by Thomas W.

The continuation of my 1918 timeline, which I originally was not going to continue until I received positive feedback on the forum


In 1916, the United States did not intercept the Zimmerman note, and continued to intrude in Northern Mexico, driving the Carranza government to declare war upon the United States and start the Second Mexican War. Thus occupied the United States never entered the war in Europe, paving the way for a victory by the Central Powers and the humiliation of France. In the interwar period France, Italy, Spain, Greece, Bulgaria and Romania all usher in one form or another of Fascism, culminating in a military alliance known as the Roman Pact for its (minor) resemblance to the Roman Empire and the power and prestige it had. Russia, saved from Communism by direct German intervention had recovered from its civil war enough to demand that Germany return territories taken after the Great War. Their demands go unanswered. Looking towards the future, Russian and Roman Pact friendship grows towards an alliance against Germany, and the equally hated Great Britain. The crowning achievement of their alliance is bringing in Imperial Japan as another core member, forming the Trinity Bloc.

Also during the interwar period and the Great Depression, Mexico has slumped into Fascism, and has built a fledgling industrial system, but a decent army of imported Trinity weapons, and has signed on as an associate member.

Great Britain finds itself without its allies from the last war; France and Russia have lapsed into darkness and are marching towards another World War, while the United States and Britain are at odds after the Anglo-American War of 1928. This forces Britain, reluctantly, into the arms of the Central Powers - Imperial Germany and Austria-Hungary - as a measure to prevent war, forming the Combined Powers League.

Interwar Germany

Germany has become a constitutional monarchy due to pressures exerted upon her following the Great War and the interwar years.

The German navy, after the skirmishes with the Royal Navy continues to expand, and seek innovative ways to off-put the Royal Navy before their formal alliance. The Imperial German Navy prior to the war was largely composed of armored cruisers, and a respectable number of older submarines, though it is caught at port and mauled by Trinity torpedo planes and dive bombers

During the Interwar period Imperial Germany did not quickly adopt tanks; instead focusing on holding their territories and refining infantry weapons. However, experiences of the Spanish Civil War showed their considerable promise, but Germany only began production in earnest shortly before the war began (mostly Panzer II’s and III’s) and is rushing medium tanks into production (not-quite Panzer IV’s) while a design for a better tank (a Panther plus improvements after encounters with the limited numbers of Russian T-36’s by late ’42 to mid ’43)

Army leadership is mostly the same, with Guderien and Rommel still being the major innovators in armored warfare in Germany after being mostly ignored in the interwar years.

Baron Manfred Von Richtofen is the head of the German Luftwaffe after the first Great War. He narrowly avoided receiving a severe head wound due to a wind gust (the head wound in OTL 1917) In 1918 at the request of his superiors, Von Richtofen retires from the field and the command of his air group was passed to Hermann Goering. Post war there was a great falling out between Manfred and his younger brother Lothar over who was the better fighter pilot and also over the course of aviation in Germany.

Interwar Austria-Hungary

Austria-Hungary is federative monarchy with representative parliament, as well as decent industrial might; the vast majority of their weapons are imported from Germany, or are knock-offs of German designs.

The army however is considered to be substandard in training and effectiveness with little modern armor or air power.

Interwar Great Britain

Following the mish-mash that was the Great War, Britain's Empire is larger than OTL, but has a formidible foe in the form of Imperial Germany (before the alliance). Britain is stronger in this TL, but isolated prior to the formation of the CPL.

State of the Trinity Bloc

France has more and better tanks than Germany or GB, but less industry, though with more airpower and men.

France is fascist dictatorship, as are Italy, Spain, Greece, Romania, and Bulgaria; known collectively as the Roman Pact.

Russia is a military dictatorship under a powerless tsar and is less industrialized, and more agrarian than the USSR of OTL, but with a better military due to a lack of purges and repression of innovation. The Russian Army uses a lot of older German trucks, trains and airplanes as well as knock-off machine guns and artillery, but has been buying up newer French tanks and planes as well as Japanese planes for design considerations. At the outbreak of the war the Russian army is artillery heavy, using massive bombardments to soften up before attacks en masse. Plans are underway for the production of the Russian designed T-36 (OTL T-34 w/ some minor upgrades)

The Story Continues

1937: Russia forces Trans-Caucasus republic and Kokanistan to rejoin the Empire through steady economic and finally military pressure. Russian demands spread to the West, pushing the Ukraine, Byelorussia and the Baltic republics to rejoin.

