pursuit of knowledge even ahead of ethics.

Members of the University believe that any problem can be understood and overcome through observation and analysis. They blame religion and folkways for undermining policies and advances--apolitical public education, academic subsidy, genetically-modified crops, mandatory vaccination, & etc.--which might have helped prevent the famine and disease that ran rampant on Old Earth. As a result, the University calls for a program of scientific inquiry unrestrained by conventional morality.

The University begins the game with the Atomic Computing technology and one additional bonus technology of their choice from the Unity technology tier. Each University base receives a free Network Node when it is founded (learning flourishes in dialogue). The University's research progresses quickly, but their open-access philosophy leaves them susceptible to attacks by covert "Probe Teams," while their callous elitism provokes unrest among the workers.

The University prefers Knowledge Values, is averse to Theocratic Politics and Truth Values, and cannot make most Enlightened or Romantic social engineering choices--those that seek philosophical and emotional rather than material advancement, and those that are obsessed with the past, respectively. (Green and Simple Economics are notable exceptions.) They are supportive of restoring contact with Earth. Their research priority is Discovery. The University enthusiastically embraces the ideals of the Supremacy Affinity: no Shibboleth is safe from their appetite for the change made possible through scientific progress, and so it can freely engage in both genetic engineering and the pursuit of cyborg interfaces without fear of backlash from within.

The University enjoys a +2 research bonus that should allow it to outpace other factions in the race for advancement (its brilliant scientists receive abundant funding), a -2 Probe malus that will make it difficult to keep those technologies to itself (academic networks are vulnerable to infiltration), a -1 Police malus that will make it prudent to take measures that secure the happiness of its workforce (since the naturally curious are prone to question authority), and a -1 Support malus that will make it harder to raise a large army (non-academic activities are disfavored).

The University has a comparative large starting population of 5, but 3 of these are robots. Narratively, the engineering teams that account for the bulk of the faction's population suffered badly from radiation sickness, leaving them dependent upon mechanical servitors once Planetside. A rare Librarian will help the University pull to an early lead in research output. What to do with the robots is less obvious. They produce fewer nutrients or minerals than human workers, but more energy, which will leave a surplus even after the robots take their cut. One choice the University player will make is whether to stockpile food for a baby boom or minerals and energy to build more robots. There is then another choice to make. Should the University try to give the Morganites a run for their money by challenging that faction's energy monopoly, or are the robots better devoted to enhancing the research output of the University's Network Node? The University also creates an extra Drone for every 4 populations--a reflection of its ossification into castes defined by their relationship to classic academic achievement.

Only two factions start with Research Pods, and the University is one of them. The Pod can be redeemed immediately for a third starting technology--useful if the player has a particular research objective in mind among the Tier 0 techs. Then again, the Pod can be attached to the Network Node for compounding future research gains. A third alternative would be to establish a research station to exploit a Scientific Resource. The University's other starting pieces are unremarkable: the standard combination of Colony Pod, 'Former, and Militia Squad.

The faction is led by the Soviet polymath Prokhor Zakharov, the engineer who built Unity's star drive. Zakharov's archetype is that of the Technologist. His future works include: For I Have Tasted the Fruit, Address to the United Nations, Address to the Faculty, Planet Speaks, Now We Are Alone, The Feedback Principle, Nonlinear Genetics, See How They Run, Assimilative Notation, Records of Symposia, The Fallacies of Self-Awareness, and contributions to A Geological Survey of Planet.

In the cultural milieu of the 1990s, the Scientist often confused his mastery of facts and figures with the ability to control for "the human element" in any situation. Thus, in the techno-thriller Jurassic Park , the gadfly Ian Malcolm, accuses the mogul John Hammond's geneticists of placing pride before discernment. Like them, Zakharov is compelled to demonstrate the excellence of his ideology through accomplishment, and he has therefore determined to restore contact with Old Earth.

In the RtD setting, the University is organized into faculties defined by academic subject area, presided over by deans, and stratified by levels of academic achievement. Like the Morganites, they have a tendency to rely on others to do their fighting: University Enforcement is notoriously unimpressive as a fighting force in virtually any match-up. The University has also developed a reputation for wheeling and dealing that, combined with their general lack of expansionistic ambitions, means it is usually considered inoffensive by its neighbors--a huge advantage given how quickly most leaders resort to vendetta.

The character of Zakharov is egotistical, mysogynist, autocratic, and not a little paranoid. He is also obsessed with his own morality. On the other hand, he can at times articulate a vision of science-as-service in keeping with the best traditions of his field--even if his subscription to such ideals is inconsistent at best.

Sid Meier, et al. Sid Meier's Alpha Centauri . Firaxis Games. 1999.

Our Zakharov is Rutger Hauer.
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Feb 24, 2024 at 7:15 AM #362
Here's the Ascendancy. I feel like it's not complete, so please fire away. Next faction is the Human Conclave.

Director Tamineh Pahlavi said:
The conventional model of geneology is a tree bearing fruit at the terminus of each branch. Such a model implies that all branches are created equal, but this is not the case. Some are weak, others diseased. Orchardists solve this problem by pruning unhealthy branches, conserving nutrients for the choicest blossoms. Without this care, the tree produces nothing remarkable, and certainly nothing they would care to use as root stock to perpetuate the breed. - Homo Sapien Superior


Director Tamineh Pahlavi, c. 2050.

The Human Ascendancy is a collection of eugenicists who intend to create Homo sapien superior , an artificially-engineered human uniquely suited to life on the planet Chiron. In general, followers believe that nurture can never overcome natural "deficiencies" of mind and body. If the University believed that all problems simply awaited suitable tools, the Ascendancy's fundamental truth is that the most successful organisms are well-adapted to their environment,

Tamineh Pahlavi, the faction leader, is an Iranian supremacist related to that country's eponymous ruling dynasty. In Pahlavi's retelling of Old Earth's history, liberal-democratic governments were too sentimental to make the hard social choices demanded of good leaders. By sacrificing the weak, they could have ensured that the strong, at least, would survive. Instead, their reward for helping the sick and the less-fortunate was uncontrolled social welfare spending, leading ultimately to societal collapse and the explosion of ills that they had once hoped to curb through their "enlightened" compassion. This Darwinist ethos combines with the idea that humans will be unable to stave off eventually extinction on Chiron so long as they cannot breathe its air unassisted or stand tall in its gravity.

To accomplish its goal, the Ascendancy will push genetic medicine to its uttermost limits, and indeed their starting tech is Biogenetics. The faction's research priorities are Discover and Conquer. Its Affinity is Purity. The Ascendancy is ruled and overseen by a genetic elite. Colonists who do not reflect faction ideals precisely are subject to repression and exploitation.

The Ascendancy is well-adapted to war-making, and its watchwords are quality over quantity. It is one of the smallest factions, with just 3 starting population: 1 Talent, 1 Overseer, and 1 Drone. A -3 Growth malus reflects their intolerance for "inferior" specimens. The player must assign Worker or Specialist roles to each new Pop, which cannot be changed later--a reflection of how each individual's possibilities are circumscribed at birth. As a genetic dystopia that practices slavery, the faction accordingly suffers a -1 malus to Culture and a -2 malus to Police. Still, the Ascendancy enjoys bonuses to administration at +1 (effective leaders can potentially serve for more than a century thanks to effective longevity treatments) and efficiency at +2 (as the populace is bred to its tasks), as well as a +1 Support modifier since its warriors are bred to consume fewer resources. Perhaps most important, the Ascendancy's augmented super soldiers, called legionnaires, receive a +2 modifier to all die rolls on offense and defense.

The Ascendancy begins with pieces that include 1 Colony Pod, 1 'Former, 1 Research Pod, and 1 Special Forces Squad. The latter is the strongest military unit among the survivors at Planetfall. An ambitious player will see the potential to remedy their labor scarcity problem and stunted production economy by raiding unprepared neighbors. Faction Probe Teams can slice the genome as easily as a computer mainframe, and the Ascendancy may redeem genetic samples captured in this way to complete a unique Special Project that grants early access to Specials.

In Social Engineering terms, the Ascendancy is inflexible on certain matters. It may not use Cyborgs or Robots--methods of bootstrapping or replacing the human body that it fears will produce inferior results--or make the computer-assisted future society choice. The Ascendancy's preferred future society is caste-based. These features of its ideology mark the Ascendancy as a reaction to the emerging digital and machine cultures of the twenty-first century, and they reflect deeper anxiety about how mankind can continue to be master of its own fate when thinking machines are increasingly occupying what used to be the great avenues of human endeavor: computation, construction, design--even warfare. The Ascendancy is opposed to a restoration of contact with Old Earth since it believes that accepting interplanetary refugees would simply waste resources that could better be used to haste the next step in human evolution. Why prolong mediocrity?

Narratively, the Ascendancy is a monomaniacal offshoot of the University of Planet, defined by its urgent interest in understanding and improving the human body. These interests are adjacent to those of the Dreamers, who focus exclusively on the human mind, and of the Hunters, who are interested in how the body is used, but less in how it is created. The Hunters also shared the Ascendancy's fear that the tools men make will come one day to replace them entirely.

Members of the Ascendancy fit a number of different profiles: (1) geneticists recruited by Pahlavi prior to Mission Launch; (2) renegades from Old Earth societies in which genetic medicine was outlawed or disfavored, a trend that reached its apogee in the mid-twenty-first century; (3) operatives belonging to the numerous and ideologically diverse organizations of Old Earth whose purpose was to design and "grow" the perfect human, either as ruler or subject; (4) prisoners, including those taken in combat, bought from slave traders, or remanded to servitude for genetic "deficiency."

It feels to me like this faction should have some nexus with cloning, and at one point I had a mind to grant them double population growth after meeting a certain trigger, such as the discovery of a particular tech or the construction of a certain number of specific base facilities, but I just can't see the Ascendancy as a "Zerg" faction. I feel as if they ought to struggle to do anything but play tall.

The Ascendancy becomes one of the two "boogeymen" of Planet, along with the Human Labyrinth (Hive), the former operating from the High Sawtooth Mountain range, and the latter from uncounted fastnesses beneath the Great Dune Sea. Inspired by the origin story of Serpentor in the GI JOE cartoon (and, I assume, the comic books), the Ascendancy looks to harvest biological material from each of the other faction leaders to produce the ultimate specimen.

Although it is not much remarked upon in the story to this point, the Ascendancy can also be played as a faction interested in designing the ideal monarch--a foil to both the Labyrinth (Hive), which seeks to create a philosopher-king by any means, and to the Digital Oracle, which would create one entirely from circuits and transistors.

Pahlavi was the mission's chief geneticist. Her future works include Homo Sapien Superior , I Made Him From Clay , and Eternity in the Garden .

Iranian actress Mahtab Keramati is our Tamineh Pahlavi.
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Feb 25, 2024 at 8:00 AM #363
Sister Miriam Godwinson said:
The righteous need not cower before the drumbeat of human progress. Though the song of yesterday fades into the challenge of tomorrow, God still watches and judges us. Evil lurks in the Datalinks as it lurked in the streets of yesteryear. But it was never the streets that were evil. - The Blessed Struggle


Miriam Godwinson at Yale University while pursuing her degree in psychology.

The Lord's Conclave, sometimes called the Human Conclave or the Lord's Believers, is a community of people who aspire to live a faith-centered life on Chiron. They believe that the Unity passengers and crew are a new Elect, called by God to live according to His Commandments in the paradise that He has set aside for them, Chiron. The very survival of the Unity colonists, whose odds were calculated by Mission Control itself as being less than two percent, is evidence to them of divine intervention. The Conclave's essential holy text is the Vulgatian Bible, also called the Conclave Bible or the Vulgate, an enormous compendium of revelation, commentary, and pseudo-history developed during the intense revival of religious feeling observed worldwide between 2020 and 2071. The Conclave is led by American theologian and diplomat Miriam Godwinson, the shepherd archetype.

Conclavists believe that the proliferation of vice in the twenty-first century tempted men to stray from holy teaching, and that the end result was predictably ruinous strife. Their solution is close study of the manual for right living, the Vulgate, under the close supervision of divinely-inspired judges.

The Conclave's affinity is Purity. Man comes before Planet, and in order for his spirit to remain whole, its vessel, the body, must also remain sacrosanct. The Conclave prefers Truth Values and is averse to the Eudaimonic Future Society Social Engineering choice. The Conclave will not create Cyborgs, Synthesizers, or Specials. Although the Conclave can use robot labor, it is inherently suspicious of machine intelligence and faces high social penalties for doing so. (A Drone is created for each Robot.) The Conclave's starting tech is Social Psych, implying they stole the results of experiments organized by Chief of Neurosurgery Aleigha Cohen.

Conclavists oppose attempts at restoring contact with Old Earth, which they believe has either perished in cataclysm or sunken into an irredeemable condition that could only poison the hearts of the mission survivors. The faction's priority is Choose--meaning that they will be incentivized to pursue the doctrinal, not the tech, track when conducting research.

This faction is poised for explosive expansion and suits an aggressive player with conquest in mind. Even if they do not go to war, the Believers will expand quickly thanks to bonuses of +1 Culture (as preserves of a storied past) and +2 Growth (having received the commandment to be fruitful and multiply). With a +2 Probe bonus, they are resistant to subversion, while a +1 Support bonus (followers are eager to defend the faith) should make it possible for them to put more troops in the field than most competitors. The Believers suffer in the areas of research and the environment: a hard -2 Research malus represents their disinterest in observation-based systems of learning, while their paternalistic attitude toward Chiron translates to a -1 Planet malus.

Godwinson was the most popular of the faction leaders to escape Unity , and she did so at the head of the largest number of followers. The Conclave's starting population includes 1 Artist, 3 Citizens, 1 Talent, and 1 Thinker. The Conclave is just one of two factions with a Thinker (the other is the Hive), meaning they have near-exclusive access to Doctrines, which can confer powerful multipliers on research, production, and even combat. An Artist helps pump the faction's cultural output to impressive levels.

The Conclave receives the standard load-out (1 Colony Pod, 1 'Former, 1 Militia Squad) at game start, along with a Mobile Army Surgical Hospital (MASH) unit capable of healing any friendly or neutral biological unit.

As I write this, I become increasingly curious about a conversation between Godwinson and Yang. While the later surely has no use for Conclavists, I think the two would find common ground in their belief that poor impulse control best explains Earth's woes.

The Conclave is hard for me to write for. I approach the Bible primarily as a work of historico-cultural significance, and when I try to describe faith values and faith communities, it feels deeply political and highly judgmental. I have tried to present Godwinson as a mostly sympathetic figure. Rather than an intolerant firebrand, she is an admirable humanitarian with abundant tolerance for non-believers. There is some allusion to a history of violence against neighbors during a time of starvation for Godwinson's many followers immediately after Planetfall, a legacy Godwinson seeks to outrun with a subsequent open-handedness that also works to position the Lord's Conclave as a Switzerland among the factions. Godwinson's capital is presented as a playground for spies and Probe Teams--with her connivance. That said, sometimes bad guys are fun, and some later posts that deal with the Conclave have described how Godwinson is being challenged for leadership by those more willing to apply the rod to unbelievers.

Our Miriam Godwinson is depicted by Stockard Channing.
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Feb 26, 2024 at 6:03 PM #364
Annunciator Sathieu Metrion said:
Man without history is a loaded pistol pointed at the wrong target. - Timelines


The Legacy Initiative, once called the Tomorrow Initiative, calls for the free exchange of information on Chiron. This, in itself, is not a remarkable position. The Data Angels call for something very similar, on the face of it. The Peacekeeping Forces have likewise declared that (optimally) free speech is the essential foundation of a representative society. The University of Planet campaigns vigorously for open networks. Yet if the Data Angels believe that information is merely the medium for their art, and other factions insist that information must be yoked in the service of particular endeavors, the Legacy Initiative proposes only that it must be captured, retained, and shared--without moral judgement and without reservation.

Tom Lehrer said:
Once the rockets go up, who cares where they come down? / That's not my department, says Wernher von Braun - Wernher von Braun (1965)

The Ascendancy interprets the value of the human species through its capacity to thrive under a given set of external conditions--temperatures, pressures, and food chains. The Legacy Initiative posits that humanity is the sum total of our intellectual output, and that the loss or poor care of that legacy, embodied in the millions of data tapes strewn among Unity wreckage, will diminish us.

Some of the Initiative's followers believe that this intellectual bequest is like a map: if too many pieces go missing, we will never find our way among the stars. Others more straightforwardly contend, like the Peacekeepers, that bottlenecks of information prevent the flourishing of creativity and the achievement of true wisdom. But as a rule, the Initiative cares more for the process and forms of information-sharing than for its results. The Legacy Initiative bears resemblance to the fireman Guy Montag at the start of Fahrenheit 451 , destroying "subversive" books to ensure that society will remain unspoiled--without asking whose purposes are served in doing so, and believing naively that books are the only form of messaging capable of leading people astray. The Legacy Initiative is led by Sathieu Metrion, a Thai ensign in the Data Services Division responsible for the care of Unity's data core and its massive libraries of human knowledge. Metrion is the sentimentalist archetype.

The Legacy's chosen affinity is Supremacy and its Social Engineering preference is the Cybernetic Future Society. The Legacy's aversion is to Thought Control (which narrowly won out over a resistance to either a Retrospective Future Society or Romantic Social Engineering choices generally). They start with the tech Informatics and prioritizes the Unity research branch. They are supportive of recontact with Earth. Special projects unique to this faction include the recovery of the Unity's crash-landed Data Core. In general, the Legacy seeks to spread knowledge and culture among the mission survivors, an ambition that will naturally frustrate leaders intent on preserving closed societies.

The Legacy's characteristics are +2 Administration (every thing in its place), +1 Culture (preserving the artistic legacy of mankind), +2 Probe (protected databases), and +1 Research (access to Unity's databanks). The Legacy is unique in that its lack of maluses means the player is free to pursue most strategies. The Legacy starts the game with a large population size of five: 1 Administrator, 1 Artist, 2 Librarians, and 1 Talent. All of this faction's research advances are shared automatically with other factions that are in contact with the Initiative. In addition to the typical pieces--Colony Pod, 'Former, and Militia Squad--the Legacy starts with 1 Trade Good (cultural artifacts).

Narratively, surviving members of the Data Services Division remain traumatized by the severe losses incurred during their struggle to keep the Data Core from the hands of the Spartan mutineers--a battle that ended in the physical ejection of the Data Core, along with dozens of Data Services personnel (including the faction's first leader, Tạ Dọc Thân)--by parties unknown to the Legacy. Eventually, Metrion gets the grand idea to harvest Planet's bio-energies to sustain its increasingly powerful computers, a problem that leads to environmental catastrophe.

Sathieu Metrion's picture is that of Rebel Y-wing pilot Gureni Teisij, (probably) played by Eiji Kusuhara in Star Wars, Episode VI: Return of the Jedi (1982).
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Feb 27, 2024 at 6:31 PM #365
Colonel Corazón Santiago said:
Superior training and superior weaponry have, when taken together, a geometric effect on overall military strength. Well-trained, well-equipped troops can stand up to many more times their lesser brethren than linear arithmetic would seem to indicate. - Spartan Battle Manual


Corazón Santiago with the Florida State Fencibles during Hurricane Ivoire.

Spartans are paramilitary survivalists who stowed away aboard Unity or else infiltrated the crew and launched a mutiny almost immediately after the starship collided with an uncharted micrometeorite. What other choice did they have? The United Nations was otherwise content to leave them behind.

On Planet, the Spartans will organize themselves into a so-called Federation of family units dedicated to the proposition that people have both a right and a compelling duty to keep and bear arms. Faction members belong to one of two camps. The smaller of the two camps consists of "mere" survivalists focused on personal autonomy. The second camp is made up of their fair-weather allies, called Holnists. Holnism is a fascist movement with a simple, self-aggrandizing message: might makes right.

Colonel (formerly Lieutenant ) Corazón Santiago, a hardened combat veteran who grew up a gangland orphan in Puerto Rico and Los Angeles, is the faction's leader. For Santiago, existence is a Hobbesian war of all against all. The diagnosis of Old Earth's problems is straightforward: social collapse was inevitable once people lost their will to fight for what they believed in. To avoid the same fate, Santiago calls for her followers to constantly better themselves through preparation for war. Santiago's archetype is the Survivalist . Her future works include: Ethics of Survival , The Economics of Victory , Leadership and the Sea , A Future By Firelight , The Council of War , Planet: A Survivalist's Guide . A Tactical History of Sparta , and The Spartan Battle Manual .

Santiago will lead her forces to seize their fair share of the Unity wreckage. (Their taxes paid for the mission, after all--whether they were chosen or not.) They will find and meet worthy opponents on the battlefield, and they can demonstrate their mettle by being the first faction to use a Special Weapon.

