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Allies Faction Spec

Revision History
  1. First draft.


Faction Allies
Abbreviation Allies
Color Green camo
Highlight Powder blue

The United Nations, led by American forces.

Goals in North Korea

Capture or Kill the 52 leaders of the North Korean government and recover any weapons of mass destruction.

Strengths and Weaknesses

The Allies possess an immense amount of firepower, but the rules of engagement and an unwillingness to endanger the lives of American soldiers prevents them from undertaking risky and/or quesitonable missions.

Very powerful (the best?) ground equipment, but expensive.

Above average infantry.

Most diverse air support

Unwilling to take losses are extreme risks. Bound by rules of engagement.

Faction Headquarters

Chapter 1-2
Chapter 3-4



Calm, collected, and very stressed about the huge mess that he's in charge of. Views the hero as a necessary evil; if Congress would let him, he'd have the Deck dead or captured inside of 30 days, but it wouldn't be pretty and Congress wants to keep things pretty. (Note—he’s not bitter about Congress wanting things pretty. It’s not his job to be bitter. His job is to do what his boss—the United States government—tells him to do.) He doesn't particularly care which faction wins in the end, so long as the Deck is eliminated. Sam Shepard from Black Hawk Down, or (for more flavor) Don S. Davis from Stargete-SG1 and Twin Peaks.


Unit Description Image Weapons allowed
  • M4A1
  • M249
  • Stinger


  • MP5SD
allies_hum_boss Described above. none
allies_hum_pilot Fighter / bomber pilot.
  • M4A1


The Alliance uses the following vehicles.

Support Items

The Alliance provides the following support items.


The Alliance does not buy anything from the player, but provides all the bounties for the Deck of 52.

Relationship with Other Factions


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