In a conference held at St. Petersburg, Byelorussia is forced back into the Russian Empire as a measure intended to placate Russia, and hopefully split her off from her allies.

1939: The rump Romania leftover after the Great War signs a secret alliance with the Russian Empire against Austria-Hungary.

1940: France regains her Northern Territories from Germany in a plebiscite, and begins pushing for more returns in the colonies, all across the world. France, against the treaty, remilitarizes her newly returned territory, showing the world that the Fascists can’t be trusted, ending the appeasement movement.



The war begins in the early hours of April 4, 1940 with a rapid attack into the Low Countries by France in what German officers have dubbed the "blitzkrieg". Declarations of war abound as French aircraft attempt to destroy the German Kriegsmarine at port, and are only slightly successful, while in the East the Imperial Russian Airforce succeeds in mauling the German Baltic Fleet at port. Immediately following the surprise attack against the German Baltic Fleet, Imperial Russian Army units slam against recently mobilized army and air units from Germany, Ukraine, and the Baltic States.

With the invasion of the Low Countries, Latvia, Estonia, and Ukraine by the core members of the Trinity Bloc, Germany, Britain, and the other members of the Combined Powers declare war on France and Russia.

The American Alliance of Democracy enforces their long-declared neutrality and sells to both the Trinity Pact and the Combined Powers League equally, aggravating both alliances.

April 29th, 1940: the Baltic States are lost, and Ukraine has fallen up to the Dnieper River. The remaining units of the Latvian and Estonian armies as well as their new Governments-in-Exile escape into Finland, or back into German-Lithuania and Poland.

Following the conquest of the Baltic, and the continuing collapse of the Ukrainian government, the invasion of Austria-Hungary begins in early June on multiple fronts, from Greece, Bulgaria, and Romania (with Russian logistical support). However, the Austro-Hungarian Army (with German advisors and supporters) had begun a massive series of entrenchments along its border following the commencement of the war – the Balkan members of the Roman Pact fail to make serious gains.

In the East, German, Baltic, and Polish troops finally succeed in stopping the Russian advance from heavily entrenched positions in Western Poland, and parts of East Prussia and Lithuania, with heavy casualties on both sides.

October 1940: Germany is invaded through the Low Countries in a reversal of the last war, but the attack soon bogs down in Western Germany in the face of determined and organized resistance by the German Army.

With the occupation of the Netherlands by France, Japan occupies the Dutch East Indies under the pretense of protecting them from French acquisition. The CPL is not pleased.

Though most battles to this point have been fought by the Continental members of the CPL, Britain makes her strength felt with naval strikes against French ports, and bombing raids over their Western cities, though with high casualties from intense AAA and defensive fighters.

Portugal, long-time ally of Great Britain, comes under attack by Spanish soldiers as they pour across the border. Deep defensive lines make the Spanish advance slowly, but steady as their greater number of soldiers saps Portuguese strength. With Portugal under attack by the majority of the Spanish Army, French, and some Italian, forces place Gibraltar under siege.

After much deliberation Norway, Sweden, Finland and Denmark declare themselves neutral in a unified trading and defense bloc called the Nordic League. Though officially neutral, the League quietly sells materiel to the CPL at reasonable prices. The Trinity Pact sees this action as clear violation of neutrality, and plans their future accordingly.

Early 1942: In an attempt to break through the German lines in Western Germany and the Austro-Hungarian defenses in the Alps, the Roman Pact uses massive number of Colonial troops as cannon fodder to soften up their entrenched positions with mixed results; the front advances slowly, but with a high cost in lives and materiel.

Mid 1942: Russia launches an invasion of the Nordic League, tearing into Finland and landing an amphibious invasion in Denmark, attacking the Germans behind their lines.

Finnish soldiers, bolstered by Norweigan and Swedish units manage to stop the total collapse.

The French introduce a new tank to the field against the Germans; the Charlemagne - boasting sloped armor and a high velocity cannon. This new tank proves its worth against the German panzers, helping to introduce breakthroughs further into Germany.