The Spartan affinity is Purity; members are fascinated with the warriors and revolutionaries of ages past. Spartans may choose only Survival or Power values. Their aversion is to Popular Social Engineering choices (Representative Politics, Planned Economics, Equity Values, and a United Future Society). Knowing that it would only invite punishment, Spartans are vehemently opposed to the idea of restoring contact with Earth. The Spartan's research priority is the Conquer tree. Due to the havoc they wrecked aboard the dying Unity , the Spartan Federation is locked in vendetta with other factions for eighty turns after Planetfall.

Spartan characteristics are -2 Cohesion (Holnist malcontents), +2 Morale (superior training), +1 Support (armed self-defense is a way of life), and -2 Efficiency (martial considerations dominate everything else). Conquest should come easy for the Spartans. This faction begins the game with the Doctrine: Initiative technology and a powerful military unit, the Impact Squad, in place of the standard Militia. As benefits their focus on military readiness, Spartans do not pay the cost of new combat unit prototypes. Three starting War Stores can be traded away to kick-start the faction economy or used to upgrade other units to join the battle line. Reflecting their excellent leadership, Spartans also enjoy a +1 to offensive die rolls during any encounter.

As ex-stowaways, the Spartans have a small starting population of just 3: one Citizen, one Drone (captives), and one Officer. Aside from the Impact Squad, their starting pieces including the standard Colony Pod and 'Former.

In the story so far, the Spartans have tangled with just about everyone. They rampaged among the University's engineering teams, scotching the Chief Engineer's hopes of restoring containment in the ship's damaged reactor spaces. They cut down dozens of U.N. Security Forces members and, with not a little help from the Kellerites of the Human Tribe, made a mess of Executive Officer Francisco d'Almeida's attempts at damage control aft and amidships. In Hydroponics, the Spartans murdered most of Lady Deirdre Skye's horticulturalists and inflicted significant casualties on their rescuers, the nucleus of what later became Pravin Lal's Peacekeeping Forces. Wise money says that Santiago or someone close to her even killed the ship's captain, Jonathan Garland.

Upon landing in the Slowwind River Delta on the continent of Shamash, the Spartans picked an immediate fight with their neighbors, the Tribe, and the two soon deadlocked in a brutal contest. The Spartans secured a fastness for themselves within a rock formation known as Xerxion and for years held out against the Tribe and others, raiding even among the New 2000. Internal divisions eventually came home to roost and the Spartans were defeated by a coalition of their enemies. A small number escaped, led by Santiago, to found Neo-Sparta somewhere in the Sawtooth Mountains, and the paramilitaries thereafter began to clash with both the Ascendancy and the University so that even the Academician was forced to take an interest in the fighting.

Image is " A wolf among electric sheep " by MaximLardinois on DeviantArt. The original image was created for the Evoke 2015 Demoparty Freestyle Graphics compo, and it earned the artist 4th place.
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Feb 28, 2024 at 8:03 PM #366
Governor Oscar van de Graaf said:
The cornerstone of the American dream was each man’s inalienable right to property. A man’s land was often his patrimony, and always his future. From it, he made his livelihood. To obtain it, he will fight and die. In 1776, farmers with fowling pieces pledged their mutual fortunes in war against the greatest empire on the Earth at that time. - No Step Backward: A History of the American Reclamation Corporation


American Reclamation Corporation CEO Oscar van de Graaf does a round of PT with his corporate security forces during the final year of the Second American Civil War.

The New 2000 is inspired by the tropes of the American frontier West, especially the concept of Manifest Destiny. I studied the life of Texas leader Stephen F. Austin when developing the faction's leader, Oscar van de Graaf, an American industrialist-turned-politician who waged private war against the Holnist movement to which Santiago's Spartans later allied themselves.

Van de Graaf's people believe that the psychology required to tame a new space is fundamentally different from what is required to "civilize" it. Van de Graaf himself blames the United States Government for the tens of billions of dollars in business losses he suffered before and during the Second American Civil War, believing that Washington lacked the stomach to take appropriately harsh action against "retrograde elements" like the hyper-survivalists. Once-isolated instances of domestic terrorism metastasized into full-scale secession and general anarchy, according to this logic. A frontier morality would have served the country better--and is the only thing, in the New 2000's estimation, that will safeguard the future of humanity on Chiron. Importantly, unlike the Spartans, there is no pretense to nobility. Spartans are about struggle, while Pilgrims are about punishment.

The New 2000, also known as the Pilgrims, are Charterists. Their leaders donated to the Unity Mission when government sponsors were in short supply. In return, they were granted the privilege of self-government after an agreed period of subordination to the mainline mission. Most of the faction's population actually consists of contractors to a corporation of stockholders over which van de Graaf presides as president that paid for their tickets. Van de Graaf actually ended up competing with the U.N. for talent, a game he often won because of his ability to pay. Each citizen is granted a certain quantity of lifetime stock in the enterprise that is the colony. As it increases in riches, so too do they.

Van de Graaf's acid criticisms of his government didn't diminish his loyalty or his interest in wielding political influence and he eventually became a cabinet secretary as CEO of the American Reclamation Corporation, a federal corporation established to manage national reunification. Many ex-veterans and retired civil servants agreed to sign on for the Unity expedition, including a large contingent of private military contractors.

Both the Pilgrims and the Morganites are motivated by the lure of great riches, but the Morganites don't like getting their hands dirty. If the Morganites aspire to a life of idleness, Pilgrims are all cattle barons-in-waiting. Their affinity is Supremacy and their preferred government type is a Meritocratic Future Society. They are opposed to restoring contact with Old Earth. (Who needs the competition?)

The Pilgrims begin with Doctrine: Expansion and their priorities are Build and Expand. Their characteristics are +1 Efficiency (those with a stake in the outcome work harder), -1 Morale (contracts must be enforced), +1 Industry (spirit of enterprise), and -1 Cohesion (indentured servitude). Starting pieces include 1 War Store (ARC assets), 1 Colony Pod, 2 'Formers, and 1 Militia Squad (veteran). The faction is unique in generating +1 water per season (the fruits of homesteading). Despite shaking social foundations, the New 2000 is poised to for high production: their population is two Talents and two Technicians.

The Pilgrims are able to pursue a special project to salvage or capture equipment and people that previously belonged to van de Graaf's expedition-within-an-expedition.

Narratively, the New 2000 are obsessed with owning and alienating land, bringing them into sharp conflict with the Hunters of Chiron. They also antagonize most other factions because of their belief that everybody has essentially stolen from them, especially any faction that claims authority from the U.N. Charter (looking at you, Peacekeepers).

The New 2000 is a good choice for players who want a balanced game of conflict and expansion.

Oscar van de Graaf is represented by the actor Stephen Lang, as seen here in Avatar 2: The Way of Water (2022).
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Mar 1, 2024 at 7:28 PM #371

Youth proved no obstacle for Alred Markham, one of the last, and youngest, Unity crew member selections. With vaunting pride in his accomplishments as a forensic data recovery specialist, Yucatec authorities aggressively pushed his candidacy despite a lengthy criminal record. At seventeen, Markham had helped to found Washout, a pseudo-survivalist collective of citizen phreakers who fished snippets of sensitive conversations from homemade wiretaps of government institutions and reconstructed their contents for subsequent public release.

U.N. psych screening brought out Markham's strong disdain for the anarchistic wing of his chosen profession. Why, he asked, had Sinder Roze declined to publish the results of her infamous trespasses into U.S. Government computer systems? To Markham, this was evidence of disqualifying unseriousness.

Had happier circumstances prevailed, Markham might have found his calling alongside the Peacekeeping Forces, whose ethic of service echoed his teenage aspirations. Instead, he fell into the hands of the Digital Oracle. By them, Markham's genius was turned to perpetrating his signature scam against the Data Angels, stealing recombinant routines that fueled the learning engines behind the seventh and eighth generations of the Oracle's governing AI, called FENCER and WILD GARDNER, respectively.


The Oracle FENCER AI's major shortcomings owed more to the analysts responsible for setting its parameters than to programmers like Markham. Anhaldt signed off on the assumption that faction leaders would assign less value to sick, wounded, and captive members. The Mediator's clients were repeatedly surprised by the attempts of the Gaians, Peacekeepers, and Tribals to liberate their brethren.


Morganites came hopefully to the Sawtooths in MY25, thinking to break the near-monopoly positions of the University and the Oracle, Pahlavi's primary trading partners.
Morgan came to rue his decision. The venture was a money sink. Massive outlays weren't enough to prop up Corporate Security, forcing Morgan to commit SafeHaven troops that performed only marginally better. Far too often, Ascendancy Legionnaires carried off the entire contents of fully-stocked depots. The Oracle presented different problems. Anhaldt's command economy had no obvious point-of-entry for Morganite luxury goods, and even if it had, the huge mass of his drones was held in egregious poverty. Zakharov's bases were open to an exchange but the faction's long-distance air service put them in contact with enough competitors to generate strong price competition. After two dismal years of loss to raiders, probe teams, and the tyranny of spoilage over long distance, the Morganites left for home.

First image is " The AI War series " by Johnnyred777 on DeviantArt. Created using AI tools.

Second image is " Desert warband 3 " by Asymoney on DeviantArt. Created using AI tools.

Third image is " watch tower " by albatheos on DeviantArt. Created using AI tools.

Mar 3, 2024 at 8:55 AM #373

Seasonal variations in the tides reduced sea levels in some parts of the southern Golgu coast by as much as 60m for up to five weeks a year. A Conclavist surveyor uses a drone to scout for mineral deposits.

It is a historical curiosity that many significant natural discoveries on Planet were made by the Lord's Conclave, but if the Gaians placed themselves at risk mostly to understand, and the Hunters mostly to admire, Believer leadership saw this accumulation of knowledge as a kind of taking-possession, while the faction's rank-and-file were often only interested in the practical wealth their teams discovered.

The quantity of Believer expeditions was a reflection of their desperation, while the extreme range they covered spoke to the success of Miriam's studied, and celebrated, neutrality.

One intriguing result of the Believers' experience in Golgu's tidal basins was the confirmation that water mitigated fungal spore activity. (The same conclusion may have been reached even earlier by the New State but was not widely disclosed.) Submerged xenofungus was harmless to humans unless touched by bare skin. Xenofungal coral samples provided the first opportunity for human scientists to study the plant's chemical and psycho-reactive properties and were a crucial step in the development of more complete countermeasures against psychic assault. [1]


The Lord's Font, Planet's largest oil refinery, elicited loud objections in Planetary Council and was the target of much foul play from both Morganites and Gaians. Lady Skye warned grimly that destruction of the Monsoon Jungle would have catastrophic consequences for planetary habitability. The argument found few takers in either scientific or political corners, but security-minded leaders were much worried about the displacement of the numerous SMACER colonies that took advantage of the Jungle's comparatively easy living.


Exiles like these Neo-Spartans found that salvage was usually more profitable than traditional forms of economic activity in the useless territories where they hid out to lick their wounds unmolested. Unity's half-buried cooling fins were at first mistaken for alien technology--though, in truth, much of the starship's technology base ran far ahead of what factions could provide for themselves even a century after Planetfall.

The intricate moisture-mesh water generation systems of Heraclia, a wonder to compare with the utter destitution in which the Neo-Spartans otherwise languished, were patterned on heat-exchangers found in this debris field.

First image is " Cosmic Fungi Exploration " by Vaik Nay on ArtStation.

[1] Prior insights, such as the fungicidal utility of fire, had been gleaned purely from the testimony of afflicted road crews and base security officers.

Second image is " Relic Refinery " by Rahul Chandwaney on ArtStation.

Third image is " The Vessel " by Robert Vajda on ArtStation.

Mar 9, 2024 at 11:46 AM #374

The Racks at Matsar, a minor settlement of the Legacy Initiative established in MY17.

The pagoda-like towers evoked wild speculation. The Gaians jeered Annunciator Metrion’s bad taste in pseudo-naturalistic architecture. Colonel Santiago had her chief of staff draw up operational plans to neutralize what she felt certain must be the site of a rail gun: why else the two dozen cooling towers? Actually, the Racks were just that: turntables for Unity’s largest-diameter data reels, and the colony itself a library.


A Data Service technician fights the mainframe to restore emergency power in Unity’s forward compartments.

The peculiar dress of Data Services was an affront to other factions—a clear violation of the ancient principle that the eyes were windows onto the soul.

There were many reasons for the encounter suits. The simplest was poverty. It was in no one’s interest to set aside valuable resources for the sake of mere comfort. Another motivation was anonymity vis-à-vis other factions—one they believed was an advantage in searching for Than’s killers. A third reason had to do with the suits’ effectiveness. The onboard scrubbers processed pollens in addition to the bad atmosphere—so effectively, in fact, that the Legacy avoided even a single case of Xenofungal madness, and there emerged a movement within that society which called for pacts to be affirmed with the Shapers so that the Legacy might never have to doff its masks ‘ere Planet’s natural biome was fully eradicated.


A modular hydraulic pump station belonging to the Bourse. Caranomus Sand Caps, Southern Golgu.

The Bourse called for a semi-regulated marketplace, overseen by the Planetary Council, as an alternative to the “open” trade environment demanded by the Morganites. In their filings, Bourse appellants accused Nwabudike Morgan of monopolistic practices and inhumane treatment of his drones, charges that were entirely true. The CEO called the Bourse sore losers and Johnny-come-Latelies who expected consular enforcement to press their substandard products directly into consumers’ hands, making up for frankly inferior distribution networks.

The Bourse proposal gained much favor with those who feared Morgan’s power, and in time, there was even a loud call to leave the Ohm standard. Critics said using energy as money was a corrupting choice, for a living thing would then be tempted to sell itself for short-term gain. Planet’s exchanges were rife with examples of drones taking credits in return for declining rations, storing data in unused portions of their own brains, and even their own body heat. How long, Morgan’s detractors asked, before people contracted to be recycled at some agreed future time?

First image is “ Sci-Fi Factories ” by aaronsimscompany on DeviantArt.

Second image is Sci Fi Airport -8 ” by Najeeb-Alnajjar on DeviantArt.

Third image is An Outerspace Drilling Platform On An Alien Planet” by Mixasko on DeviantArt. Created using AI tools.

Mar 11, 2024 at 4:58 PM #375

Raiding hulls being fitted out at Morgan Shipworks, buyer unknown.
Violent weather was the norm above Planet's small oceans. Signal range was poor and visibility poorer still. A perfect breeding ground for piracy.

This pair of low-visibility gunboats use watertight hulls rated for submersible operations at depths of up to 50 meters.

The dual-cannon turret being hoisted by the foreground crane was an oddity. Retractable conventional weapons mounts posed problems of maintenance and resupply that ship designers sought continuously to overcome. Within a century of Planetfall, most warships used solid-state, high-power radio frequency directed energy weapons. Despite a steep reduction in range when compared to gunpowder artillery, these systems were both mechanically simple and highly effective for area defense.


Lt. Shoshana Araujo, Observer Squadron Resh , Gaia's Landing.
Aerial photo-reconnaissance was critical to optimizing base operations during the colonial period. Pilots ran herd on detached work crews, flew border patrol missions too dangerous for leg infantry, and tracked the movements of xenobiologicals.


The fullest expressions of the anti-humanist sentiments that cost Miriam Godwinson her judgeship were made manifest in The Mistake, a Conclavist installation built to emphasize that no machines built by men could ever truly exceed them.

First image is " Hyundai Heavy Industries " by Wu-Gene on DeviantArt.

Second image is " Gate Station 6 flight bay " by Blaxlight on DeviantArt. Created using AI tools.

Third image is "The Oracle Speaks" by iamrudja on DeviantArt. Created using AI tools.

Mar 13, 2024 at 7:00 PM #376

Pilgrim snowtracks descend the High Divide after yet another fruitless search for fortune and glory.
As Oscar van de Graaf chafed under the terms of his contract with the United Nations, so individual Pilgrims despised their indenture to his Society of Adventurers. Individually and in groups, members of the New 2000 exhibited risk-taking behaviors unthinkable in factions with higher social cohesion and less exclusive conceptions of property rights. Excess resources and discretionary effort that could have been repurposed for the benefit of the whole community was expended on personal projects so that participants could earn enough money to buy out their own contracts.


Over more than a century, computer diagnostic systems installed by United Nations EarthMed collected more than four yottabytes of unsifted genetic, physiological, and neurological data on mission passengers and crew. [1] The Unity Crisis presented a golden opportunity for those in-the-know to dispatch agents like this one into the ship's wiring basins in search of the choicest taps. (It was often a lost cause: as this vid-cap shows clearly, cables were run with callous disregard for subsequent tracing. It was believed that the crew could simply recover desired materials at the far end: from the discs to which they would be written.


Drop Pod infantry were a last resort. No faction had the uncontested air superiority to contemplate recovery of units stranded after a failed assault, and very few pilots were rated for combat flight.

First image is " 2023-09-13 7-58-30 PM - 00407 - 1024x1024 " by rothvalor on DeviantArt. Created using AI tools.

Second image is " Spaceman " by Northground on DeviantArt. Created using AI tools.

[1] This number is intentionally small compared to the probable speed of digital information proliferation forecast for the 21st century. The Racing the Darkness setting is data poor compared to our own.

Third image is " Dropships " by Supertrust on DeviantArt.

Mar 20, 2024 at 7:07 PM #377

Datajack Cinder Roze receives routine chemotherapy.
The radiological disaster that attended Unity's dstruction afflicted most of the passengers with long-term illness and, even more than the significant number of health complications from cryogenic hibernation and wounds suffered in early combat, was a significant determinant of technological, cultural, economic, and military activity on the world below for decades thereafter.

Comprehensive, and often aggressive, chemotherapies were a concomitant of daily life--not only for the chronically radiation-sick First Generation, but their natural-born offspring as well-- and the surest sign of a so-called "Live-Birth" in adulthood was the permanent transcutaneous medical port through which they received cancer-killing poisons.

Technologically, an overwhelming share of all scientific work undertaken on Chiron fit neatly within the field of traditional oncology, reflecting a combination of popular interest and the practical value of bringing sick workers back to good health. Because the demand for advances in patient care far outstripped the capacity of dedicated medical talent, other disciplines were dragooned to assist. Engineers were expected to deliver solutions for the frail bones and weakened muscles of colonial workforces before being unleashed on other projects. Chemists and biologists were challenged to develop new medicines in lieu of hardier crops or industrial products.

Each society confronted the health crisis in its own way, beginning while still aboard. Yang, Pahlavi, Morgan, Cobb, and Cohen were notorious for their abandonment of the sick, injured, and dying on Unity's hangar decks. Holnists rampaged among the casualty collection points established there until Santiago herself stopped the slaughter at gunpoint, but due to their strong opposition, she was forced to leave the worst of her own wounded behind, often to be executed by later evacuees. Zakharov, Skye, Landers, Metrion, and (after a personal attack of conscience) St. Germaine, took special care to evacuate the hard cases among their own partisans, while Godwinson and Lal earned sainted reputations for trying to bring out as many as possible whatever their political persuasion. Anhaldt and van de Graaf picked among the afflicted, but what at first resembled humanitarian interest was later shown up as naked exploitation.

How to deal with the lasting effects of cell damage while balancing personal choice with the general interest? The University, Labyrinth (Hive), Ascendancy, Peacekeeping Forces, Digital Oracle, and Legacy Initiative implemented mandatory genetic screening. Nearly all factions offered incentives for their "clean" subjects to reproduce.

Individual choice remained a flashpoint. Solar cultists rejected life-saving interventions for cancer specifically, determined that nothing would interpose between themselves and the "harsh graze" of their deity. The Ascendancy forbade natural reproduction altogether. The New State stopped short of ordering citizens to test for genetic maladies but nevertheless heaped social condemnation on those who declined. Among the New 2000, sickness was not acceptable grounds for release from indenture, and Oscar van de Graaf successfully set the precedent that a child inherited their parents' status of debt-peonage.

There were stark dividing lines drawn between the firm and the infirm. Every individual health problem placed a heavier burden on those still able to complete the labor essential for mere survival. Robots became closely associated with notions of physiological inadequacy, fueling interest in the anthropocentric philosophies of J.T. Marsh and Tamineh Pahlavi. Militiamen demanded special acknowledgement for shouldering their rifles: who else could do it? Field crews notoriously resented the easy living of the much larger number of "stay-behinds" in any base operations hierarchy. The chronically ill were among the first to receive the detested label: "Drone."

Like the oil baronies of Old Earth, the Dreamers of Chiron escaped retaliatory obliteration for their outages only because they were the most-complete approximation of a pharmaceutical clearinghouse anywhere on Planet. (Old Ian Dunross had known enough to equip his vendetta-magnet of a son with a dispensary worthy of the Geneva Hospital Complex.) Medical and laboratory supplies had a value to raiders above food, ammunition, and energy; only water stood in higher esteem.

Although most of the original crew were badly irradiated, especially those aft and amidships, certain compartments did benef from heavier shielding--either conventional lead barriers or intervening detritus. Survivors known to have been transported in those spaces, carefully singled out using computer simulation, were eagerly recruited and bitterly contested.

