Union of Mind
Established in the early 1800s by religious groups, several small families discovered psychic abilities that allowed them to, briefly, conjoin with other psychics. The groups grow and divided over time, careful to keep their heads down and watch events around them.
In the early 1920s, some Unions went 'rogue',
becoming Psi Hives, in which one psychic is the center
of the congregation and rules it. Troubles with the Hives, which were
eventually destroyed, gave the Unions a common mission, to prevent Hives. Over
time they did what they could to help quell other supernatural troubles. Given
their talent for collecting information and lack of overt power, they worked
as indirectly as they could.
By the new millenia, the Hives were again on the
rise. The growing overt nature of the supernatural also troubled the Unions.
Eventually, the open nature of magic and supernatural made the presence of the
Psi Unions more well known, with both positive and negative effects. The ability
to Commune soon passed to rogue groups, that banded together to learn arcane secrets or simply gain power.
It was the Unions' dirty secret that most of the
Hives originate from exiled Union members that were mad, or became so from Communing. In some cases, entire Unions had gone mad. This was one reason the Psi Unions regarded the destruction of the Hives as their responsibility.
The Unions defended Earth against the depredations of the supernatural, up until the end. Some were betrayed by Hive agents, others by Mythos influence, but most were killed in the final struggles against Cthulhu and his minions.
As a people and subculture, the Unions were almost entirely destroyed, except for a hundred or so Unionists stationed on Mars, and a handful of missonaries on some of the Exodus vessels.
USO Pilots
The evolution of space ships in the USO became increasingly dependent on skills gained from the Psi Unions and observations of the Psi Hives. As soon as technology became viable, pilots of space ships were cybernetically linked to their ship systems. With the decision to use Melted human MP reservoirs, it became clear that a psychic link would also be necessary.
Pilots, by the late 2030s, were trained in the Commune ability. While most gained Unity skill from their exposure to the Psi Unions, they were also trained to gain a Hive skill. This Hive skill was focused on the Melted shipmates. Since the reservoirs were mindless, however, the Pilot would only gain a Pow boost, and not Int or Edu. Ships also had a
large power plant to fuel the reservoir protomatter, the engine, and conventional weapons. In addition, numerous mana batteries could double available MP for short periods of time. The mana batteries could then be topped off during idle transit time or at refueling stations.
Though many ships were still operated by conventional computers, the Union ships, as they came to be known, were highly effective and much more successful in campaigns
against Evils.
Union Dynamics
Unions are usually composed of familial and religious communities. The Communing psychic ability can, with repeated exposure, allow others to learn the gift. A new Union is fairly limited, due to the drain on a psychic of maintaining the Union alone. After a few
months, others may learn enough Communing to spread the drain. Unions are vulnerable to insanity, often expelling or avoiding members who's thoughts could drive them mad.
Due to ideological differences, most Unions
remained rather isolated from one another up until the late 2020s. At that
point, growing problems in the world polarized the Unions and forced them to
resolve, or at least overlook, their differences.
After the 2020s, the Unions worked hard to share
information and skills. The increasing danger of the world as a whole gave them
clear lines of community. In structure, the Unions became religious and trade
communities, giving members a sense of stability in a chaotic world.
Like the Hives, the Unions rely on magic batteries to help fuel their Communing. The same rules for Mana batteries apply for Unions, except that Union mana batteries are more often tied to specific individuals.
Each Union member has the
psychic ability 'Commune'. Each member connects to
each other member, making a tight web (though expensive to maintain).
Initial cost and cost per minute, per person, is (N-1)/2. Total MP or SAN cost
per initial and per minute is !(N-1).
That is, N is the number of members. !(N-1) means factorial, adding each number up to the final number. So if N is 10, !(N-1) is 45 (1 + 2 + 3...).
The mental stats of a Union is the highest of those
in the link. MP are shared freely. Memory of thoughts and events while in the
link can be evoked with an Int%, Commune/2, or Unity skill check, beyond
messages the Union impresses upon the members.
After a link is through, each member must
make a SAN check, 1/DN. N is the total number of different individuals in the
link, whether briefly or the entire time.
The Unity skill can be learned. It can be used
to remember details about a Union, or remember bits about others who had been
in the link. Also, Unity of a person/10 + Lowest other person's Unity/10 (rounded
down) is avoided in SAN loss after the person leaves the psychic link of the Union.
Unlike the Psi Hive Hiving skill, this skill does not
deplete if the Union changes.
The Unity skill is also vital to protecting the
mind. If a Union is started with insane members, the insanity has a tendency
to spread. Other members may be required to make SAN checks or Commune checks
to break off their connections without being hurt.
Characters with high Unity
skill can use it to shield themselves and maintain connections with the mentally
ill. The character must roll Commune to stay linked and then make a SAN check.
Unity/10 is the amount of SAN loss that can be ignored. Unity/10 SAN loss is
The Commune skill can be stirred in people with
no natural psychic talent, but
these people have no talent to develop in other psychic directions. People that do
have talent will find it easier to learn, with a Union to assist them.
Character options
Psi Unionists can be designed fairly easily as PCs. Hobby skills of Commune and Unity are likely. A Keeper may allow either or both of these skills to replace an occupational skill. Otherwise, a Unionist character is generated like other characters.