Late 1942: Russia launches another offensive against the Nordic lines, capturing all of Finland and grinding into Eastern Sweden though with

In the months leading up to Kaiser Wilhelm III’s birthday, German Intelligence smuggles large quantities of their new attack rifle and "panzerfaust" rockets into Finland, Baltic states, and the Ukraine. On the Kaiser's birthday - May 6th -, the Finnish resistance launches a coordinated attack against Russian forces, destroying many tanks and vehicles, and creating massive casualties. The burning tanks and vehicles become known as "the Kaiser's Candles". The Russian advance is brought to a halt by poor lines of supply, and considerable partisan activity coupled with stiff German resistance.

French advance is completely stopped by the widespread use of new German attack rifles, panzerfausts, and the newest German tank, know as the Wilhem II, or Willies to the British. (The Wilhelm II tank is the equivalent of an early Panzer IV OTL, lacking several features, but more focused on armored combat, but it is enough to help stabilize the front and give the Germans a much needed boost) bringing the Western Front to the same stalemate as that of the Eastern Front, leaving the somewhat satisfied Russians with their current conquests...and their angry citizens.

Almost as a side-note, the first ballistic missiles are launched by Germany, and then Britain against France, with the intent of lessening their heavy losses incurred in the air raids over France. The so-called buzz-bombs soon become a favorite of the British to further harass French ports and ships.

February 1943: the Invasion of Sicily by Combined marine landing under the command of Ian Montgomery.

May 1943: Spain and Sicily have fallen to the CPL, and the rest of Italy is threatened. Troops intended for the new offensive against Austria-Hungary and Germany are instead shunted to try and stop the invasion of mainland Italy. The logistics involved are horrible, and the troops fail to arrive in time to prevent the invasion. The Italian Campaign quickly develops into a slow march north, married to continuous artillery duels and an air war of considerable size. It is mid July when CPL forces seize Rome, and another Roman Pact member changes sides, leaving the French to hold the Alps by themselves against the newly resurgent Germans, and their weaker Austrian allies.

Following the Italian withdrawal from Austrian soil, the first major Austro-Hungarian counterattack launches, supported by German-supplied armor, and a German armor advisor, General Erich Brandenberger. The Austrian assault succeeds in breaking through Romanian and Bulgarian lines, and begins rolling back the Front towards the prewar border. Greece, having failed to make a significant inroad against the CPL forces in the Mediterranean theater, sues for peace.

November 1943: Generals Guderian and Student combine their military prowess with that of their Danish allies to pull off one of the most daring attacks in history, the liberation of Danish territory from the Russian occupation. Beginning with an early morning bombing campaign, German and Danish paratroopers land at strategic locations, while a combined naval and army assault overruns soviet positions. Within weeks, Denmark is free, and Germany can again move her navy into the Baltic.

December 3rd, 1943: The launch of the Seiner Majerstat Schiff (His Majesty’s Shp aka SMS) Hermann Goering of the Kaisliche Marine, the first German aircraft carrier. Damaged at port while under construction at the outbreak of the war, repairs and outfitting delayed the launch of this impressive vessel until after the Danish offensive.

Named for the deceased war ace of the Great War, Goering took over Manfred von Richthofen’s Flying Circus following his retirement from the field. Goering served as the unit’s commander, flying frontline missions until his death in 1918 during operations over the Australian sector of the front. Following his death, von Richthofen blamed himself for Goering’s death, even after he became the head of Germany’s Airforce prior to the outbreak of the Second Great War.

Late 1943: The Combined High Command begins to plan an amphibious invasion of France from the British Channel, combined with an armored assault from Western Germany, in the hopes of collapsing France's ability to continue the war.

December 1943: The Great Push – German armored forces mass along the French occupied Rhine River in a front stretching from Worms to Dusseldorf – under the cover of an intense snow storm German panzer divisions cross the river and breach the French defensive cordon under the direction of General Guderian. The offensive pushes the last Frenchmen from German soil and continues to advance towards their intended goal of cutting off the entire Northern Low Countries Army from France.

An attempted crossing of the Pyrenees by General Rommel’s Spain Korps falters against the dug-in French soldiers and poor weather.