Image is from The Expanse .
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Mar 22, 2024 at 10:58 PM #378

Dubbed "His Glory" by Conclavists and eyesores by most everyone else, lightning conductors harnessed the massive energy potential of Chiron's frequent electrical storms. Nwabudike Morgan described them to his investors as "the closest thing to pulling money from thin air," although turning a profit meant being first to pull the battery packs.


Sea bases like this neo-Spartan installation with the apt name of Agony, were important links in the brisk trade between the continents of Shamash and Golgu but placed intense demands on faction resources due to the very high pace of saltwater corrosion and the violence of Planet's intense wind and waves. Life in sea bases was duller than that on land, and the daily work demands on residents more intense, but there was never any shortage of volunteers: the risk of hurricanes was counted preferable to that of psychic assault by mindworm boils.


Tensia Manwaring, an overseer serving the New 2,000, uses a data visualization rig.

Every faction leader lived in terror of a labor revolt. If it wasn't drones, then it might be machines. Overseers gradually learned to respond to failed disc functions in the same methodical way that they had the social indicators of potential violence.

First image is " structure concept " by OUT-MAX on DeviantArt. Created using AI tools.

Second image is " Belltower_SeaBase Deus Ex 3 DLC " by Gryphart on DeviantArt.

Third image is " FUTURE MINER " by stefanlanecreative on DeviantArt. Created using AI tools.

Mar 24, 2024 at 5:48 PM #379

Nwabudike Morgan's every decision was calculated a specific statement about what his philosophy could offer the disaffected Talents of rival factions. The geothermal power complex of Apollonian Vents made glittering promises in the night that were bound to be spoiled by the reality of the shift sirens come morning.


Left. Australian bitter-ender Marvin Capsom led a rapid-reaction force for the Neo-Spartans. Easily mistaken for an audio link, the wire running to his left ear is actually a neural shunt. Capsom served in Battleaxe Sector, the long frontier across which the Spartans often clashed with their unfriendly Gaian neighbors.

Shunts changed the user's biochemistry to suppress the sympathetic neurochemical reactions triggered by psychic attack. Effectively, the user produced fewer of the neurotransmitters linked to anxiety, buying time to take protective action.

Right. Neo-Spartan Corporal Daniela Farias, a turret gunner on a Chaos Rover, lost an arm to spalling at the Battle of the Morning. She chose mechanical limb replacement to hasten her return to duty. Lab-grown limbs had a lower rate of rejection but nerve connections didn't reach maturity for at least two years.


Tendrils of red fungal smoke waft from the wreckage of the University's biological research station at Campo Izquierdo.

Contrary to the terrified testimony of routed militia, the chemical rounds only
mimicked the experience of a Mindworm attack. One great advantage: the troops often abandoned their fighting positions (and fighting vehicles) in search of greater safety, leaving rich pickings for the vultures.
First image is " 100 " by Revolucci on DeviantArt. Created using AI tools.

Second image is " Pieter_Jun Deus Ex 3 DLC " by Gryphart on DeviantArt. Concept art.

Third image is " Hummer3000 " by Ubermonster on DeviantArt.
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Mar 31, 2024 at 4:11 PM #386

A mag-lev passenger train passes the lively Habitation Core of Morgan Trade Center.
Mass transit solutions suited frontier societies that often lacked the excess economic capacity, general wealth attainment, or prevailing peace and security required for a consumer car culture.

Politics also had a role to play. Gaians associated individual transport with waste and vanity. The individual had no rights that Yang, Cobb, Cohen, or Anhaldt were bound to respect. Even where populations valued personal independence and some enjoyed a modicum of it, the absence of a broad prevailing peace made it too dangerous to travel far from home except in numbers. Spartans and Tribals left their stockades only in the company of war parties. Morganite business leaders colluded to discourage the success of products that might expand the social choices available to their drones.

Social mores taught Believers, New Staters, and Peacekeepers to place the interests of the group ahead of the individual, and mere geography kept inhabitants of the Ascendancy and University bound up in their mountain fastnesses.


Salvage was the necessary obsession of every faction. Here, two scouts of the Digital Oracle evaluate how to remove larger pieces of wreckage from a crash site fortuitously close to their power station at Fontaine de la Connaissance.

Pictured is a Spanish contribution to the
Unity Mission, the YZ-10, manufactured by EADS-CASA in the late 2030s. The YZ-10 contained vertical micro-nurseries and were loaded onto special gyroscopic racks that rotated so the live plants within could receive sunlight through large ocular windows at either end. Eight detachable retrothrusters gave the pods some hope of landing with their precious consignments intact.

This pod suffered a catastrophic malfunction during the final phase of deceleration, but even if the plant matter proved a total loss, the metals, trace fuels, and electrical components were surely welcome.


Spartan overseers supervise the first digging at Xerxion, MY0.

After two decades of collaboration on military projects, Yugoslavian state aerospace firm SOKO joined Callaron Heavy Locomotion and South African firm SANY to bid for the Mission contract to develop a self-contained drill rig able to deploy directly from orbit. The result was the Тираносаурус (tyranosaurus), completed in 2036.

The machines had a mixed reputation. Tested at over a dozen dig sites throughout the Jovian Belt, including in dense atmospheres and under high gravity, they demonstrated very high survivability during orbital drops, good handling, and excellent fuel efficiency, factors that led to their subsequent acceptance by the Unity Project Team. Yet the Тираносаурус also required a very large crew of three dozen and near-constant maintenance.

Santiago launched two Тираносаурус machines from Unity ahead of her landing pods and soon put them to work building her second base at Xerxion.

Frustrated at the need to essentially rebuild the Тираносаурус every few weeks, the Spartans dismantled both their copies in place long before Xerxion was placed under siege. The decision was a strategic error, for it delayed the creation of additional settlements that might have helped the Spartans expand their war effort and from which relief might conceivably have been deployed to prevent or break Xerxion's encirclement.

First image is " Going fast " by n1n0sl4v on DeviantArt. Created using AI tools.

Second image is " After the EM pulse " by n1n0sl4v on DeviantArt. Created using AI tools.

Third image is " 3302436 " by dainbramage1 on DeviantArt. Created using AI tools.

Apr 7, 2024 at 2:27 AM #387
Commissioner Pravin Lal said:
If we as a species are ever to receive pardon for what we did to the Earth, how can we deny the possibility of individual redemption? - Our Next Journey

Sister Miriam Godwinson said:
As the hourglass steadily emptied, new and more pressing inquiries were put to us around how best to plug gaps in the knowledge base that the expedition would require. Genius does not always cohere with moral rectitude. - Reckonings


Brigadier Junaid Dad Alrehman was a senior planner in the Pakistani Army Strategic Forces Command and among the 154 general officers in the Pakistani, Indian, and Chinese militaries judged by the International Criminal Court to be potentially culpable for the Six-Minute War. He was apprehended by INTERPOL in Omdurman, Sudan, in 2059 and placed in a United Nations penal colony in Denmark awaiting trial. In 2068, Alrehman was sentenced to re-socialization and handed over to the U.N. Mission to Alpha Centauri Corrective Services Division for internment as a colonist bound for Chiron.

The origins of the Six-Minute War lay in what was either the rogue or accidental launch of a Pakistani nuclear-tipped Gidh-II ground-based missile at New Delhi during a period of intensifying conflict over the disputed region of Kashmir. The launch occurred immediately after receipt by Pakistan of false reports that Indian ground forces had crossed the Line of Control near Punch and two days after Indian Air Force HAL Bhanvar M fighter jets sank the Pakistani helicopter cruiser Humayun in its patrol zone due south of Karachi. Decision-makers in the Pakistani National Command Authority chose to fire much of the rest of their country's nuclear arsenal out of fear it would otherwise be destroyed in an Indian retaliatory strike. Reports vary with respect to the role played by Chinese People's Liberation Army Air Force officers present in Islamabad for these conversations.

Alrehman denied involvement in the general launch decision, calling nuclear war a travesty, but was convicted because paper records confirmed his presence at a key meeting held prioer to the Pakistani National Command Authority's authorization of additional strikes. Some Pakistani survivors of the Six-Minute War saw in Alrehman's courtroom defense as a microcosm of their own sense and experiences of the war. Support for Alrehman spiked in October 2065, when the Pon de Replay phreaking collective leaked internal U.N. revealing the Secretary General's desire for the World Court to "set aside lingering questions, however fair," about the nature of his guilt so that "a sense of closure might be achieved." Further outcry arose after release of a second tranche of documents proved some Unity Mission planners had lobbied for Alrehman to receive a specific sentence of service after becoming better-aquainted with his history in the field of military organization. At the time, Mission Planners faced the unprecedented challenge of attempting to choreograph management of the ship's unknowable cargo after landing.

The U.N.'s decision to accept prisoners sparked passionate, and frequently violent, debate that touched on themes of equity, redemption, historical memory, and practical need. The combined convict pools included thousands of political prisoners, including public intellectuals sometimes considered exemplars or luminaries in the Free World, but also hardened criminals and terrorists. In the sciences, Aleigha Cohen led spirited debate over whether to preserve data obtained through ethically dubious means, such as through experimentation on prisoners, while Prokhor Zakharov skirmished with the U.N. scientific establishment over his recruitment of researchers from so-called Pariah States, a collection of nations that varied depending on the perspective of the beholder.

Alrehman's reputation as a high-value colonist far preceded him. Acting on intelligence provided by Struan's, Roshan Cobb marked Alrehman's cryobed for transfer to his landing pods and placed the evacuation procession under heavy guard--a wise decision since ARC mercenaries staged an ambush as the Struan's party left the relative safety of the Containment Unit. Once on-world, Alrehman was made a civil planner in White Rabbit's Refuge, helping to mete out the faction's very limited stock of supplies. In this, Alrehman was widely considered a fair, if sparing, administrator.

Governor van de Graaf was not to be denied his prize. After two years in the Dreaming Dens, Alrehman was sold on to the Pilgrims. Van de Graaf owned Alrehman's contract personally and tasked the Brigadier to help organize the faction's foundering research efforts.

Image is " today photo study " by Eidenet on DeviantArt.

Apr 8, 2024 at 6:58 PM #390

The Unity Crisis. Final hours. A loyal member of the United Nations Security Forces wields a machine pistol in close-quarters fighting outside Planetary Cartography. Note the use of a national symbol at the left shoulder--most likely an inadvertent violation of the Mission Charter caused by the U.N.'s over-reliance on surplus.
When the Peacekeeping Forces tried CEO Nwabudike Morgan in abstentia for the crime of piracy in late MY7, Commissioner Pravin Lal's prosecutorial team relied heavily on footage recovered from cameras in the passages outside Unity's sensing blister, where scratch forces under Chief Astronomer Buchra Toledano had gone down swinging against two SafeHaven strike teams. (As a stowaway, Morgan could not be tried for mutiny, but what other conclusion could be drawn from the presence of Morgan's life guards at so remote a location on Unity's hull?)

The PZL-designed blister mounted Zeiss optics and was capable of detaching from the mothership to operate as a permanent satellite. Despite a total loss of connectivity to external sensing mounts, the blister's computers already retained thousands of hours of image-taking when the micrometeorite struck. This information informed Morgan's decision to bring his people down in Golgu rather than follow the majority of survivors to Shamash.


Lieutenant Commander Buchra Toledano was found by responding U.N. Marines with her skull cap removed and her brain missing.

Toledano had the distinction of being one of a handful of non-Warsaw Pact scientists to spend time aboard Soviet Venutian habitats as part of a three-year exchange sponsored by the Non-Aligned Movement. She worked another fifteen years with the Martian Terraforming Project while training for the Unity Mission. During this period, she received privileged access to the full set of tapes created by the U.N. from the Pathfinder Probe transmissions, mounting the most comprehensive study of those records to date.

First image is " Space marine assaulting Drax' space station " by Ankhati on DeviantArt.

Second image is " Woman on Mars " bny Obsidian Planet on DeviantArt.
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Apr 11, 2024 at 6:09 PM #391
Commissioner Pravin Lal said:
The essential requirement for freedom is vigilance, and the essential requirement for vigilance, curiosity. It is not enough merely to watch for danger. One must also learn the names and faces under which it masquerades. - What We Left Behind Us


The New 2,000 built a string of outposts on its shared border with the Human Labyrinth in MY11 and 12, some of them integrated with the faction's main sensor web. Stakeholders voted for public improvements like these only begrudgingly. Many complained that the cost of the towers should be borne entirely by the Pilgrim households nearest to them, evincing a parochial meanness that continually bedeviled Governor Van de Graaf's attempts to promote a common defense.

W ar parties raised by specific Pilgrim leaders occupied the towers during periods of immediate danger, but the Stakeholders refused to finance permanent garrisons so that, by MY13, half the towers had been seized by Hive Security. They were then used as jumping-off points for raids against Montauk Wells and Grey's Ferry, the settlements in whose interest they were first established.


Planet pearls were not geodes at all but ossified biomatter resulting from malfunctions in the reproductive cycles of mindworm boils. Pearls had very high potential chemical energy. The first colonists to encounter planet pearls mistook them for the egg sacs of native fauna. Thinking to advance the understanding of Centauri biology, they instead discovered the first Chironian fuel source used by the human colonies.


Holnist infiltrators swarm from hiding to begin the rampage that will doom Unity . This pair wears the uniform of the U.N. Security Forces but carries hand weapons that promise to inflict compromising damage to the ship's hull. Holnism has sometimes been described as an apocalyptic death cult: its adherents usually believed that the human species would perish within their own lifetimes and often had no ambitions beyond exacting a bloody vengeance against the institutions they alleged had abandoned them. After completing their spasm of killing, hundreds of Santiago's fair-weather allies chose to perish with the ship, condemning the Sergeant for her cowardice and warning that the survivors were merely delaying the inevitable.

First image is " Control tower " by Werkzeugmacher on DeviantArt. Created using AI tools.

Second image is " Orange planet " by Werkzeugmacher on DeviantArt. Created using AI tools.

Third image is " EVA Marines " by TheNameslessVoid on DeviantArt.

Author's Notes
Given its subject matter, the quotation used here should feel closer to an encapsulation of Colonel Santiago's philosophy than that of the peace-minded Pravin Lal, but any conversation about the future of democracy must inevitably reckon with the institution's fragility--and the active defense that free peoples must mount in its interest.

Apr 13, 2024 at 9:37 AM #392
Sister Miriam Godwinson said:
Mind-machine interface focuses attention on what we might be able to put in , when what comes out has always been far more important. - We Must Dissent


Digital intermediation was first presented as a medical solution to address catastrophic brain damage and neurological birth defects, but the technique was used as a form of state-sanctioned punishment at least as early as 2040.
Behind the Iron Curtain, free of ethical fetters, amateur barber-surgeons like Aleigha Cohen applied the skills learned in conventional laboratories to experiment on prisoners, creating the first of what some called a new species. Were they computers powered by human organs? Humans who had become totally suborned to machines?

Involuntary intermediation was the stuff of nightmares and drew prompt condemnation. Dr. Pravin Lal of the U.N. Medical service described the victims as "reanimated corpses." Dr. Prokhor Zakharov, the Voice of Soviet Science, didn't address them at all. From her Alpine perch, Tamineh Pahlavi warned that Cohen was "taking humans making something else entirely." But Cohen claimed the only difference between a drone and a "normal" human was their preferred medium of communication: drones expressed themselves through text and gesture, not the spoken word. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the extent to which complicit regimes concealed the extent of their abuses by clever manipulation of test runs was never addressed to the satisfaction of mainstream medical opinion. It was rumored that the Soviets tried total intermediation on captured spies as an alternative to traditional interrogation techniques prior to their execution, only to find that they were plumbing personal fictions as often as facts. Both the Americans and the Chinese explored intermediation as a pathway to create superior analysts but reached competing conclusions as to whether the results were any more compelling than when computers and humans worked separately. And it was obviously possible to create mere automatons, but there were few good reasons for doing so.

Experts debated for decades on whether traces of the individual were still observable at any given extent of overall brain replacement. In the United States, work on digital intermediation was often carried out in strict secrecy. Results reporting lagged decades behind the experiments that produced them. Many states and territories passed laws against the technology from a position of fear, limiting the extent to which even obviously-legitimate medical care was available for those who had no other options. Western Europe and much of Central and South America did the same.

On Chiron, digital intermediation programs were stood up immediately by the Human Hive and the Digital Oracle. The Free Drones exposed a long-running Morganite initiative in MY62. Most intelligence services suspected that the University of Planet was in the same business, although no proof was ever put forward to the Planetary Council. In the case of the Cybernetic Consciousness, questions were more nuanced since Aki Zeta-5's followers were all presumed volunteers and the faction's ambassadors to the outside world still conformed outwardly to certain stereotypical models of human behavior.

Image is " Ader713 A Monster Look Like Old Radio. Lens Flare " by sashander on DeviantArt. Created using AI tools.

Apr 18, 2024 at 6:28 PM #393

Dr. Florencia Canessa in the sub-levels of White Rabbit's Refuge.

Hard experience with the Pathfinder Probe taught the United Nations that exceptional care had to be taken to preserve the mental fitness of passengers and crew at every stage of the project, from training on Earth through colonization on Chiron. To develop medical recommendations for the Unity Mission, planners formed a study group led by behavioral psychiatrist Florencia Canessa, Director of the Instituto de Adaptación Social at Urugay's Universidad de la República. Canessa's well-respected theories on emotional responses to overcrowding, nutritional, and sensory deprivation were grounded in more than two decades of field work in the cantegrils and digidens of Montevideo. For further insights, the study group partnered with Urugay's National Rehabilitation Institute to access to isolation units in the city's seventeen prisons beginning in October 2031, decades before most of the mission's senior staff positions were filled.

The study group's report called for significant modifications to the U.N.'s early vision for nutrition, exercise, and recreation, leading ultimately to design changes for the ark itself and significant construction delays as contractors doubled the number of hydroponics bays so that the colonists could enjoy an uninterrupted supply of fresh food. Training cycles for supervisory positions were extended by three months to introduce intensive workshops in team-building, conflict de-escalation, and small group justice. The calisthenics regimens practiced by Spartans, Hivers, Morganites, and Peacekeepers were faithful to manuals set out by the study group. Millions of light strips were ordered to combat mood disorders in the first Habs.

Canessa was badly wounded in a car bombing at the Rio de Janiero Space Elevator Complex in 2048. Med-techs rushed her into cryogenic suspension--an early test for the Maartins-Sarains Preservation Method then used worldwide to address mortal injuries. Canessa was reawakened for life-saving surgery in 2062 but suffered the common side-effects of Maartins-Sarains: necrosis of the fingers and toes, requiring amputation. She received prosthetic replacements and then was returned to cold sleep via the Wespe-Quinn-Vagner Process.

Canessa was one of nearly two hundred officers abducted by operatives of Struan's Pharmaceuticals in an attempt to build their faction's penitentiary system. To avoid a worse fate, she accepted an overseer's position, marking time while the so-called Dreamers descended into worsening stages of madness. Caught in this web, Canessa had direct exposure to the work and teachings of Dr. Aleigha Cohen. Canessa held Cohen in extremely low esteem. Following her rescue by Peacekeeping Forces, Canessa derided Cohen's work on the Planetary Datalinks, accusing the other behaviorist of overgeneralizing her conclusions, which drew from "a series of special, tragic cases that no ethical person would seek to reproduce." Canessa also expressly rejected Roshan Cobb's theories of the dream as an inherently meaning-filled experience, arguing that dreams were a type of disordered thinking from which deeper sense-making was impossible for anyone but the sleeper.

Image is " Surprising " by ERAL2 on DeviantArt. Created using AI tools.
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Apr 26, 2024 at 6:21 PM #394

The Yugoslav VTI Бедем ('bulwark') scout car equipped two generations of United Nations peacekeepers in some of the most hostile operating environments imaginable, serving as ably in the 46°C heat of the Danakil Desert as in the -30°F chill of the Lunar Catacombs.


The mass mobilization of corporate auxiliaries in the United States and the IOEZ after 2040 was prefigured by the widespread use of armed private security in North America and Europe to escort commercial atomic cargo, especially low-yield warheads and spent nuclear fuel, a century prior. These companies, often staffed by war veterans, at times employed as many as a quarter-million special police and repackaged and sold their services overseas as armies-for-hire from the 1980s.

Here, American fighters of the notorious Hound Dog Battalion bombard French Foreign Legion positions outside Fort Dromard, Bilma, in Niger, in 1986 in support of a United Nations peacekeeping mission in the Sahara. The Hound Dogs were still around almost three-quarters of a century later to prop up Nwabudike Morgan's customers in secessionist Louisiana. Many ended up in federal prison after the war.


V anguards of a convoy defended by Red Hornet Nuclear Security Partners emerge from the cover of purple smoke during an April 1992 protest over transit of its high-energy payload through the Napa Valley. Both escorts and the primary transport are marred by paint. In 2062, Red Hornet brought suit against the Society of Adventurers to discourage Oscar van de Graaf from poaching its talent for the Unity expedition . The case was still working its way through appeals when the mission launched.


