Press Spec
History |
- First draft. 10/15/03 SWARNER
- Second draft, 10/16/03 SWARNER
- Provide a "bonus multiplier" game effect
- Allow the player to change the location of the bonus effect
- Emphasize the "modern war" setting
Press units multiply the effects of "PR" actions. Specifically:
- Faction mood lost by killing faction members
- Cash penalties for killing civilians
- Cash bounties for killing NK troops
- Cash bounties for verifying Cards
If a press unit witnesses the hero performing any of
those actions, a large "Press Bonus" or "Press Penalty" message is displayed
and the bonus is increased by x% (default 100% increase.) This multiplier is
applied per press unit, so acting heroic in front of a group of press can lead
to huge bonuses.
Press Units
- Press units are members of the Civilian faction
- Press units generate fear and aggression like standard
AI soldiers. They use their camera as a weapon (so they'll leave cover to snap
a few shots, then run back into cover.)
- They should always try to follow the hero around
once they've chosen him as a target (even if they photograph other units)
- The hero can Action ("Follow Me") on a press unit
to automatically put them into follow mode (he cannot, however, tell
them to "Stay Here")
- Press units can be loaded as passengers, but they will not
occupy gunner positions
Character Model, Animations, and
VO Script
- Run cycle with camera in one hand.
- Walk cycle with camera in one hand.
- Looking around idle stance
- Use camera
When the camera is filming, there are two distinct visual
compliments that will appear on the front of it:
- A bright, steady camera light will project from the
front of the model.
- A large blinking red LED will flash from the front
of the model (not overlapping the steady light).
- Alternate: the camera is a standard flash camera
that makes a click and flash when used
V.O. Script
- "Sure thing!"
- "This is great stuff!"
- "Nice move!"
- "Whoah!"
- "What are you doing?"
- "Help!"
- "Are you crazy?"
- "This is intense!"
- "Oh my god! You killed Kenny!"
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