March 1944: the long awaited (and dreaded) crossing of the English Channel by CPL troops with landings in Normandy and at Cherbourg – the French, the last standing member of the Roman Pact in Europe are pushed beyond the breaking point. France cannot fight a war in all directions at once and faces total defeat. The March Offensive by the German Panzer divisions in Belgium succeeds in pushing into Northern France with only light to moderate resistance.

April 4th 1944: The French High Command, following the sudden death of Leader Petain, fearful for the fate of Paris surrenders unconditionally when CPL forces complete their encirclement of the city.

May 1944: The Eastern Front has been static since the widespread use of the Panzerfaust by partisans and entrenched German units. Russian forces struggle with considerable opposition from partisans in Scandinavia and Eastern Europe. Carefully watching the fall of her allies in the West, Russia has begun construction of the West Wall – an immense series of defensive lines ranging from trenches to literal walls and guard towers liberally interspersed with landmines, razor wire, and dragon’s teeth ranging from the border with the Black Sea to the Baltic.

May 26th 1944: In a secret communiqué to the Prime Minister of Russia, the Combined Powers League offers an ante bellum peace; where Russia would withdraw to her pre-war borders in exchange for peace. The Prime Minister ignores the communiqué and instead orders units deployed in the Far East redeployed to the West Wall and deployed in depth.

Mid-June 1944: CPL ground forces, along with Nordic League regulars under cover of heavy air support begin Operation Beowulf to liberate Scandinavia from Russian occupation.

Prior to the launch of the operation, German Kampfschwimmer as well as Special Boat Service units, secretly infiltrated coastal regions along the Baltic coast of Finland as well as select areas of the Arctic coast of Norway to begin sabotage operations as well as organize partisans for the upcoming operation. As CPL ground forces slammed headlong against the entrenched Russians, Special Air Services in conjunction with Fallschirmjager are dropped behind enemy lines to seize vital positions and assets for advancing forces as well as cut supply lines to the front.

The opening battles of Operation Beowulf are bloody, but decisive as CPL armored units break through Russian lines as all of Scandinavia explodes in coordinated partisan violence.

Early July 1944: Sweden and Norway have been liberated from Russian occupation, but CPL supply lines are nearly stretched to their limits – Elite Russian Guards units manage to force retreating regular army units into a cohesive defensive line near the Ounasjoki River in Northern Finland.

The Russian High Command is still confident of forcing an armistice with time, but refuses to move units away from the West Wall to support the Finland Front for fear of a CPL breakthrough.

Late July through Early August 1944: The Battle of Bothnia is the attempt of the Imperial Russian Air Force to weaken CPL positions in Northern Sweden for their planned counterattack. Initially, Russian air superiority saw extensive casualties among the CPL forces in Finland, though this was not to last, as the CPL shifted massive numbers of AAA and aircraft to newly created bases and to carriers in the Baltic Sea, including the SMS Hermann Goering.

Following the Battle of Bothnia, Russian airpower is largely depleted, allowing for CPL bombers (primarily British, whose aircraft have longer legs) to strike into the interior of European Russia.

Increasing numbers of British, and German ballistic missiles and buzz bombs fall on Russian cities.

August 26th, 1944: The capital of the Russian Empire is officially to Moscow as St. Petersburg comes under increasingly heavy bombardment by CPL bombers and buzz bombs.

As fall, and the harsh winter approaches, both sides settle into their prepared positions to wait out the cold, and plan for new offensives in the spring.

September 1st, 1944: A Combined naval force launches the invasion of Murmansk, surprising the Russian command staff, and crushing the remaining Russian Northern Fleet, who had not expected such an event.

September 1st, 1944 – February 28th, 1945: The fighting in and around the city of Murmansk becomes the focal point of the war against Russia, as both sides pour large quantities of men and materiel into the attack and defense. The fighting for control of Murmansk devolves into the worst kind of urban warfare, killing civilians, and laying waste to the majority of the city.

As the fighting becomes more and more desperate, units deployed on both the Finnish front and the West Wall are redeployed to Murmansk in an effort to push the invading CPL forces back into the sea.

In the end, it is the fact that the port is ice-free year round, that spells the doom for its defenders when a severe blizzard cuts most landlines into the city while fresh CPL forces still enter the city from the sea.