Atomic Protection Officers were classified as Company Police under U.S. Code, with certain additional powers granted by federal commission if accompanying designated special cargoes. Many citizens thought them practically indistinguishable from the regular Army, and they were often armed identically. In 1988, after the French guillotined American mercenary captain Renfroe "Renny" Olinson, the Biden Commission called unprecedented popular attention to a long history of problematic incidents in the United States and Canada relating to the use and abuse of private nuclear security services. Mother Jones , meanwhile, was publishing salacious reports and even more sensational photographs of American citizens fighting for and against so-called "Wall Street warlords" in Africa, Central and South America, and the Middle East.

Toshiko Arii, foremost among historians of the Twentieth Century, explained the consolidation of significant military capabilities in United Nations hands between 1945 and 2000 as a consequence of four converging factors:
  1. The collective guilt of the international community over the violence surrounding the Algerian War of the 1950s and '60s, the 1964 Katanga Secession, and the 1994 Rwandan Genocide, leading to widespread support for the U.N. to develop a more effective constabulary force;
  2. Political cover provided by the Soviet Union, which correctly forecast that most U.N. military operations would further the interests of national independence movements also supported by Moscow;
  3. The mass mobilization of resources through the United Nations by the Non-Aligned Movement (NAM) to combat European settler colonialism worldwide; and
  4. The transition of private military corporations during the time period in question from the corporate adjuncts of particular governments to functionally autonomous entities with access to an international marketplace of war-fighting skills and equipment, allowing them to confront national armies on equal terms under specific conditions, especially with logistical support from Warsaw Pact and NAM militaries.
Sources :
First image is " Boxy Armored Car " by SvetTheFallen on DeviantArt. Created using AI tools.

Second image is a still from the current war in Ukraine dated to May 2023, credited to AP Photo/Libkos, and found on Military.com in a May 16, 2023 article credited to Drew F. Lawrence titled "Russian Mercenary Group Claims American Veteran Killed in Ukraine Firefight."

Third image is " Military Convoy Driving Through a Purple Landscape " by fullmetalstug on DeviantArt.

Fourth image is a marketing photo of the Cadillac-Gage Commando from The Tank Museum (Bovington, UK).
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May 5, 2024 at 4:31 PM #395
Chairman Sheng-ji Yang said:
The essential conceit of nuclear power operations is conformity to procedure. The intent--production of safe, reliable fission--is well-known and unchanging, and the goal is simple: prevention of error. [1] But in such an environment, there is no consideration for the plasticity of thinking so essential to the as-yet unforseen challenges of interplanetary colonization. We are packing our tool chest with the wrong equipment. - Dispatch to the United Nations, No. 7

On February 2, 2059, the San Francisco Chronicle broke an open secret: Unity Mission leadership was experiencing deep divisions over the role atomic energy would play in the expedition.

Atomic safety was the professed obsession of every national government and countless non-governmental watchdog organizations worldwide. Vast differences of opinion over exactly how Earth had come to lie on its death bed did not blind any of the command staff to simple reality: Earth was experiencing a man-made nuclear winter. In the making of great profits and great wars, the planet's life-sustaining waters and soils had been poisoned beyond humanity's capacities to restore them. More than three billion excess deaths between 1945 and 2045 were tied, directly or indirectly, to the use of commercial and military atomics. Some believed that the answer was to abandon fission entirely, while others insisted that its benefits remained vastly underappreciated, and that the expedition would require every tool at hand to deal with expected conditions on Chiron.

More than thirty years into expedition planning, the United Nations certainly faced strong incentives to find in favor of the continued emphasis on atomic energy. Nuclear pulse propulsion was the basis for all fast space travel, including Unity's complicated star drive. Because of the technology's ubiquitous acceptance worldwide for more than a century, most Unity vehicles from Scout Rovers to Landing Pods used nuclear power plants. Logisticians warned that 93% of expected future donations of vehicles, more than 75% of donations of light machinery, 95% of donations of heavy machinery, and 52% of donations of computers would be foreclosed to the Mission if it placed a moratorium on the further acceptance of nuclear fuels. Furthermore, radiological safety protocols made up a significant portion of the training regimens administered to colonists and crew at all levels. In one of the last memos he would author in the position of Interim Chief of Staff to Apsara Mongkut, Dr. Pravin Lal affirmed the "practical inadmissibility" of de-nuclearization "except in the most limited applications." Still, to provide themselves with top cover, the U.N. commissioned a study into that very possibility, hydrologist Dr. Helmut Muntz of the Technical University of Munich presiding.

To nobody's surprise, on December 31, 2050, Muntz's team tendered a comprehensive plan to phase out the mission's atomic energy sources within no more than ten years of Planetfall. The plan, which recommended various initiatives to lay in the makings for a non-nuclear industrial base, was staked on five key points.
  1. That history had demonstrated the unfitness of both historical and contemporary atomic safety regimes to forecast or mitigate even the consequences of commercial fission. In short, the Muntz Report judged, "There is no such thing as safe nuclear power."
  2. That use of commerical nuclear devices on Chiron risked dramatic impacts on its ecosystem at a time when the colonists would be unable to make confident predictions about the long-term consequences of doing so, effectively risking rendering the world uninhabitable, resulting in total mission failure.
  3. That the mission was devoting more precious payload to nuclear safety equipment than would be needed for a comparable clean energy technology base.
  4. That inadequate security made it imperative for Unity to pursue maximal reductions in the quantity of fissionables carried aboard.
  5. That the probability of nuclear accidents, based on the number of nuclear-powered assets embarked, was already unacceptably high.

Dr. Helmut Muntz, c. 2045.

Muntz, already ill with the degenerative nerve condition that would take his life in 2064, devoted his final years to a pressure campaign on behalf of the report that made him a household name. His most consistent fellow travelers, then or later, included Sister Miriam Godwinson, who lent her considerable rhetorical genius to the cause of de-nuclearization by giving a series of lectures on her experiences ministering to victims of nuclear accidents inside the Arctic Circle; Political Officer Sheng-ji Yang, who used Chinese government channels to criticize mission training; Forward Contact Team (FCT) leader Jeremy Tanner Marsh, another prominent environmental conservationist; and, after her accession to the mission in 2070, Lady Deirdre Skye, who feared for the viability of the mission's food supply. By that late date, both expedition Master-at-Arms Rachael Winzenreid and U.N. Marine General Marcel Salan were privately in concurrence with Muntz's conclusions, warning Mission Control that they felt unable to make guarantees as to the adequacy of safeguards to prevent misuse of the mission's stockpile of atomic devices.


Derivatives of the grossly unreliable General Electric Beetle, which inherited all the mechanical insufficiencies of their forbears, were so unsuited for their intended purpose of servicing Unity's reactor vessels that Dr. Johann Anhaldt filed six complaints with the U.N. Office of Internal Oversight Services. None was ever resolved.

Zakharov's people mostly used their lead-shielded Beetles as mobile screens against Spartan attack in
Unity's reactor halls, though hundreds were aboard the Landing Pods that made it down to Chiron.

The argument quickly spun out a personal dimension. At her selection boards, Skye emphasized the unreliability of Soviet record-keeping and pointed to long-swirling rumors that Unity's Chief Engineer (and her future superior), Prokhor Zakharov, was ambivalent toward the strictures of atomic safety.

Zakharov led the counter-charge, and, making rare common cause with Unity Atomic Energy Laboratory chief Johann Anhaldt, accused Muntz of "rank hysterics." Without atomic tools, they estimated that the pace of colonial development would be delayed at least fifty years. As to the careful preservation of the Chironian ecosphere, neither man accepted this as a legitimate mission objective, and pointed out its absence from the relevant charter. On the same side of the fence, Unity donor Nwabudike Morgan, with Zakharov as his ghost writer, submitted statements to the effect that commercial atomic energy's benefits to human society far outweighed its costs, and that it was irresponsible of Muntz to blame a technology for the mistakes of its handlers. To bolster his argument, Pseudo-Morgan focused on advances in nuclear medicine, the relationship between nuclear mining and sea bed development, and the broader impacts of space travel and development.

Classified appendices of the Muntz Report, amounting to more than seven hundred pages originally withheld from publication, were included in the final radio transmissions broadcast to Unity from Earth as it crossed through the Oort Cloud. At a meeting of the Planetary Council in MY25, Annunciator Sathieu Metrion pledged to locate and publish the report as part of his faction's service to other mission survivors.


The M65 atomic cannon, popularly "Atomic Annie," was the inspiration for a range of commercial nuclear cannons entrusted to the FCT.

Marsh was unable to stand by his convictions: the FCT was ultimately a nuclear-powered affair, and their dangerous work placed them at the forefront of nuclear accident rates among all factions.

To avoid the temptation of using the big guns in anger and lacking the means to produce conventional rounds of good quality, Marsh spiked the thirteen tubes still in his possession during the Hunters' vendetta with Oscar van de Graaf. Three others were unaccounted for, having been retained by their attending road crews when first disavowing Marsh's leadership.

This quote was inspired by U.S. Navy Captain L. David Marquet's description of the nuclear navy in Turn the Ship Around! (2013).

Special thanks to user r16 on CivFanatics for the original suggestion to use the GE Beetle as an inspiration!

For more on the GE Beetle, see Tim Bean, "The GE Beetle: Our Giant Atomic Robot" on orangebean . The original photo of the Beetle seems to be taken from a 1951 issue of Life magazine.

Our Helmut Muntz is computer scientist Anthoiny Wojcik of Illinois Tech .

Image of the "Atomic Annie" is from a July 17, 2023 story in autoevolution by Benny Kirk.
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May 18, 2024 at 9:18 AM #397
J.R.R. Tolkien said:
Of the fate of Ungoliant no tale tells. Yet some have said that she ended long ago, when in her uttermost famine she devoured herself at last. - The Silmarillion , Datalinks


Dyed and under magnification, juvenile xenofungus was an ecosystem most similar to a coral reef. This diversity was gradually lost as the stalks became conjoined through aging.

Xenofungus was a situationally popular fuel source first discovered by road crews of Unity's Forward Contact Teams ahead of Planetfall and later used on a large scale by some factions from M.Y. 25.

The findings of the Parke and Planitzer Expeditions--undertaken by the Conclave and the Peacekeeping Forces, respectively--were quickly formalized into the rudiments of what became Centauri Chemistry through the separate work of Gaian plant biologist Syler Haufiku and University of Planet analytical chemist Arkwright Cramer. Monographs by both researchers were some of the first academic material broadcast on the Planetary Datalinks. Librarians of the Tomorrow Institute married the insights from both to create an enormously popular and influential Common Learning Module in M.Y. 21 that was still being taught as a standard in the University a century later.

The very high energy content (calorific value) of xenofungual tubers was no secret to anyone who had ever used a flamegun to protect a perimeter, but laboratory study also found that, in their most-mature state, the tubers had very low moisture content, a moderate ignition temperature, and very little non-combustible content. Yet there were two critical factors inhibiting commercial exploitation:
  1. Burning xenofungus released intensely halucinogenic compounds against which standard rebreathers did not offer adequate protection.
  2. Harvesting xenofungus stimulated retalatory mindworm activity.

At Galeos, in the dusty bowl of what was once an ocean, sat Station Integra, a Chrionian biofuels processing plant owned by Morgan Industries and operated under contract by the Shapers of Chiron.
Integra was the centerpiece of a Shaper campaign to erradicate xenofungus entirely from arable land in the Kymopoleia Divide. It was, in simple words, a fungal furnace, built to take last advantage of the amputated xenofungal matter cut by faction Liquidators. Three units produced a net output of 102,000 GWh in a Chironian year--enough that the Digital Oracle dedicated a precious 3% of total computing power to speculating on Coordinator Nagao's possible intentions for such an output.


Integra operated just two years at Galeos before it was belted by a green veil of Terran vegetation and was redirected to more crimson pastures.

First image is from the article "Fungal wearables and devices: Biomaterials pave the way toward science fiction future" by Universitat Oberta de Catalunya on the Phys.org website, credited to CC0 Public Domain.

Fuels facts lifted from a Gokaraju Rangaraju Institute of Engineering and Technology text on energy sources.

Second image is from the gallery " Sci-Fi Powerplant " by Lemuel Calpito on ArtStation.

Third image is from Jeff Rubenstone's article "Dream Projects: City-on-Treads Goes Wherever It Wants" on Engineering News-Record from November 11, 2014. It is credited to Manuel Dominguez.
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May 25, 2024 at 8:28 PM #398

Daniela Bazán, MD, MPH (2 September 2045 - 1 December M.Y. 20), was a Hunter physician and public health official who developed and promoted the standard practice of medicine in the Chironian care context. After her death, Bazán's field notes became an important historical record of the survivors of the Chiron Probe, with whom she became close during epidemiological studies of that population.

Cuba had transitioned to a democratic republic just five years before Bazán's birth. Her mother, Estrela, was a lecturer in organic chemistry at the Universidad de la Habana, where Daniela herself was later educated. Her father, Luis, was a senior accountant for the Walt Disney Company, which had purchased and restored the Hotel Nacional de Cuba in 2043. That same year, Grumman Aerospace began using the San Antonio de los Baños Airfield just outside Havana for space launch and recovery, whereafter the city's hospitals participated over many decades in casualty-clearing for disasters in orbit, giving local medical students like Bazán important practical exposure to the impact of variable gravity on wound management.

Bazán was chosen for the U.N. Alpha Centauri mission in late 2069 at the suggestion of the U.N. Office of Astronautical Hygiene (UNOAH), which was impressed by her master's thesis, a comparative analysis of disease epidemiology in Lunar, Martian, and Jovian habitats. UNOAH immediately arranged for Bazán to review medical histories transmitted by the Chiron Probe and she consulted briefly with the Unity Mission's Chief Science Officer, Prokhor Zakharov, to identify diagnostic equipment that she wished included on the ship's manifest. Bazán also rated a secondary specialty in emergency medical response and was posted to Mobile Surgical Hospital Λ-4 of the Forward Contact Team as a supervisory technician.

Bazán remained loyal to Game Warden J.T. Marsh after learning Unity's fate and was an inductee of the Slow Mountain Lodge, which she joined on regular patrols, including into territory governed by Chiron Probe commander Joralemon Hardacre. At Bazán's urging, Hardacre arranged for his people--all survivors of epidemic flu--to be enrolled in a long-term medical surveillance program. To execute this venture, which covered some four thousand people, Bazán recruited heavily not just from among the medical professionals active in the Hunter alliance but also within the notoriously-reclusive Stepdaughters of Gaia. Bazán enjoyed full privledges at the Gaian Institute.

Slow Mountain teams worked the active lumber camps of the wartorn Slowwind Delta where Bazán and her crew treated thousands of puncture, crush, and laceration injuries. Bazán recorded her lab notes and field journals to the Planetary Datalinks without redaction--one of the first to take such a step. She was eventually voted responsible for organizing health codes to be taken up by all Hunter lodges. Danger eventually caught up to Bazán: after several close calls, she was one of eight killed in a Tribal impact bombardment of a Pilgrim laydown yard where her ambulance had set up as a screening clinic.

Bazán's death shocked contemporary opinion. Multiple faction leaders suspended vendettas to attend her public funeral at High Hide. Tribal Selectman Pete Landers braodcast an unprecedented statement of regret on open channels. Monuments honoring Bazán's contributions to the general welfare of all mission survivors were built in the University's Razvitia-Progress Base, Morgan Medical Complex, and at U.N. High Commission. Bazán was one of the few Chironian personalities that Hive acolytes were required to study: the Chairman held her up as an exemplar of intellectual rigor and selfless service.


Image is " Girl Spacesuit Cinematic " by FireFelix 1976 on DeviantArt. Created using AI tools.

May 27, 2024 at 5:06 PM #399

Concept artist's sketch of the Vietnam-era Convair Model 49 Advance Aerial Fire Support System.
At P/E ratios of 1.31 and 1.74 respectively, the higher gravity and air pressure of Planet called for aircraft to have much greater lift potential. The U.N. recruited Embry-Riddle University to tender a range of designs for civil purposes, which led, in turn, to conversations with American aerospace manufacturers including Convair. The latter returned with the exhumed corpse of a project previously abandoned in the 1960s: the Model 49 Advance Aerial Fire Support System, a variable-geometry aircraft consisting of a cockpit hinged to an annular wing that also served as the turbofan housing. Powerful, fast, compact, and futuristic, the nontraditional air-frame was immediately appealing.

Model 49s had seen limited wartime service with the French Far East Expeditionary Corps Armée de l’Air in Indochina, where they proved highly vulnerable to the Viet Minh’s Soviet-supplied anti-aircraft batteries, but went on to contribute mightily to French success in Algeria against another guerilla enemy with far less means and on terrain where air support had virtually free reign.

The Convair “Rattler,” so named because the craft resembled a poised snake in hover-fire mode, performed low-altitude reconnaissance on Chiron. An atomic battery power pack solved known problems with fuel economy. U.N. mechanics installed cameras in the empty gun pods. The Rattler was maintenance-intensive and, without a second engine, dangerous, but nobody could dispute that it was airworthy.

Few factions possessed the armament to bring one down in flight, and it was an easy choice to rearm the vehicle for combat, a practice that appears to have begun with the Hunters of Chiron, which began by installing a 30mm chain gun taken up from salvage. Fed with incendiary rounds, it became a legendary mainstay of the faction’s “’fung-busting” program.


A Rutherford-Blackett Plant in the Achatës Desert. These Shaper facilities used alpha particle bombardment to force the ejection of independent oxygen atoms from nitrogen gas. Free oxygen was then returned to Chiron’s atmosphere.

Part of the appeal of the Rutherford-Blackett Process was that it avoided the creation of byproduct carbon, an input more useful to native life systems than oxygen.

Industrial processes such as these were similar in scope and technique to the reactions used by the International Space Program during the terraforming of Mars, an undertaking in which tens of thousands of First Generation colonists had participated. However, there was a critical difference between the two contexts in that, on Chiron, the introduction of excess oxygen favored the proliferation of Terran flora.


At the invitation of the New 2000, Shaper barges dumped oxygen-secreting algal compounds in the Slowwind Delta with the intention of fostering an environment conducive for Terran aquaculture.

First image is from an article by Garrett Ettinger on SlashGear. Learn more at Diseno-Art.com’s article on the Convair Model 49.

Second image is “Spaceport-13” by Coristo4 on DeviantArt.

On Ernest Rutherford’s work, and the role of Kevin Blackett, see both this article from the University of Manchester and this one from the LENR Reference Site.

On Chironian chemistry, see the contributions of user Snow Fire to this 1999 conversation on the Alpha Centauri Forums. These appear to be based on the original notes of Del Cotter, a fan consultant responsible for the planetology of Chiron.

Third image is “bottom of the Aquaria’a sea” by tshael on DeviantArt.

Jun 1, 2024 at 8:52 PM #401

By 2071, French logistics genius Ives Cernout was one of the wealthiest men on Planet Earth.

Born 1999, Oran, Algeria. Family’s Tlemcen winery lost to 2015 grape phylloxera . Two older brothers killed with 11e régiment parachutiste de choc during cross-border operations in Tunisia in same year. Father committed suicide after his last-surviving son was disenrolled from London School of Economics over unpaid tuition.

Cernout the Younger soon found work as an aide to National Assembly député for Tlemcen, Luigi Tagliaferro ( Le Parti de l’Algérie française , PAF), a longstanding friend of the family. Subject was well-known within pieds-noir enclaves in Oran and Algiers, canvassing for PAF in city parks and manifesting a constant presence on Minitel chat forums dedicated to " La question algérienne." Numerous oral histories of the Organisation armée secrèt- prepetrated June Massacres in 2020 recall that subject plead for calm, confronting vigilantes unsuccessfully in the streets. A concurrent stay in hospital appears to confirm these sightings, and Cernout carried facial scars for the rest of his life.

Cernout was a natural at politics, combining a voracious appetite for work with a keen danger-sense. After pulling him off the streets, Tagliaferro used him primarily as a researcher and analyst to push pet projects, effectively completing the education Cernout had begun to pursue in England. The latter was a senior staffer and ghostwriter behind the influential Fornier Report advocating for Herman Sörgel's vision of a hydroelectric dam at Gibraltar to combat rising sea levels, a feat for which he was made an honorary member of the Atlantropa Institute. Cernout also published a series of monographs on the critical role of the French military in African "stability operations" and the Algerian economy as a means to shore up flagging public support for continued spending on colonial defense. The books so alarmed Morgan Industries that it lodged a formal complaint with the French Government, naming Cernout. One of the report's major contributors was the already-infamous Contre-amirale Raoul André St. Germaine. The navy man still remembered Cernout decades later, telling presenters for Planet: A History that, "The little rat had a sort of low cunning, but a heart that also bled for the little guy."

