Planetary and System Defense Installations


     In the mid to late 2030s, massive batteries of planetary defense weapons were set up near major population centers. Providing defense against airborne Evils, they could also be used to pump energy to satellite defense networks, and provide fire support in LEO (low earth orbit). These systems relied on Elder tech as primary defense against Evils, but also provided conventional military use.
     Space defenses took longer, as long journeys were vulnerable to attack. Work in portals (stations containing large Gates to one another) allowed coherent defensive strategies by 2042. By that time, planetary batteries could protect most of the Earth, other than regions already dominated by Mythos forces.
     Planetary batteries were massive laser weapons. Costing billions, they were usually arrayed in rings. Outer rings were designed to fire upon objects within the atmosphere, from two to three miles in range. Inner rings were more tightly focused, aiming at targets in low orbit.
     A single outer round was capable of 5D10 damage, consuming 50 MP per shot. The orbital shots could dish out 5 to 8D20 damage, consuming 100-160 MP per shot.
     Many planetary batteries doubled as planet-orbit power relays. After disengaging Elder tech components, hypertech conduits conveyed massive amounts of magic and power up to orbital batteries, which could more accurately pick off smaller targets.
     Base defenses, in far orbit or in other orbits, were similar in design. Many were clustered around the large ship portals that were constructed throughout the system. Ship portals, or Gates, absorbed 1 MP per distance rating per 20 Siz. Power stations near the Portal often supplied the MP required. A properly sedated crew could ignore the SAN loss of Gate travel, though would require an hour of recovery time from the treatment.
     More details under Elder Tech