With the fall of Murmansk, the entire Kola peninsula is cut off, and the entire Finnish front is threatened from the rear, and the West Wall suffers the loss of some of their best frontline units.


Following the war, historians would come to agree that maintaining the West Wall’s considerable troop count would be among several factors that led to the downfall of the Russian Empire – the Russian command staff held the belief, right until the fall of Murmansk that the attacks in Finland were intended to draw troops from the Western Wall so that a massive invasion could be launched from Poland.


March 1 - 7, 1945: The collapse of the Russian occupation of Finland as CPL forces strike the Finland Front from both sides, threatening to encircle the entire army. Russian forces withdraw with all possible speed from the closing trap, only to find that CPL and Nordic League fighter-bombers have almost total air superiority over Finland. Over the next 6 days, Russian infantry, transports, tanks, and trains are completely unable to travel in the open (Cover is nigh impossible on the steppes) as Fighter-Bombers strafe and bomb everything that moves.

As the multinational Combined Expeditionary Force Finland moves across into Russia, they find their path littered with burning vehicles and untold carnage extending for miles and miles, which will be dubbed it the "Plains of Hell" by British, German, and Canadian soldiers.

The loss of so many combat units while grievous and serious for the Russian Army, it was far overshadowed by the loss of so many transport and supply units: the Russians had relied upon imported pre-war French, German, and even British trucks and trains to provide transport and supplies to their frontlines, freeing up their limited industrial base to produce tanks, artillery and other weapons for the front.

March 9, 1945: With the complete occupation of the Lapland and Kola peninsulas, Prime Minister Churchill of Great Britain, and Chancellor Franz von Papen release a public and private announcement to the Prime Minister of the Russian Empire, calling for an unconditional surrender or face greater destruction and losses, if there is no response before March 11th, the CPL will continue its offensive against Russia. The Russian response is less than subtle, reinforcing their defenses and occupation forces from the Black Sea, to St. Petersburg and their Northern cities. The Russians bravely, or perhaps or foolishly attempt to supply their forces using everything and anything available; men carrying boxes and supplies, horses, mules, motorcycles, tractors, and even supplies piled on top of tanks, artillery, and halftracks…with limited success.

March 11th, 1945: Even though the Russian response is known, the CPL holds to the letter of their offer, not launching their renewed offensive until the stroke of midnight, March 11th. The offensive intended to wrest the Baltic coast and its occupied states away from Russian control, beginning with the symbolic conquest of St. Petersburg – the former capitol of the Russian Empire.

Operation Archangel begins with a sudden artillery barrage of proportions that lights the sky, and shakes the Earth; pounding known and suspected Russian positions, and the movement of armored spearheads directed towards St. Petersburg, between the Gulf of Finland and Lake Ladoga.

March 13th, 1945: After facing increasingly fanatical and sometimes suicidal opposition from Russian infantry and scattered armored forces, the first units of the Combined Expeditionary Force Russia reach the outskirts of St. Petersburg, and are repulsed by fearsome resistance by units of the Russian army, local militia, and the tattered remains of the Russian Guard.

The Russian High Command and the Combined Anglo-German High Command have both reached the same conclusion: St. Petersburg will determine the surrender of Russia, as its symbolic power, port status, and linchpin in the Baltic defenses would all contribute to the total collapse of the Russian war effort.

Cracks begin to show in the tightly controlled Russian society with civilian protests and anti-war rallies. Civilian shortages are beginning to become drastic, casualties from the war (both civilian and military) have reached horrifying levels, and the continued advance of the CPL forces are all contributing to a growing dissatisfaction with the government.

These rumbles of discontent and unease worry the Russian High Command, Prime Minister, and the Tsar, all of whom fear another attempted revolution and civil war. All of these factors contribute to the decision of the High Command that St. Petersburg must be defended to the last man, that it must not fall. Plans are laid for the defense of the city, and in the aftermath, for an armistice to be offered to the British and Germans with terms that favored the Empire.

