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Union Faction Spec

Revision History
  1. First draft.


Faction South Korean Unionists
Abbreviation sk
Color Dark blue
Highlight White

South Korean troops backed by the CIA.

Goals in North Korea

The Union's goals are to reunify the country under a democracy and drive out Communist and criminal influences.

Strengths and Weaknesses

Although the South Korea lacks the overwhelming numbers of other factions, it has the best trained soldiers and, thanks to its CIA backers, the extremely technologically advanced airstrikes and vehicles. Stealth vehicles allow South Korean forces to ambush enemies and retreat before they have a chance to react.

Faction Headquarters

Chapter 1-2
Chapter 3-4
The HQ is scattered with boxes of blue Top Secret files and overstuffed Manila folders that haven't been organized into the numerous filing cabinets yet. Every window is covered with blackout drapes and duct tape to keep out prying eyes. The room is surprisingly well lit (it was a longshoreman’s office before the Union took over), but constantly filled with smoke despite an always-running desk fan on the FL’s cluttered desk.

The walls and drapes are covered with surveillance maps, recon photos, and pinned-up photos of suspected spies and Chinese officers. (A dogtag trophy is hung from the photo when the player captures the officer.) Post-its, scrawled notes, and pinned scraps of paper are all over the maps and photos, largely obscuring them.

Behind the faction leader's desk are displayed his “good” flags—a Gadsden flag, US flag, Virgina state flag, and a tattered East German flag that he took as a trophy when the Berlin Wall fell. One large section of wall is dedicated to DPRK flags that he has the player collect for him. (Trophy items.)

There are multiple TVs in various conditions that are tuned to different channels, a police scanner, and “spy” electronics like a heavy-duty covert laptop and radio/telephone/fax scrambler along one wall. The electronics should have a jury-rigged feel to them; wires trailing all over, the TVs precariously balanced on top of each other, etc. (The player can turn the TVs and scanner on/off.)

In one corner of the room is a sad houseplant with a grow-lite on it. (The player should have some way of influencing the plant’s growth, but I’m not sure how.)


The Union FL is an American, a burnt-out CIA agent who has been working in the field for way too long. He's determined to "get it right" this time and establish a strong pro-American democracy in a unified Korea. He sees Korea as the gateway to bringing democracy to China, and he still harbors an old-fashioned hatred of communism and Red China. He adores the hero because he's "one of the good guys" and is happy to share what Western comforts he has. (Mostly alchohol.) I'd put him in the same neighborhood as Joe Don Baker's CIA agent from the Bond films, but with a serious dash of cold war paranoia. Very slight Virginia accent, late 30s/early 40s.

He is chain smoker. He also has a fascination with historical flags.


Here is a reference for South Korean Army uniforms.

Unit Description Image Weapons allowed
sk_hum_soldier A South Korean MP, like those found in the DMZ. Has special sentry ability.
  • M4A1
  • M249
  • Stinger


sk_hum_elitesoldier A member of the all-female special forces battalion.
  • MP5SD
  • M4A1
  • Frag grenades
  • M4A1
sk_hum_boss Described above. none


See the vehicle list. Note that South Korea does not use a main battle tank.

Support Items

South Korean airstrikes are supplied by the CIA.

South Korean helicopters can deliver a HMMWV to the player..


The Union purchases intelligence photos from the player.


Relationship with Other Factions



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