By 2025, Tagliaferro's political career was in shambles following a series of corruption trials. Cernout had a brief stint as an adviser to reconciliationist PAF députés during the Évian Talks . He then rejoined his master in exile to found a freight-handling company, Merauciel, the following year. The corruption-fat Lafourcade presidency funneled a series of major contracts to the loyal Tagliaferro in support of French interests in Canadian Quebec, French Polynesia, and the Near East.

From 2027-2032, then again from 2034-2037, Cernout oversaw Merauciel’s assets in joint enterprise with the Soviet Ministry of the Merchant Marine for resupply of Soviet Venutian habitats. He acquired the reputation of a "fixer" able to secure deals with the most difficult clients, closing profitable deals with the Yugoslavian, Greek, and Israeli governments,


Soviet refineries above Venus supplied the enormous quantities of nitrogen necessary for the terraformation of Mars, earning crucial hard currency that kept the Soviet economy--and those of its many clients--afloat through the worst legs of its race with the United States and Japan. Half that output was transported by Merauciel.

Following Tagliaferro's retirement, Cernout was named Merauciel's Chief Executive Officer in 2038. His tenure commenced with aggressive and successful efforts to increase Merauciel’s South American market share at the expense of Morgan Industries. Both companies were censured by the United Nations over their role in supplying a proxy war in the Peruvian Amazon that eventually led to open hostilities between Spanish Peru and Portuguese Brazil. A grateful Portugal engaged Merauciel to convey much of their barge-based strategic deterrent on the Amazon, the Limpopo, and the Tagus, and the company staked its reputation (successfully through 2071) on a spotless safety record, periodically announcing the apprehension of Morgan-financed saboteur rings.

Subject’s novel solution for breaking into unfriendly markets was to underwrite humanitarian operations through a front company, Aide Mobile . The venture was blacklisted by multiple Western governments that labeled it a blatant money-laundering operation but Merauciel won numerous concessions from Turkish, Chilean, and Iranian governments impressed with the effectiveness of its seismic mitigations and was one of few international corporations with a positive public image in the Southern Hemisphere. A twenty-year longitudinal study by USAID provided strong evidence of a direct correlation between Merauciel investments and statistically significant increases in a country's Human Development Index score. In 2040, the bloodless replacement of Rio Grande do Sul dictator João Soares, a man once called “Nwabudike Morgan’s bought-and-paid-for strongman,” with local Aide mobile executives on a tidal wave of street protest suggested the power of Cernout’s methods.

His rising wealth meant that Cernout was drawn back into politics, rubbings shoulders with the eminent cybernetics expert Johann Anhaldt. In a rare misstep, he became associated with the Duplessis Government's disastrously unpopular attempt to hollow out France's civil service.

Merauciel was active as a sub-contractor on the Unity Project from 2041. Cernout’s personal remarks on the mission were generally positive, though he frequently challenged the U.N.’s predictions of an imminent mass human extinction event. He was nominated as a member of the French national contingent in 2054 and officially present as an observer and factor on behalf of Merauciel, which furnished a contingent of two thousand specialists expected to build on the preliminary infrastructure laid by the Forward Contact Teams. Like other commercial factors, Cernout's supervisory authorities were suspended for a period of five years after Planetfall, subject to review by Mission Command.


The Merauciel contringent included two Puceron -class geological survey landers ("hoppers," in popular parlance) to evaluate local geological conditions in support of grading work, along with the experienced pilots and ground crew to operate them. Here, a Puceron- class lander conducts surveillance sampling on the Martian moon of Phobos.

Like many corporatists, Cernout first made common cause with Roshann Cobb only to become disillusioned by his mismanagement of the Struan's operation on the ground. After a half-dozen Merauciel personnel were nerve-stapled at Cobb's direction over what Cernout considered minor deficiencies in performance of their work, he issued hand weapons to the remainder and had most decamp to an abandoned outpost soon renamed Refus --refusal. It thus took little encouragement for Cernout to take an active part in the palace coup that brought “Joiner” Banes to power within the Dreamer faction by diverting a significant portion of White Rabbit base militia off-site to escort bogus trade caravans.

To Cernout, Merauciel was a junior partner to the larger Struan's colonization effort of which Cobb was theoretically the titular head. Cobb was expected to assume the operating cost of the Merauciel contingent and reserve a portion of faction productivity each cycle as Merauciel's service fee, an arrangement commonly observed elsewhere on Chiron. Alternatives included the Saber Corporation's colony in the Chironian antarctic, where the proprieter, Dole Yudikon, organized his workers into something more akin to serfdom through his personal control over a preponderance of base resources, and the profit-sharing approach favored initially by Nwabudike Morgan and Oscar van de Graaf, which divided faction outputs into personal shares.

Actor Jason Isaacs is Ives Cernout.

Second image is " Stratospheric Colony " by Phade01 on DeviantArt.

Third image is " spacebot " by ukimalefu on DeviantArt.

For thoughts on the Venutian contribution to a solar economy, see the conversation in this reddit space.
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Jun 6, 2024 at 9:00 PM #402


Akeichi Kaiden, as seen in a self-commissioned portrait in 2062. Like his contemporary Nwabudike Morgan, Kaiden cultivated false connections to historical figures.

Akeichi Kaiden was a factor on the Unity Mission and, as of 2070, one of the five wealthiest people in the Sol System. He was Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of the Aoi Kōri Group, which specialized in the manufacture and programming of industrial control systems. Aoi Kōri developed and marketed the KnS domain-specific programming language, best known by its English translation, Steel Shark.

Kaiden was born in October 1998 aboard Deep Ocean Complex 4, proximate to the Ogasawara Islands. Both parents were oxygenation technicians. Kaiden attended Grand Pacific University on scholarships funded by the Global Human Resource Project, earning a juris doctor with concentration in space law. He worked ten years as an associate with Nishimura & Asahi, mostly on cases brought by Comprehensive Transport, before accepting a position with Aoi Kōri Office of General Counsel. In 2033, Kaiden promoted to head of the company’s storied IT division, making waves for early termination of contracts with low-cost Eastern European code farms, which until then had been a mainstay of the firm’s cost-competitiveness. This move was premised on anonymous leaks to Japanese newspapers claiming that Aoi Kōri corporate security had thwarted WARPAC plants from inserting exploits into the KnS product—leaks later determined by investigative reporters to have originated in Kaiden’s own office. The security scare overcame Comprehensive Transport’s cost-consciousness, ending in landmark contracts for Aoi Kōri to undertake CT fleet upgrades in 2039 and again in 2047.


A Kyoto University student uses kinesthetic aids to explore Malcolm Geometry while writing machine code for the Aoi Kōri Group. Note the highly illegal cigarettes in the ash tray at bottom right. Kaiden appealed to patriotic sentiment during the Code Farm Scandal, urging Japanese coders to "pick up the slack."

The Aoi Kōri Group saw off a major effort by Struan’s Pacific Trading Company to enter the code market for low-gravity terraforming equipment in 2052, during which Aoi Kōri executives relied heavily on Kaiden’s advice. What followed was nothing less than a secret war waged between the two conglomerates on Earth and in space. The Burūhando (“Blue Hand”) criminal syndicate was said to be a front for Aoi Kōri to pursue the matter. Kaiden escaped two public assassination attempts in which more than a dozen total bystanders were injured or killed and was rumored to have personally authorized the murders of several Struan’s assets seconded from MI6. During this time, there were several high-profile abductions of key Aoi Kōri personnel, mostly programmers. Similarities were quickly discovered in Struan’s and Aoi Kōri products that led Kaiden to accuse Struan’s of the crimes—and of field-testing its neurological “compliance” tools on the victims.

The greatest test of Kaiden’s leadership skill occurred in 2068 when Morgan Industries mission auditors working for Johann Anhaldt’s Atomic Energy Laboratory Division discovered that artificial intelligence products installed by Aoi Kōri on Unity’s master computer had independently reset and modified authorization protocols for reactor operation to achieve faster decision times, leading to the compulsory introduction of hunter-killer code devised by Chief Engineer Prokhor Zakharov. (This solution was adopted over a more extreme proposal from head of Data Services Tạ Dọc Thân to rip out and replace the system entirely.)

Kaiden was also a major stockholder in Skand Shipwright Corporation and sat on their board of directors, in which capacity he chaired a committee responsible for long-range planning. In 2069, the committee was investigated by the Japanese government in response to American allegations of financial improprieties over bids cast in the Race for Mimas. Skand installed Unity’s heat cladding.

As CEO of Aoi Kōri Group, Kaiden announced in April 2071, just months before mission launch, that he would personally vouch for the safety of his company’s products by joining the Unity Mission under corporate charter, bringing with him more than four thousand company workers. Skeptics claimed that the U.N. had actually forced Aoi Kōri to commit such massive resources to Unity as a failsafe, leaving Kaiden no choice.

Kaiden landed on Planet aboard a Colony Pod that also contained hundreds of other Aoi Kōri personnel, including dozens of suspected Burūhando members, providing the makings of a homogeneous colony. After a difficult first year in which they confronted the limitations of an independent approach, Kaiden led his followers into alliance with Annunciator Sathieu Metrion’s Legacy Initiative. Aoi Kōri resources were then redirected to the company’s traditional mainstay activities of equipment programming, in which connection they mostly contracted with both the Shapers of Chiron and J.T. Marsh’s Planet-Hunters.

From MY12, Kaiden served as architect of the Initiative’s strategy in its vendetta with Morgan Industries. The contest had originated in the Initiative’s decision to make public company information contained within recovered data caches.
First image is of actor Tadanobu Asano as Kashigi Yabushige from the series Shōgun .

Second image is " cyberpunk hacker ," a tribute to William Gibson by mercikos on DeviantArt.

Malcolm Geometry is a tip of the hat to chaos theorist Ian Malcolm from Michael Crichton's Jurassic Park . The original book contained some great first impressions of GUI.
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Jun 9, 2024 at 10:15 AM #403

Planetcultists arrive for worship at Worm's Lair.

Several features of this im-cap are noteworthy, including the Cult's use of local river-bottom clays as an energy-efficient building material, the lightning conductors that draw static electricity as a supplemental power source, and the murmurations of Locusts of Chiron in the distance at left.


Seneschal Dame Ketziah Stockton presents for questioning by the Kritarchy.

Guilt over the past misdeeds of the faction's "Silver Cross" raiding parties, so-called because of the prominent faith devices worn over their space suits, caused Sister Godwinson to shrink from military operations for more than a decade once the Conclave brought its food situation under control. However, as her hold over the faithful began to slip, Godwinson's concerns for both her personal safety and the continuity of her ministry began to rise, leading to the establishment of the Blood Guard in MY40, a military order separate from the faction militia.


Final workup on Unity's bridge, sometime in January 2071, eleven months before mission launch.

Racks of data reels containing the latest updates to the ship's machine code are still being formatted.

A screen in the background appears to show sonar returns, probably connected to last-minute inventories for false compartments then being conducted by Morgan Metasignals at the behest of the Mission Standards Board.

Notice the wheeled cart behind the robot at center. The computers used aboard
Unity were often older than the technicians who kept them in good repair for the fifty years it took to complete the ship. International Business Machine, better known by its acronym IBM, built entire lines of "mobile" diagnostic machines that it sold exclusively to United Nations contractors for the purpose of communicating with its defunct products.

First image is " Journey Through the Desert of Forgotten Futures " by Clarojoko on DeviantArt. Created using AI tools.

Second image is " Captain Juliette de Sade, Battle of Efate 1108 " by zhez4 on DeviantArt. Created using AI tools.

Third image is " The Information Age " by eddie-mendoza on DeviantArt.

Aug 8, 2024 at 5:56 PM #441

A d elegation of the Lord's Conclave tours Social Promise apartments at Bentham's Blockhouse. Lottery-winning residents lived in comparative luxury, but under the tightest commitment to operant conditioning. Their every domestic action was subject to scrutiny by passersby, never mind the colony's overseers, and they learned quickly to demonstrate faultlessly virtuous behavior, if only for the promise of continuing rewards. Their commandant, Sardul Singh, boasted that not even thinking machines were as reliable.


University faculty feasted the senses to enliven the mind. The dome of this observatory contains a greenhouse rich with all manner of Gaian hybrids. Heat trapped beneath the glass is piped to lower levels, including the panoramic study just below.
Évariste Vertien said:
English, French, Chinese, Spanish, Esperanto: these are the languages we use to speak amongst ourselves. Mathematics: that is the language we use to speak to everything not human. - Turing Award Winner, Datalinks


Using insights from series analysis of more than a century of factory error logs and the theories of computer science giant Avi Wigderson, transcendental mathematician Évariste Vertien, an employee of Morgan Codyne, gives computer programmers a new and more extensive machine language that, because of various self-terminating triggers, is believed “incompatible with the spontaneous emergence of digital sentience.”
First image is Future City-PlanetI11 by AlexTavern on DeviantArt. Created using AI tools.

Second image is Future City-PlanetO6 by AlexTavern on DeviantArt. Created using AI tools.

Actor Ato Essandoh in "Away" is our Évariste Vertien.

Aug 10, 2024 at 5:57 AM #442
Commandant Sardul Singh said:
In law as in architecture, it is far easier to build what is rigid than what flexes—and much less useful. - The Third Reformation


The factory floor at Morgan Assembly. Vats containing print medium are moved in place by trolley. At center right, printing arms await the transmission of their next instruction. Overhead television cameras give operators telepresence , allowing them to closely observe local conditions and control the machinery in real time without the need for expensive protections.

carried a dizzying abundance of tools to help the first colonies rapidly establish themselves on Chiron. Alongside old standbys like sonic hammers, impact wrenches, and welding torches were 3D and 4D printers. Each Landing Pod was stocked with at least two tons of liquid polymer in external holding tanks.

Traditional 3D printing created rigid objects from inorganic or static materials, but using programmable and organic inputs, the Third Generation made objects that could change shape according to their environment, or simply with the passage of time. The results were particularly useful in the making of superior valves and seals.


Shaper grav-freighters depart with the spoils produced during a successful environmental remediation project at Castle Morgan-Reilly.

The catch-all term "anti-grav" usually referred to the "almost holy" combination of monopole magnets with organic superlubricants, but for two short decades of the Third Generation is could also mean low-yield thermodynamic thrusters. Far more reliable than the turbofans that powered conventional hovercraft, they were relied upon particularly for the transportation of volatile cargoes.


Artist's depiction of a scratch-built salvage vehicle used by the Human Tribe. Note the very narrow wheelbase. This claw-loader was retrofitted to the body of a cargo tug. The diesel-electric power plant, although heavy in it sown right, was still an inadequate counter-weight for the crane, placing a very low ceiling on load capacity.

After the colonists find shelter and treat the worst-injured, they race to find and pick through the still-smoldering Unity wreckage for anything of potential value, from A-beams to zircon sand. This is no small task: special techniques and equipment are required to deal with the heavy radiation, punishing gravity, howling storms, and lack of breathable atmosphere.

Landing Pod workshops run quintuple shifts to convert every vehicle at hand for the all-important work of picking Unity's corpse. Knowing that every delay risks the loss of irreplaceable finds, they give life to small fleets of ludicrous, even deadly-dangerous machines.

First image is " Sci-Fi Factory " by JoakimOlofsson on DeviantArt.

Second image is " Mobile Autonomous Toxic Waste Disposal Unit " by MackSztaba on DeviantArt.

Third image is " A-96 Chatarrero " by highdarktemplar on DeviantArt.

Aug 11, 2024 at 10:54 AM #443

Hive overseers relax over mushroom beer and fungal gin at the end of watch.

That he already envisioned a future in which the need for human social interaction would be curbed by technological intervention, the Chairman was a realist and he made provision to strengthen the camaraderie within that class of persons on whose careful supervision his great scheme, to say nothing of his own personal safety, depended. Rumors abounded that the Chairman knew about their abuse of his chit system--the black market trade in drink redeemables that helped some to get drunk--and actually tolerated the practice because brawls between Hive Security and the drones hardened the former's determination to preserve the existing power structure.

Studying this picture, one is drawn to the neon glow of advertisements. These are not evidence of deals with the Morganites. Knowing full well the power of subliminal messaging, the Chairman and his acolytes designed what are today known as shadow brands. Their purpose was to provide the false experience of choice while simultaneously emphasizing themes of the Chairman's choosing.


Tribal holdouts somewhere in the Mexican Sonora, c. 2060.

The lifestyle practiced by a generation of Tribals on Earth translated perfectly to the scarcity conditions on Chiron. This was a group used to bottling every liquid for subsequent investigation, cooking every meat, and letting no call to service go unanswered. In his Talmudic Essays on Mind and Matter , Sheng-ji Yang named Keller City, not one of his own bases, as the ultimate expression of the eusocial ethic.

Alone among the factions, Tribal morale soared after escaping Unity . For them alone, the Landing Pods were wondrous storehouses filled to brimming with items most had only ever read about.
Field Marshal Bernard Montgomery said:
If we lose the war in the air, we lose the war and lose it quickly. - Datalinks


Soviet Tu-180 (Air Standardization Coordinating Committee name: Breaker ) was a supersonic, tailless, delta-wing, long-range penetration stealth bomber based on designs stolen from Avro Aircraft in 1982. This picture was taken somewhere over Ethiopia's Ogaden Province between 2002 and 2055, when Soviet strategic air forces operated in the Horn of Africa supporting the Derg regime.
Air power often played a decisive role in the conflicts of the twenty-first century. In places where they could operate with impunity, even comparatively small air forces punched far above their weight. It was no exaggeration to say that the white settler regimes of Africa were underwritten through their access to the machines of Aérospatiale. Helicopters sped elite light infantry to the very heart of enemy country where they could do the most damage. The armored Soviet Hind and its many derivatives were crucial to the successes of Moscow's partners in both Afghanistan and Sudan at the close of TwenCen, as well as to the fortunes of Morgan Industries, which operated more than two hundred heavily-modified versions of the airframes worldwide by 2050. The parachute brigade of Vesper Abaddon's terrible Gathi Republican Guard division rode to its stunning victories in surplus Hueys , hewing to the cheap airframe despite repeated disasters owing to age. The steadfast loyalty of key U.S. Air Force bases bought crucial time for the federal governments of both Canada and the United States to consolidate other forces and call up reserves in the Mid-Atlantic, New England, and West Coat during the height of state and provincial defections that put so much modern equipment into rebel hands, much of which was blasted apart before it could make a difference.

After the first few skirmishes on Chiron, some strategists posit that dominance in the air is the crucial, or even the only, requirement for assured victory, but the high gravity and dense atmosphere, along weaknesses in logistical support capabilities, at first render such thinking moot.
First image is " The Fallout Nighthawks - v3 " by bassicallydoug on DeviantArt. Created using AI tools.

Second image is " Post Apocalyptic Scavenger Camp " by AJCamara on DeviantArt. Created using AI tools.

Third image is " 1990s Soviet Sealth Bomber Jet " by Jesse2020 on DeviantArt. Created using AI tools.

Aug 14, 2024 at 6:27 PM #444

Spartan scout inspects an analog tape deck recovered from the ruins of an overrun Morganite trade depot. The very low resolution of even the most-advanced playback devices during this era, compared to the enormous overall volume of tape brought down by the survivors, make this plunder extraordinarily valuable.
The recipe for civilization
Each Landing Pod contained a library of pre-recorded survival literature--a "how-to" guide for restarting civilization in 1-megabyte morsels. Mission planning guidelines called for as many as 56,000 colonists, an eighth of the total, to participate in knowledge recovery activities after Planetfall. With populations of only a few thousand, the surviving colonies were looking at centuries worth of review and indexing, and that was assuming they triaged skillfully. Even Spartans did not disdain to make librarians from soldiers whenever possible, recognizing that knowledge had a power all its own.

A great and terrible blight on the American soul
On her right shoulder are the proud and notorious symbols of an unreconstructed Holnist: the homepsun Jolly Rodger over thirteen bloody stripes. Given her youthful appearance, that patch may be her most authentic association with the original movement, a suggestion further supported by the frank reverence she pays the tape deck. The First Generation looked upon Unity's antiquated equipment with the kind of frustration that is only possible after having experienced far better, but for their children, those same technologies were Glittering Tomorrow.

Handmade kit
This individual wears the jury-rigged fuel tank for a flame-thrower, essential in case the raiding party encounters mindworms. (Air filters and supplemental oxygen were customarily worn on the opposing hip by most Spartans, and are not visible.)
Image is " the astronaut wish " by PriyaPixel on DeviantArt. Created using AI tools.

Aug 15, 2024 at 9:49 PM #445

Hopper pilots operate in enemy airspace. Note the psychedelic effect of enemy jamming on the wall-mounted television.

To make money, Charterists were first prepared to spend it. These hirelings of the New 2000 enjoy the special protections of the MATS suit, an early example of what became known as techwear. The MATS was first marketed by an obscure electronics R&D house, Five-Qelom Start, to national space agencies in 1982 and, despite being rejected for its very high unit cost, remained very near the gold standard for pilots a century later.