March 23rd, 1945: after a week and a half of brutal fighting, including room-to-room urban warfare, CPL infantry and armor enter the outskirts of St. Petersburg. People on both sides fear that St. Petersburg will become another Murmansk – however, both sides are wrong…St. Petersburg will soon far eclipse Murmansk in brutality and death as each side pours every single available man, machine, and bullet into St. Petersburg.

August 28th, 1945: in the early morning hours, in the former German South-West Africa territory, a blinding flash and deafening roar appears in the early morning hours beyond a recently established military outpost in the Namib Desert. Observed by an eclectic mix of German, English, French, Italian, Hungarian, and even Russian scientists, the blast while unnoticed by the wider world would come to have great impact on future history.

August 31st, 1945: after 5 months of the bloodiest fighting in human history, CPL forces withdraw from their assault on St. Petersburg with almost 760,000 casualties, though they leave the Russians with nearly a third again as many casualties, and the city a smoldering pile of rubble.

Hours after the complete withdrawal, a secret communiqué from the Russian High Command and Prime Minister is sent to Berlin and London via consulate in Turkey. In the communiqué is the proposed armistice, with the terms favoring Russia. The communiqué is dismissed immediately (these are almost the terms they offered to the Russians in May of ’44).

With the losses suffered in the failure to take St. Petersburg, the military leadership of Germany and Britain can barely begin to contemplate their next move against Russia. With further attacks expected to require as much bloodshed, and so much more Russia to pacify, Prime Minister Churchill and Chancellor Von Papen meet in secret at Potsdam, outside Berlin.

September 1st, 1945: A final and public announcement is made by Chancellor Von Papen on behalf of himself and Prime Minister Churchill regarding the war with Russia.


"The might that now converges on Russia is immeasurably greater than that which, when applied to the resisting Faisceau*, necessarily laid waste to the lands, the industry and the method of life of the whole French people. The full application of our military power, backed by our resolve, will mean the inevitable and complete destruction of the Russian armed forces and just as inevitably the utter devastation of the Russian homeland..."

"...We call upon the government of Russia to proclaim now the unconditional surrender of all Russian armed forces, and to provide proper and adequate assurances of their good faith in such action. The alternative for Russia is prompt and utter destruction."

*Faisceau – French Fascists

By the end of the business day, the Russian retort brushes off the ultimatum, and continued to reinforce their forces in and around St. Petersburg, and all across Northern Russia.

September 2nd, 1945: At noon local time, a group of high-altitude strategic bombers appeared in the sky over St. Petersburg. While this event was far from the ordinary, it was the rather small number of bombers, and the rather large number of escorts that made this group of note. This detail was far overshadowed, as a new sun suddenly blossomed over the ruined husk that was St. Petersburg. The atomic bomb, developed in the greatest secrecy by Great Britain, Germany, and scientists from many European nations, had been unleashed upon the nearly 1 million Russian soldiers that had come to inhabit the various ruins of St. Petersburg. The number of dead killed outright is estimated to be slightly below 200,000 but with many more deaths to follow from radiation poisoning, cancer, and other radiation associated diseases.

Delivered by German bomber, and recorded by British recon planes – the explosion was observed in near silence, except for a single British crewman who uttered:

"And I looked, and behold a pale horse: and his name that sat on him was Death, and Hell followed with him."

The immediate effect is the complete collapse of military order in St. Petersburg as the last remaining civilians, and panicked military units flee the carnage.

While a successful mission, the analysis was mixed: St. Petersburg was already destroyed by conventional fighting, it was impossible to gauge the effects of the bomb against the backdrop of the ruined city.

Absolute panic and anarchy breaks out across Russia (while the rest of the world settles for shock and surprise) as the destruction is surveyed. Civilian riots break out in many Russian cities, and are forcibly put down, while many units located in and around St. Petersburg during and after the blast simply disintegrate from desertion.

Public announcements play down the power of the explosion, and write it off as incendiary devices and chemical weapons – the Russian Prime Minister makes a public appearance to announce that Russia shall not be cowed by cheap tricks that will not work again. Behind the scenes, bedlam reigns, as all of Russia is now held together by a string.

September 4th, 1945: in a radio broadcast replayed all across the globe, Winston Churchill issues another ultimatum to Russia to surrender or watch as another city is destroyed.

