

     Tagging is much like laser tag, but played with real weapons, and often without fixed teams. Also, the game is often played with random bystanders. After a certain number of people die, the others stop, gather the bodies, and bring them to black market body merchants for cash. Here, they are usually sent to USO resource facilities, revived, and processed.
     Processing can be done in one of several ways. Some are linked into a Psi Hive and being used to produce Elder tech (portals or antiMythos weaponry) until most of the Pow is gone, then harvested and given to ghouls.
     Others are linked into Psi Hives or otherwise conditioned, Melted, and then used as storage cells and components for ships.
     For the few with marketable skills, the brain is removed and Braincased, then body given to ghouls.