MATS innovations included a front-mounted oxygen tank that made it far easier to diagnose error and very thorough fire-proofing.

While smart clothing operates automatically, reading the unconscious physical signals of the body, its antecedent, techwear, requires human intervention. MATS suits offered the simple interface of a shoulder-mounted remote-control to initiate rapid cooling, heating, pressure inversion, and carapace ejection at the user's discretion.


Damage controllers (red), heavy rescue crew (yellow), and pipefitters (blue) pause to hotwash a training evolution. Vandenburg Air Force Base, October 2034.
First image is from the movie UFO and was found on the Scifi Art tumblr page .

Second image is from Outland (1981) and was shared on a post from January 3, 203 by user DazzlerFan on therpf.com.

Aug 17, 2024 at 6:25 AM #446
First Netizen Rhodan Marter said:
The answer lay in an application of Recursive Theory. We were agreed that human programmers simply lacked the capacity to police so much code. But we already have machines for that. Robots surveilling robots: force the goalkeeper to play against itself! - Botmaster


Final broadcast from the E.U.S. Jókai, 12 August 1997.

No less noteworthy a figure than King David of the Israelites suffered the tragedy of filial perfidy. There was more to come. The first criminal killing of a man by a robot occurred in 1986 when the Atlantic City Police Department produced evidence that a robotic pit boss "spontaneously" pursued a suspected thief into the parking lot of the Gommorah Casino and struck him dead with a blow to the chest. In August 1997, the world was gripped by a gruesome spree committed aboard the European Union chemical surveyor Jókai en route to Venus. A French Prime-Numérique X-81 custodial automaton, which had recently been updated with secondary security duties, slaughtered the entire complement of eight human crew and passengers after an hour-long conversation with a rescued Soviet cosmonaut led it to the conclusion that everyone aboard was a Communist.

In MY203, Ascendancy Net Worker Rhodan Marter supplies the mathematical proofs, based in power law, to add a new corollary to the dictates of Disk Obedience: that a few large robots will throw fewer errors, and prove more susceptible to human control, than many small ones. Warden Machines of relatively great computational power soon supervise large networks of lesser-capacity robots.

Among societies determined not to trigger the spontaneous emergency of digital sentience--an outcome that Doctrine: Disk Obedience ties to the diversity of thinking machines and their mean rate of error distribution--these "Bot Nets" prove irresistible. How else to avoid stunting the size of their labor force?

Rhodan Marter's name is a tribute to Perry Rhodan.

Image is from TheBBRobot's tumblr. Original credit appears to belong to Ed Valighursky.
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Aug 18, 2024 at 9:46 AM #447

An Ascendancy neuroscientist monitors the creation of engrams in captive test subjects. Polymorphic Software has transformed the digital tablet into a more intuitive work surface.

CEO Nwabudike Morgan said:
Memory, like experience, changes its value according to the beholder. Only sentiment turns a house into a home. To everyone else, it is just an arrangement of bricks. Our modern science can show you exactly where your loved one is stacked. - Meeting Minutes, Morgan MemoryLink

In 2024, Chinese neuroscientist Wu Kong Ho became the first to completely describe the physical creation of memory in humans, a process known as engramatics . As TwenCen researchers had begun to suspect, engrams had more in common with natural systems like the vegetable's root or the spider's web than they did with anything uniform, even though it became common practice to mischaracterize memories as interchangeable "bricks."

Subsequent research assumed two fundamental avenues for memory retrieval: unconscious "automatic" recall, which was triggered by stimuli beyond the individual's direct control, and strategic or intentional recall. Using optogenetics, the University of Planet's biology faculty eventually isolated the unique features and storage locations of engrams as they related to the five senses.

Annunciator Sathieu Metrion said:
Memory is the real stuff of intelligence. Imagine two libraries. One has only a few books. I stipulate: these can be found quickly and contain few errors. The other has a thousand items of varying quality. Which would you prefer? - An Ancient Architecture

Behaviorists taught nascent Thinkers the fundamentals of Memory Extension, a craft by which to initiate the creation of particularly strong memories by linking them to routinized behaviors that could be easily repeated. These practices, which the Dreamers found imprinted as webs nine times as often as roots, gave Thinkers access to a larger, more accurate set of mental information.

Image is " Oa-22-12-2023-dad-igd (68) " by Coolhotcat on DeviantArt. Created using AI tools.

Aug 21, 2024 at 8:25 PM #448
Hi, all. Revisiting the character profile for Commandant Sardul Singh of the Watchers of Chiron. I would greatly appreciate your thoughts and feedback. This is our "Panopticon" faction, but with a twist.

Special thanks to Strategos' Risk for his insightful recommendations regarding Singh's background.

Brigadier Sardul Singh said:
Is it more pleasing to my fellows than to myself? That is the most essential question of law you shall ever learn. - Restoring the Body


Service Record:
Born Srinagar, Jammu and Kashmir. Father, an assistant inspector-general of provincial prisons. Mother, a poet laureate of India. Studied engineering and public administration at IIT-Madras. Rallied for Technocratic Party of India (TPI). MS in criminology from Southwest University of Political Science and Law, Chongqing. PhD in public health, University of Toronto. Thesis applied Gestaltism to criminal rehabilitation, arguing that prisons offered controlled settings in which inmates could receive “a multivariate battery of personalized therapies capable of restoring their full commitment to the commonweal.” Recommended core curriculum included art, literature, theater, physical exercise, rhetorical training, and volunteer work, especially in high-risk vocations (as an outlet for natural aggression). Commissioned into Indian Prison Service at age 23.

Led project to update national corrections protocols, the first comprehensive reform since 1894, formally abolishing use of caste distinctions to guide prisoners’ treatment during incarceration. This work gained significant attention internationally as part of global dialogue around the competing imperatives of the corrections mission: isolation, reformation, or retribution. (During this period, prison populations were skyrocketing worldwide. India’s rose from less than 50 people incarcerated per 100,000 in 2008, which was among the world’s lowest rates, to more than 10,000 by 2050.) Rapid promotion to assistant superintendent.

Like most Indians, suffered immensely due to Six-Minute War. Mobilized for 782 continuous days without furlough in 2044-46. Wife and both parents killed during Pakistani invasion. Only child, Gurveer, an architect, convicted in 2048 of defrauding survivors and sentenced to 40 years detention. Amidst public outcry, removed from provincial leadership post and made governor of Special Jail Samba, which housed high-risk inmates.

Selling contracts for inmate labor, made extensive improvements to prison services, including new library and enhanced hospital facilities. Hired hundreds of additional civilian support staff. Impressed superiors by bringing incident rates down to 1/10th of prison system average. Awarded special commendation for organizing convict work gangs to perform liquidation duties in high-radiation zones. In 2055, forbade assembly of robotic wardens sent by provincial authorities while successfully pursuing exemption to continue employing human warders. Installed extensive telemonitoring systems and required inmates to watch and discuss their own behaviors on a daily basis.

Extensively researched emerging field of engramatics, publicly endorsing theories that criminal behavior could be traced to a combination of genetic predisposition and environmental factors. Expressed optimism that engram de-expression could help make social misfits more susceptible to positive change. Rewarded inmates who participated in clinical drug trials offered by Struan’s Pharmaceuticals, HK. ( Times of India exposé alleged coercion, never proven.) From 2050-60, consulted on the design of numerous maximum security detention protocols in USSR, China. Appointed Chief Consultant for Corrections, U.N. Mission to Alpha Centauri, 2062.

Appointed Minister of Law and Justice in TPI national unity government, 2066. Accused by opposition parties of corruption for involvement in favorable deal with Struan's Pharmaceuticals to supply Indian Health Service. Private investigations further revealed that of 14 executions over which individual had presided at Samba, they had halted each one on grounds of unsuitable equipment and quietly returned the condemned to detention. First offer of resignation rejected by PM Talwar; later accepted following Gurveer’s death while undergoing neural re-socialization in September of same year. Subject then granted permission to join Unity crew. Following interview with Captain Jonathan Garland, elevated to post of Commandant, Corrections Services Unit. Unsuccessfully opposed inclusion of resocialized prisoners.

Note: Subject’s posting to Unity was formally protested by Struan’s Pacific Trading Company, citing “unresolved litigation with Mr. Singh regarding culpability in the death of a family member.”

Psych Profile: Architect
Service records and background interviews with subject’s known associates indicate high commitment to values of equity, mercy, service, and education, but commitment to the ideal of rehabilitation may cause subject to reject sound science that challenges their personal conviction in the essential goodness of human nature.

Physically courageous. .92 on Atherholt Trauma Function Test.

Leans heavily on reinforcement as a teaching method, often to the exclusion of punishment. “People-first approach” readily diffuses potentially dangerous situations.

Unresolved guilt over son’s death will possibly bias subject against Struan’s Pacific Trading Company.

What is the fundamental truth of the universe? People are essentially good.

Why did civilization on Earth fail? Too many were allowed to lose their relationship to the commonweal.

What is needed for the survival of the human species on Chiron?
A comprehensive program to teach and reinforce the basics of civic excellence.

Image is of Brigadier General (Ret.) Sarbjit Singh of the Republic of Singapore Air Force.
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Aug 25, 2024 at 7:31 PM #449

Watch-vid still of a Hive Security trooper in ballistic fiber armor, M.Y. 1.
The picture is unusual for two reasons. First, the subject's age is well beyond mission norms. Until 2050, recruiting was limited to candidates younger than thirty, with exceptions made only for senior command positions. Later, additional carve-outs were granted to specialists recruited for Charter colonies and refugees assigned through the Stellar Lifeboat Project.

Factions often struggled to meet the requirements of their older members. Healthcare resources, already limited, were rarely available for health maintenance. Outnumbered, more senior personnel also struggled politically to find voice in factions where resources might be divided according to work output--a sore point that left those of superior age pointing to long histories of professional and technical competence that supposedly contributed to base viability in less tangible ways. Within the Human Hive, however, Chairman Yang's philosophy made few concessions to age in either direction, and the faction's security force inducted anyone who could meet its standards. This soldier clearly exceeded them, or else he would not have been so well-equipped. The insignia on this soldier's shoulder pauldrons denote non-commissioned rank, raising the further possibility that this man was a veteran of Terran wars, and therefore valued for his tactical acumen or leadership abilities.

Second, the trooper is armed with a shredder rifle, a rare addition to the ship's armory. It was an unpopular weapon. Together, a rear-mounted power pack and counterbalancing front IR sight made it exceptionally heavy, while its increased range over pistol variants was immaterial at the close quarters in which shredders were to be used. The rifle also took unique large-caliber rounds that were themselves heavy and, thanks to very small production runs, rare.

The chest-mounted control panel is for a subcutaneous injection system. During the evacuation from Unity, Hive scavengers located very large volumes of Stimulant Formulation 4, a narcotic cocktail of caffeine, amphetamines, synthetic adrenaline, and other ingredients marketed by Struan's Pharmeceuticals as an ergogenic. U.N. Mission Planners intended that the "Stims" be distributed widely as a relief for exhaustion under Chiron's higher gravity but the Chairman reserved them for his fighting forces.

Ballistic fiber body armor was standard-issue for U.N. Security Forces, but their configuration consisted only of a flak jacket. This more complete set would have been sourced from a Charterist supply.
First image is " 00192-3084307928 Copy " by Dmitry-Vstavskih on DeviantArt. Created using AI tools.
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Aug 31, 2024 at 7:23 AM #450

Ergath , a Hive Thinker of Somali descent, was born in Erigavo, Puntland on May 22, 2020. Through devices supplied by U.S. AID, he completed eight years of taped instruction recorded by With of Corcai, a popular educator on the World Wide Web known only by their digital alias. Discovered by the Tomorrow Institute at age 14, he obtained a BA in mathematics, then read industrial ethics for an MA from the National University of Singapore, going on thereafter to MIT for a PhD in systems dynamics. His work focused on Büchi automata--the creation of machines capable of continuously calculating extremely complex multivariate equations with dynamic parameters--to be used in the de-confliction of orbital traffic. For three years, he worked as an analyst with the International Association for the Advancement of Space Safety in the Netherlands.

In 2053, at the urging of family, he returned to Puntland to join the faculty of Puntland State University, teaching courses on journalism and public service. During the emergency government of Imhat Darood, Ergath organized his students in opposition. He was briefly detained, tortured, and then exiled to Singapore, where he took employment as an Interlinks instructor with the U.N. Mission to Alpha Centauri, teaching civics to Data Services recruits.

Nominated in 2060 for inclusion in U.N. Mission to Alpha Centauri by the newly-convened Puntland National Selection Board. Ergath was given a primary billet of senior cargo marshal and a secondary billet in astrogation. He completed his mission training on-time in 2067 and was interred in cold sleep.

Ergath was aboard a Colony Pod that crash-landed in the Great Dunes at Planetfall. They were recovered by a Hive Security Force ranging during the M.Y. 2 Anti-Monsoon.

Imprisoned for his resistance to Hive strictures, Ergath was nonetheless a favorite prisoner of Chairman Sheng-ji Yang, and spared from harm. Gradually, he was prevailed upon to offer his services as an educator to his fellow survivors.

Our Ergath is actor Gary Beadle as Clem Andor in Andor .

Editor's Note:
In my original treatment, Ergath is a Hive soldier from Puntland who actually becomes a soldier for the IOEZ nation of Shiloh. Ergath was always a recruit of the Tomorrow Institute and an Interlinks student. With of Corcai is a character from another of my works in which Alexander the Great founds a dynasty on a lost continent that endures until World War One. He is a tutor in the Aristatotlean tradition. I wanted to establish the precedent in Racing the Darkness that there is an accepted trend by the twenty-first century of young people receiving a very high-quality, comprehensive primary and secondary education from recognized scholars via the Interlinks. It actually reminds me a bit of the public Internet debates occuring behind the scenes in Ender's Game.

In the end, this setting has many soldiers and is about to get more, so I decided to take Ergath in a different direction. He joins the Hive as a Thinker--this setting's version of Dune's Mentats.
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Sep 8, 2024 at 2:23 PM #452
Sedgel Meertens said:
A king is just a banker who spends men in place of money, and usually with less distress. - Kellerite militiaman


Regnal photograph of Silas I Benjamin, King of Shiloh

Biographical Record:
Silas Benjamin ( b. December 3, 2021 - d. February 28, 2054) was a controversial soldier and monarch in the Indian Ocean Exclusion Zone during the 21st Century. The story of his ascension to, and loss of, the crown of Shiloh is frequently invoked by both sides in the debate over Neo-monarchism.

[ In a 2023 treatment, Silas Benjamin was a regnal name for Alfred Siegfried, originally a trader in seal fur. Siegfried chose the name to imply descent from the ancient Israelites. I've reversed that decision, in part because this version of Benjamin actually does trace his lineage back that far through the Khaybar Jews. ]

The Four Brothers--agriculture Shiloh, arid Gath, theocratic Selah, and oil-rich Dan—were regions on the artificial continent of Shamash, a creation of the Indian Ocean Renewal Project begun in 1992 to combat rising sea levels and urban overcrowding in the Middle East. Initially united from the year 2000 as the United Nations Trust Territory of Carmel, each region received independence in 2026.

The House of Benjamin owed its precipitous rise to the loyalty of the ex-Carmelite Army, the unique political heritage of Shiloh's tiny population, and a series of bald-faced lies about its own wherewithal to independently fund the commandery’s industrialization.

Benjamin was born in Shiloh's capital, Gilboa, the child of high-ranking civil servants. His parents were recent immigrants from St. George's Island, which lay in the Arabian Sea some 200km due south of East Yemen. For centuries, the Benjamins had served as courtiers to St. George’s kings, who were descendants of Arabian Jewish and Christian refugees from the Islamic Conquest, including the Khaybar Jews, and continued to govern into the Twenty-First Century under a constitutional framework negotiated in 1920 as part of the Treaty of Sèvres. The elder Benjamins had been delegates to Carmel’s original constitutional convention.

Silas, a precocious and athletic child, received Interlink education via the American University of Beirut and then was commissioned into the Shiloh Defense Force. He later graduated from the U.S. Army School of the Americas, Panama, a credential that helped him secure rapid promotion in his country’s service. While a cadet, Benjamin took several meetings in the southern Caribbean with British agents seeking ties to the emerging Shamashi elite.

In 2023, Silas married Mirab bin Al-Harith, a direct descendant of the St. George monarchs. The Al-Hariths were in conflict with the Carmelite government over a plan to nationalize their pearl-diving operations. Doun Al-Harith, Mirab’s father, urged his son-in-law to plead the family’s case to Carmel’s prime minister, Dr. Leal ben Tab. About this same time, Benjamin was named an aide to Lieutenant General Linus Abner, Shilohne Army Chief of Staff.

At Abner's prompting in 2025, Benjamin was promoted to lead 2 Division, largest and most active of the three army field commands. Rumors circulated in the local press that ben Tab approved the appointment in hopes of reducing his contact with the young officer, whom he found brash. If so, it was not to be: with Abner, Benjamin successfully lobbied ben Tab to accept a British Army training mission that stayed on after the country's independence. Just two years later, Benjamin was acclaimed a national hero when armored cars under his command defeated Asidaph light tanks during a border skirmish in the Maravo Depression.

Apparent preferments from ben Tab, the social connections brokered by the Al-Hariths, and his well-publicized relationship with Western militaries helped others to see Benjamin as a power behind the civilian government in Gilboa--and a potential lever against it. Pressures increased when, in October 2038, ben Tab began to reevaluate his country's relationship with the British. The Soviet ambassador was making generous offers of investment and, amidst a flowering of Arab nationalist sentiment, East Yemen appeared likely to invade St. George’s to eject the Royal Air Force base there. Ben Tab grew despondent when His Majesty's Government declined to send help after two Soviet frigates violated Shilohne territorial waters. It was reportedly Doun Al-Harith who first proposed the idea that ben Tab might be ousted in favor of a monarch.

The global neo-monarchist movement began as a late TwenCen reaction within colonial settler societies to the possibility of national self-rule, which was guaranteed to destroy their political, social, and economic privilege. Reactionaries in Kenya and Algeria began sounding out their respective metropolitan royals. These strains of thinking then combined with the growing body of critical thought on Corporate Replacement, a euphemism for the privatization of government functions, which was gaining popularity in the United States as the federal government grappled with the spiraling cost of environmental disasters.

Frameworks of neo-monarchic government called for popular referenda to bequeath political power to a dynasty of their choice. “Modern monarchy” possessed several alleged virtues:
  • Elections were at best a distraction for the one doing the governing, and at worst an open invitation to moral turpitude.
  • Trust in government at all levels had declined steadily in the West since the 1970s--evidence that voters were incapable of exercising collective wisdom through their franchise.
  • Left to their own devices, voters will reliably choose fiction over fact. A monarch they choose is no worse than an oligarch they did not.
  • Regnal periods were likely to run far longer than periods of single-party dominance, so contracts and commitments issued by a monarch should prove that much more durable.
  • Inasmuch as it was believed that only wealthy families would be vested, monarchy supposedly created an opportunity for developing nations to stem capital flight by binding the (vast) personal fortunes of their chosen rulers to the public interest. (Carmel’s own short history as a haven for wealthy émigrés from the British Empire was a much-touted example.)
  • Whereas a corporation would be interested primarily in short-term gain, a ruling family could be expected to feel a much stronger obligation to their nation’s future welfare.
  • A monarch would have substantially greater power to quickly remove incompetent subordinates than was usually the case in the elected legislature, judiciary, or civil service of a democratic nation. Some went further, claiming that a royal court, even if comprised of sycophants and fools, could be no worse than divided government in a democracy, where voters sometimes also knowingly sent felons and fools to do the people's business.
  • The heir(s) would be free to receive a focused education reflecting the particular needs of the nation. They could be raised to fit the expectations of service, and would not pursue the executive's role incidentally as the putative "reward" for their outsized ambition or achievement in other fields.
  • Access to modern medicine, including genetic screening and longevity treatments, would counteract the chance of unsuitable heirs, an idea popularized by the Planitzer Group, a bioengineering firm that used the shelter of corporate self-government to raise more than 450 children from infancy to adulthood in a lab.
[ These elements make up the set of ideas about government with which Pahlavi and St. Germaine are most-inclined to engage since those are the two leaders who come closest to epitomizing the Neo-Monarchist ideal. St. Germaine is skeptical of democracy because he doubts voters' judgements. Pahlavi believes that leaders bred to the role are bound to be superior to those who are not. ]

Most Shilohnes were Iranians, Anglo-Burmese, and Hong Kongers--all familiar, even comfortable, with monarchy. To a certain set of their countrymen, the Pahlavis were regarded as vanguards of progressive thought, dangerous only to the retrograde, whereas former subjects of the British Empire had long since come to view their own distant sovereign’s protection as an essential brake against threats from the Chinese Communist Party. Then too, Struan’s Pacific Trading Company circulated Neo-Monarchist literature in hopes of winning rice-farming contracts from the future king.