The Russian Prime Minister issues all of the necessary public statements; that the threat is a hollow one and that Russian cities are safe etc. However, his efforts do precious little to stop the ongoing riots, or salve the worried minds of the populace, including the Tsar.

The Tsar, though officially powerless and a figurehead is a patriot and loves his country. Using what few contacts he has the Tsar manages to gather a number of like-minded officers and soldiers to relieve the High Command, arrest the Prime Minister, secure the Secret Police HQ, and all radio stations during the night. Afterwards, the intended goal is to announce that the HC and PM are stepping down in favor of the Tsar’s brief leadership and surrender to the CPL.

With nightfall, the desperate Tsarist forces begin their mission, successfully seizing the members of the High Command, but failing to capture the Prime Minister or the radio stations. The Prime Minister flees to the Secret Police HQ, where he manages to rally the members of the Secret Police, and a handful of Russian Guards members to his cause. The Tsarist forces corner the PM’s men inside the building and lay siege to the structure. The lack of a clear command structure prevents any coherent attempt to surrender to the CPL prior to the detonation of a second atomic bomb.

September 5th, 1945: the second bombing of a Russian city by a CPL atomic bomb, this time the undamaged city of Tver is the target and the devastation is considerable, and the evidence irrefutable. As word of the destruction, and the Tsar’s attempted coup spread outwards, causing total collapse of Russian civil and military government.

In Moscow, the PM is informed of the destruction of Tver and the collapse of civil order by a loyalist radio broadcast. He quietly enters an appropriated office and commits suicide.

With the PM dead, loyalist forces across Russia lay down their arms to Tsarist forces, and an offer of surrender is sent to Berlin and London via consulates in Turkey, Switzerland, and the United States.

War in Africa

1940-1943: Gibraltar is under siege by Roman Pact soldiers, resupply is very rare, but sometimes effected. (liberated in 1943 by cross-strait invasion and counter attack by Erwin Rommel who basically defeats Spain single handedly)

Late 1941: Large-scale attack on German West Africa and into Egypt by Roman armored columns, though the focus is on Egypt and the British are forced back by a series of defeats. Though in German West Africa, General Erwin Rommel constantly bloodies Roman Pact noses as they attempt to advance. (German West Africa is composed of fomer French African colonies bordering Morrocco and Algeria)

Mid 1942: Operation Rolling Thunder: With reinforcements and naval air support from Great Britain, Rommel launches a massive offensive against the weak side of the Roman Pact in North Africa, smashing their front lines and rushing towards Tunisia, threatening to cut off the Roman Pact spearhead aimed at Egypt. Soon the Roman Pact forces are rushing back in an attempt to stop the pocket from closing as British forces erupt from Egypt in a surprise counter attack. For the next three months, the entire Roman Pact Africa Group is destroyed piecemeal, or surrenders.

Late 1942: Rommel in a daring strategic move launches an amphibious assault across the straits of Gibraltar under the cover of fog, and wildly surprises the Roman Pact soldiers laying siege to the Rock of Gibraltar, shattering the unprepared forces there and breaking out into Spain. Rommel's newly dubbed "Spain Korps" launch a long and sustained campaign in spain until it capitulates after about 2 1/2 months because of poor infrastructure and limited logistics but the Roman Pact just can't meet him on the field. After 2 months of fighting in Spain, Rommel’s army surrounds Madrid with Franco inside. In his presidential palace, General Francisco commits suicide. Years later, conspiracy theories would arise surrounding Franco’s death – whether he committed suicide or was assassinated, or if he died at all, or if he was spirited away to Fascist Mexico.

Following the Generalissimo’s death, Spain undergoes a serious the change in government, and switches sides from Roman Pact, to Combined Powers League. With the vocal and eager support of the new Spanish Government, the CPL launches an offensive with the intent of crossing the Pyrenees and invading Southern France. The offensive fails as the French hold the new Spanish forces and Rommel at the Pyrenees mountain passes.

Summer 1943: Invasion of Sicily by combined German, British, and Colonial forces under the command of General Ian Montgomery begins.

Autumn 1943: Rome surrenders to the CPL forces under Montgomery and the government undergoes a regime change, declaring war on France, even though French troops occupy the Alpine and Northernmost sections of Italy. Entrenched French forces will not be removed from Italy until after the surrender of France.