In practice, the strongest proponents of neo-monarchism inevitably had specific candidates in mind--and expected that they would be favored courtiers of the same. It was no different with Silas Benjamin.

On October 7, 2040, Leal ben Tab was arrested on the orders of General Linus Abner while at a game of billiards in the Yersevah Palace in Gilboa. The last person to report seeing him alive was his principal valet, who remembered that the PM was held overnight at the palace before being taken away under guard the following morning in the rear of an Army lorry. The Shilohne Defense Force, with its British training officers, remained in barracks. On October 8, Radio Gilboa played Avenum's Seventh Movement, after which the announcer read a prepared statement from General Silas Benjamin announcing the establishment of a provisional military government, of which he was chairman. He was quickly given assurances of quiet support from both His Majesty’s Government and the United States Consul in Gilboa.

Silas Benjamin was vested King of Shiloh on 30 November 2040, with the Iranian Shah and Shahbanu attending. (Ominously, the King of St. George declined to attend for fear that he might not be allowed to land on his return home.) Various members of the House of Benjamin, Linus Abner, and other members of the armed services were placed in key ministerial posts. Benjamins were Ministers of War, Agriculture, Industry, Electricity, and Hydraulics. Mr. Lindsay Verselle, a British citizen and former General Counsel for Tin Star Mining, headed the Department of Mines. Within a year, Verselle was also the husband to Benjamin's youngest daughter, Atarah. Silas’s passionate performance of Shilohne identity, while perhaps entirely honest, was taken for play-acting even by his inner circle. His greatest servant, Abner, had betrayed their old master ben Tab because of his lust for power, not in service of a higher ideal, and Silas, too, was immediately attainted by the same accusation.

There is no doubt that Shiloh experienced a run of poor luck, but few believed, then or later, that Benjamin was capable of performing the role he had arrogated to himself.

New York firm Trencher Capital performed an independent audit of the country's accounts. Their findings warned that Shiloh's central reserve bank was being badly mismanaged. The report promptly leaked. Inflation soared. Investors refused to buy Shilohne bonds. Awed by the opulence of Yersevah and believing rumors about ben Tab’s deep corruption, Benjamin was shocked to discover that Shiloh was insolvent and ben Tab’s personal fortunes modest. The throne was immediately beset by demands for financial assistance from a dozen different corners. The Al-Hariths, now revealing themselves impoverished, offered nothing.

A sargassum bloom then appeared along Shiloh's west coast. Disputes in the crowded fisheries off the Selah Bight escalated to violence. After the abduction and brutal murder of two ethnic Chinese fishermen, Beijing sent a destroyer that opened fire on a pair of factory ships owned by the Shilohne government as they departed the small harbor at Küv. The bombardment overshot and, although it did sink both irreplacable factory ships, a fuel depot ashore was likewise damaged. Some 582,000 gallons of fuel oil spilled into the sea caught fire. Making matters worse, several of the king's new allies promptly proved themselves "bucaneers of a very low sort." The national university at Antioch, a recognized center of excellence in oceanography and the study of tropical disease, gained new proctors who promptly sold most of its $14 billion collections to foreign buyers.

Benjamin grew paranoid, retreating behind a new bureaucracy of genetic eunuchs--people who accepted chemical sterilization as the price of physical access to the ruler and his family. In his diary, he recorded the belief that forcing this dire stipulation on others in fact added to the majesty of his court--a lurid expression of his raw power oveer the fates of his subjects. Along with Abner and Doun Al-Harith, the Surn Palace usher Shakalo became an infamous figure whose counsel was said to be responsible for Benjamin's least-popular edicts.

[ Genetic eunuches are a nod to Frank Herbert's Dune setting. As a symbol of caste structures and departure from modern social norms, they are also a forerunner of the various social choices and specialized citizen types in the game of Alpha Centauri itself.]

Attempts at economic stabilization came to nought. Dutch objections scotched negotiations with Geneva over a new space elevator. Following the advice of International Monatary Fund, Benjamin forced through deep cuts in the national budget. Then, a passenger flight operated by the national carrier crashed into the sea just short of Durban, South Africa. Invesigators quickly pointed to lack of maintenance. All 220 souls aboard were lost. The Shilohne Government successfully negotiated six colonial ventures in the diamond-rich lava fields of the Slaar Cone only to face the ire of locals who insisted that the rights should have been reserved for them. Gilboa sent the new settlers packing before it had ever received promised returns. Silas therefore resorted to that last argument of kings: war.

The Royal Shilohne Army crossed the border into neighboring Gath in September 2042 with the primary object of securing Port Prosperity, a coastal port of 400,000 people—Shamash’s largest city and center of a rich whaling industry. Surprising the garrison to the point that some invaders rode the city’s picturesque cable car lines straight into the downtown, they received its surrender within just forty-eight hours. Despite a desperate and bloody firefight around the city’s waterworks, most districts and virtually all civilians were unharmed. Elsewhere, the Gathis resisted for most of two years before their exhaustion forced a full surrender. Shiloh claimed for itself the Issuri Highlands, including access to the mighty freshwater river system of the same name, which it rerouted south, away from Gath, triggering a massive famine that decimated the already-prostrate Gath over the next several years.

The war shocked popular conscience in the West. In Washington, D.C., the short-lived Harrington Administration gamely tried to present the Gathis as Communist sympathizers before announcing an arms embargo to discourage student protests.

At face value, the wartime results were impressive. Port Prosperity was quiescent, and much of the Gathi arsenal, including a modern frigate, fell into the hands of Abner's Royal Army, limiting the possibility for effective partisan activity in Occupied Gath and strengthening the Shilohne military's hand in national politics. A car carrier was intercepted fleeing the fighting, and Abner was able to gift his king with 1,700 Dacia automobiles, soon redistributed among courtiers in Gilboa. On the other hand, most of Port Prosperity's resident industries were unavailable for expropriation or resale, and many were owned by companies that used international outcry over the conflict to litigate, rather than pay, future debts to the occupying government. These included large railway workshops owned by Imre-Meinertzhagen, modern port infrastructure belonging to a Danish consortium, a navy yard managed by Grumman Engineering, and steel mills run by a subsidiary of Indian giant Vedanta. Silas had left them unmolested, expecting they would remit future taxes to him, but instead they paid no one. Port Prosperity brought huge incomes from its maritime industries but most of these were soon mortgaged away to foreign interests to service debt--another casualty of "good advice" from the Americans.

Both combatant nations were also heavily indebted to arms traders. Abner had brokered a dizzying number of deals with the likes of Galaktian Services, American Hi-Fire, and Morgan SafeHaven to keep his soldiers in ammunition and clothing. (Various African warlords and ex-rulers consequently ended up at Silas's court over the next few years, some as guests of the House of Benjamin awaiting Morgan's fulfilment of promises to return them to power, others as beneficiaries of his mercy after being deposed.)

[ Before I tired Shiloh to Straun's, they were a client of Morgan Industries, but I see no reason they couldn't have trusted in both megacorporations.]

Gath eventually began rearming after the war, and eventually occupied two of Shiloh’s neighbors, plundering their riches in the manner previously demonstrated by Silas himself. A run of Labor Governments in the U.K. meanwhile withdrew their blessings. Then, in 2049, the Gathis counter-punched Shiloh itself. Within a year, the Royal Army, once the envy of Carmel, was giving ground. Struan’s Pacific Training Company sent weapons systems and a few companies of seasoned fighters to help keep Shiloh’s defense afloat, but two years later, Gilboa itself was taken under siege. The Benjamins fled the city with the help of their British allies, entering exile in Rangoon.

Silas Benjamin died of poison in a suite of the King Charles Hotel in 2054, an apparent suicide.

[ In the 2023 version of this history, Benjamin, like Abaddon, disappears, and a pseudo-Abaddon then engages in a public Internet debate on the morality of war similar to the ones that take place in Orson Scott Card's Ender's Game novel. ]
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Sep 8, 2024 at 3:30 PM #453
Lady Deirdre Skye said:
There is no problem confronting the survivor today greater than those that have already been resolved by Planet’s other living systems in the past billion years. All answers are available to us, if only we will be still and listen. ” - Planetdreams


The field of biomimetics draws on living systems as a pattern for problem-solving outside the field of pure biology. This four-limbed technology demonstrator was commissioned from the University of Planet and evaluated by the Human Labyrinth as a potential replacement for center-line excavators. Dr. Nom Sul of the University's Faculty of Military Engineering took for his inspiration Chiron's four-legged krahan , a carnivorous scrubland arthropod about 4" in length.

Aside from the painful bite administered by its vertically-oriented jaws, which skewered prey on a biomineralized cranial extrusion, the krahan was a proficient burrower, using pad-like tarsal claws to churn up the loose, sandy soils of its preferred hunting grounds. Like ant-lions, krahan often struck from ambush, although they were also known to infiltrate and collapse the burrows of competing Terran organisms, especially ants and termites.

Sul's first design was a failure that reflected essential ignorance of the Hive and its objectives. The Chairman's Head of Security agreed that the demonstrator was a formidable war machine, but pointed out that the Hive had requested construction vehicles, whereas the demonstrator was unable to create stable tunnels.

To win the bid, Sul looked again to the insect world. In a nod to wood-chewing ants, he retrofitted a bioderrivatives projector fed by tanks in the demonstrator's articulated gaster. The projector shot Expansion Foam™ cut with thinner, changing the consistency of the soil ahead of the demonstrator, allowing for the creation of hollows, however imperfectly-shaped, that hardened within moments of being formed.

Image is " Velg'larn (Assassin) Class UGAV " by SvetTheFallen on DeviantArt. Created using AI tools.

For the insectoid inspiration, see this August 6, 2020 article by Jesse Jenkins titled "New Fossil Discovery Shows How Ancient 'Hell Ants' Hunted with Killer Headgear" on the website of the New Jersey Institute of Technology .

Sep 15, 2024 at 9:26 AM #454
Dr. Tamineh Pahlavi said:
Find a way to be in two places at once, and you will have overthrown the fundamental assumptions of government, commerce, and education as we know them. - Eternity in the Garden


An Ascendancy captive in haptic coat controls mining vehicles through telepresence.
The first interfaces between people and machines were levers, then screws and pullies. The next step was radio control, invented in the final moments of the Nineteenth Century and first used mostly in warfare. During TwenCen, live, closed-circuit television was again put to use by generals, but it also transformed the accuracy of work performed on the factory floor. Chiron's early workforces use both two technologies, often in combination, to operate their first "smart" assembly lines and organize the enormous caravans of robotic haulers moving between dig sites and refineries.

Here, societies diverge sharply in one of two directions. Those comfortable with digital sentience proceed to develop computers with enough speed, discernment, and precision to outdo humans. For the few cases where "wet" intelligence proves indispensible, they experiment with Brain-Computer and then Mind-Machine Interface (BCI/MMI). Already dependent upon robotic caretakers and supremely confident in its ability to manage error, the University of Planet is first to declare the end of so-called "dirty jobs."

Cultures less inclined to trust in general artificial intelligence or even low-invasive BCI connections--the Human Ascendancy and the Human Tribe, for example--stick with telepresence, but combine it with haptics to give human operators unparalleled control over the behavior of machines in otherwise inaccessible environments.

"Projectors" are no less an elite corps than needlejet pilots. Like military officers, they receive a comprehensive scientific education and years of simulator training. While "driving," they sit in temperature-controlled rooms that subtly reflect the conditions experienced by their metal-and-plastic avatars. It takes weeks for each one to become even minimally accustomed to the restricted fields of vision, new sounds, changed perspective, and compound views piped through the multiple sensors at their disposal. A good "Projector" needs no assistance from a computer to quickly spot trouble on as many as eight CCTV feeds and take appropriate action.

The value of Projectors is proven at the Battle of Garland Crater, where Ascendancy 'dozers coordinate in MY64 to foil a series of seasonal raids by Oracle hoverbikes. Whereas the raiders have had considerable success against the limited range of defense tactics available to the robotic crawlers at nearby University digs, Pahlavi's resource-gatherers exploit their relative advantages in size, armor, and numbers to cut out, isolate, and eventually overrun the enemy.

Image is " 70s cyborg prototype " by acidadvisor on DeviantArt. Created using AI tools.
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Sep 22, 2024 at 6:10 PM #457
Major Vincheson Parke said:
Like Carthage, Venice, and Genoa of old, we will be great not because of what we build at home, but because of where we are willing to go. - Grand Horizons


The Queequeg on open water in the Golgu Ocean, 500km due south of Commerce Point.
Queegqueg was an experimental commercial patrol vessel and light aircraft carrier and the largest of eight ex-warships ferried to Chiron aboard the U.N.S. Unity . Assigned to the Forward Contact Team, she was transported from orbit in one piece and operated briefly as a mobile supply point for planetary survey operations. Upon learning of the mission's dissolution, her crew voted to offer their services to Morgan Industries. Queegqueg went on to serve the Morganite faction until mechanical problems forced her retirement in M.Y. 54, ending more than a century of service on two worlds.

Queegqueg was laid down in 2021 by Uljanik in Yugoslavian Trieste for the Dodgeson Group, an engineering and construction multinational headquartered in the U.S. Virgin Islands that was then seeking entry into the global security marketplace. The ship completed trials and was accepted for service in 2029, taking on a crew of private contractors. Dodgeson's board of directors hoped to make the Queegqueg an affordable auxiliary for countries that required "the temporary expedient of a high-quality naval force," and in this expectation, they were generally satisfied. Although the Dodgeson Group considered their venture a qualified success, they found better opportunities for future investment and elected not to exercise the option for two sister ships. Legally, the Queegqueg Experiment, as it become known, created a precedent for private naval construction that was exploited by other megacorporations, including Morgan Industries, the Syrason Corporation, the Triax Corporation, Anglo-Melville, and the Twin Cedars Trust.

A varied service history saw Queegqueg and her 40 mostly-Aérospatiale helicopters perform numerous missions, including:
  • Freedom-of-navigation patrols on behalf of the State of Israel in the Red Sea in 2024​
  • Air search-and-rescue in support of flood-afflicted communities on the southwest coast of England in November 2031​
  • Humanitarian and anti-piracy operations along the Gulf Coast under contract with the United States Coast Guard in 2052 and again from 2055-2061​
  • Resupply of the British Honduras garrison during a period of high tension with Mexico in 2053​
  • Intelligence-gathering operations in the Amazon Basin in support of the defense of French Guyana in 2063​
  • As a reflagged auxiliary of the Portuguese Navy demonstrating off the eastern coast of Peru from 2064-2065​
Queegqueg had a center-citadel design that divided its deck into two zones, a forward space used for launch operations and an aft deck used for recovery. Airframes were shuttled through a taxi space served by four through-deck elevators and sheltered by the massive superstructure. To protect their $19 billion investment, Dodgeson's fitted Queegqueg with numerous banks of countermeasures launchers, a high-powered ECM suite, four center-mounted guided-missile defense systems, and two 20mm cannons. During operations in the Amazon, Dodgeson's board also approved the purchase of a small but unknown quantity of ship-to-ship and ship-to-shore cruise missiles stored in intermodal containers.

Queegqueg was selected for the Unity Mission because of her excellent seakeeping abilities and Dodgeson's willingness to supply a crew. She was intended to serve as the flagship of the Aquatic Operations Division and assist with retrieval of cargo pods crash-landed in Chiron's seas.

The ship's Grumman Aerospace-built landing cradle worked even better than advertised, and her master, Captain Zorion Montilla, reported to Warden J.T. Marsh that his ship was ready for "all service" two weeks ahead of schedule. Queegqueg's air contingent spent much of its time monitoring the growth patterns of xenofungal blooms in the vicinity of the Slowwind Estuary.

Upon learning of Unity's destruction and picking up the first radio transmissions from at least nine different landing pods, Montilla called for a vote of her officers and crew. Many had listened eagerly to inducements broadcast by Nwabudike Morgan, the notorious entreprenuer, who had announced the creation of his "stockholder's paradise." By a margin of just six, the ship's company acknowledged that the U.N. Charter was dissolved, and with it, their obligation to the mission command hierarchy. Discharging 402 sailors that declined to join them, Queegqueg weighed anchor and sailed to Golgu, placing its fate in the hands of the Morganites.

Queegqueg's crew were awarded shares in the Morganite colony according to the estimated value of the ship itself, from which they enjoyed a regular profit considerably greater than the average laborer. Morgan used the carrier as a cargo float to help hasten the introduction of his merchants to distant Shamashi markets, and its helicopters, usually with underslung loads, were a frequent sight on the tarmacs of the University, the Ascendancy, and the Digital Oracle. Other missions took them into contact with the remnants of the Chiron Interstellar Probe, including the Honored Dead, and as far south as the edge of Dreamer territory.

In MY. 53, the Queegqueg ran aground in the Southern Polar Sea and was nearly lost to flooding after numerous safety systems failed due to age. The ship never recovered from this calamity and was sent to the brakers.

Image of the Queegqueg is AI-generated art made by me on Adobe Firefly on September 22, 2024 using the prompt: "A small aircraft carrier sailing in a purple ocean." It is hosted on DeviantArt.
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Oct 2, 2024 at 7:36 PM #458

Sheng-ji Yang was not the only leader to go to ground. Spartan engineers demonstrated that the faction's Horus laser tank prototype, though not a battlefield success because the beam required long loiter times to deal meaningful damage, could deliver results in a completely different context: as a high-speed excavator. In this three-quarter view, the Horus's gas-powered laser cools after boring operations near the very top of Xerxion.


Sub-lieutenant Diane Katsuvidis organized the first survey of
Unity's structural integrity following the fateful micrometeorite strike. This catchvid was snapped moments after she reported her first, dire findings to Executive Officer General Francisco d'Almeida.

Katsuvidis, an eminent submarine engineer, was of Greek Cypriot heritage. She was a pioneer in the use of syntactic foams--effectively, matrixed microballoons--for deep-sea construction, consulting on projects across the length and breadth of the Mediterranean Basin. Zakharov, who called Katsuvidis "that woman," ultimately blamed her for causing Garland to deem
Unity irreparable.

Though she survived to make Planetfall, Katsuvidis's fate was not widely known until MY21 when she was made head of the Operations Directorate at the New State's Sea Base Retron.


Pilgrim b orehole construction in a prehistoric cinder cone on the Aachean Plains. Note the accumulation of fresh water in the bottom of the pit.

This activity would be considered grounds for vendetta by Tribal agriculturalists in the still-green valleys below.

First image was created in Adobe Firefly, by me, using AI tools and the prompt: "tracked, tank-like drill vehicle tunneling under an alien planet covered in red moss".

Second image is " Inside the pod, 1 ," by calinvisible on DeviantArt.

Third image is " Geothermal Drilling Rigs at GT Drilling " by GTDDesco on DeviantArt.

Oct 12, 2024 at 2:14 PM #459

Detention Block L4 at Ascendancy base Crick's Cavern, deep within the Sawtooth Mountains.

Tunnels like this one were reserved for high-value prisoners. Because the Ascendancy's population was very low, overseers were at a premium, and even closed-circuit television monitoring was considered too resource-intensive. Thus, the faction's engineers devised technological solutions to the problem of escape. As the reader has probably deduced, once the cells were sealed each cycle, the gallery was entirely submerged from a central control station, obviating the need for guards or supervision.

The Ascendancy was significant as the largest market among the mainline factions for captive Talents, whom other slave-holding societies usually disdained as temperamentally unsuited for the physically dangerous and demanding work often assigned to such unfortunates.

While the Ascendancy did employ a significant number of drones in traditional laboring roles, it also took a standout interest in public-service intellectuals, such as ex-bureaucrats, educators, and jurists, who served as tutors and wards for the colony's many juveniles. These individuals usually shared the distinction of having been selected through the Tomorrow Institute's global search process.

Some librarians compared the Ascendancy's to the long-standing interest of Morganite buyers in architects and other "creatives," many of whom were associated with the Stellar Lifeboat Program, but whereas these Morganite "crafters" were often housed in the guilded cages of upjumped penal colonies, those who met the Ascendancy's expectations for professional attainment received freedom of movement and access to leadership more comparable with the body slaves and royal courtiers of centuries earlier. Director Pahlavi herself complained of "a not unsubtle current" of humanitarian attitudes prevalent among the first tranches of the crèche-raised.

Conservatives within Asendancy society feared and resented captive Talents as a potential fifth column and urged the Director to curb their liberties lest they become a source of moral and philosophical heterodoxy, but with too few resources to spare, an inflexible aversion to robot labor, and the slowest overall natural population growth on Planet, the Ascendancy failed to identify other options.


A Base Operations Specialist prepares for uplink.

Early mind-machine interface (MMI) resembled the crude connection between computers and their peripherals. Latency was a first and significant problem, especially among older operators and sufferers of radiation sickness. It also scaled with use: the more one communed with machines, the worse the wear on their neural architecture, and the weaker the signals transmitted and received.

Biological circuitry--lab-grown neurons--was a vast improvement. The limitations of any individual operator were virtually undetectable to a human observer. Research into Portable Cognition eventually opened the door to "crossover"--the use by a human mind of external neural networks to access brain material not their own. This frequently involved an out-of-body experience that left one-fifth of participants catatonic, but also allowed humans their first
physical experience of software errors, reported as pain or anxiety.


Wind storm at Academgorodok. Pumice stone is sent flying when an air spout forms on the volcanic plain. This worker has failed to attach a secondary safety line, violating a cardinal rule of the principles of Centauri survival.

Planet's extremely violent weather was a major stumbling block to mere survival, let alone expansion. Note the impact cladding on the nearest cooling tower. Average monsoonal wind speeds in the region clocked in at 114kph.

First image is " 777JIHAD " by isleeyin on DeviantArt.

Second image is " Futuristic Technology " by VampireAp on DeviantArt.

Third image is " Check " by AKIRAwrong on DeviantArt. Art for the game project "Warside."

Oct 14, 2024 at 7:08 AM #460
Annunciator Sathieu Metrion said:
This was gilded poverty. A long era, lasting more than a hundred years, when we could neither reproduce nor repair much of the equipment at our disposal, causing us to squander or misuse that which was priceless. - The Material Culture of the First Generation


A Morganite Yellowjacket mercenary in early third-generation power armor, impervious and therefore indifferent to the inferno raging at his back, wields only a pneumatic shredder pistol. He might as well have armed himself with a toothpick.


The outer habitation ring at Loaves and Fishes, a Believer moisture-trapping operation in the Canyon of the Ixionidae.

Hanging gardens like the ones seen here made possible the propagation of Terran organisms even where local conditions were naturally hostile to large-scale agriculture. Believer agriculturalists carefully tended soil conditions from below.

Cool beneath the
shadow of the winding staircase in the left foreground, the Bretheren have spread blankets in anticipation of stargazing. Believer cosmography was inspired by the Conclave Bible. From proud King David with his tri-star slingshot to old, curve-backed Methusaleh, Miriam's followers saw that the lights of the very Heavens were ordered in a manner consistent with their needs.

The simple pleasure of taking part in astronomy masked a second agenda: helping colonists to overcome the agoraphobia that afflicted about 78% of mission survivors.


This amusingly-decorated monstrosity is actually a scratch-built Hopper in service with the New Two Thousand. Its design powerfully illustrates the constraints facing faction design bureaus before the full adoption of industrial automation.

The "Tyranopod" makes use of scavenged components: solar panels, the crew pod of a uniloader, the mandibles of a terraformer, and even the primary transfer cable for a fission battery. Variable-geometry thrusters siphon fuel from a rear-mounted cylindrical tank atop which is what passes for the craft's telemetry suite.

The Tyranopod was built to the specifications of Governor van de Graaf himself and rented out to stakeholders that needed special transport for unusual cargoes, including HAZWASTE containers and even mature trees.

First image is " Vanguard " by Asymoney on DeviantArt. Created using AI tools.

Second image is " Futuristic Mars " by Pickgameru on DeviantArt. Created using AI tools.

Third image is " Robotix - R-1100 Tyrannix Box Art " by FNHot on DeviantArt.

Oct 21, 2024 at 6:14 PM #461
Graffiti on the hulk of a wrecked Gaian impact rover said:
It worked for Mars.


Conclavists expand the colony at Kerak using modular prefab brought from Earth. Relying on a solar microgrid for primary power will free up portable fission batteries for industrial, scientific, or even military applications.

The green saplings seen at right are probably destined for what will one day become Kerak's great shelter belts. Their casual exposure to the alien biome is a blatant violation of mission doctrine--but typical of the Conclave's belief in the primacy of Terran organisms. Many of Miriam's most-ardent followers were descendants of the faith-centered agriculturalists who helped transform Mars and they brought with them the techniques of their forefathers.


Gaian Rangers on third-cycle drills at the Mossy Toad, one of their faction's two major composting sites.

If one could overlook their resemblance to certain wriggling pests, the bug-eyed vacuum suits were sought-after pieces of kit: reliably water-tight, comfortably insulated, and as if that didn't already beat all, lightweight. It was not long before Pilgrim scouts began referring to "the ones in Ambush Suits" where once they had made light of "maggots."


Colorized image of abyssal life in the Corcyrene Depths, captured by the New State freight submarine Réveillon.

Many a mariner claimed that the neuron-like root structures rising from the sea floor would trap and crush any vessel that wandered too near, a fate that did in fact befall the University science vessel
Afanasyev , much to the chagrin of oddsmakers on the Morganite prediction markets.

First image is " Futuristic Mars " by pickgameru on DeviantArt. Created using AI tools.

Second image is " Intelligence " by waterhollow. Created using AI tools.

Third image is " Danny Flynn’s alien worlds " as documented on the tumbler feed " 70s Sci-Fi Art ."

Nov 2, 2024 at 8:46 AM #472

Holotheater production of Wm. Shakespeare's Lord Surrey
Mutual admiration for the spellbinding work of the Man From Stratford was one of the very few bridges between the Unity Mission's constellation of warring geniuses.

Before his time in Gathi government, then-wool baron and future Peacekeeping Forces Chief of Staff Vesper Abaddon was among the foremost collectors of the Bard's original folios. With his wife Rebhaz, he hosted a theater company at his Northern Territory station through the long monsoon season. As a member of the French Gendarmerie , a youthful Marie du Lac was instrumental in the recovery of three apocryphal Shakespeare manuscripts later confirmed as authentic, including Sir Thomas More . At the state funeral for two officers killed in that raid, du Lac famously declared they had immortalized themselves by "making fuller the heritage of mankind." In MY25, Sathieu Metrion would recall for posterity delaying his escape from Unity by five dangerous hours to complete an exhaustive retrieval of the massive externally-mounted data reel containing microfilm of Shakespeare's plays. Among the prized possessions of Executive Officer Francisco d'Almeida was a well-thumbed paper pocket copy of The Man of Loxley, from which he quoted over Unity's public address system several times before the Damage Control Center fell.

Shakespearean references were deeply embedded in twenty-first century, and later Chironian, culture. Santiago's great antagonist, Antonio Garcia, was frequently compared to Marcus Junius Brutus, while Dole Yudikon, a base governor under Factor Roshann Cobb, preferred to be called Carnaveron, the earthly agent of the Devil himself in A Springtime of Dynasties . The largest portion of Sister Miriam Godwinson's audience was not the Brethren themselves, but the thousands of eager listeners who tuned in to hear the literary analysis that was almost inseparable from her moral message. (No stranger to hostile ears, Godwinson was careful to sweeten her preaching with this familiar honey.) The hunger for these familiar characters and themes was so great that the Brethren sent out actors ahead of preachers.

Shakespeare infiltrated himself even to the unlikeliest places. An internal memo to faction leadership in White Rabbit's Refuge reported that fully 6% of dream material was sourced from the Bard, a figure beaten only by Biblical allusions at 12%. Shakespeare was even part of the mandatory cultural canon for candidate-acolytes of the Human Hive. University home learning systems came pre-loaded with Romeo and Juliet .


Artist's sketch of a watering suit used on a Pilgrim slurpfarm.
Oscar van de Graaf had assumed that his followers would include as many would-be industrialists as aspiring farmers. In this, he was quite wrong. The result of an anemic manufacturing base and an even weaker logistics pipeline was an ill-advised dependence by three hundred water-growers on Morganite junk-swappers and a wide variety of homegrown systems.

This suit turns the individual into a mobile water-sprayer using items found even in the lowliest drone hovel: mag-equipped boots, joint padding, space suit, hose lengths, fuel tank, sealant gel, and rain tent flaps. Every colonist was taught enough beginner electronics to convert radio or iTRAC components into simple touch controls.

Top image is the author's AI creation by Adobe's Firefly using the phrase "shakespeare play in space."

Second image is " terraform - the last scientist " by Undercurrent-31 on DeviantArt.
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Nov 3, 2024 at 2:00 PM #473
I've had a few questions about the map of Planet and first landing sites for each faction. I'm no artist, so I'm afraid we're without a visual aid.

Let's start with the easy stuff.

The Peacekeeping Forces , led by Pravin Lal, touch down in the South Polar Region on the southwestern coast of a large island about the size of Greenland. The terrain is rich in industrial metals and largely without nitrate buildup because the cooler prevailing temperatures discourage xenofungal growth. Vice mindworms, the island has been colonized by crustacean-like subrids that prove remarkably curious about their new neighbors, and the two groups are fond of eating one another. Small local surveys made from the Peacekeeping Forces base at Warm Welcome yield the discover of crash-landed Colony and Supply Pods. The Peacekeepers nurse about a hundred survivors only to discover that they are bonded to Struan's Pacific Trading Company. Disputes over the legitimacy of Pravin Lal's claim to Garland's mantle provoke an early vendetta between the Peacekeepers and their new neighbors, who are exiled to a small stockade on the northeastern edge of the landmass and eventually fall prey to raids by the Nautilus Pirates.

Due NNE, far across the intervening ocean, we find the western coast of Shamash, the north-south axis of which runs up into the North Polar Region. South of the equator, amidst the Monsoon Jungle, is the planned Unity landing site. Nearby, the Hunters of Chiron made a seasonal camp called High Hide, but the majority have migrated north along the coast and east into the interior, where they eventually find the scattered survivors of the Chiron Probe under Joralemon Hardacre and his various contemporaries.

Just south of Hunter and Probe territory is savanna and marshland where the Legacy Initiative has built the Central Cache. In their search for the jettisoned Unity computer core, they actually head to sea early on, taking advantage of oceangoing hovercraft and backtracking some long-range expeditions coming from Peacekeeper territory. Upon reaching Warm Welcome, they enter a Pact with Lal to take on the Nautilus Pirates .

South of Sathieu Metrion's territory are the Shapers of Chiron at New Eden. The terraformers enjoy a temperate climate that fuels fast growth and are quickly tasked with work by their librarian neighbors. Here, they are close up on the same ground as the Restoration of Earth and also the Dreamers of Chiron , though the former agree quickly to non-aggression and the later are too disorganized, early on, to present an urgent threat.

North of the Monsoon Jungle we find the New Two Thousand , scattered in a half-hundred "homesteads" between the coast and Governor Oscar van de Graaf's seat at Fort Enterprise. They skirmish intermittently with the Hunters of Chiron, whom they attempt to bar from crossing their territory, which turns out not to be particularly good for anything but farming. Poverty will whet van de Graaf's ambitions to the point that he launches a push westward, toward the smaller continent of Golgu, where Morgan Industries has been founded. To do this, they unknowingly cross waters claimed by the Nouvel Etat .
Above van de Graaf's people is a low mountain range in which lay a series of well-watered valleys concealing the first unhappy bases of the shell-shocked Digital Oracle , including its headquarters of Colonia Secundus where dwells their mediator, Johann Anhaldt. Like Yang, they go at once to ground, burrowing into the rock as if ashamed to reveal that everything they do is at the suggestion of an algorithm. They trade intermittently with the Hunters, who serve as early brokers for their services, usually to the Tribe.

The great Slowwind River Delta divides Shamash almost evenly, north and south, like a great belt. Here the Human Tribe has set up a series of fortifications, having been attacked the very day of their landfall by a Spartan Federation patrol. Santiago's people, in turn, have holed up around the great massif at Xerxion. The Tribe will eventually spread to encircle Xerxion, establishing a series of trading posts along the river.

Farther north is the snowy Sawtooth Mountain Range, which lashes the coast like a whip hurled from the interior. Indeed, the range itself describes a broad fishhook shape with its hook along the coast, but extending south again so that it abuts the easterly edge of Anhalt's territory, and the Oracle will one day found a series of bases that effectively flank Tribal and ex-Spartan holdings from the east. On the easterly slopes of the Slowwind chain at its southern tip is Believer territory, stretching into the mesas that rim the Slowwind on its southwestern edge.

The first residents of the northern Sawtooths are the University of Planet and the genetic butchers of the Human Ascendancy , which coexist peaceably enough among the freshwater alpine lakes, fed by abundant seasonal runoff. Both factions use the cold to their advantage, investing heavily in thermal lasers. Later, the Memory of Earth spreads into the Sawtooths from its own original landing point in the Uranium Flats above the Great Dunes.

The Human Hive occupies the Dunes, which share a latitude with the Slowwind Delta. Yang eventually pushes into both Pilgrim territory to his west and Gaian territory to his ESE. (The Pilgrims will eventually cross the Dunes themselves, wipe out the southern reaches of the Hive, and discover the Gaians, against whom they will press a great vendetta.)

The Gaians first plant their flag at Gaia's Landing, where they transplant their famous white pines, and quickly spread toward the sawtooh handle, into the swamps north of Shaper ground, and ENE, but eventually the bulk of their colonization trends in that final direction, pushed by more warlike neighbors.

Other residents of the eastern side of Shamash include the Free Drones , refugees from the Great Dunes, the Cyborg Consciousness , and the Data Angels .

Nov 10, 2024 at 8:52 AM #475
Jeremy Tanner Marsh said:
What was I doing in the Sahara? Well, it's simple really. Sometimes you've gotta' set a small fire to put a big one out." - Intake Interview L57A, Board of Selection, U.N. Mission to Alpha Centauri


Future Unity Game Warden Jeremy Tanner Marsh at Trailhead Station, Kruger National Park, Republic of South Africa, c. November 2052.
On Chiron, a mercenary is a soldier-for-hire who does not belong to the society for which they fight. Mercenaries are further distinguished from regular military forces by separate systems of command, pay, and allegiance. A mercenary's first loyalty is to themselves, and then to their commander, in a relationship defined by patronage. Unlike paramilitaries, with which they have often been confused, mercenaries serve on contract. A mercenary's commitments are therefore explicitly temporary, and aside from service in arms, they owe nothing to their employer, and may expect nothing except payment in return. Less than expatriates, they are "no-patriates," or NoPats, a term invented in the twenty-first century that stakes out juridical space for those not subject to treaties governing the treatment of prisoners taken in war.

Mercenaries no less than other fighting people may be motivated by ideology. Very strong professions of ardent anti-Communism among TwenCen Western volunteers in the service of white settler states surely went as far in explaining their presence as did the pay, which was abysmally low. Holnist mercenary outfits active during the Second American Civil War offered their services exclusively to insurrectionist governors, as befit their anti-establishment politics. Their counterparts in the Federal Order of Battle were the U.S. Volunteers, privately-recruited fighting forces authorized by Letters of Maque and Reprisal. The best-known ex-mercenary on the Unity command staff, Game Warden J.T. Marsh, reckoned his private involvement in Burst Wars gun-running a civic virtue and was fond of saying as much.

Yet another, and perhaps even more powerful, draw was the lifestyle itself--one characterized by danger, camaraderie, and freedom from social convention. Many a misfit and an exile found sanctuary and belonging in war zones far from home. In other cases, and especially on Planet, mercenary service was a professional inheritance: parents taught their children the craft, and lacking alternatives, children were often glad for the clarity of purpose. By MY100, most Sabre Corporation troopers wore markings that attested to generations of service by celebrated ancestors.

As a warrior-elite, mercenaries stood apart from, and were frequently in tension with, other armed forces mustered by their employer, whose civilian subjects usually regarded them as a potentially subversive "other." The old belief that greed makes one fickle persisted across solar systems.

Some factions disdained the use of mercenary forces. Chairman Yang had captured mercenaries pitched alive into the Recycling Tanks--an object lesson, he said, in "the fate of the drone without its nest." Chastened by her loss of control aboard Unity , Colonel Santiago swore off taking mercenaries into Spartan service, insisting that a warrior must have a cause worthier than love of money or adventure. Haunted by many of the same ghosts, Santiago's great adversaries, the Tribe, took the same view, as did the Hunters of Chiron, though their lack of a central organization made it impossible for any Lodge to contemplate seriously the hiring of its own private army.

Factions with a marked preference for mercenary troops included the University of Planet, which relied heavily on hired guns due to the Academician's prejudice toward "that combat caste," and Morgan Industries, where companies vied to live up to "the Pinkerton Tradition." Annunciator Sathieu Metrion of the Legacy Initiative and Johann Anhaldt's Digital Oracle also farmed out contracts for military providers on grounds of efficiency. The Peacekeepers likewise leaned heavily on mercenary contracts to achieve their humanitarian ends, peppering contracts with limitations on the use of force that many considered self-defeating--and paying a premium for such scruples.

Marginal cases abounded. The best case, as always, remained whether the individual fighter considered themselves technically a free agent or actually a servant of state. When state forces were privatized, as was the case with the Kä Naval Militia, traditional soldiers were reduced to mercenaries in the legal sense, but continued to swear allegiance to the Kä Convenant. Though in its original context the American Reclamation Corporation (ARC) was more accurately a national auxiliary , its reputation as the extra-legal private army of the Secretary of the Interior exclipsed its more legitimate wartime contributions. Thus, ex-ARC personnel affiliated with van de Graaf were often slandered as mercenaries notwithstanding their identity as Pilgrims. Scholars also rightly questioned whether the association between Dreamer and Morganite mercenaries and their respective ways of life were enough to render the "mercenary" label meaningless for outfits like Sabre, which were already irrevocably linked to their original employers as early as MY1 despite "farming out" for jobs that sometimes cut indirectly against the avowed interests of the drug lords and oligarchs themselves.

Lady Deirdre Skye said:
"The rootless, post-modern rōnin is yet another victim of his master's success. Eventually, even the warlord finds that he can destroy no more." - Our Secret War

Noteworthy Chironian mercenary outfits include the Sabre Corporation (contracted first to Roshann Cobb, then General Artigan "Joiner" Banes), Brigadier James Heid's Imperial Military Focus, Morgan Tactical Services (retained by the CEO as a kind of Praetorian Guard), Fireforce Alpha, the Green Team, and Bras de Fer ("Iron Arm").

Image is of Bob Peck as Game Warden Robert Muldoon in Jurassic Park .

No-Pats are an invention of the Electronic Arts video game Battlefield 2042 .
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Dec 1, 2024 at 10:44 AM #480

Warington Arms M2068 electromagnetic flechette pistol. Set to burst pattern, 17 charges remaining.

The battery pack is loaded just beneath the barrel and above the underslung rail.

The Warington stamp was synonymous with quality. Several of
Unity's command staff trusted their lives to Warington small arms, including Executive Officer Francisco d'Almeida, Game Warden J.T. Marsh, Commandant Sardul Singh, and, less successfully, Master-at-Arms Rachael Winzenried.


A single-shot Caçador Defender™ pneumatic self-defense weapon. Standard-issue for Unity Corrections officers.
Fábrica de Braço de Prata , a subsidiary of the Portugese state arsenal, donated 5,000 pistols and 150,000 cartridges of flechette scattershot to the Unity Mission in October 2071. Morgan Safewright auditors working for the U.N.'s Inspection and Evaluation Division failed the shipment and preparations for its return to Lisbon were underway when Master-at-Arms Winzenreid countermanded the finding. [1]

The Unity Caçadors were almost all junk pieces built to lax standards, but that self-same lack of craftsmanship, along with the simplicity of the original design, made them easy, and perhaps tempting, for even amateur machinists to impove upon.
[1] The electronic documents bearing Winzeinreid's signature were later shared by Annunciator Sathieu Metrion with representatives for the Planetary Council's inquiry into Captain Garland's murder. Mediator Johann Anhaldt claims that CORAM analysis shows a 93.5% probability that the shipment included undeclared items.


An Iran Electronics Industries (IEI) handheld gas analyzer taken as Tribal spoils at the Fall of Xerxion. Ruggedized Model X1a, c. 2049.

IEI based the X1a's design on the Sony Walkman, choosing a case far larger than necessary in order to sustain the desired visual comparison. Twenty-first century users often removed most of the shock-absorbent wadding to install improved components and the X1a remained a sought-after trade item more than one hundred years after Planetfall.

IEI marketed its products aggressively to private space ventures. The Shah was rumored to be a quiet champion of the Comprehensive Transport monopoly, which created demand for these goods through its promulgation and enforcement of safety regulations. Western, Korean, Taiwanese, and Japanese electronics were much better, but too expensive, while Soviet and Chinese gear was untrusted and Indian output went mostly to home markets. Misleading advertising encouraged buyers to assume that IEI products contained American electronics, a deception that the Shah was able to perpetrate without punishment because of the value of his defense purchases.
The Pahlavi Dynasty gave lavishly to the Alpha Centauri Mission as a demonstration that Iran was a confirmed regional power.
First image is " Pulse Pistol Concept w L.E.D. Indicator " by GaugeWarington1 on DeviantArt. Created using AI tools.

Second image is " Compact Disruptor Pistol Concept " by GaugeWarington1 on DeviantArt. Created using AI tools.

Third imagr is " Zone Navigator Mk IV " by CitizenGrumpe on DeviantArt.